package io.ebeaninternal.server.persist;

import io.ebean.CallableSql;
import io.ebean.MergeOptions;
import io.ebean.Query;
import io.ebean.SqlUpdate;
import io.ebean.Transaction;
import io.ebean.Update;
import io.ebean.bean.BeanCollection;
import io.ebean.bean.BeanCollection.ModifyListenMode;
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebean.bean.PersistenceContext;
import io.ebean.event.BeanPersistController;
import io.ebean.meta.MetricVisitor;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiEbeanServer;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiSqlUpdate;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiTransaction;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiUpdate;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.Message;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequest.Type;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestCallableSql;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestOrmUpdate;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestUpdateSql;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.Persister;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptorManager;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanManager;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocMany;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocOne;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.IntersectionRow;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

Persister implementation using DML.

This object uses DmlPersistExecute to perform the actual persist execution.

This object:

  • Determines insert or update for saved beans
  • Determines the concurrency mode
  • Handles cascading of save and delete
  • Handles the batching and queueing
/** * Persister implementation using DML. * <p> * This object uses DmlPersistExecute to perform the actual persist execution. * </p> * <p> * This object: * <ul> * <li>Determines insert or update for saved beans</li> * <li>Determines the concurrency mode</li> * <li>Handles cascading of save and delete</li> * <li>Handles the batching and queueing</li> * </p> */
public final class DefaultPersister implements Persister { private static final Logger PUB = LoggerFactory.getLogger("io.ebean.PUB"); private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultPersister.class);
Actually does the persisting work.
/** * Actually does the persisting work. */
private final PersistExecute persistExecute; private final SpiEbeanServer server; private final BeanDescriptorManager beanDescriptorManager; private final boolean updatesDeleteMissingChildren; public DefaultPersister(SpiEbeanServer server, Binder binder, BeanDescriptorManager descMgr) { this.server = server; this.updatesDeleteMissingChildren = server.getServerConfig().isUpdatesDeleteMissingChildren(); this.beanDescriptorManager = descMgr; this.persistExecute = new DefaultPersistExecute(binder, server.getServerConfig().getPersistBatchSize()); } @Override public void visitMetrics(MetricVisitor visitor) { persistExecute.visitMetrics(visitor); }
Execute the CallableSql.
/** * Execute the CallableSql. */
@Override public int executeCallable(CallableSql callSql, Transaction t) { return executeOrQueue(new PersistRequestCallableSql(server, callSql, (SpiTransaction) t, persistExecute)); }
Execute the orm update.
/** * Execute the orm update. */
@Override public int executeOrmUpdate(Update<?> update, Transaction t) { SpiUpdate<?> ormUpdate = (SpiUpdate<?>) update; BeanManager<?> mgr = beanDescriptorManager.getBeanManager(ormUpdate.getBeanType()); if (mgr == null) { String msg = "No BeanManager found for type [" + ormUpdate.getBeanType() + "]. Is it an entity?"; throw new PersistenceException(msg); } return executeOrQueue(new PersistRequestOrmUpdate(server, mgr, ormUpdate, (SpiTransaction) t, persistExecute)); } private int executeOrQueue(PersistRequest request) { try { request.initTransIfRequired(); int rc = request.executeOrQueue(); request.commitTransIfRequired(); return rc; } catch (RuntimeException e) { request.rollbackTransIfRequired(); throw e; } } @Override public void addBatch(SpiSqlUpdate sqlUpdate, SpiTransaction transaction) { new PersistRequestUpdateSql(server, sqlUpdate, transaction, persistExecute).addBatch(); } @Override public int[] executeBatch(SpiSqlUpdate sqlUpdate, SpiTransaction transaction) { BatchControl batchControl = transaction.getBatchControl(); try { return batchControl.execute(sqlUpdate.getGeneratedSql(), sqlUpdate.isGetGeneratedKeys()); } catch (SQLException e) { throw transaction.translate(e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public void executeOrQueue(SpiSqlUpdate update, SpiTransaction t, boolean queue) { if (queue) { addToFlushQueue(update, t, false); } else { executeSqlUpdate(update, t); } } private void addToFlushQueue(SpiSqlUpdate update, SpiTransaction t, boolean early) { new PersistRequestUpdateSql(server, update, t, persistExecute).addToFlushQueue(early); }
Execute the updateSql.
/** * Execute the updateSql. */
@Override public int executeSqlUpdate(SqlUpdate updSql, Transaction t) { return executeOrQueue(new PersistRequestUpdateSql(server, (SpiSqlUpdate) updSql, (SpiTransaction) t, persistExecute)); } @Override public int executeSqlUpdateNow(SpiSqlUpdate updSql, Transaction t) { return executeOrQueue(new PersistRequestUpdateSql(server, updSql, (SpiTransaction) t, persistExecute, true)); }
