 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package android.view.textclassifier;

import android.annotation.FloatRange;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.IntRange;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.app.RemoteAction;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
import android.graphics.drawable.AdaptiveIconDrawable;
import android.graphics.drawable.BitmapDrawable;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.graphics.drawable.Icon;
import android.os.LocaleList;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.view.textclassifier.TextClassifier.EntityType;
import android.view.textclassifier.TextClassifier.Utils;

import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

Information for generating a widget to handle classified text.

A TextClassification object contains icons, labels, onClickListeners and intents that may be used to build a widget that can be used to act on classified text. There is the concept of a primary action and other secondary actions.

e.g. building a view that, when clicked, shares the classified text with the preferred app:

  // Called preferably outside the UiThread.
  TextClassification classification = textClassifier.classifyText(allText, 10, 25);
  // Called on the UiThread.
  Button button = new Button(context);
  button.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(classification.getIcon(), null, null, null);
  button.setOnClickListener(v -> classification.getActions().get(0).getActionIntent().send());

e.g. starting an action mode with menu items that can handle the classified text:

  // Called preferably outside the UiThread.
  final TextClassification classification = textClassifier.classifyText(allText, 10, 25);
  // Called on the UiThread.
  view.startActionMode(new ActionMode.Callback() {
      public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) {
          for (int i = 0; i < classification.getActions().size(); ++i) {
             RemoteAction action = classification.getActions().get(i);
             menu.add(Menu.NONE, i, 20, action.getTitle())
          return true;
      public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) {
          return true;
/** * Information for generating a widget to handle classified text. * * <p>A TextClassification object contains icons, labels, onClickListeners and intents that may * be used to build a widget that can be used to act on classified text. There is the concept of a * <i>primary action</i> and other <i>secondary actions</i>. * * <p>e.g. building a view that, when clicked, shares the classified text with the preferred app: * * <pre>{@code * // Called preferably outside the UiThread. * TextClassification classification = textClassifier.classifyText(allText, 10, 25); * * // Called on the UiThread. * Button button = new Button(context); * button.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(classification.getIcon(), null, null, null); * button.setText(classification.getLabel()); * button.setOnClickListener(v -> classification.getActions().get(0).getActionIntent().send()); * }</pre> * * <p>e.g. starting an action mode with menu items that can handle the classified text: * * <pre>{@code * // Called preferably outside the UiThread. * final TextClassification classification = textClassifier.classifyText(allText, 10, 25); * * // Called on the UiThread. * view.startActionMode(new ActionMode.Callback() { * * public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { * for (int i = 0; i < classification.getActions().size(); ++i) { * RemoteAction action = classification.getActions().get(i); * menu.add(Menu.NONE, i, 20, action.getTitle()) * .setIcon(action.getIcon()); * } * return true; * } * * public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { * classification.getActions().get(item.getItemId()).getActionIntent().send(); * return true; * } * * ... * }); * }</pre> */
public final class TextClassification implements Parcelable {
/** * @hide */
public static final TextClassification EMPTY = new TextClassification.Builder().build(); private static final String LOG_TAG = "TextClassification"; // TODO(toki): investigate a way to derive this based on device properties. private static final int MAX_LEGACY_ICON_SIZE = 192; @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef(value = {IntentType.UNSUPPORTED, IntentType.ACTIVITY, IntentType.SERVICE}) private @interface IntentType { int UNSUPPORTED = -1; int ACTIVITY = 0; int SERVICE = 1; } @NonNull private final String mText; @Nullable private final Drawable mLegacyIcon; @Nullable private final String mLegacyLabel; @Nullable private final Intent mLegacyIntent; @Nullable private final OnClickListener mLegacyOnClickListener; @NonNull private final List<RemoteAction> mActions; @NonNull private final EntityConfidence mEntityConfidence; @Nullable private final String mId; private TextClassification( @Nullable String text, @Nullable Drawable legacyIcon, @Nullable String legacyLabel, @Nullable Intent legacyIntent, @Nullable OnClickListener legacyOnClickListener, @NonNull List<RemoteAction> actions, @NonNull Map<String, Float> entityConfidence, @Nullable String id) { mText = text; mLegacyIcon = legacyIcon; mLegacyLabel = legacyLabel; mLegacyIntent = legacyIntent; mLegacyOnClickListener = legacyOnClickListener; mActions = Collections.unmodifiableList(actions); mEntityConfidence = new EntityConfidence(entityConfidence); mId = id; }
Gets the classified text.
/** * Gets the classified text. */
@Nullable public String getText() { return mText; }
Returns the number of entities found in the classified text.
/** * Returns the number of entities found in the classified text. */
@IntRange(from = 0) public int getEntityCount() { return mEntityConfidence.getEntities().size(); }
Returns the entity at the specified index. Entities are ordered from high confidence to low confidence.
  • IndexOutOfBoundsException – if the specified index is out of range.
See Also:
/** * Returns the entity at the specified index. Entities are ordered from high confidence * to low confidence. * * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is out of range. * @see #getEntityCount() for the number of entities available. */
@NonNull public @EntityType String getEntity(int index) { return mEntityConfidence.getEntities().get(index); }
Returns the confidence score for the specified entity. The value ranges from 0 (low confidence) to 1 (high confidence). 0 indicates that the entity was not found for the classified text.
/** * Returns the confidence score for the specified entity. The value ranges from * 0 (low confidence) to 1 (high confidence). 0 indicates that the entity was not found for the * classified text. */
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) public float getConfidenceScore(@EntityType String entity) { return mEntityConfidence.getConfidenceScore(entity); }
Returns a list of actions that may be performed on the text. The list is ordered based on the likelihood that a user will use the action, with the most likely action appearing first.
/** * Returns a list of actions that may be performed on the text. The list is ordered based on * the likelihood that a user will use the action, with the most likely action appearing first. */
public List<RemoteAction> getActions() { return mActions; }
Returns an icon that may be rendered on a widget used to act on the classified text.

