 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.engine.internal;

import java.io.Serializable;

import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.CacheMode;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.bytecode.enhance.spi.LazyPropertyInitializer;
import org.hibernate.cache.spi.access.EntityDataAccess;
import org.hibernate.cache.spi.entry.CacheEntry;
import org.hibernate.engine.profile.Fetch;
import org.hibernate.engine.profile.FetchProfile;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityEntry;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityKey;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.LoadQueryInfluencers;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.PersistenceContext;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionEventListenerManager;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SharedSessionContractImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.Status;
import org.hibernate.event.service.spi.EventListenerGroup;
import org.hibernate.event.service.spi.EventListenerRegistry;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.EventType;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.PostLoadEvent;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.PostLoadEventListener;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.PreLoadEvent;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.PreLoadEventListener;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister;
import org.hibernate.pretty.MessageHelper;
import org.hibernate.property.access.internal.PropertyAccessStrategyBackRefImpl;
import org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxy;
import org.hibernate.stat.internal.StatsHelper;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.hibernate.type.TypeHelper;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

Functionality relating to the Hibernate two-phase loading process, that may be reused by persisters that do not use the Loader framework
Author:Gavin King
/** * Functionality relating to the Hibernate two-phase loading process, that may be reused by persisters * that do not use the Loader framework * * @author Gavin King */
public final class TwoPhaseLoad { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger( CoreMessageLogger.class, TwoPhaseLoad.class.getName() ); private TwoPhaseLoad() { }
Register the "hydrated" state of an entity instance, after the first step of 2-phase loading. Add the "hydrated state" (an array) of an uninitialized entity to the session. We don't try to resolve any associations yet, because there might be other entities waiting to be read from the JDBC result set we are currently processing
  • persister – The persister for the hydrated entity
  • id – The entity identifier
  • values – The entity values
  • rowId – The rowId for the entity
  • object – An optional instance for the entity being loaded
  • lockMode – The lock mode
  • session – The Session
/** * Register the "hydrated" state of an entity instance, after the first step of 2-phase loading. * * Add the "hydrated state" (an array) of an uninitialized entity to the session. We don't try * to resolve any associations yet, because there might be other entities waiting to be * read from the JDBC result set we are currently processing * * @param persister The persister for the hydrated entity * @param id The entity identifier * @param values The entity values * @param rowId The rowId for the entity * @param object An optional instance for the entity being loaded * @param lockMode The lock mode * @param session The Session */
public static void postHydrate( final EntityPersister persister, final Serializable id, final Object[] values, final Object rowId, final Object object, final LockMode lockMode, final SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { final Object version = Versioning.getVersion( values, persister ); session.getPersistenceContext().addEntry( object, Status.LOADING, values, rowId, id, version, lockMode, true, persister, false ); if ( version != null && LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) { final String versionStr = persister.isVersioned() ? persister.getVersionType().toLoggableString( version, session.getFactory() ) : "null"; LOG.tracef( "Version: %s", versionStr ); } }
Perform the second step of 2-phase load. Fully initialize the entity instance.

After processing a JDBC result set, we "resolve" all the associations between the entities which were instantiated and had their state "hydrated" into an array
  • entity – The entity being loaded
  • readOnly – Is the entity being loaded as read-only
  • session – The Session
  • preLoadEvent – The (re-used) pre-load event
/** * Perform the second step of 2-phase load. Fully initialize the entity * instance. * <p/> * After processing a JDBC result set, we "resolve" all the associations * between the entities which were instantiated and had their state * "hydrated" into an array * * @param entity The entity being loaded * @param readOnly Is the entity being loaded as read-only * @param session The Session * @param preLoadEvent The (re-used) pre-load event */
