 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.cassandra.db;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.List;

import com.codahale.metrics.Histogram;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.cache.IMeasurableMemory;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.ISerializer;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.IndexInfo;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.Version;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataInputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataOutputBuffer;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataOutputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.FileDataInput;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.FileHandle;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.TrackedDataInputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.DefaultNameFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.MetricNameFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ObjectSizes;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.vint.VIntCoding;
import org.github.jamm.Unmetered;

import static org.apache.cassandra.metrics.CassandraMetricsRegistry.Metrics;

Binary format of RowIndexEntry is defined as follows: (long) position (64 bit long, vint encoded) (int) serialized size of data that follows (32 bit int, vint encoded) -- following for indexed entries only (so serialized size > 0) (int) DeletionTime.localDeletionTime (long) DeletionTime.markedForDeletionAt (int) number of IndexInfo objects (32 bit int, vint encoded) (*) serialized IndexInfo objects, see below (*) offsets of serialized IndexInfo objects, since version "ma" (3.0) Each IndexInfo object's offset is relative to the first IndexInfo object.

See IndexInfo for a description of the serialized format.

For each partition, the layout of the index file looks like this:

  1. partition key - prefixed with short length
  2. serialized RowIndexEntry objects

Generally, we distinguish between index entries that have index samples (list of IndexInfo objects) and those who don't. For each portion of data for a single partition in the data file, an index sample is created. The size of that portion is defined by Config.column_index_size_in_kb.

Index entries with less than 2 index samples, will just store the position in the data file.

Note: legacy sstables for index entries are those sstable formats that do not have an offsets table to index samples (IndexInfo objects). These are those sstables created on Cassandra versions earlier than 3.0.

For index entries with index samples we store the index samples (IndexInfo objects). The bigger the partition, the more index samples are created. Since a huge amount of index samples will "pollute" the heap and cause huge GC pressure, Cassandra 3.6 (CASSANDRA-11206) distinguishes between index entries with an "acceptable" amount of index samples per partition and those with an "enormous" amount of index samples. The barrier is controlled by the configuration parameter Config.column_index_cache_size_in_kb. Index entries with a total serialized size of index samples up to column_index_cache_size_in_kb will be held in an array. Index entries exceeding that value will always be accessed from disk.

This results in these classes:

Since access to index samples on disk (obviously) requires some file reader, that functionality is encapsulated in implementations of IndexInfoRetriever. There is an implementation to access index samples of legacy sstables (without the offsets table), an implementation of access sstables with an offsets table.

Until now (Cassandra 3.x), we still support reading from legacy sstables - i.e. sstables created by Cassandra < 3.0 (see BigFormat.

/** * Binary format of {@code RowIndexEntry} is defined as follows: * {@code * (long) position (64 bit long, vint encoded) * (int) serialized size of data that follows (32 bit int, vint encoded) * -- following for indexed entries only (so serialized size > 0) * (int) DeletionTime.localDeletionTime * (long) DeletionTime.markedForDeletionAt * (int) number of IndexInfo objects (32 bit int, vint encoded) * (*) serialized IndexInfo objects, see below * (*) offsets of serialized IndexInfo objects, since version "ma" (3.0) * Each IndexInfo object's offset is relative to the first IndexInfo object. * } * <p> * See {@link IndexInfo} for a description of the serialized format. * </p> * * <p> * For each partition, the layout of the index file looks like this: * </p> * <ol> * <li>partition key - prefixed with {@code