package org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.mceliece;

import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.linearalgebra.GF2Matrix;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.linearalgebra.GF2mField;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.linearalgebra.GoppaCode;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.linearalgebra.Permutation;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.linearalgebra.PolynomialGF2mSmallM;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.linearalgebra.PolynomialRingGF2m;

public class McEliecePrivateKeyParameters
    extends McElieceKeyParameters

    // the OID of the algorithm
    private String oid;

    // the length of the code
    private int n;

    // the dimension of the code, where <tt>k &gt;= n - mt</tt>
    private int k;

    // the underlying finite field
    private GF2mField field;

    // the irreducible Goppa polynomial
    private PolynomialGF2mSmallM goppaPoly;

    // a k x k random binary non-singular matrix
    private GF2Matrix sInv;

    // the permutation used to generate the systematic check matrix
    private Permutation p1;

    // the permutation used to compute the public generator matrix
    private Permutation p2;

    // the canonical check matrix of the code
    private GF2Matrix h;

    // the matrix used to compute square roots in <tt>(GF(2^m))^t</tt>
    private PolynomialGF2mSmallM[] qInv;

  • n – the length of the code
  • k – the dimension of the code
  • field – the field polynomial defining the finite field GF(2m)
  • gp – the irreducible Goppa polynomial
  • p1 – the permutation used to generate the systematic check matrix
  • p2 – the permutation used to compute the public generator matrix
  • sInv – the matrix S-1
/** * Constructor. * * @param n the length of the code * @param k the dimension of the code * @param field the field polynomial defining the finite field * <tt>GF(2<sup>m</sup>)</tt> * @param gp the irreducible Goppa polynomial * @param p1 the permutation used to generate the systematic check * matrix * @param p2 the permutation used to compute the public generator * matrix * @param sInv the matrix <tt>S<sup>-1</sup></tt> */
public McEliecePrivateKeyParameters(int n, int k, GF2mField field, PolynomialGF2mSmallM gp, Permutation p1, Permutation p2, GF2Matrix sInv) { super(true, null); this.k = k; this.n = n; this.field = field; this.goppaPoly = gp; this.sInv = sInv; this.p1 = p1; this.p2 = p2; this.h = GoppaCode.createCanonicalCheckMatrix(field, gp); PolynomialRingGF2m ring = new PolynomialRingGF2m(field, gp); // matrix used to compute square roots in (GF(2^m))^t this.qInv = ring.getSquareRootMatrix(); }
  • n – the length of the code
  • k – the dimension of the code
  • encField – the encoded field polynomial defining the finite field GF(2m)
  • encGoppaPoly – the encoded irreducible Goppa polynomial
  • encSInv – the encoded matrix S-1
  • encP1 – the encoded permutation used to generate the systematic check matrix
  • encP2 – the encoded permutation used to compute the public generator matrix
  • encH – the encoded canonical check matrix
  • encQInv – the encoded matrix used to compute square roots in (GF(2m))t
/** * Constructor. * * @param n the length of the code * @param k the dimension of the code * @param encField the encoded field polynomial defining the finite field * <tt>GF(2<sup>m</sup>)</tt> * @param encGoppaPoly the encoded irreducible Goppa polynomial * @param encSInv the encoded matrix <tt>S<sup>-1</sup></tt> * @param encP1 the encoded permutation used to generate the systematic * check matrix * @param encP2 the encoded permutation used to compute the public * generator matrix * @param encH the encoded canonical check matrix * @param encQInv the encoded matrix used to compute square roots in * <tt>(GF(2<sup>m</sup>))<sup>t</sup></tt> */
public McEliecePrivateKeyParameters(int n, int k, byte[] encField, byte[] encGoppaPoly, byte[] encSInv, byte[] encP1, byte[] encP2, byte[] encH, byte[][] encQInv) { super(true, null); this.n = n; this.k = k; field = new GF2mField(encField); goppaPoly = new PolynomialGF2mSmallM(field, encGoppaPoly); sInv = new GF2Matrix(encSInv); p1 = new Permutation(encP1); p2 = new Permutation(encP2); h = new GF2Matrix(encH); qInv = new PolynomialGF2mSmallM[encQInv.length]; for (int i = 0; i < encQInv.length; i++) { qInv[i] = new PolynomialGF2mSmallM(field, encQInv[i]); } }
Returns:the length of the code
/** * @return the length of the code */
public int getN() { return n; }
Returns:the dimension of the code
/** * @return the dimension of the code */
public int getK() { return k; }
Returns:the finite field GF(2m)
/** * @return the finite field <tt>GF(2<sup>m</sup>)</tt> */
public GF2mField getField() { return field; }
Returns:the irreducible Goppa polynomial
/** * @return the irreducible Goppa polynomial */
public PolynomialGF2mSmallM getGoppaPoly() { return goppaPoly; }
Returns:the k x k random binary non-singular matrix S^-1
/** * @return the k x k random binary non-singular matrix S^-1 */
public GF2Matrix getSInv() { return sInv; }
Returns:the permutation used to generate the systematic check matrix
/** * @return the permutation used to generate the systematic check matrix */
public Permutation getP1() { return p1; }
Returns:the permutation used to compute the public generator matrix
/** * @return the permutation used to compute the public generator matrix */
public Permutation getP2() { return p2; }
Returns:the canonical check matrix H
/** * @return the canonical check matrix H */
public GF2Matrix getH() { return h; }
Returns:the matrix used to compute square roots in (GF(2m))t
/** * @return the matrix used to compute square roots in * <tt>(GF(2<sup>m</sup>))<sup>t</sup></tt> */
public PolynomialGF2mSmallM[] getQInv() { return qInv; } }