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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.partitioning;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.util.LocalizedFormats;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.Point;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.Space;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.partitioning.BSPTree.VanishingCutHandler;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.partitioning.Region.Location;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.partitioning.SubHyperplane.SplitSubHyperplane;

This class is a factory for Region.
Type parameters:
  • <S> – Type of the space.
/** This class is a factory for {@link Region}. * @param <S> Type of the space. * @since 3.0 */
public class RegionFactory<S extends Space> {
Visitor removing internal nodes attributes.
/** Visitor removing internal nodes attributes. */
private final NodesCleaner nodeCleaner;
Simple constructor.
/** Simple constructor. */
public RegionFactory() { nodeCleaner = new NodesCleaner(); }
Build a convex region from a collection of bounding hyperplanes.
  • hyperplanes – collection of bounding hyperplanes
Returns:a new convex region, or null if the collection is empty
/** Build a convex region from a collection of bounding hyperplanes. * @param hyperplanes collection of bounding hyperplanes * @return a new convex region, or null if the collection is empty */
public Region<S> buildConvex(final Hyperplane<S> ... hyperplanes) { if ((hyperplanes == null) || (hyperplanes.length == 0)) { return null; } // use the first hyperplane to build the right class final Region<S> region = hyperplanes[0].wholeSpace(); // chop off parts of the space BSPTree<S> node = region.getTree(false); node.setAttribute(Boolean.TRUE); for (final Hyperplane<S> hyperplane : hyperplanes) { if (node.insertCut(hyperplane)) { node.setAttribute(null); node.getPlus().setAttribute(Boolean.FALSE); node = node.getMinus(); node.setAttribute(Boolean.TRUE); } else { // the hyperplane could not be inserted in the current leaf node // either it is completely outside (which means the input hyperplanes // are wrong), or it is parallel to a previous hyperplane SubHyperplane<S> s = hyperplane.wholeHyperplane(); for (BSPTree<S> tree = node; tree.getParent() != null && s != null; tree = tree.getParent()) { final Hyperplane<S> other = tree.getParent().getCut().getHyperplane(); final SplitSubHyperplane<S> split = s.split(other); switch (split.getSide()) { case HYPER : // the hyperplane is parallel to a previous hyperplane if (!hyperplane.sameOrientationAs(other)) { // this hyperplane is opposite to the other one, // the region is thinner than the tolerance, we consider it empty return getComplement(hyperplanes[0].wholeSpace()); } // the hyperplane is an extension of an already known hyperplane, we just ignore it break; case PLUS : // the hyperplane is outside of the current convex zone, // the input hyperplanes are inconsistent throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedFormats.NOT_CONVEX_HYPERPLANES); default : s = split.getMinus(); } } } } return region; }
Compute the union of two regions.
  • region1 – first region (will be unusable after the operation as parts of it will be reused in the new region)
  • region2 – second region (will be unusable after the operation as parts of it will be reused in the new region)
Returns:a new region, result of region1 union region2
/** Compute the union of two regions. * @param region1 first region (will be unusable after the operation as * parts of it will be reused in the new region) * @param region2 second region (will be unusable after the operation as * parts of it will be reused in the new region) * @return a new region, result of {@code region1 union region2} */
public Region<S> union(final Region<S> region1, final Region<S> region2) { final BSPTree<S> tree = region1.getTree(false).merge(region2.getTree(false), new UnionMerger()); tree.visit(nodeCleaner); return region1.buildNew(tree); }
Compute the intersection of two regions.
  • region1 – first region (will be unusable after the operation as parts of it will be reused in the new region)
  • region2 – second region (will be unusable after the operation as parts of it will be reused in the new region)
Returns:a new region, result of region1 intersection region2
/** Compute the intersection of two regions. * @param region1 first region (will be unusable after the operation as * parts of it will be reused in the new region) * @param region2 second region (will be unusable after the operation as * parts of it will be reused in the new region) * @return a new region, result of {@code region1 intersection region2} */
public Region<S> intersection(final Region<S> region1, final Region<S> region2) { final BSPTree<S> tree = region1.getTree(false).merge(region2.getTree(false), new IntersectionMerger()); tree.visit(nodeCleaner); return region1.buildNew(tree); }
Compute the symmetric difference (exclusive or) of two regions.
