/* *******************************************************************
 * Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC).
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * Contributors:
 *     PARC     initial implementation
 * ******************************************************************/
package org.aspectj.weaver.bcel;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;

import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.Constants;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.BootstrapMethods;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantPool;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Method;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.annotation.AnnotationGen;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.FieldGen;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.FieldInstruction;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.Instruction;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionBranch;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionCP;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionConstants;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionFactory;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionHandle;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionLV;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionSelect;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionTargeter;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InvokeInstruction;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.LineNumberTag;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.LocalVariableTag;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.MULTIANEWARRAY;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.MethodGen;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.ObjectType;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.RET;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.Tag;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.Type;
import org.aspectj.asm.AsmManager;
import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessage;
import org.aspectj.bridge.ISourceLocation;
import org.aspectj.bridge.Message;
import org.aspectj.bridge.MessageUtil;
import org.aspectj.bridge.WeaveMessage;
import org.aspectj.bridge.context.CompilationAndWeavingContext;
import org.aspectj.bridge.context.ContextToken;
import org.aspectj.util.PartialOrder;
import org.aspectj.weaver.AjAttribute;
import org.aspectj.weaver.AjcMemberMaker;
import org.aspectj.weaver.AnnotationAJ;
import org.aspectj.weaver.BCException;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ConcreteTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.IClassWeaver;
import org.aspectj.weaver.IntMap;
import org.aspectj.weaver.Member;
import org.aspectj.weaver.MissingResolvedTypeWithKnownSignature;
import org.aspectj.weaver.NameMangler;
import org.aspectj.weaver.NewConstructorTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.NewFieldTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.NewMethodTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedMember;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedMemberImpl;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.Shadow;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ShadowMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.UnresolvedType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.UnresolvedTypeVariableReferenceType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.WeaverStateInfo;
import org.aspectj.weaver.World;
import org.aspectj.weaver.model.AsmRelationshipProvider;
import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.DeclareAnnotation;
import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.ExactTypePattern;
import org.aspectj.weaver.tools.Trace;
import org.aspectj.weaver.tools.TraceFactory;

class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {

	private static Trace trace = TraceFactory.getTraceFactory().getTrace(BcelClassWeaver.class);

	// Name of helper method generated by JDT compiler. Javac uses a separate inner class.
    private static final String SWITCH_TABLE_SYNTHETIC_METHOD_PREFIX = "$SWITCH_TABLE$";

	public static boolean weave(BcelWorld world, LazyClassGen clazz, List<ShadowMunger> shadowMungers,
			List<ConcreteTypeMunger> typeMungers, List<ConcreteTypeMunger> lateTypeMungers, boolean inReweavableMode) {
		BcelClassWeaver classWeaver = new BcelClassWeaver(world, clazz, shadowMungers, typeMungers, lateTypeMungers);
		boolean b = classWeaver.weave();
		return b;

	// --------------------------------------------

	private final LazyClassGen clazz;
	private final List<ShadowMunger> shadowMungers;
	private final List<ConcreteTypeMunger> typeMungers;
	private final List<ConcreteTypeMunger> lateTypeMungers;

	private List<ShadowMunger>[] indexedShadowMungers;
	private boolean canMatchBodyShadows = false;

	private final BcelObjectType ty; // alias of clazz.getType()
	private final BcelWorld world; // alias of ty.getWorld()
	private final ConstantPool cpg; // alias of clazz.getConstantPoolGen()
	private final InstructionFactory fact; // alias of clazz.getFactory();

	private final List<LazyMethodGen> addedLazyMethodGens = new ArrayList<LazyMethodGen>();
	private final Set<ResolvedMember> addedDispatchTargets = new HashSet<ResolvedMember>();

	private boolean inReweavableMode = false;

	private List<IfaceInitList> addedSuperInitializersAsList = null;
	private final Map<ResolvedType, IfaceInitList> addedSuperInitializers = new HashMap<ResolvedType, IfaceInitList>();
	private final List<ConcreteTypeMunger> addedThisInitializers = new ArrayList<ConcreteTypeMunger>();
	private final List<ConcreteTypeMunger> addedClassInitializers = new ArrayList<ConcreteTypeMunger>();

	private final Map<ResolvedMember, ResolvedMember> mapToAnnotationHolder = new HashMap<ResolvedMember, ResolvedMember>();

	// private BcelShadow clinitShadow = null;