public static void initializeEntity( final Object entity, final boolean readOnly, final SharedSessionContractImplementor session, final PreLoadEvent preLoadEvent) { final PersistenceContext persistenceContext = session.getPersistenceContext(); final EntityEntry entityEntry = persistenceContext.getEntry( entity ); if ( entityEntry == null ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "possible non-threadsafe access to the session" ); } doInitializeEntity( entity, entityEntry, readOnly, session, preLoadEvent ); } private static void doInitializeEntity( final Object entity, final EntityEntry entityEntry, final boolean readOnly, final SharedSessionContractImplementor session, final PreLoadEvent preLoadEvent) throws HibernateException { final PersistenceContext persistenceContext = session.getPersistenceContext(); final EntityPersister persister = entityEntry.getPersister(); final Serializable id = entityEntry.getId(); final Object[] hydratedState = entityEntry.getLoadedState(); final boolean debugEnabled = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); if ( debugEnabled ) { LOG.debugf( "Resolving associations for %s", MessageHelper.infoString( persister, id, session.getFactory() ) ); } String entityName = persister.getEntityName(); String[] propertyNames = persister.getPropertyNames(); final Type[] types = persister.getPropertyTypes(); for ( int i = 0; i < hydratedState.length; i++ ) { final Object value = hydratedState[i]; Boolean overridingEager = getOverridingEager( session, entityName, propertyNames[i], types[i] ); if ( value == LazyPropertyInitializer.UNFETCHED_PROPERTY ) { // IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: This is a lazy property on a bytecode-enhanced entity. // hydratedState[i] needs to remain LazyPropertyInitializer.UNFETCHED_PROPERTY so that // setPropertyValues() below (ultimately AbstractEntityTuplizer#setPropertyValues) works properly // No resolution is necessary, unless the lazy property is a collection. if ( types[i].isCollectionType() ) { // IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: this is a lazy collection property on a bytecode-enhanced entity. // HHH-10989: We need to resolve the collection so that a CollectionReference is added to StatefulPersistentContext. // As mentioned above, hydratedState[i] needs to remain LazyPropertyInitializer.UNFETCHED_PROPERTY // so do not assign the resolved, unitialized PersistentCollection back to hydratedState[i]. types[i].resolve( value, session, entity, overridingEager ); } } else if ( value != PropertyAccessStrategyBackRefImpl.UNKNOWN ) { // we know value != LazyPropertyInitializer.UNFETCHED_PROPERTY hydratedState[i] = types[i].resolve( value, session, entity, overridingEager ); } } //Must occur after resolving identifiers! if ( session.isEventSource() ) { preLoadEvent.setEntity( entity ).setState( hydratedState ).setId( id ).setPersister( persister ); final EventListenerGroup<PreLoadEventListener> listenerGroup = session .getFactory() .getServiceRegistry() .getService( EventListenerRegistry.class ) .getEventListenerGroup( EventType.PRE_LOAD ); for ( PreLoadEventListener listener : listenerGroup.listeners() ) { listener.onPreLoad( preLoadEvent ); } } persister.setPropertyValues( entity, hydratedState ); final SessionFactoryImplementor factory = session.getFactory(); if ( persister.canWriteToCache() && session.getCacheMode().isPutEnabled() ) { if ( debugEnabled ) { LOG.debugf( "Adding entity to second-level cache: %s", MessageHelper.infoString( persister, id, session.getFactory() ) ); } final Object version = Versioning.getVersion( hydratedState, persister ); final CacheEntry entry = persister.buildCacheEntry( entity, hydratedState, version, session ); final EntityDataAccess cache = persister.getCacheAccessStrategy(); final Object cacheKey = cache.generateCacheKey( id, persister, factory, session.getTenantIdentifier() ); // explicit handling of caching for rows just inserted and then somehow forced to be read // from the database *within the same transaction*. usually this is done by // 1) Session#refresh, or // 2) Session#clear + some form of load // // we need to be careful not to clobber the lock here in the cache so that it can be rolled back if need be if ( session.getPersistenceContext().wasInsertedDuringTransaction( persister, id ) ) { cache.update( session, cacheKey, persister.getCacheEntryStructure().structure( entry ), version, version ); } else { final SessionEventListenerManager eventListenerManager = session.getEventListenerManager(); try { eventListenerManager.cachePutStart(); final boolean put = cache.putFromLoad( session, cacheKey, persister.getCacheEntryStructure().structure( entry ), version, useMinimalPuts( session, entityEntry ) ); if ( put && factory.getStatistics().isStatisticsEnabled() ) { factory.getStatistics().entityCachePut( StatsHelper.INSTANCE.getRootEntityRole( persister ), cache.getRegion().getName() ); } } finally { eventListenerManager.cachePutEnd(); } } } if ( persister.hasNaturalIdentifier() ) { persistenceContext.getNaturalIdHelper().cacheNaturalIdCrossReferenceFromLoad( persister, id, persistenceContext.getNaturalIdHelper().extractNaturalIdValues( hydratedState, persister ) ); } boolean isReallyReadOnly = readOnly; if ( !persister.isMutable() ) { isReallyReadOnly = true; } else { final Object proxy = persistenceContext.getProxy( entityEntry.getEntityKey() ); if ( proxy != null ) { // there is already a proxy for this impl // only set the status to read-only if the proxy is read-only isReallyReadOnly = ( (HibernateProxy) proxy ).getHibernateLazyInitializer().isReadOnly(); } } if ( isReallyReadOnly ) { //no need to take a snapshot - this is a //performance optimization, but not really //important, except for entities with huge //mutable property values persistenceContext.setEntryStatus( entityEntry, Status.READ_ONLY ); } else { //take a snapshot TypeHelper.deepCopy( hydratedState, persister.getPropertyTypes(), persister.getPropertyUpdateability(), //after setting values to object hydratedState, session ); persistenceContext.setEntryStatus( entityEntry, Status.MANAGED ); } persister.afterInitialize( entity, session ); if ( debugEnabled ) { LOG.debugf( "Done materializing entity %s", MessageHelper.infoString( persister, id, session.getFactory() ) ); } if ( factory.getStatistics().isStatisticsEnabled() ) { factory.getStatistics().loadEntity( persister.getEntityName() ); } }
Check if eager of the association is overriden by anything.
