package io.ebeaninternal.server.query;

import io.ebean.util.SplitName;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.ManyWhereJoins;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.PropertyJoin;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery.Type;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.OrmQueryRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.InheritInfo;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.TableJoin;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn.OrmQueryDetail;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn.OrmQueryProperties;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

Factory for SqlTree.
/** * Factory for SqlTree. */
public final class SqlTreeBuilder { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SqlTreeBuilder.class); private final SpiQuery<?> query; private final STreeType desc; private final OrmQueryDetail queryDetail; private final StringBuilder summary = new StringBuilder(); private final CQueryPredicates predicates; private final boolean subQuery; private final boolean distinctOnPlatform;
Property if resultSet contains master and detail rows.
/** * Property if resultSet contains master and detail rows. */
private STreePropertyAssocMany manyProperty; private final SqlTreeAlias alias; private final DefaultDbSqlContext ctx; private final HashSet<String> selectIncludes = new HashSet<>(); private final ManyWhereJoins manyWhereJoins; private final TableJoin includeJoin; private final boolean rawSql;
rawNoId true if the RawSql does not include the @Id property
/** * rawNoId true if the RawSql does not include the @Id property */
private final boolean rawNoId; private final boolean disableLazyLoad; private final SpiQuery.TemporalMode temporalMode; private SqlTreeNode rootNode; private boolean sqlDistinct;
Construct for RawSql query.
/** * Construct for RawSql query. */
public SqlTreeBuilder(OrmQueryRequest<?> request, CQueryPredicates predicates, OrmQueryDetail queryDetail, boolean rawNoId) { this.rawSql = true; this.desc = request.getBeanDescriptor(); this.rawNoId = rawNoId; this.disableLazyLoad = request.getQuery().isDisableLazyLoading(); this.query = null; this.subQuery = false; this.distinctOnPlatform = false; this.queryDetail = queryDetail; this.predicates = predicates; this.temporalMode = SpiQuery.TemporalMode.CURRENT; this.includeJoin = null; this.manyWhereJoins = null; this.alias = null; this.ctx = null; }
The predicates are used to determine if 'extra' joins are required to support the where and/or order by clause. If so these extra joins are added to the root node.
/** * The predicates are used to determine if 'extra' joins are required to * support the where and/or order by clause. If so these extra joins are added * to the root node. */
public SqlTreeBuilder(CQueryBuilder builder, OrmQueryRequest<?> request, CQueryPredicates predicates) { this.rawSql = false; this.rawNoId = false; this.desc = request.getBeanDescriptor(); this.query = request.getQuery(); this.temporalMode = SpiQuery.TemporalMode.of(query); this.disableLazyLoad = query.isDisableLazyLoading(); this.subQuery = Type.SUBQUERY == query.getType() || Type.ID_LIST == query.getType() || Type.DELETE == query.getType() || query.isCountDistinct(); this.includeJoin = query.getM2mIncludeJoin(); this.manyWhereJoins = query.getManyWhereJoins(); this.queryDetail = query.getDetail(); this.predicates = predicates; this.alias = new SqlTreeAlias(request.getBaseTableAlias(), temporalMode); this.distinctOnPlatform = builder.isPlatformDistinctOn(); String fromForUpdate = builder.fromForUpdate(query); CQueryHistorySupport historySupport = builder.getHistorySupport(query); CQueryDraftSupport draftSupport = builder.getDraftSupport(query); this.ctx = new DefaultDbSqlContext(alias, builder, !subQuery, historySupport, draftSupport, fromForUpdate); }
Build based on the includes and using the BeanJoinTree.
/** * Build based on the includes and using the BeanJoinTree. */
