/* *******************************************************************
 * Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC).
 * All rights reserved. 
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available 
 * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 
 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at 
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html 
 * Contributors: 
 *     PARC     initial implementation 
 * ******************************************************************/

package org.aspectj.weaver.bcel;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.Constants;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Attribute;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantPool;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Method;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Synthetic;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.annotation.AnnotationGen;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.BranchHandle;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.ClassGenException;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.CodeExceptionGen;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.Instruction;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionBranch;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionHandle;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionSelect;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionTargeter;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.LineNumberTag;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.LocalVariableTag;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.MethodGen;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.ObjectType;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.Tag;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.TargetLostException;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.Type;
import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessage;
import org.aspectj.bridge.ISourceLocation;
import org.aspectj.weaver.AjAttribute;
import org.aspectj.weaver.AjAttribute.WeaverVersionInfo;
import org.aspectj.weaver.AnnotationAJ;
import org.aspectj.weaver.BCException;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ISourceContext;
import org.aspectj.weaver.MemberImpl;
import org.aspectj.weaver.NameMangler;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedMember;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.Shadow;
import org.aspectj.weaver.UnresolvedType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.WeaverMessages;
import org.aspectj.weaver.World;
import org.aspectj.weaver.tools.Traceable;

A LazyMethodGen should be treated as a MethodGen. It's our way of abstracting over the low-level Method objects. It converts through MethodGen to create and to serialize, but that's it.

At any rate, there are two ways to create LazyMethodGens. One is from a method, which does work through MethodGen to do the correct thing. The other is the creation of a completely empty LazyMethodGen, and it is used when we're constructing code from scratch.

We stay away from targeters for rangey things like Shadows and Exceptions.

/** * A LazyMethodGen should be treated as a MethodGen. It's our way of abstracting over the low-level Method objects. It converts * through {@link MethodGen} to create and to serialize, but that's it. * * <p> * At any rate, there are two ways to create LazyMethodGens. One is from a method, which does work through MethodGen to do the * correct thing. The other is the creation of a completely empty LazyMethodGen, and it is used when we're constructing code from * scratch. * * <p> * We stay away from targeters for rangey things like Shadows and Exceptions. */
public final class LazyMethodGen implements Traceable { private static final AnnotationAJ[] NO_ANNOTATIONAJ = new AnnotationAJ[] {}; private int modifiers; private Type returnType; private final String name; private Type[] argumentTypes; // private final String[] argumentNames; private String[] declaredExceptions; private InstructionList body; private List<Attribute> attributes; private List<AnnotationAJ> newAnnotations; private List<ResolvedType> annotationsForRemoval; private AnnotationAJ[][] newParameterAnnotations; private final LazyClassGen enclosingClass; private BcelMethod memberView; private AjAttribute.EffectiveSignatureAttribute effectiveSignature; int highestLineNumber = 0; boolean wasPackedOptimally = false; private Method savedMethod = null; // Some tools that may post process the output bytecode do not long local variable tables // to be generated as one reason the tables may be missing in the first place is because // the bytecode is odd. See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=470658 private final boolean originalMethodHasLocalVariableTable; /* * We use LineNumberTags and not Gens. * * This option specifies whether we let the BCEL classes create LineNumberGens and LocalVariableGens or if we make it create * LineNumberTags and LocalVariableTags. Up until 1.5.1 we always created Gens - then on return from the MethodGen ctor we took * them apart, reprocessed them all and created Tags. (see unpackLocals/unpackLineNumbers). As we have our own copy of Bcel, why * not create the right thing straightaway? So setting this to true will call the MethodGen ctor() in such a way that it creates * Tags - removing the need for unpackLocals/unpackLineNumbers - HOWEVER see the ensureAllLineNumberSetup() method for some * other relevant info. * * Whats the difference between a Tag and a Gen? A Tag is more lightweight, it doesn't know which instructions it targets, it * relies on the instructions targettingit - this reduces the amount of targeter manipulation we have to do. */
This is nonnull if this method is the result of an "inlining". We currently copy methods into other classes for around advice. We add this field so we can get JSR45 information correct. If/when we do _actual_ inlining, we'll need to subtype LineNumberTag to have external line numbers.
/** * This is nonnull if this method is the result of an "inlining". We currently copy methods into other classes for around * advice. We add this field so we can get JSR45 information correct. If/when we do _actual_ inlining, we'll need to subtype * LineNumberTag to have external line numbers. */
String fromFilename = null; private int maxLocals; private boolean canInline = true; private boolean isSynthetic = false; List<BcelShadow> matchedShadows; // Used for interface introduction - this is the type of the interface the method is technically on public ResolvedType definingType = null; static class LightweightBcelMethod extends BcelMethod { LightweightBcelMethod(BcelObjectType declaringType, Method method) { super(declaringType, method); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } } public LazyMethodGen(int modifiers, Type returnType, String name, Type[] paramTypes, String[] declaredExceptions, LazyClassGen enclosingClass) { // enclosingClass.getName() + ", " + returnType); this.memberView = null; // should be okay, since constructed ones aren't woven into this.modifiers = modifiers; this.returnType = returnType; this.name = name; this.argumentTypes = paramTypes; // this.argumentNames = Utility.makeArgNames(paramTypes.length); this.declaredExceptions = declaredExceptions; if (!Modifier.isAbstract(modifiers)) { body = new InstructionList(); setMaxLocals(calculateMaxLocals()); } else { body = null; } this.attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); this.enclosingClass = enclosingClass; assertGoodBody(); this.originalMethodHasLocalVariableTable = true; // it is a new method, we want an lvar table // @AJ advice are not inlined by default since requires further analysis and weaving ordering control // TODO AV - improve - note: no room for improvement as long as aspects are reweavable // since the inlined version with wrappers and an to be done annotation to keep // inline state will be garbaged due to reweavable impl if (memberView != null && isAdviceMethod()) { if (enclosingClass.getType().isAnnotationStyleAspect()) { // TODO we could check for @Around advice as well this.canInline = false; } } } private int calculateMaxLocals() { int ret = Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) ? 0 : 1; // will there be a 'this'? for (Type type : argumentTypes) { ret += type.getSize(); } return ret; } // build from an existing method, lazy build saves most work for // initialization public LazyMethodGen(Method m, LazyClassGen enclosingClass) { savedMethod = m; this.enclosingClass = enclosingClass; if (!