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package com.sun.javafx.sg.prism;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.DirtyRegionContainer;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.RectBounds;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.Rectangle;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.GeneralTransform3D;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.NodeHelper;
import com.sun.prism.Graphics;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.Blend;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.Blend.Mode;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.FilterContext;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.ImageData;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.impl.prism.PrDrawable;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.impl.prism.PrEffectHelper;
import javafx.scene.Node;

public class NGGroup extends NGNode {
The blend mode to use with this group.
/** * The blend mode to use with this group. */
private Blend.Mode blendMode = Blend.Mode.SRC_OVER; // NOTE I need a special array list here where all nodes added can have // their parent set correctly, and all nodes removed have it cleared correctly. // Actually, if a node is removed, I probably don't have to worry about // clearing it because as soon as it is added to another parent it will be set // and there is no magic listener foo going on here. private List<NGNode> children = new ArrayList<>(1); private List<NGNode> unmod = Collections.unmodifiableList(children); private List<NGNode> removed;
The viewOrderChildren is a list children sorted in decreasing viewOrder order if it is not empty. Its size should always be equal to children.size(). If viewOrderChildren is empty it implies that the rendering order of the children is the same as the order in the children list.
/** * The viewOrderChildren is a list children sorted in decreasing viewOrder * order if it is not empty. Its size should always be equal to * children.size(). If viewOrderChildren is empty it implies that the * rendering order of the children is the same as the order in the children * list. */
private final List<NGNode> viewOrderChildren = new ArrayList<>(1);
This mask has all bits that mark that a region intersects this group. Which means it looks like this: 00010101010101010101010101010101 (first bit for sign)
/** * This mask has all bits that mark that a region intersects this group. * Which means it looks like this: 00010101010101010101010101010101 (first bit for sign) */
private static final int REGION_INTERSECTS_MASK = 0x15555555; /*************************************************************************** * * * Implementation of the PGGroup interface * * * **************************************************************************/
Gets an unmodifiable list of the current children on this group
/** * Gets an unmodifiable list of the current children on this group */
public List<NGNode> getChildren() { return unmod; }
Adds a node to the given index. An index of -1 means "append", for legacy reasons (it was easier than asking for the number of children, iirc).
  • index – -1, or <= node.size()
  • node –
/** * Adds a node to the given index. An index of -1 means "append", for legacy * reasons (it was easier than asking for the number of children, iirc). * @param index -1, or <= node.size() * @param node */
public void add(int index, NGNode node) { // Validate the arguments if ((index < -1) || (index > children.size())) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("invalid index"); } // NOTE: We used to do checks here to make sure that a node // being added didn't already have another parent listed as // its parent. Now we just silently accept them. The FX side // is already doing this check, and implementing this check // properly would require that the "clear" implementation visit // all nodes and clear this flag, which is really just wasted work. NGNode child = node; // When a new node is added, we need to make sure the new node has this // group registered as its parent. We also need to make sure I invalidate // this group's cache and mark it dirty. Note that we don't have to worry // about notifying the other parent that it has lost a node: the FX // scene graph will be sure to send a "remove" notification to the other // parent, so we don't have to be concerned with the other parent // having to be marked dirty or whatnot. child.setParent(this); childDirty = true; if (index == -1) { children.add(node); } else { children.add(index, node); } child.markDirty(); markTreeDirtyNoIncrement(); geometryChanged(); } public void clearFrom(int fromIndex) { if (fromIndex < children.size()) { children.subList(fromIndex, children.size()).clear(); geometryChanged(); childDirty = true; markTreeDirtyNoIncrement(); } } public List<NGNode> getRemovedChildren() { return removed; } public void addToRemoved(NGNode n) { if (removed == null) removed = new ArrayList<>(); if (dirtyChildrenAccumulated > DIRTY_CHILDREN_ACCUMULATED_THRESHOLD) { return; } removed.add(n); dirtyChildrenAccumulated++; if (dirtyChildrenAccumulated > DIRTY_CHILDREN_ACCUMULATED_THRESHOLD) { removed.clear(); //no need to store anything in this case } } @Override protected void clearDirty() { super.clearDirty(); if (removed != null) removed.clear(); } public void remove(NGNode node) { // We just remove the node and mark this group as being dirty. Really, if we // supported sub-regions within the group, we'd only have to mark the // sub-region that had been occupied by the node as dirty, but we do not // as yet have this optimization (mostly because we didn't have it in // Scenario, mostly because it was hard to optimize correctly). children.remove(node); geometryChanged(); childDirty = true; markTreeDirtyNoIncrement(); } public void remove(int index) { children.remove(index); geometryChanged(); childDirty = true; markTreeDirtyNoIncrement(); } public void clear() { children.clear(); childDirty = false; geometryChanged(); markTreeDirtyNoIncrement(); } // Call this method if children view order is needed for rendering. // The returned list should be treated as read only. private List<NGNode> getOrderedChildren() { if (!viewOrderChildren.isEmpty()) { return viewOrderChildren; } return children; } // NOTE: This method is called on the FX application thread with the // RenderLock held. public void setViewOrderChildren(List<Node> sortedChildren) { viewOrderChildren.clear(); for (Node child : sortedChildren) { NGNode childPeer = NodeHelper.getPeer(child); viewOrderChildren.add(childPeer); } // Mark visual dirty visualsChanged(); }
Set by the FX scene graph.
