 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.android.providers.settings;

import static android.os.Process.ROOT_UID;
import static android.os.Process.SHELL_UID;
import static android.os.Process.SYSTEM_UID;

import android.Manifest;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.app.ActivityManager;
import android.app.AppGlobals;
import android.app.backup.BackupManager;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.ContentProvider;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.content.pm.IPackageManager;
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.pm.UserInfo;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.MatrixCursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder;
import android.hardware.camera2.utils.ArrayUtils;
import android.media.AudioManager;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.DropBoxManager;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.HandlerThread;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.os.Process;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.SELinux;
import android.os.ServiceManager;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.os.UserManager;
import android.os.UserManagerInternal;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.provider.Settings.Global;
import android.provider.Settings.Secure;
import android.provider.SettingsValidators;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import android.util.ByteStringUtils;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.util.SparseBooleanArray;
import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream;

import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy;
import com.android.internal.content.PackageMonitor;
import com.android.internal.os.BackgroundThread;
import com.android.providers.settings.SettingsState.Setting;
import com.android.server.LocalServices;
import com.android.server.SystemConfig;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileDescriptor;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

This class is a content provider that publishes the system settings. It can be accessed via the content provider APIs or via custom call commands. The latter is a bit faster and is the preferred way to access the platform settings.

There are three settings types, global (with signature level protection and shared across users), secure (with signature permission level protection and per user), and system (with dangerous permission level protection and per user). Global settings are stored under the device owner. Each of these settings is represented by a SettingsState object mapped to an integer key derived from the setting type in the most significant bits and user id in the least significant bits. Settings are synchronously loaded on instantiation of a SettingsState and asynchronously persisted on mutation. Settings are stored in the user specific system directory.

Apps targeting APIs Lollipop MR1 and lower can add custom settings entries and get a warning. Targeting higher API version prohibits this as the system settings are not a place for apps to save their state. When a package is removed the settings it added are deleted. Apps cannot delete system settings added by the platform. System settings values are validated to ensure the clients do not put bad values. Global and secure settings are changed only by trusted parties, therefore no validation is performed. Also there is a limit on the amount of app specific settings that can be added to prevent unlimited growth of the system process memory footprint.

/** * <p> * This class is a content provider that publishes the system settings. * It can be accessed via the content provider APIs or via custom call * commands. The latter is a bit faster and is the preferred way to access * the platform settings. * </p> * <p> * There are three settings types, global (with signature level protection * and shared across users), secure (with signature permission level * protection and per user), and system (with dangerous permission level * protection and per user). Global settings are stored under the device owner. * Each of these settings is represented by a {@link * com.android.providers.settings.SettingsState} object mapped to an integer * key derived from the setting type in the most significant bits and user * id in the least significant bits. Settings are synchronously loaded on * instantiation of a SettingsState and asynchronously persisted on mutation. * Settings are stored in the user specific system directory. * </p> * <p> * Apps targeting APIs Lollipop MR1 and lower can add custom settings entries * and get a warning. Targeting higher API version prohibits this as the * system settings are not a place for apps to save their state. When a package * is removed the settings it added are deleted. Apps cannot delete system * settings added by the platform. System settings values are validated to * ensure the clients do not put bad values. Global and secure settings are * changed only by trusted parties, therefore no validation is performed. Also * there is a limit on the amount of app specific settings that can be added * to prevent unlimited growth of the system process memory footprint. * </p> */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class SettingsProvider extends ContentProvider { static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final boolean DROP_DATABASE_ON_MIGRATION = true; private static final String LOG_TAG = "SettingsProvider"; private static final String TABLE_SYSTEM = "system"; private static final String TABLE_SECURE = "secure"; private static final String TABLE_GLOBAL = "global"; // Old tables no longer exist. private static final String TABLE_FAVORITES = "favorites"; private static final String TABLE_OLD_FAVORITES = "old_favorites"; private static final String TABLE_BLUETOOTH_DEVICES = "bluetooth_devices"; private static final String TABLE_BOOKMARKS = "bookmarks"; private static final String TABLE_ANDROID_METADATA = "android_metadata"; // The set of removed legacy tables. private static final Set<String> REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES = new ArraySet<>(); static { REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.add(TABLE_FAVORITES); REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.add(TABLE_OLD_FAVORITES); REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.add(TABLE_BLUETOOTH_DEVICES); REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.add(TABLE_BOOKMARKS); REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.add(TABLE_ANDROID_METADATA); } private static final int MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT = 1; private static final int MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE = 2; private static final int MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE = 3; private static final int MUTATION_OPERATION_RESET = 4; private static final String[] ALL_COLUMNS = new String[] { Settings.NameValueTable._ID, Settings.NameValueTable.NAME, Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE }; public static final int SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL = SettingsState.SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL; public static final int SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM = SettingsState.SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM; public static final int SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE = SettingsState.SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE; public static final int SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID = SettingsState.SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID; private static final Bundle NULL_SETTING_BUNDLE = Bundle.forPair( Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE, null); // Overlay specified settings whitelisted for Instant Apps private static final Set<String> OVERLAY_ALLOWED_GLOBAL_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS = new ArraySet<>(); private static final Set<String> OVERLAY_ALLOWED_SYSTEM_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS = new ArraySet<>(); private static final Set<String> OVERLAY_ALLOWED_SECURE_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS = new ArraySet<>(); static { for (String name : Resources.getSystem().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_allowedGlobalInstantAppSettings)) { OVERLAY_ALLOWED_GLOBAL_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS.add(name); } for (String name : Resources.getSystem().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_allowedSystemInstantAppSettings)) { OVERLAY_ALLOWED_SYSTEM_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS.add(name); } for (String name : Resources.getSystem().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_allowedSecureInstantAppSettings)) { OVERLAY_ALLOWED_SECURE_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS.add(name); } } // Changes to these global settings are synchronously persisted private static final Set<String> CRITICAL_GLOBAL_SETTINGS = new ArraySet<>(); static { CRITICAL_GLOBAL_SETTINGS.add(Settings.Global.DEVICE_PROVISIONED); } // Changes to these secure settings are synchronously persisted private static final Set<String> CRITICAL_SECURE_SETTINGS = new ArraySet<>(); static { CRITICAL_SECURE_SETTINGS.add(Settings.Secure.USER_SETUP_COMPLETE); } // Per user secure settings that moved to the for all users global settings. static final Set<String> sSecureMovedToGlobalSettings = new ArraySet<>(); static { Settings.Secure.getMovedToGlobalSettings(sSecureMovedToGlobalSettings); } // Per user system settings that moved to the for all users global settings. static final Set<String> sSystemMovedToGlobalSettings = new ArraySet<>(); static { Settings.System.getMovedToGlobalSettings(sSystemMovedToGlobalSettings); } // Per user system settings that moved to the per user secure settings. static final Set<String> sSystemMovedToSecureSettings = new ArraySet<>(); static { Settings.System.getMovedToSecureSettings(sSystemMovedToSecureSettings); } // Per all users global settings that moved to the per user secure settings. static final Set<String> sGlobalMovedToSecureSettings = new ArraySet<>(); static { Settings.Global.getMovedToSecureSettings(sGlobalMovedToSecureSettings); } // Per user secure settings that are cloned for the managed profiles of the user. private static final Set<String> sSecureCloneToManagedSettings = new ArraySet<>(); static { Settings.Secure.getCloneToManagedProfileSettings(sSecureCloneToManagedSettings); } // Per user system settings that are cloned for the managed profiles of the user. private static final Set<String> sSystemCloneToManagedSettings = new ArraySet<>(); static { Settings.System.getCloneToManagedProfileSettings(sSystemCloneToManagedSettings); } // Per user system settings that are cloned from the profile's parent when a dependency // in {@link Settings.Secure} is set to "1". public static final Map<String, String> sSystemCloneFromParentOnDependency = new ArrayMap<>(); static { Settings.System.getCloneFromParentOnValueSettings(sSystemCloneFromParentOnDependency); } private final Object mLock = new Object(); @GuardedBy("mLock") private SettingsRegistry mSettingsRegistry; @GuardedBy("mLock") private HandlerThread mHandlerThread; @GuardedBy("mLock") private Handler mHandler; // We have to call in the user manager with no lock held, private volatile UserManager mUserManager; private UserManagerInternal mUserManagerInternal; // We have to call in the package manager with no lock held, private volatile IPackageManager mPackageManager; public static int makeKey(int type, int userId) { return SettingsState.makeKey(type, userId); } public static int getTypeFromKey(int key) { return SettingsState.getTypeFromKey(key); } public static int getUserIdFromKey(int key) { return SettingsState.getUserIdFromKey(key); } public static String settingTypeToString(int type) { return SettingsState.settingTypeToString(type); } public static String keyToString(int key) { return SettingsState.keyToString(key); } @Override public boolean onCreate() { Settings.setInSystemServer(); // fail to boot if there're any backed up settings that don't have a non-null validator ensureAllBackedUpSystemSettingsHaveValidators(); ensureAllBackedUpGlobalSettingsHaveValidators(); ensureAllBackedUpSecureSettingsHaveValidators(); synchronized (mLock) { mUserManager = UserManager.get(getContext()); mUserManagerInternal = LocalServices.getService(UserManagerInternal.class); mPackageManager = AppGlobals.getPackageManager(); mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread(LOG_TAG, Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); mHandlerThread.start(); mHandler = new Handler(mHandlerThread.getLooper()); mSettingsRegistry = new SettingsRegistry(); } mHandler.post(() -> { registerBroadcastReceivers(); startWatchingUserRestrictionChanges(); }); ServiceManager.addService("settings", new SettingsService(this)); return true; } private void ensureAllBackedUpSystemSettingsHaveValidators() { String offenders = getOffenders(concat(Settings.System.SETTINGS_TO_BACKUP, Settings.System.LEGACY_RESTORE_SETTINGS), Settings.System.VALIDATORS); failToBootIfOffendersPresent(offenders, "Settings.System"); } private void ensureAllBackedUpGlobalSettingsHaveValidators() { String offenders = getOffenders(concat(Settings.Global.SETTINGS_TO_BACKUP, Settings.Global.LEGACY_RESTORE_SETTINGS), Settings.Global.VALIDATORS); failToBootIfOffendersPresent(offenders, "Settings.Global"); } private void ensureAllBackedUpSecureSettingsHaveValidators() { String offenders = getOffenders(concat(Settings.Secure.SETTINGS_TO_BACKUP, Settings.Secure.LEGACY_RESTORE_SETTINGS), Settings.Secure.VALIDATORS); failToBootIfOffendersPresent(offenders, "Settings.Secure"); } private void failToBootIfOffendersPresent(String offenders, String settingsType) { if (offenders.length() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("All " + settingsType + " settings that are backed up" + " have to have a non-null validator, but those don't: " + offenders); } } private String getOffenders(String[] settingsToBackup, Map<String, SettingsValidators.Validator> validators) { StringBuilder offenders = new StringBuilder(); for (String setting : settingsToBackup) { if (validators.get(setting) == null) { offenders.append(setting).append(" "); } } return offenders.toString(); } private final String[] concat(String[] first, String[] second) { if (second == null || second.length == 0) { return first; } final int firstLen = first.length; final int secondLen = second.length; String[] both = new String[firstLen + secondLen]; System.arraycopy(first, 0, both, 0, firstLen); System.arraycopy(second, 0, both, firstLen, secondLen); return both; } @Override public Bundle call(String method, String name, Bundle args) { final int requestingUserId = getRequestingUserId(args); switch (method) { case Settings.CALL_METHOD_GET_GLOBAL: { Setting setting = getGlobalSetting(name); return packageValueForCallResult(setting, isTrackingGeneration(args)); } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_GET_SECURE: { Setting setting = getSecureSetting(name, requestingUserId, /*enableOverride=*/ true); return packageValueForCallResult(setting, isTrackingGeneration(args)); } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_GET_SYSTEM: { Setting setting = getSystemSetting(name, requestingUserId); return packageValueForCallResult(setting, isTrackingGeneration(args)); } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_PUT_GLOBAL: { String value = getSettingValue(args); String tag = getSettingTag(args); final boolean makeDefault = getSettingMakeDefault(args); insertGlobalSetting(name, value, tag, makeDefault, requestingUserId, false); break; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_PUT_SECURE: { String value = getSettingValue(args); String tag = getSettingTag(args); final boolean makeDefault = getSettingMakeDefault(args); insertSecureSetting(name, value, tag, makeDefault, requestingUserId, false); break; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_PUT_SYSTEM: { String value = getSettingValue(args); insertSystemSetting(name, value, requestingUserId); break; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_RESET_GLOBAL: { final int mode = getResetModeEnforcingPermission(args); String tag = getSettingTag(args); resetGlobalSetting(requestingUserId, mode, tag); break; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_RESET_SECURE: { final int mode = getResetModeEnforcingPermission(args); String tag = getSettingTag(args); resetSecureSetting(requestingUserId, mode, tag); break; } default: { Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "call() with invalid method: " + method); } break; } return null; } @Override public String getType(Uri uri) { Arguments args = new Arguments(uri, null, null, true); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(args.name)) { return "vnd.android.cursor.dir/" + args.table; } else { return "vnd.android.cursor.item/" + args.table; } } @Override public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String where, String[] whereArgs, String order) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "query() for user: " + UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); } Arguments args = new Arguments(uri, where, whereArgs, true); String[] normalizedProjection = normalizeProjection(projection); // If a legacy table that is gone, done. if (REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.contains(args.table)) { return new MatrixCursor(normalizedProjection, 0); } switch (args.table) { case TABLE_GLOBAL: { if (args.name != null) { Setting setting = getGlobalSetting(args.name); return packageSettingForQuery(setting, normalizedProjection); } else { return