(m.isAbstract() || m.isNative()) && m.getCode() == null) { throw new RuntimeException("bad non-abstract method with no code: " + m + " on " + enclosingClass); } if ((m.isAbstract() || m.isNative()) && m.getCode() != null) { throw new RuntimeException("bad abstract method with code: " + m + " on " + enclosingClass); } this.memberView = new BcelMethod(enclosingClass.getBcelObjectType(), m); this.originalMethodHasLocalVariableTable = savedMethod.getLocalVariableTable()!=null; this.modifiers = m.getModifiers(); this.name = m.getName(); // @AJ advice are not inlined by default since requires further analysis // and weaving ordering control // TODO AV - improve - note: no room for improvement as long as aspects // are reweavable // since the inlined version with wrappers and an to be done annotation // to keep // inline state will be garbaged due to reweavable impl if (memberView != null && isAdviceMethod()) { if (enclosingClass.getType().isAnnotationStyleAspect()) { // TODO we could check for @Around advice as well this.canInline = false; } } } private boolean isAbstractOrNative(int modifiers) { return Modifier.isAbstract(modifiers) || Modifier.isNative(modifiers); } public LazyMethodGen(BcelMethod m, LazyClassGen enclosingClass) { savedMethod = m.getMethod(); this.enclosingClass = enclosingClass; if (!isAbstractOrNative(m.getModifiers()) && savedMethod.getCode() == null) { throw new RuntimeException("bad non-abstract method with no code: " + m + " on " + enclosingClass); } if (isAbstractOrNative(m.getModifiers()) && savedMethod.getCode() != null) { throw new RuntimeException("bad abstract method with code: " + m + " on " + enclosingClass); } // this.memberView = new BcelMethod(enclosingClass.getBcelObjectType(), // m); this.memberView = m; this.modifiers = savedMethod.getModifiers(); this.name = m.getName(); this.originalMethodHasLocalVariableTable = savedMethod.getLocalVariableTable() != null; // @AJ advice are not inlined by default since requires further analysis // and weaving ordering control // TODO AV - improve - note: no room for improvement as long as aspects // are reweavable // since the inlined version with wrappers and an to be done annotation // to keep // inline state will be garbaged due to reweavable impl if (memberView != null && isAdviceMethod()) { if (enclosingClass.getType().isAnnotationStyleAspect()) { // TODO we could check for @Around advice as well this.canInline = false; } } } public boolean hasDeclaredLineNumberInfo() { return (memberView != null && memberView.hasDeclarationLineNumberInfo()); } public int getDeclarationLineNumber() { if (hasDeclaredLineNumberInfo()) { return memberView.getDeclarationLineNumber(); } else { return -1; } } public int getDeclarationOffset() { if (hasDeclaredLineNumberInfo()) { return memberView.getDeclarationOffset(); } else { return 0; } } public void addAnnotation(AnnotationAJ ax) { initialize(); if (memberView == null) { // If member view is null, we manage them in newAnnotations if (newAnnotations == null) { newAnnotations = new ArrayList<AnnotationAJ>(); } newAnnotations.add(ax); } else { memberView.addAnnotation(ax); } } public void removeAnnotation(ResolvedType annotationType) { initialize(); if (memberView == null) { // If member view is null, we manage them in newAnnotations if (annotationsForRemoval == null) { annotationsForRemoval = new ArrayList<ResolvedType>(); } annotationsForRemoval.add(annotationType); } else { memberView.removeAnnotation(annotationType); } } public void addParameterAnnotation(int parameterNumber, AnnotationAJ anno) { initialize(); if (memberView == null) { if (newParameterAnnotations == null) { // time to create it int pcount = getArgumentTypes().length; newParameterAnnotations = new AnnotationAJ[pcount][]; for (int i = 0; i < pcount; i++) { if (i == parameterNumber) { newParameterAnnotations[i] = new AnnotationAJ[1]; newParameterAnnotations[i][0] = anno; } else { newParameterAnnotations[i] = NO_ANNOTATIONAJ; } } } else { AnnotationAJ[] currentAnnoArray = newParameterAnnotations[parameterNumber]; AnnotationAJ[] newAnnoArray = new AnnotationAJ[currentAnnoArray.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(currentAnnoArray, 0, newAnnoArray, 0, currentAnnoArray.length); newAnnoArray[currentAnnoArray.length] = anno; newParameterAnnotations[parameterNumber] = newAnnoArray; } } else { memberView.addParameterAnnotation(parameterNumber, anno); } } public ResolvedType[] getAnnotationTypes() { initialize(); if (memberView == null && newAnnotations!=null && newAnnotations.size()!=0) { // TODO Ignoring removed annotations for now ResolvedType[] annotationTypes = new ResolvedType[newAnnotations.size()]; for (int a=0,len=newAnnotations.size();a<len;a++) { annotationTypes[a] = newAnnotations.get(a).getType(); } return annotationTypes; } return null; } public AnnotationAJ[] getAnnotations() { initialize(); if (memberView == null && newAnnotations!=null && newAnnotations.size()!=0) { return newAnnotations.toArray(new AnnotationAJ[newAnnotations.size()]); } return null; } public boolean hasAnnotation(UnresolvedType annotationType) { initialize(); if (memberView == null) { if (annotationsForRemoval != null) { for (ResolvedType at : annotationsForRemoval) { if (at.equals(annotationType)) { return false; } } } // Check local annotations first if (newAnnotations != null) { for (AnnotationAJ annotation : newAnnotations) { if (annotation.getTypeSignature().equals(annotationType.getSignature())) { return true; } } } memberView = new BcelMethod(getEnclosingClass().getBcelObjectType(), getMethod()); return memberView.hasAnnotation(annotationType); } return memberView.hasAnnotation(annotationType); } private void initialize() { if (returnType != null) { return; } MethodGen gen = new MethodGen(savedMethod, enclosingClass.getName(), enclosingClass.getConstantPool(), true); this.returnType = gen.getReturnType(); this.argumentTypes = gen.getArgumentTypes(); this.declaredExceptions = gen.getExceptions(); this.attributes = gen.getAttributes(); // this.annotations = gen.getAnnotations(); this.maxLocals = gen.getMaxLocals(); // this.returnType = BcelWorld.makeBcelType(memberView.getReturnType()); // this.argumentTypes = // BcelWorld.makeBcelTypes(memberView.getParameterTypes()); // // this.declaredExceptions = // UnresolvedType.getNames(memberView.getExceptions()); // //gen.getExceptions(); // this.attributes = new Attribute[0]; //gen.getAttributes(); // this.maxLocals = savedMethod.getCode().getMaxLocals(); if (gen.isAbstract() || gen.isNative()) { body = null; } else { // body = new InstructionList(savedMethod.getCode().getCode()); body = gen.getInstructionList(); unpackHandlers(gen); ensureAllLineNumberSetup(); highestLineNumber = gen.getHighestlinenumber(); } assertGoodBody(); } // XXX we're relying on the javac promise I've just made up that we won't // have an early exception // in the list mask a later exception: That is, for two exceptions E and F, // if E preceeds F, then either E \cup F = {}, or E \nonstrictsubset F. So // when we add F, // we add it on the _OUTSIDE_ of any handlers that share starts or ends with // it. // with that in mind, we merrily go adding ranges for exceptions. private void unpackHandlers(MethodGen gen) { CodeExceptionGen[] exns = gen.getExceptionHandlers(); if (exns != null) { int len = exns.length; // if (len > 0) hasExceptionHandlers = true; int priority = len - 1; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++, priority--) { CodeExceptionGen exn = exns[i]; InstructionHandle start = Range.genStart(body, getOutermostExceptionStart(exn.getStartPC())); InstructionHandle end = Range.genEnd(body, getOutermostExceptionEnd(exn.getEndPC())); // this doesn't necessarily handle overlapping correctly!!! ExceptionRange er = new ExceptionRange(body, exn.getCatchType() == null ? null : BcelWorld.fromBcel(exn .getCatchType()), priority); er.associateWithTargets(start, end, exn.getHandlerPC()); exn.setStartPC(null); // also removes from target exn.setEndPC(null); // also removes from target exn.setHandlerPC(null); // also removes from target } gen.removeExceptionHandlers(); } } private InstructionHandle getOutermostExceptionStart(InstructionHandle ih) { while (true) { if (ExceptionRange.isExceptionStart(ih.getPrev())) { ih = ih.getPrev(); } else { return ih; } } } private InstructionHandle getOutermostExceptionEnd(InstructionHandle ih) { while (true) { if (ExceptionRange.isExceptionEnd(ih.getNext())) { ih = ih.getNext(); } else { return ih; } } }
On entry to this method we have a method whose instruction stream contains a few instructions that have line numbers assigned to them (LineNumberTags). The aim is to ensure every instruction has the right line number. This is necessary because some of them may be extracted out into other methods - and it'd be useful for them to maintain the source line number for debugging.
