 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOError;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.CharMatcher;
import com.google.common.base.Objects;

import org.apache.cassandra.db.Directories;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.SSTableFormat;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.Version;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.metadata.IMetadataSerializer;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.metadata.LegacyMetadataSerializer;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.metadata.MetadataSerializer;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;

import static org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Component.separator;

A SSTable is described by the keyspace and column family it contains data for, a generation (where higher generations contain more recent data) and an alphabetic version string. A descriptor can be marked as temporary, which influences generated filenames.
/** * A SSTable is described by the keyspace and column family it contains data * for, a generation (where higher generations contain more recent data) and * an alphabetic version string. * * A descriptor can be marked as temporary, which influences generated filenames. */
public class Descriptor { public static String TMP_EXT = ".tmp";
canonicalized path to the directory where SSTable resides
/** canonicalized path to the directory where SSTable resides */
public final File directory;
version has the following format: [a-z]+
/** version has the following format: <code>[a-z]+</code> */
public final Version version; public final String ksname; public final String cfname; public final int generation; public final SSTableFormat.Type formatType;
digest component - might be null for old, legacy sstables
/** digest component - might be {@code null} for old, legacy sstables */
public final Component digestComponent; private final int hashCode;
A descriptor that assumes CURRENT_VERSION.
/** * A descriptor that assumes CURRENT_VERSION. */
@VisibleForTesting public Descriptor(File directory, String ksname, String cfname, int generation) { this(SSTableFormat.Type.current().info.getLatestVersion(), directory, ksname, cfname, generation, SSTableFormat.Type.current(), null); }
Constructor for sstable writers only.
/** * Constructor for sstable writers only. */
public Descriptor(File directory, String ksname, String cfname, int generation, SSTableFormat.Type formatType) { this(formatType.info.getLatestVersion(), directory, ksname, cfname, generation, formatType, Component.digestFor(formatType.info.getLatestVersion().uncompressedChecksumType())); } @VisibleForTesting public Descriptor(String version, File directory, String ksname, String cfname, int generation, SSTableFormat.Type formatType) { this(formatType.info.getVersion(version), directory, ksname, cfname, generation, formatType, Component.digestFor(formatType.info.getLatestVersion().uncompressedChecksumType())); } public Descriptor(Version version, File directory, String ksname, String cfname, int generation, SSTableFormat.Type formatType, Component digestComponent) { assert version != null && directory != null && ksname != null && cfname != null && formatType.info.getLatestVersion().getClass().equals(version.getClass()); this.version = version; try { this.directory = directory.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOError(e); } this.ksname = ksname; this.cfname = cfname; this.generation = generation; this.formatType = formatType; this.digestComponent = digestComponent; hashCode = Objects.hashCode(version, this.directory, generation, ksname, cfname, formatType); } public Descriptor withGeneration(int newGeneration) { return new Descriptor(version, directory, ksname, cfname, newGeneration, formatType, digestComponent); } public Descriptor withFormatType(SSTableFormat.Type newType) { return new Descriptor(newType.info.getLatestVersion(), directory, ksname, cfname, generation, newType, digestComponent); } public Descriptor withDigestComponent(Component newDigestComponent) { return new Descriptor(version, directory, ksname, cfname, generation, formatType, newDigestComponent); } public String tmpFilenameFor(Component component) { return filenameFor(component) + TMP_EXT; } public String filenameFor(Component component) { return baseFilename() + separator + component.name(); } public String baseFilename() { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); buff.append(directory).append(File.separatorChar); appendFileName(buff); return buff.toString(); } private void appendFileName(StringBuilder buff) { if (!version.hasNewFileName()) { buff.append(ksname).append(separator); buff.append(cfname).append(separator); } buff.append(version).append(separator); buff.append(generation); if (formatType != SSTableFormat.Type.LEGACY) buff.append(separator).append(formatType.name); } public String relativeFilenameFor(Component component) { final StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); appendFileName(buff); buff.append(separator).append(component.name()); return buff.toString(); } public SSTableFormat getFormat() { return formatType.info; }
Return any temporary files found in the directory
/** Return any temporary files found in the directory */
public List<File> getTemporaryFiles() { List<File> ret = new ArrayList<>(); File[] tmpFiles = directory.listFiles((dir, name) -> name.endsWith(Descriptor.TMP_EXT)); for (File tmpFile : tmpFiles) ret.add(tmpFile); return ret; }
Files obsoleted by CASSANDRA-7066 : temporary files and compactions_in_progress. We support versions 2.1 (ka) and 2.2 (la). Temporary files have tmp- or tmplink- at the beginning for 2.2 sstables or after ks-cf- for 2.1 sstables
/** * Files obsoleted by CASSANDRA-7066 : temporary files and compactions_in_progress. We support * versions 2.1 (ka) and 2.2 (la). * Temporary files have tmp- or tmplink- at the beginning for 2.2 sstables or after ks-cf- for 2.1 sstables */