public SqlTree build() { summary.append(desc.getName()); // build the appropriate chain of SelectAdapter's buildRoot(desc); // build the actual String String distinctOn = null; String selectSql = null; String fromSql = null; String inheritanceWhereSql = null; String groupBy = null; STreeProperty[] encryptedProps = null; if (!rawSql) { selectSql = buildSelectClause(); fromSql = buildFromClause(); inheritanceWhereSql = buildWhereClause(); groupBy = buildGroupByClause(); distinctOn = buildDistinctOn(); encryptedProps = ctx.getEncryptedProps(); } boolean includeJoins = alias != null && alias.isIncludeJoins(); return new SqlTree(summary.toString(), rootNode, distinctOn, selectSql, fromSql, groupBy, inheritanceWhereSql, encryptedProps, manyProperty, queryDetail.getFetchPaths(), includeJoins); } private String buildSelectClause() { if (rawSql) { return "Not Used"; } rootNode.appendSelect(ctx, subQuery); return trimComma(ctx.getContent()); } private String buildGroupByClause() { if (rawSql || !rootNode.isAggregation()) { return null; } ctx.startGroupBy(); rootNode.appendGroupBy(ctx, subQuery); return trimComma(ctx.getContent()); } private String buildDistinctOn() { if (rawSql || !distinctOnPlatform || !sqlDistinct || Type.COUNT == query.getType()) { return null; } ctx.startGroupBy(); rootNode.appendDistinctOn(ctx, subQuery); String idCols = trimComma(ctx.getContent()); return idCols == null ? null : mergeOnDistinct(idCols, predicates.getDbOrderBy()); } static String mergeOnDistinct(String idCols, String dbOrderBy) { if (dbOrderBy == null) { return idCols; } dbOrderBy = DbOrderByTrim.trim(dbOrderBy); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(dbOrderBy.length() + idCols.length() + 2); sb.append(dbOrderBy); String[] split = idCols.split(","); for (String col : split) { col = col.trim(); if (!dbOrderBy.contains(col)) { sb.append(", ").append(col); } } return sb.toString(); }
Trim the first comma.
/** * Trim the first comma. */
private String trimComma(String groupBy) { if (groupBy.length() < SqlTreeNode.COMMA.length()) { return null; } else { return groupBy.substring(SqlTreeNode.COMMA.length()); } } private String buildWhereClause() { if (rawSql) { return "Not Used"; } rootNode.appendWhere(ctx); return ctx.getContent(); } private String buildFromClause() { if (rawSql) { return "Not Used"; } rootNode.appendFrom(ctx, SqlJoinType.AUTO); return ctx.getContent(); } private void buildRoot(STreeType desc) { rootNode = buildSelectChain(null, null, desc, null); if (!rawSql) { alias.addJoin(queryDetail.getFetchPaths(), desc); alias.addJoin(predicates.getPredicateIncludes(), desc); alias.addManyWhereJoins(manyWhereJoins.getPropertyNames()); // build set of table alias alias.buildAlias(); predicates.parseTableAlias(alias); } }
Recursively build the query tree depending on what leaves in the tree should be included.
/** * Recursively build the query tree depending on what leaves in the tree * should be included. */
private SqlTreeNode buildSelectChain(String prefix, STreePropertyAssoc prop, STreeType desc, List<SqlTreeNode> joinList) { List<SqlTreeNode> myJoinList = new ArrayList<>(); for (STreePropertyAssocOne one : desc.propsOne()) { String propPrefix = SplitName.add(prefix, one.getName()); if (isIncludeBean(propPrefix)) { selectIncludes.add(propPrefix); buildSelectChain(propPrefix, one,, myJoinList); } } for (STreePropertyAssocMany many : desc.propsMany()) { String propPrefix = SplitName.add(prefix, many.getName()); if (isIncludeMany(propPrefix, many)) { selectIncludes.add(propPrefix); buildSelectChain(propPrefix, many,, myJoinList); } } OrmQueryProperties queryProps = queryDetail.getChunk(prefix, false); SqlTreeProperties props = getBaseSelect(desc, queryProps); if (prefix != null) { // check for aggregation on a fetch props.checkAggregation(); } else if (!rawSql) { if (props.requireSqlDistinct(manyWhereJoins)) { sqlDistinct = true; } addManyWhereJoins(myJoinList); } SqlTreeNode selectNode = buildNode(prefix, prop, desc, myJoinList, props); if (joinList != null) { joinList.add(selectNode); } return selectNode; }
Add joins used to support where clause predicates on 'many' properties.