short} length</li> * <li>serialized {@code RowIndexEntry} objects</li> * </ol> * * <p> * Generally, we distinguish between index entries that have <i>index * samples</i> (list of {@link IndexInfo} objects) and those who don't. * For each <i>portion</i> of data for a single partition in the data file, * an index sample is created. The size of that <i>portion</i> is defined * by {@link org.apache.cassandra.config.Config#column_index_size_in_kb}. * </p> * <p> * Index entries with less than 2 index samples, will just store the * position in the data file. * </p> * <p> * Note: legacy sstables for index entries are those sstable formats that * do <i>not</i> have an offsets table to index samples ({@link IndexInfo} * objects). These are those sstables created on Cassandra versions * earlier than 3.0. * </p> * <p> * For index entries with index samples we store the index samples * ({@link IndexInfo} objects). The bigger the partition, the more * index samples are created. Since a huge amount of index samples * will "pollute" the heap and cause huge GC pressure, Cassandra 3.6 * (CASSANDRA-11206) distinguishes between index entries with an * "acceptable" amount of index samples per partition and those * with an "enormous" amount of index samples. The barrier * is controlled by the configuration parameter * {@link org.apache.cassandra.config.Config#column_index_cache_size_in_kb}. * Index entries with a total serialized size of index samples up to * {@code column_index_cache_size_in_kb} will be held in an array. * Index entries exceeding that value will always be accessed from * disk. * </p> * <p> * This results in these classes: * </p> * <ul> * <li>{@link RowIndexEntry} just stores the offset in the data file.</li> * <li>{@link IndexedEntry} is for index entries with index samples * and used for both current and legacy sstables, which do not exceed * {@link org.apache.cassandra.config.Config#column_index_cache_size_in_kb}.</li> * <li>{@link ShallowIndexedEntry} is for index entries with index samples * that exceed {@link org.apache.cassandra.config.Config#column_index_cache_size_in_kb} * for sstables with an offset table to the index samples.</li> * <li>{@link LegacyShallowIndexedEntry} is for index entries with index samples * that exceed {@link org.apache.cassandra.config.Config#column_index_cache_size_in_kb} * but for legacy sstables.</li> * </ul> * <p> * Since access to index samples on disk (obviously) requires some file * reader, that functionality is encapsulated in implementations of * {@link IndexInfoRetriever}. There is an implementation to access * index samples of legacy sstables (without the offsets table), * an implementation of access sstables with an offsets table. * </p> * <p> * Until now (Cassandra 3.x), we still support reading from <i>legacy</i> sstables - * i.e. sstables created by Cassandra &lt; 3.0 (see {@link org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.big.BigFormat}. * </p> * */
public class RowIndexEntry<T> implements IMeasurableMemory { private static final long EMPTY_SIZE = ObjectSizes.measure(new RowIndexEntry(0)); // constants for type of row-index-entry as serialized for saved-cache static final int CACHE_NOT_INDEXED = 0; static final int CACHE_INDEXED = 1; static final int CACHE_INDEXED_SHALLOW = 2; static final Histogram indexEntrySizeHistogram; static final Histogram indexInfoCountHistogram; static final Histogram indexInfoGetsHistogram; static { MetricNameFactory factory = new DefaultNameFactory("Index", "RowIndexEntry"); indexEntrySizeHistogram = Metrics.histogram(factory.createMetricName("IndexedEntrySize"), false); indexInfoCountHistogram = Metrics.histogram(factory.createMetricName("IndexInfoCount"), false); indexInfoGetsHistogram = Metrics.histogram(factory.createMetricName("IndexInfoGets"), false); } public final long position; public RowIndexEntry(long position) { this.position = position; }
Returns:true if this index entry contains the row-level tombstone and column summary. Otherwise, caller should fetch these from the row header.
/** * @return true if this index entry contains the row-level tombstone and column summary. Otherwise, * caller should fetch these from the row header. */
public boolean isIndexed() { return columnsIndexCount() > 1; } public boolean indexOnHeap() { return false; } public DeletionTime deletionTime() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
The length of the row header (partition key, partition deletion and static row). This value is only provided for indexed entries and this method will throw UnsupportedOperationException if !isIndexed().
