 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.loader.plan.exec.process.internal;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException;
import org.hibernate.WrongClassException;
import org.hibernate.engine.internal.TwoPhaseLoad;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.JdbcServices;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityKey;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityUniqueKey;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SharedSessionContractImplementor;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreLogging;
import org.hibernate.loader.EntityAliases;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.exec.process.spi.EntityReferenceInitializer;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.exec.process.spi.ResultSetProcessingContext;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.exec.spi.EntityReferenceAliases;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.EntityFetch;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.EntityReference;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Loadable;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.UniqueKeyLoadable;
import org.hibernate.pretty.MessageHelper;
import org.hibernate.type.EntityType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.hibernate.type.VersionType;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

import static org.hibernate.loader.plan.exec.process.spi.ResultSetProcessingContext.EntityReferenceProcessingState;

Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class EntityReferenceInitializerImpl implements EntityReferenceInitializer { private static final Logger log = CoreLogging.logger( EntityReferenceInitializerImpl.class ); private final EntityReference entityReference; private final EntityReferenceAliases entityReferenceAliases; private final boolean isReturn; public EntityReferenceInitializerImpl( EntityReference entityReference, EntityReferenceAliases entityReferenceAliases) { this( entityReference, entityReferenceAliases, false ); } public EntityReferenceInitializerImpl( EntityReference entityReference, EntityReferenceAliases entityReferenceAliases, boolean isRoot) { this.entityReference = entityReference; this.entityReferenceAliases = entityReferenceAliases; isReturn = isRoot; } @Override public EntityReference getEntityReference() { return entityReference; } @Override public void hydrateIdentifier(ResultSet resultSet, ResultSetProcessingContextImpl context) throws SQLException { final EntityReferenceProcessingState processingState = context.getProcessingState( entityReference ); // get any previously registered identifier hydrated-state Object identifierHydratedForm = processingState.getIdentifierHydratedForm(); if ( identifierHydratedForm == null ) { // if there is none, read it from the result set identifierHydratedForm = readIdentifierHydratedState( resultSet, context ); // broadcast the fact that a hydrated identifier value just became associated with // this entity reference processingState.registerIdentifierHydratedForm( identifierHydratedForm ); } }
Read the identifier state for the entity reference for the currently processing row in the ResultSet
  • resultSet – The ResultSet being processed
  • context – The processing context
  • SQLException – Indicates a problem accessing the ResultSet
Returns:The hydrated state
/** * Read the identifier state for the entity reference for the currently processing row in the ResultSet * * @param resultSet The ResultSet being processed * @param context The processing context * * @return The hydrated state * * @throws java.sql.SQLException Indicates a problem accessing the ResultSet */
private Object readIdentifierHydratedState(ResultSet resultSet, ResultSetProcessingContext context) throws SQLException { try { return entityReference.getEntityPersister().getIdentifierType().hydrate( resultSet, entityReferenceAliases.getColumnAliases().getSuffixedKeyAliases(), context.getSession(), null ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new HibernateException( "Encountered problem trying to hydrate identifier for entity [" + entityReference.getEntityPersister() + "]", e ); } } @Override public void resolveEntityKey(ResultSet resultSet, ResultSetProcessingContextImpl context) { final EntityReferenceProcessingState processingState = context.getProcessingState( entityReference ); // see if we already have an EntityKey associated with this EntityReference in the processing state. // if we do, this should have come from the optional entity identifier... final EntityKey entityKey = processingState.getEntityKey(); if ( entityKey != null ) { log.debugf( "On call to EntityIdentifierReaderImpl#resolve, EntityKey was already known; " + "should only happen on root returns with an optional identifier specified" ); return; } // Look for the hydrated form final Object identifierHydratedForm = processingState.getIdentifierHydratedForm(); if ( identifierHydratedForm == null ) { // we need to register the missing identifier, but that happens later after all readers have had a chance // to resolve its EntityKey return; } final Type identifierType = entityReference.getEntityPersister().getIdentifierType(); final Serializable resolvedId = (Serializable) identifierType.resolve( identifierHydratedForm, context.getSession(), null ); if ( resolvedId != null ) { processingState.registerEntityKey( context.getSession().generateEntityKey( resolvedId, entityReference.getEntityPersister() ) ); } } @Override