This holds the initialization and pre-initialization shadows for this class that were actually matched by mungers (if no match, then we don't even create the shadows really).
/** * This holds the initialization and pre-initialization shadows for this class that were actually matched by mungers (if no * match, then we don't even create the shadows really). */
private final List<BcelShadow> initializationShadows = new ArrayList<BcelShadow>(); private BcelClassWeaver(BcelWorld world, LazyClassGen clazz, List<ShadowMunger> shadowMungers, List<ConcreteTypeMunger> typeMungers, List<ConcreteTypeMunger> lateTypeMungers) { super(); this.world = world; this.clazz = clazz; this.shadowMungers = shadowMungers; this.typeMungers = typeMungers; this.lateTypeMungers = lateTypeMungers; this.ty = clazz.getBcelObjectType(); this.cpg = clazz.getConstantPool(); this.fact = clazz.getFactory(); indexShadowMungers(); initializeSuperInitializerMap(ty.getResolvedTypeX()); if (!checkedXsetForLowLevelContextCapturing) { Properties p = world.getExtraConfiguration(); if (p != null) { String s = p.getProperty(World.xsetCAPTURE_ALL_CONTEXT, "false"); captureLowLevelContext = s.equalsIgnoreCase("true"); if (captureLowLevelContext) { world.getMessageHandler().handleMessage( MessageUtil.info("[" + World.xsetCAPTURE_ALL_CONTEXT + "=true] Enabling collection of low level context for debug/crash messages")); } } checkedXsetForLowLevelContextCapturing = true; } } private boolean canMatch(Shadow.Kind kind) { return indexedShadowMungers[kind.getKey()] != null; } // private void fastMatchShadowMungers(List shadowMungers, ArrayList // mungers, Kind kind) { // FastMatchInfo info = new FastMatchInfo(clazz.getType(), kind); // for (Iterator i = shadowMungers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { // ShadowMunger munger = (ShadowMunger) i.next(); // FuzzyBoolean fb = munger.getPointcut().fastMatch(info); // WeaverMetrics.recordFastMatchResult(fb);// Could pass: // munger.getPointcut().toString() // if (fb.maybeTrue()) mungers.add(munger); // } // } private void initializeSuperInitializerMap(ResolvedType child) { ResolvedType[] superInterfaces = child.getDeclaredInterfaces(); for (int i = 0, len = superInterfaces.length; i < len; i++) { if (ty.getResolvedTypeX().isTopmostImplementor(superInterfaces[i])) { if (addSuperInitializer(superInterfaces[i])) { initializeSuperInitializerMap(superInterfaces[i]); } } } }
Process the shadow mungers into array 'buckets', each bucket represents a shadow kind and contains a list of shadowmungers that could potentially apply at that shadow kind.
/** * Process the shadow mungers into array 'buckets', each bucket represents a shadow kind and contains a list of shadowmungers * that could potentially apply at that shadow kind. */
private void indexShadowMungers() { // beware the annoying property that SHADOW_KINDS[i].getKey == (i+1) ! indexedShadowMungers = new List[Shadow.MAX_SHADOW_KIND + 1]; for (ShadowMunger shadowMunger : shadowMungers) { int couldMatchKinds = shadowMunger.getPointcut().couldMatchKinds(); for (Shadow.Kind kind : Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS) { if (kind.isSet(couldMatchKinds)) { byte k = kind.getKey(); if (indexedShadowMungers[k] == null) { indexedShadowMungers[k] = new ArrayList<ShadowMunger>(); if (!kind.isEnclosingKind()) { canMatchBodyShadows = true; } } indexedShadowMungers[k].add(shadowMunger); } } } } private boolean addSuperInitializer(ResolvedType onType) { if (onType.isRawType() || onType.isParameterizedType()) { onType = onType.getGenericType(); } IfaceInitList l = addedSuperInitializers.get(onType); if (l != null) { return false; } l = new IfaceInitList(onType); addedSuperInitializers.put(onType, l); return true; } public void addInitializer(ConcreteTypeMunger cm) { NewFieldTypeMunger m = (NewFieldTypeMunger) cm.getMunger(); ResolvedType onType = m.getSignature().getDeclaringType().resolve(world); if (onType.isRawType()) { onType = onType.getGenericType(); } if (Modifier.isStatic(m.getSignature().getModifiers())) { addedClassInitializers.add(cm); } else { if (onType == ty.getResolvedTypeX()) { addedThisInitializers.add(cm); } else { IfaceInitList l = addedSuperInitializers.get(onType); l.list.add(cm); } } } private static class IfaceInitList implements PartialOrder.PartialComparable { final ResolvedType onType; List<ConcreteTypeMunger> list = new ArrayList<ConcreteTypeMunger>(); IfaceInitList(ResolvedType onType) { this.onType = onType; } public int compareTo(Object other) { IfaceInitList o = (IfaceInitList) other; if (onType.isAssignableFrom(o.onType)) { return +1; } else if (o.onType.isAssignableFrom(onType)) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } public int fallbackCompareTo(Object other) { return 0; } } // XXX this is being called, but the result doesn't seem to be being used public boolean addDispatchTarget(ResolvedMember m) { return addedDispatchTargets.add(m); } public void addLazyMethodGen(LazyMethodGen gen) { addedLazyMethodGens.add(gen); } public void addOrReplaceLazyMethodGen(LazyMethodGen mg) { if (alreadyDefined(clazz, mg)) { return; } for (Iterator<LazyMethodGen> i = addedLazyMethodGens.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { LazyMethodGen existing = i.next(); if (signaturesMatch(mg, existing)) { if (existing.definingType == null) { // this means existing was introduced on the class itself return; } else if (mg.definingType.isAssignableFrom(existing.definingType)) { // existing is mg's subtype and dominates mg return; } else if (existing.definingType.isAssignableFrom(mg.definingType)) { // mg is existing's subtype and dominates existing i.remove(); addedLazyMethodGens.add(mg); return; } else { throw new BCException("conflict between: " + mg + " and " + existing); } } } addedLazyMethodGens.add(mg); } private boolean alreadyDefined(LazyClassGen clazz, LazyMethodGen mg) { for (Iterator<LazyMethodGen> i = clazz.getMethodGens().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { LazyMethodGen existing = i.next(); if (signaturesMatch(mg, existing)) { if (!mg.isAbstract() && existing.isAbstract()) { i.remove(); return false; } return true; } } return false; } private boolean signaturesMatch(LazyMethodGen mg, LazyMethodGen existing) { return mg.getName().equals(existing.getName()) && mg.getSignature().equals(existing.getSignature()); } protected static LazyMethodGen makeBridgeMethod(LazyClassGen gen, ResolvedMember member) { // remove abstract modifier int mods = member.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isAbstract(mods)) { mods = mods - Modifier.ABSTRACT; } LazyMethodGen ret = new LazyMethodGen(mods, BcelWorld.makeBcelType(member.getReturnType()), member.getName(), BcelWorld.makeBcelTypes(member.getParameterTypes()), UnresolvedType.getNames(member.getExceptions()), gen); // 43972 : Static crosscutting makes interfaces unusable for javac // ret.makeSynthetic(); return ret; }
Create a single bridge method called 'theBridgeMethod' that bridges to 'whatToBridgeTo'
/** * Create a single bridge method called 'theBridgeMethod' that bridges to 'whatToBridgeTo' */
private static void createBridgeMethod(BcelWorld world, LazyMethodGen whatToBridgeToMethodGen, LazyClassGen clazz, ResolvedMember theBridgeMethod) { InstructionList body; InstructionFactory fact; int pos = 0; ResolvedMember whatToBridgeTo = whatToBridgeToMethodGen.getMemberView(); if (whatToBridgeTo == null) { whatToBridgeTo = new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, whatToBridgeToMethodGen.getEnclosingClass().getType(), whatToBridgeToMethodGen.getAccessFlags(), whatToBridgeToMethodGen.getName(), whatToBridgeToMethodGen.getSignature()); } // The bridge method in this type will have the same signature as the one in the supertype LazyMethodGen bridgeMethod = makeBridgeMethod(clazz, theBridgeMethod); int newflags = bridgeMethod.getAccessFlags() | Constants.ACC_BRIDGE | Constants.ACC_SYNTHETIC ;// BRIDGE = 0x00000040 if ((newflags & 0x00000100) != 0) { newflags = newflags - 0x100;// NATIVE = 0x00000100 - need to clear it } bridgeMethod.setAccessFlags(newflags); Type returnType = BcelWorld.makeBcelType(theBridgeMethod.getReturnType()); Type[] paramTypes = BcelWorld.makeBcelTypes(theBridgeMethod.getParameterTypes()); Type[] newParamTypes = whatToBridgeToMethodGen.getArgumentTypes(); body = bridgeMethod.getBody(); fact = clazz.getFactory(); if (!whatToBridgeToMethodGen.isStatic()) { body.append(InstructionFactory.createThis()); pos++; } for (int i = 0, len = paramTypes.length; i < len; i++) { Type paramType = paramTypes[i]; body.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(paramType, pos)); if (!newParamTypes[i].equals(paramTypes[i])) { if (world.forDEBUG_bridgingCode) { System.err.println("Bridging: Cast " + newParamTypes[i] + " from " + paramTypes[i]); } body.append(fact.createCast(paramTypes[i], newParamTypes[i])); } pos += paramType.getSize(); } body.append(Utility.createInvoke(fact, world, whatToBridgeTo)); body.append(InstructionFactory.createReturn(returnType)); clazz.addMethodGen(bridgeMethod); }
Weave a class and indicate through the return value whether the class was modified.
Returns:true if the class was modified
/** * Weave a class and indicate through the return value whether the class was modified. * * @return true if the class was modified */
public boolean weave() { if (clazz.isWoven() && !clazz.isReweavable()) { if (world.getLint().nonReweavableTypeEncountered.isEnabled()) { world.getLint().nonReweavableTypeEncountered.signal(clazz.getType().getName(), ty.getSourceLocation()); } // Integer uniqueID = new Integer(rm.hashCode() * deca.hashCode()); // if (!reportedProblems.contains(uniqueID)) { // reportedProblems.add(uniqueID); // world.getLint().elementAlreadyAnnotated.signal(new String[] { rm.toString(), // world.showMessage(IMessage.ERROR, WeaverMessages.format(WeaverMessages.ALREADY_WOVEN, clazz.getType().getName()), // ty.getSourceLocation(), null); return false; } Set<String> aspectsAffectingType = null; if (inReweavableMode || clazz.getType().isAspect()) { aspectsAffectingType = new HashSet<String>(); } boolean isChanged = false; // we want to "touch" all aspects if (clazz.getType().isAspect()) { isChanged = true; } WeaverStateInfo typeWeaverState = (world.isOverWeaving() ? getLazyClassGen().getType().getWeaverState() : null); // start by munging all typeMungers for (ConcreteTypeMunger o : typeMungers) { if (!(o instanceof BcelTypeMunger)) { // ???System.err.println("surprising: " + o); continue; } BcelTypeMunger munger = (BcelTypeMunger) o; if (typeWeaverState != null && typeWeaverState.isAspectAlreadyApplied(munger.getAspectType())) { continue; } boolean typeMungerAffectedType = munger.munge(this); if (typeMungerAffectedType) { isChanged = true; if (inReweavableMode || clazz.getType().isAspect()) { aspectsAffectingType.add(munger.getAspectType().getSignature()); } } } // Weave special half type/half shadow mungers... isChanged = weaveDeclareAtMethodCtor(clazz) || isChanged; isChanged = weaveDeclareAtField(clazz) || isChanged; // XXX do major sort of stuff // sort according to: Major: type hierarchy // within each list: dominates // don't forget to sort addedThisInitialiers according to dominates addedSuperInitializersAsList = new ArrayList<IfaceInitList>(addedSuperInitializers.values()); addedSuperInitializersAsList = PartialOrder.sort(addedSuperInitializersAsList); if (addedSuperInitializersAsList == null) { throw new BCException("circularity in inter-types"); } // this will create a static initializer if there isn't one // this is in just as bad taste as NOPs LazyMethodGen staticInit = clazz.getStaticInitializer(); staticInit.getBody().insert(genInitInstructions(addedClassInitializers, true)); // now go through each method, and match against each method. This // sets up each method's {@link LazyMethodGen#matchedShadows} field, // and it also possibly adds to {@link #initializationShadows}. List<LazyMethodGen> methodGens = new ArrayList<LazyMethodGen>(clazz.getMethodGens()); for (LazyMethodGen member : methodGens) { if (!member.hasBody()) { continue; } if (world.isJoinpointSynchronizationEnabled() && world.areSynchronizationPointcutsInUse() && member.getMethod().isSynchronized()) { transformSynchronizedMethod(member); } boolean shadowMungerMatched = match(member); if (shadowMungerMatched) { // For matching mungers, add their declaring aspects to the list // that affected this type if (inReweavableMode || clazz.getType().isAspect()) { aspectsAffectingType.addAll(findAspectsForMungers(member)); } isChanged = true; } } // now we weave all but the initialization shadows for (LazyMethodGen methodGen : methodGens) { if (!methodGen.hasBody()) { continue; } implement(methodGen); } // if we matched any initialization shadows, we inline and weave if (!initializationShadows.isEmpty()) { // Repeat next step until nothing left to inline...cant go on // infinetly as compiler will have detected and reported // "Recursive constructor invocation" List<LazyMethodGen> recursiveCtors = new ArrayList<LazyMethodGen>(); while (inlineSelfConstructors(methodGens, recursiveCtors)) { } positionAndImplement(initializationShadows); } // now proceed with late type mungers if (lateTypeMungers != null) { for (Iterator<ConcreteTypeMunger> i = lateTypeMungers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { BcelTypeMunger munger = (BcelTypeMunger) i.next(); if (munger.matches(clazz.getType())) { boolean typeMungerAffectedType = munger.munge(this); if (typeMungerAffectedType) { isChanged = true; if (inReweavableMode || clazz.getType().isAspect()) { aspectsAffectingType.add(munger.getAspectType().getSignature()); } } } } } // FIXME AV - see #75442, for now this is not enough to fix the bug, // comment that out until we really fix it // // flush to save some memory // PerObjectInterfaceTypeMunger.unregisterFromAsAdvisedBy(clazz.getType() // ); // finally, if we changed, we add in the introduced methods. if (isChanged) { clazz.getOrCreateWeaverStateInfo(inReweavableMode); weaveInAddedMethods(); } if (inReweavableMode) { WeaverStateInfo wsi = clazz.getOrCreateWeaverStateInfo(true); wsi.addAspectsAffectingType(aspectsAffectingType); if (!world.isOverWeaving()) { wsi.setUnwovenClassFileData(ty.getJavaClass().getBytes()); wsi.setReweavable(true); } else { wsi.markOverweavingInUse(); } } else { clazz.getOrCreateWeaverStateInfo(false).setReweavable(false); } // tidyup, reduce ongoing memory usage of BcelMethods that hang around for (LazyMethodGen mg : methodGens) { BcelMethod method = mg.getMemberView(); if (method != null) { method.wipeJoinpointSignatures(); } } return isChanged; } // **************************** start of bridge method creation code // ***************** // FIXASC tidy this lot up !! // FIXASC refactor into ResolvedType or even ResolvedMember?
Check if a particular method is overriding another - refactored into this helper so it can be used from multiple places.
Returns:method that is overriding if it
/** * Check if a particular method is overriding another - refactored into this helper so it can be used from multiple places. * @return method that is overriding if it */
private static ResolvedMember isOverriding(ResolvedType typeToCheck, ResolvedMember methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden, String mname, String mrettype, int mmods, boolean inSamePackage, UnresolvedType[] methodParamsArray) { // Check if we can be an override... if (Modifier.isStatic(methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getModifiers())) { // we can't be overriding a static method return null; } if (Modifier.isPrivate(methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getModifiers())) { // we can't be overriding a private method return null; } if (!methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getName().equals(mname)) { // names do not match (this will also skip <init> and <clinit>) return null; } if (methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getParameterTypes().length != methodParamsArray.length) { // not the same number of parameters return null; } if (!isVisibilityOverride(mmods, methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden, inSamePackage)) { // not override from visibility point of view return null; } if (typeToCheck.getWorld().forDEBUG_bridgingCode) { System.err.println(" Bridging:seriously considering this might be getting overridden '" + methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden + "'"); } World w = typeToCheck.getWorld(); // Look at erasures of parameters (List<String> erased is List) boolean sameParams = true; for (int p = 0, max = methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getParameterTypes().length; p < max; p++) { UnresolvedType mtmbgoParameter = methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getParameterTypes()[p]; UnresolvedType ptype = methodParamsArray[p]; if (mtmbgoParameter.isTypeVariableReference()) { if (!mtmbgoParameter.resolve(w).isAssignableFrom(ptype.resolve(w))) { sameParams = false; } } else { // old condition: boolean b = !methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getParameterTypes()[p].getErasureSignature().equals( methodParamsArray[p].getErasureSignature()); UnresolvedType parameterType = methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getParameterTypes()[p]; // Collapse to first bound (isn't that the same as erasure! if (parameterType instanceof UnresolvedTypeVariableReferenceType) { parameterType = ((UnresolvedTypeVariableReferenceType) parameterType).getTypeVariable().getFirstBound(); } if (b) { // !parameterType.resolve(w).equals(parameterType2.resolve(w))) { sameParams = false; } } // // if (!ut.getErasureSignature().equals(ut2.getErasureSignature())) // sameParams = false; } // If the 'typeToCheck' represents a parameterized type then the method // will be the parameterized form of the // generic method in the generic type. So if the method was 'void // m(List<T> lt, T t)' and the parameterized type here // is I<String> then the method we are looking at will be 'void // m(List<String> lt, String t)' which when erased // is 'void m(List lt,String t)' - so if the parameters *do* match then // there is a generic method we are // overriding // FIXASC Why bother with the return type? If it is incompatible then the code has other problems! if (sameParams) { if (typeToCheck.isParameterizedType()) { return methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getBackingGenericMember(); } else if (!methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getReturnType().getErasureSignature().equals(mrettype)) { // addressing the wierd situation from bug 147801 // just check whether these things are in the right relationship // for covariance... ResolvedType superReturn = typeToCheck.getWorld().resolve( UnresolvedType.forSignature(methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getReturnType().getErasureSignature())); ResolvedType subReturn = typeToCheck.getWorld().resolve(UnresolvedType.forSignature(mrettype)); if (superReturn.isAssignableFrom(subReturn)) { return methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden; } // } else if (typeToCheck.isParameterizedType()) { // return methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getBackingGenericMember(); } else { return methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden; } } return null; }
