package io.ebeaninternal.server.query;

import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

Represents the SELECT clause part of the SQL query.
/** * Represents the SELECT clause part of the SQL query. */
class SqlTree { private final SqlTreeNode rootNode;
Property if resultSet contains master and detail rows.
/** * Property if resultSet contains master and detail rows. */
private final STreePropertyAssocMany manyProperty; private final Set<String> includes;
Summary of the select being generated.
/** * Summary of the select being generated. */
private final String summary; private final String distinctOn; private final String selectSql; private final String fromSql; private final String groupBy;
Encrypted Properties require additional binding.
/** * Encrypted Properties require additional binding. */
private final STreeProperty[] encryptedProps;
Where clause for inheritance.
/** * Where clause for inheritance. */
private final String inheritanceWhereSql; private final boolean includeJoins;
Create the SqlSelectClause.
/** * Create the SqlSelectClause. */
SqlTree(String summary, SqlTreeNode rootNode, String distinctOn, String selectSql, String fromSql, String groupBy, String inheritanceWhereSql, STreeProperty[] encryptedProps, STreePropertyAssocMany manyProperty, Set<String> includes, boolean includeJoins) { this.summary = summary; this.rootNode = rootNode; this.distinctOn = distinctOn; this.selectSql = selectSql; this.fromSql = fromSql; this.groupBy = groupBy; this.inheritanceWhereSql = inheritanceWhereSql; this.encryptedProps = encryptedProps; this.manyProperty = manyProperty; this.includes = includes; this.includeJoins = includeJoins; }
Return true if the query mandates SQL Distinct due to ToMany inclusion.
/** * Return true if the query mandates SQL Distinct due to ToMany inclusion. */
boolean isSqlDistinct() { return rootNode.isSqlDistinct(); }
Return true if the query includes joins (not valid for rawSql).
/** * Return true if the query includes joins (not valid for rawSql). */
boolean isIncludeJoins() { return includeJoins; }
Recurse through the tree adding an table alias' for @History entity beans.
/** * Recurse through the tree adding an table alias' for @History entity beans. */
void addAsOfTableAlias(SpiQuery<?> query) { rootNode.addAsOfTableAlias(query); }
Recurse through the tree adding soft delete predicates as necessary.
/** * Recurse through the tree adding soft delete predicates as necessary. */
void addSoftDeletePredicate(SpiQuery<?> query) { rootNode.addSoftDeletePredicate(query); }
Build a select expression chain for RawSql.
/** * Build a select expression chain for RawSql. */
public List<String> buildRawSqlSelectChain() { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); rootNode.buildRawSqlSelectChain(list); return list; }
Return the includes. Associated beans lists etc.
/** * Return the includes. Associated beans lists etc. */
public Set<String> getIncludes() { return includes; } String getDistinctOn() { return distinctOn; }
Return the String for the actual SQL.
/** * Return the String for the actual SQL. */
String getSelectSql() { return selectSql; } String getFromSql() { return fromSql; }
Return the groupBy clause.
/** * Return the groupBy clause. */
String getGroupBy() { return groupBy; }
Return the where clause for inheritance.
/** * Return the where clause for inheritance. */
String getInheritanceWhereSql() { return inheritanceWhereSql; }
Return a summary of the select clause.
/** * Return a summary of the select clause. */
public String getSummary() { return summary; } SqlTreeNode getRootNode() { return rootNode; }
Return the property that is associated with the many. There can only be one per SqlSelect. This can be null.
/** * Return the property that is associated with the many. There can only be one * per SqlSelect. This can be null. */
STreePropertyAssocMany getManyProperty() { return manyProperty; } STreeProperty[] getEncryptedProps() { return encryptedProps; }
Return true if the query has a many join.
/** * Return true if the query has a many join. */
boolean hasMany() { return manyProperty != null || rootNode.hasMany(); } boolean isSingleProperty() { return rootNode.isSingleProperty(); }
Return the tables that are joined in this query.
/** * Return the tables that are joined in this query. */
Set<String> dependentTables() { Set<String> tables = new LinkedHashSet<>(); rootNode.dependentTables(tables); return tables; } }