  • session – session
  • entityName – entity name
  • associationName – association name
Returns:null if there is no overriding, true if it is overridden to eager and false if it is overridden to lazy
/** * Check if eager of the association is overriden by anything. * * @param session session * @param entityName entity name * @param associationName association name * * @return null if there is no overriding, true if it is overridden to eager and false if it is overridden to lazy */
private static Boolean getOverridingEager( SharedSessionContractImplementor session, String entityName, String associationName, Type type) { if ( type.isAssociationType() || type.isCollectionType() ) { Boolean overridingEager = isEagerFetchProfile( session, entityName + "." + associationName ); if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) { if ( overridingEager != null ) { LOG.debugf( "Overriding eager fetching using active fetch profile. EntityName: %s, associationName: %s, eager fetching: %s", entityName, associationName, overridingEager ); } } return overridingEager; } return null; } private static Boolean isEagerFetchProfile(SharedSessionContractImplementor session, String role) { LoadQueryInfluencers loadQueryInfluencers = session.getLoadQueryInfluencers(); for ( String fetchProfileName : loadQueryInfluencers.getEnabledFetchProfileNames() ) { FetchProfile fp = session.getFactory().getFetchProfile( fetchProfileName ); Fetch fetch = fp.getFetchByRole( role ); if ( fetch != null && Fetch.Style.JOIN == fetch.getStyle() ) { return true; } } return null; }
PostLoad cannot occur during initializeEntity, as that call occurs *before* the Set collections are added to the persistence context by Loader. Without the split, LazyInitializationExceptions can occur in the Entity's postLoad if it acts upon the collection. HHH-6043
  • entity – The entity
  • session – The Session
  • postLoadEvent – The (re-used) post-load event
/** * PostLoad cannot occur during initializeEntity, as that call occurs *before* * the Set collections are added to the persistence context by Loader. * Without the split, LazyInitializationExceptions can occur in the Entity's * postLoad if it acts upon the collection. * * HHH-6043 * * @param entity The entity * @param session The Session * @param postLoadEvent The (re-used) post-load event */
public static void postLoad( final Object entity, final SharedSessionContractImplementor session, final PostLoadEvent postLoadEvent) { if ( session.isEventSource() ) { final PersistenceContext persistenceContext = session.getPersistenceContext(); final EntityEntry entityEntry = persistenceContext.getEntry( entity ); postLoadEvent.setEntity( entity ).setId( entityEntry.getId() ).setPersister( entityEntry.getPersister() ); final EventListenerGroup<PostLoadEventListener> listenerGroup = session.getFactory() .getServiceRegistry() .getService( EventListenerRegistry.class ) .getEventListenerGroup( EventType.POST_LOAD ); for ( PostLoadEventListener listener : listenerGroup.listeners() ) { listener.onPostLoad( postLoadEvent ); } } } private static boolean useMinimalPuts(SharedSessionContractImplementor session, EntityEntry entityEntry) { if ( session.getFactory().getSessionFactoryOptions().isMinimalPutsEnabled() ) { return session.getCacheMode() != CacheMode.REFRESH; } else { return entityEntry.getPersister().hasLazyProperties() && entityEntry.getPersister().isLazyPropertiesCacheable(); } }
Add an uninitialized instance of an entity class, as a placeholder to ensure object identity. Must be called before postHydrate(). Create a "temporary" entry for a newly instantiated entity. The entity is uninitialized, but we need the mapping from id to instance in order to guarantee uniqueness.
  • key – The entity key
  • object – The entity instance
  • persister – The entity persister
  • lockMode – The lock mode
  • session – The Session
/** * Add an uninitialized instance of an entity class, as a placeholder to ensure object * identity. Must be called before <tt>postHydrate()</tt>. * * Create a "temporary" entry for a newly instantiated entity. The entity is uninitialized, * but we need the mapping from id to instance in order to guarantee uniqueness. * * @param key The entity key * @param object The entity instance * @param persister The entity persister * @param lockMode The lock mode * @param session The Session */
public static void addUninitializedEntity( final EntityKey key, final Object object, final EntityPersister persister, final LockMode lockMode, final SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { session.getPersistenceContext().addEntity( object, Status.LOADING, null, key, null, lockMode, true, persister, false ); }
Same as addUninitializedEntity, but here for an entity from the second level cache
  • key – The entity key
  • object – The entity instance
  • persister – The entity persister
  • lockMode – The lock mode
  • version – The version
  • session – The Session
/** * Same as {@link #addUninitializedEntity}, but here for an entity from the second level cache * * @param key The entity key * @param object The entity instance * @param persister The entity persister * @param lockMode The lock mode * @param version The version * @param session The Session */
public static void addUninitializedCachedEntity( final EntityKey key, final Object object, final EntityPersister persister, final LockMode lockMode, final Object version, final SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { session.getPersistenceContext().addEntity( object, Status.LOADING, null, key, version, lockMode, true, persister, false ); } }