Looks at the visibility modifiers between two methods, and knows whether they are from classes in the same package, and decides whether one overrides the other.
Returns:true if there is an overrides rather than a 'hides' relationship
/** * Looks at the visibility modifiers between two methods, and knows whether they are from classes in the same package, and * decides whether one overrides the other. * * @return true if there is an overrides rather than a 'hides' relationship */
static boolean isVisibilityOverride(int methodMods, ResolvedMember inheritedMethod, boolean inSamePackage) { int inheritedModifiers = inheritedMethod.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isStatic(inheritedModifiers)) { return false; } if (methodMods == inheritedModifiers) { return true; } if (Modifier.isPrivate(inheritedModifiers)) { return false; } boolean isPackageVisible = !Modifier.isPrivate(inheritedModifiers) && !Modifier.isProtected(inheritedModifiers) && !Modifier.isPublic(inheritedModifiers); if (isPackageVisible && !inSamePackage) { return false; } return true; }
This method recurses up a specified type looking for a method that overrides the one passed in.
Returns:the method being overridden or null if none is found
/** * This method recurses up a specified type looking for a method that overrides the one passed in. * * @return the method being overridden or null if none is found */
public static void checkForOverride(ResolvedType typeToCheck, String mname, String mparams, String mrettype, int mmods, String mpkg, UnresolvedType[] methodParamsArray, List<ResolvedMember> overriddenMethodsCollector) { if (typeToCheck == null) { return; } if (typeToCheck instanceof MissingResolvedTypeWithKnownSignature) { return; // we just can't tell ! } if (typeToCheck.getWorld().forDEBUG_bridgingCode) { System.err.println(" Bridging:checking for override of " + mname + " in " + typeToCheck); } String packageName = typeToCheck.getPackageName(); if (packageName == null) { packageName = ""; } // used when looking at visibility rules boolean inSamePackage = packageName.equals(mpkg); ResolvedMember[] methods = typeToCheck.getDeclaredMethods(); for (int ii = 0; ii < methods.length; ii++) { // the method we are going to check ResolvedMember methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden = methods[ii]; ResolvedMember isOverriding = isOverriding(typeToCheck, methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden, mname, mrettype, mmods, inSamePackage, methodParamsArray); if (isOverriding != null) { overriddenMethodsCollector.add(isOverriding); } } // was: List l = typeToCheck.getInterTypeMungers(); List<ConcreteTypeMunger> l = (typeToCheck.isRawType() ? typeToCheck.getGenericType().getInterTypeMungers() : typeToCheck .getInterTypeMungers()); for (Iterator<ConcreteTypeMunger> iterator = l.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { ConcreteTypeMunger o = iterator.next(); // FIXME asc if its not a BcelTypeMunger then its an // EclipseTypeMunger ... do I need to worry about that? if (o instanceof BcelTypeMunger) { BcelTypeMunger element = (BcelTypeMunger) o; if (element.getMunger() instanceof NewMethodTypeMunger) { if (typeToCheck.getWorld().forDEBUG_bridgingCode) { System.err.println("Possible ITD candidate " + element); } ResolvedMember aMethod = element.getSignature(); ResolvedMember isOverriding = isOverriding(typeToCheck, aMethod, mname, mrettype, mmods, inSamePackage, methodParamsArray); if (isOverriding != null) { overriddenMethodsCollector.add(isOverriding); } } } } if (typeToCheck.equals(UnresolvedType.OBJECT)) { return; } ResolvedType superclass = typeToCheck.getSuperclass(); checkForOverride(superclass, mname, mparams, mrettype, mmods, mpkg, methodParamsArray,overriddenMethodsCollector); ResolvedType[] interfaces = typeToCheck.getDeclaredInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) { ResolvedType anInterface = interfaces[i]; checkForOverride(anInterface, mname, mparams, mrettype, mmods, mpkg, methodParamsArray,overriddenMethodsCollector); } }
We need to determine if any methods in this type require bridge methods - this method should only be called if necessary to do this calculation, i.e. we are on a 1.5 VM (where covariance/generics exist) and the type hierarchy for the specified class has changed (via decp/itd). See pr108101
/** * We need to determine if any methods in this type require bridge methods - this method should only be called if necessary to * do this calculation, i.e. we are on a 1.5 VM (where covariance/generics exist) and the type hierarchy for the specified class * has changed (via decp/itd). * * See pr108101 */
public static boolean calculateAnyRequiredBridgeMethods(BcelWorld world, LazyClassGen clazz) { world.ensureAdvancedConfigurationProcessed(); if (!world.isInJava5Mode()) { return false; // just double check... the caller should have already } if (clazz.isInterface()) { return false; // dont bother if we are an interface } boolean didSomething = false; // set if we build any bridge methods // So what methods do we have right now in this class? List<LazyMethodGen> methods = clazz.getMethodGens(); // Keep a set of all methods from this type - it'll help us to check if bridge methods // have already been created, we don't want to do it twice! Set<String> methodsSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) { LazyMethodGen aMethod = methods.get(i); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(aMethod.getName()); sb.append(aMethod.getSignature()); methodsSet.add(sb.toString()); // e.g. "foo(Ljava/lang/String;)V" } // Now go through all the methods in this type for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) { // This is the local method that we *might* have to bridge to LazyMethodGen bridgeToCandidate = methods.get(i); if (bridgeToCandidate.isBridgeMethod()) { continue; // Doh! } String name = bridgeToCandidate.getName(); String psig = bridgeToCandidate.getParameterSignature(); String rsig = bridgeToCandidate.getReturnType().getSignature(); // if (bridgeToCandidate.isAbstract()) continue; if (bridgeToCandidate.isStatic()) { continue; // ignore static methods } if (name.endsWith("init>")) { continue; // Skip constructors and static initializers } if (world.forDEBUG_bridgingCode) { System.err.println("Bridging: Determining if we have to bridge to " + clazz.getName() + "." + name + "" + bridgeToCandidate.getSignature()); } // Let's take a look at the superclass ResolvedType theSuperclass = clazz.getSuperClass(); if (world.forDEBUG_bridgingCode) { System.err.println("Bridging: Checking supertype " + theSuperclass); } String pkgName = clazz.getPackageName(); UnresolvedType[] bm = BcelWorld.fromBcel(bridgeToCandidate.getArgumentTypes()); List<ResolvedMember> overriddenMethodsCollector = new ArrayList<ResolvedMember>(); checkForOverride(theSuperclass, name, psig, rsig, bridgeToCandidate.getAccessFlags(), pkgName, bm, overriddenMethodsCollector); if (overriddenMethodsCollector.size() != 0) { for (ResolvedMember overriddenMethod: overriddenMethodsCollector) { String key = new StringBuilder(overriddenMethod.getName()).append(overriddenMethod.getSignatureErased()).toString(); // pr237419 boolean alreadyHaveABridgeMethod = methodsSet.contains(key); if (!alreadyHaveABridgeMethod) { if (world.forDEBUG_bridgingCode) { System.err.println("Bridging:bridging to '" + overriddenMethod + "'"); } createBridgeMethod(world, bridgeToCandidate, clazz, overriddenMethod); methodsSet.add(key); didSomething = true; } } } // Check superinterfaces String[] interfaces = clazz.getInterfaceNames(); for (int j = 0; j < interfaces.length; j++) { if (world.forDEBUG_bridgingCode) { System.err.println("Bridging:checking superinterface " + interfaces[j]); } ResolvedType interfaceType = world.resolve(interfaces[j]); overriddenMethodsCollector.clear(); checkForOverride(interfaceType, name, psig, rsig, bridgeToCandidate.getAccessFlags(), clazz.getPackageName(), bm, overriddenMethodsCollector); for (ResolvedMember overriddenMethod: overriddenMethodsCollector) { String key = new StringBuffer().append(overriddenMethod.getName()).append(overriddenMethod.getSignatureErased()).toString(); // pr237419 boolean alreadyHaveABridgeMethod = methodsSet.contains(key); if (!alreadyHaveABridgeMethod) { createBridgeMethod(world, bridgeToCandidate, clazz, overriddenMethod); methodsSet.add(key); didSomething = true; if (world.forDEBUG_bridgingCode) { System.err.println("Bridging:bridging to " + overriddenMethod); } } } } } return didSomething; } // **************************** end of bridge method creation code *****************
Weave any declare @method/@ctor statements into the members of the supplied class
/** * Weave any declare @method/@ctor statements into the members of the supplied class */
private boolean weaveDeclareAtMethodCtor(LazyClassGen clazz) { List<Integer> reportedProblems = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<DeclareAnnotation> allDecams = world.getDeclareAnnotationOnMethods(); if (allDecams.isEmpty()) { return false; } boolean isChanged = false; // deal with ITDs List<ConcreteTypeMunger> itdMethodsCtors = getITDSubset(clazz, ResolvedTypeMunger.Method); itdMethodsCtors.addAll(getITDSubset(clazz, ResolvedTypeMunger.Constructor)); if (!itdMethodsCtors.isEmpty()) { // Can't use the subset called 'decaMs' as it won't be right for // ITDs... isChanged = weaveAtMethodOnITDSRepeatedly(allDecams, itdMethodsCtors, reportedProblems); } List<DeclareAnnotation> decaMs = getMatchingSubset(allDecams, clazz.getType()); if (decaMs.isEmpty()) { return false; // nothing to do } Set<DeclareAnnotation> unusedDecams = new HashSet<DeclareAnnotation>(); unusedDecams.addAll(decaMs); // These methods may have been targeted with declare annotation. Example: ITD on an interface // where the top most implementor gets a real method. The top most implementor method // is an 'addedLazyMethodGen' if (addedLazyMethodGens!=null) { for (LazyMethodGen method: addedLazyMethodGens) { // They have no resolvedmember of their own, conjure one up for matching purposes ResolvedMember resolvedmember = new ResolvedMemberImpl(ResolvedMember.METHOD,method.getEnclosingClass().getType(),method.getAccessFlags(), BcelWorld.fromBcel(method.getReturnType()),method.getName(), BcelWorld.fromBcel(method.getArgumentTypes()),UnresolvedType.forNames(method.getDeclaredExceptions())); resolvedmember.setAnnotationTypes(method.getAnnotationTypes()); resolvedmember.setAnnotations(method.getAnnotations()); List<DeclareAnnotation> worthRetrying = new ArrayList<DeclareAnnotation>(); boolean modificationOccured = false; for (DeclareAnnotation decam: decaMs) { if (decam.matches(resolvedmember, world)) { if (doesAlreadyHaveAnnotation(resolvedmember, decam, reportedProblems,false)) { // remove the declare @method since don't want an error when the annotation is already there unusedDecams.remove(decam); continue; } AnnotationGen a = ((BcelAnnotation) decam.getAnnotation()).getBcelAnnotation(); // create copy to get the annotation type into the right constant pool AnnotationAJ aj = new BcelAnnotation(new AnnotationGen(a, clazz.getConstantPool(), true),world); method.addAnnotation(aj); resolvedmember.addAnnotation(decam.getAnnotation()); AsmRelationshipProvider.addDeclareAnnotationMethodRelationship(decam.getSourceLocation(), clazz.getName(), resolvedmember, world.getModelAsAsmManager()); reportMethodCtorWeavingMessage(clazz, resolvedmember, decam, method.getDeclarationLineNumber()); isChanged = true; modificationOccured = true; unusedDecams.remove(decam); } else if (!decam.isStarredAnnotationPattern()) { // an annotation is specified that might be put on by a subsequent decaf worthRetrying.add(decam); } } // Multiple secondary passes while (!worthRetrying.isEmpty() && modificationOccured) { modificationOccured = false; // lets have another go List<DeclareAnnotation> forRemoval = new ArrayList<DeclareAnnotation>(); for (DeclareAnnotation decam : worthRetrying) { if (decam.matches(resolvedmember, world)) { if (doesAlreadyHaveAnnotation(resolvedmember, decam, reportedProblems,false)) { // remove the declare @method since don't // want an error when // the annotation is already there unusedDecams.remove(decam); continue; // skip this one... } AnnotationGen a = ((BcelAnnotation) decam.getAnnotation()).getBcelAnnotation(); // create copy to get the annotation type into the right constant pool AnnotationAJ aj = new BcelAnnotation(new AnnotationGen(a, clazz.getConstantPool(), true),world); method.addAnnotation(aj); resolvedmember.addAnnotation(decam.getAnnotation()); AsmRelationshipProvider.addDeclareAnnotationMethodRelationship(decam.getSourceLocation(), clazz.getName(), resolvedmember, world.getModelAsAsmManager());// getMethod()); isChanged = true; modificationOccured = true; forRemoval.add(decam); unusedDecams.remove(decam); } } worthRetrying.removeAll(forRemoval); } } } // deal with all the other methods... List<LazyMethodGen> members = clazz.getMethodGens(); if (!members.isEmpty()) { for (int memberCounter = 0; memberCounter < members.size(); memberCounter++) { LazyMethodGen mg = members.get(memberCounter); if (!mg.getName().startsWith(NameMangler.PREFIX)) { // Single first pass List<DeclareAnnotation> worthRetrying = new ArrayList<DeclareAnnotation>(); boolean modificationOccured = false; List<AnnotationGen> annotationsToAdd = null; for (DeclareAnnotation decaM : decaMs) { if (decaM.matches(mg.getMemberView(), world)) { if (doesAlreadyHaveAnnotation(mg.getMemberView(), decaM, reportedProblems,true)) { // remove the declare @method since don't want // an error when the annotation is already there unusedDecams.remove(decaM); continue; // skip this one... } if (annotationsToAdd == null) { annotationsToAdd = new ArrayList<AnnotationGen>(); } AnnotationGen a = ((BcelAnnotation) decaM.getAnnotation()).getBcelAnnotation(); AnnotationGen ag = new AnnotationGen(a, clazz.getConstantPool(), true); annotationsToAdd.add(ag); mg.addAnnotation(decaM.getAnnotation()); AsmRelationshipProvider.addDeclareAnnotationMethodRelationship(decaM.getSourceLocation(), clazz.getName(), mg.getMemberView(), world.getModelAsAsmManager());// getMethod()); reportMethodCtorWeavingMessage(clazz, mg.getMemberView(), decaM, mg.getDeclarationLineNumber()); isChanged = true; modificationOccured = true; // remove the declare @method since have matched // against it unusedDecams.remove(decaM); } else { if (!decaM.isStarredAnnotationPattern()) { worthRetrying.add(decaM); // an annotation is // specified that // might be put on // by a subsequent // decaf } } } // Multiple secondary passes while (!worthRetrying.isEmpty() && modificationOccured) { modificationOccured = false; // lets have another go List<DeclareAnnotation> forRemoval = new ArrayList<DeclareAnnotation>(); for (DeclareAnnotation decaM : worthRetrying) { if (decaM.matches(mg.getMemberView(), world)) { if (doesAlreadyHaveAnnotation(mg.getMemberView(), decaM, reportedProblems,true)) { // remove the declare @method since don't // want an error when // the annotation is already there unusedDecams.remove(decaM); continue; // skip this one... } if (annotationsToAdd == null) { annotationsToAdd = new ArrayList<AnnotationGen>(); } AnnotationGen a = ((BcelAnnotation) decaM.getAnnotation()).getBcelAnnotation(); // create copy to get the annotation type into the right constant pool AnnotationGen ag = new AnnotationGen(a, clazz.getConstantPool(), true); annotationsToAdd.add(ag); mg.addAnnotation(decaM.getAnnotation()); AsmRelationshipProvider.addDeclareAnnotationMethodRelationship(decaM.getSourceLocation(), clazz.getName(), mg.getMemberView(), world.getModelAsAsmManager());// getMethod()); isChanged = true; modificationOccured = true; forRemoval.add(decaM); // remove the declare @method since have matched // against it unusedDecams.remove(decaM); } } worthRetrying.removeAll(forRemoval); } if (annotationsToAdd != null) { Method oldMethod = mg.getMethod(); MethodGen myGen = new MethodGen(oldMethod, clazz.getClassName(), clazz.getConstantPool(), false); for (AnnotationGen a : annotationsToAdd) { myGen.addAnnotation(a); } Method newMethod = myGen.getMethod(); members.set(memberCounter, new LazyMethodGen(newMethod, clazz)); } } } checkUnusedDeclareAts(unusedDecams, false); } return isChanged; } // TAG: WeavingMessage private void reportMethodCtorWeavingMessage(LazyClassGen clazz, ResolvedMember member, DeclareAnnotation decaM, int memberLineNumber) { if (!getWorld().getMessageHandler().isIgnoring(IMessage.WEAVEINFO)) { StringBuffer parmString = new StringBuffer("("); UnresolvedType[] paramTypes = member.getParameterTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) { UnresolvedType type = paramTypes[i]; String s = org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Utility.signatureToString(type.getSignature()); if (s.lastIndexOf('.') != -1) { s = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); } parmString.append(s); if ((i + 1) < paramTypes.length) { parmString.append(","); } } parmString.append(")"); String methodName = member.getName(); StringBuffer sig = new StringBuffer(); sig.append(org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Utility.accessToString(member.getModifiers())); sig.append(" "); sig.append(member.getReturnType().toString()); sig.append(" "); sig.append(member.getDeclaringType().toString()); sig.append("."); sig.append(methodName.equals("<init>") ? "new" : methodName); sig.append(parmString); StringBuffer loc = new StringBuffer(); if (clazz.getFileName() == null) { loc.append("no debug info available"); } else { loc.append(clazz.getFileName()); if (memberLineNumber != -1) { loc.append(":" + memberLineNumber); } } getWorld().getMessageHandler().handleMessage( WeaveMessage.constructWeavingMessage( WeaveMessage.WEAVEMESSAGE_ANNOTATES, new String[] { sig.toString(), loc.toString(), decaM.getAnnotationString(), methodName.startsWith("<init>") ? "constructor" : "method", decaM.getAspect().toString(), Utility.beautifyLocation(decaM.getSourceLocation()) })); } }
