
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import org.jruby.RubySymbol;
import org.jruby.ast.DefNode;
import org.jruby.ast.IterNode;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.ArgumentDescriptor;
import org.jruby.runtime.BlockBody;
import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers;
import org.jruby.runtime.IRBlockBody;
import org.jruby.runtime.MixedModeIRBlockBody;
import org.jruby.runtime.InterpretedIRBlockBody;
import org.jruby.runtime.Signature;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import org.objectweb.asm.Handle;

// Closures are contexts/scopes for the purpose of IR building.  They are self-contained and accumulate instructions
// that don't merge into the flow of the containing scope.  They are manipulated as an unit.
// Their parents are always execution scopes.

public class IRClosure extends IRScope {
    public final int closureId;    // Unique id for this closure within the nearest ancestor method.

    private boolean isEND;         // Does this represent and END { } closure?

    private Signature signature;

    // We allow closures who happen to be assigned to calls named 'defined_method' to save the original
    // AST so we can attempt to convert those blocks to full methods.
    private IterNode source;

    // Argument description
    protected ArgumentDescriptor[] argDesc = ArgumentDescriptor.EMPTY_ARRAY;

Added for interp/JIT purposes
/** Added for interp/JIT purposes */
private IRBlockBody body;
Added for JIT purposes
/** Added for JIT purposes */
private Handle handle; // Used by other constructions and by IREvalScript as well protected IRClosure(IRManager manager, IRScope lexicalParent, int lineNumber, StaticScope staticScope, ByteList prefix) { super(manager, lexicalParent, null, lineNumber, staticScope); this.closureId = lexicalParent.getNextClosureId(); ByteList name = prefix.dup(); name.append(Integer.toString(closureId).getBytes()); setByteName(name); this.body = null; }
Used by cloning code for inlining
/** Used by cloning code for inlining */
/* Inlining generates a new name and id and basic cloning will reuse the originals name */ protected IRClosure(IRClosure c, IRScope lexicalParent, int closureId, ByteList fullName) { super(c, lexicalParent); this.closureId = closureId; super.setByteName(fullName); if (getManager().isDryRun()) { this.body = null; } else { boolean shouldJit = getManager().getInstanceConfig().getCompileMode().shouldJIT(); this.body = shouldJit ? new MixedModeIRBlockBody(c, c.getSignature()) : new InterpretedIRBlockBody(c, c.getSignature()); } isEND = c.isEND; this.signature = c.signature; } private static final ByteList CLOSURE = new ByteList(new byte[] {'_', 'C', 'L', 'O', 'S', 'U', 'R', 'E', '_'}); // Used by persistence. Knowledge of coverage not needed here since it is already instrumented into the instrs public IRClosure(IRManager manager, IRScope lexicalParent, int lineNumber, StaticScope staticScope, Signature signature) { this(manager, lexicalParent, lineNumber, staticScope, signature, CLOSURE, false); } // Used by iter + lambda by IRBuilder public IRClosure(IRManager manager, IRScope lexicalParent, int lineNumber, StaticScope staticScope, Signature signature, boolean needsCoverage) { this(manager, lexicalParent, lineNumber, staticScope, signature, CLOSURE, false, needsCoverage); } public IRClosure(IRManager manager, IRScope lexicalParent, int lineNumber, StaticScope staticScope, Signature signature, ByteList prefix) { this(manager, lexicalParent, lineNumber, staticScope, signature, prefix, false); } public IRClosure(IRManager manager, IRScope lexicalParent, int lineNumber, StaticScope staticScope, Signature signature, ByteList prefix, boolean isBeginEndBlock) { this(manager, lexicalParent, lineNumber, staticScope, signature, prefix, isBeginEndBlock, false); } public IRClosure(IRManager manager, IRScope lexicalParent, int lineNumber, StaticScope staticScope, Signature signature, ByteList