
import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jruby.RubySymbol;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope.Type;
import org.jruby.runtime.RubyEvent;
import org.jruby.runtime.Signature;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;

import java.util.EnumSet;

Names are tough to find. Encodes values destined to be written to a persisted space. This interface doubles for the encoder which actually writes the finished encoded file and also for the recorder which calculates the constant pool and basic statistics used as input the the encoder which writes the file.
/** * Names are tough to find. Encodes values destined to be written to a persisted space. * This interface doubles for the encoder which actually writes the finished encoded file * and also for the recorder which calculates the constant pool and basic statistics used as * input the the encoder which writes the file. */
public interface IRWriterEncoder { public void encode(ByteList bytelist); public void encode(Encoding encoding); public void encode(RubySymbol value); void encodeRaw(RubySymbol value); public void encode(String value); public void encode(String[] values); public void encode(Instr value); public void encode(IRScope scope); public void encode(IRScopeType value); public void encode(Signature signature); public void encode(RubyEvent event); public void encode(Type value); public void encode(Operation value); public void encode(Operand value); public void encode(Operand[] value); public void encode(OperandType value); public void encode(byte[] values); public void encode(boolean value); public void encode(byte value); public void encode(char value); public void encode(int value); public void encode(int[] value); public void encode(long value); public void encode(double value); public void encode(float value); void encode(EnumSet<IRFlags> value); // Demarcate sections in encoded file methods // Start writing an individual scope header public void startEncodingScopeHeader(IRScope scope); // Finish writing an individual scope header public void endEncodingScopeHeader(IRScope scope); // Start writing an instruction list of a single scopes instructions public void startEncodingScopeInstrs(IRScope scope); // Finish writing an instruction list of a single scopes instructions public void endEncodingScopeInstrs(IRScope scope); // Start writing metadata for all scopes public void startEncodingScopeHeaders(IRScope script); // Finish writing metadata for all scopes public void endEncodingScopeHeaders(IRScope script); // Start writing out the entire scope public void startEncoding(IRScope script); // Finish writing out the entire scope public void endEncoding(IRScope script); }