/* *******************************************************************
 * Copyright (c) 2005 IBM Corporation
 * All rights reserved. 
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available 
 * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 
 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at 
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html 
 * Contributors: 
 *     Adrian Colyer     initial implementation 
 *      Andy Clement     got it working
 * ******************************************************************/
package org.aspectj.weaver.patterns;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.aspectj.bridge.MessageUtil;
import org.aspectj.weaver.AjAttribute.WeaverVersionInfo;
import org.aspectj.weaver.AnnotationAJ;
import org.aspectj.weaver.CompressingDataOutputStream;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ISourceContext;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedMember;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.UnresolvedType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.VersionedDataInputStream;
import org.aspectj.weaver.WeaverMessages;
import org.aspectj.weaver.World;

Represents a declare annotation statement, one of atField, atMethod, atConstructor or atType.
Author:Andy Clement
/** * Represents a declare annotation statement, one of atField, atMethod, atConstructor or atType. * * @author Andy Clement */
public class DeclareAnnotation extends Declare { public static final Kind AT_TYPE = new Kind(1, "type"); public static final Kind AT_FIELD = new Kind(2, "field"); public static final Kind AT_METHOD = new Kind(3, "method"); public static final Kind AT_CONSTRUCTOR = new Kind(4, "constructor"); public static final Kind AT_REMOVE_FROM_FIELD = new Kind(5, "removeFromField"); private Kind kind; // for declare @type private TypePattern typePattern; // for declare @field,@method,@constructor private ISignaturePattern signaturePattern; private ResolvedType containingAspect; private List<String> annotationMethods; private List<String> annotationStrings; private AnnotationAJ annotation; // discovered when required private ResolvedType annotationType; // discovered when required // not serialized: private int annotationStart; private int annotationEnd;
Constructor for declare atType.
/** * Constructor for declare atType. */
public DeclareAnnotation(Kind kind, TypePattern typePattern) { this.typePattern = typePattern; this.kind = kind; init(); }
Constructor for declare atMethod/atField/atConstructor.
/** * Constructor for declare atMethod/atField/atConstructor. */
public DeclareAnnotation(Kind kind, ISignaturePattern sigPattern) { this.signaturePattern = sigPattern; this.kind = kind; init(); } private void init() { this.annotationMethods = new ArrayList<String>(); annotationMethods.add("unknown"); this.annotationStrings = new ArrayList<String>(); annotationStrings.add("@<annotation>"); }
Returns the string, useful before the real annotation has been resolved
/** * Returns the string, useful before the real annotation has been resolved */
public String getAnnotationString() { return annotationStrings.get(0); } public boolean isExactPattern() { return typePattern instanceof ExactTypePattern; } public String getAnnotationMethod() { return annotationMethods.get(0); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); ret.append("declare @"); ret.append(kind); ret.append(" : "); ret.append(typePattern != null ? typePattern.toString() : signaturePattern.toString()); ret.append(" : "); ret.append(annotationStrings.get(0)); return ret.toString(); } @Override public Object accept(PatternNodeVisitor visitor, Object data) { return visitor.visit(this, data); } @Override public void resolve(IScope scope) { if (!scope.getWorld().isInJava5Mode()) { String msg = null; if (kind == AT_TYPE) { msg = WeaverMessages.DECLARE_ATTYPE_ONLY_SUPPORTED_AT_JAVA5_LEVEL; } else if (kind == AT_METHOD) { msg = WeaverMessages.DECLARE_ATMETHOD_ONLY_SUPPORTED_AT_JAVA5_LEVEL; } else if (kind == AT_FIELD) { msg = WeaverMessages.DECLARE_ATFIELD_ONLY_SUPPORTED_AT_JAVA5_LEVEL; } else if (kind == AT_CONSTRUCTOR) { msg = WeaverMessages.DECLARE_ATCONS_ONLY_SUPPORTED_AT_JAVA5_LEVEL; } scope.message(MessageUtil.error(WeaverMessages.format(msg), getSourceLocation())); return; } if (typePattern != null) { typePattern = typePattern.resolveBindings(scope, Bindings.NONE, false, false); } if (signaturePattern != null) { signaturePattern = signaturePattern.resolveBindings(scope, Bindings.NONE); } this.containingAspect = scope.getEnclosingType(); } @Override public Declare parameterizeWith(Map<String, UnresolvedType> typeVariableBindingMap, World w) { DeclareAnnotation ret; if (this.kind == AT_TYPE) { ret = new DeclareAnnotation(kind, this.typePattern.parameterizeWith(typeVariableBindingMap, w)); } else { ret = new DeclareAnnotation(kind, this.signaturePattern.parameterizeWith(typeVariableBindingMap, w)); } ret.annotationMethods = this.annotationMethods; ret.annotationStrings = this.annotationStrings; ret.annotation = this.annotation; ret.containingAspect = this.containingAspect; ret.copyLocationFrom(this); return ret; } @Override public boolean isAdviceLike() { return false; } public void setAnnotationString(String annotationString) { this.annotationStrings.set(0, annotationString); } public void setAnnotationLocation(int start, int end) { this.annotationStart = start; this.annotationEnd = end; } public int getAnnotationSourceStart() { return annotationStart; } public int getAnnotationSourceEnd() { return annotationEnd; } public void setAnnotationMethod(String methodName) { this.annotationMethods.set(0, methodName); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof DeclareAnnotation)) { return false; } DeclareAnnotation other = (DeclareAnnotation) obj; if (!this.kind.equals(other.kind)) { return false; } if (!this.annotationStrings.get(0).equals(other.annotationStrings.get(0))) { return false; } if (!this.annotationMethods.get(0).equals(other.annotationMethods.get(0))) { return false; } if (this.typePattern != null) { if (!typePattern.equals(other.typePattern)) { return false; } } if (this.signaturePattern != null) { if (!signaturePattern.equals(other.signaturePattern)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = 19; result = 37 * result + kind.hashCode(); result = 37 * result + annotationStrings.get(0).hashCode(); result = 37 * result + annotationMethods.get(0).hashCode(); if (typePattern != null) { result = 37 * result + typePattern.hashCode(); } if (signaturePattern != null) { result = 37 * result + signaturePattern.hashCode(); } return result; } @Override public void write(CompressingDataOutputStream s) throws IOException { s.writeByte(Declare.ANNOTATION); if (kind.id == AT_FIELD.id && isRemover) { s.writeInt(AT_REMOVE_FROM_FIELD.id); } else { s.writeInt(kind.id); } int max = 0; s.writeByte(max = annotationStrings.size()); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { s.writeUTF(annotationStrings.get(i)); } s.writeByte(max = annotationMethods.size()); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { s.writeUTF(annotationMethods.get(i)); } if (typePattern != null) { typePattern.write(s); } if (signaturePattern != null) { AbstractSignaturePattern.writeCompoundSignaturePattern(s, signaturePattern); } writeLocation(s); } public static Declare read(VersionedDataInputStream s, ISourceContext context) throws IOException { DeclareAnnotation ret = null; boolean isRemover = false; int kind = s.readInt(); if (kind == AT_REMOVE_FROM_FIELD.id) { kind = AT_FIELD.id; isRemover = true; } // old format was just a single string and method if (s.getMajorVersion() >= WeaverVersionInfo.WEAVER_VERSION_AJ169) { // int numAnnotationStrings = s.readByte(); } String annotationString = s.readUTF(); if (s.getMajorVersion() >= WeaverVersionInfo.WEAVER_VERSION_AJ169) { // int numAnnotationMethods = s.readByte(); } String annotationMethod = s.readUTF(); TypePattern tp = null; SignaturePattern sp = null; switch (kind) { case 1: tp = TypePattern.read(s, context); ret = new DeclareAnnotation(AT_TYPE, tp); break; case 2: if (s.getMajorVersion() >= WeaverVersionInfo.WEAVER_VERSION_AJ169) { ret = new DeclareAnnotation(AT_FIELD, AbstractSignaturePattern.readCompoundSignaturePattern(s, context)); } else { sp = SignaturePattern.read(s, context); ret = new DeclareAnnotation(AT_FIELD, sp); } if (isRemover) { ret.setRemover(true); } break; case 3: if (s.getMajorVersion() >= WeaverVersionInfo.WEAVER_VERSION_AJ169) { ret = new DeclareAnnotation(AT_METHOD, AbstractSignaturePattern.readCompoundSignaturePattern(s, context)); } else { sp = SignaturePattern.read(s, context); ret = new DeclareAnnotation(AT_METHOD, sp); } break; case 4: if (s.getMajorVersion() >= WeaverVersionInfo.WEAVER_VERSION_AJ169) { ret = new DeclareAnnotation(AT_CONSTRUCTOR, AbstractSignaturePattern.readCompoundSignaturePattern(s, context)); } else { sp = SignaturePattern.read(s, context); ret = new DeclareAnnotation(AT_CONSTRUCTOR, sp); } break; } ret.setAnnotationString(annotationString); ret.setAnnotationMethod(annotationMethod); ret.readLocation(context, s); return ret; }
For declare atConstructor, atMethod, atField
/** * For declare atConstructor, atMethod, atField */
public boolean matches(ResolvedMember resolvedmember, World world) { if (kind == AT_METHOD || kind == AT_CONSTRUCTOR) { if (resolvedmember != null && resolvedmember.getName().charAt(0) == '<') { // <clinit> or <init> if (kind == AT_METHOD) { return false; } } } return signaturePattern.matches(resolvedmember, world, false); }
For declare atType.