prefix, boolean isBeginEndBlock, boolean needsCoverage) { this(manager, lexicalParent, lineNumber, staticScope, prefix); this.signature = signature; lexicalParent.addClosure(this); if (getManager().isDryRun()) { this.body = null; } else { boolean shouldJit = manager.getInstanceConfig().getCompileMode().shouldJIT(); this.body = shouldJit ? new MixedModeIRBlockBody(this, signature) : new InterpretedIRBlockBody(this, signature); if (staticScope != null && !isBeginEndBlock) { staticScope.setIRScope(this); staticScope.setScopeType(this.getScopeType()); } } if (needsCoverage) setNeedsCodeCoverage(); } @Override public InterpreterContext allocateInterpreterContext(List<Instr> instructions, int temporaryVariableCount, EnumSet<IRFlags> flags) { interpreterContext = new ClosureInterpreterContext(this, instructions, temporaryVariableCount, flags); return interpreterContext; } @Override public InterpreterContext allocateInterpreterContext(Supplier<List<Instr>> instructions, int temporaryVariableCount, EnumSet<IRFlags> flags) { try { interpreterContext = new ClosureInterpreterContext(this, instructions, temporaryVariableCount, flags); } catch (Exception e) { Helpers.throwException(e); } return interpreterContext; } public void setIsEND() { isEND = true; } public boolean isEND() { return isEND; } @Override public int getNextClosureId() { return getLexicalParent().getNextClosureId(); } @Override public Label getNewLabel() { return getNewLabel(getManager().getClosurePrefix(closureId)); } @Override public IRScopeType getScopeType() { return IRScopeType.CLOSURE; } @Override public boolean isTopLocalVariableScope() { return false; } public String toStringBody() { return new StringBuilder(getId()).append(" = {\n").append(toStringInstrs()).append("\n}\n\n").toString(); } public BlockBody getBlockBody() { return body; } // FIXME: This is too strict. We can use any closure which does not dip below the define_method closure. This // will deopt any nested block which dips out of itself. public boolean isNestedClosuresSafeForMethodConversion() { for (IRClosure closure: getClosures()) { if (!closure.isNestedClosuresSafeForMethodConversion()) return false; } return !accessesParentsLocalVariables(); } public IRMethod convertToMethod(ByteList name) { // We want variable scoping to be the same as a method and not see outside itself. if (source == null || accessesParentsLocalVariables() || // Built methods cannot search down past method scope receivesClosureArg() || // we pass in captured block at define_method as block so explicits ones not supported !isNestedClosuresSafeForMethodConversion()) { source = null; return null; } DefNode def = source; source = null; return new IRMethod(getManager(), getLexicalParent(), def, name, true, getLine(), getStaticScope(), needsCodeCoverage()); } public void setSource(IterNode iter) { source = iter; } @Override protected LocalVariable findExistingLocalVariable(RubySymbol name, int scopeDepth) { LocalVariable lvar = lookupExistingLVar(name); if (lvar != null) return lvar; int newDepth = scopeDepth - 1; if (newDepth >= 0) { lvar = getLexicalParent().findExistingLocalVariable(name, newDepth); if (lvar != null) setAccessesParentsLocalVariables(); } return lvar; } public LocalVariable getNewLocalVariable(RubySymbol name, int depth) { if (depth == 0 && !(this instanceof IRFor)) { LocalVariable lvar = new ClosureLocalVariable(name, 0, getStaticScope().addVariableThisScope(name.idString())); localVars.put(name, lvar); return lvar; } else { // IRFor does not have it's own state if (!