/* *******************************************************************
 * Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC).
 *               2005 Contributors
 * All rights reserved. 
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available 
 * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 
 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at 
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html 
 * Contributors: 
 *     PARC     initial implementation
 *     AMC      extracted as interface 
 * ******************************************************************/
package org.aspectj.weaver;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.aspectj.bridge.ISourceLocation;

public interface ResolvedMember extends Member, AnnotatedElement, TypeVariableDeclaringElement {

	public static final ResolvedMember[] NONE = new ResolvedMember[0];

	public int getModifiers(World world);

	public int getModifiers();

	public UnresolvedType[] getExceptions(World world);

	public UnresolvedType[] getExceptions();

	public ShadowMunger getAssociatedShadowMunger();

	public boolean isAjSynthetic();

	public boolean isCompatibleWith(Member am);

	public boolean hasAnnotation(UnresolvedType ofType);

	public AnnotationAJ[] getAnnotations();

	public ResolvedType[] getAnnotationTypes();

	public void setAnnotationTypes(ResolvedType[] annotationtypes);

	public void addAnnotation(AnnotationAJ annotation);

	public boolean isBridgeMethod();

	public boolean isVarargsMethod();

	public boolean isSynthetic();

	public void write(CompressingDataOutputStream s) throws IOException;

	public ISourceContext getSourceContext(World world);

	public String[] getParameterNames();

	public void setParameterNames(String[] names);

	public AnnotationAJ[][] getParameterAnnotations();

	public ResolvedType[][] getParameterAnnotationTypes();

	public String getAnnotationDefaultValue();

	public String getParameterSignatureErased();

	public String getSignatureErased();

	public String[] getParameterNames(World world);

	public AjAttribute.EffectiveSignatureAttribute getEffectiveSignature();

	public ISourceLocation getSourceLocation();

	public int getStart();

	public int getEnd();

	public ISourceContext getSourceContext();

	public void setPosition(int sourceStart, int sourceEnd);

	public void setSourceContext(ISourceContext sourceContext);

	public boolean isAbstract();

	public boolean isPublic();

	public boolean isDefault();

	public boolean isVisible(ResolvedType fromType);

	public void setCheckedExceptions(UnresolvedType[] checkedExceptions);

	public void setAnnotatedElsewhere(boolean b);

	public boolean isAnnotatedElsewhere();

	// like toString but include generic signature info
	public String toGenericString();

	public String toDebugString();

	public boolean hasBackingGenericMember();

	public ResolvedMember getBackingGenericMember();

Get the UnresolvedType for the return type, taking generic signature into account
/** * Get the UnresolvedType for the return type, taking generic signature into account */
public UnresolvedType getGenericReturnType();
Get the TypeXs of the parameter types, taking generic signature into account
/** * Get the TypeXs of the parameter types, taking generic signature into account */
public UnresolvedType[] getGenericParameterTypes(); public boolean equalsApartFromDeclaringType(Object other); // return a resolved member in which all type variables in the signature of // this member have been replaced with the given bindings. the isParameterized flag tells us whether we are creating a raw type // version or not // if isParameterized List<T> will turn into List<String> (for example), // but if !isParameterized List<T> will turn into List. public ResolvedMemberImpl parameterizedWith(UnresolvedType[] typeParameters, ResolvedType newDeclaringType, boolean isParameterized); // this variant allows for aliases for type variables (i.e. allowing them to // have another name) // this is used for processing ITDs that share type variables with their // target generic type public ResolvedMemberImpl parameterizedWith(UnresolvedType[] typeParameters, ResolvedType newDeclaringType, boolean isParameterized, List<String> aliases); public void setTypeVariables(TypeVariable[] types); public TypeVariable[] getTypeVariables();
Returns true if this member matches the other. The matching takes into account name and parameter types only. When comparing parameter types, we allow any type variable to match any other type variable regardless of bounds.
/** * Returns true if this member matches the other. The matching takes into account name and parameter types only. When comparing * parameter types, we allow any type variable to match any other type variable regardless of bounds. */
public boolean matches(ResolvedMember aCandidateMatch, boolean ignoreGenerics); public void evictWeavingState(); public ResolvedMember parameterizedWith(Map<String, UnresolvedType> m, World w); public boolean isDefaultConstructor(); public void setAnnotations(AnnotationAJ[] annotations); }