Looks through a list of declare annotation statements and only returns those that could possibly match on a field/method/ctor in type.
/** * Looks through a list of declare annotation statements and only returns those that could possibly match on a field/method/ctor * in type. */
private List<DeclareAnnotation> getMatchingSubset(List<DeclareAnnotation> declareAnnotations, ResolvedType type) { List<DeclareAnnotation> subset = new ArrayList<DeclareAnnotation>(); for (DeclareAnnotation da : declareAnnotations) { if (da.couldEverMatch(type)) { subset.add(da); } } return subset; }
Get a subset of all the type mungers defined on this aspect
/** * Get a subset of all the type mungers defined on this aspect */
private List<ConcreteTypeMunger> getITDSubset(LazyClassGen clazz, ResolvedTypeMunger.Kind wantedKind) { List<ConcreteTypeMunger> subset = new ArrayList<ConcreteTypeMunger>(); for (ConcreteTypeMunger typeMunger : clazz.getBcelObjectType().getTypeMungers()) { if (typeMunger.getMunger().getKind() == wantedKind) { subset.add(typeMunger); } } return subset; } public LazyMethodGen locateAnnotationHolderForFieldMunger(LazyClassGen clazz, ConcreteTypeMunger fieldMunger) { NewFieldTypeMunger newFieldMunger = (NewFieldTypeMunger) fieldMunger.getMunger(); ResolvedMember lookingFor = AjcMemberMaker.interFieldInitializer(newFieldMunger.getSignature(), clazz.getType()); for (LazyMethodGen method : clazz.getMethodGens()) { if (method.getName().equals(lookingFor.getName())) { return method; } } return null; } // FIXME asc refactor this to neaten it up public LazyMethodGen locateAnnotationHolderForMethodCtorMunger(LazyClassGen clazz, ConcreteTypeMunger methodCtorMunger) { ResolvedTypeMunger rtMunger = methodCtorMunger.getMunger(); ResolvedMember lookingFor = null; if (rtMunger instanceof NewMethodTypeMunger) { NewMethodTypeMunger nftm = (NewMethodTypeMunger) rtMunger; lookingFor = AjcMemberMaker.interMethodDispatcher(nftm.getSignature(), methodCtorMunger.getAspectType()); } else if (rtMunger instanceof NewConstructorTypeMunger) { NewConstructorTypeMunger nftm = (NewConstructorTypeMunger) rtMunger; lookingFor = AjcMemberMaker.postIntroducedConstructor(methodCtorMunger.getAspectType(), nftm.getSignature() .getDeclaringType(), nftm.getSignature().getParameterTypes()); } else { throw new BCException("Not sure what this is: " + methodCtorMunger); } String name = lookingFor.getName(); String paramSignature = lookingFor.getParameterSignature(); for (LazyMethodGen member : clazz.getMethodGens()) { if (member.getName().equals(name) && member.getParameterSignature().equals(paramSignature)) { return member; } } return null; }
Applies some set of declare @field constructs (List) to some bunch of ITDfields (List. It will iterate over the fields repeatedly until everything has been applied.
/** * Applies some set of declare @field constructs (List<DeclareAnnotation>) to some bunch of ITDfields (List<BcelTypeMunger>. It * will iterate over the fields repeatedly until everything has been applied. * */
private boolean weaveAtFieldRepeatedly(List<DeclareAnnotation> decaFs, List<ConcreteTypeMunger> itdFields, List<Integer> reportedErrors) { boolean isChanged = false; for (Iterator<ConcreteTypeMunger> iter = itdFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { BcelTypeMunger fieldMunger = (BcelTypeMunger) iter.next(); ResolvedMember itdIsActually = fieldMunger.getSignature(); Set<DeclareAnnotation> worthRetrying = new LinkedHashSet<DeclareAnnotation>(); boolean modificationOccured = false; for (Iterator<DeclareAnnotation> iter2 = decaFs.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) { DeclareAnnotation decaF = iter2.next(); if (decaF.matches(itdIsActually, world)) { if (decaF.isRemover()) { LazyMethodGen annotationHolder = locateAnnotationHolderForFieldMunger(clazz, fieldMunger); if (annotationHolder.hasAnnotation(decaF.getAnnotationType())) { isChanged = true; // something to remove annotationHolder.removeAnnotation(decaF.getAnnotationType()); AsmRelationshipProvider.addDeclareAnnotationRelationship(world.getModelAsAsmManager(), decaF.getSourceLocation(), itdIsActually.getSourceLocation(), true); } else { worthRetrying.add(decaF); } } else { LazyMethodGen annotationHolder = locateAnnotationHolderForFieldMunger(clazz, fieldMunger); if (doesAlreadyHaveAnnotation(annotationHolder, itdIsActually, decaF, reportedErrors)) { continue; // skip this one... } annotationHolder.addAnnotation(decaF.getAnnotation()); AsmRelationshipProvider.addDeclareAnnotationRelationship(world.getModelAsAsmManager(), decaF.getSourceLocation(), itdIsActually.getSourceLocation(), false); isChanged = true; modificationOccured = true; } } else { if (!decaF.isStarredAnnotationPattern()) { worthRetrying.add(decaF); // an annotation is specified // that might be put on by a // subsequent decaf } } } while (!worthRetrying.isEmpty() && modificationOccured) { modificationOccured = false; List<DeclareAnnotation> forRemoval = new ArrayList<DeclareAnnotation>(); for (Iterator<DeclareAnnotation> iter2 = worthRetrying.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) { DeclareAnnotation decaF = iter2.next(); if (decaF.matches(itdIsActually, world)) { if (decaF.isRemover()) { LazyMethodGen annotationHolder = locateAnnotationHolderForFieldMunger(clazz, fieldMunger); if (annotationHolder.hasAnnotation(decaF.getAnnotationType())) { isChanged = true; // something to remove annotationHolder.removeAnnotation(decaF.getAnnotationType()); AsmRelationshipProvider.addDeclareAnnotationRelationship(world.getModelAsAsmManager(), decaF.getSourceLocation(), itdIsActually.getSourceLocation(), true); forRemoval.add(decaF); } } else { LazyMethodGen annotationHolder = locateAnnotationHolderForFieldMunger(clazz, fieldMunger); if (doesAlreadyHaveAnnotation(annotationHolder, itdIsActually, decaF, reportedErrors)) { continue; // skip this one... } annotationHolder.addAnnotation(decaF.getAnnotation()); AsmRelationshipProvider.addDeclareAnnotationRelationship(world.getModelAsAsmManager(), decaF.getSourceLocation(), itdIsActually.getSourceLocation(), false); isChanged = true; modificationOccured = true; forRemoval.add(decaF); } } } worthRetrying.removeAll(forRemoval); } } return isChanged; }
Applies some set of declare @method/@ctor constructs (List) to some bunch of ITDmembers (List. It will iterate over the fields repeatedly until everything has been applied.
/** * Applies some set of declare @method/@ctor constructs (List<DeclareAnnotation>) to some bunch of ITDmembers * (List<BcelTypeMunger>. It will iterate over the fields repeatedly until everything has been applied. */
private boolean weaveAtMethodOnITDSRepeatedly(List<DeclareAnnotation> decaMCs, List<ConcreteTypeMunger> itdsForMethodAndConstructor, List<Integer> reportedErrors) { boolean isChanged = false; AsmManager asmManager = world.getModelAsAsmManager(); for (ConcreteTypeMunger methodctorMunger : itdsForMethodAndConstructor) { // for (Iterator iter = itdsForMethodAndConstructor.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { // BcelTypeMunger methodctorMunger = (BcelTypeMunger) iter.next(); ResolvedMember unMangledInterMethod = methodctorMunger.getSignature(); List<DeclareAnnotation> worthRetrying = new ArrayList<DeclareAnnotation>(); boolean modificationOccured = false; for (Iterator<DeclareAnnotation> iter2 = decaMCs.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) { DeclareAnnotation decaMC = iter2.next(); if (decaMC.matches(unMangledInterMethod, world)) { LazyMethodGen annotationHolder = locateAnnotationHolderForMethodCtorMunger(clazz, methodctorMunger); if (annotationHolder == null || doesAlreadyHaveAnnotation(annotationHolder, unMangledInterMethod, decaMC, reportedErrors)) { continue; // skip this one... } annotationHolder.addAnnotation(decaMC.getAnnotation()); isChanged = true; AsmRelationshipProvider.addDeclareAnnotationRelationship(asmManager, decaMC.getSourceLocation(), unMangledInterMethod.getSourceLocation(), false); reportMethodCtorWeavingMessage(clazz, unMangledInterMethod, decaMC, -1); modificationOccured = true; } else { // If an annotation is specified, it might be added by one of the other declare annotation statements if (!decaMC.isStarredAnnotationPattern()) { worthRetrying.add(decaMC); } } } while (!worthRetrying.isEmpty() && modificationOccured) { modificationOccured = false; List<DeclareAnnotation> forRemoval = new ArrayList<DeclareAnnotation>(); for (Iterator<DeclareAnnotation> iter2 = worthRetrying.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) { DeclareAnnotation decaMC = iter2.next(); if (decaMC.matches(unMangledInterMethod, world)) { LazyMethodGen annotationHolder = locateAnnotationHolderForFieldMunger(clazz, methodctorMunger); if (doesAlreadyHaveAnnotation(annotationHolder, unMangledInterMethod, decaMC, reportedErrors)) { continue; // skip this one... } annotationHolder.addAnnotation(decaMC.getAnnotation()); unMangledInterMethod.addAnnotation(decaMC.getAnnotation()); AsmRelationshipProvider.addDeclareAnnotationRelationship(asmManager, decaMC.getSourceLocation(), unMangledInterMethod.getSourceLocation(), false); isChanged = true; modificationOccured = true; forRemoval.add(decaMC); } worthRetrying.removeAll(forRemoval); } } } return isChanged; } private boolean dontAddTwice(DeclareAnnotation decaF, AnnotationAJ[] dontAddMeTwice) { for (AnnotationAJ ann : dontAddMeTwice) { if (ann != null && decaF.getAnnotation().getTypeName().equals(ann.getTypeName())) { return true; } } return false; }
Remove an annotation from the supplied array, if it is in there.
/** * Remove an annotation from the supplied array, if it is in there. */
private AnnotationAJ[] removeFromAnnotationsArray(AnnotationAJ[] annotations,AnnotationAJ annotation) { for (int i=0;i<annotations.length;i++) { if (annotations[i] != null && annotation.getTypeName().equals(annotations[i].getTypeName())) { // Remove it! AnnotationAJ[] newArray = new AnnotationAJ[annotations.length-1]; int index=0; for (int j=0;j<annotations.length;j++) { if (j!=i) { newArray[index++]=annotations[j]; } } return newArray; } } return annotations; } // BUGWARNING not getting enough warnings out on declare @field ? There is a potential problem here with warnings not // coming out - this will occur if they are created on the second iteration round this loop. // We currently deactivate error reporting for the second time round. A possible solution is to record what annotations // were added by what decafs and check that to see if an error needs to be reported - this would be expensive so lets // skip it for now
Weave any declare @field statements into the fields of the supplied class. This will attempt to apply them to the ITDs too. Interesting case relating to public ITDd fields. The annotations are really stored against the interfieldinit method in the aspect, but the public field is placed in the target type and then is processed in the 2nd pass over fields that occurs. I think it would be more expensive to avoid putting the annotation on that inserted public field than just to have it put there as well as on the interfieldinit method.
/** * Weave any declare @field statements into the fields of the supplied class. This will attempt to apply them to the ITDs too. * * Interesting case relating to public ITDd fields. The annotations are really stored against the interfieldinit method in the * aspect, but the public field is placed in the target type and then is processed in the 2nd pass over fields that occurs. I * think it would be more expensive to avoid putting the annotation on that inserted public field than just to have it put there * as well as on the interfieldinit method. */
private boolean weaveDeclareAtField(LazyClassGen clazz) { List<Integer> reportedProblems = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<DeclareAnnotation> allDecafs = world.getDeclareAnnotationOnFields(); if (allDecafs.isEmpty()) { return false; } boolean typeIsChanged = false; List<ConcreteTypeMunger> relevantItdFields = getITDSubset(clazz, ResolvedTypeMunger.Field); if (relevantItdFields != null) { typeIsChanged = weaveAtFieldRepeatedly(allDecafs, relevantItdFields, reportedProblems); } List<DeclareAnnotation> decafs = getMatchingSubset(allDecafs, clazz.getType()); if (decafs.isEmpty()) { return typeIsChanged; } List<BcelField> fields = clazz.getFieldGens(); if (fields != null) { Set<DeclareAnnotation> unusedDecafs = new HashSet<DeclareAnnotation>(); unusedDecafs.addAll(decafs); for (BcelField field : fields) { if (!field.getName().startsWith(NameMangler.PREFIX)) { // Single first pass Set<DeclareAnnotation> worthRetrying = new LinkedHashSet<DeclareAnnotation>(); boolean modificationOccured = false; AnnotationAJ[] dontAddMeTwice = field.getAnnotations(); // go through all the declare @field statements for (DeclareAnnotation decaf : decafs) { if (decaf.getAnnotation() == null) { return false; } if (decaf.matches(field, world)) { if (decaf.isRemover()) { AnnotationAJ annotation = decaf.getAnnotation(); if (field.hasAnnotation(annotation.getType())) { // something to remove typeIsChanged = true; field.removeAnnotation(annotation); AsmRelationshipProvider.addDeclareAnnotationFieldRelationship(world.getModelAsAsmManager(), decaf.getSourceLocation(), clazz.getName(), field, true); reportFieldAnnotationWeavingMessage(clazz, field, decaf, true); dontAddMeTwice = removeFromAnnotationsArray(dontAddMeTwice, annotation); } else { worthRetrying.add(decaf); } unusedDecafs.remove(decaf); } else { if (!dontAddTwice(decaf, dontAddMeTwice)) { if (doesAlreadyHaveAnnotation(field, decaf, reportedProblems,true )) { // remove the declare @field since don't want an error when the annotation is already there unusedDecafs.remove(decaf); continue; } field.addAnnotation(decaf.getAnnotation()); } AsmRelationshipProvider.addDeclareAnnotationFieldRelationship(world.getModelAsAsmManager(), decaf.getSourceLocation(), clazz.getName(), field, false); reportFieldAnnotationWeavingMessage(clazz, field, decaf, false); typeIsChanged = true; modificationOccured = true; unusedDecafs.remove(decaf); } } else if (!decaf.isStarredAnnotationPattern() || decaf.isRemover()) { worthRetrying.add(decaf); // an annotation is specified that might be put on by a subsequent decaf } } // Multiple secondary passes while (!worthRetrying.isEmpty() && modificationOccured) { modificationOccured = false; // lets have another go with any remaining ones List<DeclareAnnotation> forRemoval = new ArrayList<DeclareAnnotation>(); for (Iterator<DeclareAnnotation> iter = worthRetrying.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { DeclareAnnotation decaF = iter.next(); if (decaF.matches(field, world)) { if (decaF.isRemover()) { AnnotationAJ annotation = decaF.getAnnotation(); if (field.hasAnnotation(annotation.getType())) { // something to remove typeIsChanged = modificationOccured = true; forRemoval.add(decaF); field.removeAnnotation(annotation); AsmRelationshipProvider.addDeclareAnnotationFieldRelationship(world.getModelAsAsmManager(), decaF.getSourceLocation(), clazz.getName(), field, true); reportFieldAnnotationWeavingMessage(clazz, field, decaF, true); } } else { // below code is for recursive things unusedDecafs.remove(decaF); if (doesAlreadyHaveAnnotation(field, decaF, reportedProblems,true)) { continue; } field.addAnnotation(decaF.getAnnotation()); AsmRelationshipProvider.addDeclareAnnotationFieldRelationship(world.getModelAsAsmManager(), decaF.getSourceLocation(), clazz.getName(), field, false); typeIsChanged = modificationOccured = true; forRemoval.add(decaF); } } } worthRetrying.removeAll(forRemoval); } } } checkUnusedDeclareAts(unusedDecafs, true); } return typeIsChanged; } // bug 99191 - put out an error message if the type doesn't exist
Report an error if the reason a "declare @method/ctor/field" was not used was because the member specified does not exist. This method is passed some set of declare statements that didn't match and a flag indicating whether the set contains declare @field or declare @method/ctor entries.
/** * Report an error if the reason a "declare @method/ctor/field" was not used was because the member specified does not exist. * This method is passed some set of declare statements that didn't match and a flag indicating whether the set contains declare @field * or declare @method/ctor entries. */