/** * The length of the row header (partition key, partition deletion and static row). * This value is only provided for indexed entries and this method will throw * {@code UnsupportedOperationException} if {@code !isIndexed()}. */
public long headerLength() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public int columnsIndexCount() { return 0; } public long unsharedHeapSize() { return EMPTY_SIZE; }
/** * @param dataFilePosition position of the partition in the {@link org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Component.Type#DATA} file * @param indexFilePosition position in the {@link org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Component.Type#PRIMARY_INDEX} of the {@link RowIndexEntry} * @param deletionTime deletion time of {@link RowIndexEntry} * @param headerLength deletion time of {@link RowIndexEntry} * @param columnIndexCount number of {@link IndexInfo} entries in the {@link RowIndexEntry} * @param indexedPartSize serialized size of all serialized {@link IndexInfo} objects and their offsets * @param indexSamples list with IndexInfo offsets (if total serialized size is less than {@link org.apache.cassandra.config.Config#column_index_cache_size_in_kb} * @param offsets offsets of IndexInfo offsets * @param idxInfoSerializer the {@link IndexInfo} serializer */
public static RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> create(long dataFilePosition, long indexFilePosition, DeletionTime deletionTime, long headerLength, int columnIndexCount, int indexedPartSize, List<IndexInfo> indexSamples, int[] offsets, ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer) { // If the "partition building code" in BigTableWriter.append() via ColumnIndex returns a list // of IndexInfo objects, which is the case if the serialized size is less than // Config.column_index_cache_size_in_kb, AND we have more than one IndexInfo object, we // construct an IndexedEntry object. (note: indexSamples.size() and columnIndexCount have the same meaning) if (indexSamples != null && indexSamples.size() > 1) return new IndexedEntry(dataFilePosition, deletionTime, headerLength, indexSamples.toArray(new IndexInfo[indexSamples.size()]), offsets, indexedPartSize, idxInfoSerializer); // Here we have to decide whether we have serialized IndexInfo objects that exceeds // Config.column_index_cache_size_in_kb (not exceeding case covered above). // Such a "big" indexed-entry is represented as a shallow one. if (columnIndexCount > 1) return new ShallowIndexedEntry(dataFilePosition, indexFilePosition, deletionTime, headerLength, columnIndexCount, indexedPartSize, idxInfoSerializer); // Last case is that there are no index samples. return new RowIndexEntry<>(dataFilePosition); } public IndexInfoRetriever openWithIndex(FileHandle indexFile) { return null; } public interface IndexSerializer<T> { void serialize(RowIndexEntry<T> rie, DataOutputPlus out, ByteBuffer indexInfo) throws IOException; RowIndexEntry<T> deserialize(DataInputPlus in, long indexFilePosition) throws IOException; void serializeForCache(RowIndexEntry<T> rie, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException; RowIndexEntry<T> deserializeForCache(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException; long deserializePositionAndSkip(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException; ISerializer<T> indexInfoSerializer(); } public static final class Serializer implements IndexSerializer<IndexInfo> { private final IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer; private final Version version; public Serializer(CFMetaData metadata, Version version, SerializationHeader header) { this.idxInfoSerializer = metadata.serializers().indexInfoSerializer(version, header); this.version = version; } public IndexInfo.Serializer indexInfoSerializer() { return idxInfoSerializer; } public void serialize(RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> rie, DataOutputPlus out, ByteBuffer indexInfo) throws IOException { assert version.storeRows() : "We read old index files but we should never write them"; rie.serialize(out, idxInfoSerializer, indexInfo); } public void serializeForCache(RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> rie, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException { assert