NOTE: This field is not parcelable and only represents the icon of the first RemoteAction (if one exists) when this object is read from a parcel.

Deprecated:Use getActions() instead.
/** * Returns an icon that may be rendered on a widget used to act on the classified text. * * <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>This field is not parcelable and only represents the icon of the * first {@link RemoteAction} (if one exists) when this object is read from a parcel. * * @deprecated Use {@link #getActions()} instead. */
@Deprecated @Nullable public Drawable getIcon() { return mLegacyIcon; }
Returns a label that may be rendered on a widget used to act on the classified text.

NOTE: This field is not parcelable and only represents the label of the first RemoteAction (if one exists) when this object is read from a parcel.

Deprecated:Use getActions() instead.
/** * Returns a label that may be rendered on a widget used to act on the classified text. * * <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>This field is not parcelable and only represents the label of the * first {@link RemoteAction} (if one exists) when this object is read from a parcel. * * @deprecated Use {@link #getActions()} instead. */
@Deprecated @Nullable public CharSequence getLabel() { return mLegacyLabel; }
Returns an intent that may be fired to act on the classified text.

NOTE: This field is not parcelled and will always return null when this object is read from a parcel.

Deprecated:Use getActions() instead.
/** * Returns an intent that may be fired to act on the classified text. * * <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>This field is not parcelled and will always return null when this * object is read from a parcel. * * @deprecated Use {@link #getActions()} instead. */
@Deprecated @Nullable public Intent getIntent() { return mLegacyIntent; }
Returns the OnClickListener that may be triggered to act on the classified text.

NOTE: This field is not parcelable and only represents the first RemoteAction (if one exists) when this object is read from a parcel.