/** * On entry to this method we have a method whose instruction stream contains a few instructions that have line numbers assigned * to them (LineNumberTags). The aim is to ensure every instruction has the right line number. This is necessary because some of * them may be extracted out into other methods - and it'd be useful for them to maintain the source line number for debugging. */
public void ensureAllLineNumberSetup() { LineNumberTag lastKnownLineNumberTag = null; boolean skip = false; for (InstructionHandle ih = body.getStart(); ih != null; ih = ih.getNext()) { skip = false; for (InstructionTargeter targeter : ih.getTargeters()) { if (targeter instanceof LineNumberTag) { lastKnownLineNumberTag = (LineNumberTag) targeter; skip = true; } } if (lastKnownLineNumberTag != null && !skip) { ih.addTargeter(lastKnownLineNumberTag); } } } // =============== public int allocateLocal(Type type) { return allocateLocal(type.getSize()); } public int allocateLocal(int slots) { int max = getMaxLocals(); setMaxLocals(max + slots); return max; } public Method getMethod() { if (savedMethod != null) { return savedMethod; // ??? this relies on gentle treatment of // constant pool } try { MethodGen gen = pack(); savedMethod = gen.getMethod(); return savedMethod; } catch (ClassGenException e) { enclosingClass .getBcelObjectType() .getResolvedTypeX() .getWorld() .showMessage( IMessage.ERROR, WeaverMessages.format(WeaverMessages.PROBLEM_GENERATING_METHOD, this.getClassName(), this.getName(), e.getMessage()), this.getMemberView() == null ? null : this.getMemberView().getSourceLocation(), null); // throw e; PR 70201.... let the normal problem reporting // infrastructure deal with this rather than crashing. body = null; MethodGen gen = pack(); return gen.getMethod(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { if (re.getCause() instanceof ClassGenException) { enclosingClass .getBcelObjectType() .getResolvedTypeX() .getWorld() .showMessage( IMessage.ERROR, WeaverMessages.format(WeaverMessages.PROBLEM_GENERATING_METHOD, this.getClassName(), this.getName(), re.getCause().getMessage()), this.getMemberView() == null ? null : this.getMemberView().getSourceLocation(), null); // throw e; PR 70201.... let the normal problem reporting // infrastructure deal with this rather than crashing. body = null; MethodGen gen = pack(); return gen.getMethod(); } throw re; } } public void markAsChanged() { if (wasPackedOptimally) { throw new RuntimeException("Already packed method is being re-modified: " + getClassName() + " " + toShortString()); } initialize(); savedMethod = null; } // ============================= @Override public String toString() { BcelObjectType bot = enclosingClass.getBcelObjectType(); WeaverVersionInfo weaverVersion = (bot == null ? WeaverVersionInfo.CURRENT : bot.getWeaverVersionAttribute()); return toLongString(weaverVersion); } public String toShortString() { String access = org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Utility.accessToString(getAccessFlags()); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (!access.equals("")) { buf.append(access); buf.append(" "); } buf.append(org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Utility.signatureToString(getReturnType().getSignature(), true)); buf.append(" "); buf.append(getName()); buf.append("("); { int len = argumentTypes.length; if (len > 0) { buf.append(org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Utility.signatureToString(argumentTypes[0].getSignature(), true)); for (int i = 1; i < argumentTypes.length; i++) { buf.append(", "); buf.append(org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Utility.signatureToString(argumentTypes[i].getSignature(), true)); } } } buf.append(")"); { int len = declaredExceptions != null ? declaredExceptions.length : 0; if (len > 0) { buf.append(" throws "); buf.append(declaredExceptions[0]); for (int i = 1; i < declaredExceptions.length; i++) { buf.append(", "); buf.append(declaredExceptions[i]); } } } return buf.toString(); } public String toLongString(WeaverVersionInfo weaverVersion) { ByteArrayOutputStream s = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); print(new PrintStream(s), weaverVersion); return new String(s.toByteArray()); } public void print(WeaverVersionInfo weaverVersion) { print(System.out, weaverVersion); } public void print(PrintStream out, WeaverVersionInfo weaverVersion) { out.print(" " + toShortString()); printAspectAttributes(out, weaverVersion); InstructionList body = getBody(); if (body == null) { out.println(";"); return; } out.println(":"); new BodyPrinter(out).run(); out.println(" end " + toShortString()); } private void printAspectAttributes(PrintStream out, WeaverVersionInfo weaverVersion) { ISourceContext context = null; if (enclosingClass != null && enclosingClass.getType() != null) { context = enclosingClass.getType().getSourceContext(); } List<AjAttribute> as = Utility.readAjAttributes(getClassName(), attributes.toArray(new Attribute[] {}), context, null, weaverVersion, new BcelConstantPoolReader(this.enclosingClass.getConstantPool())); if (!as.isEmpty()) { out.println(" " + as.get(0)); // XXX assuming exactly one // attribute, munger... } } private class BodyPrinter { Map<InstructionHandle, String> labelMap = new HashMap<InstructionHandle, String>(); InstructionList body; PrintStream out; ConstantPool pool; BodyPrinter(PrintStream out) { this.pool = enclosingClass.getConstantPool(); this.body = getBodyForPrint(); this.out = out; } BodyPrinter(PrintStream out, InstructionList il) { this.pool = enclosingClass.getConstantPool(); this.body = il; this.out = out; } void run() { // killNops(); assignLabels(); print(); } // label assignment void assignLabels() { LinkedList<ExceptionRange> exnTable = new LinkedList<ExceptionRange>(); String pendingLabel = null; // boolean hasPendingTargeters = false; int lcounter = 0; for (InstructionHandle ih = body.getStart(); ih != null; ih = ih.getNext()) { Iterator<InstructionTargeter> tIter = ih.getTargeters().iterator(); while (tIter.hasNext()) { InstructionTargeter t = tIter.next();// targeters // [ // i // ] // ; if (t instanceof ExceptionRange) { // assert isRangeHandle(h); ExceptionRange r = (ExceptionRange) t; if (r.getStart() == ih) { insertHandler(r, exnTable); } } else if (t instanceof InstructionBranch) { if (pendingLabel == null) { pendingLabel = "L" + lcounter++; } } else { // assert isRangeHandle(h) } } if (pendingLabel != null) { labelMap.put(ih, pendingLabel); if (!Range.isRangeHandle(ih)) { pendingLabel = null; } } } int ecounter = 0; for (ExceptionRange er: exnTable) { String exceptionLabel = "E" + ecounter++; labelMap.put(Range.getRealStart(er.getHandler()), exceptionLabel); labelMap.put(er.getHandler(), exceptionLabel); } } // printing void print() { int depth = 0; int currLine = -1; bodyPrint: for (InstructionHandle ih = body.getStart(); ih != null; ih = ih.getNext()) { if (Range.isRangeHandle(ih)) { Range r = Range.getRange(ih); // don't print empty ranges, that is, ranges who contain no // actual instructions for (InstructionHandle xx = r.getStart(); Range.isRangeHandle(xx); xx = xx.getNext()) { if (xx == r.getEnd()) { continue bodyPrint; } } // doesn't handle nested: if (r.getStart().getNext() == // r.getEnd()) continue; if (r.getStart() == ih) { printRangeString(r, depth++); } else { if (r.getEnd() != ih) { throw new RuntimeException("bad"); } printRangeString(r, --depth); } } else { printInstruction(ih, depth); int line = getLineNumber(ih, currLine); if (line != currLine) { currLine = line; out.println(" (line " + line + ")"); } else { out.println(); } } } } void printRangeString(Range r, int depth) { printDepth(depth); out.println(getRangeString(r, labelMap)); } String getRangeString(Range r, Map<InstructionHandle, String> labelMap) { if (r instanceof ExceptionRange) { ExceptionRange er = (ExceptionRange) r; return er.toString() + " -> " + labelMap.get(er.getHandler()); // // + " PRI " + er.getPriority(); } else { return r.toString(); } } void printDepth(int depth) { pad(BODY_INDENT); while (depth > 0) { out.print("| "); depth--; } } void printLabel(String s, int depth) { int space = Math.max(CODE_INDENT - depth * 2, 0); if (s == null) { pad(space); } else { space = Math.max(space - (s.length() + 2), 0); pad(space); out.print(s); out.print(": "); } } void printInstruction(InstructionHandle h, int depth) { printDepth(depth); printLabel(labelMap.get(h), depth); Instruction inst = h.getInstruction(); if (inst.isConstantPoolInstruction()) { out.print(Constants.OPCODE_NAMES[inst.opcode].toUpperCase()); out.print(" "); out.print(pool.constantToString(pool.getConstant(inst.getIndex()))); } else if (inst instanceof InstructionSelect) { InstructionSelect sinst = (InstructionSelect) inst; out.println(Constants.OPCODE_NAMES[sinst.opcode].toUpperCase()); int[] matches = sinst.getMatchs(); InstructionHandle[] targets = sinst.getTargets(); InstructionHandle defaultTarget = sinst.getTarget(); for (int i = 0, len = matches.length; i < len; i++) { printDepth(depth); printLabel(null, depth); out.print(" "); out.print(matches[i]); out.print(": \t"); out.println(labelMap.get(targets[i])); } printDepth(depth); printLabel(null, depth); out.print(" "); out.print("default: \t"); out.print(labelMap.get(defaultTarget)); } else if (inst instanceof InstructionBranch) { InstructionBranch brinst = (InstructionBranch) inst; out.print(Constants.OPCODE_NAMES[brinst.getOpcode()].toUpperCase()); out.print(" "); out.print(labelMap.get(brinst.getTarget())); } else if (inst.isLocalVariableInstruction()) { // LocalVariableInstruction lvinst = (LocalVariableInstruction) // inst; out.print(inst.toString(false).toUpperCase()); int index = inst.getIndex(); LocalVariableTag tag = getLocalVariableTag(h, index); if (tag != null) { out.print(" // "); out.print(tag.getType()); out.print(" "); out.print(tag.getName()); } } else { out.print(inst.toString(false).toUpperCase()); } } static final int BODY_INDENT = 4; static final int CODE_INDENT = 16; void pad(int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { out.print(" "); } } } static LocalVariableTag getLocalVariableTag(InstructionHandle ih, int index) { for (InstructionTargeter t : ih.getTargeters()) { if (t instanceof LocalVariableTag) { LocalVariableTag lvt = (LocalVariableTag) t; if (lvt.getSlot() == index) { return lvt; } } } return null; } static int getLineNumber(InstructionHandle ih, int prevLine) { for (InstructionTargeter t : ih.getTargeters()) { if (t instanceof LineNumberTag) { return ((LineNumberTag) t).getLineNumber(); } } return prevLine; } public boolean isStatic() { return Modifier.isStatic(getAccessFlags()); } public boolean isAbstract() { return Modifier.isAbstract(getAccessFlags()); } public boolean isBridgeMethod() { return (getAccessFlags() & Constants.ACC_BRIDGE) != 0; } public void addExceptionHandler(InstructionHandle start, InstructionHandle end, InstructionHandle handlerStart, ObjectType catchType, boolean highPriority) { InstructionHandle start1 = Range.genStart(body, start); InstructionHandle end1 = Range.genEnd(body, end); ExceptionRange er = new ExceptionRange(body, (catchType == null ? null : BcelWorld.fromBcel(catchType)), highPriority); er.associateWithTargets(start1, end1, handlerStart); } public int getAccessFlags() { return modifiers; } public int getAccessFlagsWithoutSynchronized() { if (isSynchronized()) { return modifiers - Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED; } return modifiers; } public boolean isSynchronized() { return (modifiers & Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED) != 0; } public void setAccessFlags(int newFlags) { this.modifiers = newFlags; } public Type[] getArgumentTypes() { initialize(); return argumentTypes; } public LazyClassGen getEnclosingClass() { return enclosingClass; } public int getMaxLocals() { return maxLocals; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getGenericReturnTypeSignature() { if (memberView == null) { return getReturnType().getSignature(); } else { return memberView.getGenericReturnType().getSignature(); } } public Type getReturnType() { initialize(); return returnType; } public void setMaxLocals(int maxLocals) { this.maxLocals = maxLocals; } public InstructionList getBody() { markAsChanged(); return body; } public InstructionList getBodyForPrint() { return body; } public boolean hasBody() { if (savedMethod != null) { return savedMethod.getCode() != null; } return body != null; } public List<Attribute> getAttributes() { return attributes; } public String[] getDeclaredExceptions() { return declaredExceptions; } public String getClassName() { return enclosingClass.getName(); } // ---- packing! public MethodGen pack() { forceSyntheticForAjcMagicMembers(); // killNops(); int flags = getAccessFlags(); if (enclosingClass.getWorld().isJoinpointSynchronizationEnabled() && enclosingClass.getWorld().areSynchronizationPointcutsInUse()) { flags = getAccessFlagsWithoutSynchronized(); } MethodGen gen = new MethodGen(flags, getReturnType(), getArgumentTypes(), null, // getArgumentNames(), getName(), getEnclosingClass().getName(), new InstructionList(), getEnclosingClass().getConstantPool()); for (int i = 0, len = declaredExceptions.length; i < len; i++) { gen.addException(declaredExceptions[i]); } for (Attribute attr : attributes) { gen.addAttribute(attr); } if (newAnnotations != null) { for (AnnotationAJ element : newAnnotations) { gen.addAnnotation(new AnnotationGen(((BcelAnnotation) element).getBcelAnnotation(), gen.getConstantPool(), true)); } } if (newParameterAnnotations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < newParameterAnnotations.length; i++) { AnnotationAJ[] annos = newParameterAnnotations[i]; for (int j = 0; j < annos.length; j++) { gen.addParameterAnnotation(i, new AnnotationGen(((BcelAnnotation) annos[j]).getBcelAnnotation(), gen.getConstantPool(), true)); } } } if (memberView != null && memberView.getAnnotations() != null && memberView.getAnnotations().length != 0) { AnnotationAJ[] ans = memberView.getAnnotations(); for (int i = 0, len = ans.length; i < len; i++) { AnnotationGen a = ((BcelAnnotation) ans[i]).getBcelAnnotation(); gen.addAnnotation(new AnnotationGen(a, gen.getConstantPool(), true)); } } if (isSynthetic) { if (enclosingClass.getWorld().isInJava5Mode()) { gen.setModifiers(gen.getModifiers() | Constants.ACC_SYNTHETIC); } if (!hasAttribute("Synthetic")) { // belt and braces, do the attribute even on Java 5 in addition to the modifier flag ConstantPool cpg = gen.getConstantPool(); int index = cpg.addUtf8("Synthetic"); gen.addAttribute(new Synthetic(index, 0, new byte[0], cpg)); } } if (hasBody()) { if (this.enclosingClass.getWorld().shouldFastPackMethods()) { if (isAdviceMethod() || getName().equals("<clinit>")) { packBody(gen); } else { optimizedPackBody(gen); } } else { packBody(gen); } gen.setMaxLocals(true); gen.setMaxStack(); } else { gen.setInstructionList(null); } return gen; } private boolean hasAttribute(String attributeName) { for (Attribute attr: attributes) { if (attr.getName().equals(attributeName)) { return true; } } return false; } private void forceSyntheticForAjcMagicMembers() { if (NameMangler.isSyntheticMethod(getName(), inAspect())) { makeSynthetic(); } } private boolean inAspect() { BcelObjectType objectType = enclosingClass.getBcelObjectType(); return (objectType == null ? false : objectType.isAspect()); } public void makeSynthetic() { isSynthetic = true; } private static class LVPosition { InstructionHandle start = null; InstructionHandle end = null; }
fill the newly created method gen with our body, inspired by InstructionList.copy()
/** * fill the newly created method gen with our body, inspired by InstructionList.copy() */
public void packBody(MethodGen gen) { InstructionList fresh = gen.getInstructionList(); Map<InstructionHandle, InstructionHandle> map = copyAllInstructionsExceptRangeInstructionsInto(fresh); // at this point, no rangeHandles are in fresh. Let's use that... /* * Update branch targets and insert various attributes. Insert our exceptionHandlers into a sorted list, so they can be * added in order later. */ InstructionHandle oldInstructionHandle = getBody().getStart(); InstructionHandle newInstructionHandle = fresh.getStart(); LinkedList<ExceptionRange> exceptionList = new LinkedList<ExceptionRange>(); Map<LocalVariableTag, LVPosition> localVariables = new HashMap<LocalVariableTag, LVPosition>(); int currLine = -1; int lineNumberOffset = (fromFilename == null) ? 0 : getEnclosingClass().getSourceDebugExtensionOffset(fromFilename); while (oldInstructionHandle != null) { if (map.get(oldInstructionHandle) == null) { // must be a range instruction since they're the only things we // didn't copy across handleRangeInstruction(oldInstructionHandle, exceptionList); // just increment ih. oldInstructionHandle = oldInstructionHandle.getNext(); } else { // assert map.get(ih) == jh Instruction oldInstruction = oldInstructionHandle.getInstruction(); Instruction newInstruction = newInstructionHandle.getInstruction(); if (oldInstruction instanceof InstructionBranch) { handleBranchInstruction(map, oldInstruction, newInstruction); } // now deal with line numbers // and store up info for local variables for (InstructionTargeter targeter : oldInstructionHandle.getTargeters()) { if (targeter instanceof LineNumberTag) { int line = ((LineNumberTag) targeter).getLineNumber(); if (line != currLine) { gen.addLineNumber(newInstructionHandle, line + lineNumberOffset); currLine = line; } } else if (targeter instanceof LocalVariableTag) { LocalVariableTag lvt = (LocalVariableTag) targeter; LVPosition p = localVariables.get(lvt); // If we don't know about it, create a new position and // store // If we do know about it - update its end position if (p == null) { LVPosition newp = new LVPosition(); newp.start = newp.end = newInstructionHandle; localVariables.put(lvt, newp); } else { p.end = newInstructionHandle; } } } // now continue oldInstructionHandle = oldInstructionHandle.getNext(); newInstructionHandle = newInstructionHandle.getNext(); } } addExceptionHandlers(gen, map, exceptionList); if (originalMethodHasLocalVariableTable || enclosingClass .getBcelObjectType() .getResolvedTypeX() .getWorld().generateNewLvts) { if (localVariables.size() == 0) { // Might be a case of 173978 where around advice on an execution join point // has caused everything to be extracted from the method and thus we // are left with no local variables, not even the ones for 'this' and // parameters passed to the method createNewLocalVariables(gen); } else { addLocalVariables(gen, localVariables); } } // JAVAC adds line number tables (with just one entry) to generated // accessor methods - this // keeps some tools that rely on finding at least some form of // linenumbertable happy. // Let's check if we have one - if we don't then let's add one. // TODO Could be made conditional on whether line debug info is being // produced if (gen.getLineNumbers().length == 0) { gen.addLineNumber(gen.getInstructionList().getStart(), 1); } } private void createNewLocalVariables(MethodGen gen) { gen.removeLocalVariables(); // ignore <clinit> or <init> for now if (!getName().startsWith("<")) { int slot = 0; InstructionHandle start = gen.getInstructionList().getStart(); InstructionHandle end = gen.getInstructionList().getEnd(); // Add a 'this' if non-static if (!isStatic()) { String cname = this.enclosingClass.getClassName(); if (cname == null) { return; // give up for now } Type enclosingType = BcelWorld.makeBcelType(UnresolvedType.forName(cname)); gen.addLocalVariable("this", enclosingType, slot++, start, end); } // Add entries for the method arguments String[] paramNames = (memberView == null ? null : memberView.getParameterNames()); if (paramNames != null) { for (int i = 0; i < argumentTypes.length; i++) { String pname = paramNames[i]; if (pname == null) { pname = "arg" + i; } gen.addLocalVariable(pname, argumentTypes[i], slot, start, end); slot += argumentTypes[i].getSize(); } } } } private World getWorld() { return enclosingClass.getBcelObjectType().getResolvedTypeX().getWorld(); } /* * Optimized packing that does a 'local packing' of the code rather than building a brand new method and packing into it. Only * usable when the packing is going to be done just once. */ public void optimizedPackBody(MethodGen gen) { InstructionList theBody = getBody(); InstructionHandle iHandle = theBody.getStart(); int currLine = -1; int lineNumberOffset = (fromFilename == null) ? 