 * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package android.media;

import android.annotation.CallbackExecutor;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.app.ActivityThread;
import android.content.ContentProvider;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor;
import android.graphics.SurfaceTexture;
import android.media.SubtitleController.Anchor;
import android.media.SubtitleTrack.RenderingWidget;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.HandlerThread;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.PersistableBundle;
import android.os.PowerManager;
import android.os.Process;
import android.os.SystemProperties;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.system.ErrnoException;
import android.system.Os;
import android.system.OsConstants;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
import android.widget.VideoView;

import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy;
import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions;

import dalvik.system.CloseGuard;

import libcore.io.IoBridge;
import libcore.io.Streams;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileDescriptor;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.net.HttpCookie;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

/** * @hide */
public final class MediaPlayer2Impl extends MediaPlayer2 { static { System.loadLibrary("media2_jni"); native_init(); } private final static String TAG = "MediaPlayer2Impl"; private long mNativeContext; // accessed by native methods private long mNativeSurfaceTexture; // accessed by native methods private int mListenerContext; // accessed by native methods private SurfaceHolder mSurfaceHolder; private EventHandler mEventHandler; private PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock = null; private boolean mScreenOnWhilePlaying; private boolean mStayAwake; private int mStreamType = AudioManager.USE_DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE; private final CloseGuard mGuard = CloseGuard.get(); private final Object mSrcLock = new Object(); //--- guarded by |mSrcLock| start private long mSrcIdGenerator = 0; private DataSourceDesc mCurrentDSD; private long mCurrentSrcId = mSrcIdGenerator++; private List<DataSourceDesc> mNextDSDs; private long mNextSrcId = mSrcIdGenerator++; private int mNextSourceState = NEXT_SOURCE_STATE_INIT; private boolean mNextSourcePlayPending = false; //--- guarded by |mSrcLock| end private AtomicInteger mBufferedPercentageCurrent = new AtomicInteger(0); private AtomicInteger mBufferedPercentageNext = new AtomicInteger(0); private volatile float mVolume = 1.0f; // Modular DRM private final Object mDrmLock = new Object(); //--- guarded by |mDrmLock| start private UUID mDrmUUID; private DrmInfoImpl mDrmInfoImpl; private MediaDrm mDrmObj; private byte[] mDrmSessionId; private boolean mDrmInfoResolved; private boolean mActiveDrmScheme; private boolean mDrmConfigAllowed; private boolean mDrmProvisioningInProgress; private boolean mPrepareDrmInProgress; private ProvisioningThread mDrmProvisioningThread; //--- guarded by |mDrmLock| end private HandlerThread mHandlerThread; private final Handler mTaskHandler; private final Object mTaskLock = new Object(); @GuardedBy("mTaskLock") private final List<Task> mPendingTasks = new LinkedList<>(); @GuardedBy("mTaskLock") private Task mCurrentTask;
Default constructor.

When done with the MediaPlayer2Impl, you should call close(), to free the resources. If not released, too many MediaPlayer2Impl instances may result in an exception.

/** * Default constructor. * <p>When done with the MediaPlayer2Impl, you should call {@link #close()}, * to free the resources. If not released, too many MediaPlayer2Impl instances may * result in an exception.</p> */
public MediaPlayer2Impl() { Looper looper; if ((looper = Looper.myLooper()) != null) { mEventHandler = new EventHandler(this, looper); } else if ((looper = Looper.getMainLooper()) != null) { mEventHandler = new EventHandler(this, looper); } else { mEventHandler = null; } mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread("MediaPlayer2TaskThread"); mHandlerThread.start(); looper = mHandlerThread.getLooper(); mTaskHandler = new Handler(looper); mTimeProvider = new TimeProvider(this); mOpenSubtitleSources = new Vector<InputStream>(); mGuard.open("close"); /* Native setup requires a weak reference to our object. * It's easier to create it here than in C++. */ native_setup(new WeakReference<MediaPlayer2Impl>(this)); }
Releases the resources held by this MediaPlayer2 object. It is considered good practice to call this method when you're done using the MediaPlayer2. In particular, whenever an Activity of an application is paused (its onPause() method is called), or stopped (its onStop() method is called), this method should be invoked to release the MediaPlayer2 object, unless the application has a special need to keep the object around. In addition to unnecessary resources (such as memory and instances of codecs) being held, failure to call this method immediately if a MediaPlayer2 object is no longer needed may also lead to continuous battery consumption for mobile devices, and playback failure for other applications if no multiple instances of the same codec are supported on a device. Even if multiple instances of the same codec are supported, some performance degradation may be expected when unnecessary multiple instances are used at the same time. close() may be safely called after a prior close(). This class implements the Java AutoCloseable interface and may be used with try-with-resources.
/** * Releases the resources held by this {@code MediaPlayer2} object. * * It is considered good practice to call this method when you're * done using the MediaPlayer2. In particular, whenever an Activity * of an application is paused (its onPause() method is called), * or stopped (its onStop() method is called), this method should be * invoked to release the MediaPlayer2 object, unless the application * has a special need to keep the object around. In addition to * unnecessary resources (such as memory and instances of codecs) * being held, failure to call this method immediately if a * MediaPlayer2 object is no longer needed may also lead to * continuous battery consumption for mobile devices, and playback * failure for other applications if no multiple instances of the * same codec are supported on a device. Even if multiple instances * of the same codec are supported, some performance degradation * may be expected when unnecessary multiple instances are used * at the same time. * * {@code close()} may be safely called after a prior {@code close()}. * This class implements the Java {@code AutoCloseable} interface and * may be used with try-with-resources. */
@Override public void close() { synchronized (mGuard) { release(); } }
Starts or resumes playback. If playback had previously been paused, playback will continue from where it was paused. If playback had been stopped, or never started before, playback will start at the beginning.
  • IllegalStateException – if it is called in an invalid state
/** * Starts or resumes playback. If playback had previously been paused, * playback will continue from where it was paused. If playback had * been stopped, or never started before, playback will start at the * beginning. * * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called in an invalid state */
@Override public void play() { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_PLAY, false) { @Override void process() { stayAwake(true); _start(); } }); } private native void _start() throws IllegalStateException;
Prepares the player for playback, asynchronously. After setting the datasource and the display surface, you need to either call prepare(). For streams, you should call prepare(), which returns immediately, rather than blocking until enough data has been buffered.
  • IllegalStateException – if it is called in an invalid state
/** * Prepares the player for playback, asynchronously. * * After setting the datasource and the display surface, you need to either * call prepare(). For streams, you should call prepare(), * which returns immediately, rather than blocking until enough data has been * buffered. * * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called in an invalid state */
@Override public void prepare() { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_PREPARE, true) { @Override void process() { _prepare(); } }); } public native void _prepare();
Pauses playback. Call play() to resume.
  • IllegalStateException – if the internal player engine has not been initialized.
/** * Pauses playback. Call play() to resume. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the internal player engine has not been * initialized. */
@Override public void pause() { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_PAUSE, false) { @Override void process() { stayAwake(false); _pause(); } }); } private native void _pause() throws IllegalStateException;
Tries to play next data source if applicable.
  • IllegalStateException – if it is called in an invalid state
/** * Tries to play next data source if applicable. * * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called in an invalid state */
@Override public void skipToNext() { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SKIP_TO_NEXT, false) { @Override void process() { // TODO: switch to next data source and play } }); }
Gets the current playback position.
Returns:the current position in milliseconds
/** * Gets the current playback position. * * @return the current position in milliseconds */
@Override public native long getCurrentPosition();
Gets the duration of the file.
Returns:the duration in milliseconds, if no duration is available (for example, if streaming live content), -1 is returned.
/** * Gets the duration of the file. * * @return the duration in milliseconds, if no duration is available * (for example, if streaming live content), -1 is returned. */
@Override public native long getDuration();
Gets the current buffered media source position received through progressive downloading. The received buffering percentage indicates how much of the content has been buffered or played. For example a buffering update of 80 percent when half the content has already been played indicates that the next 30 percent of the content to play has been buffered.
Returns:the current buffered media source position in milliseconds
/** * Gets the current buffered media source position received through progressive downloading. * The received buffering percentage indicates how much of the content has been buffered * or played. For example a buffering update of 80 percent when half the content * has already been played indicates that the next 30 percent of the * content to play has been buffered. * * @return the current buffered media source position in milliseconds */
@Override public long getBufferedPosition() { // Use cached buffered percent for now. return getDuration() * mBufferedPercentageCurrent.get() / 100; } @Override public @PlayerState int getPlayerState() { int mediaplayer2State = getMediaPlayer2State(); int playerState; switch (mediaplayer2State) { case MEDIAPLAYER2_STATE_IDLE: playerState = PLAYER_STATE_IDLE; break; case MEDIAPLAYER2_STATE_PREPARED: case MEDIAPLAYER2_STATE_PAUSED: playerState = PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED; break; case MEDIAPLAYER2_STATE_PLAYING: playerState = PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING; break; case MEDIAPLAYER2_STATE_ERROR: default: playerState = PLAYER_STATE_ERROR; break; } return playerState; }
Gets the current buffering state of the player. During buffering, see getBufferedPosition() for the quantifying the amount already buffered.
/** * Gets the current buffering state of the player. * During buffering, see {@link #getBufferedPosition()} for the quantifying the amount already * buffered. */
@Override public @BuffState int getBufferingState() { // TODO: use cached state or call native function. return BUFFERING_STATE_UNKNOWN; }
Sets the audio attributes for this MediaPlayer2. See AudioAttributes for how to build and configure an instance of this class. You must call this method before prepare() in order for the audio attributes to become effective thereafter.
  • attributes – a non-null set of audio attributes
/** * Sets the audio attributes for this MediaPlayer2. * See {@link AudioAttributes} for how to build and configure an instance of this class. * You must call this method before {@link #prepare()} in order * for the audio attributes to become effective thereafter. * @param attributes a non-null set of audio attributes * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the attributes are null or invalid. */
@Override public void setAudioAttributes(@NonNull AudioAttributes attributes) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SET_AUDIO_ATTRIBUTES, false) { @Override void process() { if (attributes == null) { final String msg = "Cannot set AudioAttributes to null"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } Parcel pattributes = Parcel.obtain(); attributes.writeToParcel(pattributes, AudioAttributes.FLATTEN_TAGS); setParameter(KEY_PARAMETER_AUDIO_ATTRIBUTES, pattributes); pattributes.recycle(); } }); } @Override public @NonNull AudioAttributes getAudioAttributes() { Parcel pattributes = getParameter(KEY_PARAMETER_AUDIO_ATTRIBUTES); AudioAttributes attributes = AudioAttributes.CREATOR.createFromParcel(pattributes); pattributes.recycle(); return attributes; }
Sets the data source as described by a DataSourceDesc.
  • dsd – the descriptor of data source you want to play
/** * Sets the data source as described by a DataSourceDesc. * * @param dsd the descriptor of data source you want to play * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called in an invalid state * @throws NullPointerException if dsd is null */
@Override public void setDataSource(@NonNull DataSourceDesc dsd) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SET_DATA_SOURCE, false) { @Override void process() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(dsd, "the DataSourceDesc cannot be null"); // TODO: setDataSource could update exist data source synchronized (mSrcLock) { mCurrentDSD = dsd; mCurrentSrcId = mSrcIdGenerator++; try { handleDataSource(true /* isCurrent */, dsd, mCurrentSrcId); } catch (IOException e) { } } } }); }
Sets a single data source as described by a DataSourceDesc which will be played after current data source is finished.
  • dsd – the descriptor of data source you want to play after current one
/** * Sets a single data source as described by a DataSourceDesc which will be played * after current data source is finished. * * @param dsd the descriptor of data source you want to play after current one * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called in an invalid state * @throws NullPointerException if dsd is null */
@Override public void setNextDataSource(@NonNull DataSourceDesc dsd) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SET_NEXT_DATA_SOURCE, false) { @Override void process() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(dsd, "the DataSourceDesc cannot be null"); synchronized (mSrcLock) { mNextDSDs = new ArrayList<DataSourceDesc>(1); mNextDSDs.add(dsd); mNextSrcId = mSrcIdGenerator++; mNextSourceState = NEXT_SOURCE_STATE_INIT; mNextSourcePlayPending = false; } int state = getMediaPlayer2State(); if (state != MEDIAPLAYER2_STATE_IDLE) { synchronized (mSrcLock) { prepareNextDataSource_l(); } } } }); }
Sets a list of data sources to be played sequentially after current data source is done.
  • dsds – the list of data sources you want to play after current one
/** * Sets a list of data sources to be played sequentially after current data source is done. * * @param dsds the list of data sources you want to play after current one * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called in an invalid state * @throws IllegalArgumentException if dsds is null or empty, or contains null DataSourceDesc */
@Override public void setNextDataSources(@NonNull List<DataSourceDesc> dsds) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SET_NEXT_DATA_SOURCES, false) { @Override void process() { if (dsds == null || dsds.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("data source list cannot be null or empty."); } for (DataSourceDesc dsd : dsds) { if (dsd == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "DataSourceDesc in the source list cannot be null."); } } synchronized (mSrcLock) { mNextDSDs = new ArrayList(dsds); mNextSrcId = mSrcIdGenerator++; mNextSourceState = NEXT_SOURCE_STATE_INIT; mNextSourcePlayPending = false; } int state = getMediaPlayer2State(); if (state != MEDIAPLAYER2_STATE_IDLE) { synchronized (mSrcLock) { prepareNextDataSource_l(); } } } }); } @Override public @NonNull DataSourceDesc getCurrentDataSource() { synchronized (mSrcLock) { return mCurrentDSD; } }
Configures the player to loop on the current data source.
  • loop – true if the current data source is meant to loop.
/** * Configures the player to loop on the current data source. * @param loop true if the current data source is meant to loop. */
@Override public void loopCurrent(boolean loop) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_LOOP_CURRENT, false) { @Override void process() { // TODO: set the looping mode, send notification setLooping(loop); } }); } private native void setLooping(boolean looping);
Sets the playback speed. A value of 1.0f is the default playback value. A negative value indicates reverse playback, check isReversePlaybackSupported() before using negative values.
After changing the playback speed, it is recommended to query the actual speed supported by the player, see getPlaybackSpeed().
  • speed – the desired playback speed
/** * Sets the playback speed. * A value of 1.0f is the default playback value. * A negative value indicates reverse playback, check {@link #isReversePlaybackSupported()} * before using negative values.<br> * After changing the playback speed, it is recommended to query the actual speed supported * by the player, see {@link #getPlaybackSpeed()}. * @param speed the desired playback speed */
@Override public void setPlaybackSpeed(float speed) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SET_PLAYBACK_SPEED, false) { @Override void process() { _setPlaybackParams(getPlaybackParams().setSpeed(speed)); } }); }
Returns the actual playback speed to be used by the player when playing. Note that it may differ from the speed set in setPlaybackSpeed(float).
Returns:the actual playback speed
/** * Returns the actual playback speed to be used by the player when playing. * Note that it may differ from the speed set in {@link #setPlaybackSpeed(float)}. * @return the actual playback speed */
@Override public float getPlaybackSpeed() { return getPlaybackParams().getSpeed(); }
Indicates whether reverse playback is supported. Reverse playback is indicated by negative playback speeds, see setPlaybackSpeed(float).
Returns:true if reverse playback is supported.
/** * Indicates whether reverse playback is supported. * Reverse playback is indicated by negative playback speeds, see * {@link #setPlaybackSpeed(float)}. * @return true if reverse playback is supported. */
@Override public boolean isReversePlaybackSupported() { return false; }
Sets the volume of the audio of the media to play, expressed as a linear multiplier on the audio samples. Note that this volume is specific to the player, and is separate from stream volume used across the platform.
A value of 0.0f indicates muting, a value of 1.0f is the nominal unattenuated and unamplified gain. See getMaxPlayerVolume() for the volume range supported by this player.
/** * Sets the volume of the audio of the media to play, expressed as a linear multiplier * on the audio samples. * Note that this volume is specific to the player, and is separate from stream volume * used across the platform.<br> * A value of 0.0f indicates muting, a value of 1.0f is the nominal unattenuated and unamplified * gain. See {@link #getMaxPlayerVolume()} for the volume range supported by this player. * @param volume a value between 0.0f and {@link #getMaxPlayerVolume()}. */
@Override public void setPlayerVolume(float volume) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SET_PLAYER_VOLUME, false) { @Override void process() { mVolume = volume; _setVolume(volume, volume); } }); } private native void _setVolume(float leftVolume, float rightVolume);
Returns the current volume of this player to this player. Note that it does not take into account the associated stream volume.
Returns:the player volume.
/** * Returns the current volume of this player to this player. * Note that it does not take into account the associated stream volume. * @return the player volume. */
@Override public float getPlayerVolume() { return mVolume; }
Returns:the maximum volume that can be used in setPlayerVolume(float).
/** * @return the maximum volume that can be used in {@link #setPlayerVolume(float)}. */
@Override public float getMaxPlayerVolume() { return 1.0f; }
Adds a callback to be notified of events for this player.
  • e – the Executor to be used for the events.
  • cb – the callback to receive the events.
/** * Adds a callback to be notified of events for this player. * @param e the {@link Executor} to be used for the events. * @param cb the callback to receive the events. */
@Override public void registerPlayerEventCallback(@NonNull Executor e, @NonNull PlayerEventCallback cb) { }
Removes a previously registered callback for player events
  • cb – the callback to remove
/** * Removes a previously registered callback for player events * @param cb the callback to remove */
@Override public void unregisterPlayerEventCallback(@NonNull PlayerEventCallback cb) { } private static final int NEXT_SOURCE_STATE_ERROR = -1; private static final int NEXT_SOURCE_STATE_INIT = 0; private static final int NEXT_SOURCE_STATE_PREPARING = 1; private static final int NEXT_SOURCE_STATE_PREPARED = 2; /* * Update the MediaPlayer2Impl SurfaceTexture. * Call after setting a new display surface. */ private native void _setVideoSurface(Surface surface); /* Do not change these values (starting with INVOKE_ID) without updating * their counterparts in include/media/mediaplayer2.h! */ private static final int INVOKE_ID_GET_TRACK_INFO = 1; private static final int INVOKE_ID_ADD_EXTERNAL_SOURCE = 2; private static final int INVOKE_ID_ADD_EXTERNAL_SOURCE_FD = 3; private static final int INVOKE_ID_SELECT_TRACK = 4; private static final int INVOKE_ID_DESELECT_TRACK = 5; private static final int INVOKE_ID_SET_VIDEO_SCALE_MODE = 6; private static final int INVOKE_ID_GET_SELECTED_TRACK = 7;
Create a request parcel which can be routed to the native media player using invoke(Parcel, Parcel). The Parcel returned has the proper InterfaceToken set. The caller should not overwrite that token, i.e it can only append data to the Parcel.
Returns:A parcel suitable to hold a request for the native player. {@hide}
/** * Create a request parcel which can be routed to the native media * player using {@link #invoke(Parcel, Parcel)}. The Parcel * returned has the proper InterfaceToken set. The caller should * not overwrite that token, i.e it can only append data to the * Parcel. * * @return A parcel suitable to hold a request for the native * player. * {@hide} */
@Override public Parcel newRequest() { Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain(); return parcel; }
Invoke a generic method on the native player using opaque parcels for the request and reply. Both payloads' format is a convention between the java caller and the native player. Must be called after setDataSource or setPlaylist to make sure a native player exists. On failure, a RuntimeException is thrown.
  • request – Parcel with the data for the extension. The caller must use newRequest() to get one.
  • reply – Output parcel with the data returned by the native player. {@hide}
/** * Invoke a generic method on the native player using opaque * parcels for the request and reply. Both payloads' format is a * convention between the java caller and the native player. * Must be called after setDataSource or setPlaylist to make sure a native player * exists. On failure, a RuntimeException is thrown. * * @param request Parcel with the data for the extension. The * caller must use {@link #newRequest()} to get one. * * @param reply Output parcel with the data returned by the * native player. * {@hide} */
@Override public void invoke(Parcel request, Parcel reply) { int retcode = native_invoke(request, reply); reply.setDataPosition(0); if (retcode != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("failure code: " + retcode); } } @Override public void notifyWhenCommandLabelReached(Object label) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_NOTIFY_WHEN_COMMAND_LABEL_REACHED, false) { @Override void process() { synchronized (mEventCbLock) { for (Pair<Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback> cb : mEventCallbackRecords) { cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onCommandLabelReached( MediaPlayer2Impl.this, label)); } } } }); }
Sets the SurfaceHolder to use for displaying the video portion of the media. Either a surface holder or surface must be set if a display or video sink is needed. Not calling this method or setSurface(Surface) when playing back a video will result in only the audio track being played. A null surface holder or surface will result in only the audio track being played.
  • sh – the SurfaceHolder to use for video display
/** * Sets the {@link SurfaceHolder} to use for displaying the video * portion of the media. * * Either a surface holder or surface must be set if a display or video sink * is needed. Not calling this method or {@link #setSurface(Surface)} * when playing back a video will result in only the audio track being played. * A null surface holder or surface will result in only the audio track being * played. * * @param sh the SurfaceHolder to use for video display * @throws IllegalStateException if the internal player engine has not been * initialized or has been released. * @hide */
@Override public void setDisplay(SurfaceHolder sh) { mSurfaceHolder = sh; Surface surface; if (sh != null) { surface = sh.getSurface(); } else { surface = null; } _setVideoSurface(surface); updateSurfaceScreenOn(); }
Sets the Surface to be used as the sink for the video portion of the media. This is similar to setDisplay(SurfaceHolder), but does not support setScreenOnWhilePlaying(boolean). Setting a Surface will un-set any Surface or SurfaceHolder that was previously set. A null surface will result in only the audio track being played. If the Surface sends frames to a SurfaceTexture, the timestamps returned from SurfaceTexture.getTimestamp() will have an unspecified zero point. These timestamps cannot be directly compared between different media sources, different instances of the same media source, or multiple runs of the same program. The timestamp is normally monotonically increasing and is unaffected by time-of-day adjustments, but it is reset when the position is set.
  • surface – The Surface to be used for the video portion of the media.
/** * Sets the {@link Surface} to be used as the sink for the video portion of * the media. This is similar to {@link #setDisplay(SurfaceHolder)}, but * does not support {@link #setScreenOnWhilePlaying(boolean)}. Setting a * Surface will un-set any Surface or SurfaceHolder that was previously set. * A null surface will result in only the audio track being played. * * If the Surface sends frames to a {@link SurfaceTexture}, the timestamps * returned from {@link SurfaceTexture#getTimestamp()} will have an * unspecified zero point. These timestamps cannot be directly compared * between different media sources, different instances of the same media * source, or multiple runs of the same program. The timestamp is normally * monotonically increasing and is unaffected by time-of-day adjustments, * but it is reset when the position is set. * * @param surface The {@link Surface} to be used for the video portion of * the media. * @throws IllegalStateException if the internal player engine has not been * initialized or has been released. */
@Override public void setSurface(Surface surface) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SET_SURFACE, false) { @Override void process() { if (mScreenOnWhilePlaying && surface != null) { Log.w(TAG, "setScreenOnWhilePlaying(true) is ineffective for Surface"); } mSurfaceHolder = null; _setVideoSurface(surface); updateSurfaceScreenOn(); } }); }
Sets video scaling mode. To make the target video scaling mode effective during playback, this method must be called after data source is set. If not called, the default video scaling mode is MediaPlayer2.VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT.

