
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig;
import org.jruby.dirgra.Edge;
import org.jruby.dirgra.ExplicitVertexID;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

public class BasicBlock implements ExplicitVertexID, Comparable {
    private int         id;             // Basic Block id
    private CFG         cfg;            // CFG that this basic block belongs to
    private Label       label;          // All basic blocks have a starting label
    private List<Instr> instrs;         // List of non-label instructions
    private boolean     isRescueEntry;  // Is this basic block entry of a rescue?

    public BasicBlock(CFG cfg, Label label) {
        this.label = label;
        this.cfg = cfg;
        id = cfg.getNextBBID();
        isRescueEntry = false;

        assert label != null : "label is null";


    private void initInstrs() {
        instrs = new ArrayList<>();
        if (RubyInstanceConfig.IR_COMPILER_DEBUG || RubyInstanceConfig.IR_DEBUG_IGV != null) {
            IRManager irManager = cfg.getManager();
            InstructionsListener listener = irManager.getInstructionsListener();
            if (listener != null) {
                instrs = new InstructionsListenerDecorator(this, instrs, listener);

    public int getID() {
        return id;

    public Label getLabel() {
        return label;

    public int hashCode() {
        return id;

    public boolean canRaiseExceptions() {
        for (Instr i: getInstrs()) {
            if (i.canRaiseException()) return true;

        return false;

On an exception occurring in this block which BB should we go to?
Returns:BB of exception handling or null if none.
/** * On an exception occurring in this block which BB should we go to? * @return BB of exception handling or null if none. */
public BasicBlock exceptionBB() { return cfg.getRescuerBBFor(this); } public boolean isEntryBB() { return cfg.getEntryBB() == this; } public boolean isExitBB() { return cfg.getExitBB() == this; } public void markRescueEntryBB() { this.isRescueEntry = true; } public boolean isRescueEntry() { return this.isRescueEntry; } public void replaceInstrs(List<Instr> instrs) { this.instrs = instrs; } public void addInstr(Instr i) { instrs.add(i); } public void insertInstr(Instr i) { instrs.add(0, i); } public void insertInstr(int index, Instr i) { instrs.add(index, i); } public List<Instr> getInstrs() { return instrs; } public Instr getLastInstr() { int n = instrs.size(); return (n == 0) ? null : instrs.get(n-1); } public boolean removeInstr(Instr i) { return i != null && instrs.remove(i); } public boolean isEmpty() { return instrs.isEmpty(); }
What site object contains this callsiteId or die trying.
  • callsiteId – to be found
Returns:the Site instance (CallBase or YieldInstr)
/** * What site object contains this callsiteId or die trying. * @param callsiteId to be found * @return the Site instance (CallBase or YieldInstr) */
public Site siteOf(long callsiteId) { for (Instr instr: instrs) { if (instr instanceof Site && ((Site) instr).getCallSiteId() == callsiteId) return (Site) instr; } throw new RuntimeException("siteOf asked for non-existent callsiteId: " + callsiteId); } // Adds all instrs after the found instr to a new BB and removes them from the original BB // If includeSpltpointInstr is true it will include that instr in the new BB. public BasicBlock splitAtInstruction(Site splitPoint, Label newLabel, boolean includeSplitPointInstr) { BasicBlock newBB = new BasicBlock(cfg, newLabel); int idx = 0; int numInstrs = instrs.size(); boolean found = false; for (Instr i: instrs) { // FIXME: once found we should not be continually checking for more should be in !found if (i instanceof Site && ((Site) i).getCallSiteId() == splitPoint.getCallSiteId()) found = true; // Move instructions from split point into the new bb if (found) { // FIXME: move includeSplit when found so we can remove consuing site id logic from here... if (includeSplitPointInstr || !(i instanceof Site) || ((Site) i).getCallSiteId() != splitPoint.getCallSiteId()) newBB.addInstr(i); } else { idx++; } } if (!found) throw new RuntimeException("Cound not find split point: " + splitPoint); // Remove all instructions from current bb that were moved over. for (int j = 0; j < numInstrs-idx; j++) { instrs.remove(idx); } return newBB; } public void swallowBB(BasicBlock foodBB) { // Gulp! this.instrs.addAll(foodBB.instrs); } public BasicBlock clone(CloneInfo info, CFG newCFG) { BasicBlock newBB = new BasicBlock(newCFG, info.getRenamedLabel(label)); boolean isClosureClone = info instanceof InlineCloneInfo && ((InlineCloneInfo) info).isClosure(); for (Instr instr: instrs) { Instr newInstr = instr.clone(info); // Inlining clones the original CFG/BBs and we want to maintain ipc since it is how // we find which instr we want (we clone original instr and ipc is our identity). //if (info instanceof SimpleCloneInfo && ((SimpleCloneInfo) info).shouldCloneIPC()) { // newInstr.setIPC(instr.getIPC()); // newInstr.setRPC(instr.getRPC()); //} // All call-derived types do not clone this field. Inliner clones original instrs // and we need this preserved to make sure we do not endless inline the same call. if (instr instanceof CallBase && ((CallBase) instr).inliningBlocked()) { ((CallBase) newInstr).blockInlining(); } if (newInstr != null) { // inliner may kill off unneeded instr newBB.addInstr(newInstr); if (isClosureClone && newInstr instanceof YieldInstr) { ((InlineCloneInfo) info).recordYieldSite(newBB, (YieldInstr) newInstr); } } } return newBB; } public void cloneInstrs(SimpleCloneInfo ii) { if (!isEmpty()) { List<Instr> oldInstrs = instrs; initInstrs(); for (Instr i: oldInstrs) { instrs.add(i.clone(ii)); } } // Rename the label as well! this.label = ii.getRenamedLabel(this.label); } public BasicBlock cloneForInlining(InlineCloneInfo ii) { BasicBlock clonedBB = ii.getOrCreateRenamedBB(this); for (Instr i: getInstrs()) { Instr clonedInstr = i.clone(ii); if (clonedInstr != null) { clonedBB.addInstr(clonedInstr); if (clonedInstr instanceof YieldInstr) { ii.recordYieldSite(clonedBB, (YieldInstr)clonedInstr); } else if (i instanceof NonlocalReturnInstr && clonedInstr instanceof CopyInstr) { // non-local returns assign to method return variable but must jump to proper exit point clonedBB.addInstr(new JumpInstr(ii.getHostScope().getFullInterpreterContext().getCFG().getExitBB().getLabel())); // FIXME: enebo...I see no guarantee that this copy will be part of a return? This behavior is // masked in any case I can see with optimization to not use a copy but convert non-local to local return. } } } return clonedBB; } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { BasicBlock other = (BasicBlock) o; if (id == return 0; if (id < return -1; return 1; } @Override public String toString() { return "BB [" + id + ':' + label + ']'; } public String toStringInstrs() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(toString()); Collection<Edge<BasicBlock>> outs = cfg.getOutgoingEdges(this); if (!outs.isEmpty()) { for (Edge<BasicBlock> edge : outs) { buf.append(" -" + edge.getType() + "->" + edge.getDestination().getID()); } } buf.append('\n'); for (Instr instr : getInstrs()) { buf.append('\t').append(instr).append('\n'); } return buf.toString(); } }