package io.ebeaninternal.server.transaction;

import io.ebean.ProfileLocation;
import io.ebean.TransactionCallback;
import io.ebean.annotation.DocStoreMode;
import io.ebean.bean.PersistenceContext;
import io.ebean.config.ServerConfig;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DatabasePlatform.OnQueryOnly;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.BeanChange;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeSet;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiProfileTransactionEvent;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiTransaction;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.TransactionEvent;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.TxnProfileEventCodes;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistDeferredRelationship;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.lib.util.Str;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.BatchControl;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.BatchedSqlException;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocStoreTransaction;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import javax.persistence.RollbackException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

JDBC Connection based transaction.
/** * JDBC Connection based transaction. */
public class JdbcTransaction implements SpiTransaction, TxnProfileEventCodes { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JdbcTransaction.class); private static final Object PLACEHOLDER = new Object(); private static final String illegalStateMessage = "Transaction is Inactive";
The associated TransactionManager.
/** * The associated TransactionManager. */
protected final TransactionManager manager;
The transaction id.
/** * The transaction id. */
protected final String id; private final boolean logSql; private final boolean logSummary;
The user defined label to group execution statistics.
/** * The user defined label to group execution statistics. */
protected String label;
Flag to indicate if this was an explicitly created Transaction.
/** * Flag to indicate if this was an explicitly created Transaction. */
protected final boolean explicit;
Behaviour for ending query only transactions.
/** * Behaviour for ending query only transactions. */
protected final OnQueryOnly onQueryOnly;
The status of the transaction.
/** * The status of the transaction. */
protected boolean active; protected boolean rollbackOnly; protected boolean nestedUseSavepoint;
The underlying Connection.
/** * The underlying Connection. */
protected Connection connection;
Used to queue up persist requests for batch execution.
/** * Used to queue up persist requests for batch execution. */
protected BatchControl batchControl;
The event which holds persisted beans.
/** * The event which holds persisted beans. */
protected TransactionEvent event;
Holder of the objects fetched to ensure unique objects are used.
/** * Holder of the objects fetched to ensure unique objects are used. */
protected PersistenceContext persistenceContext;
Used to give developers more control over the insert update and delete functionality.
/** * Used to give developers more control over the insert update and delete * functionality. */
protected boolean persistCascade = true;
Flag used for performance to skip commit or rollback of query only transactions in read committed transaction isolation.
/** * Flag used for performance to skip commit or rollback of query only * transactions in read committed transaction isolation. */
protected boolean queryOnly = true; protected boolean localReadOnly; protected Boolean updateAllLoadedProperties; protected boolean oldBatchMode; protected boolean batchMode; protected boolean batchOnCascadeMode; protected int batchSize = -1; protected boolean batchFlushOnQuery = true; protected Boolean batchGetGeneratedKeys; protected Boolean batchFlushOnMixed; protected String logPrefix; private Object tenantId;
The depth used by batch processing to help the ordering of statements.
/** * The depth used by batch processing to help the ordering of statements. */
protected int depth;
Set to true if the connection has autoCommit=true initially.
/** * Set to true if the connection has autoCommit=true initially. */
protected boolean autoCommit; protected IdentityHashMap<Object, Object> persistingBeans; protected HashSet<Integer> deletingBeansHash; protected HashMap<String, String> m2mIntersectionSave; protected Map<String, Object> userObjects; protected List<TransactionCallback> callbackList; protected boolean batchOnCascadeSet; protected TChangeLogHolder changeLogHolder; protected List<PersistDeferredRelationship> deferredList;
The mode for updating doc store indexes for this transaction. Only set when you want to override the default behavior.
/** * The mode for updating doc store indexes for this transaction. * Only set when you want to override the default behavior. */
protected DocStoreMode docStoreMode; protected int docStoreBatchSize;
Explicit control over skipCache.
/** * Explicit control over skipCache. */
protected Boolean skipCache;
Default skip cache behavior from ServerConfig.isSkipCacheAfterWrite().
/** * Default skip cache behavior from {@link ServerConfig#isSkipCacheAfterWrite()}. */