  • region1 – first region (will be unusable after the operation as parts of it will be reused in the new region)
  • region2 – second region (will be unusable after the operation as parts of it will be reused in the new region)
Returns:a new region, result of region1 xor region2
/** Compute the symmetric difference (exclusive or) of two regions. * @param region1 first region (will be unusable after the operation as * parts of it will be reused in the new region) * @param region2 second region (will be unusable after the operation as * parts of it will be reused in the new region) * @return a new region, result of {@code region1 xor region2} */
public Region<S> xor(final Region<S> region1, final Region<S> region2) { final BSPTree<S> tree = region1.getTree(false).merge(region2.getTree(false), new XorMerger()); tree.visit(nodeCleaner); return region1.buildNew(tree); }
Compute the difference of two regions.
  • region1 – first region (will be unusable after the operation as parts of it will be reused in the new region)
  • region2 – second region (will be unusable after the operation as parts of it will be reused in the new region)
Returns:a new region, result of region1 minus region2
/** Compute the difference of two regions. * @param region1 first region (will be unusable after the operation as * parts of it will be reused in the new region) * @param region2 second region (will be unusable after the operation as * parts of it will be reused in the new region) * @return a new region, result of {@code region1 minus region2} */
public Region<S> difference(final Region<S> region1, final Region<S> region2) { final BSPTree<S> tree = region1.getTree(false).merge(region2.getTree(false), new DifferenceMerger(region1, region2)); tree.visit(nodeCleaner); return region1.buildNew(tree); } /** Get the complement of the region (exchanged interior/exterior). * @param region region to complement, it will not modified, a new * region independent region will be built * @return a new region, complement of the specified one */
Get the complement of the region (exchanged interior/exterior).
  • region – region to complement, it will not modified, a new region independent region will be built
Returns:a new region, complement of the specified one
/** Get the complement of the region (exchanged interior/exterior). * @param region region to complement, it will not modified, a new * region independent region will be built * @return a new region, complement of the specified one */
public Region<S> getComplement(final Region<S> region) { return region.buildNew(recurseComplement(region.getTree(false))); }
Recursively build the complement of a BSP tree.
  • node – current node of the original tree
Returns:new tree, complement of the node
/** Recursively build the complement of a BSP tree. * @param node current node of the original tree * @return new tree, complement of the node */
private BSPTree<S> recurseComplement(final BSPTree<S> node) { // transform the tree, except for boundary attribute splitters final Map<BSPTree<S>, BSPTree<S>> map = new HashMap<BSPTree<S>, BSPTree<S>>(); final BSPTree<S> transformedTree = recurseComplement(node, map); // set up the boundary attributes splitters for (final Map.Entry<BSPTree<S>, BSPTree<S>> entry : map.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().getCut() != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") BoundaryAttribute<S> original = (BoundaryAttribute<S>) entry.getKey().getAttribute(); if (original != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") BoundaryAttribute<S> transformed = (BoundaryAttribute<S>) entry.getValue().getAttribute(); for (final BSPTree<S> splitter : original.getSplitters()) { transformed.getSplitters().add(map.get(splitter)); } } } } return transformedTree; }
Recursively build the complement of a BSP tree.
  • node – current node of the original tree
  • map – transformed nodes map
Returns:new tree, complement of the node
/** Recursively build the complement of a BSP tree. * @param node current node of the original tree * @param map transformed nodes map * @return new tree, complement of the node */
private BSPTree<S> recurseComplement(final BSPTree<S> node, final Map<BSPTree<S>, BSPTree<S>> map) { final BSPTree<S> transformedNode; if (node.getCut() == null) { transformedNode = new BSPTree<S>(((Boolean) node.getAttribute()) ? Boolean.FALSE : Boolean.TRUE); } else { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") BoundaryAttribute<S> attribute = (BoundaryAttribute<S>) node.getAttribute(); if (attribute != null) { final SubHyperplane<S> plusOutside = (attribute.getPlusInside() == null) ? null : attribute.getPlusInside().copySelf(); final SubHyperplane<S> plusInside = (attribute.getPlusOutside() == null) ? null : attribute.getPlusOutside().copySelf(); // we start with an empty list of splitters, it will be filled in out of recursion attribute = new BoundaryAttribute<S>(plusOutside, plusInside, new NodesSet<S>()); } transformedNode = new BSPTree<S>(node.getCut().copySelf(), recurseComplement(node.getPlus(), map), recurseComplement(node.getMinus(), map), attribute); } map.put(node, transformedNode); return transformedNode; }
BSP tree leaf merger computing union of two regions.
/** BSP tree leaf merger computing union of two regions. */
private class UnionMerger implements BSPTree.LeafMerger<S> {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public BSPTree<S> merge(final BSPTree<S> leaf, final BSPTree<S> tree, final BSPTree<S> parentTree, final boolean isPlusChild, final boolean leafFromInstance) { if ((Boolean) leaf.getAttribute()) { // the leaf node represents an inside cell leaf.insertInTree(parentTree, isPlusChild, new VanishingToLeaf(true)); return leaf; } // the leaf node represents an outside cell tree.insertInTree(parentTree, isPlusChild, new VanishingToLeaf(false)); return tree; } }
BSP tree leaf merger computing intersection of two regions.