These joins are effectively independent of any fetch joins on 'many' properties.

/** * Add joins used to support where clause predicates on 'many' properties. * <p> * These joins are effectively independent of any fetch joins on 'many' * properties. * </p> */
private void addManyWhereJoins(List<SqlTreeNode> myJoinList) { Collection<PropertyJoin> includes = manyWhereJoins.getPropertyJoins(); for (PropertyJoin joinProp : includes) { STreePropertyAssoc beanProperty = (STreePropertyAssoc) desc.findPropertyFromPath(joinProp.getProperty()); SqlTreeNodeManyWhereJoin nodeJoin = new SqlTreeNodeManyWhereJoin(joinProp.getProperty(), beanProperty, joinProp.getSqlJoinType()); myJoinList.add(nodeJoin); } } private SqlTreeNode buildNode(String prefix, STreePropertyAssoc prop, STreeType desc, List<SqlTreeNode> myList, SqlTreeProperties props) { if (prefix == null) { buildExtraJoins(desc, myList); // Optional many property for lazy loading query STreePropertyAssocMany lazyLoadMany = (query == null) ? null : query.getLazyLoadMany(); boolean withId = !rawNoId && !subQuery && (query == null || query.isWithId()); String baseTable = (query == null) ? null : query.getBaseTable(); if (baseTable == null) { baseTable = desc.getBaseTable(temporalMode); } return new SqlTreeNodeRoot(desc, props, myList, withId, includeJoin, lazyLoadMany, temporalMode, disableLazyLoad, sqlDistinct, baseTable); } else if (prop instanceof STreePropertyAssocMany) { return new SqlTreeNodeManyRoot(prefix, (STreePropertyAssocMany) prop, props, myList, temporalMode, disableLazyLoad); } else { // do not read Id on child beans (e.g. when used with fetch()) boolean withId = isNotSingleAttribute(); return new SqlTreeNodeBean(prefix, prop, props, myList, withId, temporalMode, disableLazyLoad); } }
Build extra joins to support properties used in where clause but not already in select clause.
/** * Build extra joins to support properties used in where clause but not * already in select clause. */
private void buildExtraJoins(STreeType desc, List<SqlTreeNode> myList) { if (rawSql) { return; } Set<String> predicateIncludes = predicates.getPredicateIncludes(); if (predicateIncludes == null) { return; } // Note includes - basically means joins. // The selectIncludes is the set of joins that are required to support // the 'select' part of the query. We may need to add other joins to // support the predicates or order by clauses. // remove ManyWhereJoins from the predicateIncludes predicateIncludes.removeAll(manyWhereJoins.getPropertyNames()); predicateIncludes.addAll(predicates.getOrderByIncludes()); // look for predicateIncludes that are not in selectIncludes and add // them as extra joins to the query IncludesDistiller extraJoinDistill = new IncludesDistiller(desc, selectIncludes, predicateIncludes); Collection<SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin> extraJoins = extraJoinDistill.getExtraJoinRootNodes(); if (!extraJoins.isEmpty()) { // add extra joins required to support predicates // and/or order by clause for (SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin extraJoin : extraJoins) { myList.add(extraJoin); if (extraJoin.isManyJoin()) { // as we are now going to join to the many then we need // to add the distinct to the sql query to stop duplicate // rows... sqlDistinct = true; } } } }
A subQuery has slightly different rules in that it just generates SQL (into the where clause) and its properties are not required to read the resultSet etc.

This means it can included individual properties of an embedded bean.