The supported video scaling modes are:

  • mode – target video scaling mode. Must be one of the supported video scaling modes; otherwise, IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
See Also:
/** * Sets video scaling mode. To make the target video scaling mode * effective during playback, this method must be called after * data source is set. If not called, the default video * scaling mode is {@link #VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT}. * * <p> The supported video scaling modes are: * <ul> * <li> {@link #VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT} * <li> {@link #VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT_WITH_CROPPING} * </ul> * * @param mode target video scaling mode. Must be one of the supported * video scaling modes; otherwise, IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. * * @see MediaPlayer2#VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT * @see MediaPlayer2#VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT_WITH_CROPPING * @hide */
@Override public void setVideoScalingMode(int mode) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SET_VIDEO_SCALING_MODE, false) { @Override void process() { if (!isVideoScalingModeSupported(mode)) { final String msg = "Scaling mode " + mode + " is not supported"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } Parcel request = Parcel.obtain(); Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain(); try { request.writeInt(INVOKE_ID_SET_VIDEO_SCALE_MODE); request.writeInt(mode); invoke(request, reply); } finally { request.recycle(); reply.recycle(); } } }); }
Discards all pending commands.
/** * Discards all pending commands. */
@Override public void clearPendingCommands() { } private void addTask(Task task) { synchronized (mTaskLock) { mPendingTasks.add(task); processPendingTask_l(); } } @GuardedBy("mTaskLock") private void processPendingTask_l() { if (mCurrentTask != null) { return; } if (!mPendingTasks.isEmpty()) { Task task = mPendingTasks.remove(0); mCurrentTask = task; mTaskHandler.post(task); } } private void handleDataSource(boolean isCurrent, @NonNull DataSourceDesc dsd, long srcId) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(dsd, "the DataSourceDesc cannot be null"); switch (dsd.getType()) { case DataSourceDesc.TYPE_CALLBACK: handleDataSource(isCurrent, srcId, dsd.getMedia2DataSource()); break; case DataSourceDesc.TYPE_FD: handleDataSource(isCurrent, srcId, dsd.getFileDescriptor(), dsd.getFileDescriptorOffset(), dsd.getFileDescriptorLength()); break; case DataSourceDesc.TYPE_URI: handleDataSource(isCurrent, srcId, dsd.getUriContext(), dsd.getUri(), dsd.getUriHeaders(), dsd.getUriCookies()); break; default: break; } }
To provide cookies for the subsequent HTTP requests, you can install your own default cookie handler and use other variants of setDataSource APIs instead. Alternatively, you can use this API to pass the cookies as a list of HttpCookie. If the app has not installed a CookieHandler already, this API creates a CookieManager and populates its CookieStore with the provided cookies. If the app has installed its own handler already, this API requires the handler to be of CookieManager type such that the API can update the manager’s CookieStore.

Note that the cross domain redirection is allowed by default, but that can be changed with key/value pairs through the headers parameter with "android-allow-cross-domain-redirect" as the key and "0" or "1" as the value to disallow or allow cross domain redirection.

  • IllegalArgumentException – if cookies are provided and the installed handler is not a CookieManager
  • IllegalStateException – if it is called in an invalid state
  • NullPointerException – if context or uri is null
  • IOException – if uri has a file scheme and an I/O error occurs
/** * To provide cookies for the subsequent HTTP requests, you can install your own default cookie * handler and use other variants of setDataSource APIs instead. Alternatively, you can use * this API to pass the cookies as a list of HttpCookie. If the app has not installed * a CookieHandler already, this API creates a CookieManager and populates its CookieStore with * the provided cookies. If the app has installed its own handler already, this API requires the * handler to be of CookieManager type such that the API can update the manager’s CookieStore. * * <p><strong>Note</strong> that the cross domain redirection is allowed by default, * but that can be changed with key/value pairs through the headers parameter with * "android-allow-cross-domain-redirect" as the key and "0" or "1" as the value to * disallow or allow cross domain redirection. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if cookies are provided and the installed handler is not * a CookieManager * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called in an invalid state * @throws NullPointerException if context or uri is null * @throws IOException if uri has a file scheme and an I/O error occurs */
private void handleDataSource( boolean isCurrent, long srcId, @NonNull Context context, @NonNull Uri uri, @Nullable Map<String, String> headers, @Nullable List<HttpCookie> cookies) throws IOException { // The context and URI usually belong to the calling user. Get a resolver for that user // and strip out the userId from the URI if present. final ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver(); final String scheme = uri.getScheme(); final String authority = ContentProvider.getAuthorityWithoutUserId(uri.getAuthority()); if (ContentResolver.SCHEME_FILE.equals(scheme)) { handleDataSource(isCurrent, srcId, uri.getPath(), null, null); return; } if (ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT.equals(scheme) && Settings.AUTHORITY.equals(authority)) { // Try cached ringtone first since the actual provider may not be // encryption aware, or it may be stored on CE media storage final int type = RingtoneManager.getDefaultType(uri); final Uri cacheUri = RingtoneManager.getCacheForType(type, context.getUserId()); final Uri actualUri = RingtoneManager.getActualDefaultRingtoneUri(context, type); if (attemptDataSource(isCurrent, srcId, resolver, cacheUri)) { return; } if (attemptDataSource(isCurrent, srcId, resolver, actualUri)) { return; } handleDataSource(isCurrent, srcId, uri.toString(), headers, cookies); } else { // Try requested Uri locally first, or fallback to media server if (attemptDataSource(isCurrent, srcId, resolver, uri)) { return; } handleDataSource(isCurrent, srcId, uri.toString(), headers, cookies); } } private boolean attemptDataSource( boolean isCurrent, long srcId, ContentResolver resolver, Uri uri) { try (AssetFileDescriptor afd = resolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(uri, "r")) { if (afd.getDeclaredLength() < 0) { handleDataSource(isCurrent, srcId, afd.getFileDescriptor(), 0, DataSourceDesc.LONG_MAX); } else { handleDataSource(isCurrent, srcId, afd.getFileDescriptor(), afd.getStartOffset(), afd.getDeclaredLength()); } return true; } catch (NullPointerException | SecurityException | IOException ex) { Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't open " + uri + ": " + ex); return false; } } private void handleDataSource( boolean isCurrent, long srcId, String path, Map<String, String> headers, List<HttpCookie> cookies) throws IOException { String[] keys = null; String[] values = null; if (headers != null) { keys = new String[headers.size()]; values = new String[headers.size()]; int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: headers.entrySet()) { keys[i] = entry.getKey(); values[i] = entry.getValue(); ++i; } } handleDataSource(isCurrent, srcId, path, keys, values, cookies); } private void handleDataSource(boolean isCurrent, long srcId, String path, String[] keys, String[] values, List<HttpCookie> cookies) throws IOException { final Uri uri = Uri.parse(path); final String scheme = uri.getScheme(); if ("file".equals(scheme)) { path = uri.getPath(); } else if (scheme != null) { // handle non-file sources nativeHandleDataSourceUrl( isCurrent, srcId, Media2HTTPService.createHTTPService(path, cookies), path, keys, values); return; } final File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(file); FileDescriptor fd = is.getFD(); handleDataSource(isCurrent, srcId, fd, 0, DataSourceDesc.LONG_MAX); is.close(); } else { throw new IOException("handleDataSource failed."); } } private native void nativeHandleDataSourceUrl( boolean isCurrent, long srcId, Media2HTTPService httpService, String path, String[] keys, String[] values) throws IOException;
Sets the data source (FileDescriptor) to use. The FileDescriptor must be seekable (N.B. a LocalSocket is not seekable). It is the caller's responsibility to close the file descriptor. It is safe to do so as soon as this call returns.
/** * Sets the data source (FileDescriptor) to use. The FileDescriptor must be * seekable (N.B. a LocalSocket is not seekable). It is the caller's responsibility * to close the file descriptor. It is safe to do so as soon as this call returns. * * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called in an invalid state * @throws IllegalArgumentException if fd is not a valid FileDescriptor * @throws IOException if fd can not be read */
private void handleDataSource( boolean isCurrent, long srcId, FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long length) throws IOException { nativeHandleDataSourceFD(isCurrent, srcId, fd, offset, length); } private native void nativeHandleDataSourceFD(boolean isCurrent, long srcId, FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long length) throws IOException;
  • IllegalStateException – if it is called in an invalid state
  • IllegalArgumentException – if dataSource is not a valid Media2DataSource
/** * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called in an invalid state * @throws IllegalArgumentException if dataSource is not a valid Media2DataSource */
private void handleDataSource(boolean isCurrent, long srcId, Media2DataSource dataSource) { nativeHandleDataSourceCallback(isCurrent, srcId, dataSource); } private native void nativeHandleDataSourceCallback( boolean isCurrent, long srcId, Media2DataSource dataSource); // This function shall be called with |mSrcLock| acquired. private void prepareNextDataSource_l() { if (mNextDSDs == null || mNextDSDs.isEmpty() || mNextSourceState != NEXT_SOURCE_STATE_INIT) { // There is no next source or it's in preparing or prepared state. return; } try { mNextSourceState = NEXT_SOURCE_STATE_PREPARING; handleDataSource(false /* isCurrent */, mNextDSDs.get(0), mNextSrcId); } catch (Exception e) { Message msg2 = mEventHandler.obtainMessage( MEDIA_ERROR, MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN, MEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null); final long nextSrcId = mNextSrcId; mEventHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mEventHandler.handleMessage(msg2, nextSrcId); } }); } } // This function shall be called with |mSrcLock| acquired. private void playNextDataSource_l() { if (mNextDSDs == null || mNextDSDs.isEmpty()) { return; } if (mNextSourceState == NEXT_SOURCE_STATE_PREPARED) { // Switch to next source only when it's in prepared state. mCurrentDSD = mNextDSDs.get(0); mCurrentSrcId = mNextSrcId; mBufferedPercentageCurrent.set(mBufferedPercentageNext.get()); mNextDSDs.remove(0); mNextSrcId = mSrcIdGenerator++; // make it different from mCurrentSrcId mBufferedPercentageNext.set(0); mNextSourceState = NEXT_SOURCE_STATE_INIT; mNextSourcePlayPending = false; long srcId = mCurrentSrcId; try { nativePlayNextDataSource(srcId); } catch (Exception e) { Message msg2 = mEventHandler.obtainMessage( MEDIA_ERROR, MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN, MEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null); mEventHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mEventHandler.handleMessage(msg2, srcId); } }); } // Wait for MEDIA2_INFO_STARTED_AS_NEXT to prepare next source. } else { if (mNextSourceState == NEXT_SOURCE_STATE_INIT) { prepareNextDataSource_l(); } mNextSourcePlayPending = true; } } private native void nativePlayNextDataSource(long srcId); private int getAudioStreamType() { if (mStreamType == AudioManager.USE_DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE) { mStreamType = _getAudioStreamType(); } return mStreamType; } private native int _getAudioStreamType() throws IllegalStateException;
Stops playback after playback has been started or paused.
  • IllegalStateException – if the internal player engine has not been initialized. #hide
/** * Stops playback after playback has been started or paused. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the internal player engine has not been * initialized. * #hide */
@Override public void stop() { stayAwake(false); _stop(); } private native void _stop() throws IllegalStateException; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Explicit Routing //-------------------- private AudioDeviceInfo mPreferredDevice = null;
Specifies an audio device (via an AudioDeviceInfo object) to route the output from this MediaPlayer2.
  • deviceInfo – The AudioDeviceInfo specifying the audio sink or source. If deviceInfo is null, default routing is restored.
Returns:true if succesful, false if the specified AudioDeviceInfo is non-null and does not correspond to a valid audio device.
/** * Specifies an audio device (via an {@link AudioDeviceInfo} object) to route * the output from this MediaPlayer2. * @param deviceInfo The {@link AudioDeviceInfo} specifying the audio sink or source. * If deviceInfo is null, default routing is restored. * @return true if succesful, false if the specified {@link AudioDeviceInfo} is non-null and * does not correspond to a valid audio device. */
@Override public boolean setPreferredDevice(AudioDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { if (deviceInfo != null && !deviceInfo.isSink()) { return false; } int preferredDeviceId = deviceInfo != null ? deviceInfo.getId() : 0; boolean status = native_setOutputDevice(preferredDeviceId); if (status == true) { synchronized (this) { mPreferredDevice = deviceInfo; } } return status; }
Returns the selected output specified by setPreferredDevice. Note that this is not guaranteed to correspond to the actual device being used for playback.
/** * Returns the selected output specified by {@link #setPreferredDevice}. Note that this * is not guaranteed to correspond to the actual device being used for playback. */
@Override public AudioDeviceInfo getPreferredDevice() { synchronized (this) { return mPreferredDevice; } }
Returns an AudioDeviceInfo identifying the current routing of this MediaPlayer2 Note: The query is only valid if the MediaPlayer2 is currently playing. If the player is not playing, the returned device can be null or correspond to previously selected device when the player was last active.
/** * Returns an {@link AudioDeviceInfo} identifying the current routing of this MediaPlayer2 * Note: The query is only valid if the MediaPlayer2 is currently playing. * If the player is not playing, the returned device can be null or correspond to previously * selected device when the player was last active. */
@Override public AudioDeviceInfo getRoutedDevice() { int deviceId = native_getRoutedDeviceId(); if (deviceId == 0) { return null; } AudioDeviceInfo[] devices = AudioManager.getDevicesStatic(AudioManager.GET_DEVICES_OUTPUTS); for (int i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) { if (devices[i].getId() == deviceId) { return devices[i]; } } return null; } /* * Call BEFORE adding a routing callback handler or AFTER removing a routing callback handler. */ @GuardedBy("mRoutingChangeListeners") private void enableNativeRoutingCallbacksLocked(boolean enabled) { if (mRoutingChangeListeners.size() == 0) { native_enableDeviceCallback(enabled); } }
The list of AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener interfaces added (with addOnRoutingChangedListener(OnRoutingChangedListener, Handler) by an app to receive (re)routing notifications.
/** * The list of AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener interfaces added (with * {@link #addOnRoutingChangedListener(android.media.AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener, Handler)} * by an app to receive (re)routing notifications. */
@GuardedBy("mRoutingChangeListeners") private ArrayMap<AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener, NativeRoutingEventHandlerDelegate> mRoutingChangeListeners = new ArrayMap<>();
Adds an OnRoutingChangedListener to receive notifications of routing changes on this MediaPlayer2.
  • listener – The OnRoutingChangedListener interface to receive notifications of rerouting events.
  • handler – Specifies the Handler object for the thread on which to execute the callback. If null, the handler on the main looper will be used.
/** * Adds an {@link AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener} to receive notifications of routing * changes on this MediaPlayer2. * @param listener The {@link AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener} interface to receive * notifications of rerouting events. * @param handler Specifies the {@link Handler} object for the thread on which to execute * the callback. If <code>null</code>, the handler on the main looper will be used. */
@Override public void addOnRoutingChangedListener(AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener listener, Handler handler) { synchronized (mRoutingChangeListeners) { if (listener != null && !mRoutingChangeListeners.containsKey(listener)) { enableNativeRoutingCallbacksLocked(true); mRoutingChangeListeners.put( listener, new NativeRoutingEventHandlerDelegate(this, listener, handler != null ? handler : mEventHandler)); } } }
Removes an OnRoutingChangedListener which has been previously added to receive rerouting notifications.
/** * Removes an {@link AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener} which has been previously added * to receive rerouting notifications. * @param listener The previously added {@link AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener} interface * to remove. */
@Override public void removeOnRoutingChangedListener(AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener listener) { synchronized (mRoutingChangeListeners) { if (mRoutingChangeListeners.containsKey(listener)) { mRoutingChangeListeners.remove(listener); enableNativeRoutingCallbacksLocked(false); } } } private native final boolean native_setOutputDevice(int deviceId); private native final int native_getRoutedDeviceId(); private native final void native_enableDeviceCallback(boolean enabled);
Set the low-level power management behavior for this MediaPlayer2. This can be used when the MediaPlayer2 is not playing through a SurfaceHolder set with setDisplay(SurfaceHolder) and thus can use the high-level setScreenOnWhilePlaying(boolean) feature.