0 : getEnclosingClass().getSourceDebugExtensionOffset(fromFilename); Map<LocalVariableTag, LVPosition> localVariables = new HashMap<LocalVariableTag, LVPosition>(); LinkedList<ExceptionRange> exceptionList = new LinkedList<ExceptionRange>(); Set<InstructionHandle> forDeletion = new HashSet<InstructionHandle>(); Set<BranchHandle> branchInstructions = new HashSet<BranchHandle>(); // OPTIMIZE sort out in here: getRange()/insertHandler() and type of // exceptionList while (iHandle != null) { Instruction inst = iHandle.getInstruction(); // InstructionHandle nextInst = iHandle.getNext(); // OPTIMIZE remove this instructionhandle as it now points to // nowhere? if (inst == Range.RANGEINSTRUCTION) { Range r = Range.getRange(iHandle); if (r instanceof ExceptionRange) { ExceptionRange er = (ExceptionRange) r; if (er.getStart() == iHandle) { if (!er.isEmpty()) { // order is important, insert handlers in order of start insertHandler(er, exceptionList); } } } forDeletion.add(iHandle); } else { if (inst instanceof InstructionBranch) { branchInstructions.add((BranchHandle) iHandle); } for (InstructionTargeter targeter : iHandle.getTargetersCopy()) { if (targeter instanceof LineNumberTag) { int line = ((LineNumberTag) targeter).getLineNumber(); if (line != currLine) { gen.addLineNumber(iHandle, line + lineNumberOffset); currLine = line; } } else if (targeter instanceof LocalVariableTag) { LocalVariableTag lvt = (LocalVariableTag) targeter; LVPosition p = localVariables.get(lvt); // If we don't know about it, create a new position // and store // If we do know about it - update its end position if (p == null) { LVPosition newp = new LVPosition(); newp.start = newp.end = iHandle; localVariables.put(lvt, newp); } else { p.end = iHandle; } } } } iHandle = iHandle.getNext(); } for (BranchHandle branchHandle : branchInstructions) { handleBranchInstruction(branchHandle, forDeletion); } // now add exception handlers for (ExceptionRange r : exceptionList) { if (r.isEmpty()) { continue; } gen.addExceptionHandler(jumpForward(r.getRealStart(), forDeletion), jumpForward(r.getRealEnd(), forDeletion), jumpForward(r.getHandler(), forDeletion), (r.getCatchType() == null) ? null : (ObjectType) BcelWorld.makeBcelType(r.getCatchType())); } for (InstructionHandle handle : forDeletion) { try { theBody.delete(handle); } catch (TargetLostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } gen.setInstructionList(theBody); if (originalMethodHasLocalVariableTable || getWorld().generateNewLvts) { if (localVariables.size() == 0) { // Might be a case of 173978 where around advice on an execution join point // has caused everything to be extracted from the method and thus we // are left with no local variables, not even the ones for 'this' and // parameters passed to the method createNewLocalVariables(gen); } else { addLocalVariables(gen, localVariables); } } // JAVAC adds line number tables (with just one entry) to generated // accessor methods - this // keeps some tools that rely on finding at least some form of // linenumbertable happy. // Let's check if we have one - if we don't then let's add one. // TODO Could be made conditional on whether line debug info is being // produced if (gen.getLineNumbers().length == 0) { gen.addLineNumber(gen.getInstructionList().getStart(), 1); } wasPackedOptimally = true; } private void addLocalVariables(MethodGen gen, Map<LocalVariableTag, LVPosition> localVariables) { // now add local variables gen.removeLocalVariables(); // this next iteration _might_ be overkill, but we had problems with // bcel before with duplicate local variables. Now that we're patching // bcel we should be able to do without it if we're paranoid enough // through the rest of the compiler. InstructionHandle methodStart = gen.getInstructionList().getStart(); InstructionHandle methodEnd = gen.getInstructionList().getEnd(); // Determine how many 'slots' are used by parameters to the method. // Then below we can determine if a local variable is a parameter variable, if it is // we force its range to from the method start (as it may have been shuffled down // due to insertion of advice like cflow entry) int paramSlots = gen.isStatic() ? 0 : 1; Type[] argTypes = gen.getArgumentTypes(); if (argTypes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length; i++) { if (argTypes[i].getSize() == 2) { paramSlots += 2; } else { paramSlots += 1; } } } if (!this.enclosingClass.getWorld().generateNewLvts) { // Here the generateNewLvts option is used to control "Do not damage unusually positioned local // variables that represent method parameters". Strictly speaking local variables that represent // method parameters effectively have a bytecode range from 0..end_of_method - however some // tools generate bytecode that specifies a compressed range. The code below would normally // extend the parameter local variables to cover the full method but by setting paramSlots to -1 // here we cause the code below to avoid modifying any local vars that represent method // parameters. paramSlots = -1; } Map<InstructionHandle, Set<Integer>> duplicatedLocalMap = new HashMap<InstructionHandle, Set<Integer>>(); for (LocalVariableTag tag : localVariables.keySet()) { // have we already added one with the same slot number and start // location? // if so, just continue. LVPosition lvpos = localVariables.get(tag); InstructionHandle start = (tag.getSlot() < paramSlots ? methodStart : lvpos.start); InstructionHandle end = (tag.getSlot() < paramSlots ? methodEnd : lvpos.end); Set<Integer> slots = duplicatedLocalMap.get(start); if (slots == null) { slots = new HashSet<Integer>(); duplicatedLocalMap.put(start, slots); } else if (slots.contains(new Integer(tag.getSlot()))) { // we already have a var starting at this tag with this slot continue; } slots.add(Integer.valueOf(tag.getSlot())); Type t = tag.getRealType(); if (t == null) { t = BcelWorld.makeBcelType(UnresolvedType.forSignature(tag.getType())); } gen.addLocalVariable(tag.getName(), t, tag.getSlot(), start, end); } } private void addExceptionHandlers(MethodGen gen, Map<InstructionHandle, InstructionHandle> map, LinkedList<ExceptionRange> exnList) { // now add exception handlers for (ExceptionRange r : exnList) { if (r.isEmpty()) { continue; } InstructionHandle rMappedStart = remap(r.getRealStart(), map); InstructionHandle rMappedEnd = remap(r.getRealEnd(), map); InstructionHandle rMappedHandler = remap(r.getHandler(), map); gen.addExceptionHandler(rMappedStart, rMappedEnd, rMappedHandler, (r.getCatchType() == null) ? null : (ObjectType) BcelWorld.makeBcelType(r.getCatchType())); } } private void handleBranchInstruction(Map<InstructionHandle, InstructionHandle> map, Instruction oldInstruction, Instruction newInstruction) { InstructionBranch oldBranchInstruction = (InstructionBranch) oldInstruction; InstructionBranch newBranchInstruction = (InstructionBranch) newInstruction; InstructionHandle oldTarget = oldBranchInstruction.getTarget(); // old // target // New target is in hash map newBranchInstruction.setTarget(remap(oldTarget, map)); if (oldBranchInstruction instanceof InstructionSelect) { // Either LOOKUPSWITCH or TABLESWITCH InstructionHandle[] oldTargets = ((InstructionSelect) oldBranchInstruction).getTargets(); InstructionHandle[] newTargets = ((InstructionSelect) newBranchInstruction).getTargets(); for (int k = oldTargets.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { // Update all targets newTargets[k] = remap(oldTargets[k], map); newTargets[k].addTargeter(newBranchInstruction); } } } private InstructionHandle jumpForward(InstructionHandle t, Set<InstructionHandle> handlesForDeletion) { InstructionHandle target = t; if (handlesForDeletion.contains(target)) { do { target = target.getNext(); } while (handlesForDeletion.contains(target)); } return target; }
Process a branch instruction with respect to instructions that are about to be deleted. If the target for the branch is a candidate for deletion, move it to the next valid instruction after the deleted target.
