
import org.jruby.ParseResult;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.RubySymbol;
import org.jruby.compiler.Compilable;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import org.jruby.util.log.Logger;
import org.jruby.util.log.LoggerFactory;

import static*;

Right now, this class abstracts the following execution scopes: Method, Closure, Module, Class, MetaClass Top-level Script, and Eval Script In the compiler-land, IR versions of these scopes encapsulate only as much information as is required to convert Ruby code into equivalent Java code. But, in the non-compiler land, there will be a corresponding java object for some of these scopes which encapsulates the runtime semantics and data needed for implementing them. In the case of Module, Class, MetaClass, and Method, they also happen to be instances of the corresponding Ruby classes -- so, in addition to providing code that help with this specific ruby implementation, they also have code that let them behave as ruby instances of their corresponding classes. Examples: - the runtime class object might have refs. to the runtime method objects. - the runtime method object might have a slot for a heap frame (for when it has closures that need access to the method's local variables), it might have version information, it might have references to other methods that were optimized with the current version number, etc. - the runtime closure object will have a slot for a heap frame (for when it has closures within) and might get reified as a method in the java land (but inaccessible in ruby land). So, passing closures in Java land might be equivalent to passing around the method handles. and so on ...
/** * Right now, this class abstracts the following execution scopes: * Method, Closure, Module, Class, MetaClass * Top-level Script, and Eval Script * * In the compiler-land, IR versions of these scopes encapsulate only as much * information as is required to convert Ruby code into equivalent Java code. * * But, in the non-compiler land, there will be a corresponding java object for * some of these scopes which encapsulates the runtime semantics and data needed * for implementing them. In the case of Module, Class, MetaClass, and Method, * they also happen to be instances of the corresponding Ruby classes -- so, * in addition to providing code that help with this specific ruby implementation, * they also have code that let them behave as ruby instances of their corresponding * classes. * * Examples: * - the runtime class object might have refs. to the runtime method objects. * - the runtime method object might have a slot for a heap frame (for when it * has closures that need access to the method's local variables), it might * have version information, it might have references to other methods that * were optimized with the current version number, etc. * - the runtime closure object will have a slot for a heap frame (for when it * has closures within) and might get reified as a method in the java land * (but inaccessible in ruby land). So, passing closures in Java land might * be equivalent to passing around the method handles. * * and so on ... */
public abstract class IRScope implements ParseResult { public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IRScope.class); private static final Collection<IRClosure> NO_CLOSURES = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; private static final AtomicInteger globalScopeCount = new AtomicInteger();
Unique global scope id
/** Unique global scope id */
private final int scopeId;
Starting line for this scope's definition
/** Starting line for this scope's definition */
private final int lineNumber;
Lexical parent scope
/** Lexical parent scope */
private final IRScope lexicalParent;
Parser static-scope that this IR scope corresponds to
/** Parser static-scope that this IR scope corresponds to */
private final StaticScope staticScope; private final IRManager manager;
/** Name */
private ByteList name;
List of (nested) closures in this scope
/** List of (nested) closures in this scope */
private List<IRClosure> nestedClosures; // Index values to guarantee we don't assign same internal index twice private int nextClosureIndex; // List of all scopes this scope contains lexically. This is not used // for execution, but is used during dry-runs for debugging. private List<IRScope> lexicalChildren;
Startup interpretation depends on this
/** Startup interpretation depends on this */
protected InterpreterContext interpreterContext;
-X-C full interpretation OR JIT depends on this
/** -X-C full interpretation OR JIT depends on this */
protected FullInterpreterContext fullInterpreterContext;
Speculatively optimized code
/** Speculatively optimized code */
protected FullInterpreterContext optimizedInterpreterContext;
Keeps track of types of prefix indexes for variables and labels