protected final boolean skipCacheAfterWrite; protected DocStoreTransaction docStoreTxn; private ProfileStream profileStream; protected ProfileLocation profileLocation; protected final long startNanos; private final long startMillis;
Create a new JdbcTransaction.
/** * Create a new JdbcTransaction. */
public JdbcTransaction(String id, boolean explicit, Connection connection, TransactionManager manager) { try { = true; = id; this.logPrefix = deriveLogPrefix(id); this.explicit = explicit; this.manager = manager; this.connection = connection; this.persistenceContext = new DefaultPersistenceContext(); this.startNanos = System.nanoTime(); if (manager == null) { this.startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.logSql = false; this.logSummary = false; this.skipCacheAfterWrite = true; this.batchMode = false; this.batchOnCascadeMode = false; this.onQueryOnly = OnQueryOnly.ROLLBACK; } else { this.startMillis = manager.clockNowMillis(); this.logSql = manager.isLogSql(); this.logSummary = manager.isLogSummary(); this.skipCacheAfterWrite = manager.isSkipCacheAfterWrite(); this.batchMode = manager.getPersistBatch(); this.batchOnCascadeMode = manager.getPersistBatchOnCascade(); this.onQueryOnly = manager.getOnQueryOnly(); } checkAutoCommit(connection); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PersistenceException(e); } } @Override public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } @Override public String getLabel() { return label; } @Override public long getStartMillis() { return startMillis; } @Override public long profileOffset() { return (profileStream == null) ? 0 : profileStream.offset(); } @Override public void profileEvent(SpiProfileTransactionEvent event) { if (profileStream != null) { event.profile(); } } @Override public void setProfileStream(ProfileStream profileStream) { this.profileStream = profileStream; } @Override public ProfileStream profileStream() { return profileStream; } @Override public void setProfileLocation(ProfileLocation profileLocation) { this.profileLocation = profileLocation; } @Override public ProfileLocation getProfileLocation() { return profileLocation; }
Overridden in AutoCommitJdbcTransaction as that expects to run/operate with autocommit true.
/** * Overridden in AutoCommitJdbcTransaction as that expects to run/operate with autocommit true. */
protected void checkAutoCommit(Connection connection) throws SQLException { if (connection != null) { this.autoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit(); if (this.autoCommit) { connection.setAutoCommit(false); } } } private static String deriveLogPrefix(String id) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("txn["); if (id != null) { sb.append(id); } sb.append("] "); return sb.toString(); } @Override public boolean isSkipCache() { if (skipCache != null) return skipCache; return skipCacheAfterWrite && !queryOnly; } @Override public void setSkipCache(boolean skipCache) { this.skipCache = skipCache; } @Override public String getLogPrefix() { return logPrefix; } @Override public String toString() { return logPrefix; } @Override public void addBeanChange(BeanChange beanChange) { if (changeLogHolder == null) { changeLogHolder = new TChangeLogHolder(this, 100); } changeLogHolder.addBeanChange(beanChange); } @Override public void sendChangeLog(ChangeSet changesRequest) { if (manager != null) { manager.sendChangeLog(changesRequest); } } @Override public void register(TransactionCallback callback) { if (callbackList == null) { callbackList = new ArrayList<>(4); } callbackList.add(callback); } protected void firePreRollback() { if (callbackList != null) { for (TransactionCallback callback : callbackList) { try { callback.preRollback(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error executing preRollback callback", e); } } } } protected void firePostRollback() { if (callbackList != null) { for (TransactionCallback callback : callbackList) { try { callback.postRollback(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error executing postRollback callback", e); } } } if (changeLogHolder != null) { changeLogHolder.postRollback(); } } protected void firePreCommit() { if (callbackList != null) { for (TransactionCallback callback : callbackList) { try { callback.preCommit(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error executing preCommit callback", e); } } } } protected void firePostCommit() { if (callbackList != null) { for (TransactionCallback callback : callbackList) { try { callback.postCommit(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error executing postCommit callback", e); } } } if (changeLogHolder != null) { changeLogHolder.postCommit(); } } @Override public int getDocStoreBatchSize() { return docStoreBatchSize; } @Override public void setDocStoreBatchSize(int docStoreBatchSize) { this.docStoreBatchSize = docStoreBatchSize; } @Override public DocStoreMode getDocStoreMode() { return docStoreMode; } @Override public void setDocStoreMode(DocStoreMode docStoreMode) { this.docStoreMode = docStoreMode; } @Override public void registerDeferred(PersistDeferredRelationship derived) { if (deferredList == null) { deferredList = new ArrayList<>(); } deferredList.add(derived); }
Add a bean to the registed list.