Restore draft beans to match live beans given the query.
/** * Restore draft beans to match live beans given the query. */
@Override public <T> List<T> draftRestore(Query<T> query, Transaction transaction) { Class<T> beanType = query.getBeanType(); BeanDescriptor<T> desc = server.getBeanDescriptor(beanType); DraftHandler<T> draftHandler = new DraftHandler<>(desc, transaction); List<T> liveBeans = draftHandler.fetchSourceBeans(query, false); PUB.debug("draftRestore [{}] count[{}]", desc.getName(), liveBeans.size()); if (liveBeans.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } draftHandler.fetchDestinationBeans(liveBeans, true); BeanManager<T> mgr = beanDescriptorManager.getBeanManager(beanType); for (T liveBean : liveBeans) { T draftBean = draftHandler.publishToDestinationBean(liveBean); // reset @DraftDirty and @DraftReset properties draftHandler.resetDraft(draftBean); PUB.trace("draftRestore bean [{}] id[{}]", desc.getName(), draftHandler.getId()); update(createRequest(draftBean, transaction, null, mgr, Type.UPDATE, Flags.RECURSE)); } PUB.debug("draftRestore - complete for [{}]", desc.getName()); return draftHandler.getDrafts(); }
Helper method to return the list of Id values for the list of beans.
/** * Helper method to return the list of Id values for the list of beans. */
private <T> List<Object> getBeanIds(BeanDescriptor<T> desc, List<T> beans) { List<Object> idList = new ArrayList<>(beans.size()); for (T liveBean : beans) { idList.add(desc.getBeanId(liveBean)); } return idList; }
Publish from draft to live given the query.
/** * Publish from draft to live given the query. */
@Override public <T> List<T> publish(Query<T> query, Transaction transaction) { Class<T> beanType = query.getBeanType(); BeanDescriptor<T> desc = server.getBeanDescriptor(beanType); DraftHandler<T> draftHandler = new DraftHandler<>(desc, transaction); List<T> draftBeans = draftHandler.fetchSourceBeans(query, true); PUB.debug("publish [{}] count[{}]", desc.getName(), draftBeans.size()); if (draftBeans.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } draftHandler.fetchDestinationBeans(draftBeans, false); BeanManager<T> mgr = beanDescriptorManager.getBeanManager(beanType); List<T> livePublish = new ArrayList<>(draftBeans.size()); for (T draftBean : draftBeans) { T liveBean = draftHandler.publishToDestinationBean(draftBean); livePublish.add(liveBean); // reset @DraftDirty and @DraftReset properties draftHandler.resetDraft(draftBean); Type persistType = draftHandler.isInsert() ? Type.INSERT : Type.UPDATE; PUB.trace("publish bean [{}] id[{}] type[{}]", desc.getName(), draftHandler.getId(), persistType); PersistRequestBean<T> request = createRequest(liveBean, transaction, null, mgr, persistType, Flags.PUBLISH_RECURSE); if (persistType == Type.INSERT) { insert(request); } else { update(request); } } draftHandler.updateDrafts(transaction, mgr); PUB.debug("publish - complete for [{}]", desc.getName()); return livePublish; }
Helper to handle draft beans (properties reset etc).
/** * Helper to handle draft beans (properties reset etc). */
class DraftHandler<T> { final BeanDescriptor<T> desc; final Transaction transaction; final BeanProperty draftDirty; final List<T> draftUpdates = new ArrayList<>();
Id value of the last published bean.
/** * Id value of the last published bean. */
Object id;
True if the last published bean is new/insert.
/** * True if the last published bean is new/insert. */
boolean insert;
The destination beans to publish/restore to mapped by id.
/** * The destination beans to publish/restore to mapped by id. */
Map<?, T> destBeans; DraftHandler(BeanDescriptor<T> desc, Transaction transaction) { this.desc = desc; this.transaction = transaction; this.draftDirty = desc.getDraftDirty(); }
Return the list of draft beans with changes (to be persisted).
/** * Return the list of draft beans with changes (to be persisted). */
List<T> getDrafts() { return draftUpdates; }
Set the draft dirty state to false and reset any dirtyReset properties.
/** * Set the draft dirty state to false and reset any dirtyReset properties. */
void resetDraft(T draftBean) { if (desc.draftReset(draftBean)) { // draft bean is dirty so collect it for persisting later draftUpdates.add(draftBean); } }
Save all the draft beans (with various properties reset etc).
/** * Save all the draft beans (with various properties reset etc). */
void updateDrafts(Transaction transaction, BeanManager<T> mgr) { if (!draftUpdates.isEmpty()) { // update the dirty status on the drafts that have been published PUB.debug("publish - update dirty status on [{}] drafts", draftUpdates.size()); for (T draftUpdate : draftUpdates) { update(createRequest(draftUpdate, transaction, null, mgr, Type.UPDATE, Flags.ZERO)); } } }
Fetch the source beans based on the query.
/** * Fetch the source beans based on the query. */
List<T> fetchSourceBeans(Query<T> query, boolean asDraft) { desc.draftQueryOptimise(query); if (asDraft) { query.asDraft(); } return server.findList(query, transaction); }
Fetch the destination beans that will be published to.
/** * Fetch the destination beans that will be published to. */
void fetchDestinationBeans(List<T> sourceBeans, boolean asDraft) { List<Object> ids = getBeanIds(desc, sourceBeans); Query<T> destQuery = server.find(desc.getBeanType()).where().idIn(ids).query(); if (asDraft) { destQuery.asDraft(); } desc.draftQueryOptimise(destQuery); this.destBeans = server.findMap(destQuery, transaction); }