/** * For declare atType. */
public boolean matches(ResolvedType type) { if (!typePattern.matchesStatically(type)) { return false; } if (type.getWorld().getLint().typeNotExposedToWeaver.isEnabled() && !type.isExposedToWeaver()) { type.getWorld().getLint().typeNotExposedToWeaver.signal(type.getName(), getSourceLocation()); } return true; } public void setAspect(ResolvedType typeX) { containingAspect = typeX; } public UnresolvedType getAspect() { return containingAspect; } public void copyAnnotationTo(ResolvedType onType) { ensureAnnotationDiscovered(); if (!onType.hasAnnotation(annotation.getType())) { onType.addAnnotation(annotation); } } public AnnotationAJ getAnnotation() { ensureAnnotationDiscovered(); return annotation; }
The annotation specified in the declare @type is stored against a simple method of the form "ajc$declare_", this method finds that method and retrieves the annotation
/** * The annotation specified in the declare @type is stored against a simple method of the form "ajc$declare_<NN>", this method * finds that method and retrieves the annotation */
private void ensureAnnotationDiscovered() { if (annotation != null) { return; } String annotationMethod = annotationMethods.get(0); for (Iterator<ResolvedMember> iter = containingAspect.getMethods(true, true); iter.hasNext();) { ResolvedMember member = iter.next(); if (member.getName().equals(annotationMethod)) { AnnotationAJ[] annos = member.getAnnotations(); if (annos == null) { // if weaving broken code, this can happen return; } int idx = 0; if (annos.length > 0 && annos[0].getType().getSignature().equals("Lorg/aspectj/internal/lang/annotation/ajcDeclareAnnotation;")) { idx = 1; } annotation = annos[idx]; break; } } } public TypePattern getTypePattern() { return typePattern; } public ISignaturePattern getSignaturePattern() { return signaturePattern; } public boolean isStarredAnnotationPattern() { if (typePattern != null) { return typePattern.isStarAnnotation(); } else { return signaturePattern.isStarAnnotation(); } } public Kind getKind() { return kind; } public boolean isDeclareAtConstuctor() { return kind.equals(AT_CONSTRUCTOR); } public boolean isDeclareAtMethod() { return kind.equals(AT_METHOD); } public boolean isDeclareAtType() { return kind.equals(AT_TYPE); } public boolean isDeclareAtField() { return kind.equals(AT_FIELD); }
Returns:the type of the annotation
/** * @return the type of the annotation */
public ResolvedType getAnnotationType() { if (annotationType == null) { String annotationMethod = annotationMethods.get(0); for (Iterator<ResolvedMember> iter = containingAspect.getMethods(true, true); iter.hasNext();) { ResolvedMember member = iter.next(); if (member.getName().equals(annotationMethod)) { ResolvedType[] annoTypes = member.getAnnotationTypes(); if (annoTypes == null) { // if weaving broken code, this can happen return null; } int idx = 0; if (annoTypes[0].getSignature().equals("Lorg/aspectj/internal/lang/annotation/ajcDeclareAnnotation;")) { idx = 1; } annotationType = annoTypes[idx]; break; } } } return annotationType; }
Returns:true if the annotation specified is allowed on a field
/** * @return true if the annotation specified is allowed on a field */
public boolean isAnnotationAllowedOnField() { ensureAnnotationDiscovered(); return annotation.allowedOnField(); } public String getPatternAsString() { if (signaturePattern != null) { return signaturePattern.toString(); } if (typePattern != null) { return typePattern.toString(); } return "DONT KNOW"; }
Return true if this declare annotation could ever match something in the specified type - only really able to make intelligent decision if a type was specified in the sig/type pattern signature.
/** * Return true if this declare annotation could ever match something in the specified type - only really able to make * intelligent decision if a type was specified in the sig/type pattern signature. */
public boolean couldEverMatch(ResolvedType type) { // Haven't implemented variant for typePattern (doesn't seem worth it!) // BUGWARNING This test might not be sufficient for funny cases relating // to interfaces and the use of '+' - but it seems really important to // do something here so we don't iterate over all fields and all methods // in all types exposed to the weaver! So look out for bugs here and // we can update the test as appropriate. if (signaturePattern != null) { return signaturePattern.couldEverMatch(type); } return true; }
Provide a name suffix so that we can tell the different declare annotations forms apart in the AjProblemReporter
/** * Provide a name suffix so that we can tell the different declare annotations forms apart in the AjProblemReporter */
@Override public String getNameSuffix() { return getKind().toString(); }
Captures type of declare annotation (method/type/field/constructor)
/** * Captures type of declare annotation (method/type/field/constructor) */
public static class Kind { private final int id; private String s; private Kind(int n, String name) { id = n; s = name; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (19 + 37 * id); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Kind)) { return false; } Kind other = (Kind) obj; return other.id == id; } @Override public String toString() { return "at_" + s; } } boolean isRemover = false; public void setRemover(boolean b) { isRemover = b; } public boolean isRemover() { return isRemover; } }