This function has the MediaPlayer2 access the low-level power manager service to control the device's power usage while playing is occurring. The parameter is a combination of PowerManager wake flags. Use of this method requires WAKE_LOCK.WAKE_LOCK permission. By default, no attempt is made to keep the device awake during playback.

  • context – the Context to use
  • mode – the power/wake mode to set
See Also:
/** * Set the low-level power management behavior for this MediaPlayer2. This * can be used when the MediaPlayer2 is not playing through a SurfaceHolder * set with {@link #setDisplay(SurfaceHolder)} and thus can use the * high-level {@link #setScreenOnWhilePlaying(boolean)} feature. * * <p>This function has the MediaPlayer2 access the low-level power manager * service to control the device's power usage while playing is occurring. * The parameter is a combination of {@link android.os.PowerManager} wake flags. * Use of this method requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#WAKE_LOCK} * permission. * By default, no attempt is made to keep the device awake during playback. * * @param context the Context to use * @param mode the power/wake mode to set * @see android.os.PowerManager * @hide */
@Override public void setWakeMode(Context context, int mode) { boolean washeld = false; /* Disable persistant wakelocks in media player based on property */ if (SystemProperties.getBoolean("audio.offload.ignore_setawake", false) == true) { Log.w(TAG, "IGNORING setWakeMode " + mode); return; } if (mWakeLock != null) { if (mWakeLock.isHeld()) { washeld = true; mWakeLock.release(); } mWakeLock = null; } PowerManager pm = (PowerManager)context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); mWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(mode|PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE, MediaPlayer2Impl.class.getName()); mWakeLock.setReferenceCounted(false); if (washeld) { mWakeLock.acquire(); } }
Control whether we should use the attached SurfaceHolder to keep the screen on while video playback is occurring. This is the preferred method over setWakeMode where possible, since it doesn't require that the application have permission for low-level wake lock access.
  • screenOn – Supply true to keep the screen on, false to allow it to turn off.
/** * Control whether we should use the attached SurfaceHolder to keep the * screen on while video playback is occurring. This is the preferred * method over {@link #setWakeMode} where possible, since it doesn't * require that the application have permission for low-level wake lock * access. * * @param screenOn Supply true to keep the screen on, false to allow it * to turn off. * @hide */
@Override public void setScreenOnWhilePlaying(boolean screenOn) { if (mScreenOnWhilePlaying != screenOn) { if (screenOn && mSurfaceHolder == null) { Log.w(TAG, "setScreenOnWhilePlaying(true) is ineffective without a SurfaceHolder"); } mScreenOnWhilePlaying = screenOn; updateSurfaceScreenOn(); } } private void stayAwake(boolean awake) { if (mWakeLock != null) { if (awake && !mWakeLock.isHeld()) { mWakeLock.acquire(); } else if (!awake && mWakeLock.isHeld()) { mWakeLock.release(); } } mStayAwake = awake; updateSurfaceScreenOn(); } private void updateSurfaceScreenOn() { if (mSurfaceHolder != null) { mSurfaceHolder.setKeepScreenOn(mScreenOnWhilePlaying && mStayAwake); } }
Returns the width of the video.
Returns:the width of the video, or 0 if there is no video, no display surface was set, or the width has not been determined yet. The MediaPlayer2EventCallback can be registered via setMediaPlayer2EventCallback(Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback) to provide a notification MediaPlayer2EventCallback.onVideoSizeChanged when the width is available.
/** * Returns the width of the video. * * @return the width of the video, or 0 if there is no video, * no display surface was set, or the width has not been determined * yet. The {@code MediaPlayer2EventCallback} can be registered via * {@link #setMediaPlayer2EventCallback(Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback)} to provide a * notification {@code MediaPlayer2EventCallback.onVideoSizeChanged} when the width * is available. */
@Override public native int getVideoWidth();
Returns the height of the video.
Returns:the height of the video, or 0 if there is no video, no display surface was set, or the height has not been determined yet. The MediaPlayer2EventCallback can be registered via setMediaPlayer2EventCallback(Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback) to provide a notification MediaPlayer2EventCallback.onVideoSizeChanged when the height is available.
/** * Returns the height of the video. * * @return the height of the video, or 0 if there is no video, * no display surface was set, or the height has not been determined * yet. The {@code MediaPlayer2EventCallback} can be registered via * {@link #setMediaPlayer2EventCallback(Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback)} to provide a * notification {@code MediaPlayer2EventCallback.onVideoSizeChanged} when the height * is available. */
@Override public native int getVideoHeight();
Return Metrics data about the current player.
Returns:a PersistableBundle containing the set of attributes and values available for the media being handled by this instance of MediaPlayer2 The attributes are descibed in MetricsConstants. Additional vendor-specific fields may also be present in the return value.
/** * Return Metrics data about the current player. * * @return a {@link PersistableBundle} containing the set of attributes and values * available for the media being handled by this instance of MediaPlayer2 * The attributes are descibed in {@link MetricsConstants}. * * Additional vendor-specific fields may also be present in * the return value. */
@Override public PersistableBundle getMetrics() { PersistableBundle bundle = native_getMetrics(); return bundle; } private native PersistableBundle native_getMetrics();
Checks whether the MediaPlayer2 is playing.
Returns:true if currently playing, false otherwise
/** * Checks whether the MediaPlayer2 is playing. * * @return true if currently playing, false otherwise * @throws IllegalStateException if the internal player engine has not been * initialized or has been released. * @hide */
@Override public native boolean isPlaying(); @Override public @MediaPlayer2State int getMediaPlayer2State() { return native_getMediaPlayer2State(); } private native int native_getMediaPlayer2State();
Gets the current buffering management params used by the source component. Calling it only after setDataSource has been called. Each type of data source might have different set of default params.
  • IllegalStateException – if the internal player engine has not been initialized, or setDataSource has not been called.
Returns:the current buffering management params used by the source component.
/** * Gets the current buffering management params used by the source component. * Calling it only after {@code setDataSource} has been called. * Each type of data source might have different set of default params. * * @return the current buffering management params used by the source component. * @throws IllegalStateException if the internal player engine has not been * initialized, or {@code setDataSource} has not been called. * @hide */
@Override @NonNull public native BufferingParams getBufferingParams();
Sets buffering management params. The object sets its internal BufferingParams to the input, except that the input is invalid or not supported. Call it only after setDataSource has been called. The input is a hint to MediaPlayer2.
  • params – the buffering management params.
/** * Sets buffering management params. * The object sets its internal BufferingParams to the input, except that the input is * invalid or not supported. * Call it only after {@code setDataSource} has been called. * The input is a hint to MediaPlayer2. * * @param params the buffering management params. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the internal player engine has not been * initialized or has been released, or {@code setDataSource} has not been called. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if params is invalid or not supported. * @hide */
@Override public void setBufferingParams(@NonNull BufferingParams params) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SET_BUFFERING_PARAMS, false) { @Override void process() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(params, "the BufferingParams cannot be null"); _setBufferingParams(params); } }); } private native void _setBufferingParams(@NonNull BufferingParams params);
Sets playback rate and audio mode.
  • rate – the ratio between desired playback rate and normal one.
  • audioMode – audio playback mode. Must be one of the supported audio modes.
/** * Sets playback rate and audio mode. * * @param rate the ratio between desired playback rate and normal one. * @param audioMode audio playback mode. Must be one of the supported * audio modes. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the internal player engine has not been * initialized. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if audioMode is not supported. * * @hide */
@Override @NonNull public PlaybackParams easyPlaybackParams(float rate, @PlaybackRateAudioMode int audioMode) { PlaybackParams params = new PlaybackParams(); params.allowDefaults(); switch (audioMode) { case PLAYBACK_RATE_AUDIO_MODE_DEFAULT: params.setSpeed(rate).setPitch(1.0f); break; case PLAYBACK_RATE_AUDIO_MODE_STRETCH: params.setSpeed(rate).setPitch(1.0f) .setAudioFallbackMode(params.AUDIO_FALLBACK_MODE_FAIL); break; case PLAYBACK_RATE_AUDIO_MODE_RESAMPLE: params.setSpeed(rate).setPitch(rate); break; default: final String msg = "Audio playback mode " + audioMode + " is not supported"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return params; }
Sets playback rate using PlaybackParams. The object sets its internal PlaybackParams to the input, except that the object remembers previous speed when input speed is zero. This allows the object to resume at previous speed when play() is called. Calling it before the object is prepared does not change the object state. After the object is prepared, calling it with zero speed is equivalent to calling pause(). After the object is prepared, calling it with non-zero speed is equivalent to calling play().
  • params – the playback params.
/** * Sets playback rate using {@link PlaybackParams}. The object sets its internal * PlaybackParams to the input, except that the object remembers previous speed * when input speed is zero. This allows the object to resume at previous speed * when play() is called. Calling it before the object is prepared does not change * the object state. After the object is prepared, calling it with zero speed is * equivalent to calling pause(). After the object is prepared, calling it with * non-zero speed is equivalent to calling play(). * * @param params the playback params. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the internal player engine has not been * initialized or has been released. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if params is not supported. */
@Override public void setPlaybackParams(@NonNull PlaybackParams params) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SET_PLAYBACK_PARAMS, false) { @Override void process() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(params, "the PlaybackParams cannot be null"); _setPlaybackParams(params); } }); } private native void _setPlaybackParams(@NonNull PlaybackParams params);
Gets the playback params, containing the current playback rate.
Returns:the playback params.
/** * Gets the playback params, containing the current playback rate. * * @return the playback params. * @throws IllegalStateException if the internal player engine has not been * initialized. */
@Override @NonNull public native PlaybackParams getPlaybackParams();
Sets A/V sync mode.
  • params – the A/V sync params to apply
/** * Sets A/V sync mode. * * @param params the A/V sync params to apply * * @throws IllegalStateException if the internal player engine has not been * initialized. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if params are not supported. */
@Override public void setSyncParams(@NonNull SyncParams params) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SET_SYNC_PARAMS, false) { @Override void process() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(params, "the SyncParams cannot be null"); _setSyncParams(params); } }); } private native void _setSyncParams(@NonNull SyncParams params);
Gets the A/V sync mode.
Returns:the A/V sync params
/** * Gets the A/V sync mode. * * @return the A/V sync params * * @throws IllegalStateException if the internal player engine has not been * initialized. */
@Override @NonNull public native SyncParams getSyncParams();
Moves the media to specified time position by considering the given mode.

When seekTo is finished, the user will be notified via OnSeekComplete supplied by the user. There is at most one active seekTo processed at any time. If there is a to-be-completed seekTo, new seekTo requests will be queued in such a way that only the last request is kept. When current seekTo is completed, the queued request will be processed if that request is different from just-finished seekTo operation, i.e., the requested position or mode is different.

  • msec – the offset in milliseconds from the start to seek to. When seeking to the given time position, there is no guarantee that the data source has a frame located at the position. When this happens, a frame nearby will be rendered. If msec is negative, time position zero will be used. If msec is larger than duration, duration will be used.
  • mode – the mode indicating where exactly to seek to. Use MediaPlayer2.SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC if one wants to seek to a sync frame that has a timestamp earlier than or the same as msec. Use MediaPlayer2.SEEK_NEXT_SYNC if one wants to seek to a sync frame that has a timestamp later than or the same as msec. Use MediaPlayer2.SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC if one wants to seek to a sync frame that has a timestamp closest to or the same as msec. Use MediaPlayer2.SEEK_CLOSEST if one wants to seek to a frame that may or may not be a sync frame but is closest to or the same as msec. MediaPlayer2.SEEK_CLOSEST often has larger performance overhead compared to the other options if there is no sync frame located at msec.
/** * Moves the media to specified time position by considering the given mode. * <p> * When seekTo is finished, the user will be notified via OnSeekComplete supplied by the user. * There is at most one active seekTo processed at any time. If there is a to-be-completed * seekTo, new seekTo requests will be queued in such a way that only the last request * is kept. When current seekTo is completed, the queued request will be processed if * that request is different from just-finished seekTo operation, i.e., the requested * position or mode is different. * * @param msec the offset in milliseconds from the start to seek to. * When seeking to the given time position, there is no guarantee that the data source * has a frame located at the position. When this happens, a frame nearby will be rendered. * If msec is negative, time position zero will be used. * If msec is larger than duration, duration will be used. * @param mode the mode indicating where exactly to seek to. * Use {@link #SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC} if one wants to seek to a sync frame * that has a timestamp earlier than or the same as msec. Use * {@link #SEEK_NEXT_SYNC} if one wants to seek to a sync frame * that has a timestamp later than or the same as msec. Use * {@link #SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC} if one wants to seek to a sync frame * that has a timestamp closest to or the same as msec. Use * {@link #SEEK_CLOSEST} if one wants to seek to a frame that may * or may not be a sync frame but is closest to or the same as msec. * {@link #SEEK_CLOSEST} often has larger performance overhead compared * to the other options if there is no sync frame located at msec. * @throws IllegalStateException if the internal player engine has not been * initialized * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the mode is invalid. */
@Override public void seekTo(final long msec, @SeekMode int mode) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SEEK_TO, true) { @Override void process() { if (mode < SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC || mode > SEEK_CLOSEST) { final String msg = "Illegal seek mode: " + mode; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } // TODO: pass long to native, instead of truncating here. long posMs = msec; if (posMs > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { Log.w(TAG, "seekTo offset " + posMs + " is too large, cap to " + Integer.MAX_VALUE); posMs = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else if (posMs < Integer.MIN_VALUE) { Log.w(TAG, "seekTo offset " + posMs + " is too small, cap to " + Integer.MIN_VALUE); posMs = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } _seekTo(posMs, mode); } }); } private native final void _seekTo(long msec, int mode);
Get current playback position as a MediaTimestamp.

The MediaTimestamp represents how the media time correlates to the system time in a linear fashion using an anchor and a clock rate. During regular playback, the media time moves fairly constantly (though the anchor frame may be rebased to a current system time, the linear correlation stays steady). Therefore, this method does not need to be called often.

To help users get current playback position, this method always anchors the timestamp to the current system time, so MediaTimestamp.getAnchorMediaTimeUs can be used as current playback position.