version.storeRows(); rie.serializeForCache(out); } public RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> deserializeForCache(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException { assert version.storeRows(); long position = in.readUnsignedVInt(); switch (in.readByte()) { case CACHE_NOT_INDEXED: return new RowIndexEntry<>(position); case CACHE_INDEXED: return new IndexedEntry(position, in, idxInfoSerializer, version); case CACHE_INDEXED_SHALLOW: return new ShallowIndexedEntry(position, in, idxInfoSerializer); default: throw new AssertionError(); } } public static void skipForCache(DataInputPlus in, Version version) throws IOException { assert version.storeRows(); /* long position = */in.readUnsignedVInt(); switch (in.readByte()) { case CACHE_NOT_INDEXED: break; case CACHE_INDEXED: IndexedEntry.skipForCache(in); break; case CACHE_INDEXED_SHALLOW: ShallowIndexedEntry.skipForCache(in); break; default: assert false; } } public RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> deserialize(DataInputPlus in, long indexFilePosition) throws IOException { if (!version.storeRows()) return LegacyShallowIndexedEntry.deserialize(in, indexFilePosition, idxInfoSerializer); long position = in.readUnsignedVInt(); int size = (int)in.readUnsignedVInt(); if (size == 0) { return new RowIndexEntry<>(position); } else { long headerLength = in.readUnsignedVInt(); DeletionTime deletionTime = DeletionTime.serializer.deserialize(in); int columnsIndexCount = (int) in.readUnsignedVInt(); int indexedPartSize = size - serializedSize(deletionTime, headerLength, columnsIndexCount); if (size <= DatabaseDescriptor.getColumnIndexCacheSize()) { return new IndexedEntry(position, in, deletionTime, headerLength, columnsIndexCount, idxInfoSerializer, version, indexedPartSize); } else { in.skipBytes(indexedPartSize); return new ShallowIndexedEntry(position, indexFilePosition, deletionTime, headerLength, columnsIndexCount, indexedPartSize, idxInfoSerializer); } } } public long deserializePositionAndSkip(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException { if (!version.storeRows()) return LegacyShallowIndexedEntry.deserializePositionAndSkip(in); return ShallowIndexedEntry.deserializePositionAndSkip(in); }
Reads only the data 'position' of the index entry and returns it. Note that this left 'in' in the middle of reading an entry, so this is only useful if you know what you are doing and in most case 'deserialize' should be used instead.
/** * Reads only the data 'position' of the index entry and returns it. Note that this left 'in' in the middle * of reading an entry, so this is only useful if you know what you are doing and in most case 'deserialize' * should be used instead. */
public static long readPosition(DataInputPlus in, Version version) throws IOException { return version.storeRows() ? in.readUnsignedVInt() : in.readLong(); } public static void skip(DataInputPlus in, Version version) throws IOException { readPosition(in, version); skipPromotedIndex(in, version); } private static void skipPromotedIndex(DataInputPlus in, Version version) throws IOException { int size = version.storeRows() ? (int)in.readUnsignedVInt() : in.readInt(); if (size <= 0) return; in.skipBytesFully(size); } public static void serializeOffsets(DataOutputBuffer out, int[] indexOffsets, int columnIndexCount) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < columnIndexCount; i++) out.writeInt(indexOffsets[i]); } } private static int serializedSize(DeletionTime deletionTime, long headerLength, int columnIndexCount) { return TypeSizes.sizeofUnsignedVInt(headerLength) + (int) DeletionTime.serializer.serializedSize(deletionTime) + TypeSizes.sizeofUnsignedVInt(columnIndexCount); } public void serialize(DataOutputPlus out, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer, ByteBuffer indexInfo) throws IOException { out.writeUnsignedVInt(position); out.writeUnsignedVInt(0); } public void serializeForCache(DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException { out.writeUnsignedVInt(position); out.writeByte(CACHE_NOT_INDEXED); } private static final class LegacyShallowIndexedEntry extends RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> { private static final long BASE_SIZE; static { BASE_SIZE = ObjectSizes.measure(new