This is to handle bi-directional relationships where both sides Cascade.

/** * Add a bean to the registed list. * <p> * This is to handle bi-directional relationships where both sides Cascade. * </p> */
@Override public void registerDeleteBean(Integer persistingBean) { if (deletingBeansHash == null) { deletingBeansHash = new HashSet<>(); } deletingBeansHash.add(persistingBean); }
Unregister the persisted bean.
/** * Unregister the persisted bean. */
@Override public void unregisterDeleteBean(Integer persistedBean) { if (deletingBeansHash != null) { deletingBeansHash.remove(persistedBean); } }
Return true if this is a bean that has already been saved/deleted.
/** * Return true if this is a bean that has already been saved/deleted. */
@Override public boolean isRegisteredDeleteBean(Integer persistingBean) { return deletingBeansHash != null && deletingBeansHash.contains(persistingBean); }
Unregister the persisted bean.
/** * Unregister the persisted bean. */
@Override public void unregisterBean(Object bean) { persistingBeans.remove(bean); }
Return true if this is a bean that has already been saved. This will register the bean if it is not already.
/** * Return true if this is a bean that has already been saved. This will * register the bean if it is not already. */
@Override public boolean isRegisteredBean(Object bean) { if (persistingBeans == null) { persistingBeans = new IdentityHashMap<>(); } return (persistingBeans.put(bean, PLACEHOLDER) != null); }
Return true if the m2m intersection save is allowed from a given bean direction. This is to stop m2m intersection management via both directions of a m2m.
/** * Return true if the m2m intersection save is allowed from a given bean direction. * This is to stop m2m intersection management via both directions of a m2m. */
@Override public boolean isSaveAssocManyIntersection(String intersectionTable, String beanName) { if (m2mIntersectionSave == null) { // first attempt so yes allow this m2m intersection direction m2mIntersectionSave = new HashMap<>(); m2mIntersectionSave.put(intersectionTable, beanName); return true; } String existingBean = m2mIntersectionSave.get(intersectionTable); if (existingBean == null) { // first time into this intersection table so allow m2mIntersectionSave.put(intersectionTable, beanName); return true; } // only allow if save coming from the same bean type // to stop saves coming from both directions of m2m return existingBean.equals(beanName); }
Return the depth of the current persist request plus the diff. This has the effect of changing the current depth and returning the new value. Pass diff=0 to return the current depth.

The depth of 0 is for the initial persist request. It is modified as the cascading of the save or delete traverses to the the associated Ones (-1) and associated Manys (+1).

The depth is used to help the ordering of batched statements.

  • diff – the amount to add or subtract from the depth.
/** * Return the depth of the current persist request plus the diff. This has the * effect of changing the current depth and returning the new value. Pass * diff=0 to return the current depth. * <p> * The depth of 0 is for the initial persist request. It is modified as the * cascading of the save or delete traverses to the the associated Ones (-1) * and associated Manys (+1). * </p> * <p> * The depth is used to help the ordering of batched statements. * </p> * * @param diff the amount to add or subtract from the depth. */
@Override public void depth(int diff) { depth += diff; }
Return the current depth.
/** * Return the current depth. */
@Override public int depth() { return depth; } @Override public void markNotQueryOnly() { this.queryOnly = false; } @Override public boolean isReadOnly() { if (!isActive()) { throw new IllegalStateException(illegalStateMessage); } try { return connection.isReadOnly(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new PersistenceException(e); } } @Override public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) { if (!isActive()) { throw new IllegalStateException(illegalStateMessage); } try { localReadOnly = readOnly; connection.setReadOnly(readOnly); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new PersistenceException(e); } } @Override public void setUpdateAllLoadedProperties(boolean updateAllLoadedProperties) { this.updateAllLoadedProperties = updateAllLoadedProperties; } @Override public Boolean isUpdateAllLoadedProperties() { return updateAllLoadedProperties; } @Override public void setBatchMode(boolean batchMode) { if (!isActive()) { throw new IllegalStateException(illegalStateMessage); } this.batchMode = batchMode; } @Override public boolean isBatchMode() { return batchMode; } @Override public void setBatchOnCascade(boolean batchMode) { if (!isActive()) { throw new IllegalStateException(illegalStateMessage); } this.batchOnCascadeMode = batchMode; } @Override public boolean isBatchOnCascade() { return batchOnCascadeMode; } @Override public Boolean getBatchGetGeneratedKeys() { return batchGetGeneratedKeys; } @Override public void setBatchGetGeneratedKeys(boolean getGeneratedKeys) { this.batchGetGeneratedKeys = getGeneratedKeys; if (batchControl != null) { batchControl.setGetGeneratedKeys(getGeneratedKeys); } } @Override public void setBatchFlushOnMixed(boolean batchFlushOnMixed) { this.batchFlushOnMixed = batchFlushOnMixed; if (batchControl != null) { batchControl.setBatchFlushOnMixed(batchFlushOnMixed); } }
Return the batchSize specifically set for this transaction or 0.