getAllGlobalSettings(projection); } } case TABLE_SECURE: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); if (args.name != null) { Setting setting = getSecureSetting(args.name, userId); return packageSettingForQuery(setting, normalizedProjection); } else { return getAllSecureSettings(userId, projection); } } case TABLE_SYSTEM: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); if (args.name != null) { Setting setting = getSystemSetting(args.name, userId); return packageSettingForQuery(setting, normalizedProjection); } else { return getAllSystemSettings(userId, projection); } } default: { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Uri path:" + uri); } } } @Override public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "insert() for user: " + UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); } String table = getValidTableOrThrow(uri); // If a legacy table that is gone, done. if (REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.contains(table)) { return null; } String name = values.getAsString(Settings.Secure.NAME); if (!isKeyValid(name)) { return null; } String value = values.getAsString(Settings.Secure.VALUE); switch (table) { case TABLE_GLOBAL: { if (insertGlobalSetting(name, value, null, false, UserHandle.getCallingUserId(), false)) { return Uri.withAppendedPath(Settings.Global.CONTENT_URI, name); } } break; case TABLE_SECURE: { if (insertSecureSetting(name, value, null, false, UserHandle.getCallingUserId(), false)) { return Uri.withAppendedPath(Settings.Secure.CONTENT_URI, name); } } break; case TABLE_SYSTEM: { if (insertSystemSetting(name, value, UserHandle.getCallingUserId())) { return Uri.withAppendedPath(Settings.System.CONTENT_URI, name); } } break; default: { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad Uri path:" + uri); } } return null; } @Override public int bulkInsert(Uri uri, ContentValues[] allValues) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "bulkInsert() for user: " + UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); } int insertionCount = 0; final int valuesCount = allValues.length; for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; i++) { ContentValues values = allValues[i]; if (insert(uri, values) != null) { insertionCount++; } } return insertionCount; } @Override public int delete(Uri uri, String where, String[] whereArgs) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "delete() for user: " + UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); } Arguments args = new Arguments(uri, where, whereArgs, false); // If a legacy table that is gone, done. if (REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.contains(args.table)) { return 0; } if (!isKeyValid(args.name)) { return 0; } switch (args.table) { case TABLE_GLOBAL: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); return deleteGlobalSetting(args.name, userId, false) ? 1 : 0; } case TABLE_SECURE: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); return deleteSecureSetting(args.name, userId, false) ? 1 : 0; } case TABLE_SYSTEM: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); return deleteSystemSetting(args.name, userId) ? 1 : 0; } default: { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad Uri path:" + uri); } } } @Override public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String where, String[] whereArgs) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "update() for user: " + UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); } Arguments args = new Arguments(uri, where, whereArgs, false); // If a legacy table that is gone, done. if (REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.contains(args.table)) { return 0; } String name = values.getAsString(Settings.Secure.NAME); if (!isKeyValid(name)) { return 0; } String value = values.getAsString(Settings.Secure.VALUE); switch (args.table) { case TABLE_GLOBAL: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); return updateGlobalSetting(args.name, value, null, false, userId, false) ? 1 : 0; } case TABLE_SECURE: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); return updateSecureSetting(args.name, value, null, false, userId, false) ? 1 : 0; } case TABLE_SYSTEM: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); return updateSystemSetting(args.name, value, userId) ? 1 : 0; } default: { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Uri path:" + uri); } } } @Override public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri uri, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException { final int userId = getUserIdFromUri(uri, UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); if (userId != UserHandle.getCallingUserId()) { getContext().enforceCallingPermission(Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS, "Access files from the settings of another user"); } uri = ContentProvider.getUriWithoutUserId(uri); final String cacheRingtoneSetting; final String cacheName; if (Settings.System.RINGTONE_CACHE_URI.equals(uri)) { cacheRingtoneSetting = Settings.System.RINGTONE; cacheName = Settings.System.RINGTONE_CACHE; } else if (Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND_CACHE_URI.equals(uri)) { cacheRingtoneSetting = Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND; cacheName = Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND_CACHE; } else if (Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT_CACHE_URI.equals(uri)) { cacheRingtoneSetting = Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT; cacheName = Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT_CACHE; } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("Direct file access no longer supported; " + "ringtone playback is available through android.media.Ringtone"); } int actualCacheOwner; // Redirect cache to parent if ringtone setting is owned by profile parent synchronized (mLock) { actualCacheOwner = resolveOwningUserIdForSystemSettingLocked(userId, cacheRingtoneSetting); } final File cacheFile = new File(getRingtoneCacheDir(actualCacheOwner), cacheName); return ParcelFileDescriptor.open(cacheFile, ParcelFileDescriptor.parseMode(mode)); } private File getRingtoneCacheDir(int userId) { final File cacheDir = new File(Environment.getDataSystemDeDirectory(userId), "ringtones"); cacheDir.mkdir(); SELinux.restorecon(cacheDir); return cacheDir; }
Dump all settings as a proto buf.
  • fd – The file to dump to
/** * Dump all settings as a proto buf. * * @param fd The file to dump to */
void dumpProto(@NonNull FileDescriptor fd) { ProtoOutputStream proto = new ProtoOutputStream(fd); synchronized (mLock) { SettingsProtoDumpUtil.dumpProtoLocked(mSettingsRegistry, proto); } proto.flush(); } public void dumpInternal(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { synchronized (mLock) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { SparseBooleanArray users = mSettingsRegistry.getKnownUsersLocked(); final int userCount = users.size(); for (int i = 0; i < userCount; i++) { dumpForUserLocked(users.keyAt(i), pw); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } } private void dumpForUserLocked(int userId, PrintWriter pw) { if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { pw.println("GLOBAL SETTINGS (user " + userId + ")"); SettingsState globalSettings = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); if (globalSettings != null) { dumpSettingsLocked(globalSettings, pw); pw.println(); globalSettings.dumpHistoricalOperations(pw); } } pw.println("SECURE SETTINGS (user " + userId + ")"); SettingsState secureSettings = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); if (secureSettings != null) { dumpSettingsLocked(secureSettings, pw); pw.println(); secureSettings.dumpHistoricalOperations(pw); } pw.println("SYSTEM SETTINGS (user " + userId + ")"); SettingsState systemSettings = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, userId); if (systemSettings != null) { dumpSettingsLocked(systemSettings, pw); pw.println(); systemSettings.dumpHistoricalOperations(pw); } } private void dumpSettingsLocked(SettingsState settingsState, PrintWriter pw) { List<String> names = settingsState.getSettingNamesLocked(); final int nameCount = names.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) { String name = names.get(i); Setting setting = settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); pw.print("_id:"); pw.print(toDumpString(setting.getId())); pw.print(" name:"); pw.print(toDumpString(name)); if (setting.getPackageName() != null) { pw.print(" pkg:"); pw.print(setting.getPackageName()); } pw.print(" value:"); pw.print(toDumpString(setting.getValue())); if (setting.getDefaultValue() != null) { pw.print(" default:"); pw.print(setting.getDefaultValue()); pw.print(" defaultSystemSet:"); pw.print(setting.isDefaultFromSystem()); } if (setting.getTag() != null) { pw.print(" tag:"); pw.print(setting.getTag()); } pw.println(); } } private static String toDumpString(String s) { if (s != null) { return s; } return "{null}"; } private void registerBroadcastReceivers() { IntentFilter userFilter = new IntentFilter(); userFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_REMOVED); userFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_STOPPED); getContext().registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { final int userId = intent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); switch (intent.getAction()) { case Intent.ACTION_USER_REMOVED: { synchronized (mLock) { mSettingsRegistry.removeUserStateLocked(userId, true); } } break; case Intent.ACTION_USER_STOPPED: { synchronized (mLock) { mSettingsRegistry.removeUserStateLocked(userId, false); } } break; } } }, userFilter); PackageMonitor monitor = new PackageMonitor() { @Override public void onPackageRemoved(String packageName, int uid) { synchronized (mLock) { mSettingsRegistry.onPackageRemovedLocked(packageName, UserHandle.getUserId(uid)); } } @Override public void onUidRemoved(int uid) { synchronized (mLock) { mSettingsRegistry.onUidRemovedLocked(uid); } } }; // package changes monitor.register(getContext(), BackgroundThread.getHandler().getLooper(), UserHandle.ALL, true); } private void startWatchingUserRestrictionChanges() { // TODO: The current design of settings looking different based on user restrictions // should be reworked to keep them separate and system code should check the setting // first followed by checking the user restriction before performing an operation. UserManagerInternal userManager = LocalServices.getService(UserManagerInternal.class); userManager.addUserRestrictionsListener((int userId, Bundle newRestrictions, Bundle prevRestrictions) -> { // We are changing the settings affected by restrictions to their current // value with a forced update to ensure that all cross profile dependencies // are taken into account. Also make sure the settings update to.. the same // value passes the security checks, so clear binder calling id. if (newRestrictions.getBoolean(UserManager.DISALLOW_SHARE_LOCATION) != prevRestrictions.getBoolean(UserManager.DISALLOW_SHARE_LOCATION)) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { synchronized (mLock) { Setting setting = getSecureSetting( Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED, userId); updateSecureSetting(Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED, setting != null ? setting.getValue() : null, null, true, userId, true); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } if (newRestrictions.getBoolean(UserManager.DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES) != prevRestrictions.getBoolean(UserManager.DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES)) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { synchronized (mLock) { Setting setting = getGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS); String value = setting != null ? setting.getValue() : null; updateGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS, value, null, true, userId, true); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } if (newRestrictions.getBoolean(UserManager.DISALLOW_DEBUGGING_FEATURES) != prevRestrictions.getBoolean(UserManager.DISALLOW_DEBUGGING_FEATURES)) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { synchronized (mLock) { Setting setting = getGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.ADB_ENABLED); String value = setting != null ? setting.getValue() : null; updateGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.ADB_ENABLED, value, null, true, userId, true); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } if (newRestrictions.getBoolean(UserManager.ENSURE_VERIFY_APPS) != prevRestrictions.getBoolean(UserManager.ENSURE_VERIFY_APPS)) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { synchronized (mLock) { Setting enable = getGlobalSetting( Settings.Global.PACKAGE_VERIFIER_ENABLE); String enableValue = enable != null ? enable.getValue() : null; updateGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.PACKAGE_VERIFIER_ENABLE, enableValue, null, true, userId, true); Setting include = getGlobalSetting( Settings.Global.PACKAGE_VERIFIER_INCLUDE_ADB); String includeValue = include != null ? include.getValue() : null; updateGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.PACKAGE_VERIFIER_INCLUDE_ADB, includeValue, null, true, userId, true); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } if (newRestrictions.getBoolean(UserManager.DISALLOW_CONFIG_MOBILE_NETWORKS) != prevRestrictions.getBoolean(UserManager.DISALLOW_CONFIG_MOBILE_NETWORKS)) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { synchronized (mLock) { Setting setting = getGlobalSetting( Settings.Global.PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE); String value = setting != null ? setting.getValue() : null; updateGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE, value, null, true, userId, true); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } }); } private Cursor getAllGlobalSettings(String[] projection) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getAllGlobalSettings()"); } synchronized (mLock) { // Get the settings. SettingsState settingsState = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); List<String> names = getSettingsNamesLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); final int nameCount = names.size(); String[] normalizedProjection = normalizeProjection(projection); MatrixCursor result = new MatrixCursor(normalizedProjection, nameCount); // Anyone can get the global settings, so no security checks. for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) { String name = names.get(i); Setting setting = settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); appendSettingToCursor(result, setting); } return result; } } private Setting getGlobalSetting(String name) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getGlobalSetting(" + name + ")"); } // Ensure the caller can access the setting. enforceSettingReadable(name, SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); // Get the value. synchronized (mLock) { return mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, name); } } private boolean updateGlobalSetting(String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, int requestingUserId, boolean forceNotify) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "updateGlobalSetting(" + name + ", " + value + ", " + ", " + tag + ", " + makeDefault + ", " + requestingUserId + ", " + forceNotify + ")"); } return mutateGlobalSetting(name, value, tag, makeDefault, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE, forceNotify, 0); } private boolean insertGlobalSetting(String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, int requestingUserId, boolean forceNotify) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "insertGlobalSetting(" + name + ", " + value + ", " + ", " + tag + ", " + makeDefault + ", " + requestingUserId + ", " + forceNotify + ")"); } return mutateGlobalSetting(name, value, tag, makeDefault, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT, forceNotify, 0); } private boolean deleteGlobalSetting(String name, int requestingUserId, boolean forceNotify) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "deleteGlobalSetting(" + name + ", " + requestingUserId + ", " + forceNotify + ")"); } return mutateGlobalSetting(name, null, null, false, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE, forceNotify, 0); } private void resetGlobalSetting(int requestingUserId, int mode, String tag) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "resetGlobalSetting(" + requestingUserId + ", " + mode + ", " + tag + ")"); } mutateGlobalSetting(null, null, tag, false, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_RESET, false, mode); } private boolean mutateGlobalSetting(String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, int requestingUserId, int operation, boolean forceNotify, int mode) { // Make sure the caller can change the settings - treated as secure. enforceWritePermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS); // Resolve the userId on whose behalf the call is made. final int callingUserId = resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(requestingUserId); // If this is a setting that is currently restricted for this user, do not allow // unrestricting changes. if (name != null && mUserManagerInternal.isSettingRestrictedForUser( name, callingUserId, value, Binder.getCallingUid())) { return false; } // Perform the mutation. synchronized (mLock) { switch (operation) { case MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT: { return mSettingsRegistry.insertSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, name, value, tag, makeDefault, getCallingPackage(), forceNotify, CRITICAL_GLOBAL_SETTINGS); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE: { return