private void checkUnusedDeclareAts(Set<DeclareAnnotation> unusedDecaTs, boolean isDeclareAtField) { for (DeclareAnnotation declA : unusedDecaTs) { // Error if an exact type pattern was specified boolean shouldCheck = declA.isExactPattern() || declA.getSignaturePattern().getExactDeclaringTypes().size() != 0; if (shouldCheck && declA.getKind() != DeclareAnnotation.AT_CONSTRUCTOR) { if (declA.getSignaturePattern().isMatchOnAnyName()) { shouldCheck = false; } else { List<ExactTypePattern> declaringTypePatterns = declA.getSignaturePattern().getExactDeclaringTypes(); if (declaringTypePatterns.size() == 0) { shouldCheck = false; } else { for (ExactTypePattern exactTypePattern : declaringTypePatterns) { if (exactTypePattern.isIncludeSubtypes()) { shouldCheck = false; break; } } } } } if (shouldCheck) { // Quickly check if an ITD supplies the 'missing' member boolean itdMatch = false; List<ConcreteTypeMunger> lst = clazz.getType().getInterTypeMungers(); for (Iterator<ConcreteTypeMunger> iterator = lst.iterator(); iterator.hasNext() && !itdMatch;) { ConcreteTypeMunger element = iterator.next(); if (element.getMunger() instanceof NewFieldTypeMunger) { NewFieldTypeMunger nftm = (NewFieldTypeMunger) element.getMunger(); itdMatch = declA.matches(nftm.getSignature(), world); } else if (element.getMunger() instanceof NewMethodTypeMunger) { NewMethodTypeMunger nmtm = (NewMethodTypeMunger) element.getMunger(); itdMatch = declA.matches(nmtm.getSignature(), world); } else if (element.getMunger() instanceof NewConstructorTypeMunger) { NewConstructorTypeMunger nctm = (NewConstructorTypeMunger) element.getMunger(); itdMatch = declA.matches(nctm.getSignature(), world); } } if (!itdMatch) { IMessage message = null; if (isDeclareAtField) { message = new Message("The field '" + declA.getSignaturePattern().toString() + "' does not exist", declA.getSourceLocation(), true); } else { message = new Message("The method '" + declA.getSignaturePattern().toString() + "' does not exist", declA.getSourceLocation(), true); } world.getMessageHandler().handleMessage(message); } } } } // TAG: WeavingMessage private void reportFieldAnnotationWeavingMessage(LazyClassGen clazz, BcelField theField, DeclareAnnotation decaf, boolean isRemove) { if (!getWorld().getMessageHandler().isIgnoring(IMessage.WEAVEINFO)) { world.getMessageHandler().handleMessage( WeaveMessage.constructWeavingMessage( isRemove ? WeaveMessage.WEAVEMESSAGE_REMOVES_ANNOTATION : WeaveMessage.WEAVEMESSAGE_ANNOTATES, new String[] { theField.getFieldAsIs().toString() + "' of type '" + clazz.getName(), clazz.getFileName(), decaf.getAnnotationString(), "field", decaf.getAspect().toString(), Utility.beautifyLocation(decaf.getSourceLocation()) })); } }
Check if a resolved member (field/method/ctor) already has an annotation, if it does then put out a warning and return true
/** * Check if a resolved member (field/method/ctor) already has an annotation, if it does then put out a warning and return true */
private boolean doesAlreadyHaveAnnotation(ResolvedMember rm, DeclareAnnotation deca, List<Integer> reportedProblems, boolean reportError) { if (rm.hasAnnotation(deca.getAnnotationType())) { if (reportError && world.getLint().elementAlreadyAnnotated.isEnabled()) { Integer uniqueID = new Integer(rm.hashCode() * deca.hashCode()); if (!reportedProblems.contains(uniqueID)) { reportedProblems.add(uniqueID); world.getLint().elementAlreadyAnnotated.signal(new String[] { rm.toString(), deca.getAnnotationType().toString() }, rm.getSourceLocation(), new ISourceLocation[] { deca.getSourceLocation() }); } } return true; } return false; } private boolean doesAlreadyHaveAnnotation(LazyMethodGen rm, ResolvedMember itdfieldsig, DeclareAnnotation deca, List<Integer> reportedProblems) { if (rm != null && rm.hasAnnotation(deca.getAnnotationType())) { if (world.getLint().elementAlreadyAnnotated.isEnabled()) { Integer uniqueID = new Integer(rm.hashCode() * deca.hashCode()); if (!reportedProblems.contains(uniqueID)) { reportedProblems.add(uniqueID); reportedProblems.add(new Integer(itdfieldsig.hashCode() * deca.hashCode())); world.getLint().elementAlreadyAnnotated.signal(new String[] { itdfieldsig.toString(), deca.getAnnotationType().toString() }, rm.getSourceLocation(), new ISourceLocation[] { deca.getSourceLocation() }); } } return true; } return false; } private Set<String> findAspectsForMungers(LazyMethodGen mg) { Set<String> aspectsAffectingType = new HashSet<String>(); for (BcelShadow shadow : mg.matchedShadows) { for (ShadowMunger munger : shadow.getMungers()) { if (munger instanceof BcelAdvice) { BcelAdvice bcelAdvice = (BcelAdvice) munger; if (bcelAdvice.getConcreteAspect() != null) { aspectsAffectingType.add(bcelAdvice.getConcreteAspect().getSignature()); } } else { // It is a 'Checker' - we don't need to remember aspects // that only contributed Checkers... } } } return aspectsAffectingType; } private boolean inlineSelfConstructors(List<LazyMethodGen> methodGens, List<LazyMethodGen> recursiveCtors) { boolean inlinedSomething = false; List<LazyMethodGen> newRecursiveCtors = new ArrayList<LazyMethodGen>(); for (LazyMethodGen methodGen : methodGens) { if (!methodGen.getName().equals("<init>")) { continue; } InstructionHandle ih = findSuperOrThisCall(methodGen); if (ih != null && isThisCall(ih)) { LazyMethodGen donor = getCalledMethod(ih); if (donor.equals(methodGen)) { newRecursiveCtors.add(donor); } else { if (!recursiveCtors.contains(donor)) { inlineMethod(donor, methodGen, ih); inlinedSomething = true; } } } } recursiveCtors.addAll(newRecursiveCtors); return inlinedSomething; } private void positionAndImplement(List<BcelShadow> initializationShadows) { for (BcelShadow s : initializationShadows) { positionInitializationShadow(s); // s.getEnclosingMethod().print(); s.implement(); } } private void positionInitializationShadow(BcelShadow s) { LazyMethodGen mg = s.getEnclosingMethod(); InstructionHandle call = findSuperOrThisCall(mg); InstructionList body = mg.getBody(); ShadowRange r = new ShadowRange(body); r.associateWithShadow(s); if (s.getKind() == Shadow.PreInitialization) { // XXX assert first instruction is an ALOAD_0. // a pre shadow goes from AFTER the first instruction (which we // believe to // be an ALOAD_0) to just before the call to super r.associateWithTargets(Range.genStart(body, body.getStart().getNext()), Range.genEnd(body, call.getPrev())); } else { // assert s.getKind() == Shadow.Initialization r.associateWithTargets(Range.genStart(body, call.getNext()), Range.genEnd(body)); } } private boolean isThisCall(InstructionHandle ih) { InvokeInstruction inst = (InvokeInstruction) ih.getInstruction(); return inst.getClassName(cpg).equals(clazz.getName()); }
inline a particular call in bytecode.
  • donor – the method we want to inline
  • recipient – the method containing the call we want to inline
  • call – the instructionHandle in recipient's body holding the call we want to inline.
/** * inline a particular call in bytecode. * * @param donor the method we want to inline * @param recipient the method containing the call we want to inline * @param call the instructionHandle in recipient's body holding the call we want to inline. */
public static void inlineMethod(LazyMethodGen donor, LazyMethodGen recipient, InstructionHandle call) { // assert recipient.contains(call) /* * Implementation notes: * * We allocate two slots for every tempvar so we don't screw up longs and doubles which may share space. This could be * conservatively avoided (no reference to a long/double instruction, don't do it) or packed later. Right now we don't * bother to pack. * * Allocate a new var for each formal param of the inlined. Fill with stack contents. Then copy the inlined instructions in * with the appropriate remap table. Any framelocs used by locals in inlined are reallocated to top of frame, */ final InstructionFactory fact = recipient.getEnclosingClass().getFactory(); IntMap frameEnv = new IntMap(); // this also sets up the initial environment InstructionList argumentStores = genArgumentStores(donor, recipient, frameEnv, fact); InstructionList inlineInstructions = genInlineInstructions(donor, recipient, frameEnv, fact, false); inlineInstructions.insert(argumentStores); recipient.getBody().append(call, inlineInstructions); Utility.deleteInstruction(call, recipient); } // public BcelVar genTempVar(UnresolvedType typeX) { // return new BcelVar(typeX.resolve(world), // genTempVarIndex(typeX.getSize())); // } // // private int genTempVarIndex(int size) { // return enclosingMethod.allocateLocal(size); // }
Input method is a synchronized method, we remove the bit flag for synchronized and then insert a try..finally block Some jumping through firey hoops required - depending on the input code level (1.5 or not) we may or may not be able to use the LDC instruction that takes a class literal (doesnt on <1.5). FIXME asc Before promoting -Xjoinpoints:synchronization to be a standard option, this needs a bunch of tidying up - there is some duplication that can be removed.
/** * Input method is a synchronized method, we remove the bit flag for synchronized and then insert a try..finally block * * Some jumping through firey hoops required - depending on the input code level (1.5 or not) we may or may not be able to use * the LDC instruction that takes a class literal (doesnt on <1.5). * * FIXME asc Before promoting -Xjoinpoints:synchronization to be a standard option, this needs a bunch of tidying up - there is * some duplication that can be removed. */
public static void transformSynchronizedMethod(LazyMethodGen synchronizedMethod) { if (trace.isTraceEnabled()) { trace.enter("transformSynchronizedMethod", synchronizedMethod); } // System.err.println("DEBUG: Transforming synchronized method: "+ // synchronizedMethod.getName()); final InstructionFactory fact = synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().getFactory(); InstructionList body = synchronizedMethod.getBody(); InstructionList prepend = new InstructionList(); Type enclosingClassType = BcelWorld.makeBcelType(synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().getType()); // STATIC METHOD TRANSFORMATION if (synchronizedMethod.isStatic()) { // What to do here depends on the level of the class file! // LDC can handle class literals in Java5 and above *sigh* if (synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().isAtLeastJava5()) { // MONITORENTER logic: // 0: ldc #2; //class C // 2: dup // 3: astore_0 // 4: monitorenter int slotForLockObject = synchronizedMethod.allocateLocal(enclosingClassType); prepend.append(fact.createConstant(enclosingClassType)); prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(1)); prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(enclosingClassType, slotForLockObject)); prepend.append(InstructionFactory.MONITORENTER); // MONITOREXIT logic: // We basically need to wrap the code from the method in a // finally block that // will ensure monitorexit is called. Content on the finally // block seems to // be always: // // E1: ALOAD_1 // MONITOREXIT // ATHROW // // so lets build that: InstructionList finallyBlock = new InstructionList(); finallyBlock.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.getType(java.lang.Class.class), slotForLockObject)); finallyBlock.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT); finallyBlock.append(InstructionConstants.ATHROW); // finally -> E1 // | GETSTATIC java.lang.System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream; (line // 21) // | LDC "hello" // | INVOKEVIRTUAL java.io.PrintStream.println // (Ljava/lang/String;)V // | ALOAD_1 (line 20) // | MONITOREXIT // finally -> E1 // GOTO L0 // finally -> E1 // | E1: ALOAD_1 // | MONITOREXIT // finally -> E1 // ATHROW // L0: RETURN (line 23) // search for 'returns' and make them jump to the // aload_<n>,monitorexit InstructionHandle walker = body.getStart(); List<InstructionHandle> rets = new ArrayList<InstructionHandle>(); while (walker != null) { if (walker.getInstruction().isReturnInstruction()) { rets.add(walker); } walker = walker.getNext(); } if (!rets.isEmpty()) { // need to ensure targeters for 'return' now instead target // the load instruction // (so we never jump over the monitorexit logic) for (Iterator<InstructionHandle> iter = rets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { InstructionHandle element = iter.next(); InstructionList monitorExitBlock = new InstructionList(); monitorExitBlock.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(enclosingClassType, slotForLockObject)); monitorExitBlock.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT); // monitorExitBlock.append(Utility.copyInstruction(element // .getInstruction())); // element.setInstruction(InstructionFactory.createLoad( // classType,slotForThis)); InstructionHandle monitorExitBlockStart = body.insert(element, monitorExitBlock); // now move the targeters from the RET to the start of // the monitorexit block for (InstructionTargeter targeter : element.getTargetersCopy()) { // what kinds are there? if (targeter instanceof LocalVariableTag) { // ignore } else if (targeter instanceof LineNumberTag) { // ignore // } else if (targeter instanceof // InstructionBranch && // ((InstructionBranch)targeter).isGoto()) { // // move it... // targeter.updateTarget(element, // monitorExitBlockStart); } else if (targeter instanceof InstructionBranch) { // move it targeter.updateTarget(element, monitorExitBlockStart); } else { throw new BCException("Unexpected targeter encountered during transform: " + targeter); } } } } // now the magic, putting the finally block around the code InstructionHandle finallyStart = finallyBlock.getStart(); InstructionHandle tryPosition = body.getStart(); InstructionHandle catchPosition = body.getEnd(); body.insert(body.getStart(), prepend); // now we can put the // monitorenter stuff on synchronizedMethod.getBody().append(finallyBlock); synchronizedMethod.addExceptionHandler(tryPosition, catchPosition, finallyStart, null/* ==finally */, false); synchronizedMethod.addExceptionHandler(finallyStart, finallyStart.getNext(), finallyStart, null, false); } else { // TRANSFORMING STATIC METHOD ON PRE JAVA5 // Hideous nightmare, class literal references prior to Java5 // YIKES! this is just the code for MONITORENTER ! // 0: getstatic #59; //Field class$1:Ljava/lang/Class; // 3: dup // 4: ifnonnull 32 // 7: pop // try // 8: ldc #61; //String java.lang.String // 10: invokestatic #44; //Method // java/lang/Class.forName:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class; // 13: dup // catch // 14: putstatic #59; //Field class$1:Ljava/lang/Class; // 17: goto 32 // 20: new #46; //class java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError // 23: dup_x1 // 24: swap // 25: invokevirtual #52; //Method // java/lang/Throwable.getMessage:()Ljava/lang/String; // 28: invokespecial #54; //Method // java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError."<init>":(Ljava/lang/String;)V // 31: athrow // 32: dup <-- partTwo (branch target) // 33: astore_0 // 34: monitorenter // // plus exceptiontable entry! // 8 13 20 Class java/lang/ClassNotFoundException Type classType = BcelWorld.makeBcelType(synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().getType()); Type clazzType = Type.getType(Class.class); InstructionList parttwo = new InstructionList(); parttwo.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(1)); int slotForThis = synchronizedMethod.allocateLocal(classType); parttwo.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(clazzType, slotForThis)); // ? should be the real type ? String or // something? parttwo.append(InstructionFactory.MONITORENTER); String fieldname = synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().allocateField("class$"); FieldGen f = new FieldGen(Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PRIVATE, Type.getType(Class.class), fieldname, synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().getConstantPool()); synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().addField(f, null); // 10: invokestatic #44; //Method // java/lang/Class.forName:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class; // 13: dup // 14: putstatic #59; //Field class$1:Ljava/lang/Class; // 17: goto 32 // 20: new #46; //class java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError // 23: dup_x1 // 24: swap // 25: invokevirtual #52; //Method // java/lang/Throwable.getMessage:()Ljava/lang/String; // 28: invokespecial #54; //Method // java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError."<init>":(Ljava/lang/String;)V // 31: athrow String name = synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().getName(); prepend.append(fact.createGetStatic(name, fieldname, Type.getType(Class.class))); prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(1)); prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.IFNONNULL, parttwo.getStart())); prepend.append(InstructionFactory.POP); prepend.append(fact.createConstant(name)); InstructionHandle tryInstruction = prepend.getEnd(); prepend.append(fact.createInvoke("java.lang.Class", "forName", clazzType, new Type[] { Type.getType(String.class) }, Constants.INVOKESTATIC)); InstructionHandle catchInstruction = prepend.getEnd(); prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(1)); prepend.append(fact.createPutStatic(synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().getType().getName(), fieldname, Type.getType(Class.class))); prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.GOTO, parttwo.getStart())); // start of catch block InstructionList catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail = new InstructionList(); catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail.append(fact.createNew((ObjectType) Type.getType(NoClassDefFoundError.class))); catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail.append(InstructionFactory.createDup_1(1)); catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail.append(InstructionFactory.SWAP); catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail.append(fact.createInvoke("java.lang.Throwable", "getMessage", Type.getType(String.class), new Type[] {}, Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL)); catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail.append(fact.createInvoke("java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError", "<init>", Type.VOID, new Type[] { Type.getType(String.class) }, Constants.INVOKESPECIAL)); catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail.append(InstructionFactory.ATHROW); InstructionHandle catchBlockStart = catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail.getStart(); prepend.append(catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail); prepend.append(parttwo); // MONITORENTER // pseudocode: load up 'this' (var0), dup it, store it in a new // local var (for use with monitorexit) and call // monitorenter: // ALOAD_0, DUP, ASTORE_<n>, MONITORENTER // prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(classType,0)); // prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(1)); // int slotForThis = // synchronizedMethod.allocateLocal(classType); // prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(classType, // slotForThis)); // prepend.append(InstructionFactory.MONITORENTER); // MONITOREXIT // here be dragons // We basically need to wrap the code from the method in a // finally block that // will ensure monitorexit is called. Content on the finally // block seems to // be always: // // E1: ALOAD_1 // MONITOREXIT // ATHROW // // so lets build that: InstructionList finallyBlock = new InstructionList(); finallyBlock.