See Also:
Returns:a MediaTimestamp object if a timestamp is available, or null if no timestamp is available, e.g. because the media player has not been initialized.
/** * Get current playback position as a {@link MediaTimestamp}. * <p> * The MediaTimestamp represents how the media time correlates to the system time in * a linear fashion using an anchor and a clock rate. During regular playback, the media * time moves fairly constantly (though the anchor frame may be rebased to a current * system time, the linear correlation stays steady). Therefore, this method does not * need to be called often. * <p> * To help users get current playback position, this method always anchors the timestamp * to the current {@link System#nanoTime system time}, so * {@link MediaTimestamp#getAnchorMediaTimeUs} can be used as current playback position. * * @return a MediaTimestamp object if a timestamp is available, or {@code null} if no timestamp * is available, e.g. because the media player has not been initialized. * * @see MediaTimestamp */
@Override @Nullable public MediaTimestamp getTimestamp() { try { // TODO: get the timestamp from native side return new MediaTimestamp( getCurrentPosition() * 1000L, System.nanoTime(), isPlaying() ? getPlaybackParams().getSpeed() : 0.f); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { return null; } }
Gets the media metadata.
  • update_only – controls whether the full set of available metadata is returned or just the set that changed since the last call. See {@see #METADATA_UPDATE_ONLY} and {@see #METADATA_ALL}.
  • apply_filter – if true only metadata that matches the filter is returned. See {@see #APPLY_METADATA_FILTER} and {@see #BYPASS_METADATA_FILTER}.
Returns:The metadata, possibly empty. null if an error occured. // FIXME: unhide. {@hide}
/** * Gets the media metadata. * * @param update_only controls whether the full set of available * metadata is returned or just the set that changed since the * last call. See {@see #METADATA_UPDATE_ONLY} and {@see * #METADATA_ALL}. * * @param apply_filter if true only metadata that matches the * filter is returned. See {@see #APPLY_METADATA_FILTER} and {@see * #BYPASS_METADATA_FILTER}. * * @return The metadata, possibly empty. null if an error occured. // FIXME: unhide. * {@hide} */
@Override public Metadata getMetadata(final boolean update_only, final boolean apply_filter) { Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain(); Metadata data = new Metadata(); if (!native_getMetadata(update_only, apply_filter, reply)) { reply.recycle(); return null; } // Metadata takes over the parcel, don't recycle it unless // there is an error. if (!data.parse(reply)) { reply.recycle(); return null; } return data; }
Set a filter for the metadata update notification and update retrieval. The caller provides 2 set of metadata keys, allowed and blocked. The blocked set always takes precedence over the allowed one. Metadata.MATCH_ALL and Metadata.MATCH_NONE are 2 sets available as shorthands to allow/block all or no metadata. By default, there is no filter set.
  • allow – Is the set of metadata the client is interested in receiving new notifications for.
  • block – Is the set of metadata the client is not interested in receiving new notifications for.
Returns:The call status code. // FIXME: unhide. {@hide}
/** * Set a filter for the metadata update notification and update * retrieval. The caller provides 2 set of metadata keys, allowed * and blocked. The blocked set always takes precedence over the * allowed one. * Metadata.MATCH_ALL and Metadata.MATCH_NONE are 2 sets available as * shorthands to allow/block all or no metadata. * * By default, there is no filter set. * * @param allow Is the set of metadata the client is interested * in receiving new notifications for. * @param block Is the set of metadata the client is not interested * in receiving new notifications for. * @return The call status code. * // FIXME: unhide. * {@hide} */
@Override public int setMetadataFilter(Set<Integer> allow, Set<Integer> block) { // Do our serialization manually instead of calling // Parcel.writeArray since the sets are made of the same type // we avoid paying the price of calling writeValue (used by // writeArray) which burns an extra int per element to encode // the type. Parcel request = newRequest(); // The parcel starts already with an interface token. There // are 2 filters. Each one starts with a 4bytes number to // store the len followed by a number of int (4 bytes as well) // representing the metadata type. int capacity = request.dataSize() + 4 * (1 + allow.size() + 1 + block.size()); if (request.dataCapacity() < capacity) { request.setDataCapacity(capacity); } request.writeInt(allow.size()); for(Integer t: allow) { request.writeInt(t); } request.writeInt(block.size()); for(Integer t: block) { request.writeInt(t); } return native_setMetadataFilter(request); }
Resets the MediaPlayer2 to its uninitialized state. After calling this method, you will have to initialize it again by setting the data source and calling prepare().
/** * Resets the MediaPlayer2 to its uninitialized state. After calling * this method, you will have to initialize it again by setting the * data source and calling prepare(). */
@Override public void reset() { mSelectedSubtitleTrackIndex = -1; synchronized(mOpenSubtitleSources) { for (final InputStream is: mOpenSubtitleSources) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } mOpenSubtitleSources.clear(); } if (mSubtitleController != null) { mSubtitleController.reset(); } if (mTimeProvider != null) { mTimeProvider.close(); mTimeProvider = null; } synchronized (mEventCbLock) { mEventCallbackRecords.clear(); } synchronized (mDrmEventCbLock) { mDrmEventCallbackRecords.clear(); } stayAwake(false); _reset(); // make sure none of the listeners get called anymore if (mEventHandler != null) { mEventHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); } synchronized (mIndexTrackPairs) { mIndexTrackPairs.clear(); mInbandTrackIndices.clear(); }; resetDrmState(); } private native void _reset();
Set up a timer for TimeProvider. TimeProvider will be notified when the presentation time reaches (becomes greater than or equal to) the value specified.
  • mediaTimeUs – presentation time to get timed event callback at
/** * Set up a timer for {@link #TimeProvider}. {@link #TimeProvider} will be * notified when the presentation time reaches (becomes greater than or equal to) * the value specified. * * @param mediaTimeUs presentation time to get timed event callback at * @hide */
@Override public void notifyAt(long mediaTimeUs) { _notifyAt(mediaTimeUs); } private native void _notifyAt(long mediaTimeUs); // Keep KEY_PARAMETER_* in sync with include/media/mediaplayer2.h private final static int KEY_PARAMETER_AUDIO_ATTRIBUTES = 1400;
Sets the parameter indicated by key.
  • key – key indicates the parameter to be set.
  • value – value of the parameter to be set.
Returns:true if the parameter is set successfully, false otherwise
/** * Sets the parameter indicated by key. * @param key key indicates the parameter to be set. * @param value value of the parameter to be set. * @return true if the parameter is set successfully, false otherwise */
private native boolean setParameter(int key, Parcel value); private native Parcel getParameter(int key);
Checks whether the MediaPlayer2 is looping or non-looping.
Returns:true if the MediaPlayer2 is currently looping, false otherwise
/** * Checks whether the MediaPlayer2 is looping or non-looping. * * @return true if the MediaPlayer2 is currently looping, false otherwise * @hide */
@Override public native boolean isLooping();
Sets the audio session ID.
  • sessionId – the audio session ID. The audio session ID is a system wide unique identifier for the audio stream played by this MediaPlayer2 instance. The primary use of the audio session ID is to associate audio effects to a particular instance of MediaPlayer2: if an audio session ID is provided when creating an audio effect, this effect will be applied only to the audio content of media players within the same audio session and not to the output mix. When created, a MediaPlayer2 instance automatically generates its own audio session ID. However, it is possible to force this player to be part of an already existing audio session by calling this method. This method must be called before one of the overloaded setDataSource methods.
/** * Sets the audio session ID. * * @param sessionId the audio session ID. * The audio session ID is a system wide unique identifier for the audio stream played by * this MediaPlayer2 instance. * The primary use of the audio session ID is to associate audio effects to a particular * instance of MediaPlayer2: if an audio session ID is provided when creating an audio effect, * this effect will be applied only to the audio content of media players within the same * audio session and not to the output mix. * When created, a MediaPlayer2 instance automatically generates its own audio session ID. * However, it is possible to force this player to be part of an already existing audio session * by calling this method. * This method must be called before one of the overloaded <code> setDataSource </code> methods. * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called in an invalid state * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the sessionId is invalid. */
@Override public void setAudioSessionId(int sessionId) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SET_AUDIO_SESSION_ID, false) { @Override void process() { _setAudioSessionId(sessionId); } }); } private native void _setAudioSessionId(int sessionId);
Returns the audio session ID.
Returns:the audio session ID. {@see #setAudioSessionId(int)} Note that the audio session ID is 0 only if a problem occured when the MediaPlayer2 was contructed.
/** * Returns the audio session ID. * * @return the audio session ID. {@see #setAudioSessionId(int)} * Note that the audio session ID is 0 only if a problem occured when the MediaPlayer2 was contructed. */
@Override public native int getAudioSessionId();
Attaches an auxiliary effect to the player. A typical auxiliary effect is a reverberation effect which can be applied on any sound source that directs a certain amount of its energy to this effect. This amount is defined by setAuxEffectSendLevel(). See setAuxEffectSendLevel(float).

After creating an auxiliary effect (e.g. EnvironmentalReverb), retrieve its ID with AudioEffect.getId() and use it when calling this method to attach the player to the effect.

To detach the effect from the player, call this method with a null effect id.

This method must be called after one of the overloaded setDataSource methods.

  • effectId – system wide unique id of the effect to attach
/** * Attaches an auxiliary effect to the player. A typical auxiliary effect is a reverberation * effect which can be applied on any sound source that directs a certain amount of its * energy to this effect. This amount is defined by setAuxEffectSendLevel(). * See {@link #setAuxEffectSendLevel(float)}. * <p>After creating an auxiliary effect (e.g. * {@link android.media.audiofx.EnvironmentalReverb}), retrieve its ID with * {@link android.media.audiofx.AudioEffect#getId()} and use it when calling this method * to attach the player to the effect. * <p>To detach the effect from the player, call this method with a null effect id. * <p>This method must be called after one of the overloaded <code> setDataSource </code> * methods. * @param effectId system wide unique id of the effect to attach */
@Override public void attachAuxEffect(int effectId) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_ATTACH_AUX_EFFECT, false) { @Override void process() { _attachAuxEffect(effectId); } }); } private native void _attachAuxEffect(int effectId);
Sets the send level of the player to the attached auxiliary effect. See attachAuxEffect(int). The level value range is 0 to 1.0.

By default the send level is 0, so even if an effect is attached to the player this method must be called for the effect to be applied.

Note that the passed level value is a raw scalar. UI controls should be scaled logarithmically: the gain applied by audio framework ranges from -72dB to 0dB, so an appropriate conversion from linear UI input x to level is: x == 0 -> level = 0 0 < x <= R -> level = 10^(72*(x-R)/20/R)

  • level – send level scalar
/** * Sets the send level of the player to the attached auxiliary effect. * See {@link #attachAuxEffect(int)}. The level value range is 0 to 1.0. * <p>By default the send level is 0, so even if an effect is attached to the player * this method must be called for the effect to be applied. * <p>Note that the passed level value is a raw scalar. UI controls should be scaled * logarithmically: the gain applied by audio framework ranges from -72dB to 0dB, * so an appropriate conversion from linear UI input x to level is: * x == 0 -> level = 0 * 0 < x <= R -> level = 10^(72*(x-R)/20/R) * @param level send level scalar */
@Override public void setAuxEffectSendLevel(float level) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SET_AUX_EFFECT_SEND_LEVEL, false) { @Override void process() { _setAuxEffectSendLevel(level); } }); } private native void _setAuxEffectSendLevel(float level); /* * @param request Parcel destinated to the media player. * @param reply[out] Parcel that will contain the reply. * @return The status code. */ private native final int native_invoke(Parcel request, Parcel reply); /* * @param update_only If true fetch only the set of metadata that have * changed since the last invocation of getMetadata. * The set is built using the unfiltered * notifications the native player sent to the * MediaPlayer2Manager during that period of * time. If false, all the metadatas are considered. * @param apply_filter If true, once the metadata set has been built based on * the value update_only, the current filter is applied. * @param reply[out] On return contains the serialized * metadata. Valid only if the call was successful. * @return The status code. */ private native final boolean native_getMetadata(boolean update_only, boolean apply_filter, Parcel reply); /* * @param request Parcel with the 2 serialized lists of allowed * metadata types followed by the one to be * dropped. Each list starts with an integer * indicating the number of metadata type elements. * @return The status code. */ private native final int native_setMetadataFilter(Parcel request); private static native final void native_init(); private native final void native_setup(Object mediaplayer2_this); private native final void native_finalize(); private static native final void native_stream_event_onTearDown( long nativeCallbackPtr, long userDataPtr); private static native final void native_stream_event_onStreamPresentationEnd( long nativeCallbackPtr, long userDataPtr); private static native final void native_stream_event_onStreamDataRequest( long jAudioTrackPtr, long nativeCallbackPtr, long userDataPtr);
Class for MediaPlayer2 to return each audio/video/subtitle track's metadata.
See Also:
  • getTrackInfo.getTrackInfo
/** * Class for MediaPlayer2 to return each audio/video/subtitle track's metadata. * * @see android.media.MediaPlayer2#getTrackInfo */
public static final class TrackInfoImpl extends TrackInfo {
Gets the track type.
Returns:TrackType which indicates if the track is video, audio, timed text.
/** * Gets the track type. * @return TrackType which indicates if the track is video, audio, timed text. */
@Override public int getTrackType() { return mTrackType; }
Gets the language code of the track.
Returns:a language code in either way of ISO-639-1 or ISO-639-2. When the language is unknown or could not be determined, ISO-639-2 language code, "und", is returned.
/** * Gets the language code of the track. * @return a language code in either way of ISO-639-1 or ISO-639-2. * When the language is unknown or could not be determined, * ISO-639-2 language code, "und", is returned. */
@Override public String getLanguage() { String language = mFormat.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_LANGUAGE); return language == null ? "und" : language; }
Gets the MediaFormat of the track. If the format is unknown or could not be determined, null is returned.
/** * Gets the {@link MediaFormat} of the track. If the format is * unknown or could not be determined, null is returned. */
@Override public MediaFormat getFormat() { if (mTrackType == MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_TIMEDTEXT || mTrackType == MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_SUBTITLE) { return mFormat; } return null; } final int mTrackType; final MediaFormat mFormat; TrackInfoImpl(Parcel in) { mTrackType = in.readInt(); // TODO: parcel in the full MediaFormat; currently we are using createSubtitleFormat // even for audio/video tracks, meaning we only set the mime and language. String mime = in.readString(); String language = in.readString(); mFormat = MediaFormat.createSubtitleFormat(mime, language); if (mTrackType == MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_SUBTITLE) { mFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_IS_AUTOSELECT, in.readInt()); mFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_IS_DEFAULT, in.readInt()); mFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_IS_FORCED_SUBTITLE, in.readInt()); } }
/** @hide */
TrackInfoImpl(int type, MediaFormat format) { mTrackType = type; mFormat = format; }
Flatten this object in to a Parcel.
/** * Flatten this object in to a Parcel. * * @param dest The Parcel in which the object should be written. * @param flags Additional flags about how the object should be written. * May be 0 or {@link android.os.Parcelable#PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE}. */
/* package private */ void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(mTrackType); dest.writeString(getLanguage()); if (mTrackType == MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_SUBTITLE) { dest.writeString(mFormat.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME)); dest.writeInt(mFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_IS_AUTOSELECT)); dest.writeInt(mFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_IS_DEFAULT)); dest.writeInt(mFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_IS_FORCED_SUBTITLE)); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(128); out.append(getClass().getName()); out.append('{'); switch (mTrackType) { case MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO: out.append("VIDEO"); break; case MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO: out.append("AUDIO"); break; case MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_TIMEDTEXT: out.append("TIMEDTEXT"); break; case MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_SUBTITLE: out.append("SUBTITLE"); break; default: out.append("UNKNOWN"); break; } out.append(", " + mFormat.toString()); out.append("}"); return out.toString(); }
Used to read a TrackInfoImpl from a Parcel.
/** * Used to read a TrackInfoImpl from a Parcel. */
/* package private */ static final Parcelable.Creator<TrackInfoImpl> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<TrackInfoImpl>() { @Override public TrackInfoImpl createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new TrackInfoImpl(in); } @Override public TrackInfoImpl[] newArray(int size) { return new TrackInfoImpl[size]; } }; }; // We would like domain specific classes with more informative names than the `first` and `second` // in generic Pair, but we would also like to avoid creating new/trivial classes. As a compromise // we document the meanings of `first` and `second` here: // // Pair.first - inband track index; non-null iff representing an inband track. // Pair.second - a SubtitleTrack registered with mSubtitleController; non-null iff representing // an inband subtitle track or any out-of-band track (subtitle or timedtext). private Vector<Pair<Integer, SubtitleTrack>> mIndexTrackPairs = new Vector<>(); private BitSet mInbandTrackIndices = new BitSet();
Returns a List of track information.
Returns:List of track info. The total number of tracks is the array length. Must be called again if an external timed text source has been added after addTimedTextSource method is called.
/** * Returns a List of track information. * * @return List of track info. The total number of tracks is the array length. * Must be called again if an external timed text source has been added after * addTimedTextSource method is called. * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called in an invalid state. */
@Override public List<TrackInfo> getTrackInfo() { TrackInfoImpl trackInfo[] = getInbandTrackInfoImpl(); // add out-of-band tracks synchronized (mIndexTrackPairs) { TrackInfoImpl allTrackInfo[] = new TrackInfoImpl[mIndexTrackPairs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < allTrackInfo.length; i++) { Pair<Integer, SubtitleTrack> p = mIndexTrackPairs.get(i); if (p.first != null) { // inband track allTrackInfo[i] = trackInfo[p.first]; } else { SubtitleTrack track = p.second; allTrackInfo[i] = new TrackInfoImpl(track.getTrackType(), track.getFormat()); } } return Arrays.asList(allTrackInfo); } } private TrackInfoImpl[] getInbandTrackInfoImpl() throws IllegalStateException { Parcel request = Parcel.obtain(); Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain(); try { request.writeInt(INVOKE_ID_GET_TRACK_INFO); invoke(request, reply); TrackInfoImpl trackInfo[] = reply.createTypedArray(TrackInfoImpl.CREATOR); return trackInfo; } finally { request.recycle(); reply.recycle(); } } /* * A helper function to check if the mime type is supported by media framework. */ private static boolean availableMimeTypeForExternalSource(String mimeType) { if (MEDIA_MIMETYPE_TEXT_SUBRIP.equals(mimeType)) { return true; } return false; } private SubtitleController mSubtitleController;
/** @hide */
@Override public void setSubtitleAnchor( SubtitleController controller, SubtitleController.Anchor anchor) { // TODO: create SubtitleController in MediaPlayer2 mSubtitleController = controller; mSubtitleController.setAnchor(anchor); }
The private version of setSubtitleAnchor is used internally to set mSubtitleController if necessary when clients don't provide their own SubtitleControllers using the public version setSubtitleAnchor(SubtitleController, Anchor) (e.g. VideoView provides one).
/** * The private version of setSubtitleAnchor is used internally to set mSubtitleController if * necessary when clients don't provide their own SubtitleControllers using the public version * {@link #setSubtitleAnchor(SubtitleController, Anchor)} (e.g. {@link VideoView} provides one). */
private synchronized void setSubtitleAnchor() { if ((mSubtitleController == null) && (ActivityThread.currentApplication() != null)) { final HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread("SetSubtitleAnchorThread"); thread.start(); Handler handler = new Handler(thread.getLooper()); handler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Context context = ActivityThread.currentApplication(); mSubtitleController = new SubtitleController(context, mTimeProvider, MediaPlayer2Impl.this); mSubtitleController.setAnchor(new Anchor() { @Override public void setSubtitleWidget(RenderingWidget subtitleWidget) { } @Override public Looper getSubtitleLooper() { return Looper.getMainLooper(); } }); thread.getLooper().quitSafely(); } }); try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); Log.w(TAG, "failed to join SetSubtitleAnchorThread"); } } } private int mSelectedSubtitleTrackIndex = -1; private Vector<InputStream> mOpenSubtitleSources; private OnSubtitleDataListener mSubtitleDataListener = new OnSubtitleDataListener() { @Override public void onSubtitleData(MediaPlayer2 mp, SubtitleData data) { int index = data.getTrackIndex(); synchronized (mIndexTrackPairs) { for (Pair<Integer, SubtitleTrack> p : mIndexTrackPairs) { if (p.first != null && p.first == index && p.second != null) { // inband subtitle track that owns data SubtitleTrack track = p.second; track.onData(data); } } } } };
/** @hide */
@Override public void onSubtitleTrackSelected(SubtitleTrack track) { if (mSelectedSubtitleTrackIndex >= 0) { try { selectOrDeselectInbandTrack(mSelectedSubtitleTrackIndex, false); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } mSelectedSubtitleTrackIndex = -1; } setOnSubtitleDataListener(null); if (track == null) { return; } synchronized (mIndexTrackPairs) { for (Pair<Integer, SubtitleTrack> p : mIndexTrackPairs) { if (p.first != null && p.second == track) { // inband subtitle track that is selected mSelectedSubtitleTrackIndex = p.first; break; } } } if (mSelectedSubtitleTrackIndex >= 0) { try { selectOrDeselectInbandTrack(mSelectedSubtitleTrackIndex, true); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } setOnSubtitleDataListener(mSubtitleDataListener); } // no need to select out-of-band tracks }
/** @hide */
@Override public void addSubtitleSource(InputStream is, MediaFormat format) throws IllegalStateException { final InputStream fIs = is; final MediaFormat fFormat = format; if (is != null) { // Ensure all input streams are closed. It is also a handy // way to implement timeouts in the future. synchronized(mOpenSubtitleSources) { mOpenSubtitleSources.add(is); } } else { Log.w(TAG, "addSubtitleSource called with null InputStream"); } getMediaTimeProvider(); // process each subtitle in its own thread final HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread("SubtitleReadThread", Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND + Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_MORE_FAVORABLE); thread.start(); Handler handler = new Handler(thread.getLooper()); handler.post(new Runnable() { private int addTrack() { if (fIs == null || mSubtitleController == null) { return MEDIA_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_SUBTITLE; } SubtitleTrack track = mSubtitleController.addTrack(fFormat); if (track == null) { return MEDIA_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_SUBTITLE; } // TODO: do the conversion in the subtitle track Scanner scanner = new Scanner(fIs, "UTF-8"); String contents = scanner.useDelimiter("\\A").next(); synchronized(mOpenSubtitleSources) { mOpenSubtitleSources.remove(fIs); } scanner.close(); synchronized (mIndexTrackPairs) { mIndexTrackPairs.add(Pair.<Integer, SubtitleTrack>create(null, track)); } Handler h = mTimeProvider.mEventHandler; int what = TimeProvider.NOTIFY; int arg1 = TimeProvider.NOTIFY_TRACK_DATA; Pair<SubtitleTrack, byte[]> trackData = Pair.create(track, contents.getBytes()); Message m = h.obtainMessage(what, arg1, 0, trackData); h.sendMessage(m); return MEDIA_INFO_EXTERNAL_METADATA_UPDATE; } public void run() { int res = addTrack(); if (mEventHandler != null) { Message m = mEventHandler.obtainMessage(MEDIA_INFO, res, 0, null); mEventHandler.sendMessage(m); } thread.getLooper().quitSafely(); } }); } private void scanInternalSubtitleTracks() { setSubtitleAnchor(); populateInbandTracks(); if (mSubtitleController != null) { mSubtitleController.selectDefaultTrack(); } } private void populateInbandTracks() { TrackInfoImpl[] tracks = getInbandTrackInfoImpl(); synchronized (mIndexTrackPairs) { for (int i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) { if (mInbandTrackIndices.get(i)) { continue; } else { mInbandTrackIndices.set(i); } // newly appeared inband track if (tracks[i].getTrackType() == TrackInfo.MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_SUBTITLE) { SubtitleTrack track = mSubtitleController.addTrack( tracks[i].getFormat()); mIndexTrackPairs.add(Pair.create(i, track)); } else { mIndexTrackPairs.add(Pair.<Integer, SubtitleTrack>create(i, null)); } } } } /* TODO: Limit the total number of external timed text source to a reasonable number. */
Adds an external timed text source file. Currently supported format is SubRip with the file extension .srt, case insensitive. Note that a single external timed text source may contain multiple tracks in it. One can find the total number of available tracks using getTrackInfo() to see what additional tracks become available after this method call.
  • path – The file path of external timed text source file.
  • mimeType – The mime type of the file. Must be one of the mime types listed above.
/** * Adds an external timed text source file. * * Currently supported format is SubRip with the file extension .srt, case insensitive. * Note that a single external timed text source may contain multiple tracks in it. * One can find the total number of available tracks using {@link #getTrackInfo()} to see what * additional tracks become available after this method call. * * @param path The file path of external timed text source file. * @param mimeType The mime type of the file. Must be one of the mime types listed above. * @throws IOException if the file cannot be accessed or is corrupted. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the mimeType is not supported. * @throws IllegalStateException if called in an invalid state. * @hide */
@Override public void addTimedTextSource(String path, String mimeType) throws IOException { if (!availableMimeTypeForExternalSource(mimeType)) { final String msg = "Illegal mimeType for timed text source: " + mimeType; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(file); FileDescriptor fd = is.getFD(); addTimedTextSource(fd, mimeType); is.close(); } else { // We do not support the case where the path is not a file. throw new IOException(path); } }
Adds an external timed text source file (Uri). Currently supported format is SubRip with the file extension .srt, case insensitive. Note that a single external timed text source may contain multiple tracks in it. One can find the total number of available tracks using getTrackInfo() to see what additional tracks become available after this method call.
  • context – the Context to use when resolving the Uri
  • uri – the Content URI of the data you want to play
  • mimeType – The mime type of the file. Must be one of the mime types listed above.
/** * Adds an external timed text source file (Uri). * * Currently supported format is SubRip with the file extension .srt, case insensitive. * Note that a single external timed text source may contain multiple tracks in it. * One can find the total number of available tracks using {@link #getTrackInfo()} to see what * additional tracks become available after this method call. * * @param context the Context to use when resolving the Uri * @param uri the Content URI of the data you want to play * @param mimeType The mime type of the file. Must be one of the mime types listed above. * @throws IOException if the file cannot be accessed or is corrupted. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the mimeType is not supported. * @throws IllegalStateException if called in an invalid state. * @hide */
@Override public void addTimedTextSource(Context context, Uri uri, String mimeType) throws IOException { String scheme = uri.getScheme(); if(scheme == null || scheme.equals("file")) { addTimedTextSource(uri.getPath(), mimeType); return; } AssetFileDescriptor fd = null; try { ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver(); fd = resolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(uri, "r"); if (fd == null) { return; } addTimedTextSource(fd.getFileDescriptor(), mimeType); return; } catch (SecurityException ex) { } catch (IOException ex) { } finally { if (fd != null) { fd.close(); } } }
Adds an external timed text source file (FileDescriptor). It is the caller's responsibility to close the file descriptor. It is safe to do so as soon as this call returns. Currently supported format is SubRip. Note that a single external timed text source may contain multiple tracks in it. One can find the total number of available tracks using getTrackInfo() to see what additional tracks become available after this method call.
  • fd – the FileDescriptor for the file you want to play
  • mimeType – The mime type of the file. Must be one of the mime types listed above.
/** * Adds an external timed text source file (FileDescriptor). * * It is the caller's responsibility to close the file descriptor. * It is safe to do so as soon as this call returns. * * Currently supported format is SubRip. Note that a single external timed text source may * contain multiple tracks in it. One can find the total number of available tracks * using {@link #getTrackInfo()} to see what additional tracks become available * after this method call. * * @param fd the FileDescriptor for the file you want to play * @param mimeType The mime type of the file. Must be one of the mime types listed above. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the mimeType is not supported. * @throws IllegalStateException if called in an invalid state. * @hide */
@Override public void addTimedTextSource(FileDescriptor fd, String mimeType) { // intentionally less than LONG_MAX addTimedTextSource(fd, 0, 0x7ffffffffffffffL, mimeType); }
Adds an external timed text file (FileDescriptor). It is the caller's responsibility to close the file descriptor. It is safe to do so as soon as this call returns. Currently supported format is SubRip. Note that a single external timed text source may contain multiple tracks in it. One can find the total number of available tracks using getTrackInfo() to see what additional tracks become available after this method call.
  • fd – the FileDescriptor for the file you want to play
  • offset – the offset into the file where the data to be played starts, in bytes
  • length – the length in bytes of the data to be played
  • mime – The mime type of the file. Must be one of the mime types listed above.
/** * Adds an external timed text file (FileDescriptor). * * It is the caller's responsibility to close the file descriptor. * It is safe to do so as soon as this call returns. * * Currently supported format is SubRip. Note that a single external timed text source may * contain multiple tracks in it. One can find the total number of available tracks * using {@link #getTrackInfo()} to see what additional tracks become available * after this method call. * * @param fd the FileDescriptor for the file you want to play * @param offset the offset into the file where the data to be played starts, in bytes * @param length the length in bytes of the data to be played * @param mime The mime type of the file. Must be one of the mime types listed above. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the mimeType is not supported. * @throws IllegalStateException if called in an invalid state. * @hide */
@Override public void addTimedTextSource(FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long length, String mime) { if (!availableMimeTypeForExternalSource(mime)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal mimeType for timed text source: " + mime); } final FileDescriptor dupedFd; try { dupedFd = Os.dup(fd); } catch (ErrnoException ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } final MediaFormat fFormat = new MediaFormat(); fFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, mime); fFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_IS_TIMED_TEXT, 1); // A MediaPlayer2 created by a VideoView should already have its mSubtitleController set. if (mSubtitleController == null) { setSubtitleAnchor(); } if (!mSubtitleController.hasRendererFor(fFormat)) { // test and add not atomic Context context = ActivityThread.currentApplication(); mSubtitleController.registerRenderer(new SRTRenderer(context, mEventHandler)); } final SubtitleTrack track = mSubtitleController.addTrack(fFormat); synchronized (mIndexTrackPairs) { mIndexTrackPairs.add(Pair.<Integer, SubtitleTrack>create(null, track)); } getMediaTimeProvider(); final long offset2 = offset; final long length2 = length; final HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread( "TimedTextReadThread", Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND + Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_MORE_FAVORABLE); thread.start(); Handler handler = new Handler(thread.getLooper()); handler.post(new Runnable() { private int addTrack() { final ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { Os.lseek(dupedFd, offset2, OsConstants.SEEK_SET); byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; for (long total = 0; total < length2;) { int bytesToRead = (int) Math.min(buffer.length, length2 - total); int bytes = IoBridge.read(dupedFd, buffer, 0, bytesToRead); if (bytes < 0) { break; } else { bos.write(buffer, 0, bytes); total += bytes; } } Handler h = mTimeProvider.mEventHandler; int what = TimeProvider.NOTIFY; int arg1 = TimeProvider.NOTIFY_TRACK_DATA; Pair<SubtitleTrack, byte[]> trackData = Pair.create(track, bos.toByteArray()); Message m = h.obtainMessage(what, arg1, 0, trackData); h.sendMessage(m); return MEDIA_INFO_EXTERNAL_METADATA_UPDATE; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); return MEDIA_INFO_TIMED_TEXT_ERROR; } finally { try { Os.close(dupedFd); } catch (ErrnoException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); } } } public void run() { int res = addTrack(); if (mEventHandler != null) { Message m = mEventHandler.obtainMessage(MEDIA_INFO, res, 0, null); mEventHandler.sendMessage(m); } thread.getLooper().quitSafely(); } }); }
Returns the index of the audio, video, or subtitle track currently selected for playback, The return value is an index into the array returned by getTrackInfo(), and can be used in calls to selectTrack(int) or deselectTrack(int).
See Also:
Returns:index of the audio, video, or subtitle track currently selected for playback; a negative integer is returned when there is no selected track for trackType or when trackType is not one of audio, video, or subtitle.
/** * Returns the index of the audio, video, or subtitle track currently selected for playback, * The return value is an index into the array returned by {@link #getTrackInfo()}, and can * be used in calls to {@link #selectTrack(int)} or {@link #deselectTrack(int)}. * * @param trackType should be one of {@link TrackInfo#MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO}, * {@link TrackInfo#MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO}, or * {@link TrackInfo#MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_SUBTITLE} * @return index of the audio, video, or subtitle track currently selected for playback; * a negative integer is returned when there is no selected track for {@code trackType} or * when {@code trackType} is not one of audio, video, or subtitle. * @throws IllegalStateException if called after {@link #close()} * * @see #getTrackInfo() * @see #selectTrack(int) * @see #deselectTrack(int) */
@Override public int getSelectedTrack(int trackType) { if (mSubtitleController != null && (trackType == TrackInfo.MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_SUBTITLE || trackType == TrackInfo.MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_TIMEDTEXT)) { SubtitleTrack subtitleTrack = mSubtitleController.getSelectedTrack(); if (subtitleTrack != null) { synchronized (mIndexTrackPairs) { for (int i = 0; i < mIndexTrackPairs.size(); i++) { Pair<Integer, SubtitleTrack> p = mIndexTrackPairs.get(i); if (p.second == subtitleTrack && subtitleTrack.getTrackType() == trackType) { return i; } } } } } Parcel request = Parcel.obtain(); Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain(); try { request.writeInt(INVOKE_ID_GET_SELECTED_TRACK); request.writeInt(trackType); invoke(request, reply); int inbandTrackIndex = reply.readInt(); synchronized (mIndexTrackPairs) { for (int i = 0; i < mIndexTrackPairs.size(); i++) { Pair<Integer, SubtitleTrack> p = mIndexTrackPairs.get(i); if (p.first != null && p.first == inbandTrackIndex) { return i; } } } return -1; } finally { request.recycle(); reply.recycle(); } }
Selects a track.