mSettingsRegistry.deleteSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, name, forceNotify, CRITICAL_GLOBAL_SETTINGS); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE: { return mSettingsRegistry.updateSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, name, value, tag, makeDefault, getCallingPackage(), forceNotify, CRITICAL_GLOBAL_SETTINGS); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_RESET: { mSettingsRegistry.resetSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, getCallingPackage(), mode, tag); } return true; } } return false; } private PackageInfo getCallingPackageInfo(int userId) { try { return mPackageManager.getPackageInfo(getCallingPackage(), PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES, userId); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Package " + getCallingPackage() + " doesn't exist"); } } private Cursor getAllSecureSettings(int userId, String[] projection) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getAllSecureSettings(" + userId + ")"); } // Resolve the userId on whose behalf the call is made. final int callingUserId = resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(userId); // The relevant "calling package" userId will be the owning userId for some // profiles, and we can't do the lookup inside our [lock held] loop, so work out // up front who the effective "new SSAID" user ID for that settings name will be. final int ssaidUserId = resolveOwningUserIdForSecureSettingLocked(callingUserId, Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); final PackageInfo ssaidCallingPkg = getCallingPackageInfo(ssaidUserId); synchronized (mLock) { List<String> names = getSettingsNamesLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, callingUserId); final int nameCount = names.size(); String[] normalizedProjection = normalizeProjection(projection); MatrixCursor result = new MatrixCursor(normalizedProjection, nameCount); for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) { String name = names.get(i); // Determine the owning user as some profile settings are cloned from the parent. final int owningUserId = resolveOwningUserIdForSecureSettingLocked(callingUserId, name); if (!isSecureSettingAccessible(name, callingUserId, owningUserId)) { // This caller is not permitted to access this setting. Pretend the setting // doesn't exist. continue; } // As of Android O, the SSAID is read from an app-specific entry in table // SETTINGS_FILE_SSAID, unless accessed by a system process. final Setting setting; if (isNewSsaidSetting(name)) { setting = getSsaidSettingLocked(ssaidCallingPkg, owningUserId); } else { setting = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId, name); } appendSettingToCursor(result, setting); } return result; } } private Setting getSecureSetting(String name, int requestingUserId) { return getSecureSetting(name, requestingUserId, /*enableOverride=*/ false); } private Setting getSecureSetting(String name, int requestingUserId, boolean enableOverride) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getSecureSetting(" + name + ", " + requestingUserId + ")"); } // Resolve the userId on whose behalf the call is made. final int callingUserId = resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(requestingUserId); // Ensure the caller can access the setting. enforceSettingReadable(name, SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); // Determine the owning user as some profile settings are cloned from the parent. final int owningUserId = resolveOwningUserIdForSecureSettingLocked(callingUserId, name); if (!isSecureSettingAccessible(name, callingUserId, owningUserId)) { // This caller is not permitted to access this setting. Pretend the setting doesn't // exist. SettingsState settings = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId); return settings != null ? settings.getNullSetting() : null; } // As of Android O, the SSAID is read from an app-specific entry in table // SETTINGS_FILE_SSAID, unless accessed by a system process. if (isNewSsaidSetting(name)) { PackageInfo callingPkg = getCallingPackageInfo(owningUserId); synchronized (mLock) { return getSsaidSettingLocked(callingPkg, owningUserId); } } if (enableOverride) { if (Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED.equals(name)) { final Setting overridden = getLocationProvidersAllowedSetting(owningUserId); if (overridden != null) { return overridden; } } } // Not the SSAID; do a straight lookup synchronized (mLock) { return mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId, name); } } private boolean isNewSsaidSetting(String name) { return Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID.equals(name) && UserHandle.getAppId(Binder.getCallingUid()) >= Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID; } private Setting getSsaidSettingLocked(PackageInfo callingPkg, int owningUserId) { // Get uid of caller (key) used to store ssaid value String name = Integer.toString( UserHandle.getUid(owningUserId, UserHandle.getAppId(Binder.getCallingUid()))); if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getSsaidSettingLocked(" + name + "," + owningUserId + ")"); } // Retrieve the ssaid from the table if present. final Setting ssaid = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, owningUserId, name); // If the app is an Instant App use its stored SSAID instead of our own. final String instantSsaid; final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { instantSsaid = mPackageManager.getInstantAppAndroidId(callingPkg.packageName, owningUserId); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to get Instant App Android ID", e); return null; } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token); } final SettingsState ssaidSettings = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, owningUserId); if (instantSsaid != null) { // Use the stored value if it is still valid. if (ssaid != null && instantSsaid.equals(ssaid.getValue())) { return mascaradeSsaidSetting(ssaidSettings, ssaid); } // The value has changed, update the stored value. final boolean success = ssaidSettings.insertSettingLocked(name, instantSsaid, null, true, callingPkg.packageName); if (!success) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to update instant app android id"); } Setting setting = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, owningUserId, name); return mascaradeSsaidSetting(ssaidSettings, setting); } // Lazy initialize ssaid if not yet present in ssaid table. if (ssaid == null || ssaid.isNull() || ssaid.getValue() == null) { Setting setting = mSettingsRegistry.generateSsaidLocked(callingPkg, owningUserId); return mascaradeSsaidSetting(ssaidSettings, setting); } return mascaradeSsaidSetting(ssaidSettings, ssaid); } private Setting mascaradeSsaidSetting(SettingsState settingsState, Setting ssaidSetting) { // SSAID settings are located in a dedicated table for internal bookkeeping // but for the world they reside in the secure table, so adjust the key here. // We have a special name when looking it up but want the world to see it as // "android_id". if (ssaidSetting != null) { return settingsState.new Setting(ssaidSetting) { @Override public int getKey() { final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(super.getKey()); return makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); } @Override public String getName() { return Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID; } }; } return null; } private Setting getLocationProvidersAllowedSetting(int owningUserId) { synchronized (mLock) { final Setting setting = getGlobalSetting( Global.LOCATION_GLOBAL_KILL_SWITCH); if (!"1".equals(setting.getValue())) { return null; } // Global kill-switch is enabled. Return an empty value. final SettingsState settingsState = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId); return settingsState.new Setting( Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED, "", // value "", // tag "", // default value "", // package name false, // from system "0" // id ) { @Override public boolean update(String value, boolean setDefault, String packageName, String tag, boolean forceNonSystemPackage) { Slog.wtf(LOG_TAG, "update shoudln't be called on this instance."); return false; } }; } } private boolean insertSecureSetting(String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, int requestingUserId, boolean forceNotify) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "insertSecureSetting(" + name + ", " + value + ", " + ", " + tag + ", " + makeDefault + ", " + requestingUserId + ", " + forceNotify + ")"); } return mutateSecureSetting(name, value, tag, makeDefault, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT, forceNotify, 0); } private boolean deleteSecureSetting(String name, int requestingUserId, boolean forceNotify) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "deleteSecureSetting(" + name + ", " + requestingUserId + ", " + forceNotify + ")"); } return mutateSecureSetting(name, null, null, false, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE, forceNotify, 0); } private boolean updateSecureSetting(String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, int requestingUserId, boolean forceNotify) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "updateSecureSetting(" + name + ", " + value + ", " + ", " + tag + ", " + makeDefault + ", " + requestingUserId + ", " + forceNotify +")"); } return mutateSecureSetting(name, value, tag, makeDefault, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE, forceNotify, 0); } private void resetSecureSetting(int requestingUserId, int mode, String tag) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "resetSecureSetting(" + requestingUserId + ", " + mode + ", " + tag + ")"); } mutateSecureSetting(null, null, tag, false, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_RESET, false, mode); } private boolean mutateSecureSetting(String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, int requestingUserId, int operation, boolean forceNotify, int mode) { // Make sure the caller can change the settings. enforceWritePermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS); // Resolve the userId on whose behalf the call is made. final int callingUserId = resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(requestingUserId); // If this is a setting that is currently restricted for this user, do not allow // unrestricting changes. if (name != null && mUserManagerInternal.isSettingRestrictedForUser( name, callingUserId, value, Binder.getCallingUid())) { return false; } // Determine the owning user as some profile settings are cloned from the parent. final int owningUserId = resolveOwningUserIdForSecureSettingLocked(callingUserId, name); // Only the owning user can change the setting. if (owningUserId != callingUserId) { return false; } // Special cases for location providers (sigh). if (Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED.equals(name)) { return updateLocationProvidersAllowedLocked(value, tag, owningUserId, makeDefault, forceNotify); } // Mutate the value. synchronized (mLock) { switch (operation) { case MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT: { return mSettingsRegistry.insertSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId, name, value, tag, makeDefault, getCallingPackage(), forceNotify, CRITICAL_SECURE_SETTINGS); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE: { return mSettingsRegistry.deleteSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId, name, forceNotify, CRITICAL_SECURE_SETTINGS); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE: { return mSettingsRegistry.updateSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId, name, value, tag, makeDefault, getCallingPackage(), forceNotify, CRITICAL_SECURE_SETTINGS); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_RESET: { mSettingsRegistry.resetSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, getCallingPackage(), mode, tag); } return true; } } return false; } private Cursor getAllSystemSettings(int userId, String[] projection) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getAllSecureSystem(" + userId + ")"); } // Resolve the userId on whose behalf the call is made. final int callingUserId = resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(userId); synchronized (mLock) { List<String> names = getSettingsNamesLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, callingUserId); final int nameCount = names.size(); String[] normalizedProjection = normalizeProjection(projection); MatrixCursor result = new MatrixCursor(normalizedProjection, nameCount); for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) { String name = names.get(i); // Determine the owning user as some profile settings are cloned from the parent. final int owningUserId = resolveOwningUserIdForSystemSettingLocked(callingUserId, name); Setting setting = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, owningUserId, name); appendSettingToCursor(result, setting); } return result; } } private Setting getSystemSetting(String name, int requestingUserId) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getSystemSetting(" + name + ", " + requestingUserId + ")"); } // Resolve the userId on whose behalf the call is made. final int callingUserId = resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(requestingUserId); // Ensure the caller can access the setting. enforceSettingReadable(name, SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); // Determine the owning user as some profile settings are cloned from the parent. final int owningUserId = resolveOwningUserIdForSystemSettingLocked(callingUserId, name); // Get the value. synchronized (mLock) { return mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, owningUserId, name); } } private boolean insertSystemSetting(String name, String value, int requestingUserId) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "insertSystemSetting(" + name + ", " + value + ", " + requestingUserId + ")"); } return mutateSystemSetting(name, value, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT); } private boolean deleteSystemSetting(String name, int requestingUserId) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "deleteSystemSetting(" + name + ", " + requestingUserId + ")"); } return mutateSystemSetting(name, null, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE); } private boolean updateSystemSetting(String name, String value, int requestingUserId) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "updateSystemSetting(" + name + ", " + value + ", " + requestingUserId + ")"); } return mutateSystemSetting(name, value, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE); } private boolean mutateSystemSetting(String name, String value, int runAsUserId, int operation) { if (!hasWriteSecureSettingsPermission()) { // If the caller doesn't hold WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS, we verify whether this // operation is allowed for the calling package through appops. if (!Settings.checkAndNoteWriteSettingsOperation(getContext(), Binder.getCallingUid(), getCallingPackage(), true)) { return false; } } // Resolve the userId on whose behalf the call is made. final int callingUserId = resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(runAsUserId); if (name != null && mUserManagerInternal.isSettingRestrictedForUser( name, callingUserId, value, Binder.getCallingUid())) { return false; } // Enforce what the calling package can mutate the system settings. enforceRestrictedSystemSettingsMutationForCallingPackage(operation, name, callingUserId); // Determine the owning user as some profile settings are cloned from the parent. final int owningUserId = resolveOwningUserIdForSystemSettingLocked(callingUserId, name); // Only the owning user id can change the setting. if (owningUserId != callingUserId) { return false; } // Invalidate any relevant cache files String cacheName = null; if (Settings.System.RINGTONE.equals(name)) { cacheName = Settings.System.RINGTONE_CACHE; } else if (Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND.equals(name)) { cacheName = Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND_CACHE; } else if (Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT.equals(name)) { cacheName = Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT_CACHE; } if (cacheName != null) { final File cacheFile = new File( getRingtoneCacheDir(owningUserId), cacheName); cacheFile.delete(); } // Mutate the value. synchronized (mLock) { switch (operation) { case MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT: { validateSystemSettingValue(name, value); return mSettingsRegistry.insertSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, owningUserId, name, value, null, false, getCallingPackage(), false, null); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE: { return mSettingsRegistry.deleteSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, owningUserId, name, false, null); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE: { validateSystemSettingValue(name, value); return mSettingsRegistry.updateSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, owningUserId, name, value, null, false, getCallingPackage(), false, null); } } return false; } } private boolean hasWriteSecureSettingsPermission() { // Write secure settings is a more protected permission. If caller has it we are good. if (getContext().checkCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { return true; } return false; } private void validateSystemSettingValue(String name, String value) { SettingsValidators.Validator validator = Settings.System.VALIDATORS.get(name); if (validator != null && !validator.validate(value)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value: " + value + " for setting: " + name); } }
Returns true if the specified secure setting should be accessible to the caller.