/** BSP tree leaf merger computing intersection of two regions. */
private class IntersectionMerger implements BSPTree.LeafMerger<S> {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public BSPTree<S> merge(final BSPTree<S> leaf, final BSPTree<S> tree, final BSPTree<S> parentTree, final boolean isPlusChild, final boolean leafFromInstance) { if ((Boolean) leaf.getAttribute()) { // the leaf node represents an inside cell tree.insertInTree(parentTree, isPlusChild, new VanishingToLeaf(true)); return tree; } // the leaf node represents an outside cell leaf.insertInTree(parentTree, isPlusChild, new VanishingToLeaf(false)); return leaf; } }
BSP tree leaf merger computing symmetric difference (exclusive or) of two regions.
/** BSP tree leaf merger computing symmetric difference (exclusive or) of two regions. */
private class XorMerger implements BSPTree.LeafMerger<S> {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public BSPTree<S> merge(final BSPTree<S> leaf, final BSPTree<S> tree, final BSPTree<S> parentTree, final boolean isPlusChild, final boolean leafFromInstance) { BSPTree<S> t = tree; if ((Boolean) leaf.getAttribute()) { // the leaf node represents an inside cell t = recurseComplement(t); } t.insertInTree(parentTree, isPlusChild, new VanishingToLeaf(true)); return t; } }
BSP tree leaf merger computing difference of two regions.
/** BSP tree leaf merger computing difference of two regions. */
private class DifferenceMerger implements BSPTree.LeafMerger<S>, VanishingCutHandler<S> {
Region to subtract from.
/** Region to subtract from. */
private final Region<S> region1;
Region to subtract.
/** Region to subtract. */
private final Region<S> region2;
Simple constructor.
  • region1 – region to subtract from
  • region2 – region to subtract
/** Simple constructor. * @param region1 region to subtract from * @param region2 region to subtract */
DifferenceMerger(final Region<S> region1, final Region<S> region2) { this.region1 = region1.copySelf(); this.region2 = region2.copySelf(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public BSPTree<S> merge(final BSPTree<S> leaf, final BSPTree<S> tree, final BSPTree<S> parentTree, final boolean isPlusChild, final boolean leafFromInstance) { if ((Boolean) leaf.getAttribute()) { // the leaf node represents an inside cell final BSPTree<S> argTree = recurseComplement(leafFromInstance ? tree : leaf); argTree.insertInTree(parentTree, isPlusChild, this); return argTree; } // the leaf node represents an outside cell final BSPTree<S> instanceTree = leafFromInstance ? leaf : tree; instanceTree.insertInTree(parentTree, isPlusChild, this); return instanceTree; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public BSPTree<S> fixNode(final BSPTree<S> node) { // get a representative point in the degenerate cell final BSPTree<S> cell = node.pruneAroundConvexCell(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, null); final Region<S> r = region1.buildNew(cell); final Point<S> p = r.getBarycenter(); return new BSPTree<S>(region1.checkPoint(p) == Location.INSIDE && region2.checkPoint(p) == Location.OUTSIDE); } }
Visitor removing internal nodes attributes.
/** Visitor removing internal nodes attributes. */
private class NodesCleaner implements BSPTreeVisitor<S> {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Order visitOrder(final BSPTree<S> node) { return Order.PLUS_SUB_MINUS; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitInternalNode(final BSPTree<S> node) { node.setAttribute(null); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitLeafNode(final BSPTree<S> node) { } }
Handler replacing nodes with vanishing cuts with leaf nodes.
/** Handler replacing nodes with vanishing cuts with leaf nodes. */
private class VanishingToLeaf implements VanishingCutHandler<S> {
Inside/outside indocator to use for ambiguous nodes.
/** Inside/outside indocator to use for ambiguous nodes. */
private final boolean inside;
Simple constructor.
  • inside – inside/outside indicator to use for ambiguous nodes
/** Simple constructor. * @param inside inside/outside indicator to use for ambiguous nodes */
VanishingToLeaf(final boolean inside) { this.inside = inside; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public BSPTree<S> fixNode(final BSPTree<S> node) { if (node.getPlus().getAttribute().equals(node.getMinus().getAttribute())) { // no ambiguity return new BSPTree<S>(node.getPlus().getAttribute()); } else { // ambiguous node return new BSPTree<S>(inside); } } } }