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package org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable;

import java.io.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;

import com.google.common.base.Predicates;
import com.google.common.collect.Collections2;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.google.common.io.Files;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.BufferDecoratedKey;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.DecoratedKey;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.RowIndexEntry;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.IPartitioner;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.FSWriteError;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DiskOptimizationStrategy;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.FileUtils;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.RandomAccessReader;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.memory.HeapAllocator;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;

This class is built on top of the SequenceFile. It stores data on disk in sorted fashion. However the sorting is upto the application. This class expects keys to be handed to it in sorted order. A separate index file is maintained as well, containing the SSTable keys and the offset into the SSTable at which they are found. Every 1/indexInterval key is read into memory when the SSTable is opened. Finally, a bloom filter file is also kept for the keys in each SSTable.
/** * This class is built on top of the SequenceFile. It stores * data on disk in sorted fashion. However the sorting is upto * the application. This class expects keys to be handed to it * in sorted order. * * A separate index file is maintained as well, containing the * SSTable keys and the offset into the SSTable at which they are found. * Every 1/indexInterval key is read into memory when the SSTable is opened. * * Finally, a bloom filter file is also kept for the keys in each SSTable. */
public abstract class SSTable { static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SSTable.class); public static final int TOMBSTONE_HISTOGRAM_BIN_SIZE = 100; public static final int TOMBSTONE_HISTOGRAM_SPOOL_SIZE = 100000; public static final int TOMBSTONE_HISTOGRAM_TTL_ROUND_SECONDS = Integer.valueOf(System.getProperty("cassandra.streaminghistogram.roundseconds", "60")); public final Descriptor descriptor; protected final Set<Component> components; public final CFMetaData metadata; public final boolean compression; public DecoratedKey first; public DecoratedKey last; protected final DiskOptimizationStrategy optimizationStrategy; protected SSTable(Descriptor descriptor, Set<Component> components, CFMetaData metadata, DiskOptimizationStrategy optimizationStrategy) { // In almost all cases, metadata shouldn't be null, but allowing null allows to create a mostly functional SSTable without // full schema definition. SSTableLoader use that ability assert descriptor != null; assert components != null; assert metadata != null; this.descriptor = descriptor; Set<Component> dataComponents = new HashSet<>(components); this.compression = dataComponents.contains(Component.COMPRESSION_INFO); this.components = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(dataComponents); this.metadata = metadata; this.optimizationStrategy = Objects.requireNonNull(optimizationStrategy); }
We use a ReferenceQueue to manage deleting files that have been compacted and for which no more SSTable references exist. But this is not guaranteed to run for each such file because of the semantics of the JVM gc. So, we write a marker to `compactedFilename` when a file is compacted; if such a marker exists on startup, the file should be removed. This method will also remove SSTables that are marked as temporary.
Returns:true if the file was deleted
/** * We use a ReferenceQueue to manage deleting files that have been compacted * and for which no more SSTable references exist. But this is not guaranteed * to run for each such file because of the semantics of the JVM gc. So, * we write a marker to `compactedFilename` when a file is compacted; * if such a marker exists on startup, the file should be removed. * * This method will also remove SSTables that are marked as temporary. * * @return true if the file was deleted */
public static boolean delete(Descriptor desc, Set<Component> components) { logger.debug("Deleting sstable: {}", desc); // remove the DATA component first if it exists if (components.contains(Component.DATA)) FileUtils.deleteWithConfirm(desc.filenameFor(Component.DATA)); for (Component component : components) { if (component.equals(Component.DATA) || component.equals(Component.SUMMARY)) continue; FileUtils.deleteWithConfirm(desc.filenameFor(component)); } if (components.contains(Component.SUMMARY)) FileUtils.delete(desc.filenameFor(Component.SUMMARY)); return true; } public IPartitioner getPartitioner() { return metadata.partitioner; } public DecoratedKey decorateKey(ByteBuffer key) { return getPartitioner().decorateKey(key); }
If the given @param key occupies only part of a larger buffer, allocate a new buffer that is only as large as necessary.
/** * If the given @param key occupies only part of a larger buffer, allocate a new buffer that is only * as large as necessary. */