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.getType(java.lang.Class.class), slotForThis)); finallyBlock.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT); finallyBlock.append(InstructionConstants.ATHROW); // finally -> E1 // | GETSTATIC java.lang.System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream; (line // 21) // | LDC "hello" // | INVOKEVIRTUAL java.io.PrintStream.println // (Ljava/lang/String;)V // | ALOAD_1 (line 20) // | MONITOREXIT // finally -> E1 // GOTO L0 // finally -> E1 // | E1: ALOAD_1 // | MONITOREXIT // finally -> E1 // ATHROW // L0: RETURN (line 23) // frameEnv.put(donorFramePos, thisSlot); // search for 'returns' and make them to the // aload_<n>,monitorexit InstructionHandle walker = body.getStart(); List<InstructionHandle> rets = new ArrayList<InstructionHandle>(); while (walker != null) { // !walker.equals(body.getEnd())) { if (walker.getInstruction().isReturnInstruction()) { rets.add(walker); } walker = walker.getNext(); } if (rets.size() > 0) { // need to ensure targeters for 'return' now instead target // the load instruction // (so we never jump over the monitorexit logic) for (InstructionHandle ret : rets) { // System.err.println("Adding monitor exit block at "+ // element); InstructionList monitorExitBlock = new InstructionList(); monitorExitBlock.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(classType, slotForThis)); monitorExitBlock.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT); // monitorExitBlock.append(Utility.copyInstruction(element // .getInstruction())); // element.setInstruction(InstructionFactory.createLoad( // classType,slotForThis)); InstructionHandle monitorExitBlockStart = body.insert(ret, monitorExitBlock); // now move the targeters from the RET to the start of // the monitorexit block for (InstructionTargeter targeter : ret.getTargetersCopy()) { // what kinds are there? if (targeter instanceof LocalVariableTag) { // ignore } else if (targeter instanceof LineNumberTag) { // ignore // } else if (targeter instanceof GOTO || // targeter instanceof GOTO_W) { // // move it... // targeter.updateTarget(element, // monitorExitBlockStart); } else if (targeter instanceof InstructionBranch) { // move it targeter.updateTarget(ret, monitorExitBlockStart); } else { throw new BCException("Unexpected targeter encountered during transform: " + targeter); } } } } // body = // rewriteWithMonitorExitCalls(body,fact,true,slotForThis, // classType); // synchronizedMethod.setBody(body); // now the magic, putting the finally block around the code InstructionHandle finallyStart = finallyBlock.getStart(); InstructionHandle tryPosition = body.getStart(); InstructionHandle catchPosition = body.getEnd(); body.insert(body.getStart(), prepend); // now we can put the // monitorenter stuff on synchronizedMethod.getBody().append(finallyBlock); synchronizedMethod.addExceptionHandler(tryPosition, catchPosition, finallyStart, null/* ==finally */, false); synchronizedMethod.addExceptionHandler(tryInstruction, catchInstruction, catchBlockStart, (ObjectType) Type.getType(ClassNotFoundException.class), true); synchronizedMethod.addExceptionHandler(finallyStart, finallyStart.getNext(), finallyStart, null, false); } } else { // TRANSFORMING NON STATIC METHOD Type classType = BcelWorld.makeBcelType(synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().getType()); // MONITORENTER // pseudocode: load up 'this' (var0), dup it, store it in a new // local var (for use with monitorexit) and call // monitorenter: // ALOAD_0, DUP, ASTORE_<n>, MONITORENTER prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(classType, 0)); prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(1)); int slotForThis = synchronizedMethod.allocateLocal(classType); prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(classType, slotForThis)); prepend.append(InstructionFactory.MONITORENTER); // body.insert(body.getStart(),prepend); // MONITOREXIT // We basically need to wrap the code from the method in a finally // block that // will ensure monitorexit is called. Content on the finally block // seems to // be always: // // E1: ALOAD_1 // MONITOREXIT // ATHROW // // so lets build that: InstructionList finallyBlock = new InstructionList(); finallyBlock.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(classType, slotForThis)); finallyBlock.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT); finallyBlock.append(InstructionConstants.ATHROW); // finally -> E1 // | GETSTATIC java.lang.System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream; (line 21) // | LDC "hello" // | INVOKEVIRTUAL java.io.PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V // | ALOAD_1 (line 20) // | MONITOREXIT // finally -> E1 // GOTO L0 // finally -> E1 // | E1: ALOAD_1 // | MONITOREXIT // finally -> E1 // ATHROW // L0: RETURN (line 23) // frameEnv.put(donorFramePos, thisSlot); // search for 'returns' and make them to the aload_<n>,monitorexit InstructionHandle walker = body.getStart(); List<InstructionHandle> rets = new ArrayList<InstructionHandle>(); while (walker != null) { // !walker.equals(body.getEnd())) { if (walker.getInstruction().isReturnInstruction()) { rets.add(walker); } walker = walker.getNext(); } if (!rets.isEmpty()) { // need to ensure targeters for 'return' now instead target the // load instruction // (so we never jump over the monitorexit logic) for (Iterator<InstructionHandle> iter = rets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { InstructionHandle element = iter.next(); // System.err.println("Adding monitor exit block at "+element // ); InstructionList monitorExitBlock = new InstructionList(); monitorExitBlock.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(classType, slotForThis)); monitorExitBlock.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT); // monitorExitBlock.append(Utility.copyInstruction(element. // getInstruction())); // element.setInstruction(InstructionFactory.createLoad( // classType,slotForThis)); InstructionHandle monitorExitBlockStart = body.insert(element, monitorExitBlock); // now move the targeters from the RET to the start of the // monitorexit block for (InstructionTargeter targeter : element.getTargetersCopy()) { // what kinds are there? if (targeter instanceof LocalVariableTag) { // ignore } else if (targeter instanceof LineNumberTag) { // ignore // } else if (targeter instanceof GOTO || // targeter instanceof GOTO_W) { // // move it... // targeter.updateTarget(element, // monitorExitBlockStart); } else if (targeter instanceof InstructionBranch) { // move it targeter.updateTarget(element, monitorExitBlockStart); } else { throw new BCException("Unexpected targeter encountered during transform: " + targeter); } } } } // now the magic, putting the finally block around the code InstructionHandle finallyStart = finallyBlock.getStart(); InstructionHandle tryPosition = body.getStart(); InstructionHandle catchPosition = body.getEnd(); body.insert(body.getStart(), prepend); // now we can put the // monitorenter stuff on synchronizedMethod.getBody().append(finallyBlock); synchronizedMethod.addExceptionHandler(tryPosition, catchPosition, finallyStart, null/* ==finally */, false); synchronizedMethod.addExceptionHandler(finallyStart, finallyStart.getNext(), finallyStart, null, false); // also the exception handling for the finally block jumps to itself // max locals will already have been modified in the allocateLocal() // call // synchronized bit is removed on LazyMethodGen.pack() } // gonna have to go through and change all aload_0s to load the var from // a variable, // going to add a new variable for the this var if (trace.isTraceEnabled()) { trace.exit("transformSynchronizedMethod"); } }
generate the instructions to be inlined.
  • donor – the method from which we will copy (and adjust frame and jumps) instructions.
  • recipient – the method the instructions will go into. Used to get the frame size so we can allocate new frame locations for locals in donor.
  • frameEnv – an environment to map from donor frame to recipient frame, initially populated with argument locations.
  • fact – an instruction factory for recipient
/** * generate the instructions to be inlined. * * @param donor the method from which we will copy (and adjust frame and jumps) instructions. * @param recipient the method the instructions will go into. Used to get the frame size so we can allocate new frame locations * for locals in donor. * @param frameEnv an environment to map from donor frame to recipient frame, initially populated with argument locations. * @param fact an instruction factory for recipient */
static InstructionList genInlineInstructions(LazyMethodGen donor, LazyMethodGen recipient, IntMap frameEnv, InstructionFactory fact, boolean keepReturns) { InstructionList footer = new InstructionList(); InstructionHandle end = footer.append(InstructionConstants.NOP); InstructionList ret = new InstructionList(); InstructionList sourceList = donor.getBody(); Map<InstructionHandle, InstructionHandle> srcToDest = new HashMap<InstructionHandle, InstructionHandle>(); ConstantPool donorCpg = donor.getEnclosingClass().getConstantPool(); ConstantPool recipientCpg = recipient.getEnclosingClass().getConstantPool(); boolean isAcrossClass = donorCpg != recipientCpg; BootstrapMethods bootstrapMethods = null; // first pass: copy the instructions directly, populate the srcToDest // map, // fix frame instructions for (InstructionHandle src = sourceList.getStart(); src != null; src = src.getNext()) { Instruction fresh = Utility.copyInstruction(src.getInstruction()); InstructionHandle dest; // OPTIMIZE optimize this stuff? if (fresh.isConstantPoolInstruction()) { // need to reset index to go to new constant pool. This is totally // a computation leak... we're testing this LOTS of times. Sigh. if (isAcrossClass) { InstructionCP cpi = (InstructionCP) fresh; cpi.setIndex(recipientCpg.addConstant(donorCpg.getConstant(cpi.getIndex()), donorCpg)); } // May need to copy bootstrapmethods across too. // if (fresh instanceof InvokeDynamic) { // InvokeDynamic id = (InvokeDynamic)fresh; // ConstantInvokeDynamic cid = (ConstantInvokeDynamic)donorCpg.getConstant(src.getInstruction().getIndex()); // int bmaIndex = cid.getBootstrapMethodAttrIndex(); // if (bootstrapMethods == null) { // Collection<Attribute> attributes = donor.getEnclosingClass().getAttributes(); // if (attributes != null) { // for (Attribute attribute: attributes) { // if (attribute instanceof BootstrapMethods) { // bootstrapMethods = (BootstrapMethods)attribute; // } // } // } // BootstrapMethods.BootstrapMethod bootstrapMethod = // bootstrapMethods.getBootstrapMethods()[bmaIndex]; // ConstantMethodHandle methodhandle = (ConstantMethodHandle)donorCpg.getConstant(bootstrapMethod.getBootstrapMethodRef()); // int bootstrapMethodArguments[] = bootstrapMethod.getBootstrapArguments(); // // // Finally have all we need to build the new one... // // int newMethodHandleIndex = recipientCpg.addConstant(methodhandle, donorCpg); // int[] newMethodArguments = new int[bootstrapMethodArguments.length]; // for (int a=0; a<bootstrapMethodArguments.length; a++) { // newMethodArguments[a] = recipientCpg.addConstant(donorCpg.getConstant(bootstrapMethodArguments[a]),donorCpg); // } // BootstrapMethods.BootstrapMethod newBootstrapMethod = // new BootstrapMethods.BootstrapMethod(newMethodHandleIndex,newMethodArguments); // // Collection<Attribute> newAttributes = recipient.getEnclosingClass().getAttributes(); // BootstrapMethods newBootstrapMethods = null; // for (Attribute attr: newAttributes) { // if (attr instanceof BootstrapMethods) { // newBootstrapMethods = (BootstrapMethods)newBootstrapMethods; // } // } // if (newBootstrapMethods == null) { // newBootstrapMethods = // new BootstrapMethods(recipientCpg.addUtf8("BootstrapMethods"), // 2+newBootstrapMethod.getLength(), // new BootstrapMethods.BootstrapMethod[] {newBootstrapMethod}, // recipientCpg); // recipient.getEnclosingClass().addAttribute(newBootstrapMethods); // } // TODO need to copy over lambda$0 support methods too... // } // // } } if (src.getInstruction() == Range.RANGEINSTRUCTION) { dest = ret.append(Range.RANGEINSTRUCTION); } else if (fresh.isReturnInstruction()) { if (keepReturns) { dest = ret.append(fresh); } else { dest = ret.append(InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.GOTO, end)); } } else if (fresh instanceof InstructionBranch) { dest = ret.append((InstructionBranch) fresh); } else if (fresh.isLocalVariableInstruction() || fresh instanceof RET) { // IndexedInstruction indexed = (IndexedInstruction) fresh; int oldIndex = fresh.getIndex(); int freshIndex; if (!frameEnv.hasKey(oldIndex)) { freshIndex = recipient.allocateLocal(2); frameEnv.put(oldIndex, freshIndex); } else { freshIndex = frameEnv.get(oldIndex); } if (fresh instanceof RET) { fresh.setIndex(freshIndex); } else { fresh = ((InstructionLV) fresh).setIndexAndCopyIfNecessary(freshIndex); } dest = ret.append(fresh); } else { dest = ret.append(fresh); } srcToDest.put(src, dest); } // second pass: retarget branch instructions, copy ranges and tags Map<Tag, Tag> tagMap = new HashMap<Tag, Tag>(); Map<BcelShadow, BcelShadow> shadowMap = new HashMap<BcelShadow, BcelShadow>(); for (InstructionHandle dest = ret.getStart(), src = sourceList.getStart(); dest != null; dest = dest.getNext(), src = src .getNext()) { Instruction inst = dest.getInstruction(); // retarget branches if (inst instanceof InstructionBranch) { InstructionBranch branch = (InstructionBranch) inst; InstructionHandle oldTarget = branch.getTarget(); InstructionHandle newTarget = srcToDest.get(oldTarget); if (newTarget == null) { // assert this is a GOTO // this was a return instruction we previously replaced } else { branch.setTarget(newTarget); if (branch instanceof InstructionSelect) { InstructionSelect select = (InstructionSelect) branch; InstructionHandle[] oldTargets = select.getTargets(); for (int k = oldTargets.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { select.setTarget(k, srcToDest.get(oldTargets[k])); } } } } // copy over tags and range attributes Iterator<InstructionTargeter> tIter = src.getTargeters().iterator(); while (tIter.hasNext()) { InstructionTargeter old = tIter.next(); if (old instanceof Tag) { Tag oldTag = (Tag) old; Tag fresh = tagMap.get(oldTag); if (fresh == null) { fresh = oldTag.copy(); if (old instanceof LocalVariableTag) { // LocalVariable LocalVariableTag lvTag = (LocalVariableTag) old; LocalVariableTag lvTagFresh = (LocalVariableTag) fresh; if (lvTag.getSlot() == 0) { fresh = new LocalVariableTag(lvTag.getRealType().getSignature(), "ajc$aspectInstance", frameEnv.get(lvTag.getSlot()), 0); } else { // // Do not move it - when copying the code from the aspect to the affected target, 'this' is // // going to change from aspect to affected type. So just fix the type // System.out.println("For local variable tag at instruction " + src + " changing slot from " // + lvTag.getSlot() + " > " + frameEnv.get(lvTag.getSlot())); lvTagFresh.updateSlot(frameEnv.get(lvTag.getSlot())); } } tagMap.put(oldTag, fresh); } dest.addTargeter(fresh); } else if (old instanceof ExceptionRange) { ExceptionRange er = (ExceptionRange) old; if (er.getStart() == src) { ExceptionRange freshEr = new ExceptionRange(recipient.getBody(), er.getCatchType(), er.getPriority()); freshEr.associateWithTargets(dest, srcToDest.get(er.getEnd()), srcToDest.get(er.getHandler())); } } else if (old instanceof ShadowRange) { ShadowRange oldRange = (ShadowRange) old; if (oldRange.getStart() == src) { BcelShadow oldShadow = oldRange.getShadow(); BcelShadow freshEnclosing = oldShadow.getEnclosingShadow() == null ? null : (BcelShadow) shadowMap .get(oldShadow.getEnclosingShadow()); BcelShadow freshShadow = oldShadow.copyInto(recipient, freshEnclosing); ShadowRange freshRange = new ShadowRange(recipient.getBody()); freshRange.associateWithShadow(freshShadow); freshRange.associateWithTargets(dest, srcToDest.get(oldRange.getEnd())); shadowMap.put(oldShadow, freshShadow); // oldRange, freshRange // recipient.matchedShadows.add(freshShadow); // XXX should go through the NEW copied shadow and // update // the thisVar, targetVar, and argsVar // ??? Might want to also go through at this time and // add // "extra" vars to the shadow. } } } } if (!keepReturns) { ret.append(footer); } return ret; } // static InstructionList rewriteWithMonitorExitCalls(InstructionList // sourceList,InstructionFactory fact,boolean keepReturns,int // monitorVarSlot,Type monitorVarType) // { // InstructionList footer = new InstructionList(); // InstructionHandle end = footer.append(InstructionConstants.NOP); // // InstructionList newList = new InstructionList(); // // Map srcToDest = new HashMap(); // // // first pass: copy the instructions directly, populate the srcToDest // map, // // fix frame instructions // for (InstructionHandle src = sourceList.getStart(); src != null; src = // src.getNext()) { // Instruction fresh = Utility.copyInstruction(src.getInstruction()); // InstructionHandle dest; // if (src.getInstruction() == Range.RANGEINSTRUCTION) { // dest = newList.append(Range.RANGEINSTRUCTION); // } else if (fresh.isReturnInstruction()) { // if (keepReturns) { // newList.