Returning 0 implies to use the system wide default batch size.

/** * Return the batchSize specifically set for this transaction or 0. * <p> * Returning 0 implies to use the system wide default batch size. * </p> */
@Override public int getBatchSize() { return batchSize; } @Override public void setBatchSize(int batchSize) { this.batchSize = batchSize; if (batchControl != null) { batchControl.setBatchSize(batchSize); } } @Override public boolean isBatchFlushOnQuery() { return batchFlushOnQuery; } @Override public void setBatchFlushOnQuery(boolean batchFlushOnQuery) { this.batchFlushOnQuery = batchFlushOnQuery; }
Return true if this request should be batched. Returning false means that this request should be executed immediately.
/** * Return true if this request should be batched. Returning false means that * this request should be executed immediately. */
@Override public boolean isBatchThisRequest() { if (!batchOnCascadeSet && !explicit && depth <= 0) { // implicit transaction, no gain by batching where depth <= 0 return false; } return batchMode; } @Override public void checkBatchEscalationOnCollection() { if (!batchMode && batchOnCascadeMode) { batchMode = true; batchOnCascadeSet = true; } } @Override public void flushBatchOnCollection() { if (batchOnCascadeSet) { batchFlushReset(); // restore the previous batch mode of NONE batchMode = false; } } private void batchFlush() { if (batchControl != null) { try { batchControl.flush(); } catch (BatchedSqlException e) { throw translate(e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); } } } private void batchFlushReset() { if (batchControl != null) { try { batchControl.flushReset(); } catch (BatchedSqlException e) { throw translate(e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); } } } @Override public PersistenceException translate(String message, SQLException cause) { if (manager != null) { return manager.translate(message, cause); } return new PersistenceException(message, cause); }
Flush after completing persist cascade.
/** * Flush after completing persist cascade. */
@Override public void flushBatchOnCascade() { batchFlushReset(); // restore the previous batch mode batchMode = oldBatchMode; } @Override public void flushBatchOnRollback() { if (batchControl != null) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("... flushBatchOnRollback"); } batchControl.clear(); } // restore the previous batch mode batchMode = oldBatchMode; } @Override public boolean checkBatchEscalationOnCascade(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { if (batchMode) { // already batching (at top level) return false; } if (batchOnCascadeMode) { // escalate up to batch mode for this request (and cascade) oldBatchMode = false; batchMode = true; batchFlushReset(); // skip using jdbc batch for the top level bean (no gain there) request.setSkipBatchForTopLevel(); return true; } batchFlushReset(); return false; } @Override public BatchControl getBatchControl() { return batchControl; }
Set the BatchControl to the transaction. This is done once per transaction on the first persist request.
/** * Set the BatchControl to the transaction. This is done once per transaction * on the first persist request. */
@Override public void setBatchControl(BatchControl batchControl) { queryOnly = false; this.batchControl = batchControl; // in case these parameters have already been set if (batchGetGeneratedKeys != null) { batchControl.setGetGeneratedKeys(batchGetGeneratedKeys); } if (batchSize != -1) { batchControl.setBatchSize(batchSize); } if (batchFlushOnMixed != null) { batchControl.setBatchFlushOnMixed(batchFlushOnMixed); } }
Flush any queued persist requests.

This is general will result in a number of batched PreparedStatements executing.

/** * Flush any queued persist requests. * <p> * This is general will result in a number of batched PreparedStatements * executing. * </p> */
@Override public void flush() { if (!isActive()) { throw new IllegalStateException(illegalStateMessage); } internalBatchFlush(); } @Override public void flushBatch() { flush(); }
Flush the JDBC batch and execute derived relationship statements if necessary.
/** * Flush the JDBC batch and execute derived relationship statements if necessary. */
private void internalBatchFlush() { batchFlush(); if (deferredList != null) { for (PersistDeferredRelationship deferred : deferredList) { deferred.execute(this); } deferredList.clear(); } }
Return the persistence context associated with this transaction.
/** * Return the persistence context associated with this transaction. */
@Override public PersistenceContext getPersistenceContext() { return persistenceContext; }
Set the persistence context to this transaction.