public static DecoratedKey getMinimalKey(DecoratedKey key) { return key.getKey().position() > 0 || key.getKey().hasRemaining() || !key.getKey().hasArray() ? new BufferDecoratedKey(key.getToken(), HeapAllocator.instance.clone(key.getKey())) : key; } public String getFilename() { return descriptor.filenameFor(Component.DATA); } public String getIndexFilename() { return descriptor.filenameFor(Component.PRIMARY_INDEX); } public String getColumnFamilyName() { return descriptor.cfname; } public String getKeyspaceName() { return descriptor.ksname; } public List<String> getAllFilePaths() { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (Component component : components) ret.add(descriptor.filenameFor(component)); return ret; }
Returns:Descriptor and Component pair. null if given file is not acceptable as SSTable component. If component is of unknown type, returns CUSTOM component.
/** * @return Descriptor and Component pair. null if given file is not acceptable as SSTable component. * If component is of unknown type, returns CUSTOM component. */
public static Pair<Descriptor, Component> tryComponentFromFilename(File dir, String name) { try { return Component.fromFilename(dir, name); } catch (Throwable e) { return null; } }
Discovers existing components for the descriptor. Slow: only intended for use outside the critical path.
/** * Discovers existing components for the descriptor. Slow: only intended for use outside the critical path. */
public static Set<Component> componentsFor(final Descriptor desc) { try { try { return readTOC(desc); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Set<Component> components = discoverComponentsFor(desc); if (components.isEmpty()) return components; // sstable doesn't exist yet if (!components.contains(Component.TOC)) components.add(Component.TOC); appendTOC(desc, components); return components; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOError(e); } } public static Set<Component> discoverComponentsFor(Descriptor desc) { Set<Component.Type> knownTypes = Sets.difference(Component.TYPES, Collections.singleton(Component.Type.CUSTOM)); Set<Component> components = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(knownTypes.size()); for (Component.Type componentType : knownTypes) { if (componentType == Component.Type.DIGEST) { if (desc.digestComponent != null && new File(desc.filenameFor(desc.digestComponent)).exists()) components.add(desc.digestComponent); } else { Component component = new Component(componentType); if (new File(desc.filenameFor(component)).exists()) components.add(component); } } return components; }
Returns:An estimate of the number of keys contained in the given index file.
/** @return An estimate of the number of keys contained in the given index file. */
protected long estimateRowsFromIndex(RandomAccessReader ifile) throws IOException { // collect sizes for the first 10000 keys, or first 10 megabytes of data final int SAMPLES_CAP = 10000, BYTES_CAP = (int)Math.min(10000000, ifile.length()); int keys = 0; while (ifile.getFilePointer() < BYTES_CAP && keys < SAMPLES_CAP) { ByteBufferUtil.skipShortLength(ifile); RowIndexEntry.Serializer.skip(ifile, descriptor.version); keys++; } assert keys > 0 && ifile.getFilePointer() > 0 && ifile.length() > 0 : "Unexpected empty index file: " + ifile; long estimatedRows = ifile.length() / (ifile.getFilePointer() / keys); ifile.seek(0); return estimatedRows; } public long bytesOnDisk() { long bytes = 0; for (Component component : components) { bytes += new File(descriptor.filenameFor(component)).length(); } return bytes; } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + "path='" + getFilename() + '\'' + ')'; }
Reads the list of components from the TOC component.
Returns:set of components found in the TOC
/** * Reads the list of components from the TOC component. * @return set of components found in the TOC */
protected static Set<Component> readTOC(Descriptor descriptor) throws IOException { File tocFile = new File(descriptor.filenameFor(Component.TOC)); List<String> componentNames = Files.readLines(tocFile, Charset.defaultCharset()); Set<Component> components = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(componentNames.size()); for (String componentName : componentNames) { Component component = new Component(Component.Type.fromRepresentation(componentName), componentName); if (!new File(descriptor.filenameFor(component)).exists()) logger.error("Missing component: {}", descriptor.filenameFor(component)); else components.add(component); } return components; }
Appends new component names to the TOC component.
/** * Appends new component names to the TOC component. */
protected static void appendTOC(Descriptor descriptor, Collection<Component> components) { File tocFile = new File(descriptor.filenameFor(Component.TOC)); try (PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(tocFile, true))) { for (Component component : components) w.println(component.name); } catch (IOException e) { throw new FSWriteError(e, tocFile); } }
Registers new custom components. Used by custom compaction strategies. Adding a component for the second time is a no-op. Don't remove this - this method is a part of the public API, intended for use by custom compaction strategies.
  • newComponents – collection of components to be added
/** * Registers new custom components. Used by custom compaction strategies. * Adding a component for the second time is a no-op. * Don't remove this - this method is a part of the public API, intended for use by custom compaction strategies. * @param newComponents collection of components to be added */
public synchronized void addComponents(Collection<Component> newComponents) { Collection<Component> componentsToAdd = Collections2.filter(newComponents, Predicates.not(Predicates.in(components))); appendTOC(descriptor, componentsToAdd); components.addAll(componentsToAdd); } }