If a MediaPlayer2 is in invalid state, it throws an IllegalStateException exception. If a MediaPlayer2 is in Started state, the selected track is presented immediately. If a MediaPlayer2 is not in Started state, it just marks the track to be played.

In any valid state, if it is called multiple times on the same type of track (ie. Video, Audio, Timed Text), the most recent one will be chosen.

The first audio and video tracks are selected by default if available, even though this method is not called. However, no timed text track will be selected until this function is called.

Currently, only timed text tracks or audio tracks can be selected via this method. In addition, the support for selecting an audio track at runtime is pretty limited in that an audio track can only be selected in the Prepared state.

  • index – the index of the track to be selected. The valid range of the index is 0..total number of track - 1. The total number of tracks as well as the type of each individual track can be found by calling getTrackInfo() method.
See Also:
/** * Selects a track. * <p> * If a MediaPlayer2 is in invalid state, it throws an IllegalStateException exception. * If a MediaPlayer2 is in <em>Started</em> state, the selected track is presented immediately. * If a MediaPlayer2 is not in Started state, it just marks the track to be played. * </p> * <p> * In any valid state, if it is called multiple times on the same type of track (ie. Video, * Audio, Timed Text), the most recent one will be chosen. * </p> * <p> * The first audio and video tracks are selected by default if available, even though * this method is not called. However, no timed text track will be selected until * this function is called. * </p> * <p> * Currently, only timed text tracks or audio tracks can be selected via this method. * In addition, the support for selecting an audio track at runtime is pretty limited * in that an audio track can only be selected in the <em>Prepared</em> state. * </p> * @param index the index of the track to be selected. The valid range of the index * is 0..total number of track - 1. The total number of tracks as well as the type of * each individual track can be found by calling {@link #getTrackInfo()} method. * @throws IllegalStateException if called in an invalid state. * * @see android.media.MediaPlayer2#getTrackInfo */
@Override public void selectTrack(int index) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_SELECT_TRACK, false) { @Override void process() { selectOrDeselectTrack(index, true /* select */); } }); }
Deselect a track.

Currently, the track must be a timed text track and no audio or video tracks can be deselected. If the timed text track identified by index has not been selected before, it throws an exception.

