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package com.sun.javafx.sg.prism;

import com.sun.javafx.logging.PulseLogger;
import javafx.scene.CacheHint;
import java.util.List;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.BaseBounds;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.DirtyRegionContainer;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.RectBounds;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.Rectangle;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.Affine2D;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.Affine3D;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.GeneralTransform3D;
import com.sun.prism.Graphics;
import com.sun.prism.RTTexture;
import com.sun.prism.Texture;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.Effect;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.FilterContext;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.Filterable;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.ImageData;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.impl.prism.PrDrawable;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.impl.prism.PrFilterContext;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.scene.layout.Background;
import javafx.scene.layout.BackgroundFill;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;

Base implementation of the Node.cache and cacheHint APIs. When all or a portion of the cacheHint becomes enabled, we should try *not* to re-render the cache. This avoids a big hiccup at the beginning of the "use SPEED only while animating" use case: 0) Under DEFAULT, we should already have a cached image 1) scale/rotate caching is enabled (no expensive re-render required) 2) animation happens, using the cached image 3) animation completes, caching is disable and the node is re-rendered (at full-fidelity) with the final transform. Certain transform combinations are not supported, notably scaling by unequal amounts in the x and y directions while also rotating. Other than simple translation, animations in this case will require re-rendering every frame. Ideally, a simple change to a Node's translation should never regenerate the cached image. The CacheFilter is also capable of optimizing the scrolling of the cached contents. For example, the ScrollView UI Control can define its content area as being cached, such that when the user scrolls, we can shift the old content area and adjust the dirty region so that it only includes the "newly exposed" area.
/** * Base implementation of the Node.cache and cacheHint APIs. * * When all or a portion of the cacheHint becomes enabled, we should try *not* * to re-render the cache. This avoids a big hiccup at the beginning of the * "use SPEED only while animating" use case: * 0) Under DEFAULT, we should already have a cached image * 1) scale/rotate caching is enabled (no expensive re-render required) * 2) animation happens, using the cached image * 3) animation completes, caching is disable and the node is re-rendered (at * full-fidelity) with the final transform. * * Certain transform combinations are not supported, notably scaling by unequal * amounts in the x and y directions while also rotating. Other than simple * translation, animations in this case will require re-rendering every frame. * * Ideally, a simple change to a Node's translation should never regenerate the * cached image. * * The CacheFilter is also capable of optimizing the scrolling of the cached contents. * For example, the ScrollView UI Control can define its content area as being cached, * such that when the user scrolls, we can shift the old content area and adjust the * dirty region so that it only includes the "newly exposed" area. */
public class CacheFilter {
Defines the state when we're in the midst of scrolling a cached image
/** * Defines the state when we're in the midst of scrolling a cached image */
