
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.DynamicScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;

A set of variables which are only used in a particular scope and never visible to Ruby itself.
/** * A set of variables which are only used in a particular scope and never * visible to Ruby itself. */
public class TemporaryLocalVariable extends TemporaryVariable { public static final String PREFIX = "%v_"; public final int offset; public TemporaryLocalVariable(int offset) { super(); this.offset = offset; } public String getId() { return getPrefix() + offset; } public int getOffset() { return offset; } @Override public TemporaryVariableType getType() { return TemporaryVariableType.LOCAL; } public String getPrefix() { return PREFIX; } @Override public Variable clone(SimpleCloneInfo ii) { return this; } @Override public Object retrieve(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, StaticScope currScope, DynamicScope currDynScope, Object[] temp) { // SSS FIXME: When AddLocalVarLoadStoreInstructions pass is not enabled, we don't need this check. // We only need these because Ruby code can have local vars used before being defined. // // a = 1 if always-false // p a # should print nil since a is not defined on the else path // // Now, when locals are promoted to temps, this local-var behavior gets transferred to tmp-vars as well! // // If can canonicalize Ruby code to get rid of use-before-defs, we can get rid of the null checks // both here and in DynamicScope var lookups. To be done later. // // I dont like this at all. This feels ugly! /* CON FIXME: Update: this logic hides misbehaving native methods that return null (we currently forbid this). Such a method was discovered while running tests with the JIT enabled. The JIT called the method and assigned its result to a temporary local variable. Normally this would be safe because as SSS mentions above the ALVLSI pass has run to guarantee uninitialized locals produce nil, but this is an unexpected null result from a Ruby method call, and where the interpreter ignores the null the JIT propagates it unguarded. * We do need a more robust way to mitigate the presence of rogue null in the system. @NotNull annotation? * The interpreter pays for this null check even in the "full" IR because they share this instruction. */ Object o = temp[offset]; return o == null ? context.nil : o; } @Override public void encode(IRWriterEncoder e) { super.encode(e); e.encode((byte) getType().ordinal()); e.encode(offset); } public static TemporaryLocalVariable decode(IRReaderDecoder d) { TemporaryVariableType type = d.decodeTemporaryVariableType(); switch(type) { case CLOSURE: return TemporaryClosureVariable.decode(d); case CURRENT_MODULE: return TemporaryCurrentModuleVariable.decode(d); case FLOAT: return TemporaryFloatVariable.decode(d); case FIXNUM: return TemporaryFixnumVariable.decode(d); case BOOLEAN: return TemporaryBooleanVariable.decode(d); case LOCAL: return d.getCurrentScope().getManager().newTemporaryLocalVariable(d.decodeInt()); } return null; // Should not reach here. } @Override public void visit(IRVisitor visitor) { visitor.TemporaryLocalVariable(this); } }