package io.ebeaninternal.server.transaction;

import io.ebean.BackgroundExecutor;
import io.ebean.ProfileLocation;
import io.ebean.TxScope;
import io.ebean.annotation.PersistBatch;
import io.ebean.annotation.TxType;
import io.ebean.cache.ServerCacheNotification;
import io.ebean.cache.ServerCacheNotify;
import io.ebean.config.CurrentTenantProvider;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DatabasePlatform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DatabasePlatform.OnQueryOnly;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeLogListener;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeLogPrepare;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeSet;
import io.ebean.meta.MetricType;
import io.ebean.meta.MetricVisitor;
import io.ebean.metric.MetricFactory;
import io.ebean.metric.TimedMetric;
import io.ebean.metric.TimedMetricMap;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.ScopeTrans;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.ScopedTransaction;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiLogManager;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiLogger;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiProfileHandler;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiTransaction;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiTransactionManager;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.TransactionEvent;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.TransactionEventTable;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.TransactionEventTable.TableIUD;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.CacheChangeSet;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.cluster.ClusterManager;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.ClockService;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptorManager;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.profile.TimedProfileLocation;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.profile.TimedProfileLocationRegistry;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocStoreTransaction;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocStoreUpdateProcessor;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocStoreUpdates;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

Manages transactions.

Keeps the Cache and Cluster in sync when transactions are committed.