public void hydrateEntityState(ResultSet resultSet, ResultSetProcessingContextImpl context) { final EntityReferenceProcessingState processingState = context.getProcessingState( entityReference ); // If there is no identifier for this entity reference for this row, nothing to do if ( processingState.isMissingIdentifier() ) { handleMissingIdentifier( context ); return; } // make sure we have the EntityKey final EntityKey entityKey = processingState.getEntityKey(); if ( entityKey == null ) { handleMissingIdentifier( context ); return; } // Have we already hydrated this entity's state? if ( processingState.getEntityInstance() != null ) { return; } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // In getting here, we know that: // 1) We need to hydrate the entity state // 2) We have a valid EntityKey for the entity // see if we have an existing entry in the session for this EntityKey final Object existing = context.getSession().getEntityUsingInterceptor( entityKey ); if ( existing != null ) { // It is previously associated with the Session, perform some checks if ( ! entityReference.getEntityPersister().isInstance( existing ) ) { throw new WrongClassException( "loaded object was of wrong class " + existing.getClass(), entityKey.getIdentifier(), entityReference.getEntityPersister().getEntityName() ); } checkVersion( resultSet, context, entityKey, existing ); // use the existing association as the hydrated state processingState.registerEntityInstance( existing ); //context.registerHydratedEntity( entityReference, entityKey, existing ); return; } // Otherwise, we need to load it from the ResultSet... // determine which entity instance to use. Either the supplied one, or instantiate one Object entityInstance = null; if ( isReturn && context.shouldUseOptionalEntityInformation() && context.getQueryParameters().getOptionalObject() != null ) { final EntityKey optionalEntityKey = ResultSetProcessorHelper.getOptionalObjectKey( context.getQueryParameters(), context.getSession() ); if ( optionalEntityKey != null && optionalEntityKey.equals( entityKey ) ) { entityInstance = context.getQueryParameters().getOptionalObject(); } } final String concreteEntityTypeName = getConcreteEntityTypeName( resultSet, context, entityKey ); if ( entityInstance == null ) { entityInstance = context.getSession().instantiate( concreteEntityTypeName, entityKey.getIdentifier() ); } processingState.registerEntityInstance( entityInstance ); // need to hydrate it. // grab its state from the ResultSet and keep it in the Session // (but don't yet initialize the object itself) // note that we acquire LockMode.READ even if it was not requested log.trace( "hydrating entity state" ); final LockMode requestedLockMode = context.resolveLockMode( entityReference ); final LockMode lockModeToAcquire = requestedLockMode == LockMode.NONE ? LockMode.READ : requestedLockMode; loadFromResultSet( resultSet, context, entityInstance, concreteEntityTypeName, entityKey, lockModeToAcquire ); } private void handleMissingIdentifier(ResultSetProcessingContext context) { if ( EntityFetch.class.isInstance( entityReference ) ) { final EntityFetch fetch = (EntityFetch) entityReference; final EntityType fetchedType = fetch.getFetchedType(); if ( ! fetchedType.isOneToOne() ) { return; } final EntityReferenceProcessingState fetchOwnerState = context.getOwnerProcessingState( fetch ); if ( fetchOwnerState == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Could not locate fetch owner state" ); } final EntityKey ownerEntityKey = fetchOwnerState.getEntityKey(); if ( ownerEntityKey != null ) { context.getSession().getPersistenceContext().addNullProperty( ownerEntityKey, fetchedType.getPropertyName() ); } } } private void loadFromResultSet( ResultSet resultSet, ResultSetProcessingContext context, Object entityInstance, String concreteEntityTypeName, EntityKey entityKey, LockMode lockModeToAcquire) { final Serializable id = entityKey.getIdentifier(); // Get the persister for the _subclass_ final Loadable concreteEntityPersister = (Loadable) context.getSession().getFactory().getMetamodel().entityPersister( concreteEntityTypeName ); if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) { log.tracev( "Initializing object from ResultSet: {0}", MessageHelper.infoString( concreteEntityPersister, id, context.getSession().getFactory() ) ); } // add temp entry so that the next step is circular-reference // safe - only needed because some types don't take proper // advantage of two-phase-load (esp. components) TwoPhaseLoad.addUninitializedEntity( entityKey, entityInstance, concreteEntityPersister, lockModeToAcquire, context.getSession() ); final EntityPersister rootEntityPersister = context.getSession().getFactory().getMetamodel().entityPersister( concreteEntityPersister.getRootEntityName() ); final Object[] values; try { values = concreteEntityPersister.hydrate( resultSet, id, entityInstance, (Loadable) entityReference.getEntityPersister(), concreteEntityPersister == rootEntityPersister ? entityReferenceAliases.getColumnAliases().getSuffixedPropertyAliases() : entityReferenceAliases.getColumnAliases().getSuffixedPropertyAliases( concreteEntityPersister ), context.getLoadPlan().areLazyAttributesForceFetched(), context.getSession() ); context.getProcessingState( entityReference ).registerHydratedState( values ); } catch (SQLException e) { throw