package io.ebeaninternal.server.core;

import io.ebean.ExpressionList;
import io.ebean.Transaction;
import io.ebean.bean.BeanCollection;
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBeanIntercept;
import io.ebean.bean.PersistenceContext;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.LoadBeanRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.LoadManyRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.LoadRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery.Mode;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiTransaction;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor.EntityType;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocMany;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.transaction.DefaultPersistenceContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException;
import java.util.List;

Helper to handle lazy loading and refreshing of beans.
/** * Helper to handle lazy loading and refreshing of beans. */
public class DefaultBeanLoader { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultBeanLoader.class); private final DefaultServer server; private final boolean onIterateUseExtraTxn; protected DefaultBeanLoader(DefaultServer server) { this.server = server; this.onIterateUseExtraTxn = server.getDatabasePlatform().useExtraTransactionOnIterateSecondaryQueries(); }
Return a batch size that might be less than the requestedBatchSize.

This means we can have large and variable requestedBatchSizes.

We want to restrict the number of different batch sizes as we want to re-use the query plan cache and get DB statement re-use.

/** * Return a batch size that might be less than the requestedBatchSize. * <p> * This means we can have large and variable requestedBatchSizes. * </p> * <p> * We want to restrict the number of different batch sizes as we want to * re-use the query plan cache and get DB statement re-use. * </p> */
private int getBatchSize(int batchSize) { if (batchSize == 1) { // there is only one bean/collection to load return 1; } if (batchSize <= 5) { // anything less than 5 becomes 5 return 5; } if (batchSize <= 10) { return 10; } if (batchSize <= 20) { return 20; } if (batchSize <= 50) { return 50; } if (batchSize <= 100) { return 100; } return batchSize; } public void refreshMany(EntityBean parentBean, String propertyName) { refreshMany(parentBean, propertyName, null); } public void loadMany(LoadManyRequest loadRequest) { List<BeanCollection<?>> batch = loadRequest.getBatch(); int batchSize = getBatchSize(batch.size()); SpiQuery<?> query = loadRequest.createQuery(server, batchSize); executeQuery(loadRequest, query); loadRequest.postLoad(); } public void loadMany(BeanCollection<?> bc, boolean onlyIds) { EntityBean parentBean = bc.getOwnerBean(); String propertyName = bc.getPropertyName(); loadManyInternal(parentBean, propertyName, null, false, onlyIds); } public void refreshMany(EntityBean parentBean, String propertyName, Transaction t) { loadManyInternal(parentBean, propertyName, t, true, false); } private void loadManyInternal(EntityBean parentBean, String propertyName, Transaction t, boolean refresh, boolean onlyIds) { EntityBeanIntercept ebi = parentBean._ebean_getIntercept(); PersistenceContext pc = ebi.getPersistenceContext(); BeanDescriptor<?> parentDesc = server.getBeanDescriptor(parentBean.getClass()); BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many = (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>) parentDesc.getBeanProperty(propertyName); BeanCollection<?> beanCollection = null; ExpressionList<?> filterMany = null; Object currentValue = many.getValue(parentBean); if (currentValue instanceof BeanCollection<?>) { beanCollection = (BeanCollection<?>) currentValue; filterMany = beanCollection.getFilterMany(); } Object parentId = parentDesc.getId(parentBean); if (pc == null) { pc = new DefaultPersistenceContext(); parentDesc.contextPut(pc, parentId, parentBean); } boolean useManyIdCache = beanCollection != null && parentDesc.isManyPropCaching(); if (useManyIdCache) { Boolean readOnly = null; if (ebi.isReadOnly()) { readOnly = Boolean.TRUE; } if (parentDesc.cacheManyPropLoad(many, beanCollection, parentId, readOnly)) { return; } } SpiQuery<?> query = server.createQuery(parentDesc.getBeanType()); if (refresh) { // populate a new collection BeanCollection<?