 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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 * questions.
package com.oracle.svm.hosted.image;

import static com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateUtil.mangleName;
import static com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError.shouldNotReachHere;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import org.graalvm.collections.Pair;
import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.aarch64.AArch64Assembler;
import org.graalvm.compiler.code.CompilationResult;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.CompressEncoding;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.NumUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.Indent;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageSingletons;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CFunctionPointer;

import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.meta.AnalysisMethod;
import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.meta.AnalysisType;
import com.oracle.objectfile.BasicProgbitsSectionImpl;
import com.oracle.objectfile.BuildDependency;
import com.oracle.objectfile.LayoutDecision;
import com.oracle.objectfile.LayoutDecisionMap;
import com.oracle.objectfile.ObjectFile;
import com.oracle.objectfile.ObjectFile.Element;
import com.oracle.objectfile.ObjectFile.ProgbitsSectionImpl;
import com.oracle.objectfile.ObjectFile.RelocationKind;
import com.oracle.objectfile.ObjectFile.Section;
import com.oracle.objectfile.SectionName;
import com.oracle.objectfile.debuginfo.DebugInfoProvider;
import com.oracle.svm.core.FrameAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.Isolates;
import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateUtil;
import com.oracle.svm.core.c.CConst;
import com.oracle.svm.core.c.CGlobalDataImpl;
import com.oracle.svm.core.c.CHeader;
import com.oracle.svm.core.c.CHeader.Header;
import com.oracle.svm.core.c.CTypedef;
import com.oracle.svm.core.c.CUnsigned;
import com.oracle.svm.core.c.function.CEntryPointOptions.Publish;
import com.oracle.svm.core.c.function.GraalIsolateHeader;
import com.oracle.svm.core.config.ConfigurationValues;
import com.oracle.svm.core.graal.code.CGlobalDataInfo;
import com.oracle.svm.core.graal.code.CGlobalDataReference;
import com.oracle.svm.core.image.ImageHeapLayoutInfo;
import com.oracle.svm.core.image.ImageHeapPartition;
import com.oracle.svm.core.meta.SubstrateObjectConstant;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.HostedOptionValues;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.UserError;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.NativeImageOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.c.CGlobalDataFeature;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.c.NativeLibraries;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.c.codegen.CSourceCodeWriter;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.code.CEntryPointCallStubMethod;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.code.CEntryPointCallStubSupport;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.code.CEntryPointData;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.image.NativeImageHeap.ObjectInfo;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.image.RelocatableBuffer.Info;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.image.sources.SourceManager;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.HostedMetaAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.HostedMethod;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.HostedUniverse;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.MethodPointer;
import com.oracle.svm.util.ReflectionUtil;
import com.oracle.svm.util.ReflectionUtil.ReflectionUtilError;

import jdk.vm.ci.aarch64.AArch64;
import jdk.vm.ci.amd64.AMD64;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.Architecture;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.ConstantReference;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.DataSectionReference;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod.Parameter;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;

public abstract class NativeBootImage extends AbstractBootImage {
    public static final long RWDATA_CGLOBALS_PARTITION_OFFSET = 0;

    private final ObjectFile objectFile;
    private final int wordSize;
    private final Set<HostedMethod> uniqueEntryPoints = new HashSet<>();

    // The sections of the native image.
    private Section textSection;
    private Section roDataSection;
    private Section rwDataSection;
    private Section heapSection;

    public NativeBootImage(NativeImageKind k, HostedUniverse universe, HostedMetaAccess metaAccess, NativeLibraries nativeLibs, NativeImageHeap heap, NativeImageCodeCache codeCache,
                    List<HostedMethod> entryPoints, ClassLoader imageClassLoader) {
        super(k, universe, metaAccess, nativeLibs, heap, codeCache, entryPoints, imageClassLoader);


        int pageSize = NativeImageOptions.getPageSize();
        objectFile = ObjectFile.getNativeObjectFile(pageSize);
        wordSize = FrameAccess.wordSize();
        assert objectFile.getWordSizeInBytes() == wordSize;

    public Section getTextSection() {
        assert textSection != null;
        return textSection;

    public abstract String[] makeLaunchCommand(NativeImageKind k, String imageName, Path binPath, Path workPath, java.lang.reflect.Method method);

    protected final void write(DebugContext context, Path outputFile) {
        try {
            Path outFileParent = outputFile.normalize().getParent();
            if (outFileParent != null) {
            try (FileChannel channel = FileChannel.open(outputFile, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.READ, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.CREATE)) {
                objectFile.withDebugContext(context, "ObjectFile.write", () -> {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw shouldNotReachHere(ex);
        resultingImageSize = (int) outputFile.toFile().length();
        if (NativeImageOptions.PrintImageElementSizes.getValue()) {
            for (Element e : objectFile.getElements()) {
                System.out.printf("PrintImageElementSizes:  size: %15d  name: %s\n", e.getMemSize(objectFile.getDecisionsByElement()), e.getElementName());

    void writeHeaderFiles(Path outputDir, String imageName, boolean dynamic) {
        /* Group methods by header files. */
        Map<? extends Class<? extends Header>, List<HostedMethod>> hostedMethods = uniqueEntryPoints.stream()
                        .map(m -> Pair.create(cHeader(m), m))
                        .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Pair::getLeft, Collectors.mapping(Pair::getRight, Collectors.toList())));

        hostedMethods.forEach((headerClass, methods) -> {
            Header header = headerClass == Header.class ? defaultCHeaderAnnotation(imageName) : instantiateCHeader(headerClass);
            writeHeaderFile(outputDir, header, methods, dynamic);

    private void writeHeaderFile(Path outDir, Header header, List<HostedMethod> methods, boolean dynamic) {
        CSourceCodeWriter writer = new CSourceCodeWriter(outDir.getParent());
        String imageHeaderGuard = "__" + header.name().toUpperCase().replaceAll("[^A-Z0-9]", "_") + "_H";
        String dynamicSuffix = dynamic ? "_dynamic.h" : ".h";

        writer.appendln("#ifndef " + imageHeaderGuard);
        writer.appendln("#define " + imageHeaderGuard);