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(monitorVarType,monitorVarSlot // )); // newList.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT); // dest = newList.append(fresh); // } else { // dest = // newList.append(InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.GOTO, // end)); // } // } else if (fresh instanceof InstructionBranch) { // dest = newList.append((InstructionBranch) fresh); // } else if ( // fresh.isLocalVariableInstruction() || fresh instanceof RET) { // //IndexedInstruction indexed = (IndexedInstruction) fresh; // int oldIndex = fresh.getIndex(); // int freshIndex; // // if (!frameEnv.hasKey(oldIndex)) { // // freshIndex = recipient.allocateLocal(2); // // frameEnv.put(oldIndex, freshIndex); // // } else { // freshIndex = oldIndex;//frameEnv.get(oldIndex); // // } // if (fresh instanceof RET) { // fresh.setIndex(freshIndex); // } else { // fresh = ((InstructionLV)fresh).setIndexAndCopyIfNecessary(freshIndex); // } // dest = newList.append(fresh); // } else { // dest = newList.append(fresh); // } // srcToDest.put(src, dest); // } // // // second pass: retarget branch instructions, copy ranges and tags // Map tagMap = new HashMap(); // for (InstructionHandle dest = newList.getStart(), src = // sourceList.getStart(); // dest != null; // dest = dest.getNext(), src = src.getNext()) { // Instruction inst = dest.getInstruction(); // // // retarget branches // if (inst instanceof InstructionBranch) { // InstructionBranch branch = (InstructionBranch) inst; // InstructionHandle oldTarget = branch.getTarget(); // InstructionHandle newTarget = // (InstructionHandle) srcToDest.get(oldTarget); // if (newTarget == null) { // // assert this is a GOTO // // this was a return instruction we previously replaced // } else { // branch.setTarget(newTarget); // if (branch instanceof InstructionSelect) { // InstructionSelect select = (InstructionSelect) branch; // InstructionHandle[] oldTargets = select.getTargets(); // for (int k = oldTargets.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { // select.setTarget( // k, // (InstructionHandle) srcToDest.get(oldTargets[k])); // } // } // } // } // // //copy over tags and range attributes // Iterator tIter = src.getTargeters().iterator(); // // while (tIter.hasNext()) { // InstructionTargeter old = (InstructionTargeter)tIter.next(); // if (old instanceof Tag) { // Tag oldTag = (Tag) old; // Tag fresh = (Tag) tagMap.get(oldTag); // if (fresh == null) { // fresh = oldTag.copy(); // tagMap.put(oldTag, fresh); // } // dest.addTargeter(fresh); // } else if (old instanceof ExceptionRange) { // ExceptionRange er = (ExceptionRange) old; // if (er.getStart() == src) { // ExceptionRange freshEr = // new ExceptionRange(newList/*recipient.getBody()*/,er.getCatchType(),er. // getPriority()); // freshEr.associateWithTargets( // dest, // (InstructionHandle)srcToDest.get(er.getEnd()), // (InstructionHandle)srcToDest.get(er.getHandler())); // } // } // /*else if (old instanceof ShadowRange) { // ShadowRange oldRange = (ShadowRange) old; // if (oldRange.getStart() == src) { // BcelShadow oldShadow = oldRange.getShadow(); // BcelShadow freshEnclosing = // oldShadow.getEnclosingShadow() == null // ? null // : (BcelShadow) shadowMap.get(oldShadow.getEnclosingShadow()); // BcelShadow freshShadow = // oldShadow.copyInto(recipient, freshEnclosing); // ShadowRange freshRange = new ShadowRange(recipient.getBody()); // freshRange.associateWithShadow(freshShadow); // freshRange.associateWithTargets( // dest, // (InstructionHandle) srcToDest.get(oldRange.getEnd())); // shadowMap.put(oldRange, freshRange); // //recipient.matchedShadows.add(freshShadow); // // XXX should go through the NEW copied shadow and update // // the thisVar, targetVar, and argsVar // // ??? Might want to also go through at this time and add // // "extra" vars to the shadow. // } // }*/ // } // } // if (!keepReturns) newList.append(footer); // return newList; // }
generate the argument stores in preparation for inlining.
  • donor – the method we will inline from. Used to get the signature.
  • recipient – the method we will inline into. Used to get the frame size so we can allocate fresh locations.
  • frameEnv – an empty environment we populate with a map from donor frame to recipient frame.
  • fact – an instruction factory for recipient
/** * generate the argument stores in preparation for inlining. * * @param donor the method we will inline from. Used to get the signature. * @param recipient the method we will inline into. Used to get the frame size so we can allocate fresh locations. * @param frameEnv an empty environment we populate with a map from donor frame to recipient frame. * @param fact an instruction factory for recipient */
private static InstructionList genArgumentStores(LazyMethodGen donor, LazyMethodGen recipient, IntMap frameEnv, InstructionFactory fact) { InstructionList ret = new InstructionList(); int donorFramePos = 0; // writing ret back to front because we're popping. if (!donor.isStatic()) { int targetSlot = recipient.allocateLocal(Type.OBJECT); ret.insert(InstructionFactory.createStore(Type.OBJECT, targetSlot)); frameEnv.put(donorFramePos, targetSlot); donorFramePos += 1; } Type[] argTypes = donor.getArgumentTypes(); for (int i = 0, len = argTypes.length; i < len; i++) { Type argType = argTypes[i]; int argSlot = recipient.allocateLocal(argType); ret.insert(InstructionFactory.createStore(argType, argSlot)); frameEnv.put(donorFramePos, argSlot); donorFramePos += argType.getSize(); } return ret; }
get a called method: Assumes the called method is in this class, and the reference to it is exact (a la INVOKESPECIAL).
  • ih – The InvokeInstruction instructionHandle pointing to the called method.
/** * get a called method: Assumes the called method is in this class, and the reference to it is exact (a la INVOKESPECIAL). * * @param ih The InvokeInstruction instructionHandle pointing to the called method. */
private LazyMethodGen getCalledMethod(InstructionHandle ih) { InvokeInstruction inst = (InvokeInstruction) ih.getInstruction(); String methodName = inst.getName(cpg); String signature = inst.getSignature(cpg); return clazz.getLazyMethodGen(methodName, signature); } private void weaveInAddedMethods() { Collections.sort(addedLazyMethodGens, new Comparator<LazyMethodGen>() { public int compare(LazyMethodGen aa, LazyMethodGen bb) { int i = aa.getName().compareTo(bb.getName()); if (i != 0) { return i; } return aa.getSignature().compareTo(bb.getSignature()); } }); for (LazyMethodGen addedMember : addedLazyMethodGens) { clazz.addMethodGen(addedMember); } } // void addPerSingletonField(Member field) { // ObjectType aspectType = (ObjectType) // BcelWorld.makeBcelType(field.getReturnType()); // String aspectName = field.getReturnType().getName(); // // LazyMethodGen clinit = clazz.getStaticInitializer(); // InstructionList setup = new InstructionList(); // InstructionFactory fact = clazz.getFactory(); // // setup.append(fact.createNew(aspectType)); // setup.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(1)); // setup.append(fact.createInvoke(aspectName, "<init>", Type.VOID, new // Type[0], Constants.INVOKESPECIAL)); // setup.append(fact.createFieldAccess(aspectName, field.getName(), // aspectType, Constants.PUTSTATIC)); // clinit.getBody().insert(setup); // }
Returns null if this is not a Java constructor, and then we won't weave into it at all
/** * Returns null if this is not a Java constructor, and then we won't weave into it at all */
private InstructionHandle findSuperOrThisCall(LazyMethodGen mg) { int depth = 1; InstructionHandle start = mg.getBody().getStart(); while (true) { if (start == null) { return null; } Instruction inst = start.getInstruction(); if (inst.opcode == Constants.INVOKESPECIAL && ((InvokeInstruction) inst).getName(cpg).equals("<init>")) { depth--; if (depth == 0) { return start; } } else if (inst.opcode == Constants.NEW) { depth++; } start = start.getNext(); } } // ---- private boolean match(LazyMethodGen mg) { BcelShadow enclosingShadow; List<BcelShadow> shadowAccumulator = new ArrayList<BcelShadow>(); boolean isOverweaving = world.isOverWeaving(); boolean startsAngly = mg.getName().charAt(0) == '<'; // we want to match ajsynthetic constructors... if (startsAngly && mg.getName().equals("<init>")) { return matchInit(mg, shadowAccumulator); } else if (!shouldWeaveBody(mg)) { return false; } else { if (startsAngly && mg.getName().equals("<clinit>")) { // clinitShadow = enclosingShadow = BcelShadow.makeStaticInitialization(world, mg); // System.err.println(enclosingShadow); } else if (mg.isAdviceMethod()) { enclosingShadow = BcelShadow.makeAdviceExecution(world, mg); } else { AjAttribute.EffectiveSignatureAttribute effective = mg.getEffectiveSignature(); if (effective == null) { // Don't want ajc$preClinit to be considered for matching if (isOverweaving && mg.getName().startsWith(NameMangler.PREFIX)) { return false; } if (mg.getName().startsWith(SWITCH_TABLE_SYNTHETIC_METHOD_PREFIX) && Objects.equals(mg.getReturnType().getSignature(), "[I")) { // this is a synthetic switch helper, should be skipped (since it's not 'declared') return false; } enclosingShadow = BcelShadow.makeMethodExecution(world, mg, !canMatchBodyShadows); } else if (effective.isWeaveBody()) { ResolvedMember rm = effective.getEffectiveSignature(); // Annotations for things with effective signatures are // never stored in the effective // signature itself - we have to hunt for them. Storing them // in the effective signature // would mean keeping two sets up to date (no way!!) fixParameterNamesForResolvedMember(rm, mg.getMemberView()); fixAnnotationsForResolvedMember(rm, mg.getMemberView()); enclosingShadow = BcelShadow.makeShadowForMethod(world, mg, effective.getShadowKind(), rm); } else { return false; } } if (canMatchBodyShadows) { for (InstructionHandle h = mg.getBody().getStart(); h != null; h = h.getNext()) { match(mg, h, enclosingShadow, shadowAccumulator); } } // FIXME asc change from string match if we can, rather brittle. // this check actually prevents field-exec jps if (canMatch(enclosingShadow.getKind()) && !(mg.getName().charAt(0) == 'a' && mg.getName().startsWith("ajc$interFieldInit"))) { if (match(enclosingShadow, shadowAccumulator)) { enclosingShadow.init(); } } mg.matchedShadows = shadowAccumulator; return !shadowAccumulator.isEmpty(); } } private boolean matchInit(LazyMethodGen mg, List<BcelShadow> shadowAccumulator) { BcelShadow enclosingShadow; // XXX the enclosing join point is wrong for things before ignoreMe. InstructionHandle superOrThisCall = findSuperOrThisCall(mg); // we don't walk bodies of things where it's a wrong constructor thingie if (superOrThisCall == null) { return false; } enclosingShadow = BcelShadow.makeConstructorExecution(world, mg, superOrThisCall); if (mg.getEffectiveSignature() != null) { enclosingShadow.setMatchingSignature(mg.getEffectiveSignature().getEffectiveSignature()); } // walk the body boolean beforeSuperOrThisCall = true; if (shouldWeaveBody(mg)) { if (canMatchBodyShadows) { for (InstructionHandle h = mg.getBody().getStart(); h != null; h = h.getNext()) { if (h == superOrThisCall) { beforeSuperOrThisCall = false; continue; } match(mg, h, beforeSuperOrThisCall ? null : enclosingShadow, shadowAccumulator); } } if (canMatch(Shadow.ConstructorExecution)) { match(enclosingShadow, shadowAccumulator); } } // XXX we don't do pre-inits of interfaces // now add interface inits if (!isThisCall(superOrThisCall)) { InstructionHandle curr = enclosingShadow.getRange().getStart(); for (Iterator<IfaceInitList> i = addedSuperInitializersAsList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { IfaceInitList l = i.next(); Member ifaceInitSig = AjcMemberMaker.interfaceConstructor(l.onType); BcelShadow initShadow = BcelShadow.makeIfaceInitialization(world, mg, ifaceInitSig); // insert code in place InstructionList inits = genInitInstructions(l.list, false); if (match(initShadow, shadowAccumulator) || !inits.isEmpty()) { initShadow.initIfaceInitializer(curr); initShadow.getRange().insert(inits, Range.OutsideBefore); } } // now we add our initialization code InstructionList inits = genInitInstructions(addedThisInitializers, false); enclosingShadow.getRange().insert(inits, Range.OutsideBefore); } // actually, you only need to inline the self constructors that are // in a particular group (partition the constructors into groups where // members // call or are called only by those in the group). Then only inline // constructors // in groups where at least one initialization jp matched. Future work. boolean addedInitialization = match(BcelShadow.makeUnfinishedInitialization(world, mg), initializationShadows); addedInitialization |= match(BcelShadow.makeUnfinishedPreinitialization(world, mg), initializationShadows); mg.matchedShadows = shadowAccumulator; return addedInitialization || !shadowAccumulator.isEmpty(); } private boolean shouldWeaveBody(LazyMethodGen mg) { if (mg.isBridgeMethod()) { return false; } if (mg.isAjSynthetic()) { return mg.getName().equals("<clinit>"); } AjAttribute.EffectiveSignatureAttribute a = mg.getEffectiveSignature(); if (a != null) { return a.isWeaveBody(); } return true; }
first sorts the mungers, then gens the initializers in the right order
/** * first sorts the mungers, then gens the initializers in the right order */
private InstructionList genInitInstructions(List<ConcreteTypeMunger> list, boolean isStatic) { list = PartialOrder.sort(list); if (list == null) { throw new BCException("circularity in inter-types"); } InstructionList ret = new InstructionList(); for (ConcreteTypeMunger cmunger : list) { NewFieldTypeMunger munger = (NewFieldTypeMunger) cmunger.getMunger(); ResolvedMember initMethod = munger.getInitMethod(cmunger.getAspectType()); if (!isStatic) { ret.append(InstructionConstants.ALOAD_0); } ret.append(Utility.createInvoke(fact, world, initMethod)); } return ret; } private void match(LazyMethodGen mg, InstructionHandle ih, BcelShadow enclosingShadow, List<BcelShadow> shadowAccumulator) { Instruction i = ih.getInstruction(); // Exception handlers (pr230817) if (canMatch(Shadow.ExceptionHandler) && !Range.isRangeHandle(ih)) { Set<InstructionTargeter> targeters = ih.getTargetersCopy(); // If in Java7 there may be overlapping exception ranges for multi catch - we should recognize that for (InstructionTargeter t : targeters) { if (t instanceof ExceptionRange) { // assert t.getHandler() == ih ExceptionRange er = (ExceptionRange) t; if (er.getCatchType() == null) { continue; } if (isInitFailureHandler(ih)) { return; } if (!ih.getInstruction().isStoreInstruction() && ih.getInstruction().getOpcode() != Constants.NOP) { // If using cobertura, the catch block stats with // INVOKESTATIC rather than ASTORE, in order that the ranges // for the methodcall and exceptionhandler shadows // that occur at this same // line, we need to modify the instruction list to // split them - adding a // NOP before the invokestatic that gets all the targeters // that were aimed at the INVOKESTATIC mg.getBody().insert(ih, InstructionConstants.NOP); InstructionHandle newNOP = ih.getPrev(); // what about a try..catch that starts at the start // of the exception handler? need to only include // certain targeters really. er.updateTarget(ih, newNOP, mg.getBody()); for (InstructionTargeter t2 : targeters) { newNOP.addTargeter(t2); } ih.removeAllTargeters(); match(BcelShadow.makeExceptionHandler(world, er, mg, newNOP, enclosingShadow), shadowAccumulator); } else { match(BcelShadow.makeExceptionHandler(world, er, mg, ih, enclosingShadow), shadowAccumulator); } } } } if ((i instanceof FieldInstruction) && (canMatch(Shadow.FieldGet) || canMatch(Shadow.FieldSet))) { FieldInstruction fi = (FieldInstruction) i; if (fi.opcode == Constants.PUTFIELD || fi.opcode == Constants.PUTSTATIC) { // check for sets of constant fields. We first check the // previous // instruction. If the previous instruction is a LD_WHATEVER // (push // constant on the stack) then we must resolve the field to // determine // if it's final. If it is final, then we don't generate a // shadow. InstructionHandle prevHandle = ih.getPrev(); Instruction prevI = prevHandle.getInstruction(); if (Utility.isConstantPushInstruction(prevI)) { Member field = BcelWorld.makeFieldJoinPointSignature(clazz, (FieldInstruction) i); ResolvedMember resolvedField = field.resolve(world); if (resolvedField == null) { // we can't find the field, so it's not a join point. } else if (Modifier.isFinal(resolvedField.getModifiers())) { // it's final, so it's the set of a final constant, so // it's // not a join point according to 1.0.6 and 1.1. } else { if (canMatch(Shadow.FieldSet)) { matchSetInstruction(mg, ih, enclosingShadow, shadowAccumulator); } } } else { if (canMatch(Shadow.FieldSet)) { matchSetInstruction(mg, ih, enclosingShadow, shadowAccumulator); } } } else { if (canMatch(Shadow.FieldGet)) { matchGetInstruction(mg, ih, enclosingShadow, shadowAccumulator); } } } else if (i instanceof InvokeInstruction) { InvokeInstruction ii = (InvokeInstruction) i; if (ii.getMethodName(clazz.getConstantPool()).equals("<init>")) { if (canMatch(Shadow.ConstructorCall)) { match(BcelShadow.makeConstructorCall(world, mg, ih, enclosingShadow), shadowAccumulator); } } else if (ii.opcode == Constants.INVOKESPECIAL) { String onTypeName = ii.getClassName(cpg); if (onTypeName.equals(mg.getEnclosingClass().getName())) { // we are private matchInvokeInstruction(mg, ih, ii, enclosingShadow, shadowAccumulator); } else { // we are a super call, and this is not a join point in // AspectJ-1.