> emptyCollection = many.createEmpty(parentBean); many.setValue(parentBean, emptyCollection); query.setLoadDescription("+refresh", null); } else { query.setLoadDescription("+lazy", null); } String idProperty = parentDesc.getIdBinder().getIdProperty();; if (onlyIds) { query.fetch(many.getName(), many.getTargetIdProperty()); } else { query.fetch(many.getName()); } if (filterMany != null) { query.setFilterMany(many.getName(), filterMany); } query.where().idEq(parentId); query.setUseCache(false); query.setMode(Mode.LAZYLOAD_MANY); query.setLazyLoadManyPath(many.getName()); query.setPersistenceContext(pc); if (ebi.isReadOnly()) { query.setReadOnly(true); } server.findOne(query, t); if (beanCollection != null) { if (beanCollection.checkEmptyLazyLoad()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("BeanCollection after load was empty. Owner:" + beanCollection.getOwnerBean()); } } else if (useManyIdCache) { parentDesc.cacheManyPropPut(many, beanCollection, parentId); } } }
Load a batch of beans for +query or +lazy loading.
/** * Load a batch of beans for +query or +lazy loading. */
public void loadBean(LoadBeanRequest loadRequest) { List<EntityBeanIntercept> batch = loadRequest.getBatch(); if (batch.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Nothing in batch?"); } int batchSize = getBatchSize(batch.size()); List<Object> idList = loadRequest.getIdList(batchSize); if (idList.isEmpty()) { // everything was loaded from cache return; } SpiQuery<?> query = server.createQuery(loadRequest.getBeanType()); loadRequest.configureQuery(query, idList); List<?> list = executeQuery(loadRequest, query); loadRequest.postLoad(list); }
Execute the lazy load query taking into account MySql transaction oddness.
/** * Execute the lazy load query taking into account MySql transaction oddness. */
private List<?> executeQuery(LoadRequest loadRequest, SpiQuery<?> query) { if (onIterateUseExtraTxn && loadRequest.isParentFindIterate()) { // MySql - we need a different transaction to execute the secondary query SpiTransaction extraTxn = server.createQueryTransaction(query.getTenantId()); try { return server.findList(query, extraTxn); } finally { extraTxn.end(); } } else { return server.findList(query, loadRequest.getTransaction()); } } public void refresh(EntityBean bean) { refreshBeanInternal(bean, SpiQuery.Mode.REFRESH_BEAN, -1); } public void loadBean(EntityBeanIntercept ebi) { refreshBeanInternal(ebi.getOwner(), SpiQuery.Mode.LAZYLOAD_BEAN, -1); } private void refreshBeanInternal(EntityBean bean, SpiQuery.Mode mode, int embeddedOwnerIndex) { EntityBeanIntercept ebi = bean._ebean_getIntercept(); PersistenceContext pc = ebi.getPersistenceContext(); if (Mode.REFRESH_BEAN == mode) { // need a new PersistenceContext for REFRESH pc = null; } BeanDescriptor<?> desc = server.getBeanDescriptor(bean.getClass()); if (EntityType.EMBEDDED == desc.getEntityType()) { // lazy loading on an embedded bean property EntityBean embeddedOwner = (EntityBean) ebi.getEmbeddedOwner(); int ownerIndex = ebi.getEmbeddedOwnerIndex(); refreshBeanInternal(embeddedOwner, mode, ownerIndex); } Object id = desc.getId(bean); if (pc == null) { // a reference with no existing persistenceContext pc = new DefaultPersistenceContext(); desc.contextPut(pc, id, bean); ebi.setPersistenceContext(pc); } boolean draft = desc.isDraftInstance(bean); if (embeddedOwnerIndex == -1) { if (desc.lazyLoadMany(ebi)) { return; } if (!draft && Mode.LAZYLOAD_BEAN == mode && desc.isBeanCaching()) { // lazy loading and the bean cache is active if (desc.cacheBeanLoad(bean, ebi, id, pc)) { return; } } } SpiQuery<?> query = server.createQuery(desc.getBeanType()); query.setLazyLoadProperty(ebi.getLazyLoadProperty()); if (draft) { query.asDraft(); } if (embeddedOwnerIndex > -1) {; } // don't collect AutoTune usage profiling information // as we just copy the data out of these fetched beans // and put the data into the original bean query.setUsageProfiling(false); query.setPersistenceContext(pc); query.setMode(mode); query.setId(id); if (embeddedOwnerIndex > -1 || mode == Mode.REFRESH_BEAN) { // make sure the query doesn't use the cache query.setUseCache(false); } if (ebi.isReadOnly()) { query.setReadOnly(true); } if (Mode.REFRESH_BEAN == mode) { // explicitly state to load all properties on REFRESH. // Lobs default to fetch lazy so this forces lobs to be // included in a 'refresh' query"*"); } Object dbBean = query.findOne(); if (dbBean == null) { String msg = "Bean not found during lazy load or refresh." + " id[" + id + "] type[" + desc.getBeanType() + "]"; throw new EntityNotFoundException(msg); } desc.resetManyProperties(dbBean); } }