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package com.sun.javafx.geom;

import java.util.Arrays;

Container for array of dirty regions. This container internally holds pointer to the first empty dirty region in the array and index of last modified dirty region. It also introduces convenient methods to modify the array of dirty regions.
/** * Container for array of dirty regions. This container internally holds * pointer to the first empty dirty region in the array and index of last * modified dirty region. It also introduces convenient methods to modify * the array of dirty regions. */
public final class DirtyRegionContainer { public static final int DTR_OK = 1; public static final int DTR_CONTAINS_CLIP = 0; private RectBounds[] dirtyRegions; private int emptyIndex; public DirtyRegionContainer(int count) { initDirtyRegions(count); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof DirtyRegionContainer) { DirtyRegionContainer drc = (DirtyRegionContainer)obj; if (size() != drc.size()) return false; for(int i = 0; i < emptyIndex; i++) { if (!getDirtyRegion(i).equals(drc.getDirtyRegion(i))) return false; } return true; } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 5; hash = 97 * hash + Arrays.deepHashCode(this.dirtyRegions); hash = 97 * hash + this.emptyIndex; return hash; } public DirtyRegionContainer deriveWithNewRegion(RectBounds region) { if (region == null) { return this; } dirtyRegions[0].deriveWithNewBounds(region); emptyIndex = 1; return this; } public DirtyRegionContainer deriveWithNewRegions(RectBounds[] regions) { if (regions == null || regions.length == 0) { return this; } if (regions.length > maxSpace()) { initDirtyRegions(regions.length); } regioncopy(regions, 0, dirtyRegions, 0, regions.length); emptyIndex = regions.length; return this; } public DirtyRegionContainer deriveWithNewContainer(DirtyRegionContainer other) { if (other == null || other.maxSpace() == 0) { return this; } if (other.maxSpace() > maxSpace()) { initDirtyRegions(other.maxSpace()); } regioncopy(other.dirtyRegions, 0, dirtyRegions, 0, other.emptyIndex); emptyIndex = other.emptyIndex; return this; } private void initDirtyRegions(int count) { dirtyRegions = new RectBounds[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { dirtyRegions[i] = new RectBounds(); } emptyIndex = 0; } public DirtyRegionContainer copy() { DirtyRegionContainer drc = new DirtyRegionContainer(maxSpace()); regioncopy(dirtyRegions, 0, drc.dirtyRegions, 0, emptyIndex); drc.emptyIndex = emptyIndex; return drc; } public int maxSpace() { return dirtyRegions.length; }
Gets the dirty region at given index.
  • index – the index of requested dirty region
Returns:dirty region at given index
/** * Gets the dirty region at given index. * @param index the index of requested dirty region * @return dirty region at given index */
public RectBounds getDirtyRegion(int index) { return dirtyRegions[index]; } public void setDirtyRegion(int index, RectBounds region) { dirtyRegions[index] = region; }
Adds new dirty region to the array.
  • region – the dirty region.
/** * Adds new dirty region to the array. * @param region the dirty region. */
public void addDirtyRegion(final RectBounds region) { if (region.isEmpty()) return; RectBounds dr, tmp; int tempIndex = 0; int regionCount = emptyIndex; for(int i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) { //can't have overlapping regions dr = dirtyRegions[tempIndex]; if (region.intersects(dr)) { region.unionWith(dr); tmp = dirtyRegions[tempIndex]; dirtyRegions[tempIndex] = dirtyRegions[emptyIndex - 1]; dirtyRegions[emptyIndex - 1] = tmp; emptyIndex--; } else { tempIndex++; } }//for if (hasSpace()) { dr = dirtyRegions[emptyIndex]; dr.deriveWithNewBounds(region); emptyIndex++; return; } //match region into existing dirty regions if (dirtyRegions.length == 1) dirtyRegions[0].deriveWithUnion(region); else compress(region); } public void merge(DirtyRegionContainer other) { int otherSize = other.size(); for(int i = 0; i < otherSize; i++) { addDirtyRegion(other.getDirtyRegion(i)); } } public int size() { return emptyIndex; } public void reset() { emptyIndex = 0; } private RectBounds compress(final RectBounds region) { compress_heap(); addDirtyRegion(region); return region; }
If there are empty regions in the dirty regions array.
