package io.ebeaninternal.api;

import io.ebean.TxScope;

import java.util.ArrayList;

Used internally to handle the scoping of transactions for methods.
/** * Used internally to handle the scoping of transactions for methods. */
public class ScopeTrans { private static final int OPCODE_ATHROW = 191;
The transaction in scope (can be null).
/** * The transaction in scope (can be null). */
private final SpiTransaction transaction;
If true by default rollback on Checked exceptions.
/** * If true by default rollback on Checked exceptions. */
private final boolean rollbackOnChecked;
True if the transaction was created and hence should be committed on finally if it hasn't already been rolled back.
/** * True if the transaction was created and hence should be committed * on finally if it hasn't already been rolled back. */
private final boolean created;
Explicit set of Exceptions that DO NOT cause a rollback to occur.
/** * Explicit set of Exceptions that DO NOT cause a rollback to occur. */
private final ArrayList<Class<? extends Throwable>> noRollbackFor;
Explicit set of Exceptions that DO cause a rollback to occur.
/** * Explicit set of Exceptions that DO cause a rollback to occur. */
private final ArrayList<Class<? extends Throwable>> rollbackFor; private Boolean restoreBatch; private Boolean restoreBatchOnCascade; private int restoreBatchSize; private Boolean restoreBatchGeneratedKeys; private boolean restoreBatchFlushOnQuery;
Flag set when a rollback has occurred.
/** * Flag set when a rollback has occurred. */
private boolean rolledBack;
Flag set when nested commit has occurred.
/** * Flag set when nested commit has occurred. */
private boolean nestedCommit; public ScopeTrans(boolean rollbackOnChecked, boolean created, SpiTransaction transaction, TxScope txScope) { this.rollbackOnChecked = rollbackOnChecked; this.created = created; this.transaction = transaction; this.noRollbackFor = txScope.getNoRollbackFor(); this.rollbackFor = txScope.getRollbackFor(); if (transaction != null) { if (!created && txScope.isBatchSet() || txScope.isBatchOnCascadeSet() || txScope.isBatchSizeSet()) { restoreBatch = transaction.isBatchMode(); restoreBatchOnCascade = transaction.isBatchOnCascade(); restoreBatchSize = transaction.getBatchSize(); restoreBatchGeneratedKeys = transaction.getBatchGetGeneratedKeys(); restoreBatchFlushOnQuery = transaction.isBatchFlushOnQuery(); } if (txScope.isBatchSet()) { transaction.setBatchMode(txScope.isBatchMode()); } if (!txScope.isFlushOnQuery()) { transaction.setBatchFlushOnQuery(false); } if (txScope.isBatchOnCascadeSet()) { transaction.setBatchOnCascade(txScope.isBatchOnCascade()); } if (txScope.isBatchSizeSet()) { transaction.setBatchSize(txScope.getBatchSize()); } if (txScope.isSkipGeneratedKeys()) { transaction.setBatchGetGeneratedKeys(false); } } } @Override public String toString() { return "ScopeTrans[" + transaction + "]"; }
Return the current/active transaction.
/** * Return the current/active transaction. */
protected SpiTransaction getTransaction() { return transaction; }
Complete the transaction from enhanced transactional. Try to commit.
/** * Complete the transaction from enhanced transactional. Try to commit. */
void complete(Object returnOrThrowable, int opCode) { if (opCode == OPCODE_ATHROW) { // exited with a Throwable caughtThrowable((Throwable) returnOrThrowable); } complete(); }
Complete the transaction programmatically. Try to commit.
/** * Complete the transaction programmatically. Try to commit. */
public void complete() { if (!rolledBack) { commitTransaction(); } } public void end() { if (created || !nestedCommit) { transaction.end(); } } protected void commitTransaction() { if (created) { transaction.commit(); } else { nestedCommit = true; transaction.setBatchFlushOnQuery(restoreBatchFlushOnQuery); if (restoreBatch != null) { transaction.setBatchMode(restoreBatch); } if (restoreBatchOnCascade != null) { transaction.setBatchOnCascade(restoreBatchOnCascade); } if (restoreBatchSize > 0) { transaction.setBatchSize(restoreBatchSize); } if (restoreBatchGeneratedKeys != null) { transaction.setBatchGetGeneratedKeys(restoreBatchGeneratedKeys); } } }
An Error was caught and this ALWAYS causes a rollback to occur. Returns the error and this should be thrown by the calling code.
/** * An Error was caught and this ALWAYS causes a rollback to occur. * Returns the error and this should be thrown by the calling code. */
public Error caughtError(Error e) { rollback(e); return e; }
Mark the underlying transaction as rollback only.
/** * Mark the underlying transaction as rollback only. */
public void setRollbackOnly() { if (transaction != null) { transaction.setRollbackOnly(); } }
An Exception was caught and may or may not cause a rollback to occur. Returns the exception and this should be thrown by the calling code.
/** * An Exception was caught and may or may not cause a rollback to occur. * Returns the exception and this should be thrown by the calling code. */
public <T extends Throwable> T caughtThrowable(T e) { if (isRollbackThrowable(e)) { rollback(e); } return e; } protected void rollback(Throwable e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) { // transaction is null for NOT_SUPPORTED and sometimes SUPPORTS // and Inactive (already rolled back) if nested REQUIRED transaction.rollback(e); } rolledBack = true; }
Return true if this throwable should cause a rollback to occur.
/** * Return true if this throwable should cause a rollback to occur. */
private boolean isRollbackThrowable(Throwable e) { if (e instanceof Error) { return true; } if (noRollbackFor != null) { for (Class<? extends Throwable> aNoRollbackFor : noRollbackFor) { if (aNoRollbackFor.equals(e.getClass())) { // explicit no rollback for this one return false; } } } if (rollbackFor != null) { for (Class<? extends Throwable> aRollbackFor : rollbackFor) { if (aRollbackFor.equals(e.getClass())) { // explicit rollback for this one return true; } } } // checked exceptions... // EJB defaults this to false which is not intuitive IMO // Ebean makes this configurable (default to true) return e instanceof RuntimeException || rollbackOnChecked; } }