Publish/restore the values from the sourceBean to the matching destination bean.
/** * Publish/restore the values from the sourceBean to the matching destination bean. */
T publishToDestinationBean(T sourceBean) { id = desc.getBeanId(sourceBean); T destBean = destBeans.get(id); insert = (destBean == null); // apply changes from liveBean to draftBean return desc.publish(sourceBean, destBean); }
Return true if the last publish resulted in an new bean to insert.
/** * Return true if the last publish resulted in an new bean to insert. */
boolean isInsert() { return insert; }
Return the Id value of the last published/restored bean.
/** * Return the Id value of the last published/restored bean. */
Object getId() { return id; } }
Recursively delete the bean. This calls back to the EbeanServer.
/** * Recursively delete the bean. This calls back to the EbeanServer. */
private int deleteRecurse(EntityBean detailBean, Transaction t, DeleteMode deleteMode) { return deleteRequest(createRequest(detailBean, t, deleteMode.persistType())); } @Override public int merge(BeanDescriptor<?> desc, EntityBean bean, MergeOptions options, SpiTransaction transaction) { MergeHandler merge = new MergeHandler(server, desc, bean, options, transaction); List<EntityBean> deleteBeans = merge.merge(); if (!deleteBeans.isEmpty()) { // all detected deletes for the merge paths for (EntityBean deleteBean : deleteBeans) { delete(deleteBean, transaction, options.isDeletePermanent()); } } // cascade save as normal with forceUpdate flags set PersistRequestBean<?> request = createRequestRecurse(bean, transaction, null, Flags.MERGE); request.checkBatchEscalationOnCascade(); saveRecurse(request); request.flushBatchOnCascade(); // lambda expects a return return 0; }
Update the bean.
/** * Update the bean. */
@Override public void update(EntityBean entityBean, Transaction t) { update(entityBean, t, updatesDeleteMissingChildren); }
Update the bean specifying deleteMissingChildren.
/** * Update the bean specifying deleteMissingChildren. */
@Override public void update(EntityBean entityBean, Transaction t, boolean deleteMissingChildren) { PersistRequestBean<?> req = createRequest(entityBean, t, PersistRequest.Type.UPDATE); req.setDeleteMissingChildren(deleteMissingChildren); req.checkDraft(); try { req.initTransIfRequiredWithBatchCascade(); if (req.isReference()) { // its a reference so see if there are manys to save... if (req.isPersistCascade()) { saveAssocMany(req); } req.completeUpdate(); } else { update(req); } req.commitTransIfRequired(); req.flushBatchOnCascade(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { req.rollbackTransIfRequired(); throw ex; } }
Insert or update the bean.
/** * Insert or update the bean. */
@Override public void save(EntityBean bean, Transaction t) { if (bean._ebean_getIntercept().isUpdate()) { // deleteMissingChildren is false when using 'save' on 'loaded' beans update(bean, t, false); } else { insert(bean, t); } }
Insert this bean.
/** * Insert this bean. */
@Override public void insert(EntityBean bean, Transaction t) { PersistRequestBean<?> req = createRequest(bean, t, PersistRequest.Type.INSERT); if (req.isReference()) { // skip insert on reference bean return; } try { req.initTransIfRequiredWithBatchCascade(); insert(req); req.commitTransIfRequired(); req.flushBatchOnCascade(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { req.rollbackTransIfRequired(); throw ex; } } void saveRecurse(EntityBean bean, Transaction t, Object parentBean, int flags) { // determine insert or update taking into account stateless updates saveRecurse(createRequestRecurse(bean, t, parentBean, flags)); } private void saveRecurse(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { if (request.isReference()) { // its a reference... if (request.isPersistCascade()) { // save any associated List held beans request.flagUpdate(); saveAssocMany(request); } request.completeUpdate(); } else { if (request.isInsert()) { insert(request); } else { update(request); } } }
Insert the bean.
/** * Insert the bean. */
private void insert(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { if (request.isRegisteredBean()) { // skip as already inserted/updated in this request (recursive cascading) return; } request.flagInsert(); try { if (request.isPersistCascade()) { // save associated One beans recursively first saveAssocOne(request); } // set the IDGenerated value if required setIdGenValue(request); request.executeOrQueue(); if (request.isPersistCascade()) { // save any associated List held beans saveAssocMany(request); } request.complete(); } finally { request.unRegisterBean(); } }
Update the bean.
/** * Update the bean. */
private void update(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { if (request.isRegisteredBean()) { // skip as already inserted/updated in this request (recursive cascading) return; } request.flagUpdate(); try { if (request.isPersistCascade()) { // save associated One beans recursively first saveAssocOne(request); } if (request.isDirty()) { request.executeOrQueue(); } else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(Message.msg("persist.update.skipped", request.getBean())); } if (request.isPersistCascade()) { // save all the beans in assocMany's after saveAssocMany(request); } request.completeUpdate(); } finally { request.unRegisterBean(); } }