/** * Returns {@code true} if the specified secure setting should be accessible to the caller. */
private boolean isSecureSettingAccessible(String name, int callingUserId, int owningUserId) { // Special case for location (sigh). // This check is not inside the name-based checks below because this method performs checks // only if the calling user ID is not the same as the owning user ID. if (isLocationProvidersAllowedRestricted(name, callingUserId, owningUserId)) { return false; } switch (name) { case "bluetooth_address": // BluetoothManagerService for some reason stores the Android's Bluetooth MAC // address in this secure setting. Secure settings can normally be read by any app, // which thus enables them to bypass the recently introduced restrictions on access // to device identifiers. // To mitigate this we make this setting available only to callers privileged to see // this device's MAC addresses, same as through public API // BluetoothAdapter.getAddress() (see BluetoothManagerService for details). return getContext().checkCallingOrSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.LOCAL_MAC_ADDRESS) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; default: return true; } } private boolean isLocationProvidersAllowedRestricted(String name, int callingUserId, int owningUserId) { // Optimization - location providers are restricted only for managed profiles. if (callingUserId == owningUserId) { return false; } if (Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED.equals(name) && mUserManager.hasUserRestriction(UserManager.DISALLOW_SHARE_LOCATION, new UserHandle(callingUserId))) { return true; } return false; } private int resolveOwningUserIdForSecureSettingLocked(int userId, String setting) { return resolveOwningUserIdLocked(userId, sSecureCloneToManagedSettings, setting); } private int resolveOwningUserIdForSystemSettingLocked(int userId, String setting) { final int parentId; // Resolves dependency if setting has a dependency and the calling user has a parent if (sSystemCloneFromParentOnDependency.containsKey(setting) && (parentId = getGroupParentLocked(userId)) != userId) { // The setting has a dependency and the profile has a parent String dependency = sSystemCloneFromParentOnDependency.get(setting); // Lookup the dependency setting as ourselves, some callers may not have access to it. final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { Setting settingObj = getSecureSetting(dependency, userId); if (settingObj != null && settingObj.getValue().equals("1")) { return parentId; } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token); } } return resolveOwningUserIdLocked(userId, sSystemCloneToManagedSettings, setting); } private int resolveOwningUserIdLocked(int userId, Set<String> keys, String name) { final int parentId = getGroupParentLocked(userId); if (parentId != userId && keys.contains(name)) { return parentId; } return userId; } private void enforceRestrictedSystemSettingsMutationForCallingPackage(int operation, String name, int userId) { // System/root/shell can mutate whatever secure settings they want. final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid(); final int appId = UserHandle.getAppId(callingUid); if (appId == android.os.Process.SYSTEM_UID || appId == Process.SHELL_UID || appId == Process.ROOT_UID) { return; } switch (operation) { case MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT: // Insert updates. case MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE: { if (Settings.System.PUBLIC_SETTINGS.contains(name)) { return; } // The calling package is already verified. PackageInfo packageInfo = getCallingPackageInfoOrThrow(userId); // Privileged apps can do whatever they want. if ((packageInfo.applicationInfo.privateFlags & ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED) != 0) { return; } warnOrThrowForUndesiredSecureSettingsMutationForTargetSdk( packageInfo.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion, name); } break; case MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE: { if (Settings.System.PUBLIC_SETTINGS.contains(name) || Settings.System.PRIVATE_SETTINGS.contains(name)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot delete system defined" + " secure settings."); } // The calling package is already verified. PackageInfo packageInfo = getCallingPackageInfoOrThrow(userId); // Privileged apps can do whatever they want. if ((packageInfo.applicationInfo.privateFlags & ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED) != 0) { return; } warnOrThrowForUndesiredSecureSettingsMutationForTargetSdk( packageInfo.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion, name); } break; } } private Set<String> getInstantAppAccessibleSettings(int settingsType) { switch (settingsType) { case SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL: return Settings.Global.INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS; case SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE: return Settings.Secure.INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS; case SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM: return Settings.System.INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid settings type: " + settingsType); } } private Set<String> getOverlayInstantAppAccessibleSettings(int settingsType) { switch (settingsType) { case SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL: return OVERLAY_ALLOWED_GLOBAL_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS; case SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM: return OVERLAY_ALLOWED_SYSTEM_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS; case SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE: return OVERLAY_ALLOWED_SECURE_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid settings type: " + settingsType); } } private List<String> getSettingsNamesLocked(int settingsType, int userId) { // Don't enforce the instant app whitelist for now -- its too prone to unintended breakage // in the current form. return mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsNamesLocked(settingsType, userId); } private void enforceSettingReadable(String settingName, int settingsType, int userId) { if (UserHandle.getAppId(Binder.getCallingUid()) < Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID) { return; } ApplicationInfo ai = getCallingApplicationInfoOrThrow(); if (!ai.isInstantApp()) { return; } if (!getInstantAppAccessibleSettings(settingsType).contains(settingName) && !getOverlayInstantAppAccessibleSettings(settingsType).contains(settingName)) { // Don't enforce the instant app whitelist for now -- its too prone to unintended // breakage in the current form. Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "Instant App " + ai.packageName + " trying to access unexposed setting, this will be an error in the future."); } } private ApplicationInfo getCallingApplicationInfoOrThrow() { // We always use the callingUid for this lookup. This means that if hypothetically an // app was installed in user A with cross user and in user B as an Instant App // the app in A would be able to see all the settings in user B. However since cross // user is a system permission and the app must be uninstalled in B and then installed as // an Instant App that situation is not realistic or supported. ApplicationInfo ai = null; try { ai = mPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(getCallingPackage(), 0 , UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } if (ai == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to lookup info for package " + getCallingPackage()); } return ai; } private PackageInfo getCallingPackageInfoOrThrow(int userId) { try { PackageInfo packageInfo = mPackageManager.getPackageInfo( getCallingPackage(), 0, userId); if (packageInfo != null) { return packageInfo; } } catch (RemoteException e) { /* ignore */ } throw new IllegalStateException("Calling package doesn't exist"); } private int getGroupParentLocked(int userId) { // Most frequent use case. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { return userId; } // We are in the same process with the user manager and the returned // user info is a cached instance, so just look up instead of cache. final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { // Just a lookup and not reentrant, so holding a lock is fine. UserInfo userInfo = mUserManager.getProfileParent(userId); return (userInfo != null) ? userInfo.id : userId; } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } private void enforceWritePermission(String permission) { if (getContext().checkCallingOrSelfPermission(permission) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { throw new SecurityException("Permission denial: writing to settings requires:" + permission); } } /* * Used to parse changes to the value of Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED. * This setting contains a list of the currently enabled location providers. * But helper functions in android.providers.Settings can enable or disable * a single provider by using a "+" or "-" prefix before the provider name. * * <p>See also {@link com.android.server.pm.UserRestrictionsUtils#isSettingRestrictedForUser()}. * If DISALLOW_SHARE_LOCATION is set, the said method will only allow values with * the "-" prefix. * * @returns whether the enabled location providers changed. */ private boolean updateLocationProvidersAllowedLocked(String value, String tag, int owningUserId, boolean makeDefault, boolean forceNotify) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) { return false; } Setting oldSetting = getSecureSetting( Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED, owningUserId); if (oldSetting == null) { return false; } String oldProviders = oldSetting.getValue(); List<String> oldProvidersList = TextUtils.isEmpty(oldProviders) ? new ArrayList<>() : new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(oldProviders.split(","))); Set<String> newProvidersSet = new ArraySet<>(); newProvidersSet.addAll(oldProvidersList); String[] providerUpdates = value.split(","); boolean inputError = false; for (String provider : providerUpdates) { // do not update location_providers_allowed when input is invalid if (TextUtils.isEmpty(provider)) { inputError = true; break; } final char prefix = provider.charAt(0); // do not update location_providers_allowed when input is invalid if (prefix != '+' && prefix != '-') { inputError = true; break; } // skip prefix provider = provider.substring(1); if (prefix == '+') { newProvidersSet.add(provider); } else if (prefix == '-') { newProvidersSet.remove(provider); } } String newProviders = TextUtils.join(",", newProvidersSet.toArray()); if (inputError == true || newProviders.equals(oldProviders)) { // nothing changed, so no need to update the database if (forceNotify) { mSettingsRegistry.notifyForSettingsChange( makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId), Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED); } return false; } return mSettingsRegistry.insertSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId, Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED, newProviders, tag, makeDefault, getCallingPackage(), forceNotify, CRITICAL_SECURE_SETTINGS); } private static void warnOrThrowForUndesiredSecureSettingsMutationForTargetSdk( int targetSdkVersion, String name) { // If the app targets Lollipop MR1 or older SDK we warn, otherwise crash. if (targetSdkVersion <= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1) { if (Settings.System.PRIVATE_SETTINGS.contains(name)) { Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "You shouldn't not change private system settings." + " This will soon become an error."); } else { Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "You shouldn't keep your settings in the secure settings." + " This will soon become an error."); } } else { if (Settings.System.PRIVATE_SETTINGS.contains(name)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot change private secure settings."); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot keep your settings in" + " the secure settings."); } } } private static int resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(int requestingUserId) { if (requestingUserId == UserHandle.getCallingUserId()) { return requestingUserId; } return ActivityManager.handleIncomingUser(Binder.getCallingPid(), Binder.getCallingUid(), requestingUserId, false, true, "get/set setting for user", null); } private Bundle packageValueForCallResult(Setting setting, boolean trackingGeneration) { if (!trackingGeneration) { if (setting == null || setting.isNull()) { return NULL_SETTING_BUNDLE; } return Bundle.forPair(Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE, setting.getValue()); } Bundle result = new Bundle(); result.putString(Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE, !setting.isNull() ? setting.getValue() : null); mSettingsRegistry.mGenerationRegistry.addGenerationData(result, setting.getKey()); return result; } private static int getRequestingUserId(Bundle args) { final int callingUserId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); return (args != null) ? args.getInt(Settings.CALL_METHOD_USER_KEY, callingUserId) : callingUserId; } private boolean isTrackingGeneration(Bundle args) { return args != null && args.containsKey(Settings.CALL_METHOD_TRACK_GENERATION_KEY); } private static String getSettingValue(Bundle args) { return (args != null) ? args.getString(Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE) : null; } private static String getSettingTag(Bundle args) { return (args != null) ? args.getString(Settings.CALL_METHOD_TAG_KEY) : null; } private static boolean getSettingMakeDefault(Bundle args) { return (args != null) && args.getBoolean(Settings.CALL_METHOD_MAKE_DEFAULT_KEY); } private static int getResetModeEnforcingPermission(Bundle args) { final int mode = (args != null) ? args.getInt(Settings.CALL_METHOD_RESET_MODE_KEY) : 0; switch (mode) { case Settings.RESET_MODE_UNTRUSTED_DEFAULTS: { if (!isCallerSystemOrShellOrRootOnDebuggableBuild()) { throw new SecurityException("Only system, shell/root on a " + "debuggable build can reset to untrusted defaults"); } return mode; } case Settings.RESET_MODE_UNTRUSTED_CHANGES: { if (!isCallerSystemOrShellOrRootOnDebuggableBuild()) { throw new SecurityException("Only system, shell/root on a " + "debuggable build can reset untrusted changes"); } return mode; } case Settings.RESET_MODE_TRUSTED_DEFAULTS: { if (!isCallerSystemOrShellOrRootOnDebuggableBuild()) { throw new SecurityException("Only system, shell/root on a " + "debuggable build can reset to trusted defaults"); } return mode; } case Settings.RESET_MODE_PACKAGE_DEFAULTS: { return mode; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid reset mode: " + mode); } private static boolean isCallerSystemOrShellOrRootOnDebuggableBuild() { final int appId = UserHandle.getAppId(Binder.getCallingUid()); return appId == SYSTEM_UID || (Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE && (appId == SHELL_UID || appId == ROOT_UID)); } private static String getValidTableOrThrow(Uri uri) { if (uri.getPathSegments().size() > 0) { String table = uri.getPathSegments().get(0); if (DatabaseHelper.isValidTable(table)) { return table; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad root path: " + table); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid URI:" + uri); } private static MatrixCursor packageSettingForQuery(Setting setting, String[] projection) { if (setting.isNull()) { return new MatrixCursor(projection, 0); } MatrixCursor cursor = new MatrixCursor(projection, 1); appendSettingToCursor(cursor, setting); return cursor; } private static String[] normalizeProjection(String[] projection) { if (projection == null) { return ALL_COLUMNS; } final int columnCount = projection.length; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { String column = projection[i]; if (!ArrayUtils.contains(ALL_COLUMNS, column)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid column: " + column); } } return projection; } private static void appendSettingToCursor(MatrixCursor cursor, Setting setting) { if (setting == null || setting.isNull()) { return; } final int columnCount = cursor.getColumnCount(); String[] values = new String[columnCount]; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { String column = cursor.getColumnName(i); switch (column) { case Settings.NameValueTable._ID: { values[i] = setting.getId(); } break; case Settings.NameValueTable.NAME: { values[i] = setting.getName(); } break; case Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE: { values[i] = setting.getValue(); } break; } } cursor.addRow(values); } private static boolean isKeyValid(String key) { return !