/** Keeps track of types of prefix indexes for variables and labels */
private int nextLabelIndex = 0; Map<RubySymbol, LocalVariable> localVars; private boolean alreadyHasInline; private String inlineFailed; public Compilable compilable; // At least until we change the design all of these state fields are true from IRBuild forward. With IR // optimization passes it is incredibly unlikely any of these could ever be unset anyways; So this is not // a poor list of 'truisms' for this Scope. private boolean hasBreakInstructions; private boolean hasLoops; private boolean hasNonLocalReturns; private boolean receivesClosureArg; private boolean receivesKeywordArgs; private boolean accessesParentsLocalVariables; private boolean maybeUsingRefinements; private boolean canCaptureCallersBinding; private boolean canReceiveBreaks; // may receive a break during execution (from itself of child scope). private boolean canReceiveNonLocalReturns; private boolean usesZSuper; private boolean needsCodeCoverage; private boolean usesEval; // Used by cloning code for inlining protected IRScope(IRScope s, IRScope lexicalParent) { this.lexicalParent = lexicalParent; this.manager = s.manager; this.lineNumber = s.lineNumber; this.staticScope = s.staticScope; this.nextClosureIndex = s.nextClosureIndex; this.interpreterContext = null; this.localVars = new HashMap<>(s.localVars); this.scopeId = globalScopeCount.getAndIncrement(); setupLexicalContainment(); } public IRScope(IRManager manager, IRScope lexicalParent, ByteList name, int lineNumber, StaticScope staticScope) { this.manager = manager; this.lexicalParent = lexicalParent; = name; this.lineNumber = lineNumber; this.staticScope = staticScope; this.nextClosureIndex = 0; this.interpreterContext = null; // We only can compute this once since 'module X; using A; class B; end; end' vs // 'module X; class B; using A; end; end'. First case B can see refinements and in second it cannot. if (parentMaybeUsingRefinements()) setIsMaybeUsingRefinements(); this.localVars = new HashMap<>(1); this.scopeId = globalScopeCount.getAndIncrement(); setupLexicalContainment(); } private void setupLexicalContainment() { if (manager.isDryRun() || RubyInstanceConfig.IR_WRITING || RubyInstanceConfig.RECORD_LEXICAL_HIERARCHY) { lexicalChildren = new ArrayList<>(1); if (lexicalParent != null) lexicalParent.addChildScope(this); } } public int getScopeId() { return scopeId; } @Override public int hashCode() { return scopeId; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return (other != null) && (getClass() == other.getClass()) && (scopeId == ((IRScope) other).scopeId); } protected void addChildScope(IRScope scope) { if (lexicalChildren == null) lexicalChildren = new ArrayList<>(1); lexicalChildren.add(scope); } public List<IRScope> getLexicalScopes() { if (lexicalChildren == null) lexicalChildren = new ArrayList<>(1); return lexicalChildren; } public void addClosure(IRClosure closure) { if (nestedClosures == null) nestedClosures = new ArrayList<>(1); nestedClosures.add(closure); } public void removeClosure(IRClosure closure) { if (nestedClosures != null) nestedClosures.remove(closure); } public Label getNewLabel(String prefix) { return new Label(prefix, nextLabelIndex++); } public Label getNewLabel() { return getNewLabel("LBL"); } public Collection<IRClosure> getClosures() { return nestedClosures == null ? NO_CLOSURES : nestedClosures; } public IRManager getManager() { return manager; } public void setIsMaybeUsingRefinements() { maybeUsingRefinements = true; } public boolean parentMaybeUsingRefinements() { for (IRScope s = this; s != null; s = s.getLexicalParent()) { if (s.maybeUsingRefinements()) return true; // Evals cannot see outer scope 'using' if (s instanceof IREvalScript) return false; } return false; } public boolean maybeUsingRefinements() { return maybeUsingRefinements; }
Returns the lexical scope that contains this scope definition
/** * Returns the lexical scope that contains this scope definition */
public IRScope getLexicalParent() { return lexicalParent; } public StaticScope getStaticScope() { return staticScope; } public boolean isWithinEND() { for (IRScope current = this; current != null && current instanceof IRClosure; current = current.getLexicalParent()) { if (((IRClosure) current).isEND()) return true; } return false; } public IRMethod getNearestMethod() { IRScope current = this; while (current != null && !(current instanceof IRMethod)) { current = current.getLexicalParent(); } return (IRMethod) current; } public IRScope getNearestTopLocalVariableScope() { IRScope current = this; while (current != null && !current.isTopLocalVariableScope()) { current = current.getLexicalParent(); } return current; }
returns whether this scope is contained by the parentScope parameter. For simplicity a scope is considered to contain itself.