{0,1} } } else { if (ii.getOpcode()!=Constants.INVOKEDYNAMIC) { matchInvokeInstruction(mg, ih, ii, enclosingShadow, shadowAccumulator); } } } else if (world.isJoinpointArrayConstructionEnabled() && i.isArrayCreationInstruction()) { if (canMatch(Shadow.ConstructorCall)) { if (i.opcode == Constants.ANEWARRAY) { // ANEWARRAY arrayInstruction = (ANEWARRAY)i; // ObjectType arrayType = i.getLoadClassType(clazz.getConstantPool()); BcelShadow ctorCallShadow = BcelShadow.makeArrayConstructorCall(world, mg, ih, enclosingShadow); match(ctorCallShadow, shadowAccumulator); } else if (i.opcode == Constants.NEWARRAY) { // NEWARRAY arrayInstruction = (NEWARRAY)i; // Type arrayType = i.getType(); BcelShadow ctorCallShadow = BcelShadow.makeArrayConstructorCall(world, mg, ih, enclosingShadow); match(ctorCallShadow, shadowAccumulator); } else if (i instanceof MULTIANEWARRAY) { // MULTIANEWARRAY arrayInstruction = (MULTIANEWARRAY) i; // ObjectType arrayType = arrayInstruction.getLoadClassType(clazz.getConstantPool()); BcelShadow ctorCallShadow = BcelShadow.makeArrayConstructorCall(world, mg, ih, enclosingShadow); match(ctorCallShadow, shadowAccumulator); } } // see pr77166 if you are thinking about implementing this // } else if (i instanceof AALOAD ) { // AALOAD arrayLoad = (AALOAD)i; // Type arrayType = arrayLoad.getType(clazz.getConstantPoolGen()); // BcelShadow arrayLoadShadow = // BcelShadow.makeArrayLoadCall(world,mg,ih,enclosingShadow); // match(arrayLoadShadow,shadowAccumulator); // } else if (i instanceof AASTORE) { // // ... magic required } else if (world.isJoinpointSynchronizationEnabled() && ((i.getOpcode() == Constants.MONITORENTER) || (i.getOpcode() == Constants.MONITOREXIT))) { // if (canMatch(Shadow.Monitoring)) { if (i.getOpcode() == Constants.MONITORENTER) { BcelShadow monitorEntryShadow = BcelShadow.makeMonitorEnter(world, mg, ih, enclosingShadow); match(monitorEntryShadow, shadowAccumulator); } else { BcelShadow monitorExitShadow = BcelShadow.makeMonitorExit(world, mg, ih, enclosingShadow); match(monitorExitShadow, shadowAccumulator); } // } } } private boolean isInitFailureHandler(InstructionHandle ih) { // Skip the astore_0 and aload_0 at the start of the handler and // then check if the instruction following these is // 'putstatic ajc$initFailureCause'. If it is then we are // in the handler we created in AspectClinit.generatePostSyntheticCode() InstructionHandle twoInstructionsAway = ih.getNext().getNext(); if (twoInstructionsAway.getInstruction().opcode == Constants.PUTSTATIC) { String name = ((FieldInstruction) twoInstructionsAway.getInstruction()).getFieldName(cpg); if (name.equals(NameMangler.INITFAILURECAUSE_FIELD_NAME)) { return true; } } return false; } private void matchSetInstruction(LazyMethodGen mg, InstructionHandle ih, BcelShadow enclosingShadow, List<BcelShadow> shadowAccumulator) { FieldInstruction fi = (FieldInstruction) ih.getInstruction(); Member field = BcelWorld.makeFieldJoinPointSignature(clazz, fi); // synthetic fields are never join points if (field.getName().startsWith(NameMangler.PREFIX)) { return; } ResolvedMember resolvedField = field.resolve(world); if (resolvedField == null) { // we can't find the field, so it's not a join point. return; } else if (Modifier.isFinal(resolvedField.getModifiers()) && Utility.isConstantPushInstruction(ih.getPrev().getInstruction())) { // it's the set of a final constant, so it's // not a join point according to 1.0.6 and 1.1. return; } else if (resolvedField.isSynthetic()) { // sets of synthetics aren't join points in 1.1 return; } else { // Fix for bug 172107 (similar the "get" fix for bug 109728) BcelShadow bs = BcelShadow.makeFieldSet(world, resolvedField, mg, ih, enclosingShadow); String cname = fi.getClassName(cpg); if (!resolvedField.getDeclaringType().getName().equals(cname)) { bs.setActualTargetType(cname); } match(bs, shadowAccumulator); } } private void matchGetInstruction(LazyMethodGen mg, InstructionHandle ih, BcelShadow enclosingShadow, List<BcelShadow> shadowAccumulator) { FieldInstruction fi = (FieldInstruction) ih.getInstruction(); Member field = BcelWorld.makeFieldJoinPointSignature(clazz, fi); // synthetic fields are never join points if (field.getName().startsWith(NameMangler.PREFIX)) { return; } ResolvedMember resolvedField = field.resolve(world); if (resolvedField == null) { // we can't find the field, so it's not a join point. return; } else if (resolvedField.isSynthetic()) { // sets of synthetics aren't join points in 1.1 return; } else { BcelShadow bs = BcelShadow.makeFieldGet(world, resolvedField, mg, ih, enclosingShadow); String cname = fi.getClassName(cpg); if (!resolvedField.getDeclaringType().getName().equals(cname)) { bs.setActualTargetType(cname); } match(bs, shadowAccumulator); } }
For some named resolved type, this method looks for a member with a particular name - it should only be used when you truly believe there is only one member with that name in the type as it returns the first one it finds.
/** * For some named resolved type, this method looks for a member with a particular name - it should only be used when you truly * believe there is only one member with that name in the type as it returns the first one it finds. */
private ResolvedMember findResolvedMemberNamed(ResolvedType type, String methodName) { ResolvedMember[] allMethods = type.getDeclaredMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < allMethods.length; i++) { ResolvedMember member = allMethods[i]; if (member.getName().equals(methodName)) { return member; } } return null; }
Find the specified member in the specified type.
  • type – the type to search for the member
  • methodName – the name of the method to find
  • params – the method parameters that the discovered method should have
/** * Find the specified member in the specified type. * * @param type the type to search for the member * @param methodName the name of the method to find * @param params the method parameters that the discovered method should have */
private ResolvedMember findResolvedMemberNamed(ResolvedType type, String methodName, UnresolvedType[] params) { ResolvedMember[] allMethods = type.getDeclaredMethods(); List<ResolvedMember> candidates = new ArrayList<ResolvedMember>(); for (int i = 0; i < allMethods.length; i++) { ResolvedMember candidate = allMethods[i]; if (candidate.getName().equals(methodName)) { if (candidate.getArity() == params.length) { candidates.add(candidate); } } } if (candidates.size() == 0) { return null; } else if (candidates.size() == 1) { return candidates.get(0); } else { // multiple candidates for (ResolvedMember candidate : candidates) { // These checks will break down with generics... but that would need two ITDs with the same name, same arity and // generics boolean allOK = true; UnresolvedType[] candidateParams = candidate.getParameterTypes(); for (int p = 0; p < candidateParams.length; p++) { if (!candidateParams[p].getErasureSignature().equals(params[p].getErasureSignature())) { allOK = false; break; } } if (allOK) { return candidate; } } } return null; }
For a given resolvedmember, this will discover the real annotations for it. Should only be used when the resolvedmember is the contents of an effective signature attribute, as thats the only time when the annotations aren't stored directly in the resolvedMember
  • rm – the sig we want it to pretend to be 'int A.m()' or somesuch ITD like thing
  • declaredSig – the real sig 'blah.ajc$xxx'
/** * For a given resolvedmember, this will discover the real annotations for it. <b>Should only be used when the resolvedmember is * the contents of an effective signature attribute, as thats the only time when the annotations aren't stored directly in the * resolvedMember</b> * * @param rm the sig we want it to pretend to be 'int A.m()' or somesuch ITD like thing * @param declaredSig the real sig 'blah.ajc$xxx' */
private void fixParameterNamesForResolvedMember(ResolvedMember rm, ResolvedMember declaredSig) { UnresolvedType memberHostType = declaredSig.getDeclaringType(); String methodName = declaredSig.getName(); String[] pnames = null; if (rm.getKind() == Member.METHOD && !rm.isAbstract()) { if (methodName.startsWith("ajc$inlineAccessMethod") || methodName.startsWith("ajc$superDispatch")) { ResolvedMember resolvedDooberry = world.resolve(declaredSig); pnames = resolvedDooberry.getParameterNames(); } else { ResolvedMember realthing = AjcMemberMaker.interMethodDispatcher(rm.resolve(world), memberHostType).resolve(world); ResolvedMember theRealMember = findResolvedMemberNamed(memberHostType.resolve(world), realthing.getName()); if (theRealMember != null) { pnames = theRealMember.getParameterNames(); // static ITDs don't need any parameter shifting if (pnames.length > 0 && pnames[0].equals("ajc$this_")) { String[] pnames2 = new String[pnames.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(pnames, 1, pnames2, 0, pnames2.length); pnames = pnames2; } } } // i think ctors are missing from here... copy code from below... } rm.setParameterNames(pnames); }
For a given resolvedmember, this will discover the real annotations for it. Should only be used when the resolvedmember is the contents of an effective signature attribute, as thats the only time when the annotations aren't stored directly in the resolvedMember
  • rm – the sig we want it to pretend to be 'int A.m()' or somesuch ITD like thing
  • declaredSig – the real sig 'blah.ajc$xxx'
/** * For a given resolvedmember, this will discover the real annotations for it. <b>Should only be used when the resolvedmember is * the contents of an effective signature attribute, as thats the only time when the annotations aren't stored directly in the * resolvedMember</b> * * @param rm the sig we want it to pretend to be 'int A.m()' or somesuch ITD like thing * @param declaredSig the real sig 'blah.ajc$xxx' */
private void fixAnnotationsForResolvedMember(ResolvedMember rm, ResolvedMember declaredSig) { try { UnresolvedType memberHostType = declaredSig.getDeclaringType(); boolean containsKey = mapToAnnotationHolder.containsKey(rm); ResolvedMember realAnnotationHolder = mapToAnnotationHolder.get(rm); String methodName = declaredSig.getName(); // FIXME asc shouldnt really rely on string names ! if (!containsKey) { if (rm.getKind() == Member.FIELD) { if (methodName.startsWith("ajc$inlineAccessField")) { realAnnotationHolder = world.resolve(rm); } else { ResolvedMember realthing = AjcMemberMaker.interFieldInitializer(rm, memberHostType); realAnnotationHolder = world.resolve(realthing); } } else if (rm.getKind() == Member.METHOD && !rm.isAbstract()) { if (methodName.startsWith("ajc$inlineAccessMethod") || methodName.startsWith("ajc$superDispatch")) { realAnnotationHolder = world.resolve(declaredSig); } else { ResolvedMember realthing = AjcMemberMaker.interMethodDispatcher(rm.resolve(world), memberHostType).resolve(world); realAnnotationHolder = findResolvedMemberNamed(memberHostType.resolve(world), realthing.getName(),realthing.getParameterTypes()); if (realAnnotationHolder == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Known limitation in M4 - can't find ITD members when type variable is used as an argument and has upper bound specified"); } } } else if (rm.getKind() == Member.CONSTRUCTOR) { ResolvedMember realThing = AjcMemberMaker.postIntroducedConstructor(memberHostType.resolve(world),rm.getDeclaringType(), rm.getParameterTypes()); realAnnotationHolder = world.resolve(realThing); // AMC temp guard for M4 if (realAnnotationHolder == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Known limitation in M4 - can't find ITD members when type variable is used as an argument and has upper bound specified"); } } mapToAnnotationHolder.put(rm, realAnnotationHolder); } ResolvedType[] annotationTypes; AnnotationAJ[] annotations; if (realAnnotationHolder!=null) { annotationTypes = realAnnotationHolder.getAnnotationTypes(); annotations = realAnnotationHolder.getAnnotations(); if (annotationTypes==null) { annotationTypes = ResolvedType.EMPTY_ARRAY; } if (annotations==null) { annotations = AnnotationAJ.EMPTY_ARRAY; } } else { annotations = AnnotationAJ.EMPTY_ARRAY; annotationTypes = ResolvedType.EMPTY_ARRAY; } rm.setAnnotations(annotations); rm.setAnnotationTypes(annotationTypes); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Throwable t) { // FIXME asc remove this catch after more testing has confirmed the // above stuff is OK throw new BCException("Unexpectedly went bang when searching for annotations on " + rm, t); } } private void matchInvokeInstruction(LazyMethodGen mg, InstructionHandle ih, InvokeInstruction invoke, BcelShadow enclosingShadow, List<BcelShadow> shadowAccumulator) { String methodName = invoke.getName(cpg); if (methodName.startsWith(NameMangler.PREFIX)) { Member jpSig = world.makeJoinPointSignatureForMethodInvocation(clazz, invoke); ResolvedMember declaredSig = jpSig.resolve(world); // System.err.println(method + ", declaredSig: " +declaredSig); if (declaredSig == null) { return; } if (declaredSig.getKind() == Member.FIELD) { Shadow.Kind kind; if (jpSig.getReturnType().equals(UnresolvedType.VOID)) { kind = Shadow.FieldSet; } else { kind = Shadow.FieldGet; } if (canMatch(Shadow.FieldGet) || canMatch(Shadow.FieldSet)) { match(BcelShadow.makeShadowForMethodCall(world, mg, ih, enclosingShadow, kind, declaredSig), shadowAccumulator); } } else if (!declaredSig.getName().startsWith(NameMangler.PREFIX)) { // 307147 - resolution above may have found the real method directly rather // than needing to go through the effective signature attribute if (canMatch(Shadow.MethodCall)) { match(BcelShadow.makeShadowForMethodCall(world, mg, ih, enclosingShadow, Shadow.MethodCall, declaredSig), shadowAccumulator); } } else { AjAttribute.EffectiveSignatureAttribute effectiveSig = declaredSig.getEffectiveSignature(); if (effectiveSig == null) { return; } // System.err.println("call to inter-type member: " + // effectiveSig); if (effectiveSig.isWeaveBody()) { return; } ResolvedMember rm = effectiveSig.getEffectiveSignature(); fixParameterNamesForResolvedMember(rm, declaredSig); fixAnnotationsForResolvedMember(rm, declaredSig); // abracadabra if (canMatch(effectiveSig.getShadowKind())) { match(BcelShadow.makeShadowForMethodCall(world, mg, ih, enclosingShadow, effectiveSig.getShadowKind(), rm), shadowAccumulator); } } } else { if (canMatch(Shadow.MethodCall)) { boolean proceed = true; // overweaving needs to ignore some calls added by the previous weave if (world.isOverWeaving()) { String s = invoke.getClassName(mg.getConstantPool()); // skip all the inc/dec/isValid/etc if (s.length() > 4 && s.charAt(4) == 'a' && (s.equals("org.aspectj.runtime.internal.CFlowCounter") || s.equals("org.aspectj.runtime.internal.CFlowStack") || s .equals("org.aspectj.runtime.reflect.Factory"))) { proceed = false; } else { if (methodName.equals("aspectOf")) { proceed = false; } } } if (methodName.startsWith(SWITCH_TABLE_SYNTHETIC_METHOD_PREFIX)) { proceed = false; } if (proceed) { match(BcelShadow.makeMethodCall(world, mg, ih, enclosingShadow), shadowAccumulator); } } } } // static ... so all worlds will share the config for the first one // created... private static boolean checkedXsetForLowLevelContextCapturing = false; private static boolean captureLowLevelContext = false; private boolean match(BcelShadow shadow, List<BcelShadow> shadowAccumulator) { // Duplicate blocks - one with context one without, seems faster than multiple 'ifs' if (captureLowLevelContext) { ContextToken shadowMatchToken = CompilationAndWeavingContext.enteringPhase( CompilationAndWeavingContext.MATCHING_SHADOW, shadow); boolean isMatched = false; Shadow.Kind shadowKind = shadow.getKind(); List<ShadowMunger> candidateMungers = indexedShadowMungers[shadowKind.getKey()]; // System.out.println("Candidates " + candidateMungers); if (candidateMungers != null) { for (ShadowMunger munger : candidateMungers) { ContextToken mungerMatchToken = CompilationAndWeavingContext.enteringPhase( CompilationAndWeavingContext.MATCHING_POINTCUT, munger.getPointcut()); if (munger.match(shadow, world)) { shadow.addMunger(munger); isMatched = true; if (shadow.getKind() == Shadow.StaticInitialization) { clazz.warnOnAddedStaticInitializer(shadow, munger.getSourceLocation()); } } CompilationAndWeavingContext.leavingPhase(mungerMatchToken); } if (isMatched) { shadowAccumulator.add(shadow); } } CompilationAndWeavingContext.leavingPhase(shadowMatchToken); return isMatched; } else { boolean isMatched = false; Shadow.Kind shadowKind = shadow.getKind(); List<ShadowMunger> candidateMungers = indexedShadowMungers[shadowKind.getKey()]; // System.out.println("Candidates at " + shadowKind + " are " + candidateMungers); if (candidateMungers != null) { for (ShadowMunger munger : candidateMungers) { if (munger.match(shadow, world)) { shadow.addMunger(munger); isMatched = true; if (shadow.getKind() == Shadow.StaticInitialization) { clazz.warnOnAddedStaticInitializer(shadow, munger.getSourceLocation()); } } } if (isMatched) { shadowAccumulator.add(shadow); } } return isMatched; } } // ---- private void implement(LazyMethodGen mg) { List<BcelShadow> shadows = mg.matchedShadows; if (shadows == null) { return; } // We depend on a partial order such that inner shadows are earlier on // the list than outer shadows. That's fine. This order is preserved if: // A preceeds B iff B.getStart() is LATER THAN A.getStart(). for (BcelShadow shadow : shadows) { ContextToken tok = CompilationAndWeavingContext.enteringPhase(CompilationAndWeavingContext.IMPLEMENTING_ON_SHADOW, shadow); shadow.implement(); CompilationAndWeavingContext.leavingPhase(tok); } // int ii = mg.getMaxLocals(); mg.matchedShadows = null; } // ---- public LazyClassGen getLazyClassGen() { return clazz; } public BcelWorld getWorld() { return world; } public void setReweavableMode(boolean mode) { inReweavableMode = mode; } public boolean getReweavableMode() { return inReweavableMode; } @Override public String toString() { return "BcelClassWeaver instance for : " + clazz; } }