/** * Process a branch instruction with respect to instructions that are about to be deleted. If the target for the branch is a * candidate for deletion, move it to the next valid instruction after the deleted target. */
private void handleBranchInstruction(BranchHandle branchHandle, Set<InstructionHandle> handlesForDeletion) { InstructionBranch branchInstruction = (InstructionBranch) branchHandle.getInstruction(); InstructionHandle target = branchInstruction.getTarget(); // old target if (handlesForDeletion.contains(target)) { do { target = target.getNext(); } while (handlesForDeletion.contains(target)); branchInstruction.setTarget(target); } if (branchInstruction instanceof InstructionSelect) { // Either LOOKUPSWITCH or TABLESWITCH InstructionSelect iSelect = (InstructionSelect) branchInstruction; InstructionHandle[] targets = iSelect.getTargets(); for (int k = targets.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { InstructionHandle oneTarget = targets[k]; if (handlesForDeletion.contains(oneTarget)) { do { oneTarget = oneTarget.getNext(); } while (handlesForDeletion.contains(oneTarget)); iSelect.setTarget(k, oneTarget); oneTarget.addTargeter(branchInstruction); } } } } private void handleRangeInstruction(InstructionHandle ih, LinkedList<ExceptionRange> exnList) { // we're a range instruction Range r = Range.getRange(ih); if (r instanceof ExceptionRange) { ExceptionRange er = (ExceptionRange) r; if (er.getStart() == ih) { // System.err.println("er " + er); if (!er.isEmpty()) { // order is important, insert handlers in order of start insertHandler(er, exnList); } } } else { // we must be a shadow range or something equally useless, // so forget about doing anything } } /* * Make copies of all instructions, append them to the new list and associate old instruction references with the new ones, * i.e., a 1:1 mapping. */ private Map<InstructionHandle, InstructionHandle> copyAllInstructionsExceptRangeInstructionsInto(InstructionList intoList) { Map<InstructionHandle, InstructionHandle> map = new HashMap<InstructionHandle, InstructionHandle>(); for (InstructionHandle ih = getBody().getStart(); ih != null; ih = ih.getNext()) { if (Range.isRangeHandle(ih)) { continue; } Instruction inst = ih.getInstruction(); Instruction copy = Utility.copyInstruction(inst); if (copy instanceof InstructionBranch) { map.put(ih, intoList.append((InstructionBranch) copy)); } else { map.put(ih, intoList.append(copy)); } } return map; }
This procedure should not currently be used.
/** * This procedure should not currently be used. */
// public void killNops() { // InstructionHandle curr = body.getStart(); // while (true) { // if (curr == null) break; // InstructionHandle next = curr.getNext(); // if (curr.getInstruction() instanceof NOP) { // InstructionTargeter[] targeters = curr.getTargeters(); // if (targeters != null) { // for (int i = 0, len = targeters.length; i < len; i++) { // InstructionTargeter targeter = targeters[i]; // targeter.updateTarget(curr, next); // } // } // try { // body.delete(curr); // } catch (TargetLostException e) { // } // } // curr = next; // } // } // private static InstructionHandle fNext(InstructionHandle ih) { // while (true) { // if (ih.getInstruction()==Range.RANGEINSTRUCTION) ih = ih.getNext(); // else return ih; // } // } private static InstructionHandle remap(InstructionHandle handle, Map<InstructionHandle, InstructionHandle> map) { while (true) { InstructionHandle ret = map.get(handle); if (ret == null) { handle = handle.getNext(); } else { return ret; } } } // Update to all these comments, ASC 11-01-2005 // The right thing to do may be to do more with priorities as // we create new exception handlers, but that is a relatively // complex task. In the meantime, just taking account of the // priority here enables a couple of bugs to be fixed to do // with using return or break in code that contains a finally // block (pr78021,pr79554). // exception ordering. // What we should be doing is dealing with priority inversions way earlier // than we are // and counting on the tree structure. In which case, the below code is in // fact right. // XXX THIS COMMENT BELOW IS CURRENTLY WRONG. // An exception A preceeds an exception B in the exception table iff: // * A and B were in the original method, and A preceeded B in the original // exception table // * If A has a higher priority than B, than it preceeds B. // * If A and B have the same priority, then the one whose START happens // EARLIEST has LEAST priority. // in short, the outermost exception has least priority. // we implement this with a LinkedList. We could possibly implement this // with a java.util.SortedSet, // but I don't trust the only implementation, TreeSet, to do the right // thing. /* private */static void insertHandler(ExceptionRange fresh, LinkedList<ExceptionRange> l) { // Old implementation, simply: l.add(0,fresh); for (ListIterator<ExceptionRange> iter = l.listIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ExceptionRange r = iter.next(); // int freal = fresh.getRealStart().getPosition(); // int rreal = r.getRealStart().getPosition(); if (fresh.getPriority() >= r.getPriority()) { iter.previous(); iter.add(fresh); return; } } // we have reached the end l.add(fresh); } public boolean isPrivate() { return Modifier.isPrivate(getAccessFlags()); } public boolean isProtected() { return Modifier.isProtected(getAccessFlags()); } public boolean isDefault() { return !(isProtected() || isPrivate() || isPublic()); } public boolean isPublic() { return Modifier.isPublic(getAccessFlags()); } // ----
A good body is a body with the following properties:
  • For each branch instruction S in body, target T of S is in body.
  • For each branch instruction S in body, target T of S has S as a targeter.
  • For each instruction T in body, for each branch instruction S that is a targeter of T, S is in body.
  • For each non-range-handle instruction T in body, for each instruction S that is a targeter of T, S is either a branch instruction, an exception range or a tag
  • For each range-handle instruction T in body, there is exactly one targeter S that is a range.
  • For each range-handle instruction T in body, the range R targeting T is in body.
  • For each instruction T in body, for each exception range R targeting T, R is in body.
  • For each exception range R in body, let T := R.handler. T is in body, and R is one of T's targeters
  • All ranges are properly nested: For all ranges Q and R, if Q.start preceeds R.start, then R.end preceeds Q.end.
Where the shorthand "R is in body" means "R.start is in body, R.end is in body, and any InstructionHandle stored in a field of R (such as an exception handle) is in body".