context.getSession().getFactory().getServiceRegistry().getService( JdbcServices.class ).getSqlExceptionHelper().convert( e, "Could not read entity state from ResultSet : " + entityKey ); } final Object rowId; try { rowId = concreteEntityPersister.hasRowId() ? resultSet.getObject( entityReferenceAliases.getColumnAliases().getRowIdAlias() ) : null; if ( rowId != null && log.isTraceEnabled() ) { log.tracev( "extracted ROWID value: {0}", rowId ); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw context.getSession().getFactory().getServiceRegistry().getService( JdbcServices.class ).getSqlExceptionHelper().convert( e, "Could not read entity row-id from ResultSet : " + entityKey ); } final EntityType entityType = EntityFetch.class.isInstance( entityReference ) ? ( (EntityFetch) entityReference ).getFetchedType() : entityReference.getEntityPersister().getEntityMetamodel().getEntityType(); if ( entityType != null ) { String ukName = entityType.getRHSUniqueKeyPropertyName(); if ( ukName != null ) { final int index = ( (UniqueKeyLoadable) concreteEntityPersister ).getPropertyIndex( ukName ); final Type type = concreteEntityPersister.getPropertyTypes()[index]; // polymorphism not really handled completely correctly, // perhaps...well, actually its ok, assuming that the // entity name used in the lookup is the same as the // the one used here, which it will be EntityUniqueKey euk = new EntityUniqueKey( entityReference.getEntityPersister().getEntityName(), ukName, type.semiResolve( values[index], context.getSession(), entityInstance ), type, concreteEntityPersister.getEntityMode(), context.getSession().getFactory() ); context.getSession().getPersistenceContext().addEntity( euk, entityInstance ); } } TwoPhaseLoad.postHydrate( concreteEntityPersister, id, values, rowId, entityInstance, lockModeToAcquire, context.getSession() ); context.registerHydratedEntity( entityReference, entityKey, entityInstance ); } private String getConcreteEntityTypeName( ResultSet resultSet, ResultSetProcessingContext context, EntityKey entityKey) { final Loadable loadable = (Loadable) entityReference.getEntityPersister(); if ( ! loadable.hasSubclasses() ) { return entityReference.getEntityPersister().getEntityName(); } final Object discriminatorValue; try { discriminatorValue = loadable.getDiscriminatorType().nullSafeGet( resultSet, entityReferenceAliases.getColumnAliases().getSuffixedDiscriminatorAlias(), context.getSession(), null ); } catch (SQLException e) { throw context.getSession().getFactory().getServiceRegistry().getService( JdbcServices.class ).getSqlExceptionHelper().convert( e, "Could not read discriminator value from ResultSet" ); } final String result = loadable.getSubclassForDiscriminatorValue( discriminatorValue ); if ( result == null ) { // whoops! we got an instance of another class hierarchy branch throw new WrongClassException( "Discriminator: " + discriminatorValue, entityKey.getIdentifier(), entityReference.getEntityPersister().getEntityName() ); } return result; } private void checkVersion( ResultSet resultSet, ResultSetProcessingContext context, EntityKey entityKey, Object existing) { final LockMode requestedLockMode = context.resolveLockMode( entityReference ); if ( requestedLockMode != LockMode.NONE ) { final LockMode currentLockMode = context.getSession().getPersistenceContext().getEntry( existing ).getLockMode(); final boolean isVersionCheckNeeded = entityReference.getEntityPersister().isVersioned() && currentLockMode.lessThan( requestedLockMode ); // we don't need to worry about existing version being uninitialized because this block isn't called // by a re-entrant load (re-entrant loads *always* have lock mode NONE) if ( isVersionCheckNeeded ) { //we only check the version when *upgrading* lock modes checkVersion( context.getSession(), resultSet, entityReference.getEntityPersister(), entityReferenceAliases.getColumnAliases(), entityKey, existing ); //we need to upgrade the lock mode to the mode requested context.getSession().getPersistenceContext().getEntry( existing ).setLockMode( requestedLockMode ); } } } private void checkVersion( SharedSessionContractImplementor session, ResultSet resultSet, EntityPersister persister, EntityAliases entityAliases, EntityKey entityKey, Object entityInstance) { final Object version = session.getPersistenceContext().getEntry( entityInstance ).getVersion(); if ( version != null ) { //null version means the object is in the process of being loaded somewhere else in the ResultSet VersionType versionType = persister.getVersionType(); final Object currentVersion; try { currentVersion = versionType.nullSafeGet( resultSet, entityAliases.getSuffixedVersionAliases(), session, null ); } catch (SQLException e) { throw session.getFactory().getServiceRegistry().getService( JdbcServices.class ).getSqlExceptionHelper().convert( e, "Could not read version value from result set" ); } if ( !versionType.isEqual( version, currentVersion ) ) { if ( session.getFactory().getStatistics().isStatisticsEnabled() ) { session.getFactory().getStatistics().optimisticFailure( persister.getEntityName() ); } throw new StaleObjectStateException( persister.getEntityName(), entityKey.getIdentifier() ); } } } @Override public void finishUpRow(ResultSet resultSet, ResultSetProcessingContextImpl context) { // cant remember exactly what I was thinking here. Maybe managing the row value caching stuff that is currently // done in ResultSetProcessingContextImpl.finishUpRow() // // anything else? } }