This could be considered similar to EJB3 Extended PersistanceContext. In that you get the PersistanceContext from a transaction, hold onto it, and then set it back later to a second transaction.

/** * Set the persistence context to this transaction. * <p> * This could be considered similar to EJB3 Extended PersistanceContext. In * that you get the PersistanceContext from a transaction, hold onto it, and * then set it back later to a second transaction. * </p> */
@Override public void setPersistenceContext(PersistenceContext context) { if (!isActive()) { throw new IllegalStateException(illegalStateMessage); } this.persistenceContext = context; }
Return the underlying TransactionEvent.
/** * Return the underlying TransactionEvent. */
@Override public TransactionEvent getEvent() { queryOnly = false; if (event == null) { event = new TransactionEvent(startMillis); } return event; }
Return true if this was an explicitly created transaction.
/** * Return true if this was an explicitly created transaction. */
@Override public boolean isExplicit() { return explicit; } @Override public boolean isLogSql() { return logSql; } @Override public boolean isLogSummary() { return logSummary; } @Override public void logSql(String msg) { manager.log().sql().debug(Str.add(logPrefix, msg)); } @Override public void logSummary(String msg) { manager.log().sum().debug(Str.add(logPrefix, msg)); }
Return the transaction id.
/** * Return the transaction id. */
@Override public String getId() { return id; } @Override public void setTenantId(Object tenantId) { this.tenantId = tenantId; } @Override public Object getTenantId() { return tenantId; }
Return the underlying connection for internal use.
/** * Return the underlying connection for internal use. */
@Override public Connection getInternalConnection() { if (!isActive()) { throw new IllegalStateException(illegalStateMessage); } return connection; }
Return the underlying connection for public use.
/** * Return the underlying connection for public use. */
@Override public Connection getConnection() { queryOnly = false; return getInternalConnection(); } protected void deactivate() { try { if (localReadOnly) { // reset readOnly status prior to returning to pool connection.setReadOnly(false); } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Error setting to readOnly?", e); } try { if (autoCommit) { // reset the autoCommit status prior to returning to pool connection.setAutoCommit(true); } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Error setting to readOnly?", e); } try { connection.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { // the connection pool will automatically remove the // connection if it does not pass the test logger.error("Error closing connection", ex); } connection = null; active = false; profileEnd(); }
Notify the transaction manager.
/** * Notify the transaction manager. */
protected void notifyCommit() { if (manager != null) { if (queryOnly) { manager.notifyOfQueryOnly(this); } else { manager.notifyOfCommit(this); } } }
Rollback or Commit for query only transaction.
/** * Rollback or Commit for query only transaction. */
protected void connectionEndForQueryOnly() { try { if (onQueryOnly == OnQueryOnly.COMMIT) { performCommit(); } else { performRollback(); } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Error when ending a query only transaction via " + onQueryOnly, e); } }
Perform the actual rollback on the connection.
/** * Perform the actual rollback on the connection. */
protected void performRollback() throws SQLException { long offset = profileOffset(); connection.rollback(); if (profileStream != null) { profileStream.addEvent(EVT_ROLLBACK, offset); } }
Perform the actual commit on the connection.
/** * Perform the actual commit on the connection. */
protected void performCommit() throws SQLException { long offset = profileOffset(); connection.commit(); if (profileStream != null) { profileStream.addEvent(EVT_COMMIT, offset); } } private void profileEnd() { if (manager != null) { long exeMicros = (System.nanoTime() - startNanos) / 1000L; if (profileLocation != null) { profileLocation.add(exeMicros); } else if (label != null) { manager.collectMetricNamed(exeMicros, label); } manager.collectMetric(exeMicros); if (profileStream != null) { profileStream.end(manager); } } }
Batch flush, jdbc commit, trigger registered TransactionCallbacks, notify l2 cache etc.
/** * Batch flush, jdbc commit, trigger registered TransactionCallbacks, notify l2 cache etc. */
private void flushCommitAndNotify() throws SQLException { internalBatchFlush(); firePreCommit(); // only performCommit can throw an exception performCommit(); firePostCommit(); notifyCommit(); }
Perform a commit, fire callbacks and notify l2 cache etc.