  • blendMode – cannot be null
/** * Set by the FX scene graph. * @param blendMode cannot be null */
public void setBlendMode(Object blendMode) { // Verify the arguments if (blendMode == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mode must be non-null"); } // If the blend mode has changed, mark this node as dirty and // invalidate its cache if (this.blendMode != blendMode) { this.blendMode = (Blend.Mode)blendMode; visualsChanged(); } } @Override public void renderForcedContent(Graphics gOptional) { List<NGNode> orderedChildren = getOrderedChildren(); if (orderedChildren == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < orderedChildren.size(); i++) { orderedChildren.get(i).renderForcedContent(gOptional); } } @Override protected void renderContent(Graphics g) { List<NGNode> orderedChildren = getOrderedChildren(); if (orderedChildren == null) { return; } NodePath renderRoot = g.getRenderRoot(); int startPos = 0; if (renderRoot != null) { if (renderRoot.hasNext()) { renderRoot.next(); startPos = orderedChildren.indexOf(renderRoot.getCurrentNode()); for (int i = 0; i < startPos; ++i) { orderedChildren.get(i).clearDirtyTree(); } } else { g.setRenderRoot(null); } } if (blendMode == Blend.Mode.SRC_OVER || orderedChildren.size() < 2) { // Blend modes only work "between" siblings for (int i = startPos; i < orderedChildren.size(); i++) { NGNode child; try { child = orderedChildren.get(i); } catch (Exception e) { child = null; } // minimal protection against concurrent update of the list. if (child != null) { child.render(g); } } return; } Blend b = new Blend(blendMode, null, null); FilterContext fctx = getFilterContext(g); ImageData bot = null; boolean idValid = true; do { // TODO: probably don't need to wrap the transform here... (RT-26981) BaseTransform transform = g.getTransformNoClone().copy(); if (bot != null) { bot.unref(); bot = null; } Rectangle rclip = PrEffectHelper.getGraphicsClipNoClone(g); for (int i = startPos; i < orderedChildren.size(); i++) { NGNode child = orderedChildren.get(i); ImageData top = NodeEffectInput. getImageDataForNode(fctx, child, false, transform, rclip); if (bot == null) { bot = top; } else { ImageData newbot = b.filterImageDatas(fctx, transform, rclip, null, bot, top); bot.unref(); top.unref(); bot = newbot; } } if (bot != null && (idValid = bot.validate(fctx))) { Rectangle r = bot.getUntransformedBounds(); PrDrawable botimg = (PrDrawable)bot.getUntransformedImage(); g.setTransform(bot.getTransform()); g.drawTexture(botimg.getTextureObject(), r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } } while (bot == null || !idValid); if (bot != null) { bot.unref(); } } @Override protected boolean hasOverlappingContents() { if (blendMode != Mode.SRC_OVER) { // All other modes are flattened so there are no overlapping issues return false; } List<NGNode> orderedChildren = getOrderedChildren(); int n = (orderedChildren == null ? 0 : orderedChildren.size()); if (n == 1) { return orderedChildren.get(0).hasOverlappingContents(); } return (n != 0); } public boolean isEmpty() { return children == null || children.isEmpty(); } @Override protected boolean hasVisuals() { return false; } @Override protected boolean needsBlending() { Blend.Mode mode = getNodeBlendMode(); // TODO: If children are all SRC_OVER then we can pass on SRC_OVER too // (RT-26981) return (mode != null); }
* Culling Related Methods * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Culling Related Methods * * * **************************************************************************/
@Override protected RenderRootResult computeRenderRoot(NodePath path, RectBounds dirtyRegion, int cullingIndex, BaseTransform tx, GeneralTransform3D pvTx) { // If the NGGroup is completely outside the culling area, then we don't have to traverse down // to the children yo. if (cullingIndex != -1) { final int bits = cullingBits >> (cullingIndex*2); if ((bits & DIRTY_REGION_CONTAINS_OR_INTERSECTS_NODE_BOUNDS) == 0) { return RenderRootResult.NO_RENDER_ROOT; } if ((bits & DIRTY_REGION_CONTAINS_NODE_BOUNDS) != 0) { cullingIndex = -1; // Do not check culling in children, // as culling bits are not set for fully interior groups } } if (!isVisible()) { return RenderRootResult.NO_RENDER_ROOT; } if (getOpacity() != 1.0 || (getEffect() != null && getEffect().reducesOpaquePixels()) || needsBlending()) { return RenderRootResult.NO_RENDER_ROOT; } if (getClipNode() != null) { final NGNode clip = getClipNode(); RectBounds clipBounds = clip.getOpaqueRegion(); if (clipBounds == null) { return RenderRootResult.NO_RENDER_ROOT; } TEMP_TRANSFORM.deriveWithNewTransform(tx).deriveWithConcatenation(getTransform()).deriveWithConcatenation(clip.getTransform()); if (!checkBoundsInQuad(clipBounds, dirtyRegion, TEMP_TRANSFORM, pvTx)) { return RenderRootResult.NO_RENDER_ROOT; } } // An NGGroup itself never draws pixels, so we don't have to call super. Just visit // each child, starting with the top-most. double mxx = tx.getMxx(); double mxy = tx.getMxy(); double mxz = tx.getMxz(); double mxt = tx.getMxt(); double myx = tx.getMyx(); double myy = tx.getMyy(); double myz = tx.getMyz(); double myt = tx.getMyt(); double mzx = tx.getMzx(); double mzy = tx.getMzy(); double mzz = tx.getMzz(); double mzt = tx.getMzt(); final BaseTransform chTx = tx.deriveWithConcatenation(getTransform()); // We need to keep a reference to the result of calling computeRenderRoot on each child RenderRootResult result = RenderRootResult.NO_RENDER_ROOT; // True if every child _after_ the the found render root is clean boolean followingChildrenClean = true; // Iterate over all children, looking for a render root. List<NGNode> orderedChildren = getOrderedChildren(); for (int resultIdx = orderedChildren.size() - 1; resultIdx >= 0; resultIdx--) { // Get the render root result from the child final NGNode child = orderedChildren.get(resultIdx); result = child.computeRenderRoot(path, dirtyRegion, cullingIndex, chTx, pvTx); // Update this flag, which if true means that this child and all subsequent children // of this group are all clean. followingChildrenClean &= child.isClean(); if (result == RenderRootResult.HAS_RENDER_ROOT) { // If we have a render root and it is dirty, then we don't really care whether // followingChildrenClean is true or false, we just add this group to the // path and we're done. path.add(this); break; } else if (result == RenderRootResult.HAS_RENDER_ROOT_AND_IS_CLEAN) { path.add(this); // If we have a result which is itself reporting that it is clean, but // we have some following children which are dirty, then we need to // switch the result for this Group to be HAS_RENDER_ROOT. if (!followingChildrenClean) { result = RenderRootResult.HAS_RENDER_ROOT; } break; } } // restore previous transform state tx.restoreTransform(mxx, mxy, mxz, mxt, myx, myy, myz, myt, mzx, mzy, mzz, mzt); return result; } @Override protected void markCullRegions( DirtyRegionContainer drc, int cullingRegionsBitsOfParent, BaseTransform tx, GeneralTransform3D pvTx) { //set culling bits for this group first. super.markCullRegions(drc, cullingRegionsBitsOfParent, tx, pvTx); //cullingRegionsBits == 0 group is outside all dirty regions // we can cull all children otherwise check children. // If none of the regions intersect this group, skip pre-culling if (cullingBits == -1 || (cullingBits != 0 && (cullingBits & REGION_INTERSECTS_MASK) != 0)) { //save current transform double mxx = tx.getMxx(); double mxy = tx.getMxy(); double mxz = tx.getMxz(); double mxt = tx.getMxt(); double myx = tx.getMyx(); double myy = tx.getMyy(); double myz = tx.getMyz(); double myt = tx.getMyt(); double mzx = tx.getMzx(); double mzy = tx.getMzy(); double mzz = tx.getMzz(); double mzt = tx.getMzt(); BaseTransform chTx = tx.deriveWithConcatenation(getTransform()); NGNode child; List<NGNode> orderedChildren = getOrderedChildren(); for (int chldIdx = 0; chldIdx < orderedChildren.size(); chldIdx++) { child = orderedChildren.get(chldIdx); child.markCullRegions( drc, cullingBits, chTx, pvTx); } // restore previous transform state tx.restoreTransform(mxx, mxy, mxz, mxt, myx, myy, myz, myt, mzx, mzy, mzz, mzt); } } @Override public void drawDirtyOpts(final BaseTransform tx, final GeneralTransform3D pvTx, Rectangle clipBounds, int[] countBuffer, int dirtyRegionIndex) { super.drawDirtyOpts(tx, pvTx, clipBounds, countBuffer, dirtyRegionIndex); // Not really efficient but this code is only executed during debug. This makes sure // that the source transform (tx) is not modified. BaseTransform clone = tx.copy(); clone = clone.deriveWithConcatenation(getTransform()); List<NGNode> orderedChildren = getOrderedChildren(); for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < orderedChildren.size(); childIndex++) { final NGNode child = orderedChildren.get(childIndex); child.drawDirtyOpts(clone, pvTx, clipBounds, countBuffer, dirtyRegionIndex); } } }