Delete the bean with the explicit transaction. Return false if the delete is executed without OCC and 0 rows were deleted.
/** * Delete the bean with the explicit transaction. * Return false if the delete is executed without OCC and 0 rows were deleted. */
@Override public int delete(EntityBean bean, Transaction t, boolean permanent) { Type deleteType = permanent ? Type.DELETE_PERMANENT : Type.DELETE; PersistRequestBean<EntityBean> originalRequest = createRequest(bean, t, deleteType); if (originalRequest.isHardDeleteDraft()) { // a hard delete of a draftable bean so first we need to delete the associated 'live' bean // due to FK constraint and then after that execute the original delete of the draft bean return deleteRequest(createPublishRequest(originalRequest.createReference(), t, Type.DELETE_PERMANENT, Flags.PUBLISH), originalRequest); } else { // normal delete or soft delete return deleteRequest(originalRequest); } }
Execute the delete request returning true if a delete occurred.
/** * Execute the delete request returning true if a delete occurred. */
int deleteRequest(PersistRequestBean<?> req) { return deleteRequest(req, null); }
Execute the delete request support a second delete request for live and draft permanent delete. A common transaction is used across both requests.
/** * Execute the delete request support a second delete request for live and draft permanent delete. * A common transaction is used across both requests. */
private int deleteRequest(PersistRequestBean<?> req, PersistRequestBean<?> draftReq) { if (req.isRegisteredForDeleteBean()) { // skip deleting bean. Used where cascade is on // both sides of a relationship if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("skipping delete on alreadyRegistered " + req.getBean()); } return 0; } try { req.initTransIfRequiredWithBatchCascade(); int rows = delete(req); if (draftReq != null) { // delete the 'draft' bean ('live' bean deleted first) draftReq.setTrans(req.getTransaction()); rows = delete(draftReq); } req.commitTransIfRequired(); req.flushBatchOnCascade(); return rows; } catch (RuntimeException ex) { req.rollbackTransIfRequired(); throw ex; } } private void deleteList(List<?> beanList, SpiTransaction t, DeleteMode deleteMode, boolean children) { if (children) { t.depth(-1); t.checkBatchEscalationOnCollection(); } for (Object aBeanList : beanList) { deleteRecurse((EntityBean) aBeanList, t, deleteMode); } if (children) { t.flushBatchOnCollection(); t.depth(+1); } }
Delete by a List of Id's.
/** * Delete by a List of Id's. */
@Override public int deleteMany(Class<?> beanType, Collection<?> ids, Transaction transaction, boolean permanent) { if (ids == null || ids.isEmpty()) { return 0; } BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor = beanDescriptorManager.getBeanDescriptor(beanType); DeleteMode deleteMode = (permanent || !descriptor.isSoftDelete()) ? DeleteMode.HARD : DeleteMode.SOFT; if (descriptor.isMultiTenant()) { return deleteAsBeans(ids, transaction, deleteMode, descriptor); } ArrayList<Object> idList = new ArrayList<>(ids.size()); for (Object id : ids) { // convert to appropriate type if required idList.add(descriptor.convertId(id)); } return delete(descriptor, null, idList, transaction, deleteMode); }
Convert delete by Ids into delete many beans.
/** * Convert delete by Ids into delete many beans. */
private int deleteAsBeans(Collection<?> ids, Transaction transaction, DeleteMode deleteMode, BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor) { // convert to a delete by bean int total = 0; for (Object id : ids) { EntityBean bean = descriptor.createEntityBean(); descriptor.convertSetId(id, bean); int rowCount = deleteRecurse(bean, transaction, deleteMode); if (rowCount == -1) { total = -1; } else if (total != -1) { total += rowCount; } } return total; }
Delete by Id.
/** * Delete by Id. */
@Override public int delete(Class<?> beanType, Object id, Transaction transaction, boolean permanent) { BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor = beanDescriptorManager.getBeanDescriptor(beanType); if (descriptor.isMultiTenant()) { // convert to a delete by bean EntityBean bean = descriptor.createEntityBean(); descriptor.convertSetId(id, bean); return delete(bean, transaction, permanent); } id = descriptor.convertId(id); DeleteMode deleteMode = (permanent || !descriptor.isSoftDelete()) ? DeleteMode.HARD : DeleteMode.SOFT; return delete(descriptor, id, null, transaction, deleteMode); } @Override public int deleteByIds(BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor, List<Object> idList, Transaction transaction, boolean permanent) { DeleteMode deleteMode = (permanent || !descriptor.isSoftDelete()) ? DeleteMode.HARD : DeleteMode.SOFT; return delete(descriptor, null, idList, transaction, deleteMode); }
Delete by Id or a List of Id's.
/** * Delete by Id or a List of Id's. */