private static enum ScrollCacheState { CHECKING_PRECONDITIONS, ENABLED, DISABLED } // Garbage-reduction variables: private static final Rectangle TEMP_RECT = new Rectangle(); private static final DirtyRegionContainer TEMP_CONTAINER = new DirtyRegionContainer(1); private static final Affine3D TEMP_CACHEFILTER_TRANSFORM = new Affine3D(); private static final RectBounds TEMP_BOUNDS = new RectBounds(); // Fun with floating point private static final double EPSILON = 0.0000001; private RTTexture tempTexture; private double lastXDelta; private double lastYDelta; private ScrollCacheState scrollCacheState = ScrollCacheState.CHECKING_PRECONDITIONS; // Note: this ImageData is always created and assumed to be untransformed. private ImageData cachedImageData; private Rectangle cacheBounds = new Rectangle(); // Used to draw into the cache private final Affine2D cachedXform = new Affine2D(); // The scale and rotate used to draw into the cache private double cachedScaleX; private double cachedScaleY; private double cachedRotate; private double cachedX; private double cachedY; private NGNode node; // Used to draw the cached image to the screen private final Affine2D screenXform = new Affine2D(); // Cache hint settings private boolean scaleHint; private boolean rotateHint; // We keep this around for the sake of matchesHint private CacheHint cacheHint; // Was the last paint unsupported by the cache? If so, will need to // regenerate the cache next time. private boolean wasUnsupported = false;
Compute the dirty region that must be re-rendered after scrolling
/** * Compute the dirty region that must be re-rendered after scrolling */
private Rectangle computeDirtyRegionForTranslate() { if (lastXDelta != 0) { if (lastXDelta > 0) { TEMP_RECT.setBounds(0, 0, (int)lastXDelta, cacheBounds.height); } else { TEMP_RECT.setBounds(cacheBounds.width + (int)lastXDelta, 0, -(int)lastXDelta, cacheBounds.height); } } else { if (lastYDelta > 0) { TEMP_RECT.setBounds(0, 0, cacheBounds.width, (int)lastYDelta); } else { TEMP_RECT.setBounds(0, cacheBounds.height + (int)lastYDelta, cacheBounds.width, -(int)lastYDelta); } } return TEMP_RECT; } protected CacheFilter(NGNode node, CacheHint cacheHint) { this.node = node; this.scrollCacheState = ScrollCacheState.CHECKING_PRECONDITIONS; setHint(cacheHint); } public void setHint(CacheHint cacheHint) { this.cacheHint = cacheHint; this.scaleHint = (cacheHint == CacheHint.SPEED || cacheHint == CacheHint.SCALE || cacheHint == CacheHint.SCALE_AND_ROTATE); this.rotateHint = (cacheHint == CacheHint.SPEED || cacheHint == CacheHint.ROTATE || cacheHint == CacheHint.SCALE_AND_ROTATE); } // These two methods exist only for the sake of testing. final boolean isScaleHint() { return scaleHint; } final boolean isRotateHint() { return rotateHint; }
Indicates whether this CacheFilter's hint matches the CacheHint passed in.
/** * Indicates whether this CacheFilter's hint matches the CacheHint * passed in. */
boolean matchesHint(CacheHint cacheHint) { return this.cacheHint == cacheHint; }
Are we attempting to use cache for an unsupported transform mode? Mostly this is for trying to rotate while scaling the object by different amounts in the x and y directions (this also includes shearing).
/** * Are we attempting to use cache for an unsupported transform mode? Mostly * this is for trying to rotate while scaling the object by different * amounts in the x and y directions (this also includes shearing). */