        List<String> dependencies = header.dependsOn().stream()
                        .map(depHeader -> "<" + depHeader.name() + dynamicSuffix + ">").collect(Collectors.toList());

        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(baos);
        for (String line : baos.toString().split("\\r?\\n")) {

        if (methods.size() > 0) {
            writer.appendln("#if defined(__cplusplus)");
            writer.appendln("extern \"C\" {");

            methods.forEach(m -> writeMethodHeader(m, writer, dynamic));

            writer.appendln("#if defined(__cplusplus)");

        Path fileNamePath = outDir.getFileName();
        if (fileNamePath == null) {
            throw UserError.abort("Cannot determine header file name for directory %s", outDir);
        } else {
            String fileName = fileNamePath.resolve(header.name() + dynamicSuffix).toString();

Looks up the corresponding CHeader annotation for the HostedMethod. Returns null if no annotation was found.
/** * Looks up the corresponding {@link CHeader} annotation for the {@link HostedMethod}. Returns * {@code null} if no annotation was found. */
private static Class<? extends CHeader.Header> cHeader(HostedMethod entryPointStub) { /* check if method is annotated */ AnalysisMethod entryPoint = CEntryPointCallStubSupport.singleton().getMethodForStub((CEntryPointCallStubMethod) entryPointStub.wrapped.wrapped); CHeader methodAnnotation = entryPoint.getDeclaredAnnotation(CHeader.class); if (methodAnnotation != null) { return methodAnnotation.value(); } /* check if enclosing classes are annotated */ AnalysisType enclosingType = entryPoint.getDeclaringClass(); while (enclosingType != null) { CHeader enclosing = enclosingType.getDeclaredAnnotation(CHeader.class); if (enclosing != null) { return enclosing.value(); } enclosingType = enclosingType.getEnclosingType(); } return CHeader.Header.class; } private static Header instantiateCHeader(Class<? extends CHeader.Header> header) { try { return ReflectionUtil.newInstance(header); } catch (ReflectionUtilError ex) { throw UserError.abort(ex.getCause(), "CHeader %s cannot be instantiated. Please make sure that it has a nullary constructor and is not abstract.", header.getName()); } } private static CHeader.Header defaultCHeaderAnnotation(String defaultHeaderName) { return new CHeader.Header() { @Override public String name() { return defaultHeaderName; } @Override public List<Class<? extends Header>> dependsOn() { return Collections.singletonList(GraalIsolateHeader.class); } }; } private static int sortMethodsByFileNameAndPosition(HostedMethod stub1, HostedMethod stub2) { ResolvedJavaMethod rm1 = CEntryPointCallStubSupport.singleton().getMethodForStub((CEntryPointCallStubMethod) stub1.wrapped.wrapped).wrapped; ResolvedJavaMethod rm2 = CEntryPointCallStubSupport.singleton().getMethodForStub((CEntryPointCallStubMethod) stub2.wrapped.wrapped).wrapped; int fileComparison = rm1.getDeclaringClass().getSourceFileName().compareTo(rm2.getDeclaringClass().getSourceFileName()); if (fileComparison != 0) { return fileComparison; } int rm1Line = rm1.getLineNumberTable() != null ? rm1.getLineNumberTable().getLineNumber(0) : -1; int rm2Line = rm2.getLineNumberTable() != null ? rm2.getLineNumberTable().getLineNumber(0) : -1; return rm1Line - rm2Line; } private void writeMethodHeader(HostedMethod m, CSourceCodeWriter writer, boolean dynamic) { assert Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()) : "Published methods that go into the header must be static."; CEntryPointData cEntryPointData = (CEntryPointData) m.getWrapped().getEntryPointData(); String docComment = cEntryPointData.getDocumentation(); if (docComment != null && !docComment.isEmpty()) { writer.appendln("/*"); Arrays.stream(docComment.split("\n")).forEach(l -> writer.appendln(" * " + l)); writer.appendln(" */"); } if (dynamic) { writer.append("typedef "); } AnnotatedType annotatedReturnType = getAnnotatedReturnType(m); writer.append(CSourceCodeWriter.toCTypeName(m, (ResolvedJavaType) m.getSignature().getReturnType(m.getDeclaringClass()), Optional.ofNullable(annotatedReturnType.getAnnotation(CTypedef.class)).map(CTypedef::name), false, annotatedReturnType.isAnnotationPresent(CUnsigned.class), metaAccess, nativeLibs)); writer.append(" "); String symbolName = cEntryPointData.getSymbolName(); assert !symbolName.isEmpty(); if (dynamic) { writer.append("(*").append(symbolName).append("_fn_t)"); } else { writer.append(symbolName); } writer.append("("); String sep = ""; AnnotatedType[] annotatedParameterTypes = getAnnotatedParameterTypes(m); Parameter[] parameters = m.getParameters(); assert parameters != null; for (int i = 0; i < m.getSignature().getParameterCount(false); i++) { writer.append(sep); sep = ", "; writer.append(CSourceCodeWriter.toCTypeName(m, (ResolvedJavaType) m.getSignature().getParameterType(i, m.getDeclaringClass()), Optional.ofNullable(annotatedParameterTypes[i].getAnnotation(CTypedef.class)).map(CTypedef::name), annotatedParameterTypes[i].isAnnotationPresent(CConst.class), annotatedParameterTypes[i].isAnnotationPresent(CUnsigned.class), metaAccess, nativeLibs)); if (parameters[i].isNamePresent()) { writer.append(" "); writer.append(parameters[i].getName()); } } writer.appendln(");"); writer.appendln(); }