private int delete(BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor, Object id, List<Object> idList, Transaction transaction, DeleteMode deleteMode) { SpiTransaction t = (SpiTransaction) transaction; if (t.isPersistCascade()) { BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propImportDelete = descriptor.propertiesOneImportedDelete(); if (propImportDelete.length > 0) { // We actually need to execute a query to get the foreign key values // as they are required for the delete cascade. Query back just the // Id and the appropriate foreign key values Query<?> q = deleteRequiresQuery(descriptor, propImportDelete, deleteMode); if (idList != null) { q.where().idIn(idList); if (t.isLogSummary()) { t.logSummary("-- DeleteById of " + descriptor.getName() + " ids[" + idList + "] requires fetch of foreign key values"); } List<?> beanList = server.findList(q, t); deleteList(beanList, t, deleteMode, false); return beanList.size(); } else { q.where().idEq(id); if (t.isLogSummary()) { t.logSummary("-- DeleteById of " + descriptor.getName() + " id[" + id + "] requires fetch of foreign key values"); } EntityBean bean = (EntityBean) server.findOne(q, t); if (bean == null) { return 0; } else { return deleteRecurse(bean, t, deleteMode); } } } } if (t.isPersistCascade()) { // OneToOne exported side with delete cascade BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] expOnes = descriptor.propertiesOneExportedDelete(); for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> expOne : expOnes) { BeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = expOne.getTargetDescriptor(); // only cascade soft deletes when supported by target if (deleteMode.isHard() || targetDesc.isSoftDelete()) { if (deleteMode.isHard() && targetDesc.isDeleteByStatement()) { SqlUpdate sqlDelete = expOne.deleteByParentId(id, idList); executeSqlUpdate(sqlDelete, t); } else { List<Object> childIds = expOne.findIdsByParentId(id, idList, t); if (childIds != null && !childIds.isEmpty()) { deleteChildrenById(t, targetDesc, childIds, deleteMode); } } } } // OneToMany's with delete cascade BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] manys = descriptor.propertiesManyDelete(); for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many : manys) { if (!many.isManyToMany()) { BeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = many.getTargetDescriptor(); // only cascade soft deletes when supported by target if (deleteMode.isHard() || targetDesc.isSoftDelete()) { if (deleteMode.isHard() && targetDesc.isDeleteByStatement()) { // we can just delete children with a single statement SqlUpdate sqlDelete = many.deleteByParentId(id, idList); executeSqlUpdate(sqlDelete, t); } else { // we need to fetch the Id's to delete (recurse or notify L2 cache) List<Object> childIds = many.findIdsByParentId(id, idList, t, null, deleteMode.isHard()); if (!childIds.isEmpty()) { delete(targetDesc, null, childIds, t, deleteMode); } } } } } } if (deleteMode.isHard()) { // ManyToMany's ... delete from intersection table BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] manys = descriptor.propertiesManyToMany(); for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many : manys) { SqlUpdate sqlDelete = many.deleteByParentId(id, idList); if (t.isLogSummary()) { t.logSummary("-- Deleting intersection table entries: " + many.getFullBeanName()); } executeSqlUpdate(sqlDelete, t); } } // delete the bean(s) SqlUpdate deleteById = descriptor.deleteById(id, idList, deleteMode); if (t.isLogSummary()) { if (idList != null) { t.logSummary("-- Deleting " + descriptor.getName() + " Ids: " + idList); } else { t.logSummary("-- Deleting " + descriptor.getName() + " Id: " + id); } } // use Id's to update L2 cache rather than Bulk table event notifyDeleteById(descriptor, id, idList, transaction); deleteById.setAutoTableMod(false); if (idList != null) { t.getEvent().addDeleteByIdList(descriptor, idList); } else { t.getEvent().addDeleteById(descriptor, id); } int rows = executeSqlUpdate(deleteById, t); // Delete from the persistence context so that it can't be fetched again later PersistenceContext persistenceContext = t.getPersistenceContext(); if (idList != null) { for (Object idValue : idList) { descriptor.contextDeleted(persistenceContext, idValue); } } else { descriptor.contextDeleted(persistenceContext, id); } return rows; } private void notifyDeleteById(BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor, Object id, List<Object> idList, Transaction transaction) { BeanPersistController controller = descriptor.getPersistController(); if (controller != null) { DeleteIdRequest request = new DeleteIdRequest(server, transaction, id); if (idList == null) { controller.preDelete(request); } else { for (Object idValue : idList) { request.setId(idValue); controller.preDelete(request); } } } }
We need to create and execute a query to get the foreign key values as the delete cascades to them (foreign keys).
/** * We need to create and execute a query to get the foreign key values as * the delete cascades to them (foreign keys). */
private Query<?> deleteRequiresQuery(BeanDescriptor<?> desc, BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propImportDelete, DeleteMode deleteMode) { Query<?> q = server.createQuery(desc.getBeanType()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(30); for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> aPropImportDelete : propImportDelete) { sb.append(aPropImportDelete.getName()).append(","); } q.setAutoTune(false);; if (deleteMode.isHard() && desc.isSoftDelete()) { // hard delete so we want this query to include logically deleted rows (if any) q.setIncludeSoftDeletes(); } return q; }
Delete the bean.