  • parentScope – we want to see if it contains this scope
Returns:true if this scope is contained by parentScope.
/** * returns whether this scope is contained by the parentScope parameter. * For simplicity a scope is considered to contain itself. * * @param parentScope we want to see if it contains this scope * @return true if this scope is contained by parentScope. */
public boolean isScopeContainedBy(IRScope parentScope) { IRScope current = this; while (current != null) { if (parentScope == current) return true; current = current.getLexicalParent(); } return false; }
Returns the nearest scope which we can extract a live module from. If this returns null (like for evals), then it means it cannot be statically determined.
/** * Returns the nearest scope which we can extract a live module from. If * this returns null (like for evals), then it means it cannot be statically * determined. */
public int getNearestModuleReferencingScopeDepth() { int n = 0; IRScope current = this; while (!(current instanceof IRModuleBody)) { // When eval'ing, we dont have a lexical view of what module we are nested in // because binding_eval, class_eval, module_eval, instance_eval can switch // around the lexical scope for evaluation to be something else. if (current == null || current instanceof IREvalScript) return -1; current = current.getLexicalParent(); if (!(current instanceof IRFor)) n++; } return n; } public String getId() { return getName().idString(); } public RubySymbol getName() { return getManager().getRuntime().newSymbol(name); } public ByteList getByteName() { return name; } public void setByteName(ByteList name) { = name; } public void setFileName(String filename) { getRootLexicalScope().setFileName(filename); } @Deprecated public String getFileName() { return getFile(); } public String getFile() { return getRootLexicalScope().getFile(); } @Deprecated public int getLineNumber() { return lineNumber; } public int getLine() { return lineNumber; }
Returns the top level scope
/** * Returns the top level scope */
public IRScope getRootLexicalScope() { IRScope current = this; for (; current != null && !current.isScriptScope(); current = current.getLexicalParent()) {} return current; } public boolean isNestedInClosure(IRClosure closure) { for (IRScope s = this; s != null && !s.isTopLocalVariableScope(); s = s.getLexicalParent()) { if (s == closure) return true; } return false; } public void setHasBreakInstructions() { hasBreakInstructions = true; } public boolean hasBreakInstructions() { return hasBreakInstructions; } public void setReceivesKeywordArgs() { receivesKeywordArgs = true; } public boolean receivesKeywordArgs() { return receivesKeywordArgs; } public void setReceivesClosureArg() { receivesClosureArg = true; } public boolean receivesClosureArg() { return receivesClosureArg; } public void setAccessesParentsLocalVariables() { accessesParentsLocalVariables = true; } public boolean accessesParentsLocalVariables() { return accessesParentsLocalVariables; } public void setHasLoops() { hasLoops = true; } public boolean hasLoops() { return hasLoops; } public void setHasNonLocalReturns() { hasNonLocalReturns = true; } public boolean hasNonLocalReturns() { return hasNonLocalReturns; } public void setCanCaptureCallersBinding() { canCaptureCallersBinding = true; } public boolean canCaptureCallersBinding() { return canCaptureCallersBinding; } public void setCanReceiveBreaks() { canReceiveBreaks = true; } public boolean canReceiveBreaks() { return canReceiveBreaks; } public void setCanReceiveNonlocalReturns() { canReceiveNonLocalReturns = true; } public boolean canReceiveNonlocalReturns() { return canReceiveNonLocalReturns; } public void setUsesEval() { usesEval = true; } public boolean usesEval() { return usesEval; } public void setUsesZSuper() { usesZSuper = true; } public boolean usesZSuper() { return usesZSuper; } public void setNeedsCodeCoverage() { needsCodeCoverage = true; } public boolean needsCodeCoverage() { return needsCodeCoverage; } public List<CompilerPass> getExecutedPasses() { return fullInterpreterContext == null ? new ArrayList<CompilerPass>(1) : fullInterpreterContext.getExecutedPasses(); } // SSS FIXME: We should configure different optimization levels // and run different kinds of analysis depending on time budget. // Accordingly, we need to set IR levels/states (basic, optimized, etc.) private void runCompilerPasses(FullInterpreterContext fic, List<CompilerPass> passes, IGVDumper dumper) { if (dumper != null) dumper.dump(fic.getCFG(), "Start"); CompilerPassScheduler scheduler = IRManager.schedulePasses(passes); for (CompilerPass pass : scheduler) {; if (dumper != null) dumper.dump(fic.getCFG(), pass.getShortLabel()); } if (RubyInstanceConfig.IR_UNBOXING) { CompilerPass pass = new UnboxingPass();; if (dumper != null) dumper.dump(fic.getCFG(), pass.getShortLabel()); } if (dumper != null) dumper.close(); }
Make version specific to scope which needs it (e.g. Closure vs non-closure).