LegacyShallowIndexedEntry(0, 0, DeletionTime.LIVE, 0, new int[0], null, 0)); } private final long indexFilePosition; private final int[] offsets; @Unmetered private final IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer; private final DeletionTime deletionTime; private final long headerLength; private final int serializedSize; private LegacyShallowIndexedEntry(long dataFilePosition, long indexFilePosition, DeletionTime deletionTime, long headerLength, int[] offsets, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer, int serializedSize) { super(dataFilePosition); this.deletionTime = deletionTime; this.headerLength = headerLength; this.indexFilePosition = indexFilePosition; this.offsets = offsets; this.idxInfoSerializer = idxInfoSerializer; this.serializedSize = serializedSize; } @Override public DeletionTime deletionTime() { return deletionTime; } @Override public long headerLength() { return headerLength; } @Override public long unsharedHeapSize() { return BASE_SIZE + offsets.length * TypeSizes.sizeof(0); } @Override public int columnsIndexCount() { return offsets.length; } @Override public void serialize(DataOutputPlus out, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer, ByteBuffer indexInfo) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("serializing legacy index entries is not supported"); } @Override public void serializeForCache(DataOutputPlus out) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("serializing legacy index entries is not supported"); } @Override public IndexInfoRetriever openWithIndex(FileHandle indexFile) { int fieldsSize = (int) DeletionTime.serializer.serializedSize(deletionTime) + TypeSizes.sizeof(0); // columnIndexCount indexEntrySizeHistogram.update(serializedSize); indexInfoCountHistogram.update(offsets.length); return new LegacyIndexInfoRetriever(indexFilePosition + TypeSizes.sizeof(0L) + // position TypeSizes.sizeof(0) + // indexInfoSize fieldsSize, offsets, indexFile.createReader(), idxInfoSerializer); } public static RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> deserialize(DataInputPlus in, long indexFilePosition, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer) throws IOException { long dataFilePosition = in.readLong(); int size = in.readInt(); if (size == 0) { return new RowIndexEntry<>(dataFilePosition); } else if (size <= DatabaseDescriptor.getColumnIndexCacheSize()) { return new IndexedEntry(dataFilePosition, in, idxInfoSerializer); } else { DeletionTime deletionTime = DeletionTime.serializer.deserialize(in); // For legacy sstables (i.e. sstables pre-"ma", pre-3.0) we have to scan all serialized IndexInfo // objects to calculate the offsets array. However, it might be possible to deserialize all // IndexInfo objects here - but to just skip feels more gentle to the heap/GC. int entries = in.readInt(); int[] offsets = new int[entries]; TrackedDataInputPlus tracked = new TrackedDataInputPlus(in); long start = tracked.getBytesRead(); long headerLength = 0L; for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) { offsets[i] = (int) (tracked.getBytesRead() - start); if (i == 0) { IndexInfo info = idxInfoSerializer.deserialize(tracked); headerLength = info.offset; } else idxInfoSerializer.skip(tracked); } return new LegacyShallowIndexedEntry(dataFilePosition, indexFilePosition, deletionTime, headerLength, offsets, idxInfoSerializer, size); } } static long deserializePositionAndSkip(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException { long position = in.readLong(); int size = in.readInt(); if (size > 0) in.skipBytesFully(size); return position; } } private static final class LegacyIndexInfoRetriever extends FileIndexInfoRetriever { private final int[] offsets; private LegacyIndexInfoRetriever(long indexFilePosition, int[] offsets, FileDataInput reader, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer) { super(indexFilePosition, reader, idxInfoSerializer); this.offsets = offsets; } IndexInfo fetchIndex(int index) throws IOException { retrievals++; // seek to posision of IndexInfo indexReader.seek(indexInfoFilePosition + offsets[index]); // deserialize IndexInfo return idxInfoSerializer.deserialize(indexReader); } }
An entry in the row index for a row whose columns are indexed - used for both legacy and current formats.