/** * A good body is a body with the following properties: * * <ul> * <li>For each branch instruction S in body, target T of S is in body. * <li>For each branch instruction S in body, target T of S has S as a targeter. * <li>For each instruction T in body, for each branch instruction S that is a targeter of T, S is in body. * <li>For each non-range-handle instruction T in body, for each instruction S that is a targeter of T, S is either a branch * instruction, an exception range or a tag * <li>For each range-handle instruction T in body, there is exactly one targeter S that is a range. * <li>For each range-handle instruction T in body, the range R targeting T is in body. * <li>For each instruction T in body, for each exception range R targeting T, R is in body. * <li>For each exception range R in body, let T := R.handler. T is in body, and R is one of T's targeters * <li>All ranges are properly nested: For all ranges Q and R, if Q.start preceeds R.start, then R.end preceeds Q.end. * </ul> * * Where the shorthand "R is in body" means "R.start is in body, R.end is in body, and any InstructionHandle stored in a field * of R (such as an exception handle) is in body". */
public void assertGoodBody() { if (true) { return; // only enable for debugging } assertGoodBody(getBody(), toString()); } public static void assertGoodBody(InstructionList il, String from) { if (true) { return; // only to be enabled for debugging } // if (il == null) { // return; // } // Set body = new HashSet(); // Stack<Range> ranges = new Stack<Range>(); // for (InstructionHandle ih = il.getStart(); ih != null; ih = ih.getNext()) { // body.add(ih); // if (ih.getInstruction() instanceof InstructionBranch) { // body.add(ih.getInstruction()); // } // } // // for (InstructionHandle ih = il.getStart(); ih != null; ih = ih.getNext()) { // assertGoodHandle(ih, body, ranges, from); // Iterator<InstructionTargeter> tIter = ih.getTargeters().iterator(); // while (tIter.hasNext()) { // assertGoodTargeter(tIter.next(), ih, body, from); // } // } } // private static void assertGoodHandle(InstructionHandle ih, Set body, Stack<Range> ranges, String from) { // Instruction inst = ih.getInstruction(); // if ((inst instanceof InstructionBranch) ^ (ih instanceof BranchHandle)) { // throw new BCException("bad instruction/handle pair in " + from); // } // if (Range.isRangeHandle(ih)) { // assertGoodRangeHandle(ih, body, ranges, from); // } else if (inst instanceof InstructionBranch) { // assertGoodBranchInstruction((BranchHandle) ih, (InstructionBranch) inst, body, ranges, from); // } // } // private static void assertGoodBranchInstruction(BranchHandle ih, InstructionBranch inst, Set body, Stack<Range> ranges, // String from) { // if (ih.getTarget() != inst.getTarget()) { // throw new BCException("bad branch instruction/handle pair in " + from); // } // InstructionHandle target = ih.getTarget(); // assertInBody(target, body, from); // assertTargetedBy(target, inst, from); // if (inst instanceof InstructionSelect) { // InstructionSelect sel = (InstructionSelect) inst; // InstructionHandle[] itargets = sel.getTargets(); // for (int k = itargets.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { // assertInBody(itargets[k], body, from); // assertTargetedBy(itargets[k], inst, from); // } // } // }
ih is an InstructionHandle or a BranchInstruction
/** ih is an InstructionHandle or a BranchInstruction */
// private static void assertInBody(Object ih, Set body, String from) { // if (!body.contains(ih)) { // throw new BCException("thing not in body in " + from); // } // } // private static void assertGoodRangeHandle(InstructionHandle ih, Set body, Stack ranges, String from) { // Range r = getRangeAndAssertExactlyOne(ih, from); // assertGoodRange(r, body, from); // if (r.getStart() == ih) { // ranges.push(r); // } else if (r.getEnd() == ih) { // if (ranges.peek() != r) { // throw new BCException("bad range inclusion in " + from); // } // ranges.pop(); // } // } // private static void assertGoodRange(Range r, Set body, String from) { // assertInBody(r.getStart(), body, from); // assertRangeHandle(r.getStart(), from); // assertTargetedBy(r.getStart(), r, from); // // assertInBody(r.getEnd(), body, from); // assertRangeHandle(r.getEnd(), from); // assertTargetedBy(r.getEnd(), r, from); // // if (r instanceof ExceptionRange) { // ExceptionRange er = (ExceptionRange) r; // assertInBody(er.getHandler(), body, from); // assertTargetedBy(er.getHandler(), r, from); // } // } // private static void assertRangeHandle(InstructionHandle ih, String from) { // if (!Range.isRangeHandle(ih)) { // throw new BCException("bad range handle " + ih + " in " + from); // } // } private static void assertTargetedBy(InstructionHandle target, InstructionTargeter targeter, String from) { Iterator tIter = target.getTargeters().iterator(); while (tIter.hasNext()) { if (((InstructionTargeter) tIter.next()) == targeter) { return; } } throw new RuntimeException("bad targeting relationship in " + from); } private static void assertTargets(InstructionTargeter targeter, InstructionHandle target, String from) { if (targeter instanceof Range) { Range r = (Range) targeter; if (r.getStart() == target || r.getEnd() == target) { return; } if (r instanceof ExceptionRange) { if (((ExceptionRange) r).getHandler() == target) { return; } } } else if (targeter instanceof InstructionBranch) { InstructionBranch bi = (InstructionBranch) targeter; if (bi.getTarget() == target) { return; } if (targeter instanceof InstructionSelect) { InstructionSelect sel = (InstructionSelect) targeter; InstructionHandle[] itargets = sel.getTargets(); for (int k = itargets.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { if (itargets[k] == target) { return; } } } } else if (targeter instanceof Tag) { return; } throw new BCException(targeter + " doesn't target " + target + " in " + from); } private static Range getRangeAndAssertExactlyOne(InstructionHandle ih, String from) { Range ret = null; Iterator<InstructionTargeter> tIter = ih.getTargeters().iterator(); if (!tIter.hasNext()) { throw new BCException("range handle with no range in " + from); } while (tIter.hasNext()) { InstructionTargeter ts = tIter.next(); if (ts instanceof Range) { if (ret != null) { throw new BCException("range handle with multiple ranges in " + from); } ret = (Range) ts; } } if (ret == null) { throw new BCException("range handle with no range in " + from); } return ret; } // private static void assertGoodTargeter(InstructionTargeter t, InstructionHandle ih, Set body, String from) { // assertTargets(t, ih, from); // if (t instanceof Range) { // assertGoodRange((Range) t, body, from); // } else if (t instanceof InstructionBranch) { // assertInBody(t, body, from); // } // } // ---- boolean isAdviceMethod() { if (memberView == null) { return false; } return memberView.getAssociatedShadowMunger() != null; } boolean isAjSynthetic() { if (memberView == null) { return true; } return memberView.isAjSynthetic(); } boolean isSynthetic() { if (memberView == null) { return false; } return memberView.isSynthetic(); } public ISourceLocation getSourceLocation() { if (memberView != null) { return memberView.getSourceLocation(); } return null; } public AjAttribute.EffectiveSignatureAttribute getEffectiveSignature() { // if (memberView == null) return null; if (effectiveSignature != null) { return effectiveSignature; } return memberView.getEffectiveSignature(); } public void setEffectiveSignature(ResolvedMember member, Shadow.Kind kind, boolean shouldWeave) { this.effectiveSignature = new AjAttribute.EffectiveSignatureAttribute(member, kind, shouldWeave); } public String getSignature() { if (memberView != null) { return memberView.getSignature(); } return MemberImpl.typesToSignature(BcelWorld.fromBcel(getReturnType()), BcelWorld.fromBcel(getArgumentTypes()), false); } public String getParameterSignature() { if (memberView != null) { return memberView.getParameterSignature(); } return MemberImpl.typesToSignature(BcelWorld.fromBcel(getArgumentTypes())); } public BcelMethod getMemberView() { return memberView; } public void forcePublic() { markAsChanged(); modifiers = Utility.makePublic(modifiers); } public boolean getCanInline() { return canInline; } public void setCanInline(boolean canInline) { this.canInline = canInline; } public void addAttribute(Attribute attribute) { attributes.add(attribute); } public String toTraceString() { return toShortString(); } public ConstantPool getConstantPool() { return enclosingClass.getConstantPool(); } public static boolean isConstructor(LazyMethodGen aMethod) { return aMethod.getName().equals("<init>"); } }