(TextUtils.isEmpty(key) || SettingsState.isBinary(key)); } private static final class Arguments { private static final Pattern WHERE_PATTERN_WITH_PARAM_NO_BRACKETS = Pattern.compile("[\\s]*name[\\s]*=[\\s]*\\?[\\s]*"); private static final Pattern WHERE_PATTERN_WITH_PARAM_IN_BRACKETS = Pattern.compile("[\\s]*\\([\\s]*name[\\s]*=[\\s]*\\?[\\s]*\\)[\\s]*"); private static final Pattern WHERE_PATTERN_NO_PARAM_IN_BRACKETS = Pattern.compile("[\\s]*\\([\\s]*name[\\s]*=[\\s]*['\"].*['\"][\\s]*\\)[\\s]*"); private static final Pattern WHERE_PATTERN_NO_PARAM_NO_BRACKETS = Pattern.compile("[\\s]*name[\\s]*=[\\s]*['\"].*['\"][\\s]*"); public final String table; public final String name; public Arguments(Uri uri, String where, String[] whereArgs, boolean supportAll) { final int segmentSize = uri.getPathSegments().size(); switch (segmentSize) { case 1: { if (where != null && (WHERE_PATTERN_WITH_PARAM_NO_BRACKETS.matcher(where).matches() || WHERE_PATTERN_WITH_PARAM_IN_BRACKETS.matcher(where).matches()) && whereArgs.length == 1) { name = whereArgs[0]; table = computeTableForSetting(uri, name); return; } else if (where != null && (WHERE_PATTERN_NO_PARAM_NO_BRACKETS.matcher(where).matches() || WHERE_PATTERN_NO_PARAM_IN_BRACKETS.matcher(where).matches())) { final int startIndex = Math.max(where.indexOf("'"), where.indexOf("\"")) + 1; final int endIndex = Math.max(where.lastIndexOf("'"), where.lastIndexOf("\"")); name = where.substring(startIndex, endIndex); table = computeTableForSetting(uri, name); return; } else if (supportAll && where == null && whereArgs == null) { name = null; table = computeTableForSetting(uri, null); return; } } break; case 2: { if (where == null && whereArgs == null) { name = uri.getPathSegments().get(1); table = computeTableForSetting(uri, name); return; } } break; } EventLogTags.writeUnsupportedSettingsQuery( uri.toSafeString(), where, Arrays.toString(whereArgs)); String message = String.format( "Supported SQL:\n" + " uri content://some_table/some_property with null where and where args\n" + " uri content://some_table with query name=? and single name as arg\n" + " uri content://some_table with query name=some_name and null args\n" + " but got - uri:%1s, where:%2s whereArgs:%3s", uri, where, Arrays.toString(whereArgs)); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } private static String computeTableForSetting(Uri uri, String name) { String table = getValidTableOrThrow(uri); if (name != null) { if (sSystemMovedToSecureSettings.contains(name)) { table = TABLE_SECURE; } if (sSystemMovedToGlobalSettings.contains(name)) { table = TABLE_GLOBAL; } if (sSecureMovedToGlobalSettings.contains(name)) { table = TABLE_GLOBAL; } if (sGlobalMovedToSecureSettings.contains(name)) { table = TABLE_SECURE; } } return table; } } final class SettingsRegistry { private static final String DROPBOX_TAG_USERLOG = "restricted_profile_ssaid"; private static final String SETTINGS_FILE_GLOBAL = "settings_global.xml"; private static final String SETTINGS_FILE_SYSTEM = "settings_system.xml"; private static final String SETTINGS_FILE_SECURE = "settings_secure.xml"; private static final String SETTINGS_FILE_SSAID = "settings_ssaid.xml"; private static final String SSAID_USER_KEY = "userkey"; private final SparseArray<SettingsState> mSettingsStates = new SparseArray<>(); private GenerationRegistry mGenerationRegistry; private final Handler mHandler; private final BackupManager mBackupManager; private String mSettingsCreationBuildId; public SettingsRegistry() { mHandler = new MyHandler(getContext().getMainLooper()); mGenerationRegistry = new GenerationRegistry(mLock); mBackupManager = new BackupManager(getContext()); migrateAllLegacySettingsIfNeeded(); syncSsaidTableOnStart(); } private void generateUserKeyLocked(int userId) { // Generate a random key for each user used for creating a new ssaid. final byte[] keyBytes = new byte[32]; final SecureRandom rand = new SecureRandom(); rand.nextBytes(keyBytes); // Convert to string for storage in settings table. final String userKey = ByteStringUtils.toHexString(keyBytes); // Store the key in the ssaid table. final SettingsState ssaidSettings = getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId); final boolean success = ssaidSettings.insertSettingLocked(SSAID_USER_KEY, userKey, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); if (!success) { throw new IllegalStateException("Ssaid settings not accessible"); } } private byte[] getLengthPrefix(byte[] data) { return ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(data.length).array(); } public Setting generateSsaidLocked(PackageInfo callingPkg, int userId) { // Read the user's key from the ssaid table. Setting userKeySetting = getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId, SSAID_USER_KEY); if (userKeySetting == null || userKeySetting.isNull() || userKeySetting.getValue() == null) { // Lazy initialize and store the user key. generateUserKeyLocked(userId); userKeySetting = getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId, SSAID_USER_KEY); if (userKeySetting == null || userKeySetting.isNull() || userKeySetting.getValue() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("User key not accessible"); } } final String userKey = userKeySetting.getValue(); // Convert the user's key back to a byte array. final byte[] keyBytes = ByteStringUtils.fromHexToByteArray(userKey); // Validate that the key is of expected length. // Keys are currently 32 bytes, but were once 16 bytes during Android O development. if (keyBytes == null || (keyBytes.length != 16 && keyBytes.length != 32)) { throw new IllegalStateException("User key invalid"); } final Mac m; try { m = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256"); m.init(new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, m.getAlgorithm())); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("HmacSHA256 is not available", e); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Key is corrupted", e); } // Mac each of the developer signatures. for (int i = 0; i < callingPkg.signatures.length; i++) { byte[] sig = callingPkg.signatures[i].toByteArray(); m.update(getLengthPrefix(sig), 0, 4); m.update(sig); } // Convert result to a string for storage in settings table. Only want first 64 bits. final String ssaid = ByteStringUtils.toHexString(m.doFinal()).substring(0, 16) .toLowerCase(Locale.US); // Save the ssaid in the ssaid table. final String uid = Integer.toString(callingPkg.applicationInfo.uid); final SettingsState ssaidSettings = getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId); final boolean success = ssaidSettings.insertSettingLocked(uid, ssaid, null, true, callingPkg.packageName); if (!success) { throw new IllegalStateException("Ssaid settings not accessible"); } return getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId, uid); } public void syncSsaidTableOnStart() { synchronized (mLock) { // Verify that each user's packages and ssaid's are in sync. for (UserInfo user : mUserManager.getUsers(true)) { // Get all uids for the user's packages. final List<PackageInfo> packages; try { packages = mPackageManager.getInstalledPackages( PackageManager.MATCH_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES, user.id).getList(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Package manager not available"); } final Set<String> appUids = new HashSet<>(); for (PackageInfo info : packages) { appUids.add(Integer.toString(info.applicationInfo.uid)); } // Get all uids currently stored in the user's ssaid table. final Set<String> ssaidUids = new HashSet<>( getSettingsNamesLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, user.id)); ssaidUids.remove(SSAID_USER_KEY); // Perform a set difference for the appUids and ssaidUids. ssaidUids.removeAll(appUids); // If there are ssaidUids left over they need to be removed from the table. final SettingsState ssaidSettings = getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, user.id); for (String uid : ssaidUids) { ssaidSettings.deleteSettingLocked(uid); } } } } public List<String> getSettingsNamesLocked(int type, int userId) { final int key = makeKey(type, userId); SettingsState settingsState = peekSettingsStateLocked(key); if (settingsState == null) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } return settingsState.getSettingNamesLocked(); } public SparseBooleanArray getKnownUsersLocked() { SparseBooleanArray users = new SparseBooleanArray(); for (int i = mSettingsStates.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { users.put(getUserIdFromKey(mSettingsStates.keyAt(i)), true); } return users; } @Nullable public SettingsState getSettingsLocked(int type, int userId) { final int key = makeKey(type, userId); return peekSettingsStateLocked(key); } public boolean ensureSettingsForUserLocked(int userId) { // First make sure this user actually exists. if (mUserManager.getUserInfo(userId) == null) { Slog.wtf(LOG_TAG, "Requested user " + userId + " does not exist"); return false; } // Migrate the setting for this user if needed. migrateLegacySettingsForUserIfNeededLocked(userId); // Ensure global settings loaded if owner. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { final int globalKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); ensureSettingsStateLocked(globalKey); } // Ensure secure settings loaded. final int secureKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); ensureSettingsStateLocked(secureKey); // Make sure the secure settings have an Android id set. SettingsState secureSettings = getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); ensureSecureSettingAndroidIdSetLocked(secureSettings); // Ensure system settings loaded. final int systemKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, userId); ensureSettingsStateLocked(systemKey); // Ensure secure settings loaded. final int ssaidKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId); ensureSettingsStateLocked(ssaidKey); // Upgrade the settings to the latest version. UpgradeController upgrader = new UpgradeController(userId); upgrader.upgradeIfNeededLocked(); return true; } private void ensureSettingsStateLocked(int key) { if (mSettingsStates.get(key) == null) { final int maxBytesPerPackage = getMaxBytesPerPackageForType(getTypeFromKey(key)); SettingsState settingsState = new SettingsState(getContext(), mLock, getSettingsFile(key), key, maxBytesPerPackage, mHandlerThread.getLooper()); mSettingsStates.put(key, settingsState); } } public void removeUserStateLocked(int userId, boolean permanently) { // We always keep the global settings in memory. // Nuke system settings. final int systemKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, userId); final SettingsState systemSettingsState = mSettingsStates.get(systemKey); if (systemSettingsState != null) { if (permanently) { mSettingsStates.remove(systemKey); systemSettingsState.destroyLocked(null); } else { systemSettingsState.destroyLocked(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mSettingsStates.remove(systemKey); } }); } } // Nuke secure settings. final int secureKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); final SettingsState secureSettingsState = mSettingsStates.get(secureKey); if (secureSettingsState != null) { if (permanently) { mSettingsStates.remove(secureKey); secureSettingsState.destroyLocked(null); } else { secureSettingsState.destroyLocked(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mSettingsStates.remove(secureKey); } }); } } // Nuke ssaid settings. final int ssaidKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId); final SettingsState ssaidSettingsState = mSettingsStates.get(ssaidKey); if (ssaidSettingsState != null) { if (permanently) { mSettingsStates.remove(ssaidKey); ssaidSettingsState.destroyLocked(null); } else { ssaidSettingsState.destroyLocked(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mSettingsStates.remove(ssaidKey); } }); } } // Nuke generation tracking data mGenerationRegistry.onUserRemoved(userId); } public boolean insertSettingLocked(int type, int userId, String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, String packageName, boolean forceNotify, Set<String> criticalSettings) { final int key = makeKey(type, userId); boolean success = false; SettingsState settingsState = peekSettingsStateLocked(key); if (settingsState != null) { success = settingsState.insertSettingLocked(name, value, tag, makeDefault, packageName); } if (success && criticalSettings != null && criticalSettings.contains(name)) { settingsState.persistSyncLocked(); } if (forceNotify || success) { notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } return success; } public boolean deleteSettingLocked(int type, int userId, String name, boolean forceNotify, Set<String> criticalSettings) { final int key = makeKey(type, userId); boolean success = false; SettingsState settingsState = peekSettingsStateLocked(key); if (settingsState != null) { success = settingsState.deleteSettingLocked(name); } if (success && criticalSettings != null && criticalSettings.contains(name)) { settingsState.persistSyncLocked(); } if (forceNotify || success) { notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } return success; } public boolean updateSettingLocked(int type, int userId, String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, String packageName, boolean forceNotify, Set<String> criticalSettings) { final int key = makeKey(type, userId); boolean success = false; SettingsState settingsState = peekSettingsStateLocked(key); if (settingsState != null) { success = settingsState.updateSettingLocked(name, value, tag, makeDefault, packageName); } if (success && criticalSettings != null && criticalSettings.contains(name)) { settingsState.persistSyncLocked(); } if (forceNotify || success) { notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } return success; } public Setting getSettingLocked(int type, int userId, String name) { final int key = makeKey(type, userId); SettingsState settingsState = peekSettingsStateLocked(key); if (settingsState == null) { return null; } // getSettingLocked will return non-null result return settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); } public void resetSettingsLocked(int type, int userId, String packageName, int mode, String tag) { final int key = makeKey(type, userId); SettingsState settingsState = peekSettingsStateLocked(key); if (settingsState == null) { return; } switch (mode) { case Settings.RESET_MODE_PACKAGE_DEFAULTS: { for (String name : settingsState.getSettingNamesLocked()) { boolean someSettingChanged = false; Setting setting = settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); if (packageName.equals(setting.getPackageName())) { if (tag != null && !tag.equals(setting.getTag())) { continue; } if (settingsState.resetSettingLocked(name)) { someSettingChanged = true; notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } } if (someSettingChanged) { settingsState.persistSyncLocked(); } } } break; case Settings.RESET_MODE_UNTRUSTED_DEFAULTS: { for (String name : settingsState.getSettingNamesLocked()) { boolean someSettingChanged = false; Setting setting = settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); if (!SettingsState.isSystemPackage(getContext(), setting.getPackageName())) { if (settingsState.resetSettingLocked(name)) { someSettingChanged = true; notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } } if (someSettingChanged) { settingsState.persistSyncLocked(); } } } break; case Settings.RESET_MODE_UNTRUSTED_CHANGES: { for (String name : settingsState.getSettingNamesLocked()) { boolean