/** * An entry in the row index for a row whose columns are indexed - used for both legacy and current formats. */
private static final class IndexedEntry extends RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> { private static final long BASE_SIZE; static { BASE_SIZE = ObjectSizes.measure(new IndexedEntry(0, DeletionTime.LIVE, 0, null, null, 0, null)); } private final DeletionTime deletionTime; private final long headerLength; private final IndexInfo[] columnsIndex; private final int[] offsets; private final int indexedPartSize; @Unmetered private final ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer; private IndexedEntry(long dataFilePosition, DeletionTime deletionTime, long headerLength, IndexInfo[] columnsIndex, int[] offsets, int indexedPartSize, ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer) { super(dataFilePosition); this.headerLength = headerLength; this.deletionTime = deletionTime; this.columnsIndex = columnsIndex; this.offsets = offsets; this.indexedPartSize = indexedPartSize; this.idxInfoSerializer = idxInfoSerializer; } private IndexedEntry(long dataFilePosition, DataInputPlus in, DeletionTime deletionTime, long headerLength, int columnIndexCount, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer, Version version, int indexedPartSize) throws IOException { super(dataFilePosition); this.headerLength = headerLength; this.deletionTime = deletionTime; int columnsIndexCount = columnIndexCount; this.columnsIndex = new IndexInfo[columnsIndexCount]; for (int i = 0; i < columnsIndexCount; i++) this.columnsIndex[i] = idxInfoSerializer.deserialize(in); int[] offsets = null; if (version.storeRows()) { offsets = new int[this.columnsIndex.length]; for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) offsets[i] = in.readInt(); } this.offsets = offsets; this.indexedPartSize = indexedPartSize; this.idxInfoSerializer = idxInfoSerializer; } /** * Constructor called from {@link Serializer#deserializeForCache(org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataInputPlus)}. */ private IndexedEntry(long dataFilePosition, DataInputPlus in, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer, Version version) throws IOException { super(dataFilePosition); this.headerLength = in.readUnsignedVInt(); this.deletionTime = DeletionTime.serializer.deserialize(in); int columnsIndexCount = (int) in.readUnsignedVInt(); TrackedDataInputPlus trackedIn = new TrackedDataInputPlus(in); this.columnsIndex = new IndexInfo[columnsIndexCount]; for (int i = 0; i < columnsIndexCount; i++) this.columnsIndex[i] = idxInfoSerializer.deserialize(trackedIn); this.offsets = null; this.indexedPartSize = (int) trackedIn.getBytesRead(); this.idxInfoSerializer = idxInfoSerializer; }
Constructor called from LegacyShallowIndexedEntry.deserialize(DataInputPlus, long, Serializer). Only for legacy sstables.
/** * Constructor called from {@link LegacyShallowIndexedEntry#deserialize(org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataInputPlus, long, org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.IndexInfo.Serializer)}. * Only for legacy sstables. */
private IndexedEntry(long dataFilePosition, DataInputPlus in, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer) throws IOException { super(dataFilePosition); long headerLength = 0; this.deletionTime = DeletionTime.serializer.deserialize(in); int columnsIndexCount = in.readInt(); TrackedDataInputPlus trackedIn = new TrackedDataInputPlus(in); this.columnsIndex = new IndexInfo[columnsIndexCount]; for (int i = 0; i < columnsIndexCount; i++) { this.columnsIndex[i] = idxInfoSerializer.deserialize(trackedIn); if (i == 0) headerLength = this.columnsIndex[i].offset; } this.headerLength = headerLength; this.offsets = null; this.indexedPartSize = (int) trackedIn.getBytesRead(); this.idxInfoSerializer = idxInfoSerializer; } @Override public boolean indexOnHeap() { return true; } @Override public int columnsIndexCount() { return columnsIndex.length; } @Override public DeletionTime deletionTime() { return deletionTime; } @Override public long headerLength() { return headerLength; } @Override public IndexInfoRetriever openWithIndex(FileHandle indexFile) { indexEntrySizeHistogram.update(serializedSize(deletionTime, headerLength, columnsIndex.length) + indexedPartSize); indexInfoCountHistogram.update(columnsIndex.length); return new IndexInfoRetriever() { private int retrievals; @Override public IndexInfo columnsIndex(int index) { retrievals++; return columnsIndex[index]; } public void close() { indexInfoGetsHistogram.update(retrievals); } }; } @Override public long unsharedHeapSize() { long entrySize = 0; for (IndexInfo idx : columnsIndex) entrySize += idx.unsharedHeapSize(); return BASE_SIZE + entrySize + ObjectSizes.sizeOfReferenceArray(columnsIndex.length); } @Override public void serialize(DataOutputPlus out, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer, ByteBuffer indexInfo) throws IOException { assert indexedPartSize != Integer.MIN_VALUE; out.writeUnsignedVInt(position); out.writeUnsignedVInt(serializedSize(deletionTime, headerLength, columnsIndex.length) + indexedPartSize); out.writeUnsignedVInt(headerLength); DeletionTime.serializer.serialize(deletionTime, out); out.writeUnsignedVInt(columnsIndex.length); for (IndexInfo info : columnsIndex) idxInfoSerializer.serialize(info, out); for (int offset : offsets) out.writeInt(offset); } @Override public void serializeForCache(DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException { out.writeUnsignedVInt(position); out.writeByte(CACHE_INDEXED); out.writeUnsignedVInt(headerLength); DeletionTime.serializer.serialize(deletionTime, out); out.writeUnsignedVInt(columnsIndexCount()); for (IndexInfo indexInfo : columnsIndex) idxInfoSerializer.serialize(indexInfo, out); } static void skipForCache(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException { /*long headerLength =*/in.readUnsignedVInt(); /*DeletionTime deletionTime = */DeletionTime.serializer.skip(in); /*int columnsIndexCount = (int)*/in.readUnsignedVInt(); /*int indexedPartSize = (int)*/in.readUnsignedVInt(); } }
An entry in the row index for a row whose columns are indexed and the IndexInfo objects are not read into the key cache.