Deprecated:Use getActions() instead.
/** * Returns the OnClickListener that may be triggered to act on the classified text. * * <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>This field is not parcelable and only represents the first * {@link RemoteAction} (if one exists) when this object is read from a parcel. * * @deprecated Use {@link #getActions()} instead. */
@Nullable public OnClickListener getOnClickListener() { return mLegacyOnClickListener; }
Returns the id, if one exists, for this object.
/** * Returns the id, if one exists, for this object. */
@Nullable public String getId() { return mId; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format(Locale.US, "TextClassification {text=%s, entities=%s, actions=%s, id=%s}", mText, mEntityConfidence, mActions, mId); }
Creates an OnClickListener that triggers the specified PendingIntent.
/** * Creates an OnClickListener that triggers the specified PendingIntent. * * @hide */
public static OnClickListener createIntentOnClickListener(@NonNull final PendingIntent intent) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(intent); return v -> { try { intent.send(); } catch (PendingIntent.CanceledException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error sending PendingIntent", e); } }; }
Creates a PendingIntent for the specified intent. Returns null if the intent is not supported for the specified context.
  • IllegalArgumentException – if context or intent is null
/** * Creates a PendingIntent for the specified intent. * Returns null if the intent is not supported for the specified context. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if context or intent is null * @hide */
@Nullable public static PendingIntent createPendingIntent( @NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final Intent intent, int requestCode) { final int flags = PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT; switch (getIntentType(intent, context)) { case IntentType.ACTIVITY: return PendingIntent.getActivity(context, requestCode, intent, flags); case IntentType.SERVICE: return PendingIntent.getService(context, requestCode, intent, flags); default: return null; } } @IntentType private static int getIntentType(@NonNull Intent intent, @NonNull Context context) { Preconditions.checkArgument(context != null); Preconditions.checkArgument(intent != null); final ResolveInfo activityRI = context.getPackageManager().resolveActivity(intent, 0); if (activityRI != null) { if (context.getPackageName().equals(activityRI.activityInfo.packageName)) { return IntentType.ACTIVITY; } final boolean exported = activityRI.activityInfo.exported; if (exported && hasPermission(context, activityRI.activityInfo.permission)) { return IntentType.ACTIVITY; } } final ResolveInfo serviceRI = context.getPackageManager().resolveService(intent, 0); if (serviceRI != null) { if (context.getPackageName().equals(serviceRI.serviceInfo.packageName)) { return IntentType.SERVICE; } final boolean exported = serviceRI.serviceInfo.exported; if (exported && hasPermission(context, serviceRI.serviceInfo.permission)) { return IntentType.SERVICE; } } return IntentType.UNSUPPORTED; } private static boolean hasPermission(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String permission) { return permission == null || context.checkSelfPermission(permission) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; }
Builder for building TextClassification objects.


  TextClassification classification = new TextClassification.Builder()
         .setEntityType(TextClassifier.TYPE_EMAIL, 0.9)
         .setEntityType(TextClassifier.TYPE_OTHER, 0.1)
/** * Builder for building {@link TextClassification} objects. * * <p>e.g. * * <pre>{@code * TextClassification classification = new TextClassification.Builder() * .setText(classifiedText) * .setEntityType(TextClassifier.TYPE_EMAIL, 0.9) * .setEntityType(TextClassifier.TYPE_OTHER, 0.1) * .addAction(remoteAction1) * .addAction(remoteAction2) * .build(); * }</pre> */
public static final class Builder { @NonNull private List<RemoteAction> mActions = new ArrayList<>(); @NonNull private final Map<String, Float> mEntityConfidence = new ArrayMap<>(); @Nullable private String mText; @Nullable private Drawable mLegacyIcon; @Nullable private String mLegacyLabel; @Nullable private Intent mLegacyIntent; @Nullable private OnClickListener mLegacyOnClickListener; @Nullable private String mId;
Sets the classified text.
/** * Sets the classified text. */
@NonNull public Builder setText(@Nullable String text) { mText = text; return this; }
Sets an entity type for the classification result and assigns a confidence score. If a confidence score had already been set for the specified entity type, this will override that score.
  • confidenceScore – a value from 0 (low confidence) to 1 (high confidence). 0 implies the entity does not exist for the classified text. Values greater than 1 are clamped to 1.
/** * Sets an entity type for the classification result and assigns a confidence score. * If a confidence score had already been set for the specified entity type, this will * override that score. * * @param confidenceScore a value from 0 (low confidence) to 1 (high confidence). * 0 implies the entity does not exist for the classified text. * Values greater than 1 are clamped to 1. */
@NonNull public Builder setEntityType( @NonNull @EntityType String type, @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) float confidenceScore) { mEntityConfidence.put(type, confidenceScore); return this; }
Adds an action that may be performed on the classified text. Actions should be added in order of likelihood that the user will use them, with the most likely action being added first.
/** * Adds an action that may be performed on the classified text. Actions should be added in * order of likelihood that the user will use them, with the most likely action being added * first. */
@NonNull public Builder addAction(@NonNull RemoteAction action) { Preconditions.checkArgument(action != null); mActions.add(action); return this; }
Sets the icon for the primary action that may be rendered on a widget used to act on the classified text.