Note that preDelete fires before the deletion of children.

/** * Delete the bean. * <p> * Note that preDelete fires before the deletion of children. * </p> */
private int delete(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { DeleteUnloadedForeignKeys unloadedForeignKeys = null; if (request.isPersistCascade()) { // delete children first ... register the // bean to handle bi-directional cascading request.registerDeleteBean(); deleteAssocMany(request); request.unregisterDeleteBean(); unloadedForeignKeys = getDeleteUnloadedForeignKeys(request); if (unloadedForeignKeys != null) { // there are foreign keys that we don't have on this partially // populated bean so we actually need to query them (to cascade delete) unloadedForeignKeys.queryForeignKeys(); } } int count = request.executeOrQueue(); if (request.isPersistCascade()) { deleteAssocOne(request); if (unloadedForeignKeys != null) { unloadedForeignKeys.deleteCascade(); } } request.complete(); // return true if using JDBC batch (as we can't tell until the batch is flushed) return count; }
Save the associated child beans contained in a List.

This will automatically copy over any join properties from the parent bean to the child beans.

/** * Save the associated child beans contained in a List. * <p> * This will automatically copy over any join properties from the parent * bean to the child beans. * </p> */
private void saveAssocMany(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { EntityBean parentBean = request.getEntityBean(); BeanDescriptor<?> desc = request.getBeanDescriptor(); SpiTransaction t = request.getTransaction(); EntityBean orphanForRemoval = request.getImportedOrphanForRemoval(); if (orphanForRemoval != null) { delete(orphanForRemoval, request.getTransaction(), true); } // exported ones with cascade save for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop : desc.propertiesOneExportedSave()) { // check for partial beans if (request.isLoadedProperty(prop)) { EntityBean detailBean = prop.getValueAsEntityBean(parentBean); if (detailBean != null) { if (!prop.isSaveRecurseSkippable(detailBean)) { t.depth(+1); prop.setParentBeanToChild(parentBean, detailBean); saveRecurse(detailBean, t, parentBean, request.getFlags()); t.depth(-1); } } } } // many's with cascade save boolean insertedParent = request.isInsertedParent(); for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many : desc.propertiesManySave()) { // check that property is loaded and collection should be cascaded to if (request.isLoadedProperty(many) && !many.isSkipSaveBeanCollection(parentBean, insertedParent)) { saveMany(insertedParent, many, parentBean, request); if (!insertedParent) { request.addUpdatedManyProperty(many); } } } } private void saveMany(boolean insertedParent, BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many, EntityBean parentBean, PersistRequestBean<?> request) { saveManyRequest(insertedParent, many, parentBean, request).save(); } private SaveManyBase saveManyRequest(boolean insertedParent, BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many, EntityBean parentBean, PersistRequestBean<?> request) { if (!many.isElementCollection()) { return new SaveManyBeans(insertedParent, many, parentBean, request, this); } else if (many.getManyType().isMap()) { return new SaveManyElementCollectionMap(insertedParent, many, parentBean, request); } else { return new SaveManyElementCollection(insertedParent, many, parentBean, request); } } void deleteManyIntersection(EntityBean bean, BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many, SpiTransaction t, boolean publish, boolean queue) { SpiSqlUpdate sqlDelete = deleteAllIntersection(bean, many, publish); if (queue) { addToFlushQueue(sqlDelete, t, true); } else { executeSqlUpdate(sqlDelete, t); } } private SpiSqlUpdate deleteAllIntersection(EntityBean bean, BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many, boolean publish) { IntersectionRow intRow = many.buildManyToManyDeleteChildren(bean, publish); return intRow.createDeleteChildren(server); }
Delete beans in any associated many.

This is called prior to deleting the parent bean.

/** * Delete beans in any associated many. * <p> * This is called prior to deleting the parent bean. * </p> */
private void deleteAssocMany(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { SpiTransaction t = request.getTransaction(); t.depth(-1); BeanDescriptor<?> desc = request.getBeanDescriptor(); EntityBean parentBean = request.getEntityBean(); DeleteMode deleteMode = request.deleteMode(); BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] expOnes = desc.propertiesOneExportedDelete(); if (expOnes.length > 0) { DeleteUnloadedForeignKeys unloaded = null; for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop : expOnes) { // for soft delete check cascade type also supports soft delete if (deleteMode.isHard() || prop.isTargetSoftDelete()) { if (request.isLoadedProperty(prop)) { Object detailBean = prop.getValue(parentBean); if (detailBean != null) { deleteRecurse((EntityBean) detailBean, t, deleteMode); } } else { if (unloaded == null) { unloaded = new DeleteUnloadedForeignKeys(server, request); } unloaded.add(prop); } } } if (unloaded != null) { unloaded.queryForeignKeys(); unloaded.deleteCascade(); } } // Many's with delete cascade for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many : desc.propertiesManyDelete()) { if (many.hasJoinTable()) { if (deleteMode.isHard()) { // delete associated rows from intersection table (but not during soft delete) deleteManyIntersection(parentBean, many, t, request.isPublish(), false); } } else { if (ModifyListenMode.REMOVALS == many.getModifyListenMode()) { // PrivateOwned ... // if soft delete then check target also supports soft delete if (deleteMode.isHard() || many.isTargetSoftDelete()) { Object details = many.getValue(parentBean); if (details instanceof BeanCollection<?>) { Set<?> modifyRemovals = ((BeanCollection<?>) details).getModifyRemovals(); if (modifyRemovals != null && !modifyRemovals.isEmpty()) { // delete the orphans that have been removed from the collection for (Object detail : modifyRemovals) { EntityBean detailBean = (EntityBean) detail; if (many.hasId(detailBean)) { deleteRecurse(detailBean, t, deleteMode); } } } } } } deleteManyDetails(t, desc, parentBean, many, null, deleteMode); } } // restore the depth t.depth(+1); }
Delete the 'many' detail beans for a given parent bean.