/** * An entry in the row index for a row whose columns are indexed and the {@link IndexInfo} objects * are not read into the key cache. */
private static final class ShallowIndexedEntry extends RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> { private static final long BASE_SIZE; static { BASE_SIZE = ObjectSizes.measure(new ShallowIndexedEntry(0, 0, DeletionTime.LIVE, 0, 10, 0, null)); } private final long indexFilePosition; private final DeletionTime deletionTime; private final long headerLength; private final int columnsIndexCount; private final int indexedPartSize; private final int offsetsOffset; @Unmetered private final ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer; private final int fieldsSerializedSize; /** * See {@link #create(long, long, DeletionTime, long, int, int, List, int[], ISerializer)} for a description * of the parameters. */ private ShallowIndexedEntry(long dataFilePosition, long indexFilePosition, DeletionTime deletionTime, long headerLength, int columnIndexCount, int indexedPartSize, ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer) { super(dataFilePosition); assert columnIndexCount > 1; this.indexFilePosition = indexFilePosition; this.headerLength = headerLength; this.deletionTime = deletionTime; this.columnsIndexCount = columnIndexCount; this.indexedPartSize = indexedPartSize; this.idxInfoSerializer = idxInfoSerializer; this.fieldsSerializedSize = serializedSize(deletionTime, headerLength, columnIndexCount); this.offsetsOffset = indexedPartSize + fieldsSerializedSize - columnsIndexCount * TypeSizes.sizeof(0); }
Constructor for key-cache deserialization
/** * Constructor for key-cache deserialization */
private ShallowIndexedEntry(long dataFilePosition, DataInputPlus in, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer) throws IOException { super(dataFilePosition); this.indexFilePosition = in.readUnsignedVInt(); this.headerLength = in.readUnsignedVInt(); this.deletionTime = DeletionTime.serializer.deserialize(in); this.columnsIndexCount = (int) in.readUnsignedVInt(); this.indexedPartSize = (int) in.readUnsignedVInt(); this.idxInfoSerializer = idxInfoSerializer; this.fieldsSerializedSize = serializedSize(deletionTime, headerLength, columnsIndexCount); this.offsetsOffset = indexedPartSize + fieldsSerializedSize - columnsIndexCount * TypeSizes.sizeof(0); } @Override public int columnsIndexCount() { return columnsIndexCount; } @Override public DeletionTime deletionTime() { return deletionTime; } @Override public long headerLength() { return headerLength; } @Override public IndexInfoRetriever openWithIndex(FileHandle indexFile) { indexEntrySizeHistogram.update(indexedPartSize + fieldsSerializedSize); indexInfoCountHistogram.update(columnsIndexCount); return new ShallowInfoRetriever(indexFilePosition + VIntCoding.computeUnsignedVIntSize(position) + VIntCoding.computeUnsignedVIntSize(indexedPartSize + fieldsSerializedSize) + fieldsSerializedSize, offsetsOffset - fieldsSerializedSize, indexFile.createReader(), idxInfoSerializer); } @Override public long unsharedHeapSize() { return BASE_SIZE; } @Override public void serialize(DataOutputPlus out, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer, ByteBuffer indexInfo) throws IOException { out.writeUnsignedVInt(position); out.writeUnsignedVInt(fieldsSerializedSize + indexInfo.limit()); out.writeUnsignedVInt(headerLength); DeletionTime.serializer.serialize(deletionTime, out); out.writeUnsignedVInt(columnsIndexCount); out.write(indexInfo); } static long