NOTE: This field is not parcelled. If read from a parcel, the returned icon represents the icon of the first RemoteAction (if one exists).

Deprecated:Use addAction(RemoteAction) instead.
/** * Sets the icon for the <i>primary</i> action that may be rendered on a widget used to act * on the classified text. * * <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>This field is not parcelled. If read from a parcel, the * returned icon represents the icon of the first {@link RemoteAction} (if one exists). * * @deprecated Use {@link #addAction(RemoteAction)} instead. */
@Deprecated @NonNull public Builder setIcon(@Nullable Drawable icon) { mLegacyIcon = icon; return this; }
Sets the label for the primary action that may be rendered on a widget used to act on the classified text.

NOTE: This field is not parcelled. If read from a parcel, the returned label represents the label of the first RemoteAction (if one exists).

Deprecated:Use addAction(RemoteAction) instead.
/** * Sets the label for the <i>primary</i> action that may be rendered on a widget used to * act on the classified text. * * <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>This field is not parcelled. If read from a parcel, the * returned label represents the label of the first {@link RemoteAction} (if one exists). * * @deprecated Use {@link #addAction(RemoteAction)} instead. */
@Deprecated @NonNull public Builder setLabel(@Nullable String label) { mLegacyLabel = label; return this; }
Sets the intent for the primary action that may be fired to act on the classified text.

NOTE: This field is not parcelled.

Deprecated:Use addAction(RemoteAction) instead.
/** * Sets the intent for the <i>primary</i> action that may be fired to act on the classified * text. * * <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>This field is not parcelled. * * @deprecated Use {@link #addAction(RemoteAction)} instead. */
@Deprecated @NonNull public Builder setIntent(@Nullable Intent intent) { mLegacyIntent = intent; return this; }
Sets the OnClickListener for the primary action that may be triggered to act on the classified text.

NOTE: This field is not parcelable. If read from a parcel, the returned OnClickListener represents the first RemoteAction (if one exists).

