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package org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.partitioning;

import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.Space;

This interface represents the remaining parts of an hyperplane after other parts have been chopped off.

sub-hyperplanes are obtained when parts of an hyperplane are chopped off by other hyperplanes that intersect it. The remaining part is a convex region. Such objects appear in BSP trees as the intersection of a cut hyperplane with the convex region which it splits, the chopping hyperplanes are the cut hyperplanes closer to the tree root.

Note that this interface is not intended to be implemented by Apache Commons Math users, it is only intended to be implemented within the library itself. New methods may be added even for minor versions, which breaks compatibility for external implementations.

Type parameters:
  • <S> – Type of the embedding space.
/** This interface represents the remaining parts of an hyperplane after * other parts have been chopped off. * <p>sub-hyperplanes are obtained when parts of an {@link * Hyperplane hyperplane} are chopped off by other hyperplanes that * intersect it. The remaining part is a convex region. Such objects * appear in {@link BSPTree BSP trees} as the intersection of a cut * hyperplane with the convex region which it splits, the chopping * hyperplanes are the cut hyperplanes closer to the tree root.</p> * <p> * Note that this interface is <em>not</em> intended to be implemented * by Apache Commons Math users, it is only intended to be implemented * within the library itself. New methods may be added even for minor * versions, which breaks compatibility for external implementations. * </p> * @param <S> Type of the embedding space. * @since 3.0 */
public interface SubHyperplane<S extends Space> {
Copy the instance.

The instance created is completely independent of the original one. A deep copy is used, none of the underlying objects are shared (except for the nodes attributes and immutable objects).

Returns:a new sub-hyperplane, copy of the instance
/** Copy the instance. * <p>The instance created is completely independent of the original * one. A deep copy is used, none of the underlying objects are * shared (except for the nodes attributes and immutable * objects).</p> * @return a new sub-hyperplane, copy of the instance */
SubHyperplane<S> copySelf();
Get the underlying hyperplane.
Returns:underlying hyperplane
/** Get the underlying hyperplane. * @return underlying hyperplane */
Hyperplane<S> getHyperplane();
Check if the instance is empty.
Returns:true if the instance is empty
/** Check if the instance is empty. * @return true if the instance is empty */
boolean isEmpty();
Get the size of the instance.
Returns:the size of the instance (this is a length in 1D, an area in 2D, a volume in 3D ...)
/** Get the size of the instance. * @return the size of the instance (this is a length in 1D, an area * in 2D, a volume in 3D ...) */
double getSize();
Compute the relative position of the instance with respect to an hyperplane.
  • hyperplane – hyperplane to check instance against
Returns:one of Side.PLUS, Side.MINUS, Side.BOTH, Side.HYPER
Deprecated:as of 3.6, replaced with split(Hyperplane).SplitSubHyperplane.getSide()
/** Compute the relative position of the instance with respect * to an hyperplane. * @param hyperplane hyperplane to check instance against * @return one of {@link Side#PLUS}, {@link Side#MINUS}, {@link Side#BOTH}, * {@link Side#HYPER} * @deprecated as of 3.6, replaced with {@link #split(Hyperplane)}.{@link SplitSubHyperplane#getSide()} */
@Deprecated Side side(Hyperplane<S> hyperplane);
Split the instance in two parts by an hyperplane.
  • hyperplane – splitting hyperplane
Returns:an object containing both the part of the instance on the plus side of the hyperplane and the part of the instance on the minus side of the hyperplane
/** Split the instance in two parts by an hyperplane. * @param hyperplane splitting hyperplane * @return an object containing both the part of the instance * on the plus side of the hyperplane and the part of the * instance on the minus side of the hyperplane */
SplitSubHyperplane<S> split(Hyperplane<S> hyperplane);
Compute the union of the instance and another sub-hyperplane.
  • other – other sub-hyperplane to union (must be in the same hyperplane as the instance)
Returns:a new sub-hyperplane, union of the instance and other
/** Compute the union of the instance and another sub-hyperplane. * @param other other sub-hyperplane to union (<em>must</em> be in the * same hyperplane as the instance) * @return a new sub-hyperplane, union of the instance and other */
SubHyperplane<S> reunite(SubHyperplane<S> other);
Class holding the results of the split method.
Type parameters:
  • <U> – Type of the embedding space.
/** Class holding the results of the {@link #split split} method. * @param <U> Type of the embedding space. */
class SplitSubHyperplane<U extends Space> {
Part of the sub-hyperplane on the plus side of the splitting hyperplane.
/** Part of the sub-hyperplane on the plus side of the splitting hyperplane. */
private final SubHyperplane<U> plus;
Part of the sub-hyperplane on the minus side of the splitting hyperplane.
/** Part of the sub-hyperplane on the minus side of the splitting hyperplane. */
private final SubHyperplane<U> minus;
Build a SplitSubHyperplane from its parts.
  • plus – part of the sub-hyperplane on the plus side of the splitting hyperplane
  • minus – part of the sub-hyperplane on the minus side of the splitting hyperplane
/** Build a SplitSubHyperplane from its parts. * @param plus part of the sub-hyperplane on the plus side of the * splitting hyperplane * @param minus part of the sub-hyperplane on the minus side of the * splitting hyperplane */
public SplitSubHyperplane(final SubHyperplane<U> plus, final SubHyperplane<U> minus) { this.plus = plus; this.minus = minus; }
Get the part of the sub-hyperplane on the plus side of the splitting hyperplane.
Returns:part of the sub-hyperplane on the plus side of the splitting hyperplane
/** Get the part of the sub-hyperplane on the plus side of the splitting hyperplane. * @return part of the sub-hyperplane on the plus side of the splitting hyperplane */
public SubHyperplane<U> getPlus() { return plus; }
Get the part of the sub-hyperplane on the minus side of the splitting hyperplane.
Returns:part of the sub-hyperplane on the minus side of the splitting hyperplane
/** Get the part of the sub-hyperplane on the minus side of the splitting hyperplane. * @return part of the sub-hyperplane on the minus side of the splitting hyperplane */
public SubHyperplane<U> getMinus() { return minus; }
Get the side of the split sub-hyperplane with respect to its splitter.
Returns:Side.PLUS if only getPlus() is neither null nor empty, Side.MINUS if only getMinus() is neither null nor empty, Side.BOTH if both getPlus() and getMinus() are neither null nor empty or Side.HYPER if both getPlus() and getMinus() are either null or empty
/** Get the side of the split sub-hyperplane with respect to its splitter. * @return {@link Side#PLUS} if only {@link #getPlus()} is neither null nor empty, * {@link Side#MINUS} if only {@link #getMinus()} is neither null nor empty, * {@link Side#BOTH} if both {@link #getPlus()} and {@link #getMinus()} * are neither null nor empty or {@link Side#HYPER} if both {@link #getPlus()} and * {@link #getMinus()} are either null or empty * @since 3.6 */
public Side getSide() { if (plus != null && !plus.isEmpty()) { if (minus != null && !minus.isEmpty()) { return Side.BOTH; } else { return Side.PLUS; } } else if (minus != null && !minus.isEmpty()) { return Side.MINUS; } else { return Side.HYPER; } } } }