For stateless updates this deletes details beans that are no longer in the many - the excludeDetailIds holds the detail beans that are in the collection (and should not be deleted).

/** * Delete the 'many' detail beans for a given parent bean. * <p> * For stateless updates this deletes details beans that are no longer in * the many - the excludeDetailIds holds the detail beans that are in the * collection (and should not be deleted). * </p> */
void deleteManyDetails(SpiTransaction t, BeanDescriptor<?> desc, EntityBean parentBean, BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many, List<Object> excludeDetailIds, DeleteMode deleteMode) { if (many.getCascadeInfo().isDelete()) { // cascade delete the beans in the collection BeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = many.getTargetDescriptor(); if (deleteMode.isHard() || targetDesc.isSoftDelete()) { if (targetDesc.isDeleteByStatement()) { // Just delete all the children with one statement IntersectionRow intRow = many.buildManyDeleteChildren(parentBean, excludeDetailIds); SqlUpdate sqlDelete = intRow.createDelete(server, deleteMode); executeSqlUpdate(sqlDelete, t); } else { // Delete recurse using the Id values of the children Object parentId = desc.getId(parentBean); List<Object> idsByParentId = many.findIdsByParentId(parentId, null, t, excludeDetailIds, deleteMode.isHard()); if (!idsByParentId.isEmpty()) { deleteChildrenById(t, targetDesc, idsByParentId, deleteMode); } } } } }
Cascade delete child entities by Id.

Will use delete by object if the child entity has manyToMany relationships.

/** * Cascade delete child entities by Id. * <p> * Will use delete by object if the child entity has manyToMany relationships. */
private void deleteChildrenById(SpiTransaction t, BeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc, List<Object> childIds, DeleteMode deleteMode) { if (!targetDesc.isDeleteByBulk()) { // convert into a list of reference objects and perform delete by object List<Object> refList = new ArrayList<>(childIds.size()); for (Object id : childIds) { refList.add(targetDesc.createReference(id, null)); } deleteList(refList, t, deleteMode, true); } else { // perform delete by statement if possible delete(targetDesc, null, childIds, t, deleteMode); } }
Save any associated one beans.
/** * Save any associated one beans. */
private void saveAssocOne(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { BeanDescriptor<?> desc = request.getBeanDescriptor(); // imported ones with save cascade for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop : desc.propertiesOneImportedSave()) { // check for partial objects if (prop.isOrphanRemoval() && request.isDirtyProperty(prop)) { request.setImportedOrphanForRemoval(prop); } if (request.isLoadedProperty(prop)) { EntityBean detailBean = prop.getValueAsEntityBean(request.getEntityBean()); if (detailBean != null && !prop.isSaveRecurseSkippable(detailBean) && !prop.isReference(detailBean) && !request.isParent(detailBean)) { SpiTransaction t = request.getTransaction(); t.depth(-1); saveRecurse(detailBean, t, null, request.getFlags()); t.depth(+1); } } } for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop : desc.propertiesOneExportedSave()) { if (prop.isOrphanRemoval() && request.isDirtyProperty(prop)) { deleteOrphan(request, prop); } } } private void deleteOrphan(PersistRequestBean<?> request, BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop) { Object origValue = request.getOrigValue(prop); if (origValue instanceof EntityBean) { delete((EntityBean) origValue, request.getTransaction(), true); } }
Support for loading any Imported Associated One properties that are not loaded but required for Delete cascade.
/** * Support for loading any Imported Associated One properties that are not * loaded but required for Delete cascade. */
private DeleteUnloadedForeignKeys getDeleteUnloadedForeignKeys(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { DeleteUnloadedForeignKeys fkeys = null; for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> one : request.getBeanDescriptor().propertiesOneImportedDelete()) { if (!request.isLoadedProperty(one)) { // we have cascade Delete on a partially populated bean and // this property was not loaded (so we are going to have to fetch it) if (fkeys == null) { fkeys = new DeleteUnloadedForeignKeys(server, request); } fkeys.add(one); } } return fkeys; }
Delete any associated one beans.
/** * Delete any associated one beans. */
private void deleteAssocOne(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { DeleteMode deleteMode = request.deleteMode(); for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop : request.getBeanDescriptor().propertiesOneImportedDelete()) { if (deleteMode.isHard() || prop.isTargetSoftDelete()) { if (request.isLoadedProperty(prop)) { Object detailBean = prop.getValue(request.getEntityBean()); if (detailBean != null) { EntityBean detail = (EntityBean) detailBean; if (prop.hasId(detail)) { deleteRecurse(detail, request.getTransaction(), deleteMode); } } } } } }
Set Id Generated value for insert.
/** * Set Id Generated value for insert. */
private void setIdGenValue(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { BeanDescriptor<?> desc = request.getBeanDescriptor(); if (!desc.isUseIdGenerator()) { return; } BeanProperty idProp = desc.getIdProperty(); if (idProp == null || idProp.isEmbedded()) { // not supporting IdGeneration for concatenated or Embedded return; } EntityBean bean = request.getEntityBean(); Object uid = idProp.getValue(bean); if (DmlUtil.isNullOrZero(uid)) { // generate the nextId and set it to the property Object nextId = desc.nextId(request.getTransaction()); // cast the data type if required and set it desc.convertSetId(nextId, bean); } }
Create the Persist Request Object that wraps all the objects used to perform an insert, update or delete.
/** * Create the Persist Request Object that wraps all the objects used to * perform an insert, update or delete. */
private <T> PersistRequestBean<T> createRequest(T bean, Transaction t, PersistRequest.Type type) { return createRequestInternal(bean, t, type, Flags.ZERO); }
Create the Persist Request Object additionally specifying the publish status.
/** * Create the Persist Request Object additionally specifying the publish status. */
<T> PersistRequestBean<T> createPublishRequest(T bean, Transaction t, PersistRequest.Type type, int flags) { return createRequestInternal(bean, t, type, Flags.unsetRecuse(flags)); }
Create the Persist Request Object additionally specifying the publish status.
/** * Create the Persist Request Object additionally specifying the publish status. */
private <T> PersistRequestBean<T> createRequestInternal(T bean, Transaction t, PersistRequest.Type type, int flags) { BeanManager<T> mgr = getBeanManager(bean); if (mgr == null) { throw new PersistenceException(errNotRegistered(bean.getClass())); } return createRequest(bean, t, null, mgr, type, flags); }
Create an Insert or Update PersistRequestBean when cascading.