/** Make version specific to scope which needs it (e.g. Closure vs non-closure). */
public InterpreterContext allocateInterpreterContext(List<Instr> instructions, int tempVariableCount, EnumSet<IRFlags> flags) { interpreterContext = new InterpreterContext(this, instructions, tempVariableCount, flags); if (RubyInstanceConfig.IR_COMPILER_DEBUG); return interpreterContext; }
Make version specific to scope which needs it (e.g. Closure vs non-closure).
/** Make version specific to scope which needs it (e.g. Closure vs non-closure). */
public InterpreterContext allocateInterpreterContext(Supplier<List<Instr>> instructions, int tempVariableCount, EnumSet<IRFlags> flags) { interpreterContext = new InterpreterContext(this, instructions, tempVariableCount, flags); if (RubyInstanceConfig.IR_COMPILER_DEBUG); return interpreterContext; } private Instr[] cloneInstrs() { SimpleCloneInfo cloneInfo = new SimpleCloneInfo(this, false); Instr[] instructions = interpreterContext.getInstructions(); int length = instructions.length; Instr[] newInstructions = new Instr[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { newInstructions[i] = instructions[i].clone(cloneInfo); } return newInstructions; }
This initializes a more complete(full) InterpreterContext which if used in mixed mode will be used by the JIT and if used in pure-interpreted mode it will be used by an interpreter engine.
/** * This initializes a more complete(full) InterpreterContext which if used in mixed mode will be * used by the JIT and if used in pure-interpreted mode it will be used by an interpreter engine. */
public synchronized FullInterpreterContext prepareFullBuild() { if (optimizedInterpreterContext != null) return optimizedInterpreterContext; if (fullInterpreterContext != null) return fullInterpreterContext; for (IRScope scope: getClosures()) { scope.prepareFullBuild(); } FullInterpreterContext fic = new FullInterpreterContext(this, cloneInstrs(), interpreterContext.getTemporaryVariableCount(), interpreterContext.getFlags().clone()); runCompilerPasses(fic, getManager().getCompilerPasses(this), dumpToIGV()); getManager().optimizeIfSimpleScope(fic); // Always add call protocol instructions now since we are removing support for implicit stuff in interp. // FIXME: ACP as normal now since we have no BEGINs to make thing unsafe? new AddCallProtocolInstructions().run(fic); fic.generateInstructionsForInterpretation(); this.fullInterpreterContext = fic; return fic; } // FIXME: bytelist_love - we should consider RubyString here if we care for proper printing (used for debugging). public String getFullyQualifiedName() { if (getLexicalParent() == null) return getId(); return getLexicalParent().getFullyQualifiedName() + "::" + getId(); } public IGVDumper dumpToIGV() { if (RubyInstanceConfig.IR_DEBUG_IGV != null) { String spec = RubyInstanceConfig.IR_DEBUG_IGV; if (spec.contains(":") && spec.equals(getFileName() + ":" + getLineNumber()) || spec.equals(getFileName())) { return new IGVDumper(getFullyQualifiedName() + "; line " + getLineNumber()); } } return null; }
Run any necessary passes to get the IR ready for compilation (AOT and/or JIT)
/** Run any necessary passes to get the IR ready for compilation (AOT and/or JIT) */