someSettingChanged = false; Setting setting = settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); if (!SettingsState.isSystemPackage(getContext(), setting.getPackageName())) { if (setting.isDefaultFromSystem()) { if (settingsState.resetSettingLocked(name)) { someSettingChanged = true; notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } } else if (settingsState.deleteSettingLocked(name)) { someSettingChanged = true; notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } } if (someSettingChanged) { settingsState.persistSyncLocked(); } } } break; case Settings.RESET_MODE_TRUSTED_DEFAULTS: { for (String name : settingsState.getSettingNamesLocked()) { Setting setting = settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); boolean someSettingChanged = false; if (setting.isDefaultFromSystem()) { if (settingsState.resetSettingLocked(name)) { someSettingChanged = true; notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } } else if (settingsState.deleteSettingLocked(name)) { someSettingChanged = true; notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } if (someSettingChanged) { settingsState.persistSyncLocked(); } } } break; } } public void onPackageRemovedLocked(String packageName, int userId) { // Global and secure settings are signature protected. Apps signed // by the platform certificate are generally not uninstalled and // the main exception is tests. We trust components signed // by the platform certificate and do not do a clean up after them. final int systemKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, userId); SettingsState systemSettings = mSettingsStates.get(systemKey); if (systemSettings != null) { systemSettings.onPackageRemovedLocked(packageName); } } public void onUidRemovedLocked(int uid) { final SettingsState ssaidSettings = getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, UserHandle.getUserId(uid)); if (ssaidSettings != null) { ssaidSettings.deleteSettingLocked(Integer.toString(uid)); } } @Nullable private SettingsState peekSettingsStateLocked(int key) { SettingsState settingsState = mSettingsStates.get(key); if (settingsState != null) { return settingsState; } if (!ensureSettingsForUserLocked(getUserIdFromKey(key))) { return null; } return mSettingsStates.get(key); } private void migrateAllLegacySettingsIfNeeded() { synchronized (mLock) { final int key = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); File globalFile = getSettingsFile(key); if (SettingsState.stateFileExists(globalFile)) { return; } mSettingsCreationBuildId = Build.ID; final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { List<UserInfo> users = mUserManager.getUsers(true); final int userCount = users.size(); for (int i = 0; i < userCount; i++) { final int userId = users.get(i).id; DatabaseHelper dbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(getContext(), userId); SQLiteDatabase database = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); migrateLegacySettingsForUserLocked(dbHelper, database, userId); // Upgrade to the latest version. UpgradeController upgrader = new UpgradeController(userId); upgrader.upgradeIfNeededLocked(); // Drop from memory if not a running user. if (!mUserManager.isUserRunning(new UserHandle(userId))) { removeUserStateLocked(userId, false); } } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } } private void migrateLegacySettingsForUserIfNeededLocked(int userId) { // Every user has secure settings and if no file we need to migrate. final int secureKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); File secureFile = getSettingsFile(secureKey); if (SettingsState.stateFileExists(secureFile)) { return; } DatabaseHelper dbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(getContext(), userId); SQLiteDatabase database = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); migrateLegacySettingsForUserLocked(dbHelper, database, userId); } private void migrateLegacySettingsForUserLocked(DatabaseHelper dbHelper, SQLiteDatabase database, int userId) { // Move over the system settings. final int systemKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, userId); ensureSettingsStateLocked(systemKey); SettingsState systemSettings = mSettingsStates.get(systemKey); migrateLegacySettingsLocked(systemSettings, database, TABLE_SYSTEM); systemSettings.persistSyncLocked(); // Move over the secure settings. // Do this after System settings, since this is the first thing we check when deciding // to skip over migration from db to xml for a secondary user. final int secureKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); ensureSettingsStateLocked(secureKey); SettingsState secureSettings = mSettingsStates.get(secureKey); migrateLegacySettingsLocked(secureSettings, database, TABLE_SECURE); ensureSecureSettingAndroidIdSetLocked(secureSettings); secureSettings.persistSyncLocked(); // Move over the global settings if owner. // Do this last, since this is the first thing we check when deciding // to skip over migration from db to xml for owner user. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { final int globalKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, userId); ensureSettingsStateLocked(globalKey); SettingsState globalSettings = mSettingsStates.get(globalKey); migrateLegacySettingsLocked(globalSettings, database, TABLE_GLOBAL); // If this was just created if (mSettingsCreationBuildId != null) { globalSettings.insertSettingLocked(Settings.Global.DATABASE_CREATION_BUILDID, mSettingsCreationBuildId, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } globalSettings.persistSyncLocked(); } // Drop the database as now all is moved and persisted. if (DROP_DATABASE_ON_MIGRATION) { dbHelper.dropDatabase(); } else { dbHelper.backupDatabase(); } } private void migrateLegacySettingsLocked(SettingsState settingsState, SQLiteDatabase database, String table) { SQLiteQueryBuilder queryBuilder = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); queryBuilder.setTables(table); Cursor cursor = queryBuilder.query(database, ALL_COLUMNS, null, null, null, null, null); if (cursor == null) { return; } try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { return; } final int nameColumnIdx = cursor.getColumnIndex(Settings.NameValueTable.NAME); final int valueColumnIdx = cursor.getColumnIndex(Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE); settingsState.setVersionLocked(database.getVersion()); while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { String name = cursor.getString(nameColumnIdx); String value = cursor.getString(valueColumnIdx); settingsState.insertSettingLocked(name, value, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); cursor.moveToNext(); } } finally { cursor.close(); } } private void ensureSecureSettingAndroidIdSetLocked(SettingsState secureSettings) { Setting value = secureSettings.getSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); if (!value.isNull()) { return; } final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(secureSettings.mKey); final UserInfo user; final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { user = mUserManager.getUserInfo(userId); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } if (user == null) { // Can happen due to races when deleting users - treat as benign. return; } String androidId = Long.toHexString(new SecureRandom().nextLong()); secureSettings.insertSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID, androidId, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); Slog.d(LOG_TAG, "Generated and saved new ANDROID_ID [" + androidId + "] for user " + userId); // Write a drop box entry if it's a restricted profile if (user.isRestricted()) { DropBoxManager dbm = (DropBoxManager) getContext().getSystemService( Context.DROPBOX_SERVICE); if (dbm != null && dbm.isTagEnabled(DROPBOX_TAG_USERLOG)) { dbm.addText(DROPBOX_TAG_USERLOG, System.currentTimeMillis() + "," + DROPBOX_TAG_USERLOG + "," + androidId + "\n"); } } } private void notifyForSettingsChange(int key, String name) { // Increment the generation first, so observers always see the new value mGenerationRegistry.incrementGeneration(key); if (isGlobalSettingsKey(key)) { final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { if (Global.LOCATION_GLOBAL_KILL_SWITCH.equals(name)) { // When the global kill switch is updated, send the // change notification for the location setting. notifyLocationChangeForRunningUsers(); } notifyGlobalSettingChangeForRunningUsers(key, name); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token); } } else { final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(key); final Uri uri = getNotificationUriFor(key, name); mHandler.obtainMessage(MyHandler.MSG_NOTIFY_URI_CHANGED, userId, 0, uri).sendToTarget(); if (isSecureSettingsKey(key)) { maybeNotifyProfiles(getTypeFromKey(key), userId, uri, name, sSecureCloneToManagedSettings); maybeNotifyProfiles(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, userId, uri, name, sSystemCloneFromParentOnDependency.values()); } else if (isSystemSettingsKey(key)) { maybeNotifyProfiles(getTypeFromKey(key), userId, uri, name, sSystemCloneToManagedSettings); } } // Always notify that our data changed mHandler.obtainMessage(MyHandler.MSG_NOTIFY_DATA_CHANGED).sendToTarget(); } private void maybeNotifyProfiles(int type, int userId, Uri uri, String name, Collection<String> keysCloned) { if (keysCloned.contains(name)) { for (int profileId : mUserManager.getProfileIdsWithDisabled(userId)) { // the notification for userId has already been sent. if (profileId != userId) { final int key = makeKey(type, profileId); // Increment the generation first, so observers always see the new value mGenerationRegistry.incrementGeneration(key); mHandler.obtainMessage(MyHandler.MSG_NOTIFY_URI_CHANGED, profileId, 0, uri).sendToTarget(); } } } } private void notifyGlobalSettingChangeForRunningUsers(int key, String name) { // Important: No need to update generation for each user as there // is a singleton generation entry for the global settings which // is already incremented be the caller. final Uri uri = getNotificationUriFor(key, name); final List<UserInfo> users = mUserManager.getUsers(/*excludeDying*/ true); for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) { final int userId = users.get(i).id; if (mUserManager.isUserRunning(UserHandle.of(userId))) { mHandler.obtainMessage(MyHandler.MSG_NOTIFY_URI_CHANGED, userId, 0, uri).sendToTarget(); } } } private void notifyLocationChangeForRunningUsers() { final List<UserInfo> users = mUserManager.getUsers(/*excludeDying=*/ true); for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) { final int userId = users.get(i).id; if (!mUserManager.isUserRunning(UserHandle.of(userId))) { continue; } // Increment the generation first, so observers always see the new value final int key = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); mGenerationRegistry.incrementGeneration(key); final Uri uri = getNotificationUriFor(key, Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED); mHandler.obtainMessage(MyHandler.MSG_NOTIFY_URI_CHANGED, userId, 0, uri).sendToTarget(); } } private boolean isGlobalSettingsKey(int key) { return getTypeFromKey(key) == SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL; } private boolean isSystemSettingsKey(int key) { return getTypeFromKey(key) == SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM; } private boolean isSecureSettingsKey(int key) { return getTypeFromKey(key) == SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE; } private boolean isSsaidSettingsKey(int key) { return getTypeFromKey(key) == SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID; } private File getSettingsFile(int key) { if (isGlobalSettingsKey(key)) { final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(key); return new File(Environment.getUserSystemDirectory(userId), SETTINGS_FILE_GLOBAL); } else if (isSystemSettingsKey(key)) { final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(key); return new File(Environment.getUserSystemDirectory(userId), SETTINGS_FILE_SYSTEM); } else if (isSecureSettingsKey(key)) { final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(key); return new File(Environment.getUserSystemDirectory(userId), SETTINGS_FILE_SECURE); } else if (isSsaidSettingsKey(key)) { final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(key); return new File(Environment.getUserSystemDirectory(userId), SETTINGS_FILE_SSAID); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid settings key:" + key); } } private Uri getNotificationUriFor(int key, String name) { if (isGlobalSettingsKey(key)) { return (name != null) ? Uri.withAppendedPath(Settings.Global.CONTENT_URI, name) : Settings.Global.CONTENT_URI; } else if (isSecureSettingsKey(key)) { return (name != null) ? Uri.withAppendedPath(Settings.Secure.CONTENT_URI, name) : Settings.Secure.CONTENT_URI; } else if (isSystemSettingsKey(key)) { return (name != null) ? Uri.withAppendedPath(Settings.System.CONTENT_URI, name) : Settings.System.CONTENT_URI; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid settings key:" + key); } } private int getMaxBytesPerPackageForType(int type) { switch (type) { case SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL: case SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE: case SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID: { return SettingsState.MAX_BYTES_PER_APP_PACKAGE_UNLIMITED; } default: { return SettingsState.MAX_BYTES_PER_APP_PACKAGE_LIMITED; } } } private final class MyHandler extends Handler { private static final int MSG_NOTIFY_URI_CHANGED = 1; private static final int MSG_NOTIFY_DATA_CHANGED = 2; public MyHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_NOTIFY_URI_CHANGED: { final int userId = msg.arg1; Uri uri = (Uri) msg.obj; try { getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null, true, userId); } catch (SecurityException e) { Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "Failed to notify for " + userId + ": " + uri, e); } if (DEBUG || true) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "Notifying for " + userId + ": " + uri); } } break; case MSG_NOTIFY_DATA_CHANGED: { mBackupManager.dataChanged(); } break; } } } private final class UpgradeController { private static final int SETTINGS_VERSION = 169; private final int mUserId; public UpgradeController(int userId) { mUserId = userId; } public void upgradeIfNeededLocked() { // The version of all settings for a user is the same (all users have secure). SettingsState secureSettings = getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, mUserId); // Try an update from the current state. final int oldVersion = secureSettings.getVersionLocked(); final int newVersion = SETTINGS_VERSION; // If up do date - done. if (oldVersion == newVersion) { return; } // Try to upgrade. final int curVersion = onUpgradeLocked(mUserId, oldVersion, newVersion); // If upgrade failed start from scratch and upgrade. if (curVersion != newVersion) { // Drop state we have for this user. removeUserStateLocked(mUserId, true); // Recreate the database. DatabaseHelper dbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(getContext(), mUserId); SQLiteDatabase database = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); dbHelper.recreateDatabase(database, newVersion, curVersion, oldVersion); // Migrate the settings for this user. migrateLegacySettingsForUserLocked(dbHelper, database, mUserId); // Now upgrade should work fine. onUpgradeLocked(mUserId, oldVersion, newVersion); // Make a note what happened, so we don't wonder why data was lost String reason = "Settings rebuilt! Current version: " + curVersion + " while expected: " + newVersion; getGlobalSettingsLocked().insertSettingLocked( Settings.Global.DATABASE_DOWNGRADE_REASON, reason, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } // Set the global settings version if owner. if (mUserId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { SettingsState globalSettings = getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, mUserId); globalSettings.setVersionLocked(newVersion); } // Set the secure settings version. secureSettings.setVersionLocked(newVersion); // Set the system settings version. SettingsState systemSettings = getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, mUserId); systemSettings.setVersionLocked(newVersion); } private SettingsState getGlobalSettingsLocked() { return getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); } private SettingsState getSecureSettingsLocked(int userId) { return getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); } private SettingsState getSsaidSettingsLocked(int userId) { return getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId); } private SettingsState getSystemSettingsLocked(int userId) { return getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, userId); }