/** * Manages transactions. * <p> * Keeps the Cache and Cluster in sync when transactions are committed. * </p> */
public class TransactionManager implements SpiTransactionManager { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransactionManager.class); public static final Logger clusterLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("io.ebean.Cluster"); protected final BeanDescriptorManager beanDescriptorManager;
Ebean defaults this to true but for EJB compatible behaviour set this to false;
/** * Ebean defaults this to true but for EJB compatible behaviour set this to * false; */
private final boolean rollbackOnChecked;
Prefix for transaction id's (logging).
/** * Prefix for transaction id's (logging). */
protected final String prefix; protected final String externalTransPrefix;
The dataSource of connections.
/** * The dataSource of connections. */
protected final DataSourceSupplier dataSourceSupplier;
Flag to indicate the default Isolation is READ COMMITTED. This enables us to close queryOnly transactions rather than commit or rollback them.
/** * Flag to indicate the default Isolation is READ COMMITTED. This enables us * to close queryOnly transactions rather than commit or rollback them. */
protected final OnQueryOnly onQueryOnly; protected final BackgroundExecutor backgroundExecutor; protected final ClusterManager clusterManager; protected final String serverName; protected final boolean docStoreActive;
The elastic search index update processor.
/** * The elastic search index update processor. */
protected final DocStoreUpdateProcessor docStoreUpdateProcessor; protected final boolean persistBatch; protected final boolean persistBatchOnCascade; protected final BulkEventListenerMap bulkEventListenerMap;
Used to prepare the change set setting user context information in the foreground thread before logging.
/** * Used to prepare the change set setting user context information in the * foreground thread before logging. */
private final ChangeLogPrepare changeLogPrepare;
Performs the actual logging of the change set in background.
/** * Performs the actual logging of the change set in background. */
private final ChangeLogListener changeLogListener;
Use Background executor to perform change-logging
/** * Use Background executor to perform change-logging */
private final boolean changeLogAsync; protected final boolean notifyL2CacheInForeground; protected final boolean viewInvalidation; private final boolean skipCacheAfterWrite; private final TransactionFactory transactionFactory; private final SpiLogManager logManager; private final SpiLogger txnLogger; private final DatabasePlatform databasePlatform; private final SpiProfileHandler profileHandler; private final TimedMetric txnMain; private final TimedMetric txnReadOnly; private final TimedMetricMap txnNamed; private final TransactionScopeManager scopeManager; private final TableModState tableModState; private final ServerCacheNotify cacheNotify; private final ClockService clockService;
Create the TransactionManager
/** * Create the TransactionManager */
public TransactionManager(TransactionManagerOptions options) { this.logManager = options.logManager; this.txnLogger = logManager.txn(); this.databasePlatform = options.config.getDatabasePlatform(); this.skipCacheAfterWrite = options.config.isSkipCacheAfterWrite(); this.notifyL2CacheInForeground = options.notifyL2CacheInForeground; this.persistBatch = PersistBatch.ALL == options.config.getPersistBatch(); this.persistBatchOnCascade = PersistBatch.ALL == options.config.appliedPersistBatchOnCascade(); this.rollbackOnChecked = options.config.isTransactionRollbackOnChecked(); this.beanDescriptorManager = options.descMgr; this.viewInvalidation = options.descMgr.requiresViewEntityCacheInvalidation(); this.changeLogPrepare = options.descMgr.getChangeLogPrepare(); this.changeLogListener = options.descMgr.getChangeLogListener(); this.changeLogAsync = options.config.isChangeLogAsync(); this.clusterManager = options.clusterManager; this.serverName = options.config.getName(); this.scopeManager = options.scopeManager; this.tableModState = options.tableModState; this.cacheNotify = options.cacheNotify; this.clockService = options.clockService; this.backgroundExecutor = options.backgroundExecutor; this.dataSourceSupplier = options.dataSourceSupplier; this.docStoreActive = options.config.getDocStoreConfig().isActive(); this.docStoreUpdateProcessor = options.docStoreUpdateProcessor; this.profileHandler = options.profileHandler; this.bulkEventListenerMap = new BulkEventListenerMap(options.config.getBulkTableEventListeners()); this.prefix = ""; this.externalTransPrefix = "e"; this.onQueryOnly = initOnQueryOnly(options.config.getDatabasePlatform().getOnQueryOnly()); CurrentTenantProvider tenantProvider = options.config.getCurrentTenantProvider(); this.transactionFactory =, dataSourceSupplier, tenantProvider); MetricFactory metricFactory = MetricFactory.get(); this.txnMain = metricFactory.createTimedMetric(MetricType.TXN, "txn.main"); this.txnReadOnly = metricFactory.createTimedMetric(MetricType.TXN, "txn.readonly"); this.txnNamed = metricFactory.createTimedMetricMap(MetricType.TXN, "txn.named."); scopeManager.register(this); }
Return the NOW timestamp in epoch millis.
/** * Return the NOW timestamp in epoch millis. */
public long clockNowMillis() { return clockService.nowMillis(); }
Create a new scoped transaction.
/** * Create a new scoped transaction. */
private ScopedTransaction createScopedTransaction() { return new ScopedTransaction(scopeManager); }
Return the scope manager.
/** * Return the scope manager. */
public TransactionScopeManager scope() { return scopeManager; }
Set the transaction onto the scope.
/** * Set the transaction onto the scope. */
public void set(SpiTransaction txn) { scopeManager.set(txn); }
Return the current active transaction.
/** * Return the current active transaction. */
@Override public SpiTransaction getActive() { return scopeManager.getActive(); }
Return the current active transaction as a scoped transaction.
/** * Return the current active transaction as a scoped transaction. */
public ScopedTransaction getActiveScoped() { return (ScopedTransaction) scopeManager.getActive(); }
Return the current transaction from thread local scope. Note that it may be inactive.
/** * Return the current transaction from thread local scope. Note that it may be inactive. */
public SpiTransaction getInScope() { return scopeManager.getInScope(); }
Translate the SQLException into a specific exception if possible based on the DB platform.
/** * Translate the SQLException into a specific exception if possible based on the DB platform. */
public PersistenceException translate(String message, SQLException cause) { return databasePlatform.translate(message, cause); } public void shutdown(boolean shutdownDataSource, boolean deregisterDriver) { if (shutdownDataSource) { dataSourceSupplier.shutdown(deregisterDriver); } } public boolean isDocStoreActive() { return docStoreActive; } public DocStoreTransaction createDocStoreTransaction(int docStoreBatchSize) { return docStoreUpdateProcessor.createTransaction(docStoreBatchSize); } public boolean isSkipCacheAfterWrite() { return skipCacheAfterWrite; } public BeanDescriptorManager getBeanDescriptorManager() { return beanDescriptorManager; } public BulkEventListenerMap getBulkEventListenerMap() { return bulkEventListenerMap; } public boolean getPersistBatch() { return persistBatch; } public boolean getPersistBatchOnCascade() { return persistBatchOnCascade; }
Return the behaviour to use when a query only transaction is committed.

There is a potential optimisation available when read committed is the default isolation level. If it is, then Connections used only for queries do not require commit or rollback but instead can just be put back into the pool via close().