boolean unsupported(double[] xformInfo) { double scaleX = xformInfo[0]; double scaleY = xformInfo[1]; double rotate = xformInfo[2]; // If we're trying to rotate... if (rotate > EPSILON || rotate < -EPSILON) { // ...and if scaleX != scaleY. This can be in the render xform, or // may have made it into the cached image. if (scaleX > scaleY + EPSILON || scaleY > scaleX + EPSILON || scaleX < scaleY - EPSILON || scaleY < scaleX - EPSILON || cachedScaleX > cachedScaleY + EPSILON || cachedScaleY > cachedScaleX + EPSILON || cachedScaleX < cachedScaleY - EPSILON || cachedScaleY < cachedScaleX - EPSILON ) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean isXformScrollCacheCapable(double[] xformInfo) { if (unsupported(xformInfo)) { return false; } double rotate = xformInfo[2]; return rotateHint || rotate == 0; } /* * Do we need to regenerate the cached image? * Assumes that caller locked and validated the cachedImageData.untximage * if not null... */ private boolean needToRenderCache(BaseTransform renderXform, double[] xformInfo, float pixelScaleX, float pixelScaleY) { if (cachedImageData == null) { return true; } if (lastXDelta != 0 || lastYDelta != 0) { if (Math.abs(lastXDelta) >= cacheBounds.width || Math.abs(lastYDelta) >= cacheBounds.height || Math.rint(lastXDelta) != lastXDelta || Math.rint(lastYDelta) != lastYDelta) { node.clearDirtyTree(); // Need to clear dirty (by translation) flags in the children lastXDelta = lastYDelta = 0; return true; } if (scrollCacheState == ScrollCacheState.CHECKING_PRECONDITIONS) { if (scrollCacheCapable() && isXformScrollCacheCapable(xformInfo)) { scrollCacheState = ScrollCacheState.ENABLED; } else { scrollCacheState = ScrollCacheState.DISABLED; return true; } } } // TODO: is == sufficient for floating point comparison here? (RT-23963) if (cachedXform.getMxx() == renderXform.getMxx() && cachedXform.getMyy() == renderXform.getMyy() && cachedXform.getMxy() == renderXform.getMxy() && cachedXform.getMyx() == renderXform.getMyx()) { // It's just a translation - use cached Image return false; } // Not just a translation - if was or is unsupported, then must rerender if (wasUnsupported || unsupported(xformInfo)) { return true; } double scaleX = xformInfo[0]; double scaleY = xformInfo[1]; double rotate = xformInfo[2]; if (scaleHint) { if (cachedScaleX < pixelScaleX || cachedScaleY < pixelScaleY) { // We have moved onto a screen with a higher pixelScale and // our cache was less than that pixel scale. Even though // we have the scaleHint, we always cache at a minimum of // the pixel scale of the screen so we need to re-cache. return true; } if (rotateHint) { return false; } else { // Not caching for rotate: regenerate cache if rotate changed if (cachedRotate - EPSILON < rotate && rotate < cachedRotate + EPSILON) { return false; } else { return true; } } } else { if (rotateHint) { // Not caching for scale: regenerate cache if scale changed if (cachedScaleX - EPSILON < scaleX && scaleX < cachedScaleX + EPSILON && cachedScaleY - EPSILON < scaleY && scaleY < cachedScaleY + EPSILON) { return false; } else {// Scale is not "equal enough" - regenerate return true; } } else { // Not caching for anything; always regenerate return true; } } } /* * Given the new xform info, update the screenXform as needed to correctly * paint the cache to the screen. */ void updateScreenXform(double[] xformInfo) { // screenXform will be the difference between the cachedXform and the // render xform. if (scaleHint) { if (rotateHint) { double screenScaleX = xformInfo[0] / cachedScaleX; double screenScaleY = xformInfo[1] / cachedScaleY; double screenRotate = xformInfo[2] - cachedRotate; screenXform.setToScale(screenScaleX, screenScaleY); screenXform.rotate(screenRotate); } else { double screenScaleX = xformInfo[0] / cachedScaleX; double screenScaleY = xformInfo[1] / cachedScaleY; screenXform.setToScale(screenScaleX, screenScaleY); } } else { if (rotateHint) { double screenRotate = xformInfo[2] - cachedRotate; screenXform.setToRotation(screenRotate, 0.0, 0.0); } else { // No caching, cache already rendered with xform; just paint it screenXform.setTransform(BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM); } } } public void invalidate() { if (scrollCacheState == ScrollCacheState.ENABLED) { scrollCacheState = ScrollCacheState.CHECKING_PRECONDITIONS; } imageDataUnref(); lastXDelta = lastYDelta = 0; } void imageDataUnref() { if (tempTexture != null) { tempTexture.dispose(); tempTexture = null; } if (cachedImageData != null) { // While we hold on to this ImageData we leave the texture // unlocked so it can be reclaimed, but the default unref() // method assumes it was locked. Filterable implImage = cachedImageData.getUntransformedImage(); if (implImage != null) { implImage.lock(); } cachedImageData.unref(); cachedImageData = null; } } void invalidateByTranslation(double translateXDelta, double translateYDelta) { if (cachedImageData == null) { return; } if (scrollCacheState == ScrollCacheState.DISABLED) { imageDataUnref(); } else { // When both mxt and myt change, we don't currently use scroll optimization if (translateXDelta != 0 && translateYDelta != 0) { imageDataUnref(); } else { lastYDelta = translateYDelta; lastXDelta = translateXDelta; } } } public void dispose() { invalidate(); node = null; } /* * unmatrix() and the supporting functions are based on the code from * "Decomposing A Matrix Into Simple Transformations" by Spencer W. Thomas * from Graphics Gems II, as found at * http://tog.acm.org/resources/GraphicsGems/ * which states, "All code here can be used without restrictions." * * The code was reduced from handling a 4x4 matrix (3D w/ perspective) * to handle just a 2x2 (2D scale/rotate, w/o translate, as that is handled * separately). */
Given a BaseTransform, decompose it into values for scaleX, scaleY and rotate. The return value is a double[3], the values being: [0]: scaleX [1]: scaleY [2]: rotation angle, in radians, between *** and *** From unmatrix() in unmatrix.c
/** * Given a BaseTransform, decompose it into values for scaleX, scaleY and * rotate. * * The return value is a double[3], the values being: * [0]: scaleX * [1]: scaleY * [2]: rotation angle, in radians, between *** and *** * * From unmatrix() in unmatrix.c */
double[] unmatrix(BaseTransform xform) { double[] retVal = new double[3]; double[][] row = {{xform.getMxx(), xform.getMxy()}, {xform.getMyx(), xform.getMyy()}}; final double xSignum = unitDir(row[0][0]); final double ySignum = unitDir(row[1][1]); // Compute X scale factor and normalize first row. // tran[U_SCALEX] = V3Length(&row[0]); // row[0] = *V3Scale(&row[0], 1.0); double scaleX = xSignum * v2length(row[0]); v2scale(row[0], xSignum); // Compute XY shear factor and make 2nd row orthogonal to 1st. // tran[U_SHEARXY] = V3Dot(&row[0], &row[1]); // (void)V3Combine(&row[1], &row[0], &row[1], 1.0, -tran[U_SHEARXY]); // // "this is too large by the y scaling factor" double shearXY = v2dot(row[0], row[1]); // Combine into row[1] v2combine(row[1], row[0], row[1], 1.0, -shearXY); // Now, compute Y scale and normalize 2nd row // tran[U_SCALEY] = V3Length(&row[1]); // V3Scale(&row[1], 1.0); // tran[U_SHEARXY] /= tran[U_SCALEY]; double scaleY = ySignum * v2length(row[1]); v2scale(row[1], ySignum); // Now extract the rotation. (This is new code, not from the Gem.) // // In our matrix, we now have // [ cos(theta) -sin(theta) ] // [ sin(theta) cos(theta) ] // // TODO: assert: all 4 values are sane (RT-23962) // double sin = row[1][0]; double cos = row[0][0]; double angleRad = 0.0; // Recall: // arcsin works for theta: -90 -> 90 // arccos works for theta: 0 -> 180 if (sin >= 0) { // theta is 0 -> 180, use acos() angleRad = Math.acos(cos); } else { if (cos > 0) { // sin < 0, cos > 0, so theta is 270 -> 360, aka -90 -> 0 // use asin(), add 360 angleRad = 2.0 * Math.PI + Math.asin(sin); } else { // sin < 0, cos < 0, so theta 180 -> 270 // cos from 180 -> 270 is inverse of cos from 0->90, // so take acos(-cos) and add 180 angleRad = Math.PI + Math.acos(-cos); } } retVal[0] = scaleX; retVal[1] = scaleY; retVal[2] = angleRad; return retVal; }
Return the unit distance in a direction compatible with the matrix element.