You must perform all necessary mutations to bring the settings for this user from the old to the new version. When you add a new upgrade step you *must* update SETTINGS_VERSION. This is an example of moving a setting from secure to global. // v119: Example settings changes. if (currentVersion == 118) { if (userId == UserHandle.USER_OWNER) { // Remove from the secure settings. SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); String name = "example_setting_to_move"; String value = secureSettings.getSetting(name); secureSettings.deleteSetting(name); // Add to the global settings. SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); globalSettings.insertSetting(name, value, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } // Update the current version. currentVersion = 119; }
/** * You must perform all necessary mutations to bring the settings * for this user from the old to the new version. When you add a new * upgrade step you *must* update SETTINGS_VERSION. * * This is an example of moving a setting from secure to global. * * // v119: Example settings changes. * if (currentVersion == 118) { * if (userId == UserHandle.USER_OWNER) { * // Remove from the secure settings. * SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); * String name = "example_setting_to_move"; * String value = secureSettings.getSetting(name); * secureSettings.deleteSetting(name); * * // Add to the global settings. * SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); * globalSettings.insertSetting(name, value, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); * } * * // Update the current version. * currentVersion = 119; * } */
private int onUpgradeLocked(int userId, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "Upgrading settings for user: " + userId + " from version: " + oldVersion + " to version: " + newVersion); } int currentVersion = oldVersion; // v119: Reset zen + ringer mode. if (currentVersion == 118) { if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); globalSettings.updateSettingLocked(Settings.Global.ZEN_MODE, Integer.toString(Settings.Global.ZEN_MODE_OFF), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); globalSettings.updateSettingLocked(Settings.Global.MODE_RINGER, Integer.toString(AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 119; } // v120: Add double tap to wake setting. if (currentVersion == 119) { SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); secureSettings.insertSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.DOUBLE_TAP_TO_WAKE, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_double_tap_to_wake) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); currentVersion = 120; } if (currentVersion == 120) { // Before 121, we used a different string encoding logic. We just bump the // version here; SettingsState knows how to handle pre-version 120 files. currentVersion = 121; } if (currentVersion == 121) { // Version 122: allow OEMs to set a default payment component in resources. // Note that we only write the default if no default has been set; // if there is, we just leave the default at whatever it currently is. final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); String defaultComponent = (getContext().getResources().getString( R.string.def_nfc_payment_component)); Setting currentSetting = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.NFC_PAYMENT_DEFAULT_COMPONENT); if (defaultComponent != null && !defaultComponent.isEmpty() && currentSetting.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.NFC_PAYMENT_DEFAULT_COMPONENT, defaultComponent, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 122; } if (currentVersion == 122) { // Version 123: Adding a default value for the ability to add a user from // the lock screen. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); Setting currentSetting = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Global.ADD_USERS_WHEN_LOCKED); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { globalSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Global.ADD_USERS_WHEN_LOCKED, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_add_users_from_lockscreen) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 123; } if (currentVersion == 123) { final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); String defaultDisabledProfiles = (getContext().getResources().getString( R.string.def_bluetooth_disabled_profiles)); globalSettings.insertSettingLocked(Settings.Global.BLUETOOTH_DISABLED_PROFILES, defaultDisabledProfiles, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); currentVersion = 124; } if (currentVersion == 124) { // Version 124: allow OEMs to set a default value for whether IME should be // shown when a physical keyboard is connected. final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); Setting currentSetting = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.SHOW_IME_WITH_HARD_KEYBOARD); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.SHOW_IME_WITH_HARD_KEYBOARD, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_show_ime_with_hard_keyboard) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 125; } if (currentVersion == 125) { // Version 125: Allow OEMs to set the default VR service. final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); Setting currentSetting = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.ENABLED_VR_LISTENERS); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { ArraySet<ComponentName> l = SystemConfig.getInstance().getDefaultVrComponents(); if (l != null && !l.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); boolean start = true; for (ComponentName c : l) { if (!start) { b.append(':'); } b.append(c.flattenToString()); start = false; } secureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.ENABLED_VR_LISTENERS, b.toString(), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 126; } if (currentVersion == 126) { // Version 126: copy the primary values of LOCK_SCREEN_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS and // LOCK_SCREEN_ALLOW_PRIVATE_NOTIFICATIONS into managed profile. if (mUserManager.isManagedProfile(userId)) { final SettingsState systemSecureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); final Setting showNotifications = systemSecureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS); if (!showNotifications.isNull()) { final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); secureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS, showNotifications.getValue(), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } final Setting allowPrivate = systemSecureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_ALLOW_PRIVATE_NOTIFICATIONS); if (!allowPrivate.isNull()) { final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); secureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_ALLOW_PRIVATE_NOTIFICATIONS, allowPrivate.getValue(), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 127; } if (currentVersion == 127) { // version 127 is no longer used. currentVersion = 128; } if (currentVersion == 128) { // Version 128: Removed currentVersion = 129; } if (currentVersion == 129) { // default longpress timeout changed from 500 to 400. If unchanged from the old // default, update to the new default. final SettingsState systemSecureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final String oldValue = systemSecureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT).getValue(); if (TextUtils.equals("500", oldValue)) { systemSecureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT, String.valueOf(getContext().getResources().getInteger( R.integer.def_long_press_timeout_millis)), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 130; } if (currentVersion == 130) { // Split Ambient settings final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); boolean dozeExplicitlyDisabled = "0".equals(secureSettings. getSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.DOZE_ENABLED).getValue()); if (dozeExplicitlyDisabled) { secureSettings.insertSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.DOZE_PULSE_ON_PICK_UP, "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); secureSettings.insertSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.DOZE_PULSE_ON_DOUBLE_TAP, "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 131; } if (currentVersion == 131) { // Initialize new multi-press timeout to default value final SettingsState systemSecureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final String oldValue = systemSecureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.MULTI_PRESS_TIMEOUT).getValue(); if (TextUtils.equals(null, oldValue)) { systemSecureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.MULTI_PRESS_TIMEOUT, String.valueOf(getContext().getResources().getInteger( R.integer.def_multi_press_timeout_millis)), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 132; } if (currentVersion == 132) { // Version 132: Allow managed profile to optionally use the parent's ringtones final SettingsState systemSecureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); String defaultSyncParentSounds = (getContext().getResources() .getBoolean(R.bool.def_sync_parent_sounds) ? "1" : "0"); systemSecureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.SYNC_PARENT_SOUNDS, defaultSyncParentSounds, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); currentVersion = 133; } if (currentVersion == 133) { // Version 133: Add default end button behavior final SettingsState systemSettings = getSystemSettingsLocked(userId); if (systemSettings.getSettingLocked(Settings.System.END_BUTTON_BEHAVIOR) == null) { String defaultEndButtonBehavior = Integer.toString(getContext() .getResources().getInteger(R.integer.def_end_button_behavior)); systemSettings.insertSettingLocked(Settings.System.END_BUTTON_BEHAVIOR, defaultEndButtonBehavior, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 134; } if (currentVersion == 134) { // Remove setting that specifies if magnification values should be preserved. // This setting defaulted to true and never has a UI. getSecureSettingsLocked(userId).deleteSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_MAGNIFICATION_AUTO_UPDATE); currentVersion = 135; } if (currentVersion == 135) { // Version 135 no longer used. currentVersion = 136; } if (currentVersion == 136) { // Version 136: Store legacy SSAID for all apps currently installed on the // device as first step in migrating SSAID to be unique per application. final boolean isUpgrade; try { isUpgrade = mPackageManager.isUpgrade(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Package manager not available"); } // Only retain legacy ssaid if the device is performing an OTA. After wiping // user data or first boot on a new device should use new ssaid generation. if (isUpgrade) { // Retrieve the legacy ssaid from the secure settings table. final Setting legacySsaidSetting = getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId, Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); if (legacySsaidSetting == null || legacySsaidSetting.isNull() || legacySsaidSetting.getValue() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Legacy ssaid not accessible"); } final String legacySsaid = legacySsaidSetting.getValue(); // Fill each uid with the legacy ssaid to be backwards compatible. final List<PackageInfo> packages; try { packages = mPackageManager.getInstalledPackages( PackageManager.MATCH_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES, userId).getList(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Package manager not available"); } final SettingsState ssaidSettings = getSsaidSettingsLocked(userId); for (PackageInfo info : packages) { // Check if the UID already has an entry in the table. final String uid = Integer.toString(info.applicationInfo.uid); final Setting ssaid = ssaidSettings.getSettingLocked(uid); if (ssaid.isNull() || ssaid.getValue() == null) { // Android Id doesn't exist for this package so create it. ssaidSettings.insertSettingLocked(uid, legacySsaid, null, true, info.packageName); if (DEBUG) { Slog.d(LOG_TAG, "Keep the legacy ssaid for uid=" + uid); } } } } currentVersion = 137; } if (currentVersion == 137) { // Version 138: Settings.Secure#INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS is deprecated and its // default value set to 1. The user can no longer change the value of this // setting through the UI. final SettingsState secureSetting = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); if (!mUserManager.hasUserRestriction( UserManager.DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES, UserHandle.of(userId)) && secureSetting.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS).getValue().equals("0")) { secureSetting.insertSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS, "1", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); // For managed profiles with profile owners, DevicePolicyManagerService // may want to set the user restriction in this case secureSetting.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.UNKNOWN_SOURCES_DEFAULT_REVERSED, "1", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 138; } if (currentVersion == 138) { // Version 139: Removed. currentVersion = 139; } if (currentVersion == 139) { // Version 140: Settings.Secure#ACCESSIBILITY_SPEAK_PASSWORD is deprecated and // the user can no longer change the value of this setting through the UI. // Force to true. final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); secureSettings.updateSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_SPEAK_PASSWORD, "1", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); currentVersion = 140; } if (currentVersion == 140) { // Version 141: Removed currentVersion = 141; } if (currentVersion == 141) { // This implementation was incorrectly setting the current value of // settings changed by non-system packages as the default which default // is set by the system. We add a new upgrade step at the end to properly // handle this case which would also fix incorrect changes made by the // old implementation of this step. currentVersion = 142; } if (currentVersion == 142) { // Version 143: Set a default value for Wi-Fi wakeup feature. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); Setting currentSetting = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Global.WIFI_WAKEUP_ENABLED); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { globalSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Global.WIFI_WAKEUP_ENABLED, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_wifi_wakeup_enabled) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 143; } if (currentVersion == 143) { // Version 144: Set a default value for Autofill service. final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting currentSetting = secureSettings .getSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.AUTOFILL_SERVICE); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { final String defaultValue = getContext().getResources().getString( com.android.internal.R.string.config_defaultAutofillService); if (defaultValue != null) { Slog.d(LOG_TAG, "Setting [" + defaultValue + "] as Autofill Service " + "for user " + userId); secureSettings.insertSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.AUTOFILL_SERVICE, defaultValue, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 144; } if (currentVersion == 144) { // Version 145: Removed currentVersion = 145; } if (currentVersion == 145) { // Version 146: In step 142 we had a bug where incorrectly // some settings were considered system set and as a result // made the default and marked as the default being set by // the system. Here reevaluate the default and default system // set flags. This would both fix corruption by the old impl // of step 142 and also properly handle devices which never // run 142. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); ensureLegacyDefaultValueAndSystemSetUpdatedLocked(globalSettings, userId); globalSettings.persistSyncLocked(); } SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(mUserId); ensureLegacyDefaultValueAndSystemSetUpdatedLocked(secureSettings, userId); secureSettings.persistSyncLocked(); SettingsState systemSettings = getSystemSettingsLocked(mUserId); ensureLegacyDefaultValueAndSystemSetUpdatedLocked(systemSettings, userId); systemSettings.persistSyncLocked(); currentVersion = 146; } if (currentVersion == 146) { // Version 147: Removed. (This version previously allowed showing the // "wifi_wakeup_available" setting). // The setting that was added here is deleted in 153. currentVersion = 147; } if (currentVersion == 147) { // Version 148: Set the default value for DEFAULT_RESTRICT_BACKGROUND_DATA. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final Setting currentSetting = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.DEFAULT_RESTRICT_BACKGROUND_DATA); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { globalSettings.insertSettingLocked( Global.DEFAULT_RESTRICT_BACKGROUND_DATA, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_restrict_background_data) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 148; } if (currentVersion == 148) { // Version 149: Set the default value for BACKUP_MANAGER_CONSTANTS. final SettingsState systemSecureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final String oldValue = systemSecureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.BACKUP_MANAGER_CONSTANTS).getValue(); if (TextUtils.equals(null, oldValue)) { final String defaultValue = getContext().getResources().getString( R.string.def_backup_manager_constants); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultValue)) { systemSecureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.BACKUP_MANAGER_CONSTANTS, defaultValue, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 149; } if (currentVersion == 149) { // Version 150: Set a default value for mobile data always on final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final Setting currentSetting = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Global.MOBILE_DATA_ALWAYS_ON); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { globalSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Global.MOBILE_DATA_ALWAYS_ON, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_mobile_data_always_on) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 150; } if (currentVersion == 150) { // Version 151: Removed. currentVersion = 151; } if (currentVersion == 151) { // Version 152: Removed. (This version made the setting for wifi_wakeup enabled // by default but it is now no longer configurable). // The setting updated here is deleted in 153. currentVersion = 152; } if (currentVersion == 152) { getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked("wifi_wakeup_available"); currentVersion = 153; } if (currentVersion == 153) { // Version 154: Read notification badge configuration from config. // If user has already set the value, don't do anything. final SettingsState systemSecureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting showNotificationBadges = systemSecureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.NOTIFICATION_BADGING); if (showNotificationBadges.isNull()) { final boolean defaultValue = getContext().getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_notificationBadging); systemSecureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Secure.NOTIFICATION_BADGING, defaultValue ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 154; } if (currentVersion == 154) { // Version 155: Set the default value for BACKUP_LOCAL_TRANSPORT_PARAMETERS. final SettingsState systemSecureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final String oldValue = systemSecureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.BACKUP_LOCAL_TRANSPORT_PARAMETERS).getValue(); if (TextUtils.equals(null, oldValue)) { final String defaultValue = getContext().getResources().getString( R.string.def_backup_local_transport_parameters); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultValue)) { systemSecureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.BACKUP_LOCAL_TRANSPORT_PARAMETERS, defaultValue, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 155; } if (currentVersion == 155) { // Version 156: Set the default value for CHARGING_STARTED_SOUND. final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final String oldValue = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.CHARGING_STARTED_SOUND).getValue(); final String oldDefault = getContext().getResources().getString( R.string.def_wireless_charging_started_sound); if (TextUtils.equals(null, oldValue) || TextUtils.equals(oldValue, oldDefault)) { final String defaultValue = getContext().getResources().getString( R.string.def_charging_started_sound); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultValue)) { globalSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Global.CHARGING_STARTED_SOUND, defaultValue, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 156; } if (currentVersion == 156) { // Version 157: Set a default value for zen duration final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final Setting currentSetting = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.ZEN_DURATION); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { String defaultZenDuration = Integer.toString(getContext() .getResources().getInteger(R.integer.def_zen_duration)); globalSettings.insertSettingLocked( Global.ZEN_DURATION, defaultZenDuration, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 157; } if (currentVersion == 157) { // Version 158: Set default value for BACKUP_AGENT_TIMEOUT_PARAMETERS. final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final String oldValue = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Global.BACKUP_AGENT_TIMEOUT_PARAMETERS).getValue(); if (TextUtils.equals(null, oldValue)) { final String defaultValue = getContext().getResources().getString( R.string.def_backup_agent_timeout_parameters); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultValue)) { globalSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Global.BACKUP_AGENT_TIMEOUT_PARAMETERS, defaultValue, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 158; } if (currentVersion == 158) { // Remove setting that specifies wifi bgscan throttling params getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "wifi_scan_background_throttle_interval_ms"); getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "wifi_scan_background_throttle_package_whitelist"); currentVersion = 159; } if (currentVersion == 159) { // Version 160: Hiding notifications from the lockscreen is only available as // primary user option, profiles can only make them redacted. If a profile was // configured to not show lockscreen notifications, ensure that at the very // least these will be come hidden. if (mUserManager.isManagedProfile(userId)) { final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); Setting showNotifications = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS); // The default value is "1", check if user has turned it off. if ("0".equals(showNotifications.getValue())) { secureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_ALLOW_PRIVATE_NOTIFICATIONS, "0", null /* tag */, false /* makeDefault */, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } // The setting is no longer valid for managed profiles, it should be // treated as if it was set to "1". secureSettings.deleteSettingLocked(Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS); } currentVersion = 160; } if (currentVersion == 160) { // Version 161: Set the default value for // MAX_SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OPS_PER_DAY and // SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OP_TIMEOUT final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); String oldValue = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.MAX_SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OPS_PER_DAY).getValue(); if (TextUtils.equals(null, oldValue)) { globalSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Global.MAX_SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OPS_PER_DAY, Integer.toString(getContext().getResources().getInteger( R.integer.def_max_sound_trigger_detection_service_ops_per_day)), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } oldValue = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OP_TIMEOUT).getValue(); if (TextUtils.equals(null, oldValue)) { globalSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Global.SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OP_TIMEOUT, Integer.toString(getContext().getResources().getInteger( R.integer.def_sound_trigger_detection_service_op_timeout)), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 161; } if (currentVersion == 161) { // Version 161: Add a gesture for silencing phones final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting currentSetting = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.VOLUME_HUSH_GESTURE); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Secure.VOLUME_HUSH_GESTURE, Integer.toString(Secure.VOLUME_HUSH_VIBRATE), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 162; } if (currentVersion == 162) { // Version 162: REMOVED: Add a gesture for silencing phones currentVersion = 163; } if (currentVersion == 163) { // Version 163: Update default value of // MAX_SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OPS_PER_DAY from old to new default final SettingsState settings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final Setting currentSetting = settings.getSettingLocked( Global.MAX_SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OPS_PER_DAY); if (currentSetting.isDefaultFromSystem()) { settings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Global.MAX_SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OPS_PER_DAY, Integer.toString(getContext().getResources().getInteger( R.integer .def_max_sound_trigger_detection_service_ops_per_day)), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 164; } if (currentVersion == 164) { // Version 164: show zen upgrade notification final SettingsState settings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final Setting currentSetting = settings.getSettingLocked( Global.SHOW_ZEN_UPGRADE_NOTIFICATION); if (!currentSetting.isNull() && TextUtils.equals("0", currentSetting.getValue())) { settings.insertSettingLocked( Global.SHOW_ZEN_UPGRADE_NOTIFICATION, "1", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 165; } if (currentVersion == 165) { // Version 165: Show zen settings suggestion and zen updated final SettingsState settings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final Setting currentSetting = settings.getSettingLocked( Global.SHOW_ZEN_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { settings.insertSettingLocked( Global.SHOW_ZEN_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION, "1", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } final Setting currentUpdatedSetting = settings.getSettingLocked( Global.ZEN_SETTINGS_UPDATED); if (currentUpdatedSetting.isNull()) { settings.insertSettingLocked( Global.ZEN_SETTINGS_UPDATED, "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } final Setting currentSettingSuggestionViewed = settings.getSettingLocked( Global.ZEN_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION_VIEWED); if (currentSettingSuggestionViewed.isNull()) { settings.insertSettingLocked( Global.ZEN_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION_VIEWED, "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 166; } if (currentVersion == 166) { // Version 166: add default values for hush gesture used and manual ringer // toggle final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); Setting currentHushUsedSetting = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.HUSH_GESTURE_USED); if (currentHushUsedSetting.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.HUSH_GESTURE_USED, "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } Setting currentRingerToggleCountSetting = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.MANUAL_RINGER_TOGGLE_COUNT); if (currentRingerToggleCountSetting.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.MANUAL_RINGER_TOGGLE_COUNT, "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 167; } if (currentVersion == 167) { // Version 167: by default, vibrate for wireless charging final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final Setting currentSetting = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.CHARGING_VIBRATION_ENABLED); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { globalSettings.insertSettingLocked( Global.CHARGING_VIBRATION_ENABLED, "1", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 168; } if (currentVersion == 168) { // Version 168: by default, vibrate for phone calls final SettingsState systemSettings = getSystemSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting currentSetting = systemSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.System.VIBRATE_WHEN_RINGING); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { systemSettings.insertSettingLocked( Settings.System.VIBRATE_WHEN_RINGING, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_vibrate_when_ringing) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 169; } // vXXX: Add new settings above this point. if (currentVersion != newVersion) { Slog.wtf("SettingsProvider", "warning: upgrading settings database to version " + newVersion + " left it at " + currentVersion + " instead; this is probably a bug. Did you update SETTINGS_VERSION?", new Throwable()); if (DEBUG) { throw new RuntimeException("db upgrade error"); } } // Return the current version. return currentVersion; } } private void ensureLegacyDefaultValueAndSystemSetUpdatedLocked(SettingsState settings, int userId) { List<String> names = settings.getSettingNamesLocked(); final int nameCount = names.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) { String name = names.get(i); Setting setting = settings.getSettingLocked(name); // In the upgrade case we pretend the call is made from the app // that made the last change to the setting to properly determine // whether the call has been made by a system component. int callingUid = -1; try { callingUid = mPackageManager.getPackageUid(setting.getPackageName(), 0, userId); } catch (RemoteException e) { /* ignore - handled below */ } if (callingUid < 0) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Unknown package: " + setting.getPackageName()); continue; } try { final boolean systemSet = SettingsState.isSystemPackage(getContext(), setting.getPackageName(), callingUid); if (systemSet) { settings.insertSettingLocked(name, setting.getValue(), setting.getTag(), true, setting.getPackageName()); } else if (setting.getDefaultValue() != null && setting.isDefaultFromSystem()) { // We had a bug where changes by non-system packages were marked // as system made and as a result set as the default. Therefore, if // the package changed the setting last is not a system one but the // setting is marked as its default coming from the system we clear // the default and clear the system set flag. settings.resetSettingDefaultValueLocked(name); } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // If the package goes over its quota during the upgrade, don't // crash but just log the error as the system does the upgrade. Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error upgrading setting: " + setting.getName(), e); } } } } }