Workaround for lack of `Method.getAnnotatedReturnType` in the JVMCI API (GR-9241).
/** Workaround for lack of `Method.getAnnotatedReturnType` in the JVMCI API (GR-9241). */
private AnnotatedType getAnnotatedReturnType(HostedMethod hostedMethod) { return getMethod(hostedMethod).getAnnotatedReturnType(); }
Workaround for lack of `Method.getAnnotatedParameterTypes` in the JVMCI API (GR-9241).
/** Workaround for lack of `Method.getAnnotatedParameterTypes` in the JVMCI API (GR-9241). */
private AnnotatedType[] getAnnotatedParameterTypes(HostedMethod hostedMethod) { return getMethod(hostedMethod).getAnnotatedParameterTypes(); } private Method getMethod(HostedMethod hostedMethod) { AnalysisMethod entryPoint = CEntryPointCallStubSupport.singleton().getMethodForStub(((CEntryPointCallStubMethod) hostedMethod.wrapped.wrapped)); Method method; try { method = entryPoint.getDeclaringClass().getJavaClass().getDeclaredMethod(entryPoint.getName(), MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString(entryPoint.getSignature().toMethodDescriptor(), imageClassLoader).parameterArray()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw shouldNotReachHere(e); } return method; } private boolean shouldWriteHeader(HostedMethod method) { Object data = method.getWrapped().getEntryPointData(); return data instanceof CEntryPointData && ((CEntryPointData) data).getPublishAs() == Publish.SymbolAndHeader; } private ObjectFile.Symbol defineDataSymbol(String name, Element section, long position) { return objectFile.createDefinedSymbol(name, section, position, wordSize, false, true); } private ObjectFile.Symbol defineRelocationForSymbol(String name, long position) { ObjectFile.Symbol symbol = null; if (objectFile.getSymbolTable().getSymbol(name) == null) { symbol = objectFile.createUndefinedSymbol(name, 0, true); } ProgbitsSectionImpl baseSectionImpl = (ProgbitsSectionImpl) rwDataSection.getImpl(); int offsetInSection = Math.toIntExact(RWDATA_CGLOBALS_PARTITION_OFFSET + position); baseSectionImpl.markRelocationSite(offsetInSection, wordSize == 8 ? RelocationKind.DIRECT_8 : RelocationKind.DIRECT_4, name, false, 0L); return symbol; }
Create the image sections for code, constants, and the heap.
/** * Create the image sections for code, constants, and the heap. */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("try") public void build(DebugContext debug) { try (DebugContext.Scope buildScope = debug.scope("NativeBootImage.build")) { final CGlobalDataFeature cGlobals = CGlobalDataFeature.singleton(); long roSectionSize = codeCache.getAlignedConstantsSize(); long rwSectionSize = ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().alignUp(cGlobals.getSize()); ImageHeapLayoutInfo heapLayout = heap.getLayouter().layout(heap, objectFile.getPageSize()); // after this point, the layout is final and must not be changed anymore assert !hasDuplicatedObjects(heap.getObjects()) : "heap.getObjects() must not contain any duplicates"; // Text section (code) final int textSectionSize = codeCache.getCodeCacheSize(); final RelocatableBuffer textBuffer = new RelocatableBuffer(textSectionSize, objectFile.getByteOrder()); final NativeTextSectionImpl textImpl = NativeTextSectionImpl.factory(textBuffer, objectFile, codeCache); textSection = objectFile.newProgbitsSection(SectionName.TEXT.getFormatDependentName(objectFile.getFormat()), objectFile.getPageSize(), false, true, textImpl); boolean writable = SubstrateOptions.ForceNoROSectionRelocations.getValue(); // Read-only data section final RelocatableBuffer roDataBuffer = new RelocatableBuffer(roSectionSize, objectFile.getByteOrder()); final ProgbitsSectionImpl roDataImpl = new BasicProgbitsSectionImpl(roDataBuffer.getBackingArray()); roDataSection = objectFile.newProgbitsSection(SectionName.RODATA.getFormatDependentName(objectFile.getFormat()), objectFile.getPageSize(), writable, false, roDataImpl); // Read-write data section final RelocatableBuffer rwDataBuffer = new RelocatableBuffer(rwSectionSize, objectFile.getByteOrder()); final ProgbitsSectionImpl rwDataImpl = new BasicProgbitsSectionImpl(rwDataBuffer.getBackingArray()); rwDataSection = objectFile.newProgbitsSection(SectionName.DATA.getFormatDependentName(objectFile.getFormat()), objectFile.getPageSize(), true, false, rwDataImpl); // Define symbols for the sections. objectFile.createDefinedSymbol(textSection.getName(), textSection, 0, 0, false, false); objectFile.createDefinedSymbol("__svm_text_end", textSection, textSectionSize, 0, false, true); objectFile.createDefinedSymbol(roDataSection.getName(), roDataSection, 0, 0, false, false); objectFile.createDefinedSymbol(rwDataSection.getName(), rwDataSection, 0, 0, false, false); NativeImageHeapWriter writer = new NativeImageHeapWriter(heap, heapLayout); // Write the section contents and record relocations. // - The code goes in the text section, by itself. textImpl.writeTextSection(debug, textSection, entryPoints); // - The constants go at the beginning of the read-only data section. codeCache.writeConstants(writer, roDataBuffer); // - Non-heap global data goes at the beginning of the read-write data section. cGlobals.writeData(rwDataBuffer, (offset, symbolName) -> defineDataSymbol(symbolName, rwDataSection, offset + RWDATA_CGLOBALS_PARTITION_OFFSET), (offset, symbolName) -> defineRelocationForSymbol(symbolName, offset)); defineDataSymbol(CGlobalDataInfo.CGLOBALDATA_BASE_SYMBOL_NAME, rwDataSection, RWDATA_CGLOBALS_PARTITION_OFFSET); /* * If we constructed debug info give the object file a chance to install it */ if (SubstrateOptions.GenerateDebugInfo.getValue(HostedOptionValues.singleton()) > 0) { ImageSingletons.add(SourceManager.class, new SourceManager()); DebugInfoProvider provider = new NativeImageDebugInfoProvider(debug, codeCache, heap); objectFile.installDebugInfo(provider); } // - Write the heap to its own section. // Dynamic linkers/loaders generally don't ensure any alignment to more than page // boundaries, so we take care of this ourselves in CommittedMemoryProvider, if we can. int alignment = objectFile.getPageSize(); RelocatableBuffer heapSectionBuffer = new RelocatableBuffer(heapLayout.getImageHeapSize(), objectFile.getByteOrder()); ProgbitsSectionImpl heapSectionImpl = new BasicProgbitsSectionImpl(heapSectionBuffer.getBackingArray()); heapSection = objectFile.newProgbitsSection(SectionName.SVM_HEAP.getFormatDependentName(objectFile.getFormat()), alignment, writable, false, heapSectionImpl); objectFile.createDefinedSymbol(heapSection.getName(), heapSection, 0, 0, false, false); long offsetOfARelocatablePointer = writer.writeHeap(debug, heapSectionBuffer); assert !SubstrateOptions.SpawnIsolates.getValue() || heapSectionBuffer.getByteBuffer().getLong((int) offsetOfARelocatablePointer) == 0L; defineDataSymbol(Isolates.IMAGE_HEAP_BEGIN_SYMBOL_NAME, heapSection, 0); defineDataSymbol(Isolates.IMAGE_HEAP_END_SYMBOL_NAME, heapSection, heapLayout.getImageHeapSize()); defineDataSymbol(Isolates.IMAGE_HEAP_RELOCATABLE_BEGIN_SYMBOL_NAME, heapSection, heapLayout.getReadOnlyRelocatableOffset()); defineDataSymbol(Isolates.IMAGE_HEAP_RELOCATABLE_END_SYMBOL_NAME, heapSection, heapLayout.getReadOnlyRelocatableOffset() + heapLayout.getReadOnlyRelocatableSize()); defineDataSymbol(Isolates.IMAGE_HEAP_A_RELOCATABLE_POINTER_SYMBOL_NAME, heapSection, offsetOfARelocatablePointer); defineDataSymbol(Isolates.IMAGE_HEAP_WRITABLE_BEGIN_SYMBOL_NAME, heapSection, heapLayout.getWritableOffset()); defineDataSymbol(Isolates.IMAGE_HEAP_WRITABLE_END_SYMBOL_NAME, heapSection, heapLayout.getWritableOffset() + heapLayout.getWritableSize()); // Mark the sections with the relocations from the maps. markRelocationSitesFromBuffer(textBuffer, textImpl); markRelocationSitesFromBuffer(roDataBuffer, roDataImpl); markRelocationSitesFromBuffer(rwDataBuffer, rwDataImpl); markRelocationSitesFromBuffer(heapSectionBuffer, heapSectionImpl); // We print the heap statistics after the heap was successfully written because this // could modify objects that will be part of the image heap. printHeapStatistics(heap.getLayouter().getPartitions()); } // [Footnote 1] // // Subject: Re: Do you know why text references can only be to constants? // Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 12:51:15 -0800 // From: Christian Wimmer <christian.wimmer@oracle.com> // To: Peter B. Kessler <Peter.B.Kessler@Oracle.COM> // // Code (i.e. the text section) needs to load the address of objects. So // the read-only section contains a 8-byte slot with the address of the // object that you actually want to load. A RIP-relative move instruction // is used to load this 8-byte slot. The relocation for the move ensures // the offset of the move is patched. And then a relocation from the // read-only section to the actual native image heap ensures the 8-byte slot // contains the actual address of the object to be loaded. // // Therefore, relocations in .text go only to things in .rodata; and // relocations in .rodata go to .data in the current implementation // // It might be possible to have a RIP-relative load-effective-address (LEA) // instruction to go directly from .text to .data, eliminating the memory // access to load the address of an object. So I agree that allowing // relocation from .text only to .rodata is an arbitrary restriction that // could prevent future optimizations. // // -Christian } private boolean hasDuplicatedObjects(Collection<ObjectInfo> objects) { Set<ObjectInfo> deduplicated = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>()); for (ObjectInfo info : objects) { deduplicated.add(info); } return deduplicated.size() != heap.getObjectCount(); } private void markRelocationSitesFromBuffer(RelocatableBuffer buffer, ProgbitsSectionImpl sectionImpl) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, RelocatableBuffer.Info> entry : buffer.getSortedRelocations()) { final int offset = entry.getKey(); final RelocatableBuffer.Info info = entry.getValue(); assert ConfigurationValues.getTarget().arch instanceof AArch64 || checkEmbeddedOffset(sectionImpl, offset, info); // Figure out what kind of relocation site it is. if (info.getTargetObject() instanceof CFunctionPointer) { // References to functions are via relocations to the symbol for the function. markFunctionRelocationSite(sectionImpl, offset, info); } else { // A data relocation. if (sectionImpl.getElement() == textSection) { // A wrinkle on relocations *from* the text section: they are *always* to // constants (in the "constant partition" of the roDataSection). markDataRelocationSiteFromText(buffer, sectionImpl, offset, info); } else { // Relocations from other sections go to the section containing the target. // Pass along the information about the target. final Object targetObject = info.getTargetObject(); final ObjectInfo targetObjectInfo = heap.getObjectInfo(targetObject); markDataRelocationSite(sectionImpl, offset, info, targetObjectInfo); } } } } private static boolean checkEmbeddedOffset(ProgbitsSectionImpl sectionImpl, final int offset, final RelocatableBuffer.Info info) { final ByteBuffer dataBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(sectionImpl.getContent()).order(sectionImpl.getElement().getOwner().getByteOrder()); if (info.getRelocationSize() == Long.BYTES) { long value = dataBuf.getLong(offset); assert value == 0 || value == 0xDEADDEADDEADDEADL : String.format("unexpected embedded offset: 0x%x, info: %s", value, info); } else if (info.getRelocationSize() == Integer.BYTES) { int value = dataBuf.getInt(offset); assert value == 0 || value == 0xDEADDEAD : "unexpected embedded offset"; } else { shouldNotReachHere("unsupported relocation size: " + info.getRelocationSize()); } return true; } private static void markFunctionRelocationSite(final ProgbitsSectionImpl sectionImpl, final int offset, final RelocatableBuffer.Info info) { assert info.getTargetObject() instanceof CFunctionPointer : "Wrong type for FunctionPointer relocation: " + info.getTargetObject().toString(); final int functionPointerRelocationSize = 8; assert info.getRelocationSize() == functionPointerRelocationSize : "Function relocation: " + info.getRelocationSize() + " should be " + functionPointerRelocationSize + " bytes."; // References to functions are via relocations to the symbol for the function. ResolvedJavaMethod method = ((MethodPointer) info.getTargetObject()).getMethod(); // A reference to a method. Mark the relocation site using the symbol name. sectionImpl.markRelocationSite(offset, RelocationKind.getDirect(functionPointerRelocationSize), localSymbolNameForMethod(method), false, 0L); } private static boolean isAddendAligned(Architecture arch, long addend, RelocationKind kind) { if (arch instanceof AMD64) { return true; // AMD64 addends do not have to be aligned } // for scaled str/ldr, must confirm addend will not be truncated switch (kind) { case AARCH64_R_AARCH64_LDST16_ABS_LO12_NC: return (addend & 0x1) == 0; case AARCH64_R_AARCH64_LDST32_ABS_LO12_NC: return (addend & 0x3) == 0; case AARCH64_R_AARCH64_LDST64_ABS_LO12_NC: return (addend & 0x7) == 0; } return true; } // TODO: These two methods for marking data relocations might have to be merged if text sections // TODO: ever have relocations to some where other than constants at the beginning of the // TODO: read-only data section. // A reference to data. Mark the relocation using the section and addend in the relocation info. private void markDataRelocationSite(ProgbitsSectionImpl sectionImpl, int offset, RelocatableBuffer.Info info, ObjectInfo targetObjectInfo) { // References to objects are via relocations to offsets in the heap section. assert ConfigurationValues.getTarget().arch instanceof AArch64 || info.getRelocationSize() == 4 || info.getRelocationSize() == 8 : "AMD64 Data relocation size should be 4 or 8 bytes."; assert targetObjectInfo != null; String targetSectionName = heapSection.getName(); long address = targetObjectInfo.getAddress(); long relocationInfoAddend = info.hasExplicitAddend() ? info.getExplicitAddend() : 0L; long relocationAddend = address + relocationInfoAddend; sectionImpl.markRelocationSite(offset, info.getRelocationKind(), targetSectionName, false, relocationAddend); } private void markDataRelocationSiteFromText(RelocatableBuffer buffer, final ProgbitsSectionImpl sectionImpl, final int offset, final Info info) { Architecture arch = ConfigurationValues.getTarget().arch; assert arch instanceof AArch64 || ((info.getRelocationSize() == 4) || (info.getRelocationSize() == 8)) : "AMD64 Data relocation size should be 4 or 8 bytes. Got size: " + info.getRelocationSize(); Object target = info.getTargetObject(); if (target instanceof DataSectionReference) { long addend = ((DataSectionReference) target).getOffset() - info.getExplicitAddend(); assert isAddendAligned(arch, addend, info.getRelocationKind()) : "improper addend alignment"; sectionImpl.markRelocationSite(offset, info.getRelocationKind(), roDataSection.getName(), false, addend); } else if (target instanceof CGlobalDataReference) { CGlobalDataReference ref = (CGlobalDataReference) target; CGlobalDataInfo dataInfo = ref.getDataInfo(); CGlobalDataImpl<?