If the Isolation level is higher (say SERIALIZABLE) then Connections used just for queries do need to be committed or rollback after the query.

/** * Return the behaviour to use when a query only transaction is committed. * <p> * There is a potential optimisation available when read committed is the default * isolation level. If it is, then Connections used only for queries do not require * commit or rollback but instead can just be put back into the pool via close(). * </p> * <p> * If the Isolation level is higher (say SERIALIZABLE) then Connections used * just for queries do need to be committed or rollback after the query. * </p> */
protected OnQueryOnly initOnQueryOnly(OnQueryOnly dbPlatformOnQueryOnly) { // first check for a system property 'override' String systemPropertyValue = System.getProperty("ebean.transaction.onqueryonly"); if (systemPropertyValue != null) { return OnQueryOnly.valueOf(systemPropertyValue.trim().toUpperCase()); } // default to rollback if not defined on the platform return dbPlatformOnQueryOnly == null ? OnQueryOnly.COMMIT : dbPlatformOnQueryOnly; } public String getServerName() { return serverName; } @Override public DataSource getDataSource() { return dataSourceSupplier.getDataSource(); } @Override public DataSource getReadOnlyDataSource() { return dataSourceSupplier.getReadOnlyDataSource(); }
Defines the type of behavior to use when closing a transaction that was used to query data only.
/** * Defines the type of behavior to use when closing a transaction that was used to query data only. */
public OnQueryOnly getOnQueryOnly() { return onQueryOnly; }
Wrap the externally supplied Connection.
/** * Wrap the externally supplied Connection. */
public SpiTransaction wrapExternalConnection(Connection c) { return wrapExternalConnection(externalTransPrefix + c.hashCode(), c); }
Wrap an externally supplied Connection with a known transaction id.
/** * Wrap an externally supplied Connection with a known transaction id. */
public SpiTransaction wrapExternalConnection(String id, Connection c) { ExternalJdbcTransaction t = new ExternalJdbcTransaction(id, true, c, this); // set the default batch mode t.setBatchMode(persistBatch); t.setBatchOnCascade(persistBatchOnCascade); return t; }
Create a new Transaction.
/** * Create a new Transaction. */
public SpiTransaction createTransaction(boolean explicit, int isolationLevel) { return transactionFactory.createTransaction(explicit, isolationLevel); }
Create a new Transaction for query only purposes (can use read only datasource).
/** * Create a new Transaction for query only purposes (can use read only datasource). */
public SpiTransaction createQueryTransaction(Object tenantId) { return transactionFactory.createQueryTransaction(tenantId); }
Create a new transaction.
/** * Create a new transaction. */
protected SpiTransaction createTransaction(boolean explicit, Connection c, long id) { return new JdbcTransaction(prefix + id, explicit, c, this); }
Process a local rolled back transaction.
/** * Process a local rolled back transaction. */
public void notifyOfRollback(SpiTransaction transaction, Throwable cause) { try { if (txnLogger.isDebug()) { String msg = transaction.getLogPrefix() + "Rollback"; if (cause != null) { msg += " error: " + formatThrowable(cause); } txnLogger.debug(msg); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error while notifying TransactionEventListener of rollback event", ex); } }
Query only transaction in read committed isolation.
/** * Query only transaction in read committed isolation. */
public void notifyOfQueryOnly(SpiTransaction transaction) { // Nothing that interesting here if (txnLogger.isTrace()) { txnLogger.trace(transaction.getLogPrefix() + "Commit - query only"); } } private String formatThrowable(Throwable e) { if (e == null) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); formatThrowable(e, sb); return sb.toString(); } private void formatThrowable(Throwable e, StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(e.toString()); StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = e.getStackTrace(); if (stackTrace.length > 0) { sb.append(" stack0: "); sb.append(stackTrace[0]); } Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause != null) { sb.append(" cause: "); formatThrowable(cause, sb); } }
Process a local committed transaction.
/** * Process a local committed transaction. */