  • index – the index of the track to be deselected. The valid range of the index is 0..total number of tracks - 1. The total number of tracks as well as the type of each individual track can be found by calling getTrackInfo() method.
See Also:
/** * Deselect a track. * <p> * Currently, the track must be a timed text track and no audio or video tracks can be * deselected. If the timed text track identified by index has not been * selected before, it throws an exception. * </p> * @param index the index of the track to be deselected. The valid range of the index * is 0..total number of tracks - 1. The total number of tracks as well as the type of * each individual track can be found by calling {@link #getTrackInfo()} method. * @throws IllegalStateException if called in an invalid state. * * @see android.media.MediaPlayer2#getTrackInfo */
@Override public void deselectTrack(int index) { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_DESELECT_TRACK, false) { @Override void process() { selectOrDeselectTrack(index, false /* select */); } }); } private void selectOrDeselectTrack(int index, boolean select) throws IllegalStateException { // handle subtitle track through subtitle controller populateInbandTracks(); Pair<Integer,SubtitleTrack> p = null; try { p = mIndexTrackPairs.get(index); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // ignore bad index return; } SubtitleTrack track = p.second; if (track == null) { // inband (de)select selectOrDeselectInbandTrack(p.first, select); return; } if (mSubtitleController == null) { return; } if (!select) { // out-of-band deselect if (mSubtitleController.getSelectedTrack() == track) { mSubtitleController.selectTrack(null); } else { Log.w(TAG, "trying to deselect track that was not selected"); } return; } // out-of-band select if (track.getTrackType() == TrackInfo.MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_TIMEDTEXT) { int ttIndex = getSelectedTrack(TrackInfo.MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_TIMEDTEXT); synchronized (mIndexTrackPairs) { if (ttIndex >= 0 && ttIndex < mIndexTrackPairs.size()) { Pair<Integer,SubtitleTrack> p2 = mIndexTrackPairs.get(ttIndex); if (p2.first != null && p2.second == null) { // deselect inband counterpart selectOrDeselectInbandTrack(p2.first, false); } } } } mSubtitleController.selectTrack(track); } private void selectOrDeselectInbandTrack(int index, boolean select) throws IllegalStateException { Parcel request = Parcel.obtain(); Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain(); try { request.writeInt(select? INVOKE_ID_SELECT_TRACK: INVOKE_ID_DESELECT_TRACK); request.writeInt(index); invoke(request, reply); } finally { request.recycle(); reply.recycle(); } } // Have to declare protected for finalize() since it is protected // in the base class Object. @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { if (mGuard != null) { mGuard.warnIfOpen(); } close(); native_finalize(); } private void release() { stayAwake(false); updateSurfaceScreenOn(); synchronized (mEventCbLock) { mEventCallbackRecords.clear(); } if (mHandlerThread != null) { mHandlerThread.quitSafely(); mHandlerThread = null; } if (mTimeProvider != null) { mTimeProvider.close(); mTimeProvider = null; } mOnSubtitleDataListener = null; // Modular DRM clean up mOnDrmConfigHelper = null; synchronized (mDrmEventCbLock) { mDrmEventCallbackRecords.clear(); } resetDrmState(); _release(); } private native void _release(); /* Do not change these values without updating their counterparts * in include/media/mediaplayer2.h! */ private static final int MEDIA_NOP = 0; // interface test message private static final int MEDIA_PREPARED = 1; private static final int MEDIA_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE = 2; private static final int MEDIA_BUFFERING_UPDATE = 3; private static final int MEDIA_SEEK_COMPLETE = 4; private static final int MEDIA_SET_VIDEO_SIZE = 5; private static final int MEDIA_STARTED = 6; private static final int MEDIA_PAUSED = 7; private static final int MEDIA_STOPPED = 8; private static final int MEDIA_SKIPPED = 9; private static final int MEDIA_NOTIFY_TIME = 98; private static final int MEDIA_TIMED_TEXT = 99; private static final int MEDIA_ERROR = 100; private static final int MEDIA_INFO = 200; private static final int MEDIA_SUBTITLE_DATA = 201; private static final int MEDIA_META_DATA = 202; private static final int MEDIA_DRM_INFO = 210; private static final int MEDIA_AUDIO_ROUTING_CHANGED = 10000; private TimeProvider mTimeProvider;
/** @hide */
@Override public MediaTimeProvider getMediaTimeProvider() { if (mTimeProvider == null) { mTimeProvider = new TimeProvider(this); } return mTimeProvider; } private class EventHandler extends Handler { private MediaPlayer2Impl mMediaPlayer; public EventHandler(MediaPlayer2Impl mp, Looper looper) { super(looper); mMediaPlayer = mp; } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { handleMessage(msg, 0); } public void handleMessage(Message msg, long srcId) { if (mMediaPlayer.mNativeContext == 0) { Log.w(TAG, "mediaplayer2 went away with unhandled events"); return; } final int what = msg.arg1; final int extra = msg.arg2; switch(msg.what) { case MEDIA_PREPARED: { try { scanInternalSubtitleTracks(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // send error message instead of crashing; // send error message instead of inlining a call to onError // to avoid code duplication. Message msg2 = obtainMessage( MEDIA_ERROR, MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN, MEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null); sendMessage(msg2); } final DataSourceDesc dsd; synchronized (mSrcLock) { Log.i(TAG, "MEDIA_PREPARED: srcId=" + srcId + ", currentSrcId=" + mCurrentSrcId + ", nextSrcId=" + mNextSrcId); if (srcId == mCurrentSrcId) { dsd = mCurrentDSD; prepareNextDataSource_l(); } else if (mNextDSDs != null && !mNextDSDs.isEmpty() && srcId == mNextSrcId) { dsd = mNextDSDs.get(0); mNextSourceState = NEXT_SOURCE_STATE_PREPARED; if (mNextSourcePlayPending) { playNextDataSource_l(); } } else { dsd = null; } } if (dsd != null) { synchronized (mEventCbLock) { for (Pair<Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback> cb : mEventCallbackRecords) { cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onInfo( mMediaPlayer, dsd, MEDIA_INFO_PREPARED, 0)); } } } synchronized (mTaskLock) { if (mCurrentTask != null && mCurrentTask.mMediaCallType == CALL_COMPLETED_PREPARE && mCurrentTask.mDSD == dsd && mCurrentTask.mNeedToWaitForEventToComplete) { mCurrentTask.sendCompleteNotification(CALL_STATUS_NO_ERROR); mCurrentTask = null; processPendingTask_l(); } } return; } case MEDIA_DRM_INFO: { if (msg.obj == null) { Log.w(TAG, "MEDIA_DRM_INFO msg.obj=NULL"); } else if (msg.obj instanceof Parcel) { // The parcel was parsed already in postEventFromNative final DrmInfoImpl drmInfo; synchronized (mDrmLock) { if (mDrmInfoImpl != null) { drmInfo = mDrmInfoImpl.makeCopy(); } else { drmInfo = null; } } // notifying the client outside the lock if (drmInfo != null) { synchronized (mEventCbLock) { for (Pair<Executor, DrmEventCallback> cb : mDrmEventCallbackRecords) { cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onDrmInfo( mMediaPlayer, mCurrentDSD, drmInfo)); } } } } else { Log.w(TAG, "MEDIA_DRM_INFO msg.obj of unexpected type " + msg.obj); } return; } case MEDIA_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE: { final DataSourceDesc dsd = mCurrentDSD; synchronized (mSrcLock) { if (srcId == mCurrentSrcId) { Log.i(TAG, "MEDIA_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE: srcId=" + srcId + ", currentSrcId=" + mCurrentSrcId + ", nextSrcId=" + mNextSrcId); playNextDataSource_l(); } } synchronized (mEventCbLock) { for (Pair<Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback> cb : mEventCallbackRecords) { cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onInfo( mMediaPlayer, dsd, MEDIA_INFO_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE, 0)); } } stayAwake(false); return; } case MEDIA_STOPPED: { TimeProvider timeProvider = mTimeProvider; if (timeProvider != null) { timeProvider.onStopped(); } break; } case MEDIA_STARTED: case MEDIA_PAUSED: { TimeProvider timeProvider = mTimeProvider; if (timeProvider != null) { timeProvider.onPaused(msg.what == MEDIA_PAUSED); } break; } case MEDIA_BUFFERING_UPDATE: { final int percent = msg.arg1; synchronized (mEventCbLock) { if (srcId == mCurrentSrcId) { mBufferedPercentageCurrent.set(percent); for (Pair<Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback> cb : mEventCallbackRecords) { cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onInfo( mMediaPlayer, mCurrentDSD, MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_UPDATE, percent)); } } else if (srcId == mNextSrcId && !mNextDSDs.isEmpty()) { mBufferedPercentageNext.set(percent); DataSourceDesc nextDSD = mNextDSDs.get(0); for (Pair<Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback> cb : mEventCallbackRecords) { cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onInfo( mMediaPlayer, nextDSD, MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_UPDATE, percent)); } } } return; } case MEDIA_SEEK_COMPLETE: { synchronized (mTaskLock) { if (mCurrentTask != null && mCurrentTask.mMediaCallType == CALL_COMPLETED_SEEK_TO && mCurrentTask.mNeedToWaitForEventToComplete) { mCurrentTask.sendCompleteNotification(CALL_STATUS_NO_ERROR); mCurrentTask = null; processPendingTask_l(); } } } // fall through case MEDIA_SKIPPED: { TimeProvider timeProvider = mTimeProvider; if (timeProvider != null) { timeProvider.onSeekComplete(mMediaPlayer); } return; } case MEDIA_SET_VIDEO_SIZE: { final int width = msg.arg1; final int height = msg.arg2; synchronized (mEventCbLock) { for (Pair<Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback> cb : mEventCallbackRecords) { cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onVideoSizeChanged( mMediaPlayer, mCurrentDSD, width, height)); } } return; } case MEDIA_ERROR: { Log.e(TAG, "Error (" + msg.arg1 + "," + msg.arg2 + ")"); synchronized (mEventCbLock) { for (Pair<Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback> cb : mEventCallbackRecords) { cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onError( mMediaPlayer, mCurrentDSD, what, extra)); cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onInfo( mMediaPlayer, mCurrentDSD, MEDIA_INFO_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE, 0)); } } stayAwake(false); return; } case MEDIA_INFO: { switch (msg.arg1) { case MEDIA_INFO_STARTED_AS_NEXT: if (srcId == mCurrentSrcId) { prepareNextDataSource_l(); } break; case MEDIA_INFO_VIDEO_TRACK_LAGGING: Log.i(TAG, "Info (" + msg.arg1 + "," + msg.arg2 + ")"); break; case MEDIA_INFO_METADATA_UPDATE: try { scanInternalSubtitleTracks(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Message msg2 = obtainMessage( MEDIA_ERROR, MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN, MEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null); sendMessage(msg2); } // fall through case MEDIA_INFO_EXTERNAL_METADATA_UPDATE: msg.arg1 = MEDIA_INFO_METADATA_UPDATE; // update default track selection if (mSubtitleController != null) { mSubtitleController.selectDefaultTrack(); } break; case MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_START: case MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_END: TimeProvider timeProvider = mTimeProvider; if (timeProvider != null) { timeProvider.onBuffering(msg.arg1 == MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_START); } break; } synchronized (mEventCbLock) { for (Pair<Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback> cb : mEventCallbackRecords) { cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onInfo( mMediaPlayer, mCurrentDSD, what, extra)); } } // No real default action so far. return; } case MEDIA_NOTIFY_TIME: { TimeProvider timeProvider = mTimeProvider; if (timeProvider != null) { timeProvider.onNotifyTime(); } return; } case MEDIA_TIMED_TEXT: { final TimedText text; if (msg.obj instanceof Parcel) { Parcel parcel = (Parcel)msg.obj; text = new TimedText(parcel); parcel.recycle(); } else { text = null; } synchronized (mEventCbLock) { for (Pair<Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback> cb : mEventCallbackRecords) { cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onTimedText(mMediaPlayer, mCurrentDSD, text)); } } return; } case MEDIA_SUBTITLE_DATA: { OnSubtitleDataListener onSubtitleDataListener = mOnSubtitleDataListener; if (onSubtitleDataListener == null) { return; } if (msg.obj instanceof Parcel) { Parcel parcel = (Parcel) msg.obj; SubtitleData data = new SubtitleData(parcel); parcel.recycle(); onSubtitleDataListener.onSubtitleData(mMediaPlayer, data); } return; } case MEDIA_META_DATA: { final TimedMetaData data; if (msg.obj instanceof Parcel) { Parcel parcel = (Parcel) msg.obj; data = TimedMetaData.createTimedMetaDataFromParcel(parcel); parcel.recycle(); } else { data = null; } synchronized (mEventCbLock) { for (Pair<Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback> cb : mEventCallbackRecords) { cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onTimedMetaDataAvailable( mMediaPlayer, mCurrentDSD, data)); } } return; } case MEDIA_NOP: // interface test message - ignore { break; } case MEDIA_AUDIO_ROUTING_CHANGED: { AudioManager.resetAudioPortGeneration(); synchronized (mRoutingChangeListeners) { for (NativeRoutingEventHandlerDelegate delegate : mRoutingChangeListeners.values()) { delegate.notifyClient(); } } return; } default: { Log.e(TAG, "Unknown message type " + msg.what); return; } } } } /* * Called from native code when an interesting event happens. This method * just uses the EventHandler system to post the event back to the main app thread. * We use a weak reference to the original MediaPlayer2 object so that the native * code is safe from the object disappearing from underneath it. (This is * the cookie passed to native_setup().) */ private static void postEventFromNative(Object mediaplayer2_ref, long srcId, int what, int arg1, int arg2, Object obj) { final MediaPlayer2Impl mp = (MediaPlayer2Impl)((WeakReference)mediaplayer2_ref).get(); if (mp == null) { return; } switch (what) { case MEDIA_INFO: if (arg1 == MEDIA_INFO_STARTED_AS_NEXT) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // this acquires the wakelock if needed, and sets the client side state mp.play(); } }).start(); Thread.yield(); } break; case MEDIA_DRM_INFO: // We need to derive mDrmInfoImpl before prepare() returns so processing it here // before the notification is sent to EventHandler below. EventHandler runs in the // notification looper so its handleMessage might process the event after prepare() // has returned. Log.v(TAG, "postEventFromNative MEDIA_DRM_INFO"); if (obj instanceof Parcel) { Parcel parcel = (Parcel)obj; DrmInfoImpl drmInfo = new DrmInfoImpl(parcel); synchronized (mp.mDrmLock) { mp.mDrmInfoImpl = drmInfo; } } else { Log.w(TAG, "MEDIA_DRM_INFO msg.obj of unexpected type " + obj); } break; case MEDIA_PREPARED: // By this time, we've learned about DrmInfo's presence or absence. This is meant // mainly for prepare() use case. For prepare(), this still can run to a race // condition b/c MediaPlayerNative releases the prepare() lock before calling notify // so we also set mDrmInfoResolved in prepare(). synchronized (mp.mDrmLock) { mp.mDrmInfoResolved = true; } break; } if (mp.mEventHandler != null) { Message m = mp.mEventHandler.obtainMessage(what, arg1, arg2, obj); mp.mEventHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mp.mEventHandler.handleMessage(m, srcId); } }); } } private final Object mEventCbLock = new Object(); private ArrayList<Pair<Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback> > mEventCallbackRecords = new ArrayList<Pair<Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback> >();
Register a callback to be invoked when the media source is ready for playback.
  • eventCallback – the callback that will be run
  • executor – the executor through which the callback should be invoked
/** * Register a callback to be invoked when the media source is ready * for playback. * * @param eventCallback the callback that will be run * @param executor the executor through which the callback should be invoked */
@Override public void setMediaPlayer2EventCallback(@NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor, @NonNull MediaPlayer2EventCallback eventCallback) { if (eventCallback == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal null MediaPlayer2EventCallback"); } if (executor == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal null Executor for the MediaPlayer2EventCallback"); } synchronized (mEventCbLock) { mEventCallbackRecords.add(new Pair(executor, eventCallback)); } } /** * Clears the {@link MediaPlayer2EventCallback}. */ @Override public void clearMediaPlayer2EventCallback() { synchronized (mEventCbLock) { mEventCallbackRecords.clear(); } }
Register a callback to be invoked when a track has data available.
  • listener – the callback that will be run
/** * Register a callback to be invoked when a track has data available. * * @param listener the callback that will be run * * @hide */
@Override public void setOnSubtitleDataListener(OnSubtitleDataListener listener) { mOnSubtitleDataListener = listener; } private OnSubtitleDataListener mOnSubtitleDataListener; // Modular DRM begin
Register a callback to be invoked for configuration of the DRM object before the session is created. The callback will be invoked synchronously during the execution of prepareDrm(UUID uuid).
  • listener – the callback that will be run
/** * Register a callback to be invoked for configuration of the DRM object before * the session is created. * The callback will be invoked synchronously during the execution * of {@link #prepareDrm(UUID uuid)}. * * @param listener the callback that will be run */
@Override public void setOnDrmConfigHelper(OnDrmConfigHelper listener) { synchronized (mDrmLock) { mOnDrmConfigHelper = listener; } // synchronized } private OnDrmConfigHelper mOnDrmConfigHelper; private final Object mDrmEventCbLock = new Object(); private ArrayList<Pair<Executor, DrmEventCallback> > mDrmEventCallbackRecords = new ArrayList<Pair<Executor, DrmEventCallback> >();
Register a callback to be invoked when the media source is ready for playback.
  • eventCallback – the callback that will be run
  • executor – the executor through which the callback should be invoked
/** * Register a callback to be invoked when the media source is ready * for playback. * * @param eventCallback the callback that will be run * @param executor the executor through which the callback should be invoked */
@Override public void setDrmEventCallback(@NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor, @NonNull DrmEventCallback eventCallback) { if (eventCallback == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal null MediaPlayer2EventCallback"); } if (executor == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal null Executor for the MediaPlayer2EventCallback"); } synchronized (mDrmEventCbLock) { mDrmEventCallbackRecords.add(new Pair(executor, eventCallback)); } }
Clears the DrmEventCallback.
/** * Clears the {@link DrmEventCallback}. */
@Override public void clearDrmEventCallback() { synchronized (mDrmEventCbLock) { mDrmEventCallbackRecords.clear(); } }
Retrieves the DRM Info associated with the current source
  • IllegalStateException – if called before prepare()
/** * Retrieves the DRM Info associated with the current source * * @throws IllegalStateException if called before prepare() */
@Override public DrmInfo getDrmInfo() { DrmInfoImpl drmInfo = null; // there is not much point if the app calls getDrmInfo within an OnDrmInfoListenet; // regardless below returns drmInfo anyway instead of raising an exception synchronized (mDrmLock) { if (!mDrmInfoResolved && mDrmInfoImpl == null) { final String msg = "The Player has not been prepared yet"; Log.v(TAG, msg); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } if (mDrmInfoImpl != null) { drmInfo = mDrmInfoImpl.makeCopy(); } } // synchronized return drmInfo; }
Prepares the DRM for the current source

If OnDrmConfigHelper is registered, it will be called during preparation to allow configuration of the DRM properties before opening the DRM session. Note that the callback is called synchronously in the thread that called prepareDrm. It should be used only for a series of getDrmPropertyString and setDrmPropertyString calls and refrain from any lengthy operation.

If the device has not been provisioned before, this call also provisions the device which involves accessing the provisioning server and can take a variable time to complete depending on the network connectivity. If OnDrmPreparedListener is registered, prepareDrm() runs in non-blocking mode by launching the provisioning in the background and returning. The listener will be called when provisioning and preparation has finished. If a OnDrmPreparedListener is not registered, prepareDrm() waits till provisioning and preparation has finished, i.e., runs in blocking mode.

If OnDrmPreparedListener is registered, it is called to indicate the DRM session being ready. The application should not make any assumption about its call sequence (e.g., before or after prepareDrm returns), or the thread context that will execute the listener (unless the listener is registered with a handler thread).

  • uuid – The UUID of the crypto scheme. If not known beforehand, it can be retrieved from the source through getDrmInfo or registering a onDrmInfoListener.
/** * Prepares the DRM for the current source * <p> * If {@code OnDrmConfigHelper} is registered, it will be called during * preparation to allow configuration of the DRM properties before opening the * DRM session. Note that the callback is called synchronously in the thread that called * {@code prepareDrm}. It should be used only for a series of {@code getDrmPropertyString} * and {@code setDrmPropertyString} calls and refrain from any lengthy operation. * <p> * If the device has not been provisioned before, this call also provisions the device * which involves accessing the provisioning server and can take a variable time to * complete depending on the network connectivity. * If {@code OnDrmPreparedListener} is registered, prepareDrm() runs in non-blocking * mode by launching the provisioning in the background and returning. The listener * will be called when provisioning and preparation has finished. If a * {@code OnDrmPreparedListener} is not registered, prepareDrm() waits till provisioning * and preparation has finished, i.e., runs in blocking mode. * <p> * If {@code OnDrmPreparedListener} is registered, it is called to indicate the DRM * session being ready. The application should not make any assumption about its call * sequence (e.g., before or after prepareDrm returns), or the thread context that will * execute the listener (unless the listener is registered with a handler thread). * <p> * * @param uuid The UUID of the crypto scheme. If not known beforehand, it can be retrieved * from the source through {@code getDrmInfo} or registering a {@code onDrmInfoListener}. * * @throws IllegalStateException if called before prepare(), or the DRM was * prepared already * @throws UnsupportedSchemeException if the crypto scheme is not supported * @throws ResourceBusyException if required DRM resources are in use * @throws ProvisioningNetworkErrorException if provisioning is required but failed due to a * network error * @throws ProvisioningServerErrorException if provisioning is required but failed due to * the request denied by the provisioning server */
@Override public void prepareDrm(@NonNull UUID uuid) throws UnsupportedSchemeException, ResourceBusyException, ProvisioningNetworkErrorException, ProvisioningServerErrorException { Log.v(TAG, "prepareDrm: uuid: " + uuid + " mOnDrmConfigHelper: " + mOnDrmConfigHelper); boolean allDoneWithoutProvisioning = false; synchronized (mDrmLock) { // only allowing if tied to a protected source; might relax for releasing offline keys if (mDrmInfoImpl == null) { final String msg = "prepareDrm(): Wrong usage: The player must be prepared and " + "DRM info be retrieved before this call."; Log.e(TAG, msg); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } if (mActiveDrmScheme) { final String msg = "prepareDrm(): Wrong usage: There is already " + "an active DRM scheme with " + mDrmUUID; Log.e(TAG, msg); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } if (mPrepareDrmInProgress) { final String msg = "prepareDrm(): Wrong usage: There is already " + "a pending prepareDrm call."; Log.e(TAG, msg); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } if (mDrmProvisioningInProgress) { final String msg = "prepareDrm(): Unexpectd: Provisioning is already in progress."; Log.e(TAG, msg); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } // shouldn't need this; just for safeguard cleanDrmObj(); mPrepareDrmInProgress = true; try { // only creating the DRM object to allow pre-openSession configuration prepareDrm_createDrmStep(uuid); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "prepareDrm(): Exception ", e); mPrepareDrmInProgress = false; throw e; } mDrmConfigAllowed = true; } // synchronized // call the callback outside the lock if (mOnDrmConfigHelper != null) { mOnDrmConfigHelper.onDrmConfig(this, mCurrentDSD); } synchronized (mDrmLock) { mDrmConfigAllowed = false; boolean earlyExit = false; try { prepareDrm_openSessionStep(uuid); mDrmUUID = uuid; mActiveDrmScheme = true; allDoneWithoutProvisioning = true; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { final String msg = "prepareDrm(): Wrong usage: The player must be " + "in the prepared state to call prepareDrm()."; Log.e(TAG, msg); earlyExit = true; throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } catch (NotProvisionedException e) { Log.w(TAG, "prepareDrm: NotProvisionedException"); // handle provisioning internally; it'll reset mPrepareDrmInProgress int result = HandleProvisioninig(uuid); // if blocking mode, we're already done; // if non-blocking mode, we attempted to launch background provisioning if (result != PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_SUCCESS) { earlyExit = true; String msg; switch (result) { case PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_PROVISIONING_NETWORK_ERROR: msg = "prepareDrm: Provisioning was required but failed " + "due to a network error."; Log.e(TAG, msg); throw new ProvisioningNetworkErrorExceptionImpl(msg); case PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_PROVISIONING_SERVER_ERROR: msg = "prepareDrm: Provisioning was required but the request " + "was denied by the server."; Log.e(TAG, msg); throw new ProvisioningServerErrorExceptionImpl(msg); case PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_PREPARATION_ERROR: default: // default for safeguard msg = "prepareDrm: Post-provisioning preparation failed."; Log.e(TAG, msg); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } } // nothing else to do; // if blocking or non-blocking, HandleProvisioninig does the re-attempt & cleanup } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "prepareDrm: Exception " + e); earlyExit = true; throw e; } finally { if (!mDrmProvisioningInProgress) {// if early exit other than provisioning exception mPrepareDrmInProgress = false; } if (earlyExit) { // cleaning up object if didn't succeed cleanDrmObj(); } } // finally } // synchronized // if finished successfully without provisioning, call the callback outside the lock if (allDoneWithoutProvisioning) { synchronized (mDrmEventCbLock) { for (Pair<Executor, DrmEventCallback> cb : mDrmEventCallbackRecords) { cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onDrmPrepared( this, mCurrentDSD, PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_SUCCESS)); } } } } private native void _releaseDrm();
Releases the DRM session

The player has to have an active DRM session and be in stopped, or prepared state before this call is made. A reset() call will release the DRM session implicitly.