Returns:true if there is empty region in the array; false otherwise
/** * If there are empty regions in the dirty regions array. * @return true if there is empty region in the array; false otherwise */
private boolean hasSpace() { return emptyIndex < dirtyRegions.length; } private void regioncopy(RectBounds[] src, int from, RectBounds[] dest, int to, int length) { RectBounds rb; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { rb = src[from++]; if (rb == null) { dest[to++].makeEmpty(); } else { dest[to++].deriveWithNewBounds(rb); } } } public boolean checkAndClearRegion(int index) { boolean removed = false; if (dirtyRegions[index].isEmpty()) { System.arraycopy(dirtyRegions, index + 1, dirtyRegions, index, emptyIndex - index - 1); --emptyIndex; removed = true; } return removed; } public void grow(int horizontal, int vertical) { if (horizontal != 0 || vertical != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < emptyIndex; i++) { getDirtyRegion(i).grow(horizontal, vertical); } } } public void roundOut() { for (int i = 0; i < emptyIndex; ++i) { dirtyRegions[i].roundOut(); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < emptyIndex; i++) { sb.append(dirtyRegions[i]); sb.append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); }
Shared for all compressing algorithms
/*************************************************************************** * Shared for all compressing algorithms ***************************************************************************/
private int[][] heap; // heap used for compressing dirty regions private int heapSize; private long invalidMask; private void heapCompress() { invalidMask = 0; int[] map = new int[dirtyRegions.length]; for (int i = 0; i < map.length; ++i) { map[i] = i; } int[] min; for (int i = 0; i < dirtyRegions.length / 2; ++i) { //compress to 1/2 min = takeMinWithMap(map); int idx0 = resolveMap(map, min[1]); int idx1 = resolveMap(map, min[2]); if (idx0 != idx1) { dirtyRegions[idx0].deriveWithUnion(dirtyRegions[idx1]); map[idx1] = idx0; invalidMask |= 1 << idx0; invalidMask |= 1 << idx1; } } // move the unused regions to the end RectBounds tmp; for (int i = 0; i < emptyIndex; ++i) { if (map[i] != i) { while(map[emptyIndex - 1] != emptyIndex - 1 ) --emptyIndex; if (i < emptyIndex - 1) { tmp = dirtyRegions[emptyIndex - 1]; dirtyRegions[emptyIndex - 1] = dirtyRegions[i]; dirtyRegions[i] = tmp; map[i] = i; // indicate that this element is OK --emptyIndex; } } } } private void heapify() { for (int i = heapSize / 2; i >= 0; --i) { siftDown(i); } } private void siftDown(int i) { int end = heapSize >> 1; int[] temp; while (i < end) { int child = (i << 1) + 1; int[] left = heap[child]; if (child + 1 < heapSize && heap[child + 1][0] < left[0]) { child = child + 1; } if (heap[child][0] >= heap[i][0]) { break; } temp = heap[child]; heap[child] = heap[i]; heap[i] = temp; i = child; } } private int[] takeMinWithMap(int[] map) { int[] temp = heap[0]; // Check if the minimum element wasn't computed with some already merged region // If so, we can recompute it and push it down (as the new merged region can be // only greater than the original region) while (((1 << temp[1] | 1 << temp[2]) & invalidMask) > 0) { temp[0] = unifiedRegionArea(resolveMap(map, temp[1]), resolveMap(map, temp[2])); siftDown(0); if (heap[0] == temp) { break; } temp = heap[0]; } heap[heapSize - 1] = temp; siftDown(0); heapSize--; return temp; } private int[] takeMin() { int[] temp = heap[0]; heap[0] = heap[heapSize - 1]; heap[heapSize - 1] = temp; siftDown(0); heapSize--; return temp; } private int resolveMap(int[] map, int idx) { while(map[idx] != idx) idx = map[idx]; return idx; } private int unifiedRegionArea(int i0, int i1) { RectBounds r0 = dirtyRegions[i0]; RectBounds r1 = dirtyRegions[i1]; float minX, minY, maxX, maxY; minX = r0.getMinX() < r1.getMinX() ? r0.getMinX() : r1.getMinX(); minY = r0.getMinY() < r1.getMinY() ? r0.getMinY() : r1.getMinY(); maxX = r0.getMaxX() > r1.getMaxX() ? r0.getMaxX() : r1.getMaxX(); maxY = r0.getMaxY() > r1.getMaxY() ? r0.getMaxY() : r1.getMaxY(); return (int) ((maxX - minX) * (maxY - minY)); }
Heap-based compressing algorithm
/*************************************************************************** * Heap-based compressing algorithm ***************************************************************************/
private void compress_heap() { assert dirtyRegions.length == emptyIndex; // call only when there is no space left if (heap == null) { int n = dirtyRegions.length; heap = new int[n * (n-1) / 2][3]; } heapSize = heap.length; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dirtyRegions.length - 1; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < dirtyRegions.length; ++j) { heap[k][0] = unifiedRegionArea(i, j); heap[k][1] = i; heap[k++][2] = j; } } heapify(); heapCompress(); } /*************************************************************************** * Simple Monte-Carlo variant of compressing algorithm ***************************************************************************/ // private void compress_mc() { // assert dirtyRegions.length == emptyIndex; // call only when there is no space left // heapSize = dirtyRegions.length; // if (heap == null) { // heap = new int[heapSize][3]; // } // for (int i = 0; i < heapSize; ++i) { //number of tries // int i0 = random(dirtyRegions.length); // int i1 = random(dirtyRegions.length); // if (i1 == i0) i1 = (i0 + random(dirtyRegions.length / 2) + 1) % dirtyRegions.length; // heap[i][0] = unifiedRegionArea(i0, i1); // heap[i][1] = i0; // heap[i][2] = i1; // } // heapify(); // heapCompress(); // } // // private static long rnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); // // XOR Random generator by George Marsaglia http://www.jstatsoft.org/v08/i14/ // // The LCG algorithm of Random() has an upleasant trait that the numbers generated in // // pairs always have some (tight) mathematical relationship // private int random(int n) { // rnd ^= (rnd << 21); // rnd ^= (rnd >>> 35); // rnd ^= (rnd << 4); // return (int) ((rnd) % n + n) % n; // the problem with this algorithm is that 0 is never produced. // // Given it's independed probability for every bit, we can safely do % n here // } }