  • v – the matrix element representing a scale factor
Returns:-1.0 if the matrix element is negative, otherwise 1.0
/** * Return the unit distance in a direction compatible with the matrix element. * @param v the matrix element representing a scale factor * @return -1.0 if the matrix element is negative, otherwise 1.0 */
double unitDir(double v) { return v < 0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0; }
make a linear combination of two vectors and return the result result = (v0 * scalarA) + (v1 * scalarB) From V3Combine() in GGVecLib.c
/** * make a linear combination of two vectors and return the result * result = (v0 * scalarA) + (v1 * scalarB) * * From V3Combine() in GGVecLib.c */
void v2combine(double v0[], double v1[], double result[], double scalarA, double scalarB) { // make a linear combination of two vectors and return the result. // result = (a * ascl) + (b * bscl) /* Vector3 *V3Combine (a, b, result, ascl, bscl) Vector3 *a, *b, *result; double ascl, bscl; { result->x = (ascl * a->x) + (bscl * b->x); result->y = (ascl * a->y) + (bscl * b->y); result->z = (ascl * a->z) + (bscl * b->z); return(result); */ result[0] = scalarA*v0[0] + scalarB*v1[0]; result[1] = scalarA*v0[1] + scalarB*v1[1]; }
dot product of 2 vectors of length 2
/** * dot product of 2 vectors of length 2 */
double v2dot(double v0[], double v1[]) { return v0[0]*v1[0] + v0[1]*v1[1]; }
scale v[] to be relative to newLen From V3Scale() in GGVecLib.c
/** * scale v[] to be relative to newLen * * From V3Scale() in GGVecLib.c */
void v2scale(double v[], double newLen) { double len = v2length(v); if (len != 0) { v[0] *= newLen / len; v[1] *= newLen / len; } }
returns length of input vector Based on V3Length() in GGVecLib.c
/** * returns length of input vector * * Based on V3Length() in GGVecLib.c */
double v2length(double v[]) { return Math.sqrt(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1]); } void render(Graphics g) { // The following is safe; xform will not be mutated below BaseTransform xform = g.getTransformNoClone(); FilterContext fctx = PrFilterContext.getInstance(g.getAssociatedScreen()); // getFilterContext double[] xformInfo = unmatrix(xform); boolean isUnsupported = unsupported(xformInfo); lastXDelta = lastXDelta * xformInfo[0]; lastYDelta = lastYDelta * xformInfo[1]; if (cachedImageData != null) { Filterable implImage = cachedImageData.getUntransformedImage(); if (implImage != null) { implImage.lock(); if (!cachedImageData.validate(fctx)) { implImage.unlock(); invalidate(); } } } float pixelScaleX = g.getPixelScaleFactorX(); float pixelScaleY = g.getPixelScaleFactorY(); if (needToRenderCache(xform, xformInfo, pixelScaleX, pixelScaleY)) { if (PulseLogger.PULSE_LOGGING_ENABLED) { PulseLogger.incrementCounter("CacheFilter rebuilding"); } if (cachedImageData != null) { Filterable implImage = cachedImageData.getUntransformedImage(); if (implImage != null) { implImage.unlock(); } invalidate(); } if (scaleHint) { // do not cache the image at a small scale factor when // scaleHint is set as it leads to poor rendering results // when image is scaled up. cachedScaleX = Math.max(pixelScaleX, xformInfo[0]); cachedScaleY = Math.max(pixelScaleY, xformInfo[1]); cachedRotate = 0; cachedXform.setTransform(cachedScaleX, 0.0, 0.0, cachedScaleX, 0.0, 0.0); updateScreenXform(xformInfo); } else { cachedScaleX = xformInfo[0]; cachedScaleY = xformInfo[1]; cachedRotate = xformInfo[2]; // Update the cachedXform to the current xform (ignoring translate). cachedXform.setTransform(xform.getMxx(), xform.getMyx(), xform.getMxy(), xform.getMyy(), 0.0, 0.0); // screenXform is always identity in this case, as we've just // rendered into the cache using the render xform. screenXform.setTransform(BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM); } cacheBounds = getCacheBounds(cacheBounds, cachedXform); cachedImageData = createImageData(fctx, cacheBounds); renderNodeToCache(cachedImageData, cacheBounds, cachedXform, null); // cachedBounds includes effects, and is in *scene* coords Rectangle cachedBounds = cachedImageData.getUntransformedBounds(); // Save out the (un-transformed) x & y coordinates. This accounts // for effects and other reasons the untranslated location may not // be 0,0. cachedX = cachedBounds.x; cachedY = cachedBounds.y; } else { if (scrollCacheState == ScrollCacheState.ENABLED && (lastXDelta != 0 || lastYDelta != 0) ) { moveCacheBy(cachedImageData, lastXDelta, lastYDelta); renderNodeToCache(cachedImageData, cacheBounds, cachedXform, computeDirtyRegionForTranslate()); lastXDelta = lastYDelta = 0; } // Using the cached image; calculate screenXform to paint to screen. if (isUnsupported) { // Only way we should be using the cached image in the // unsupported case is for a change in translate only. No other // xform should be needed, so use identity. // TODO: assert cachedXform == render xform (ignoring translate) // or assert xforminfo == cachedXform info (RT-23962) screenXform.setTransform(BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM); } else { updateScreenXform(xformInfo); } } // If this render is unsupported, remember for next time. We'll need // to regenerate the cache once we're in a supported scenario again. wasUnsupported = isUnsupported; Filterable implImage = cachedImageData.getUntransformedImage(); if (implImage == null) { if (PulseLogger.PULSE_LOGGING_ENABLED) { PulseLogger.incrementCounter("CacheFilter not used"); } renderNodeToScreen(g); } else { double mxt = xform.getMxt(); double myt = xform.getMyt(); renderCacheToScreen(g, implImage, mxt, myt); implImage.unlock(); } }
Create the ImageData for the cached bitmap, with the specified bounds.