/** * Releases the DRM session * <p> * The player has to have an active DRM session and be in stopped, or prepared * state before this call is made. * A {@code reset()} call will release the DRM session implicitly. * * @throws NoDrmSchemeException if there is no active DRM session to release */
@Override public void releaseDrm() throws NoDrmSchemeException { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_RELEASE_DRM, false) { @Override void process() throws NoDrmSchemeException { synchronized (mDrmLock) { Log.v(TAG, "releaseDrm:"); if (!mActiveDrmScheme) { Log.e(TAG, "releaseDrm(): No active DRM scheme to release."); throw new NoDrmSchemeExceptionImpl( "releaseDrm: No active DRM scheme to release."); } try { // we don't have the player's state in this layer. The below call raises // exception if we're in a non-stopped/prepared state. // for cleaning native/mediaserver crypto object _releaseDrm(); // for cleaning client-side MediaDrm object; only called if above has succeeded cleanDrmObj(); mActiveDrmScheme = false; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { Log.w(TAG, "releaseDrm: Exception ", e); throw new IllegalStateException( "releaseDrm: The player is not in a valid state."); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "releaseDrm: Exception ", e); } } // synchronized } }); }
A key request/response exchange occurs between the app and a license server to obtain or release keys used to decrypt encrypted content.

getDrmKeyRequest() is used to obtain an opaque key request byte array that is delivered to the license server. The opaque key request byte array is returned in KeyRequest.data. The recommended URL to deliver the key request to is returned in KeyRequest.defaultUrl.

After the app has received the key request response from the server, it should deliver to the response to the DRM engine plugin using the method provideDrmKeyResponse.

  • keySetId – is the key-set identifier of the offline keys being released when keyType is MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_RELEASE. It should be set to null for other key requests, when keyType is MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_STREAMING or MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_OFFLINE.
  • initData – is the container-specific initialization data when the keyType is MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_STREAMING or MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_OFFLINE. Its meaning is interpreted based on the mime type provided in the mimeType parameter. It could contain, for example, the content ID, key ID or other data obtained from the content metadata that is required in generating the key request. When the keyType is MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_RELEASE, it should be set to null.
  • mimeType – identifies the mime type of the content
  • keyType – specifies the type of the request. The request may be to acquire keys for streaming, MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_STREAMING, or for offline content MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_OFFLINE, or to release previously acquired keys (MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_RELEASE), which are identified by a keySetId.
  • optionalParameters – are included in the key request message to allow a client application to provide additional message parameters to the server. This may be null if no additional parameters are to be sent.
/** * A key request/response exchange occurs between the app and a license server * to obtain or release keys used to decrypt encrypted content. * <p> * getDrmKeyRequest() is used to obtain an opaque key request byte array that is * delivered to the license server. The opaque key request byte array is returned * in KeyRequest.data. The recommended URL to deliver the key request to is * returned in KeyRequest.defaultUrl. * <p> * After the app has received the key request response from the server, * it should deliver to the response to the DRM engine plugin using the method * {@link #provideDrmKeyResponse}. * * @param keySetId is the key-set identifier of the offline keys being released when keyType is * {@link MediaDrm#KEY_TYPE_RELEASE}. It should be set to null for other key requests, when * keyType is {@link MediaDrm#KEY_TYPE_STREAMING} or {@link MediaDrm#KEY_TYPE_OFFLINE}. * * @param initData is the container-specific initialization data when the keyType is * {@link MediaDrm#KEY_TYPE_STREAMING} or {@link MediaDrm#KEY_TYPE_OFFLINE}. Its meaning is * interpreted based on the mime type provided in the mimeType parameter. It could * contain, for example, the content ID, key ID or other data obtained from the content * metadata that is required in generating the key request. * When the keyType is {@link MediaDrm#KEY_TYPE_RELEASE}, it should be set to null. * * @param mimeType identifies the mime type of the content * * @param keyType specifies the type of the request. The request may be to acquire * keys for streaming, {@link MediaDrm#KEY_TYPE_STREAMING}, or for offline content * {@link MediaDrm#KEY_TYPE_OFFLINE}, or to release previously acquired * keys ({@link MediaDrm#KEY_TYPE_RELEASE}), which are identified by a keySetId. * * @param optionalParameters are included in the key request message to * allow a client application to provide additional message parameters to the server. * This may be {@code null} if no additional parameters are to be sent. * * @throws NoDrmSchemeException if there is no active DRM session */
@Override @NonNull public MediaDrm.KeyRequest getDrmKeyRequest(@Nullable byte[] keySetId, @Nullable byte[] initData, @Nullable String mimeType, @MediaDrm.KeyType int keyType, @Nullable Map<String, String> optionalParameters) throws NoDrmSchemeException { Log.v(TAG, "getDrmKeyRequest: " + " keySetId: " + keySetId + " initData:" + initData + " mimeType: " + mimeType + " keyType: " + keyType + " optionalParameters: " + optionalParameters); synchronized (mDrmLock) { if (!mActiveDrmScheme) { Log.e(TAG, "getDrmKeyRequest NoDrmSchemeException"); throw new NoDrmSchemeExceptionImpl( "getDrmKeyRequest: Has to set a DRM scheme first."); } try { byte[] scope = (keyType != MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_RELEASE) ? mDrmSessionId : // sessionId for KEY_TYPE_STREAMING/OFFLINE keySetId; // keySetId for KEY_TYPE_RELEASE HashMap<String, String> hmapOptionalParameters = (optionalParameters != null) ? new HashMap<String, String>(optionalParameters) : null; MediaDrm.KeyRequest request = mDrmObj.getKeyRequest(scope, initData, mimeType, keyType, hmapOptionalParameters); Log.v(TAG, "getDrmKeyRequest: --> request: " + request); return request; } catch (NotProvisionedException e) { Log.w(TAG, "getDrmKeyRequest NotProvisionedException: " + "Unexpected. Shouldn't have reached here."); throw new IllegalStateException("getDrmKeyRequest: Unexpected provisioning error."); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "getDrmKeyRequest Exception " + e); throw e; } } // synchronized }
A key response is received from the license server by the app, then it is provided to the DRM engine plugin using provideDrmKeyResponse. When the response is for an offline key request, a key-set identifier is returned that can be used to later restore the keys to a new session with the method {@ link # restoreDrmKeys}. When the response is for a streaming or release request, null is returned.
  • keySetId – When the response is for a release request, keySetId identifies the saved key associated with the release request (i.e., the same keySetId passed to the earlier {@ link #getDrmKeyRequest} call. It MUST be null when the response is for either streaming or offline key requests.
  • response – the byte array response from the server
/** * A key response is received from the license server by the app, then it is * provided to the DRM engine plugin using provideDrmKeyResponse. When the * response is for an offline key request, a key-set identifier is returned that * can be used to later restore the keys to a new session with the method * {@ link # restoreDrmKeys}. * When the response is for a streaming or release request, null is returned. * * @param keySetId When the response is for a release request, keySetId identifies * the saved key associated with the release request (i.e., the same keySetId * passed to the earlier {@ link #getDrmKeyRequest} call. It MUST be null when the * response is for either streaming or offline key requests. * * @param response the byte array response from the server * * @throws NoDrmSchemeException if there is no active DRM session * @throws DeniedByServerException if the response indicates that the * server rejected the request */
@Override public byte[] provideDrmKeyResponse(@Nullable byte[] keySetId, @NonNull byte[] response) throws NoDrmSchemeException, DeniedByServerException { Log.v(TAG, "provideDrmKeyResponse: keySetId: " + keySetId + " response: " + response); synchronized (mDrmLock) { if (!mActiveDrmScheme) { Log.e(TAG, "getDrmKeyRequest NoDrmSchemeException"); throw new NoDrmSchemeExceptionImpl( "getDrmKeyRequest: Has to set a DRM scheme first."); } try { byte[] scope = (keySetId == null) ? mDrmSessionId : // sessionId for KEY_TYPE_STREAMING/OFFLINE keySetId; // keySetId for KEY_TYPE_RELEASE byte[] keySetResult = mDrmObj.provideKeyResponse(scope, response); Log.v(TAG, "provideDrmKeyResponse: keySetId: " + keySetId + " response: " + response + " --> " + keySetResult); return keySetResult; } catch (NotProvisionedException e) { Log.w(TAG, "provideDrmKeyResponse NotProvisionedException: " + "Unexpected. Shouldn't have reached here."); throw new IllegalStateException("provideDrmKeyResponse: " + "Unexpected provisioning error."); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "provideDrmKeyResponse Exception " + e); throw e; } } // synchronized }
Restore persisted offline keys into a new session. keySetId identifies the keys to load, obtained from a prior call to provideDrmKeyResponse.
  • keySetId – identifies the saved key set to restore
/** * Restore persisted offline keys into a new session. keySetId identifies the * keys to load, obtained from a prior call to {@link #provideDrmKeyResponse}. * * @param keySetId identifies the saved key set to restore */
@Override public void restoreDrmKeys(@NonNull byte[] keySetId) throws NoDrmSchemeException { addTask(new Task(CALL_COMPLETED_RESTORE_DRM_KEYS, false) { @Override void process() throws NoDrmSchemeException { Log.v(TAG, "restoreDrmKeys: keySetId: " + keySetId); synchronized (mDrmLock) { if (!mActiveDrmScheme) { Log.w(TAG, "restoreDrmKeys NoDrmSchemeException"); throw new NoDrmSchemeExceptionImpl( "restoreDrmKeys: Has to set a DRM scheme first."); } try { mDrmObj.restoreKeys(mDrmSessionId, keySetId); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "restoreKeys Exception " + e); throw e; } } // synchronized } }); }
Read a DRM engine plugin String property value, given the property name string.

/** * Read a DRM engine plugin String property value, given the property name string. * <p> * @param propertyName the property name * * Standard fields names are: * {@link MediaDrm#PROPERTY_VENDOR}, {@link MediaDrm#PROPERTY_VERSION}, * {@link MediaDrm#PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION}, {@link MediaDrm#PROPERTY_ALGORITHMS} */
@Override @NonNull public String getDrmPropertyString(@NonNull @MediaDrm.StringProperty String propertyName) throws NoDrmSchemeException { Log.v(TAG, "getDrmPropertyString: propertyName: " + propertyName); String value; synchronized (mDrmLock) { if (!mActiveDrmScheme && !mDrmConfigAllowed) { Log.w(TAG, "getDrmPropertyString NoDrmSchemeException"); throw new NoDrmSchemeExceptionImpl( "getDrmPropertyString: Has to prepareDrm() first."); } try { value = mDrmObj.getPropertyString(propertyName); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "getDrmPropertyString Exception " + e); throw e; } } // synchronized Log.v(TAG, "getDrmPropertyString: propertyName: " + propertyName + " --> value: " + value); return value; }
Set a DRM engine plugin String property value.