Deprecated:Use addAction(RemoteAction) instead.
/** * Sets the OnClickListener for the <i>primary</i> action that may be triggered to act on * the classified text. * * <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>This field is not parcelable. If read from a parcel, the * returned OnClickListener represents the first {@link RemoteAction} (if one exists). * * @deprecated Use {@link #addAction(RemoteAction)} instead. */
@Deprecated @NonNull public Builder setOnClickListener(@Nullable OnClickListener onClickListener) { mLegacyOnClickListener = onClickListener; return this; }
Sets an id for the TextClassification object.
/** * Sets an id for the TextClassification object. */
@NonNull public Builder setId(@Nullable String id) { mId = id; return this; }
Builds and returns a TextClassification object.
/** * Builds and returns a {@link TextClassification} object. */
@NonNull public TextClassification build() { return new TextClassification(mText, mLegacyIcon, mLegacyLabel, mLegacyIntent, mLegacyOnClickListener, mActions, mEntityConfidence, mId); } }
A request object for generating TextClassification.
/** * A request object for generating TextClassification. */
public static final class Request implements Parcelable { private final CharSequence mText; private final int mStartIndex; private final int mEndIndex; @Nullable private final LocaleList mDefaultLocales; @Nullable private final ZonedDateTime mReferenceTime; private Request( CharSequence text, int startIndex, int endIndex, LocaleList defaultLocales, ZonedDateTime referenceTime) { mText = text; mStartIndex = startIndex; mEndIndex = endIndex; mDefaultLocales = defaultLocales; mReferenceTime = referenceTime; }
Returns the text providing context for the text to classify (which is specified by the sub sequence starting at startIndex and ending at endIndex)
/** * Returns the text providing context for the text to classify (which is specified * by the sub sequence starting at startIndex and ending at endIndex) */
@NonNull public CharSequence getText() { return mText; }
Returns start index of the text to classify.
/** * Returns start index of the text to classify. */
@IntRange(from = 0) public int getStartIndex() { return mStartIndex; }
Returns end index of the text to classify.
/** * Returns end index of the text to classify. */
@IntRange(from = 0) public int getEndIndex() { return mEndIndex; }
Returns:ordered list of locale preferences that can be used to disambiguate the provided text.
/** * @return ordered list of locale preferences that can be used to disambiguate * the provided text. */
@Nullable public LocaleList getDefaultLocales() { return mDefaultLocales; }
Returns:reference time based on which relative dates (e.g. "tomorrow") should be interpreted.
/** * @return reference time based on which relative dates (e.g. "tomorrow") should be * interpreted. */
@Nullable public ZonedDateTime getReferenceTime() { return mReferenceTime; }
A builder for building TextClassification requests.
/** * A builder for building TextClassification requests. */
public static final class Builder { private final CharSequence mText; private final int mStartIndex; private final int mEndIndex; @Nullable private LocaleList mDefaultLocales; @Nullable private ZonedDateTime mReferenceTime;
  • text – text providing context for the text to classify (which is specified by the sub sequence starting at startIndex and ending at endIndex)
  • startIndex – start index of the text to classify
  • endIndex – end index of the text to classify
/** * @param text text providing context for the text to classify (which is specified * by the sub sequence starting at startIndex and ending at endIndex) * @param startIndex start index of the text to classify * @param endIndex end index of the text to classify */
public Builder( @NonNull CharSequence text, @IntRange(from = 0) int startIndex, @IntRange(from = 0) int endIndex) { Utils.checkArgument(text, startIndex, endIndex); mText = text; mStartIndex = startIndex; mEndIndex = endIndex; }
  • defaultLocales – ordered list of locale preferences that may be used to disambiguate the provided text. If no locale preferences exist, set this to null or an empty locale list.
Returns:this builder
/** * @param defaultLocales ordered list of locale preferences that may be used to * disambiguate the provided text. If no locale preferences exist, set this to null * or an empty locale list. * * @return this builder */
@NonNull public Builder setDefaultLocales(@Nullable LocaleList defaultLocales) { mDefaultLocales = defaultLocales; return this; }
  • referenceTime – reference time based on which relative dates (e.g. "tomorrow" should be interpreted. This should usually be the time when the text was originally composed. If no reference time is set, now is used.
Returns:this builder
/** * @param referenceTime reference time based on which relative dates (e.g. "tomorrow" * should be interpreted. This should usually be the time when the text was * originally composed. If no reference time is set, now is used. * * @return this builder */