This leaves the transaction active and expects another commit to occur later (which closes the underlying connection etc).

/** * Perform a commit, fire callbacks and notify l2 cache etc. * <p> * This leaves the transaction active and expects another commit * to occur later (which closes the underlying connection etc). * </p> */
@Override public void commitAndContinue() { if (rollbackOnly) { return; } if (!isActive()) { throw new IllegalStateException(illegalStateMessage); } try { flushCommitAndNotify(); // the event has been sent to the transaction manager // for postCommit processing (l2 cache updates etc) // start a new transaction event event = new TransactionEvent(startMillis); } catch (Exception e) { doRollback(e); throw wrapIfNeeded(e); } }
Commit the transaction.
/** * Commit the transaction. */
@Override public void commit() { if (rollbackOnly) { rollback(); return; } if (!isActive()) { throw new IllegalStateException(illegalStateMessage); } try { if (queryOnly) { connectionEndForQueryOnly(); } else { flushCommitAndNotify(); } } catch (Exception e) { doRollback(e); throw wrapIfNeeded(e); } finally { deactivate(); } }
Try to keep specific exceptions and otherwise wrap as RollbackException.
/** * Try to keep specific exceptions and otherwise wrap as RollbackException. */
private RuntimeException wrapIfNeeded(Exception e) { if (e instanceof PersistenceException) { // keep more specific exception if we have it return (PersistenceException)e; } return new RollbackException(e); }
Notify the transaction manager.
/** * Notify the transaction manager. */
protected void notifyRollback(Throwable cause) { if (manager != null) { if (queryOnly) { manager.notifyOfQueryOnly(this); } else { manager.notifyOfRollback(this, cause); } } }
Return true if the transaction is marked as rollback only.
/** * Return true if the transaction is marked as rollback only. */
@Override public boolean isRollbackOnly() { return rollbackOnly; }
Mark the transaction as rollback only.
/** * Mark the transaction as rollback only. */
@Override public void setRollbackOnly() { this.rollbackOnly = true; } @Override public boolean isNestedUseSavepoint() { return nestedUseSavepoint; } @Override public void setNestedUseSavepoint() { this.nestedUseSavepoint = true; }
Rollback the transaction.
/** * Rollback the transaction. */
@Override public void rollback() throws PersistenceException { rollback(null); }
Rollback the transaction. If there is a throwable it is logged as the cause in the transaction log.
/** * Rollback the transaction. If there is a throwable it is logged as the cause * in the transaction log. */
@Override public void rollback(Throwable cause) throws PersistenceException { if (!isActive()) { throw new IllegalStateException(illegalStateMessage); } try { doRollback(cause); } finally { deactivate(); } }
Perform the jdbc rollback and fire any registered callbacks.
/** * Perform the jdbc rollback and fire any registered callbacks. */
private void doRollback(Throwable cause) { firePreRollback(); try { performRollback(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new PersistenceException(ex); } finally { // these will not throw an exception firePostRollback(); notifyRollback(cause); } }
If the transaction is active then perform rollback.
/** * If the transaction is active then perform rollback. */
@Override public void end() throws PersistenceException { if (isActive()) { rollback(); } }
Return true if the transaction is active.
/** * Return true if the transaction is active. */
@Override public boolean isActive() { return active; } @Override public boolean isPersistCascade() { return persistCascade; } @Override public void setPersistCascade(boolean persistCascade) { this.persistCascade = persistCascade; } @Override public void addModification(String tableName, boolean inserts, boolean updates, boolean deletes) { getEvent().add(tableName, inserts, updates, deletes); } @Override public DocStoreTransaction getDocStoreTransaction() { if (docStoreTxn == null) { queryOnly = false; docStoreTxn = manager.createDocStoreTransaction(docStoreBatchSize); } return docStoreTxn; } @Override public void putUserObject(String name, Object value) { if (userObjects == null) { userObjects = new HashMap<>(); } userObjects.put(name, value); } @Override public Object getUserObject(String name) { if (userObjects == null) { return null; } return userObjects.get(name); }
Alias for end(), which enables this class to be used in try-with-resources.
/** * Alias for end(), which enables this class to be used in try-with-resources. */
@Override public void close() { end(); } }