public void notifyOfCommit(SpiTransaction transaction) { try { if (txnLogger.isDebug()) { txnLogger.debug(transaction.getLogPrefix() + "Commit"); } PostCommitProcessing postCommit = new PostCommitProcessing(clusterManager, this, transaction); postCommit.notifyLocalCache(); backgroundExecutor.execute(postCommit.backgroundNotify()); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("NotifyOfCommit failed. L2 Cache potentially not notified.", ex); } } public void externalModification(TransactionEventTable tableEvent) { SpiTransaction t = getActive(); if (t != null) { t.getEvent().add(tableEvent); } else { externalModificationEvent(tableEvent); } } private void externalModificationEvent(TransactionEventTable tableEvents) { TransactionEvent event = new TransactionEvent(clockNowMillis()); event.add(tableEvents); PostCommitProcessing postCommit = new PostCommitProcessing(clusterManager, this, event); postCommit.notifyLocalCache(); backgroundExecutor.execute(postCommit.backgroundNotify()); }
Notify local BeanPersistListeners etc of events from another server in the cluster.
/** * Notify local BeanPersistListeners etc of events from another server in the cluster. */
public void remoteTransactionEvent(RemoteTransactionEvent remoteEvent) { if (clusterLogger.isDebugEnabled()) { clusterLogger.debug("processing {}", remoteEvent); } CacheChangeSet changeSet = new CacheChangeSet(clockNowMillis()); RemoteTableMod tableMod = remoteEvent.getRemoteTableMod(); if (tableMod != null) { changeSet.addInvalidate(tableMod.getTables()); } List<TableIUD> tableIUDList = remoteEvent.getTableIUDList(); if (tableIUDList != null) { for (TableIUD tableIUD : tableIUDList) { beanDescriptorManager.cacheNotify(tableIUD, changeSet); } } // note DeleteById is written as BeanPersistIds and getBeanPersistList() // processes both Bean IUD and DeleteById List<BeanPersistIds> beanPersistList = remoteEvent.getBeanPersistList(); if (beanPersistList != null) { for (BeanPersistIds persistIds : beanPersistList) { persistIds.notifyCache(changeSet); } } changeSet.apply(); }
Process the docstore / ElasticSearch updates.
/** * Process the docstore / ElasticSearch updates. */
public void processDocStoreUpdates(DocStoreUpdates docStoreUpdates, int bulkBatchSize) { docStoreUpdateProcessor.process(docStoreUpdates, bulkBatchSize); }
Prepare and then send/log the changeSet.
/** * Prepare and then send/log the changeSet. */
public void sendChangeLog(final ChangeSet changeSet) { // can set userId, userIpAddress & userContext if desired if (changeLogPrepare.prepare(changeSet)) { if (changeLogAsync) { // call the log method in background backgroundExecutor.execute(() -> changeLogListener.log(changeSet)); } else { changeLogListener.log(changeSet); } } }
Invalidate the query caches for entities based on views.
/** * Invalidate the query caches for entities based on views. */
public void processTouchedTables(Set<String> touchedTables, long modTimestamp) { tableModState.touch(touchedTables, modTimestamp); if (viewInvalidation) { beanDescriptorManager.processViewInvalidation(touchedTables); } cacheNotify.notify(new ServerCacheNotification(modTimestamp, touchedTables)); }
Process the collected transaction profiling information.
/** * Process the collected transaction profiling information. */
public void profileCollect(TransactionProfile transactionProfile) { profileHandler.collectTransactionProfile(transactionProfile); }
Collect execution time for an explicit transaction.
/** * Collect execution time for an explicit transaction. */
public void collectMetric(long exeMicros) { txnMain.add(exeMicros); }
Collect execution time for implicit read only transaction.
/** * Collect execution time for implicit read only transaction. */
public void collectMetricReadOnly(long exeMicros) { txnReadOnly.add(exeMicros); }
Collect execution time for a named transaction.
/** * Collect execution time for a named transaction. */
public void collectMetricNamed(long exeMicros, String label) { txnNamed.add(label, exeMicros); } public void visitMetrics(MetricVisitor visitor) { txnMain.visit(visitor); txnReadOnly.visit(visitor); txnNamed.visit(visitor); for (TimedProfileLocation timedLocation : TimedProfileLocationRegistry.registered()) { timedLocation.visit(visitor); } }
Begin an implicit transaction.
/** * Begin an implicit transaction. */
public SpiTransaction beginServerTransaction() { SpiTransaction t = createTransaction(false, -1); scopeManager.set(t); return t; }
Exit a scoped transaction (that can be inactive - already committed etc).