public synchronized BasicBlock[] prepareForCompilation() { if (optimizedInterpreterContext != null) return optimizedInterpreterContext.getLinearizedBBList(); if (fullInterpreterContext != null) return fullInterpreterContext.getLinearizedBBList(); for (IRScope scope: getClosures()) { scope.prepareForCompilation(); } FullInterpreterContext fic = new FullInterpreterContext(this, cloneInstrs(), interpreterContext.getTemporaryVariableCount(), interpreterContext.getFlags().clone()); runCompilerPasses(fic, getManager().getJITPasses(this), dumpToIGV()); BasicBlock[] bbs = fic.linearizeBasicBlocks(); this.fullInterpreterContext = fic; return bbs; } // FIXME: For inlining, culmulative or extra passes run based on profiled execution we need to re-init data or even // construct a new fullInterpreterContext. Primary obstacles is JITFlags and linearization of BBs. public Map<BasicBlock, Label> buildJVMExceptionTable(FullInterpreterContext fic) { Map<BasicBlock, Label> map = new HashMap<>(1); for (BasicBlock bb: fic.getLinearizedBBList()) { BasicBlock rescueBB = fic.getCFG().getRescuerBBFor(bb); if (rescueBB != null) { map.put(bb, rescueBB.getLabel()); } } // SSS FIXME: This could be optimized by compressing entries for adjacent BBs that have identical handlers // This could be optimized either during generation or as another pass over the table. But, if the JVM // does that already, do we need to bother with it? return map; } public abstract IRScopeType getScopeType(); @Override public String toString() { return String.valueOf(getScopeType()) + ' ' + getId() + '[' + getFile() + ':' + getLine() + "]<" + toStringCompileForm() + ">"; } // Looking at way of specific startus/full/optimized public String toStringCompileForm() { return optimizedInterpreterContext != null ? "optimized" : fullInterpreterContext != null ? "full" : "startup"; } public String debugOutput() { return toStringInstrs(); } public String toStringInstrs() { if (fullInterpreterContext != null) { // JIT or Full interpreter return "Instructions:\n" + fullInterpreterContext.toStringInstrs(); } else { // Startup interpreter return interpreterContext.toStringInstrs(); } } public Variable getSelf() { return Self.SELF; }
Get the local variables for this scope. This should only be used by persistence layer.
/** * Get the local variables for this scope. * This should only be used by persistence layer. */
public Map<RubySymbol, LocalVariable> getLocalVariables() { return localVars; } public void setNextLabelIndex(int index) { nextLabelIndex = index; } public int getNextLabelIndex() { return nextLabelIndex; } public LocalVariable lookupExistingLVar(RubySymbol name) { return localVars.get(name); } protected LocalVariable findExistingLocalVariable(RubySymbol name, int depth) { return localVars.get(name); }
Find or create a local variable. By default, scopes are assumed to only check current depth. Blocks/Closures override this because they have special nesting rules.
/** * Find or create a local variable. By default, scopes are assumed to * only check current depth. Blocks/Closures override this because they * have special nesting rules. */
public LocalVariable getLocalVariable(RubySymbol name, int scopeDepth) { LocalVariable lvar = findExistingLocalVariable(name, scopeDepth); if (lvar == null) { lvar = getNewLocalVariable(name, scopeDepth); } else if (lvar.getScopeDepth() != scopeDepth) { lvar = lvar.cloneForDepth(scopeDepth); } return lvar; } public LocalVariable getNewLocalVariable(RubySymbol name, int scopeDepth) { assert scopeDepth == 0: "Scope depth is non-zero for new-var request " + name + " in " + this; LocalVariable lvar = new LocalVariable(name, scopeDepth, getStaticScope().addVariable(name.idString())); localVars.put(name, lvar); return lvar; }
For lazy scopes which IRBuild on demand we can ask this method whether it has been built yet...