deserializePositionAndSkip(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException { long position = in.readUnsignedVInt(); int size = (int) in.readUnsignedVInt(); if (size > 0) in.skipBytesFully(size); return position; } @Override public void serializeForCache(DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException { out.writeUnsignedVInt(position); out.writeByte(CACHE_INDEXED_SHALLOW); out.writeUnsignedVInt(indexFilePosition); out.writeUnsignedVInt(headerLength); DeletionTime.serializer.serialize(deletionTime, out); out.writeUnsignedVInt(columnsIndexCount); out.writeUnsignedVInt(indexedPartSize); } static void skipForCache(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException { /*long indexFilePosition =*/in.readUnsignedVInt(); /*long headerLength =*/in.readUnsignedVInt(); /*DeletionTime deletionTime = */DeletionTime.serializer.skip(in); /*int columnsIndexCount = (int)*/in.readUnsignedVInt(); /*int indexedPartSize = (int)*/in.readUnsignedVInt(); } } private static final class ShallowInfoRetriever extends FileIndexInfoRetriever { private final int offsetsOffset; private ShallowInfoRetriever(long indexInfoFilePosition, int offsetsOffset, FileDataInput indexReader, ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer) { super(indexInfoFilePosition, indexReader, idxInfoSerializer); this.offsetsOffset = offsetsOffset; } IndexInfo fetchIndex(int index) throws IOException { retrievals++; // seek to position in "offsets to IndexInfo" table indexReader.seek(indexInfoFilePosition + offsetsOffset + index * TypeSizes.sizeof(0)); // read offset of IndexInfo int indexInfoPos = indexReader.readInt(); // seek to posision of IndexInfo indexReader.seek(indexInfoFilePosition + indexInfoPos); // finally, deserialize IndexInfo return idxInfoSerializer.deserialize(indexReader); } }
Base class to access IndexInfo objects.
/** * Base class to access {@link IndexInfo} objects. */
public interface IndexInfoRetriever extends AutoCloseable { IndexInfo columnsIndex(int index) throws IOException; void close() throws IOException; }
Base class to access IndexInfo objects on disk that keeps already read IndexInfo on heap.
/** * Base class to access {@link IndexInfo} objects on disk that keeps already * read {@link IndexInfo} on heap. */
private abstract static class FileIndexInfoRetriever implements IndexInfoRetriever { final long indexInfoFilePosition; final ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer; final FileDataInput indexReader; int retrievals;
  • indexInfoFilePosition – offset of first serialized IndexInfo object
  • indexReader – file data input to access the index file, closed by this instance
  • idxInfoSerializer – the index serializer to deserialize IndexInfo objects
/** * * @param indexInfoFilePosition offset of first serialized {@link IndexInfo} object * @param indexReader file data input to access the index file, closed by this instance * @param idxInfoSerializer the index serializer to deserialize {@link IndexInfo} objects */
FileIndexInfoRetriever(long indexInfoFilePosition, FileDataInput indexReader, ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer) { this.indexInfoFilePosition = indexInfoFilePosition; this.idxInfoSerializer = idxInfoSerializer; this.indexReader = indexReader; } public final IndexInfo columnsIndex(int index) throws IOException { return fetchIndex(index); } abstract IndexInfo fetchIndex(int index) throws IOException; public void close() throws IOException { indexReader.close(); indexInfoGetsHistogram.update(retrievals); } } }