> data = dataInfo.getData(); long addend = RWDATA_CGLOBALS_PARTITION_OFFSET + dataInfo.getOffset() - info.getExplicitAddend(); assert isAddendAligned(arch, addend, info.getRelocationKind()) : "improper addend alignment"; sectionImpl.markRelocationSite(offset, info.getRelocationKind(), rwDataSection.getName(), false, addend); if (dataInfo.isSymbolReference()) { // create relocation for referenced symbol if (objectFile.getSymbolTable().getSymbol(data.symbolName) == null) { objectFile.createUndefinedSymbol(data.symbolName, 0, true); } ProgbitsSectionImpl baseSectionImpl = (ProgbitsSectionImpl) rwDataSection.getImpl(); int offsetInSection = Math.toIntExact(RWDATA_CGLOBALS_PARTITION_OFFSET + dataInfo.getOffset()); baseSectionImpl.markRelocationSite(offsetInSection, RelocationKind.getDirect(wordSize), data.symbolName, false, 0L); } } else if (target instanceof ConstantReference) { // Direct object reference in code that must be patched (not a linker relocation) Object object = SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(((ConstantReference) target).getConstant()); long address = heap.getObjectInfo(object).getAddress(); int encShift = ImageSingletons.lookup(CompressEncoding.class).getShift(); long targetValue = address >>> encShift; assert (targetValue << encShift) == address : "Reference compression shift discards non-zero bits: " + Long.toHexString(address); ByteBuffer bufferBytes = buffer.getByteBuffer(); if (arch instanceof AMD64) { assert (info.getRelocationKind() == RelocationKind.DIRECT_4) || (info.getRelocationKind() == RelocationKind.DIRECT_8); if (info.getRelocationSize() == Long.BYTES) { bufferBytes.putLong(offset, targetValue); } else if (info.getRelocationSize() == Integer.BYTES) { bufferBytes.putInt(offset, NumUtil.safeToInt(targetValue)); } else { new Exception().printStackTrace(); shouldNotReachHere("Unsupported object reference size: " + info.getRelocationSize()); } } else if (arch instanceof AArch64) { int patchValue = 0; switch (info.getRelocationKind()) { case AARCH64_R_MOVW_UABS_G0: case AARCH64_R_MOVW_UABS_G0_NC: patchValue = (int) targetValue & 0xFFFF; break; case AARCH64_R_MOVW_UABS_G1: case AARCH64_R_MOVW_UABS_G1_NC: patchValue = (int) (targetValue >> 16) & 0xFFFF; break; case AARCH64_R_MOVW_UABS_G2: case AARCH64_R_MOVW_UABS_G2_NC: patchValue = (int) (targetValue >> 32) & 0xFFFF; break; case AARCH64_R_MOVW_UABS_G3: patchValue = (int) (targetValue >> 48) & 0xFFFF; break; default: throw shouldNotReachHere("Unsupported AArch64 relocation kind: " + info.getRelocationKind()); } // validating patched value does not overflow operand switch (info.getRelocationKind()) { case AARCH64_R_MOVW_UABS_G0: case AARCH64_R_MOVW_UABS_G1: case AARCH64_R_MOVW_UABS_G2: assert (patchValue & 0xFFFF) == patchValue : "value to patch does not fit"; } int originalInst = bufferBytes.getInt(offset); int newInst = AArch64Assembler.PatcherUtil.patchMov(originalInst, patchValue); bufferBytes.putInt(offset, newInst); } } else { throw shouldNotReachHere("Unsupported target object for relocation in text section"); } }
Given a java.lang.reflect.Method, compute the symbol name of its start address (if any) in the image. The symbol name returned is the one that would be used for local references (e.g. for relocation), so is guaranteed to exist if the method is in the image. However, it is not necessarily visible for linking from other objects.
  • m – a java.lang.reflect.Method
Returns:its symbol name as it would appear in the image (regardless of whether it actually does)
/** * Given a java.lang.reflect.Method, compute the symbol name of its start address (if any) in * the image. The symbol name returned is the one that would be used for local references (e.g. * for relocation), so is guaranteed to exist if the method is in the image. However, it is not * necessarily visible for linking from other objects. * * @param m a java.lang.reflect.Method * @return its symbol name as it would appear in the image (regardless of whether it actually * does) */
public static String localSymbolNameForMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method m) { /* We don't mangle local symbols, because they never need be referenced by an assembler. */ return SubstrateUtil.uniqueShortName(m); }
Given a ResolvedJavaMethod, compute what symbol name of its start address (if any) in the image. The symbol name returned is the one that would be used for local references (e.g. for relocation), so is guaranteed to exist if the method is in the image. However, it is not necessarily visible for linking from other objects.
  • sm – a SubstrateMethod
Returns:its symbol name as it would appear in the image (regardless of whether it actually does)
/** * Given a {@link ResolvedJavaMethod}, compute what symbol name of its start address (if any) in * the image. The symbol name returned is the one that would be used for local references (e.g. * for relocation), so is guaranteed to exist if the method is in the image. However, it is not * necessarily visible for linking from other objects. * * @param sm a SubstrateMethod * @return its symbol name as it would appear in the image (regardless of whether it actually * does) */
public static String localSymbolNameForMethod(ResolvedJavaMethod sm) { /* We don't mangle local symbols, because they never need be referenced by an assembler. */ return SubstrateOptions.ImageSymbolsPrefix.getValue() + SubstrateUtil.uniqueShortName(sm); }
Given a java.lang.reflect.Method, compute the symbol name of its entry point (if any) in the image. The symbol name returned is one that would be used for external references (e.g. for linking) and for method lookup by signature. If multiple methods with the same signature are present in the image, the returned symbol name is not guaranteed to resolve to the method being passed.
  • m – a java.lang.reflect.Method
Returns:its symbol name as it would appear in the image (regardless of whether it actually does)