/** * Create the ImageData for the cached bitmap, with the specified bounds. */
ImageData createImageData(FilterContext fctx, Rectangle bounds) { Filterable ret; try { ret = Effect.getCompatibleImage(fctx, bounds.width, bounds.height); Texture cachedTex = ((PrDrawable) ret).getTextureObject(); cachedTex.contentsUseful(); } catch (Throwable e) { ret = null; } return new ImageData(fctx, ret, bounds); }
Render node to cache.
  • cacheData – the cache
  • cacheBounds – cache bounds
  • xform – transformation
  • dirtyBounds – null or dirty rectangle to be rendered
/** * Render node to cache. * @param cacheData the cache * @param cacheBounds cache bounds * @param xform transformation * @param dirtyBounds null or dirty rectangle to be rendered */
void renderNodeToCache(ImageData cacheData, Rectangle cacheBounds, BaseTransform xform, Rectangle dirtyBounds) { final PrDrawable image = (PrDrawable) cacheData.getUntransformedImage(); if (image != null) { Graphics g = image.createGraphics(); TEMP_CACHEFILTER_TRANSFORM.setToIdentity(); TEMP_CACHEFILTER_TRANSFORM.translate(-cacheBounds.x, -cacheBounds.y); if (xform != null) { TEMP_CACHEFILTER_TRANSFORM.concatenate(xform); } if (dirtyBounds != null) { TEMP_CONTAINER.deriveWithNewRegion((RectBounds)TEMP_BOUNDS.deriveWithNewBounds(dirtyBounds)); // Culling might save us a lot when there's a dirty region node.doPreCulling(TEMP_CONTAINER, TEMP_CACHEFILTER_TRANSFORM, new GeneralTransform3D()); g.setHasPreCullingBits(true); g.setClipRectIndex(0); g.setClipRect(dirtyBounds); } g.transform(TEMP_CACHEFILTER_TRANSFORM); if (node.getClipNode() != null) { node.renderClip(g); } else if (node.getEffectFilter() != null) { node.renderEffect(g); } else { node.renderContent(g); } } }
Render the node directly to the screen, in the case that the cached image is unexpectedly null. See RT-6428.
/** * Render the node directly to the screen, in the case that the cached * image is unexpectedly null. See RT-6428. */
void renderNodeToScreen(Object implGraphics) { Graphics g = (Graphics)implGraphics; if (node.getEffectFilter() != null) { node.renderEffect(g); } else { node.renderContent(g); } }
Render the cached image to the screen, translated by mxt, myt.
/** * Render the cached image to the screen, translated by mxt, myt. */
void renderCacheToScreen(Object implGraphics, Filterable implImage, double mxt, double myt) { Graphics g = (Graphics)implGraphics; g.setTransform(screenXform.getMxx(), screenXform.getMyx(), screenXform.getMxy(), screenXform.getMyy(), mxt, myt); g.translate((float)cachedX, (float)cachedY); Texture cachedTex = ((PrDrawable)implImage).getTextureObject(); Rectangle cachedBounds = cachedImageData.getUntransformedBounds(); g.drawTexture(cachedTex, 0, 0, cachedBounds.width, cachedBounds.height); // FYI: transform state is restored by the NGNode.render() method }
True if we can use scrolling optimization on this node.