/** * Exit a scoped transaction (that can be inactive - already committed etc). */
public void exitScopedTransaction(Object returnOrThrowable, int opCode) { SpiTransaction st = getInScope(); if (st instanceof ScopedTransaction) { // can be null for Supports as that can start as a 'No Transaction' and then // effectively be replaced by transactions inside the scope ((ScopedTransaction) st).complete(returnOrThrowable, opCode); } } @Override public void externalRemoveTransaction() { scopeManager.replace(null); }
Push an externally created transaction into scope. This transaction is usually managed externally (e.g. Spring managed transaction).
/** * Push an externally created transaction into scope. This transaction is usually managed externally * (e.g. Spring managed transaction). */
@Override public ScopedTransaction externalBeginTransaction(SpiTransaction transaction, TxScope txScope) { ScopedTransaction scopedTxn = new ScopedTransaction(scopeManager); scopedTxn.push(new ScopeTrans(rollbackOnChecked, false, transaction, txScope)); scopeManager.set(scopedTxn); return scopedTxn; }
Begin a scoped transaction.
/** * Begin a scoped transaction. */
public ScopedTransaction beginScopedTransaction(TxScope txScope) { txScope = initTxScope(txScope); ScopedTransaction txnContainer = getActiveScoped(); boolean setToScope; boolean nestedSavepoint; SpiTransaction transaction; if (txnContainer == null) { txnContainer = createScopedTransaction(); setToScope = true; transaction = null; nestedSavepoint = false; } else { setToScope = false; transaction = txnContainer.current(); nestedSavepoint = transaction.isNestedUseSavepoint(); } TxType type = txScope.getType(); boolean createTransaction; if (nestedSavepoint && (type == TxType.REQUIRED || type == TxType.REQUIRES_NEW)) { createTransaction = true; transaction = createSavepoint(transaction, this); } else { createTransaction = isCreateNewTransaction(transaction, type); if (createTransaction) { switch (type) { case SUPPORTS: case NOT_SUPPORTED: case NEVER: transaction = NoTransaction.INSTANCE; break; default: transaction = createTransaction(true, txScope.getIsolationLevel()); initNewTransaction(transaction, txScope); } } } txnContainer.push(new ScopeTrans(rollbackOnChecked, createTransaction, transaction, txScope)); if (setToScope) { set(txnContainer); } return txnContainer; } private SpiTransaction createSavepoint(SpiTransaction transaction, TransactionManager manager) { try { return new SavepointTransaction(transaction, manager); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new PersistenceException("Error creating nested Savepoint Transaction", e); } } private void initNewTransaction(SpiTransaction transaction, TxScope txScope) { if (txScope.isSkipCache()) { transaction.setSkipCache(true); } String label = txScope.getLabel(); if (label != null) { transaction.setLabel(label); } int profileId = txScope.getProfileId(); if (profileId > 0) { transaction.setProfileStream(profileHandler.createProfileStream(profileId)); } ProfileLocation profileLocation = txScope.getProfileLocation(); if (profileLocation != null) { profileLocation.obtain(); transaction.setProfileLocation(profileLocation); } } private TxScope initTxScope(TxScope txScope) { if (txScope == null) { return new TxScope(); } else { // check for implied batch mode via setting batchSize txScope.checkBatchMode(); return txScope; } }
Determine whether to create a new transaction or not.

This will also potentially throw exceptions for MANDATORY and NEVER types.

/** * Determine whether to create a new transaction or not. * <p> * This will also potentially throw exceptions for MANDATORY and NEVER types. * </p> */
private boolean isCreateNewTransaction(SpiTransaction current, TxType type) { switch (type) { case REQUIRED: return current == null; case REQUIRES_NEW: return true; case MANDATORY: if (current == null) { throw new PersistenceException("Transaction missing when MANDATORY"); } return false; case SUPPORTS: return current == null; case NEVER: if (current != null) { throw new PersistenceException("Transaction exists for Transactional NEVER"); } return true; // always use NoTransaction instance case NOT_SUPPORTED: return true; // always use NoTransaction instance default: throw new RuntimeException("Should never get here?"); } } public SpiLogManager log() { return logManager; } public boolean isLogSql() { return logManager.sql().isDebug(); } public boolean isLogSummary() { return logManager.sum().isDebug(); } }