/** * Set a DRM engine plugin String property value. * <p> * @param propertyName the property name * @param value the property value * * Standard fields names are: * {@link MediaDrm#PROPERTY_VENDOR}, {@link MediaDrm#PROPERTY_VERSION}, * {@link MediaDrm#PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION}, {@link MediaDrm#PROPERTY_ALGORITHMS} */
@Override public void setDrmPropertyString(@NonNull @MediaDrm.StringProperty String propertyName, @NonNull String value) throws NoDrmSchemeException { Log.v(TAG, "setDrmPropertyString: propertyName: " + propertyName + " value: " + value); synchronized (mDrmLock) { if ( !mActiveDrmScheme && !mDrmConfigAllowed ) { Log.w(TAG, "setDrmPropertyString NoDrmSchemeException"); throw new NoDrmSchemeExceptionImpl( "setDrmPropertyString: Has to prepareDrm() first."); } try { mDrmObj.setPropertyString(propertyName, value); } catch ( Exception e ) { Log.w(TAG, "setDrmPropertyString Exception " + e); throw e; } } // synchronized }
Encapsulates the DRM properties of the source.
/** * Encapsulates the DRM properties of the source. */
public static final class DrmInfoImpl extends DrmInfo { private Map<UUID, byte[]> mapPssh; private UUID[] supportedSchemes;
Returns the PSSH info of the data source for each supported DRM scheme.
/** * Returns the PSSH info of the data source for each supported DRM scheme. */
@Override public Map<UUID, byte[]> getPssh() { return mapPssh; }
Returns the intersection of the data source and the device DRM schemes. It effectively identifies the subset of the source's DRM schemes which are supported by the device too.
/** * Returns the intersection of the data source and the device DRM schemes. * It effectively identifies the subset of the source's DRM schemes which * are supported by the device too. */
@Override public List<UUID> getSupportedSchemes() { return Arrays.asList(supportedSchemes); } private DrmInfoImpl(Map<UUID, byte[]> Pssh, UUID[] SupportedSchemes) { mapPssh = Pssh; supportedSchemes = SupportedSchemes; } private DrmInfoImpl(Parcel parcel) { Log.v(TAG, "DrmInfoImpl(" + parcel + ") size " + parcel.dataSize()); int psshsize = parcel.readInt(); byte[] pssh = new byte[psshsize]; parcel.readByteArray(pssh); Log.v(TAG, "DrmInfoImpl() PSSH: " + arrToHex(pssh)); mapPssh = parsePSSH(pssh, psshsize); Log.v(TAG, "DrmInfoImpl() PSSH: " + mapPssh); int supportedDRMsCount = parcel.readInt(); supportedSchemes = new UUID[supportedDRMsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < supportedDRMsCount; i++) { byte[] uuid = new byte[16]; parcel.readByteArray(uuid); supportedSchemes[i] = bytesToUUID(uuid); Log.v(TAG, "DrmInfoImpl() supportedScheme[" + i + "]: " + supportedSchemes[i]); } Log.v(TAG, "DrmInfoImpl() Parcel psshsize: " + psshsize + " supportedDRMsCount: " + supportedDRMsCount); } private DrmInfoImpl makeCopy() { return new DrmInfoImpl(this.mapPssh, this.supportedSchemes); } private String arrToHex(byte[] bytes) { String out = "0x"; for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { out += String.format("%02x", bytes[i]); } return out; } private UUID bytesToUUID(byte[] uuid) { long msb = 0, lsb = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { msb |= ( ((long)uuid[i] & 0xff) << (8 * (7 - i)) ); lsb |= ( ((long)uuid[i+8] & 0xff) << (8 * (7 - i)) ); } return new UUID(msb, lsb); } private Map<UUID, byte[]> parsePSSH(byte[] pssh, int psshsize) { Map<UUID, byte[]> result = new HashMap<UUID, byte[]>(); final int UUID_SIZE = 16; final int DATALEN_SIZE = 4; int len = psshsize; int numentries = 0; int i = 0; while (len > 0) { if (len < UUID_SIZE) { Log.w(TAG, String.format("parsePSSH: len is too short to parse " + "UUID: (%d < 16) pssh: %d", len, psshsize)); return null; } byte[] subset = Arrays.copyOfRange(pssh, i, i + UUID_SIZE); UUID uuid = bytesToUUID(subset); i += UUID_SIZE; len -= UUID_SIZE; // get data length if (len < 4) { Log.w(TAG, String.format("parsePSSH: len is too short to parse " + "datalen: (%d < 4) pssh: %d", len, psshsize)); return null; } subset = Arrays.copyOfRange(pssh, i, i+DATALEN_SIZE); int datalen = (ByteOrder.nativeOrder() == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) ? ((subset[3] & 0xff) << 24) | ((subset[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((subset[1] & 0xff) << 8) | (subset[0] & 0xff) : ((subset[0] & 0xff) << 24) | ((subset[1] & 0xff) << 16) | ((subset[2] & 0xff) << 8) | (subset[3] & 0xff) ; i += DATALEN_SIZE; len -= DATALEN_SIZE; if (len < datalen) { Log.w(TAG, String.format("parsePSSH: len is too short to parse " + "data: (%d < %d) pssh: %d", len, datalen, psshsize)); return null; } byte[] data = Arrays.copyOfRange(pssh, i, i+datalen); // skip the data i += datalen; len -= datalen; Log.v(TAG, String.format("parsePSSH[%d]: <%s, %s> pssh: %d", numentries, uuid, arrToHex(data), psshsize)); numentries++; result.put(uuid, data); } return result; } }; // DrmInfoImpl
Thrown when a DRM method is called before preparing a DRM scheme through prepareDrm(). Extends MediaDrm.MediaDrmException
/** * Thrown when a DRM method is called before preparing a DRM scheme through prepareDrm(). * Extends MediaDrm.MediaDrmException */
public static final class NoDrmSchemeExceptionImpl extends NoDrmSchemeException { public NoDrmSchemeExceptionImpl(String detailMessage) { super(detailMessage); } }
Thrown when the device requires DRM provisioning but the provisioning attempt has failed due to a network error (Internet reachability, timeout, etc.). Extends MediaDrm.MediaDrmException
/** * Thrown when the device requires DRM provisioning but the provisioning attempt has * failed due to a network error (Internet reachability, timeout, etc.). * Extends MediaDrm.MediaDrmException */
public static final class ProvisioningNetworkErrorExceptionImpl extends ProvisioningNetworkErrorException { public ProvisioningNetworkErrorExceptionImpl(String detailMessage) { super(detailMessage); } }
Thrown when the device requires DRM provisioning but the provisioning attempt has failed due to the provisioning server denying the request. Extends MediaDrm.MediaDrmException
/** * Thrown when the device requires DRM provisioning but the provisioning attempt has * failed due to the provisioning server denying the request. * Extends MediaDrm.MediaDrmException */
public static final class ProvisioningServerErrorExceptionImpl extends ProvisioningServerErrorException { public ProvisioningServerErrorExceptionImpl(String detailMessage) { super(detailMessage); } } private native void _prepareDrm(@NonNull byte[] uuid, @NonNull byte[] drmSessionId); // Modular DRM helpers private void prepareDrm_createDrmStep(@NonNull UUID uuid) throws UnsupportedSchemeException { Log.v(TAG, "prepareDrm_createDrmStep: UUID: " + uuid); try { mDrmObj = new MediaDrm(uuid); Log.v(TAG, "prepareDrm_createDrmStep: Created mDrmObj=" + mDrmObj); } catch (Exception e) { // UnsupportedSchemeException Log.e(TAG, "prepareDrm_createDrmStep: MediaDrm failed with " + e); throw e; } } private void prepareDrm_openSessionStep(@NonNull UUID uuid) throws NotProvisionedException, ResourceBusyException { Log.v(TAG, "prepareDrm_openSessionStep: uuid: " + uuid); // TODO: don't need an open session for a future specialKeyReleaseDrm mode but we should do // it anyway so it raises provisioning error if needed. We'd rather handle provisioning // at prepareDrm/openSession rather than getDrmKeyRequest/provideDrmKeyResponse try { mDrmSessionId = mDrmObj.openSession(); Log.v(TAG, "prepareDrm_openSessionStep: mDrmSessionId=" + mDrmSessionId); // Sending it down to native/mediaserver to create the crypto object // This call could simply fail due to bad player state, e.g., after play(). _prepareDrm(getByteArrayFromUUID(uuid), mDrmSessionId); Log.v(TAG, "prepareDrm_openSessionStep: _prepareDrm/Crypto succeeded"); } catch (Exception e) { //ResourceBusyException, NotProvisionedException Log.e(TAG, "prepareDrm_openSessionStep: open/crypto failed with " + e); throw e; } } // Called from the native side @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static boolean setAudioOutputDeviceById(AudioTrack track, int deviceId) { if (track == null) { return false; } if (deviceId == 0) { // Use default routing. track.setPreferredDevice(null); return true; } // TODO: Unhide AudioManager.getDevicesStatic. AudioDeviceInfo[] outputDevices = AudioManager.getDevicesStatic(AudioManager.GET_DEVICES_OUTPUTS); boolean success = false; for (AudioDeviceInfo device : outputDevices) { if (device.getId() == deviceId) { track.setPreferredDevice(device); success = true; break; } } return success; } // Instantiated from the native side @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static class StreamEventCallback extends AudioTrack.StreamEventCallback { public long mJAudioTrackPtr; public long mNativeCallbackPtr; public long mUserDataPtr; public StreamEventCallback(long jAudioTrackPtr, long nativeCallbackPtr, long userDataPtr) { super(); mJAudioTrackPtr = jAudioTrackPtr; mNativeCallbackPtr = nativeCallbackPtr; mUserDataPtr = userDataPtr; } @Override public void onTearDown(AudioTrack track) { native_stream_event_onTearDown(mNativeCallbackPtr, mUserDataPtr); } @Override public void onStreamPresentationEnd(AudioTrack track) { native_stream_event_onStreamPresentationEnd(mNativeCallbackPtr, mUserDataPtr); } @Override public void onStreamDataRequest(AudioTrack track) { native_stream_event_onStreamDataRequest( mJAudioTrackPtr, mNativeCallbackPtr, mUserDataPtr); } } private class ProvisioningThread extends Thread { public static final int TIMEOUT_MS = 60000; private UUID uuid; private String urlStr; private Object drmLock; private MediaPlayer2Impl mediaPlayer; private int status; private boolean finished; public int status() { return status; } public ProvisioningThread initialize(MediaDrm.ProvisionRequest request, UUID uuid, MediaPlayer2Impl mediaPlayer) { // lock is held by the caller drmLock = mediaPlayer.mDrmLock; this.mediaPlayer = mediaPlayer; urlStr = request.getDefaultUrl() + "&signedRequest=" + new String(request.getData()); this.uuid = uuid; status = PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_PREPARATION_ERROR; Log.v(TAG, "HandleProvisioninig: Thread is initialised url: " + urlStr); return this; } public void run() { byte[] response = null; boolean provisioningSucceeded = false; try { URL url = new URL(urlStr); final HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); try { connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); connection.setDoOutput(false); connection.setDoInput(true); connection.setConnectTimeout(TIMEOUT_MS); connection.setReadTimeout(TIMEOUT_MS); connection.connect(); response = Streams.readFully(connection.getInputStream()); Log.v(TAG, "HandleProvisioninig: Thread run: response " + response.length + " " + response); } catch (Exception e) { status = PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_PROVISIONING_NETWORK_ERROR; Log.w(TAG, "HandleProvisioninig: Thread run: connect " + e + " url: " + url); } finally { connection.disconnect(); } } catch (Exception e) { status = PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_PROVISIONING_NETWORK_ERROR; Log.w(TAG, "HandleProvisioninig: Thread run: openConnection " + e); } if (response != null) { try { mDrmObj.provideProvisionResponse(response); Log.v(TAG, "HandleProvisioninig: Thread run: " + "provideProvisionResponse SUCCEEDED!"); provisioningSucceeded = true; } catch (Exception e) { status = PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_PROVISIONING_SERVER_ERROR; Log.w(TAG, "HandleProvisioninig: Thread run: " + "provideProvisionResponse " + e); } } boolean succeeded = false; boolean hasCallback = false; synchronized (mDrmEventCbLock) { hasCallback = !mDrmEventCallbackRecords.isEmpty(); } // non-blocking mode needs the lock if (hasCallback) { synchronized (drmLock) { // continuing with prepareDrm if (provisioningSucceeded) { succeeded = mediaPlayer.resumePrepareDrm(uuid); status = (succeeded) ? PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_SUCCESS : PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_PREPARATION_ERROR; } mediaPlayer.mDrmProvisioningInProgress = false; mediaPlayer.mPrepareDrmInProgress = false; if (!succeeded) { cleanDrmObj(); // cleaning up if it hasn't gone through while in the lock } } // synchronized // calling the callback outside the lock synchronized (mDrmEventCbLock) { for (Pair<Executor, DrmEventCallback> cb : mDrmEventCallbackRecords) { cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onDrmPrepared( mediaPlayer, mCurrentDSD, status)); } } } else { // blocking mode already has the lock // continuing with prepareDrm if (provisioningSucceeded) { succeeded = mediaPlayer.resumePrepareDrm(uuid); status = (succeeded) ? PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_SUCCESS : PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_PREPARATION_ERROR; } mediaPlayer.mDrmProvisioningInProgress = false; mediaPlayer.mPrepareDrmInProgress = false; if (!succeeded) { cleanDrmObj(); // cleaning up if it hasn't gone through } } finished = true; } // run() } // ProvisioningThread private int HandleProvisioninig(UUID uuid) { // the lock is already held by the caller if (mDrmProvisioningInProgress) { Log.e(TAG, "HandleProvisioninig: Unexpected mDrmProvisioningInProgress"); return PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_PREPARATION_ERROR; } MediaDrm.ProvisionRequest provReq = mDrmObj.getProvisionRequest(); if (provReq == null) { Log.e(TAG, "HandleProvisioninig: getProvisionRequest returned null."); return PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_PREPARATION_ERROR; } Log.v(TAG, "HandleProvisioninig provReq " + " data: " + provReq.getData() + " url: " + provReq.getDefaultUrl()); // networking in a background thread mDrmProvisioningInProgress = true; mDrmProvisioningThread = new ProvisioningThread().initialize(provReq, uuid, this); mDrmProvisioningThread.start(); int result; // non-blocking: this is not the final result boolean hasCallback = false; synchronized (mDrmEventCbLock) { hasCallback = !mDrmEventCallbackRecords.isEmpty(); } if (hasCallback) { result = PREPARE_DRM_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { // if blocking mode, wait till provisioning is done try { mDrmProvisioningThread.join(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "HandleProvisioninig: Thread.join Exception " + e); } result = mDrmProvisioningThread.status(); // no longer need the thread mDrmProvisioningThread = null; } return result; } private boolean resumePrepareDrm(UUID uuid) { Log.v(TAG, "resumePrepareDrm: uuid: " + uuid); // mDrmLock is guaranteed to be held boolean success = false; try { // resuming prepareDrm_openSessionStep(uuid); mDrmUUID = uuid; mActiveDrmScheme = true; success = true; } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "HandleProvisioninig: Thread run _prepareDrm resume failed with " + e); // mDrmObj clean up is done by the caller } return success; } private void resetDrmState() { synchronized (mDrmLock) { Log.v(TAG, "resetDrmState: " + " mDrmInfoImpl=" + mDrmInfoImpl + " mDrmProvisioningThread=" + mDrmProvisioningThread + " mPrepareDrmInProgress=" + mPrepareDrmInProgress + " mActiveDrmScheme=" + mActiveDrmScheme); mDrmInfoResolved = false; mDrmInfoImpl = null; if (mDrmProvisioningThread != null) { // timeout; relying on HttpUrlConnection try { mDrmProvisioningThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.w(TAG, "resetDrmState: ProvThread.join Exception " + e); } mDrmProvisioningThread = null; } mPrepareDrmInProgress = false; mActiveDrmScheme = false; cleanDrmObj(); } // synchronized } private void cleanDrmObj() { // the caller holds mDrmLock Log.v(TAG, "cleanDrmObj: mDrmObj=" + mDrmObj + " mDrmSessionId=" + mDrmSessionId); if (mDrmSessionId != null) { mDrmObj.closeSession(mDrmSessionId); mDrmSessionId = null; } if (mDrmObj != null) { mDrmObj.release(); mDrmObj = null; } } private static final byte[] getByteArrayFromUUID(@NonNull UUID uuid) { long msb = uuid.getMostSignificantBits(); long lsb = uuid.getLeastSignificantBits(); byte[] uuidBytes = new byte[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { uuidBytes[i] = (byte)(msb >>> (8 * (7 - i))); uuidBytes[8 + i] = (byte)(lsb >>> (8 * (7 - i))); } return uuidBytes; } // Modular DRM end /* * Test whether a given video scaling mode is supported. */ private boolean isVideoScalingModeSupported(int mode) { return (mode == VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT || mode == VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT_WITH_CROPPING); }
/** @hide */
static class TimeProvider implements MediaTimeProvider { private static final String TAG = "MTP"; private static final long MAX_NS_WITHOUT_POSITION_CHECK = 5000000000L; private static final long MAX_EARLY_CALLBACK_US = 1000; private static final long TIME_ADJUSTMENT_RATE = 2; /* meaning 1/2 */ private long mLastTimeUs = 0; private MediaPlayer2Impl mPlayer; private boolean mPaused = true; private boolean mStopped = true; private boolean mBuffering; private long mLastReportedTime; // since we are expecting only a handful listeners per stream, there is // no need for log(N) search performance private MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener mListeners[]; private long mTimes[]; private EventHandler mEventHandler; private boolean mRefresh = false; private boolean mPausing = false; private boolean mSeeking = false; private static final int NOTIFY = 1; private static final int NOTIFY_TIME = 0; private static final int NOTIFY_STOP = 2; private static final int NOTIFY_SEEK = 3; private static final int NOTIFY_TRACK_DATA = 4; private HandlerThread mHandlerThread;
/** @hide */
public boolean DEBUG = false; public TimeProvider(MediaPlayer2Impl mp) { mPlayer = mp; try { getCurrentTimeUs(true, false); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // we assume starting position mRefresh = true; } Looper looper; if ((looper = Looper.myLooper()) == null && (looper = Looper.getMainLooper()) == null) { // Create our own looper here in case MP was created without one mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread("MediaPlayer2MTPEventThread", Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND); mHandlerThread.start(); looper = mHandlerThread.getLooper(); } mEventHandler = new EventHandler(looper); mListeners = new MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener[0]; mTimes = new long[0]; mLastTimeUs = 0; } private void scheduleNotification(int type, long delayUs) { // ignore time notifications until seek is handled if (mSeeking && type == NOTIFY_TIME) { return; } if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "scheduleNotification " + type + " in " + delayUs); mEventHandler.removeMessages(NOTIFY); Message msg = mEventHandler.obtainMessage(NOTIFY, type, 0); mEventHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, (int) (delayUs / 1000)); }
/** @hide */
public void close() { mEventHandler.removeMessages(NOTIFY); if (mHandlerThread != null) { mHandlerThread.quitSafely(); mHandlerThread = null; } }
/** @hide */
protected void finalize() { if (mHandlerThread != null) { mHandlerThread.quitSafely(); } }
/** @hide */
public void onNotifyTime() { synchronized (this) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onNotifyTime: "); scheduleNotification(NOTIFY_TIME, 0 /* delay */); } }
/** @hide */
public void onPaused(boolean paused) { synchronized(this) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onPaused: " + paused); if (mStopped) { // handle as seek if we were stopped mStopped = false; mSeeking = true; scheduleNotification(NOTIFY_SEEK, 0 /* delay */); } else { mPausing = paused; // special handling if player disappeared mSeeking = false; scheduleNotification(NOTIFY_TIME, 0 /* delay */); } } }
/** @hide */
public void onBuffering(boolean buffering) { synchronized (this) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onBuffering: " + buffering); mBuffering = buffering; scheduleNotification(NOTIFY_TIME, 0 /* delay */); } }
/** @hide */
public void onStopped() { synchronized(this) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onStopped"); mPaused = true; mStopped = true; mSeeking = false; mBuffering = false; scheduleNotification(NOTIFY_STOP, 0 /* delay */); } }
/** @hide */
public void onSeekComplete(MediaPlayer2Impl mp) { synchronized(this) { mStopped = false; mSeeking = true; scheduleNotification(NOTIFY_SEEK, 0 /* delay */); } }
/** @hide */
public void onNewPlayer() { if (mRefresh) { synchronized(this) { mStopped = false; mSeeking = true; mBuffering = false; scheduleNotification(NOTIFY_SEEK, 0 /* delay */); } } } private synchronized void notifySeek() { mSeeking = false; try { long timeUs = getCurrentTimeUs(true, false); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onSeekComplete at " + timeUs); for (MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener listener: mListeners) { if (listener == null) { break; } listener.onSeek(timeUs); } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // we should not be there, but at least signal pause if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onSeekComplete but no player"); mPausing = true; // special handling if player disappeared notifyTimedEvent(false /* refreshTime */); } } private synchronized void notifyTrackData(Pair<SubtitleTrack, byte[]> trackData) { SubtitleTrack track = trackData.first; byte[] data = trackData.second; track.onData(data, true /* eos */, ~0 /* runID: keep forever */); } private synchronized void notifyStop() { for (MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener listener: mListeners) { if (listener == null) { break; } listener.onStop(); } } private int registerListener(MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener listener) { int i = 0; for (; i < mListeners.length; i++) { if (mListeners[i] == listener || mListeners[i] == null) { break; } } // new listener if (i >= mListeners.length) { MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener[] newListeners = new MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener[i + 1]; long[] newTimes = new long[i + 1]; System.arraycopy(mListeners, 0, newListeners, 0, mListeners.length); System.arraycopy(mTimes, 0, newTimes, 0, mTimes.length); mListeners = newListeners; mTimes = newTimes; } if (mListeners[i] == null) { mListeners[i] = listener; mTimes[i] = MediaTimeProvider.NO_TIME; } return i; } public void notifyAt( long timeUs, MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener listener) { synchronized(this) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "notifyAt " + timeUs); mTimes[registerListener(listener)] = timeUs; scheduleNotification(NOTIFY_TIME, 0 /* delay */); } } public void scheduleUpdate(MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener listener) { synchronized(this) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "scheduleUpdate"); int i = registerListener(listener); if (!mStopped) { mTimes[i] = 0; scheduleNotification(NOTIFY_TIME, 0 /* delay */); } } } public void cancelNotifications( MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener listener) { synchronized(this) { int i = 0; for (; i < mListeners.length; i++) { if (mListeners[i] == listener) { System.arraycopy(mListeners, i + 1, mListeners, i, mListeners.length - i - 1); System.arraycopy(mTimes, i + 1, mTimes, i, mTimes.length - i - 1); mListeners[mListeners.length - 1] = null; mTimes[mTimes.length - 1] = NO_TIME; break; } else if (mListeners[i] == null) { break; } } scheduleNotification(NOTIFY_TIME, 0 /* delay */); } } private synchronized void notifyTimedEvent(boolean refreshTime) { // figure out next callback long nowUs; try { nowUs = getCurrentTimeUs(refreshTime, true); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // assume we paused until new player arrives mRefresh = true; mPausing = true; // this ensures that call succeeds nowUs = getCurrentTimeUs(refreshTime, true); } long nextTimeUs = nowUs; if (mSeeking) { // skip timed-event notifications until seek is complete return; } if (DEBUG) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("notifyTimedEvent(").append(mLastTimeUs).append(" -> ") .append(nowUs).append(") from {"); boolean first = true; for (long time: mTimes) { if (time == NO_TIME) { continue; } if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append(time); first = false; } sb.append("}"); Log.d(TAG, sb.toString()); } Vector<MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener> activatedListeners = new Vector<MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener>(); for (int ix = 0; ix < mTimes.length; ix++) { if (mListeners[ix] == null) { break; } if (mTimes[ix] <= NO_TIME) { // ignore, unless we were stopped } else if (mTimes[ix] <= nowUs + MAX_EARLY_CALLBACK_US) { activatedListeners.add(mListeners[ix]); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "removed"); mTimes[ix] = NO_TIME; } else if (nextTimeUs == nowUs || mTimes[ix] < nextTimeUs) { nextTimeUs = mTimes[ix]; } } if (nextTimeUs > nowUs && !mPaused) { // schedule callback at nextTimeUs if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "scheduling for " + nextTimeUs + " and " + nowUs); mPlayer.notifyAt(nextTimeUs); } else { mEventHandler.removeMessages(NOTIFY); // no more callbacks } for (MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener listener: activatedListeners) { listener.onTimedEvent(nowUs); } } public long getCurrentTimeUs(boolean refreshTime, boolean monotonic) throws IllegalStateException { synchronized (this) { // we always refresh the time when the paused-state changes, because // we expect to have received the pause-change event delayed. if (mPaused && !refreshTime) { return mLastReportedTime; } try { mLastTimeUs = mPlayer.getCurrentPosition() * 1000L; mPaused = !mPlayer.isPlaying() || mBuffering; if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, (mPaused ? "paused" : "playing") + " at " + mLastTimeUs); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { if (mPausing) { // if we were pausing, get last estimated timestamp mPausing = false; if (!monotonic || mLastReportedTime < mLastTimeUs) { mLastReportedTime = mLastTimeUs; } mPaused = true; if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "illegal state, but pausing: estimating at " + mLastReportedTime); return mLastReportedTime; } // TODO get time when prepared throw e; } if (monotonic && mLastTimeUs < mLastReportedTime) { /* have to adjust time */ if (mLastReportedTime - mLastTimeUs > 1000000) { // schedule seeked event if time jumped significantly // TODO: do this properly by introducing an exception mStopped = false; mSeeking = true; scheduleNotification(NOTIFY_SEEK, 0 /* delay */); } } else { mLastReportedTime = mLastTimeUs; } return mLastReportedTime; } } private class EventHandler extends Handler { public EventHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if (msg.what == NOTIFY) { switch (msg.arg1) { case NOTIFY_TIME: notifyTimedEvent(true /* refreshTime */); break; case NOTIFY_STOP: notifyStop(); break; case NOTIFY_SEEK: notifySeek(); break; case NOTIFY_TRACK_DATA: notifyTrackData((Pair<SubtitleTrack, byte[]>)msg.obj); break; } } } } } private abstract class Task implements Runnable { private final int mMediaCallType; private final boolean mNeedToWaitForEventToComplete; private DataSourceDesc mDSD; public Task (int mediaCallType, boolean needToWaitForEventToComplete) { mMediaCallType = mediaCallType; mNeedToWaitForEventToComplete = needToWaitForEventToComplete; } abstract void process() throws IOException, NoDrmSchemeException; @Override public void run() { int status = CALL_STATUS_NO_ERROR; try { process(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { status = CALL_STATUS_INVALID_OPERATION; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { status = CALL_STATUS_BAD_VALUE; } catch (SecurityException e) { status = CALL_STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED; } catch (IOException e) { status = CALL_STATUS_ERROR_IO; } catch (NoDrmSchemeException e) { status = CALL_STATUS_NO_DRM_SCHEME; } catch (Exception e) { status = CALL_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } synchronized (mSrcLock) { mDSD = mCurrentDSD; } // TODO: Make native implementations asynchronous and let them send notifications. if (!mNeedToWaitForEventToComplete || status != CALL_STATUS_NO_ERROR) { sendCompleteNotification(status); synchronized (mTaskLock) { mCurrentTask = null; processPendingTask_l(); } } } private void sendCompleteNotification(int status) { // In {@link #notifyWhenCommandLabelReached} case, a separate callback // {@link #onCommandLabelReached} is already called in {@code process()}. if (mMediaCallType == CALL_COMPLETED_NOTIFY_WHEN_COMMAND_LABEL_REACHED) { return; } synchronized (mEventCbLock) { for (Pair<Executor, MediaPlayer2EventCallback> cb : mEventCallbackRecords) { cb.first.execute(() -> cb.second.onCallCompleted( MediaPlayer2Impl.this, mDSD, mMediaCallType, status)); } } } }; }