This call determines the PersistRequest.Type based on bean state and the insert flag (root persist type).

/** * Create an Insert or Update PersistRequestBean when cascading. * <p> * This call determines the PersistRequest.Type based on bean state and the insert flag (root persist type). */
private <T> PersistRequestBean<T> createRequestRecurse(T bean, Transaction t, Object parentBean, int flags) { BeanManager<T> mgr = getBeanManager(bean); if (mgr == null) { throw new PersistenceException(errNotRegistered(bean.getClass())); } BeanDescriptor<T> desc = mgr.getBeanDescriptor(); EntityBean entityBean = (EntityBean) bean; PersistRequest.Type type; if (Flags.isPublishMergeOrNormal(flags)) { // just use bean state to determine insert or update type = entityBean._ebean_getIntercept().isUpdate() ? Type.UPDATE : Type.INSERT; } else { // determine Insert or Update based on bean state and insert flag boolean insertMode = Flags.isInsert(flags); type = desc.isInsertMode(entityBean._ebean_getIntercept(), insertMode) ? Type.INSERT : Type.UPDATE; } return createRequest(bean, t, parentBean, mgr, type, Flags.setRecurse(flags)); }
Create the Persist Request Object that wraps all the objects used to perform an insert, update or delete.
/** * Create the Persist Request Object that wraps all the objects used to * perform an insert, update or delete. */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private <T> PersistRequestBean<T> createRequest(T bean, Transaction t, Object parentBean, BeanManager<?> mgr, PersistRequest.Type type, int flags) { if (type == Type.DELETE_PERMANENT) { type = Type.DELETE; } else if (type == Type.DELETE && mgr.getBeanDescriptor().isSoftDelete()) { // automatically convert to soft delete for types that support it type = Type.DELETE_SOFT; } return new PersistRequestBean(server, bean, parentBean, mgr, (SpiTransaction) t, persistExecute, type, flags); } private String errNotRegistered(Class<?> beanClass) { String msg = "The type [" + beanClass + "] is not a registered entity?"; msg += " If you don't explicitly list the entity classes to use Ebean will search for them in the classpath."; msg += " If the entity is in a Jar check the property in file or check ServerConfig.addJar()."; return msg; }
Return the BeanDescriptor for a bean that is being persisted.

Note that this checks to see if the bean is a MapBean with a tableName. If so it will return the table based BeanDescriptor.

/** * Return the BeanDescriptor for a bean that is being persisted. * <p> * Note that this checks to see if the bean is a MapBean with a tableName. * If so it will return the table based BeanDescriptor. * </p> */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> BeanManager<T> getBeanManager(T bean) { return (BeanManager<T>) beanDescriptorManager.getBeanManager(bean.getClass()); } }