/** * For lazy scopes which IRBuild on demand we can ask this method whether it has been built yet... */
public boolean hasBeenBuilt() { return true; } public FullInterpreterContext getExecutionContext() { return fullInterpreterContext; } public InterpreterContext getInterpreterContext() { return interpreterContext; } public FullInterpreterContext getFullInterpreterContext() { return fullInterpreterContext; } public FullInterpreterContext getOptimizedInterpreterContext() { return optimizedInterpreterContext; } protected void depends(Object obj) { assert obj != null: "Unsatisfied dependency and this depends() was set " + "up wrong. Use depends(build()) not depends(build)."; } private FullInterpreterContext inlineFailed(String reason) { inlineFailed = reason; return null; } private FullInterpreterContext inlineMethodCommon(IRMethod methodToInline, RubyModule implClass, long callsiteId, int classToken, boolean cloneHost) { alreadyHasInline = true; // Host may still be running in startup interp...promote it to full. if (getFullInterpreterContext() == null) prepareFullBuild(); // FIXME: So a potential problem is closures contain local variables in the method being inlined then we will nuke // those scoped variables and the closure cannot see them. One idea is since for deoptimization we will need to // create a scope restore table we will have a list of all lvars -> temps. Since this will be a map we depend on // for restoring scope we can probably make an temp variable which will look for values from this table. Even in // that solution we need access to the temp table from the closure so I am unsure that will work. // // Another solution is to force inline those closures but that only works if the methods they are calling through // are IR methods (or are native but can be substituted with IR methods). // // Note: we can look for scoped methods and make this less conservative. if (!methodToInline.getClosures().isEmpty()) { boolean accessInaccessibleLocalVariables = false; for (IRClosure closure: methodToInline.getClosures()) { if (closure.accessesParentsLocalVariables()) { accessInaccessibleLocalVariables = true; break; } } if (accessInaccessibleLocalVariables) return inlineFailed("inline a method which contains nested closures which access methods lvars"); } FullInterpreterContext newContext = getFullInterpreterContext().duplicate(); if (newContext == null) { return inlineFailed("FIXME: BBs are not linearized???"); } BasicBlock basicBlock = newContext.findBasicBlockOf(callsiteId); CallBase call = (CallBase) basicBlock.siteOf(callsiteId); // we know it is callBase and not a yield String error = new CFGInliner(newContext).inlineMethod(methodToInline, implClass, classToken, basicBlock, call, cloneHost); return error == null ? newContext : inlineFailed(error); } public void inlineMethod(IRMethod methodToInline, RubyModule metaclass, long callsiteId, int classToken, boolean cloneHost) { if (alreadyHasInline) return; FullInterpreterContext newContext = inlineMethodCommon(methodToInline, metaclass, callsiteId, classToken, cloneHost); if (newContext == null) { if (IRManager.IR_INLINER_VERBOSE)"Inline of " + methodToInline + " into " + this + " failed: " + inlineFailed + "."); return; } else { if (IRManager.IR_INLINER_VERBOSE)"Inline of " + methodToInline + " into " + this + " succeeded."); } newContext.generateInstructionsForInterpretation(); this.optimizedInterpreterContext = newContext; manager.getRuntime().getJITCompiler().getTaskFor(manager.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), compilable).run(); } public void inlineMethodJIT(IRMethod methodToInline, RubyModule implClass, long callsiteId, int classToken, boolean cloneHost) { if (alreadyHasInline) return; FullInterpreterContext newContext = inlineMethodCommon(methodToInline, implClass, callsiteId, classToken, cloneHost); Ruby runtime = manager.getRuntime(); if (newContext == null) { if (IRManager.IR_INLINER_VERBOSE)"Inline of " + methodToInline + " into " + this + " failed: " + inlineFailed + "."); runtime.getInlineStats().incrementInlineFailedCount(); return; } else { if (IRManager.IR_INLINER_VERBOSE)"Inline of " + methodToInline + " into " + this + " succeeded."); runtime.getInlineStats().incrementInlineSuccessCount(); } // We are not running any JIT-specific passes here. newContext.linearizeBasicBlocks(); this.optimizedInterpreterContext = newContext; runtime.getJITCompiler().getTaskFor(manager.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), compilable).run(); } public void inlineMethodCompiled(IRMethod methodToInline, RubyModule implClass, long callsiteId, int classToken, boolean cloneHost) { if (alreadyHasInline) return; FullInterpreterContext newContext = inlineMethodCommon(methodToInline, implClass, callsiteId, classToken, cloneHost); if (newContext == null) { if (IRManager.IR_INLINER_VERBOSE)"Inline of " + methodToInline + " into " + this + " failed: " + inlineFailed + "."); return; } else { if (IRManager.IR_INLINER_VERBOSE)"Inline of " + methodToInline + " into " + this + " succeeded."); } // We are not running any JIT-specific passes here. newContext.linearizeBasicBlocks(); this.optimizedInterpreterContext = newContext; manager.getRuntime().getJITCompiler().getTaskFor(manager.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), compilable).run(); } public int getNextClosureId() { nextClosureIndex++; return nextClosureIndex; }
Does this scope represent a module body?