(this instanceof IRFor)) setAccessesParentsLocalVariables(); IRScope s = this; int d = depth; do { // account for for-loops while (s instanceof IRFor) { depth++; s = s.getLexicalParent(); } // walk up d--; if (d >= 0) s = s.getLexicalParent(); } while (d >= 0); return s.getNewLocalVariable(name, 0).cloneForDepth(depth); } } @Override public LocalVariable getLocalVariable(RubySymbol name, int depth) { // AST doesn't seem to be implementing shadowing properly and sometimes // has the wrong depths which screws up variable access. So, we implement // shadowing here by searching for an existing local var from depth 0 and upwards. // // Check scope depths for 'a' in the closure in the following snippet: // // "a = 1; foo(1) { |(a)| a }" // // In "(a)", it is 0 (correct), but in the body, it is 1 (incorrect) LocalVariable lvar; IRScope s = this; int d = depth; if (depth > 0 && !(this instanceof IRFor)) setAccessesParentsLocalVariables(); if (depth == 0) return s.getNewLocalVariable(name, 0); do { // account for for-loops while (s instanceof IRFor) { depth++; s = s.getLexicalParent(); } // lookup lvar = s.lookupExistingLVar(name); // walk up d--; if (d >= 0) s = s.getLexicalParent(); } while (lvar == null && d >= 0); if (lvar == null) { // Note on this null check: Create a new var at eventual scope which has not been created // because the hard scope does not have a definition for it yet. The reason for this can // be: // a) initialization of lvar happens after first closure which uses the lvar // b) ensure blocks get processed before the body for the ensure so it is possible // a nested closure in the ensure will find an lvar first. lvar = s.getNewLocalVariable(name, 0).cloneForDepth(depth); } else { // Find # of lexical scopes we walked up to find 'lvar'. // We need a copy of 'lvar' usable at that depth int lvarDepth = depth - (d + 1); if (lvar.getScopeDepth() != lvarDepth) lvar = lvar.cloneForDepth(lvarDepth); } return lvar; } // FIXME: This is all using interpreterContext but it should be using Full???? protected IRClosure cloneForInlining(CloneInfo ii, IRClosure clone) { SimpleCloneInfo clonedII = ii.cloneForCloningClosure(clone); // if (getCFG() != null) { // clone.setCFG(getCFG().clone(clonedII, clone)); // } else { List<Instr> newInstrs = new ArrayList<>(interpreterContext.getInstructions().length); for (Instr i: interpreterContext.getInstructions()) { newInstrs.add(i.clone(clonedII)); } clone.allocateInterpreterContext(newInstrs, interpreterContext.getTemporaryVariableCount(), interpreterContext.getFlags()); // } return clone; } private static final ByteList CLOSURE_CLONE = new ByteList(new byte[] {'_', 'C', 'L', 'O', 'S', 'U', 'R', 'E', '_', 'C', 'L', 'O', 'N', 'E', '_'}, false); public IRClosure cloneForInlining(CloneInfo ii) { IRClosure clonedClosure; IRScope lexicalParent = ii.getScope(); if (ii instanceof SimpleCloneInfo && !((SimpleCloneInfo) ii).isEnsureBlockCloneMode()) { clonedClosure = new IRClosure(this, lexicalParent, closureId, getByteName()); } else { int id = lexicalParent.getNextClosureId(); ByteList fullName = lexicalParent.getByteName(); fullName = fullName != null ? fullName.dup() : new ByteList(); fullName.append(CLOSURE_CLONE); fullName.append(Integer.toString(id).getBytes()); clonedClosure = new IRClosure(this, lexicalParent, id, fullName); } // WrappedIRClosure should always have a single unique IRClosure in them so we should // not end up adding n copies of the same closure as distinct clones... lexicalParent.addClosure(clonedClosure); return cloneForInlining(ii, clonedClosure); } @Override public void setByteName(ByteList name) { ByteList newName = getLexicalParent().getByteName(); newName = newName == null ? new ByteList() : newName.dup(); newName.append(name); super.setByteName(newName); } public Signature getSignature() { return signature; } public void setHandle(Handle handle) { this.handle = handle; } public Handle getHandle() { return handle; } public ArgumentDescriptor[] getArgumentDescriptors() { return argDesc; }
Set upon completion of IRBuild of this IRClosure.
/** * Set upon completion of IRBuild of this IRClosure. */
public void setArgumentDescriptors(ArgumentDescriptor[] argDesc) { this.argDesc = argDesc; } public void persistScopeHeader(IRWriterEncoder file) { super.persistScopeHeader(file); file.encode(isEND()); file.encode(getSignature()); } }