@NonNull public Builder setReferenceTime(@Nullable ZonedDateTime referenceTime) { mReferenceTime = referenceTime; return this; }
Builds and returns the request object.
/** * Builds and returns the request object. */
@NonNull public Request build() { return new Request(mText, mStartIndex, mEndIndex, mDefaultLocales, mReferenceTime); } } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeString(mText.toString()); dest.writeInt(mStartIndex); dest.writeInt(mEndIndex); dest.writeInt(mDefaultLocales != null ? 1 : 0); if (mDefaultLocales != null) { mDefaultLocales.writeToParcel(dest, flags); } dest.writeInt(mReferenceTime != null ? 1 : 0); if (mReferenceTime != null) { dest.writeString(mReferenceTime.toString()); } } public static final Parcelable.Creator<Request> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<Request>() { @Override public Request createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new Request(in); } @Override public Request[] newArray(int size) { return new Request[size]; } }; private Request(Parcel in) { mText = in.readString(); mStartIndex = in.readInt(); mEndIndex = in.readInt(); mDefaultLocales = in.readInt() == 0 ? null : LocaleList.CREATOR.createFromParcel(in); mReferenceTime = in.readInt() == 0 ? null : ZonedDateTime.parse(in.readString()); } } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeString(mText); // NOTE: legacy fields are not parcelled. dest.writeTypedList(mActions); mEntityConfidence.writeToParcel(dest, flags); dest.writeString(mId); } public static final Parcelable.Creator<TextClassification> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<TextClassification>() { @Override public TextClassification createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new TextClassification(in); } @Override public TextClassification[] newArray(int size) { return new TextClassification[size]; } }; private TextClassification(Parcel in) { mText = in.readString(); mActions = in.createTypedArrayList(RemoteAction.CREATOR); if (!mActions.isEmpty()) { final RemoteAction action = mActions.get(0); mLegacyIcon = maybeLoadDrawable(action.getIcon()); mLegacyLabel = action.getTitle().toString(); mLegacyOnClickListener = createIntentOnClickListener(mActions.get(0).getActionIntent()); } else { mLegacyIcon = null; mLegacyLabel = null; mLegacyOnClickListener = null; } mLegacyIntent = null; // mLegacyIntent is not parcelled. mEntityConfidence = EntityConfidence.CREATOR.createFromParcel(in); mId = in.readString(); } // Best effort attempt to try to load a drawable from the provided icon. @Nullable private static Drawable maybeLoadDrawable(Icon icon) { if (icon == null) { return null; } switch (icon.getType()) { case Icon.TYPE_BITMAP: return new BitmapDrawable(Resources.getSystem(), icon.getBitmap()); case Icon.TYPE_ADAPTIVE_BITMAP: return new AdaptiveIconDrawable(null, new BitmapDrawable(Resources.getSystem(), icon.getBitmap())); case Icon.TYPE_DATA: return new BitmapDrawable( Resources.getSystem(), BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray( icon.getDataBytes(), icon.getDataOffset(), icon.getDataLength())); } return null; } // TODO: Remove once apps can build against the latest sdk.
Optional input parameters for generating TextClassification.
/** * Optional input parameters for generating TextClassification. * @hide */
public static final class Options { @Nullable private final TextClassificationSessionId mSessionId; @Nullable private final Request mRequest; @Nullable private LocaleList mDefaultLocales; @Nullable private ZonedDateTime mReferenceTime; public Options() { this(null, null); } private Options( @Nullable TextClassificationSessionId sessionId, @Nullable Request request) { mSessionId = sessionId; mRequest = request; }
Helper to create Options from a Request.
/** Helper to create Options from a Request. */
public static Options from(TextClassificationSessionId sessionId, Request request) { final Options options = new Options(sessionId, request); options.setDefaultLocales(request.getDefaultLocales()); options.setReferenceTime(request.getReferenceTime()); return options; }
  • defaultLocales – ordered list of locale preferences.
/** @param defaultLocales ordered list of locale preferences. */
public Options setDefaultLocales(@Nullable LocaleList defaultLocales) { mDefaultLocales = defaultLocales; return this; }
  • referenceTime – refrence time used for interpreting relatives dates
/** @param referenceTime refrence time used for interpreting relatives dates */
public Options setReferenceTime(@Nullable ZonedDateTime referenceTime) { mReferenceTime = referenceTime; return this; } @Nullable public LocaleList getDefaultLocales() { return mDefaultLocales; } @Nullable public ZonedDateTime getReferenceTime() { return mReferenceTime; } @Nullable public Request getRequest() { return mRequest; } @Nullable public TextClassificationSessionId getSessionId() { return mSessionId; } } }