/** * Given a java.lang.reflect.Method, compute the symbol name of its entry point (if any) in the * image. The symbol name returned is one that would be used for external references (e.g. for * linking) and for method lookup by signature. If multiple methods with the same signature are * present in the image, the returned symbol name is not guaranteed to resolve to the method * being passed. * * @param m a java.lang.reflect.Method * @return its symbol name as it would appear in the image (regardless of whether it actually * does) */
public static String globalSymbolNameForMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method m) { return mangleName(SubstrateUtil.uniqueShortName(m)); }
Given a ResolvedJavaMethod, compute what symbol name of its entry point (if any) in the image. The symbol name returned is one that would be used for external references (e.g. for linking) and for method lookup by signature. If multiple methods with the same signature are present in the image, the returned symbol name is not guaranteed to resolve to the method being passed.
  • sm – a SubstrateMethod
Returns:its symbol name as it would appear in the image (regardless of whether it actually does)
/** * Given a {@link ResolvedJavaMethod}, compute what symbol name of its entry point (if any) in * the image. The symbol name returned is one that would be used for external references (e.g. * for linking) and for method lookup by signature. If multiple methods with the same signature * are present in the image, the returned symbol name is not guaranteed to resolve to the method * being passed. * * @param sm a SubstrateMethod * @return its symbol name as it would appear in the image (regardless of whether it actually * does) */
public static String globalSymbolNameForMethod(ResolvedJavaMethod sm) { return mangleName(SubstrateUtil.uniqueShortName(sm)); } @Override public ObjectFile getOrCreateDebugObjectFile() { assert objectFile != null; /* * FIXME: use ObjectFile.getOrCreateDebugObject, which knows how/whether to split (but is * somewhat unimplemented right now, i.e. doesn't actually implement splitting, even on * Mach-O where this is customary). */ return objectFile; } private void printHeapStatistics(ImageHeapPartition[] partitions) { if (NativeImageOptions.PrintHeapHistogram.getValue()) { // A histogram for the whole heap. ObjectGroupHistogram.print(heap); // Histograms for each partition. printHistogram(partitions); } if (NativeImageOptions.PrintImageHeapPartitionSizes.getValue()) { printSizes(partitions); } } private void printHistogram(ImageHeapPartition[] partitions) { for (ImageHeapPartition partition : partitions) { printHistogram(partition, heap.getObjects()); } } private static void printSizes(ImageHeapPartition[] partitions) { for (ImageHeapPartition partition : partitions) { printSize(partition); } } private static void printHistogram(ImageHeapPartition partition, Iterable<ObjectInfo> objects) { HeapHistogram histogram = new HeapHistogram(); Set<ObjectInfo> uniqueObjectInfo = new HashSet<>(); long uniqueCount = 0L; long uniqueSize = 0L; long canonicalizedCount = 0L; long canonicalizedSize = 0L; for (ObjectInfo info : objects) { if (partition == info.getPartition()) { if (uniqueObjectInfo.add(info)) { histogram.add(info, info.getSize()); uniqueCount += 1L; uniqueSize += info.getSize(); } else { canonicalizedCount += 1L; canonicalizedSize += info.getSize(); } } } long nonuniqueCount = uniqueCount + canonicalizedCount; long nonuniqueSize = uniqueSize + canonicalizedSize; assert partition.getSize() >= nonuniqueSize : "the total size can contain some overhead"; double countPercent = 100.0D * ((double) uniqueCount / (double) nonuniqueCount); double sizePercent = 100.0D * ((double) uniqueSize / (double) nonuniqueSize); double sizeOverheadPercent = 100.0D * (1.0D - ((double) partition.getSize() / (double) nonuniqueSize)); histogram.printHeadings(String.format("=== Partition: %s count: %d / %d = %.1f%% object size: %d / %d = %.1f%% total size: %d (%.1f%% overhead) ===", // partition.getName(), // uniqueCount, nonuniqueCount, countPercent, // uniqueSize, nonuniqueSize, sizePercent, // partition.getSize(), sizeOverheadPercent)); histogram.print(); } private static void printSize(ImageHeapPartition partition) { System.out.printf("PrintImageHeapPartitionSizes: partition: %s size: %d%n", partition.getName(), partition.getSize()); } public abstract static class NativeTextSectionImpl extends BasicProgbitsSectionImpl { public static NativeTextSectionImpl factory(RelocatableBuffer relocatableBuffer, ObjectFile objectFile, NativeImageCodeCache codeCache) { return codeCache.getTextSectionImpl(relocatableBuffer, objectFile, codeCache); } private Element getRodataSection() { return getElement().getOwner().elementForName(SectionName.RODATA.getFormatDependentName(getElement().getOwner().getFormat())); } @Override public Set<BuildDependency> getDependencies(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> decisions) { HashSet<BuildDependency> deps = ObjectFile.minimalDependencies(decisions, getElement()); LayoutDecision ourContent = decisions.get(getElement()).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.CONTENT); LayoutDecision ourVaddr = decisions.get(getElement()).