/** * A subQuery has slightly different rules in that it just generates SQL (into * the where clause) and its properties are not required to read the resultSet * etc. * <p> * This means it can included individual properties of an embedded bean. * </p> */
private void addPropertyToSubQuery(SqlTreeProperties selectProps, STreeType desc, String propName) { STreeProperty p = desc.findProperty(propName); if (p == null) { logger.error("property [" + propName + "]not found on " + desc + " for query - excluding it."); } else if (p instanceof STreePropertyAssoc && p.isEmbedded()) { // if the property is embedded we need to lookup the real column name int pos = propName.indexOf('.'); if (pos > -1) { String name = propName.substring(pos + 1); p = ((STreePropertyAssoc) p).target().findProperty(name); } } selectProps.add(p); } private void addProperty(SqlTreeProperties selectProps, STreeType desc, OrmQueryProperties queryProps, String propName) { if (subQuery) { addPropertyToSubQuery(selectProps, desc, propName); return; } int basePos = propName.indexOf('.'); if (basePos > -1) { // property on an embedded bean. Embedded beans do not yet // support being partially populated so we include the // 'base' property and make sure we only do that once String baseName = propName.substring(0, basePos); // make sure we only included the base/embedded bean once if (!selectProps.containsProperty(baseName)) { STreeProperty p = desc.findPropertyWithDynamic(baseName, null); if (p == null) { // maybe dynamic formula with schema prefix p = desc.findPropertyWithDynamic(propName, null); if (p != null) { selectProps.add(p); } else { logger.error("property [" + propName + "] not found on " + desc + " for query - excluding it."); } } else if (p.isEmbedded() || (p instanceof STreePropertyAssoc && !queryProps.isIncludedBeanJoin(p.getName()))) { // add the embedded bean or the *ToOne assoc bean. We skip the check that the *ToOne propName maps to Id property ... selectProps.add(p); } else { logger.error("property [" + p.getFullBeanName() + "] expected to be an embedded or *ToOne bean for query - excluding it."); } } } else { // find the property including searching the // sub class hierarchy if required STreeProperty p = desc.findPropertyWithDynamic(propName, queryProps.getPath()); if (p == null) { logger.error("property [" + propName + "] not found on " + desc + " for query - excluding it."); p = desc.findProperty("id"); selectProps.add(p); } else if (p.isId() && excludeIdProperty()) { // do not bother to include id for normal queries as the // id is always added (except for subQueries) } else if (p instanceof STreePropertyAssoc) { // need to check if this property should be // excluded. This occurs when this property is // included as a bean join. With a bean join // the property should be excluded as the bean // join has its own node in the SqlTree. if (!queryProps.isIncludedBeanJoin(p.getName())) { // include the property... which basically // means include the foreign key column(s) selectProps.add(p); } } else { selectProps.add(p); } } } private SqlTreeProperties getBaseSelectPartial(STreeType desc, OrmQueryProperties queryProps) { SqlTreeProperties selectProps = new SqlTreeProperties(); selectProps.setReadOnly(queryProps.isReadOnly()); // add properties in the order in which they appear // in the query. Gives predictable sql/properties for // use with SqlSelect type queries. // Also note that this can include transient properties. // This makes sense for transient properties used to // hold sum() count() type values (with SqlSelect) for (String propName : queryProps.getSelectProperties()) { if (!propName.isEmpty()) { addProperty(selectProps, desc, queryProps, propName); } } return selectProps; } private SqlTreeProperties getBaseSelect(STreeType desc, OrmQueryProperties queryProps) { boolean partial = queryProps != null && !queryProps.allProperties(); if (partial) { return getBaseSelectPartial(desc, queryProps); } SqlTreeProperties selectProps = new SqlTreeProperties(); selectProps.setAllProperties(); // normal simple properties of the bean selectProps.add(desc.propsBaseScalar()); selectProps.add(desc.propsEmbedded()); for (STreePropertyAssocOne propertyAssocOne : desc.propsOne()) { //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody if (queryProps != null && queryProps.isIncludedBeanJoin(propertyAssocOne.getName()) && propertyAssocOne.hasForeignKey() && !propertyAssocOne.isFormula()) { // if it is a joined bean with FK constraint... then don't add the property // as it will have its own entire Node in the SqlTree } else { selectProps.add(propertyAssocOne); } } InheritInfo inheritInfo = desc.getInheritInfo(); if (inheritInfo != null) { // add sub type properties inheritInfo.addChildrenProperties(selectProps); } return selectProps; }
Return true if this many node should be included in the query.
/** * Return true if this many node should be included in the query. */
private boolean isIncludeMany(String propName, STreePropertyAssocMany manyProp) { if (queryDetail.isJoinsEmpty()) { return false; } if (queryDetail.includesPath(propName)) { if (manyProperty != null) { // only one many associated allowed to be included in fetch if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Not joining [" + propName + "] as already joined to a Many[" + manyProperty + "]."); } return false; } manyProperty = manyProp; summary.append(" +many:").append(propName); return true; } return false; }
Test to see if we are including this node into the query.

Return true if this node is FULLY included resulting in table join. If the node is not included but its parent has been included then a "bean proxy" is added and false is returned.

/** * Test to see if we are including this node into the query. * <p> * Return true if this node is FULLY included resulting in table join. If the * node is not included but its parent has been included then a "bean proxy" * is added and false is returned. * </p> */
private boolean isIncludeBean(String prefix) { if (queryDetail.includesPath(prefix)) { // explicitly included summary.append(", ").append(prefix); String[] splitNames = SplitName.split(prefix); queryDetail.includeBeanJoin(splitNames[0], splitNames[1]); return true; } return false; }
Takes the select includes and the predicates includes and determines the extra joins required to support the predicates (that are not already supported by the select includes).