/** * Does this scope represent a module body? */
public boolean isModuleBody() { return false; }
Is this IRClassBody but not IRMetaClassBody?
/** * Is this IRClassBody but not IRMetaClassBody? */
public boolean isNonSingletonClassBody() { return false; } public boolean isTopLocalVariableScope() { return true; }
Is this an eval script or a regular file script?
/** * Is this an eval script or a regular file script? */
public boolean isScriptScope() { return false; } // FIXME: This should become some heuristic later public boolean inliningAllowed() { return !alreadyHasInline; }
Duplicate the parent scope's refinements overlay to get a moment-in-time snapshot.
  • context –
/** * Duplicate the parent scope's refinements overlay to get a moment-in-time snapshot. * * @param context */
public void captureParentRefinements(ThreadContext context) { if (maybeUsingRefinements()) { for (IRScope cur = this.getLexicalParent(); cur != null; cur = cur.getLexicalParent()) { RubyModule overlay = cur.staticScope.getOverlayModuleForRead(); if (overlay != null && !overlay.getRefinements().isEmpty()) { // capture current refinements at definition time RubyModule myOverlay = staticScope.getOverlayModuleForWrite(context); // FIXME: MRI does a copy-on-write thing here with the overlay myOverlay.getRefinementsForWrite().putAll(overlay.getRefinements()); // only search until we find an overlay break; } } } }
We are done with execution of this scope and we can cleanup some amount of things in this scope which will no longer be used. Sub-classes will be the deciders of what is no longer needed. An example, to illustrate the complexity of cleanup: A class with no nested closures can remove any ICs created and can remove some other infomrational data structures like allocated variables unless closures do exist and then the ICs must stay for when closures JIT.
/** * We are done with execution of this scope and we can cleanup some amount of things * in this scope which will no longer be used. Sub-classes will be the deciders of what * is no longer needed. An example, to illustrate the complexity of cleanup: A class with * no nested closures can remove any ICs created and can remove some other infomrational * data structures like allocated variables unless closures do exist and then the ICs must * stay for when closures JIT. */
public void cleanupAfterExecution() { } public boolean executesOnce() { return false; } public void persistScopeHeader(IRWriterEncoder file) { if (RubyInstanceConfig.IR_WRITING_DEBUG) System.out.println("IRScopeType = " + getScopeType()); file.encode(getScopeType()); // type is enum of kind of scope if (RubyInstanceConfig.IR_WRITING_DEBUG) System.out.println("Line # = " + getLine()); file.encode(getLine()); if (RubyInstanceConfig.IR_WRITING_DEBUG) System.out.println("# of temp vars = " + getInterpreterContext().getTemporaryVariableCount()); file.encode(getInterpreterContext().getTemporaryVariableCount()); file.encode(getNextLabelIndex()); } public void persistScopeFlags(IRWriterEncoder file) { file.encode(getInterpreterContext().getFlags()); file.encode(hasBreakInstructions()); file.encode(hasLoops()); file.encode(hasNonLocalReturns()); file.encode(receivesClosureArg()); file.encode(receivesKeywordArgs()); file.encode(accessesParentsLocalVariables()); file.encode(maybeUsingRefinements()); file.encode(canCaptureCallersBinding()); file.encode(canReceiveBreaks()); file.encode(canReceiveNonlocalReturns()); file.encode(usesZSuper()); file.encode(needsCodeCoverage()); file.encode(usesEval()); } public static EnumSet<IRFlags> allocateInitialFlags(IRScope scope) { // NOTE: bindingHasEscaped is the crucial flag and it effectively is // unconditionally true whenever it has a call that receives a closure. // See CallBase.computeRequiresCallersBindingFlag if (scope instanceof IREvalScript || scope instanceof IRScriptBody) { // For eval scopes, bindings are considered escaped. // For top-level script scopes, bindings are considered escaped as well // because TOPLEVEL_BINDING can be used in places besides the file // that is being parsed? return EnumSet.of(BINDING_HAS_ESCAPED); } else { return EnumSet.noneOf(IRFlags.class); } } }