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.VADDR); LayoutDecision rodataVaddr = decisions.get(getRodataSection()).getDecision(LayoutDecision.Kind.VADDR); deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, ourVaddr)); deps.add(BuildDependency.createOrGet(ourContent, rodataVaddr)); return deps; } @Override public byte[] getOrDecideContent(Map<Element, LayoutDecisionMap> alreadyDecided, byte[] contentHint) { return getContent(); } protected abstract void defineMethodSymbol(String name, boolean global, Element section, HostedMethod method, CompilationResult result); @SuppressWarnings("try") protected void writeTextSection(DebugContext debug, final Section textSection, final List<HostedMethod> entryPoints) { try (Indent indent = debug.logAndIndent("TextImpl.writeTextSection")) { /* * Write the text content. For slightly complicated reasons, we now call * patchMethods in two places -- but it only happens once for any given image build. * * - If we're generating relocatable code, we do it now, and generate relocation * records from the RelocationMap data that we get out. These relocation records * stay in the output file. * * - If we are generating a shared library, we don't need these relocation records, * because once we have fixed vaddrs, we can use rip-relative addressing and we * won't need to do load-time relocation for these references. In this case, we * instead call patchMethods *during* write-out, to fix up these cross-section * PC-relative references. * * This late fix-up of text references is the only reason why we need a custom * implementation for the text section. We can save a lot of load-time relocation by * exploiting PC-relative addressing in this way. */ /* * Symbols for defined functions: for all methods in our image, define a symbol. In * fact, we define multiple symbols per method. * * 1. the fully-qualified mangled name method name * * 2. the same, but omitting the return type, for the "canonical" method of that * signature (noting that covariant return types cause us to emit multiple methods * with the same signature; we choose the covariant version, i.e. the more * specific). * * 3. the linkage names given by @CEntryPoint */ final Map<String, HostedMethod> methodsBySignature = new HashMap<>(); // 1. fq with return type for (Map.Entry<HostedMethod, CompilationResult> ent : codeCache.getCompilations().entrySet()) { final String symName = localSymbolNameForMethod(ent.getKey()); final String signatureString = SubstrateUtil.uniqueShortName(ent.getKey()); final HostedMethod existing = methodsBySignature.get(signatureString); HostedMethod current = ent.getKey(); if (existing != null) { /* * We've hit a signature with multiple methods. Choose the "more specific" * of the two methods, i.e. the overriding covariant signature. */ final ResolvedJavaType existingReturnType = existing.getSignature().getReturnType(null).resolve(existing.getDeclaringClass()); final ResolvedJavaType currentReturnType = current.getSignature().getReturnType(null).resolve(current.getDeclaringClass()); if (existingReturnType.isAssignableFrom(currentReturnType)) { /* current is more specific than existing */ final HostedMethod replaced = methodsBySignature.put(signatureString, current); assert replaced.equals(existing); } } else { methodsBySignature.put(signatureString, current); } defineMethodSymbol(symName, false, textSection, current, ent.getValue()); } // 2. fq without return type -- only for entry points! for (Map.Entry<String, HostedMethod> ent : methodsBySignature.entrySet()) { HostedMethod method = ent.getValue(); Object data = method.getWrapped().getEntryPointData(); CEntryPointData cEntryData = (data instanceof CEntryPointData) ? (CEntryPointData) data : null; if (cEntryData != null && cEntryData.getPublishAs() == Publish.NotPublished) { continue; } final int entryPointIndex = entryPoints.indexOf(method); if (entryPointIndex != -1) { final String mangledSignature = mangleName(ent.getKey()); assert mangledSignature.equals(globalSymbolNameForMethod(method)); defineMethodSymbol(mangledSignature, true, textSection, method, null); // 3. Also create @CEntryPoint linkage names in this case if (cEntryData != null) { assert !cEntryData.getSymbolName().isEmpty(); // no need for mangling: name must already be a valid external name defineMethodSymbol(cEntryData.getSymbolName(), true, textSection, method, codeCache.getCompilations().get(method)); } } } // Write the text contents. // -- what did we embed in the bytes? currently nothing // -- to what symbol are we referring? always .rodata + something // the map starts out empty... assert !textBuffer.hasRelocations(); codeCache.patchMethods(debug, textBuffer, objectFile); // but now may be populated /* * Blat the text-reference-patched (but rodata-reference-unpatched) code cache into * our byte array. */ codeCache.writeCode(textBuffer); } } protected NativeTextSectionImpl(RelocatableBuffer relocatableBuffer, ObjectFile objectFile, NativeImageCodeCache codeCache) { // TODO: Do not separate the byte[] from the RelocatableBuffer. super(relocatableBuffer.getBackingArray()); this.textBuffer = relocatableBuffer; this.objectFile = objectFile; this.codeCache = codeCache; } protected final RelocatableBuffer textBuffer; protected final ObjectFile objectFile; protected final NativeImageCodeCache codeCache; } }