This returns ONLY the leaves. The joins for the leaves

/** * Takes the select includes and the predicates includes and determines the * extra joins required to support the predicates (that are not already * supported by the select includes). * <p> * This returns ONLY the leaves. The joins for the leaves * </p> */
private static class IncludesDistiller { private final Set<String> selectIncludes; private final Set<String> predicateIncludes;
Contains the 'root' extra joins. We only return the roots back.
/** * Contains the 'root' extra joins. We only return the roots back. */
private final Map<String, SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin> joinRegister = new HashMap<>();
Register of all the extra join nodes.
/** * Register of all the extra join nodes. */
private final Map<String, SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin> rootRegister = new HashMap<>(); private final STreeType desc; private IncludesDistiller(STreeType desc, Set<String> selectIncludes, Set<String> predicateIncludes) { this.desc = desc; this.selectIncludes = selectIncludes; this.predicateIncludes = predicateIncludes; }
Build the collection of extra joins returning just the roots.

each root returned here could contain a little tree of joins. This follows the more natural pattern and allows for forcing outer joins from a join to a 'many' down through the rest of its tree.

/** * Build the collection of extra joins returning just the roots. * <p> * each root returned here could contain a little tree of joins. This * follows the more natural pattern and allows for forcing outer joins from * a join to a 'many' down through the rest of its tree. * </p> */
private Collection<SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin> getExtraJoinRootNodes() { String[] extras = findExtras(); if (extras.length == 0) { return rootRegister.values(); } // sort so we process only getting the leaves // excluding nodes between root and the leaf Arrays.sort(extras); // reverse order so get the leaves first... for (String extra : extras) { createExtraJoin(extra); } return rootRegister.values(); } private void createExtraJoin(String includeProp) { SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin extraJoin = createJoinLeaf(includeProp); if (extraJoin != null) { // add the extra join... // find root of this extra join... linking back to the // parents (creating the tree) as it goes. SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin root = findExtraJoinRoot(includeProp, extraJoin); // register the root because these are the only ones we // return back. rootRegister.put(root.getName(), root); } }
Create a SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin, register and return it.
/** * Create a SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin, register and return it. */
private SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin createJoinLeaf(String propertyName) { ExtraJoin extra = desc.extraJoin(propertyName); if (extra == null) { return null; } else { SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin extraJoin = new SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin(propertyName, extra.getProperty(), extra.isContainsMany()); joinRegister.put(propertyName, extraJoin); return extraJoin; } }
Find the root the this extra join tree.

This may need to create a parent join implicitly if a predicate join 'skips' a level. e.g. where = 1 (maybe join to details is not specified and is implicitly created.

/** * Find the root the this extra join tree. * <p> * This may need to create a parent join implicitly if a predicate join * 'skips' a level. e.g. where = 1 (maybe join to details is * not specified and is implicitly created. * </p> */
private SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin findExtraJoinRoot(String includeProp, SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin childJoin) { while (true) { int dotPos = includeProp.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotPos == -1) { // no parent possible(parent is root) return childJoin; } else { // look in register ... String parentPropertyName = includeProp.substring(0, dotPos); if (selectIncludes.contains(parentPropertyName)) { // parent already handled by select return childJoin; } SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin parentJoin = joinRegister.get(parentPropertyName); if (parentJoin == null) { // we need to create this the parent implicitly... parentJoin = createJoinLeaf(parentPropertyName); } parentJoin.addChild(childJoin); childJoin = parentJoin; includeProp = parentPropertyName; } } }
Find the extra joins required by predicates and not already taken care of by the select.
/** * Find the extra joins required by predicates and not already taken care of * by the select. */
private String[] findExtras() { List<String> extras = new ArrayList<>(); for (String predProp : predicateIncludes) { if (!selectIncludes.contains(predProp)) { extras.add(predProp); } } return extras.toArray(new String[extras.size()]); } }
Return true if the Id property should be excluded (as it is automatically included).
/** * Return true if the Id property should be excluded (as it is automatically included). */
private boolean excludeIdProperty() { return query == null || !query.isSingleAttribute() && !query.isManualId(); }
Return true if the query is not a single attribute query.
/** * Return true if the query is not a single attribute query. */
private boolean isNotSingleAttribute() { return query == null || !query.isSingleAttribute(); } }