private final static String LEGACY_COMP_IN_PROG_REGEX_STR = "^compactions_in_progress(\\-[\\d,a-f]{32})?$"; private final static Pattern LEGACY_COMP_IN_PROG_REGEX = Pattern.compile(LEGACY_COMP_IN_PROG_REGEX_STR); private final static String LEGACY_TMP_REGEX_STR = "^((.*)\\-(.*)\\-)?tmp(link)?\\-((?:l|k).)\\-(\\d)*\\-(.*)$"; private final static Pattern LEGACY_TMP_REGEX = Pattern.compile(LEGACY_TMP_REGEX_STR); public static boolean isLegacyFile(File file) { if (file.isDirectory()) return file.getParentFile() != null && file.getParentFile().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("system") && LEGACY_COMP_IN_PROG_REGEX.matcher(file.getName()).matches(); else return LEGACY_TMP_REGEX.matcher(file.getName()).matches(); } public static boolean isValidFile(String fileName) { return fileName.endsWith(".db") && !LEGACY_TMP_REGEX.matcher(fileName).matches(); }
  • filename – The SSTable filename
See Also:
  • fromFilename(File directory, String name)
Returns:Descriptor of the SSTable initialized from filename
/** * @see #fromFilename(File directory, String name) * @param filename The SSTable filename * @return Descriptor of the SSTable initialized from filename */
public static Descriptor fromFilename(String filename) { return fromFilename(filename, false); } public static Descriptor fromFilename(String filename, SSTableFormat.Type formatType) { return fromFilename(filename).withFormatType(formatType); } public static Descriptor fromFilename(String filename, boolean skipComponent) { File file = new File(filename).getAbsoluteFile(); return fromFilename(file.getParentFile(), file.getName(), skipComponent).left; } public static Pair<Descriptor, String> fromFilename(File directory, String name) { return fromFilename(directory, name, false); }
Filename of the form is vary by version:
  • <ksname>-<cfname>-(tmp-)?<version>-<gen>-<component> for cassandra 2.0 and before
  • (<tmp marker>-)?<version>-<gen>-<component> for cassandra 3.0 and later
If this is for SSTable of secondary index, directory should ends with index name for 2.1+.
  • directory – The directory of the SSTable files
  • name – The name of the SSTable file
  • skipComponent – true if the name param should not be parsed for a component tag
Returns:A Descriptor for the SSTable, and the Component remainder.
/** * Filename of the form is vary by version: * * <ul> * <li>&lt;ksname&gt;-&lt;cfname&gt;-(tmp-)?&lt;version&gt;-&lt;gen&gt;-&lt;component&gt; for cassandra 2.0 and before</li> * <li>(&lt;tmp marker&gt;-)?&lt;version&gt;-&lt;gen&gt;-&lt;component&gt; for cassandra 3.0 and later</li> * </ul> * * If this is for SSTable of secondary index, directory should ends with index name for 2.1+. * * @param directory The directory of the SSTable files * @param name The name of the SSTable file * @param skipComponent true if the name param should not be parsed for a component tag * * @return A Descriptor for the SSTable, and the Component remainder. */
public static Pair<Descriptor, String> fromFilename(File directory, String name, boolean skipComponent) { File parentDirectory = directory != null ? directory : new File("."); // tokenize the filename StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(name, String.valueOf(separator)); String nexttok; // read tokens backwards to determine version Deque<String> tokenStack = new ArrayDeque<>(); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { tokenStack.push(st.nextToken()); } // component suffix String component = skipComponent ? null : tokenStack.pop(); nexttok = tokenStack.pop(); // generation OR format type SSTableFormat.Type fmt = SSTableFormat.Type.LEGACY; if (!CharMatcher.DIGIT.matchesAllOf(nexttok)) { fmt = SSTableFormat.Type.validate(nexttok); nexttok = tokenStack.pop(); } // generation int generation = Integer.parseInt(nexttok); // version nexttok = tokenStack.pop(); if (!Version.validate(nexttok)) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("SSTable " + name + " is too old to open. Upgrade to 2.0 first, and run upgradesstables"); Version version = fmt.info.getVersion(nexttok); // ks/cf names String ksname, cfname; if (version.hasNewFileName()) { // for 2.1+ read ks and cf names from directory File cfDirectory = parentDirectory; // check if this is secondary index String indexName = ""; if (cfDirectory.getName().startsWith(Directories.SECONDARY_INDEX_NAME_SEPARATOR)) { indexName = cfDirectory.getName(); cfDirectory = cfDirectory.getParentFile(); } if (cfDirectory.getName().equals(Directories.BACKUPS_SUBDIR)) { cfDirectory = cfDirectory.getParentFile(); } else if (cfDirectory.getParentFile().getName().equals(Directories.SNAPSHOT_SUBDIR)) { cfDirectory = cfDirectory.getParentFile().getParentFile(); } cfname = cfDirectory.getName().split("-")[0] + indexName; ksname = cfDirectory.getParentFile().getName(); } else { cfname = tokenStack.pop(); ksname = tokenStack.pop(); } assert tokenStack.isEmpty() : "Invalid file name " + name + " in " + directory; return Pair.create(new Descriptor(version, parentDirectory, ksname, cfname, generation, fmt, // _assume_ version from version Component.digestFor(version.uncompressedChecksumType())), component); } public IMetadataSerializer getMetadataSerializer() { if (version.hasNewStatsFile()) return new MetadataSerializer(); else return new LegacyMetadataSerializer(); }
Returns:true if the current Cassandra version can read the given sstable version
/** * @return true if the current Cassandra version can read the given sstable version */
public boolean isCompatible() { return version.isCompatible(); } @Override public String toString() { return baseFilename(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof Descriptor)) return false; Descriptor that = (Descriptor)o; return that.directory.equals(this.directory) && that.generation == this.generation && that.ksname.equals(this.ksname) && that.cfname.equals(this.cfname) && that.formatType == this.formatType; } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode; } }