/** * True if we can use scrolling optimization on this node. */
boolean scrollCacheCapable() { if (!(node instanceof NGGroup)) { return false; } List<NGNode> children = ((NGGroup)node).getChildren(); if (children.size() != 1) { return false; } NGNode child = children.get(0); if (!child.getTransform().is2D()) { return false; } NGNode clip = node.getClipNode(); if (clip == null || !clip.isRectClip(BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM, false)) { return false; } if (node instanceof NGRegion) { NGRegion region = (NGRegion) node; if (!region.getBorder().isEmpty()) { return false; } final Background background = region.getBackground(); if (!background.isEmpty()) { if (!background.getImages().isEmpty() || background.getFills().size() != 1) { return false; } BackgroundFill fill = background.getFills().get(0); javafx.scene.paint.Paint fillPaint = fill.getFill(); BaseBounds clipBounds = clip.getCompleteBounds(TEMP_BOUNDS, BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM); return fillPaint.isOpaque() && fillPaint instanceof Color && fill.getInsets().equals(Insets.EMPTY) && clipBounds.getMinX() == 0 && clipBounds.getMinY() == 0 && clipBounds.getMaxX() == region.getWidth() && clipBounds.getMaxY() == region.getHeight(); } } return true; }
Moves a subregion of the cache, "scrolling" the cache by x/y Delta. On of xDelta/yDelta must be zero. The rest of the pixels will be cleared.
  • cachedImageData – cache
  • xDelta – x-axis delta
  • yDelta – y-axis delta
/** * Moves a subregion of the cache, "scrolling" the cache by x/y Delta. * On of xDelta/yDelta must be zero. The rest of the pixels will be cleared. * @param cachedImageData cache * @param xDelta x-axis delta * @param yDelta y-axis delta */
void moveCacheBy(ImageData cachedImageData, double xDelta, double yDelta) { PrDrawable drawable = (PrDrawable) cachedImageData.getUntransformedImage(); final Rectangle r = cachedImageData.getUntransformedBounds(); int x = (int)Math.max(0, (-xDelta)); int y = (int)Math.max(0, (-yDelta)); int destX = (int)Math.max(0, (xDelta)); int destY = (int) Math.max(0, yDelta); int w = r.width - (int) Math.abs(xDelta); int h = r.height - (int) Math.abs(yDelta); final Graphics g = drawable.createGraphics(); if (tempTexture != null) { tempTexture.lock(); if (tempTexture.isSurfaceLost()) { tempTexture = null; } } if (tempTexture == null) { tempTexture = g.getResourceFactory(). createRTTexture(drawable.getPhysicalWidth(), drawable.getPhysicalHeight(), Texture.WrapMode.CLAMP_NOT_NEEDED); } final Graphics tempG = tempTexture.createGraphics(); tempG.clear(); tempG.drawTexture(drawable.getTextureObject(), 0, 0, w, h, x, y, x + w, y + h); tempG.sync(); g.clear(); g.drawTexture(tempTexture, destX, destY, destX + w, destY + h, 0, 0, w, h); tempTexture.unlock(); }
Get the cache bounds.
  • bounds – rectangle to store bounds to
  • xform – transformation
/** * Get the cache bounds. * @param bounds rectangle to store bounds to * @param xform transformation */
Rectangle getCacheBounds(Rectangle bounds, BaseTransform xform) { final BaseBounds b = node.getClippedBounds(TEMP_BOUNDS, xform); bounds.setBounds(b); return bounds; } BaseBounds computeDirtyBounds(BaseBounds region, BaseTransform tx, GeneralTransform3D pvTx) { // For now, we just use the computed dirty bounds of the Node and // round them out before the transforms. // Later, we could use the bounds of the cache // to compute the dirty region directly (and more accurately). // See RT-34928 for more details. if (!node.dirtyBounds.isEmpty()) { region = region.deriveWithNewBounds(node.dirtyBounds); } else { region = region.deriveWithNewBounds(node.transformedBounds); } if (!region.isEmpty()) { region.roundOut(); region = node.computePadding(region); region = tx.transform(region, region); region = pvTx.transform(region, region); } return region; } }