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package com.sun.media.sound;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.applet.AudioClip;

import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.Clip;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine;
import javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine;
import javax.sound.sampled.LineEvent;
import javax.sound.sampled.LineListener;
import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException;

import javax.sound.midi.MidiSystem;
import javax.sound.midi.MidiFileFormat;
import javax.sound.midi.MetaMessage;
import javax.sound.midi.Sequence;
import javax.sound.midi.Sequencer;
import javax.sound.midi.InvalidMidiDataException;
import javax.sound.midi.MidiUnavailableException;
import javax.sound.midi.MetaEventListener;

Java Sound audio clip;
Author:Arthur van Hoff, Kara Kytle, Jan Borgersen, Florian Bomers
/** * Java Sound audio clip; * * @author Arthur van Hoff, Kara Kytle, Jan Borgersen * @author Florian Bomers */
public final class JavaSoundAudioClip implements AudioClip, MetaEventListener, LineListener { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 16384; // number of bytes written each time to the source data line private long lastPlayCall = 0; private static final int MINIMUM_PLAY_DELAY = 30; private byte loadedAudio[] = null; private int loadedAudioByteLength = 0; private AudioFormat loadedAudioFormat = null; private AutoClosingClip clip = null; private boolean clipLooping = false; private DataPusher datapusher = null; private Sequencer sequencer = null; private Sequence sequence = null; private boolean sequencerloop = false;
used for determining how many samples is the threshhold between playing as a Clip and streaming from the file. $$jb: 11.07.99: the engine has a limit of 1M samples to play as a Clip, so compare this number with the number of samples in the stream.
/** * used for determining how many samples is the * threshhold between playing as a Clip and streaming * from the file. * * $$jb: 11.07.99: the engine has a limit of 1M * samples to play as a Clip, so compare this number * with the number of samples in the stream. * */
private final static long CLIP_THRESHOLD = 1048576; //private final static long CLIP_THRESHOLD = 1; private final static int STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; public JavaSoundAudioClip(InputStream in) throws IOException { if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("JavaSoundAudioClip.<init>"); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(in, STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE); bis.mark(STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE); boolean success = false; try { AudioInputStream as = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(bis); // load the stream data into memory success = loadAudioData(as); if (success) { success = false; if (loadedAudioByteLength < CLIP_THRESHOLD) { success = createClip(); } if (!success) { success = createSourceDataLine(); } } } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e) { // not an audio file try { MidiFileFormat mff = MidiSystem.getMidiFileFormat(bis); success = createSequencer(bis); } catch (InvalidMidiDataException e1) { success = false; } } if (!success) { throw new IOException("Unable to create AudioClip from input stream"); } } public synchronized void play() { startImpl(false); } public synchronized void loop() { startImpl(true); } private synchronized void startImpl(boolean loop) { // hack for some applets that call the start method very rapidly... long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff = currentTime - lastPlayCall; if (diff < MINIMUM_PLAY_DELAY) { if (DEBUG || Printer.debug) Printer.debug("JavaSoundAudioClip.startImpl(loop="+loop+"): abort - too rapdly"); return; } lastPlayCall = currentTime; if (DEBUG || Printer.debug) Printer.debug("JavaSoundAudioClip.startImpl(loop="+loop+")"); try { if (clip != null) { if (!clip.isOpen()) { if (DEBUG || Printer.trace)Printer.trace("JavaSoundAudioClip: clip.open()"); clip.open(loadedAudioFormat, loadedAudio, 0, loadedAudioByteLength); } else { if (DEBUG || Printer.trace)Printer.trace("JavaSoundAudioClip: clip.flush()"); clip.flush(); if (loop != clipLooping) { // need to stop in case the looped status changed if (DEBUG || Printer.trace)Printer.trace("JavaSoundAudioClip: clip.stop()"); clip.stop(); } } clip.setFramePosition(0); if (loop) { if (DEBUG || Printer.trace)Printer.trace("JavaSoundAudioClip: clip.loop()"); clip.loop(Clip.LOOP_CONTINUOUSLY); } else { if (DEBUG || Printer.trace)Printer.trace("JavaSoundAudioClip: clip.start()"); clip.start(); } clipLooping = loop; if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("Clip should be playing/looping"); } else if (datapusher != null ) { datapusher.start(loop); if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("Stream should be playing/looping"); } else if (sequencer != null) { sequencerloop = loop; if (sequencer.isRunning()) { sequencer.setMicrosecondPosition(0); } if (!sequencer.isOpen()) { try { sequencer.open(); sequencer.setSequence(sequence); } catch (InvalidMidiDataException e1) { if (DEBUG || Printer.err)e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (MidiUnavailableException e2) { if (DEBUG || Printer.err)e2.printStackTrace(); } } sequencer.addMetaEventListener(this); try { sequencer.start(); } catch (Exception e) { if (DEBUG || Printer.err) e.printStackTrace(); } if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("Sequencer should be playing/looping"); } } catch (Exception e) { if (DEBUG || Printer.err)e.printStackTrace(); } } public synchronized void stop() { if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("JavaSoundAudioClip->stop()"); lastPlayCall = 0; if (clip != null) { try { if (DEBUG || Printer.trace)Printer.trace("JavaSoundAudioClip: clip.flush()"); clip.flush(); } catch (Exception e1) { if (Printer.err) e1.printStackTrace(); } try { if (DEBUG || Printer.trace)Printer.trace("JavaSoundAudioClip: clip.stop()"); clip.stop(); } catch (Exception e2) { if (Printer.err) e2.printStackTrace(); } if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("Clip should be stopped"); } else if (datapusher != null) { datapusher.stop(); if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("Stream should be stopped"); } else if (sequencer != null) { try { sequencerloop = false; sequencer.addMetaEventListener(this); sequencer.stop(); } catch (Exception e3) { if (Printer.err) e3.printStackTrace(); } try { sequencer.close(); } catch (Exception e4) { if (Printer.err) e4.printStackTrace(); } if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("Sequencer should be stopped"); } } // Event handlers (for debugging) public synchronized void update(LineEvent event) { if (DEBUG || Printer.debug) Printer.debug("line event received: "+event); } // handle MIDI track end meta events for looping public synchronized void meta( MetaMessage message ) { if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("META EVENT RECEIVED!!!!! "); if( message.getType() == 47 ) { if (sequencerloop){ //notifyAll(); sequencer.setMicrosecondPosition(0); loop(); } else { stop(); } } } public String toString() { return getClass().toString(); } protected void finalize() { if (clip != null) { if (DEBUG || Printer.trace)Printer.trace("JavaSoundAudioClip.finalize: clip.close()"); clip.close(); } //$$fb 2001-09-26: may improve situation related to bug #4302884 if (datapusher != null) { datapusher.close(); } if (sequencer != null) { sequencer.close(); } } // FILE LOADING METHODS private boolean loadAudioData(AudioInputStream as) throws IOException, UnsupportedAudioFileException { if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("JavaSoundAudioClip->openAsClip()"); // first possibly convert this stream to PCM as = Toolkit.getPCMConvertedAudioInputStream(as); if (as == null) { return false; } loadedAudioFormat = as.getFormat(); long frameLen = as.getFrameLength(); int frameSize = loadedAudioFormat.getFrameSize(); long byteLen = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED; if (frameLen != AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED && frameLen > 0 && frameSize != AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED && frameSize > 0) { byteLen = frameLen * frameSize; } if (byteLen != AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED) { // if the stream length is known, it can be efficiently loaded into memory readStream(as, byteLen); } else { // otherwise we use a ByteArrayOutputStream to load it into memory readStream(as); } // if everything went fine, we have now the audio data in // loadedAudio, and the byte length in loadedAudioByteLength return true; } private void readStream(AudioInputStream as, long byteLen) throws IOException { // arrays "only" max. 2GB int intLen; if (byteLen > 2147483647) { intLen = 2147483647; } else { intLen = (int) byteLen; } loadedAudio = new byte[intLen]; loadedAudioByteLength = 0; // this loop may throw an IOException while (true) { int bytesRead = as.read(loadedAudio, loadedAudioByteLength, intLen - loadedAudioByteLength); if (bytesRead <= 0) { as.close(); break; } loadedAudioByteLength += bytesRead; } } private void readStream(AudioInputStream as) throws IOException { DirectBAOS baos = new DirectBAOS(); byte buffer[] = new byte[16384]; int bytesRead = 0; int totalBytesRead = 0; // this loop may throw an IOException while( true ) { bytesRead = as.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length); if (bytesRead <= 0) { as.close(); break; } totalBytesRead += bytesRead; baos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } loadedAudio = baos.getInternalBuffer(); loadedAudioByteLength = totalBytesRead; } // METHODS FOR CREATING THE DEVICE private boolean createClip() { if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("JavaSoundAudioClip.createClip()"); try { DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(Clip.class, loadedAudioFormat); if (!(AudioSystem.isLineSupported(info)) ) { if (DEBUG || Printer.err)Printer.err("Clip not supported: "+loadedAudioFormat); // fail silently return false; } Object line = AudioSystem.getLine(info); if (!(line instanceof AutoClosingClip)) { if (DEBUG || Printer.err)Printer.err("Clip is not auto closing!"+clip); // fail -> will try with SourceDataLine return false; } clip = (AutoClosingClip) line; clip.setAutoClosing(true); if (DEBUG || Printer.debug) clip.addLineListener(this); } catch (Exception e) { if (DEBUG || Printer.err)e.printStackTrace(); // fail silently return false; } if (clip==null) { // fail silently return false; } if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("Loaded clip."); return true; } private boolean createSourceDataLine() { if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("JavaSoundAudioClip.createSourceDataLine()"); try { DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, loadedAudioFormat); if (!(AudioSystem.isLineSupported(info)) ) { if (DEBUG || Printer.err)Printer.err("Line not supported: "+loadedAudioFormat); // fail silently return false; } SourceDataLine source = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info); datapusher = new DataPusher(source, loadedAudioFormat, loadedAudio, loadedAudioByteLength); } catch (Exception e) { if (DEBUG || Printer.err)e.printStackTrace(); // fail silently return false; } if (datapusher==null) { // fail silently return false; } if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("Created SourceDataLine."); return true; } private boolean createSequencer(BufferedInputStream in) throws IOException { if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("JavaSoundAudioClip.createSequencer()"); // get the sequencer try { sequencer = MidiSystem.getSequencer( ); } catch(MidiUnavailableException me) { if (DEBUG || Printer.err)me.printStackTrace(); return false; } if (sequencer==null) { return false; } try { sequence = MidiSystem.getSequence(in); if (sequence == null) { return false; } } catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) { if (DEBUG || Printer.err)e.printStackTrace(); return false; } if (DEBUG || Printer.debug)Printer.debug("Created Sequencer."); return true; } /* * private inner class representing a ByteArrayOutputStream * which allows retrieval of the internal array */ private static class DirectBAOS extends ByteArrayOutputStream { DirectBAOS() { super(); } public byte[] getInternalBuffer() { return buf; } } // class DirectBAOS }