 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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 * questions.
package com.oracle.svm.hosted.image;

import static com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError.shouldNotReachHere;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;

import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Fold;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.CompressEncoding;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.NumUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.SuppressFBWarnings;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageSingletons;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.RelocatedPointer;
import org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord;
import org.graalvm.word.WordBase;

import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.meta.AnalysisUniverse;
import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.util.AnalysisError;
import com.oracle.svm.core.StaticFieldsSupport;
import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.config.ConfigurationValues;
import com.oracle.svm.core.config.ObjectLayout;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.FillerObject;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.Heap;
import com.oracle.svm.core.hub.DynamicHub;
import com.oracle.svm.core.hub.LayoutEncoding;
import com.oracle.svm.core.image.ImageHeap;
import com.oracle.svm.core.image.ImageHeapLayouter;
import com.oracle.svm.core.image.ImageHeapObject;
import com.oracle.svm.core.image.ImageHeapPartition;
import com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.StringInternSupport;
import com.oracle.svm.core.meta.SubstrateObjectConstant;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.HostedStringDeduplication;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.UserError;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.config.HybridLayout;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.HostedArrayClass;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.HostedClass;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.HostedField;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.HostedInstanceClass;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.HostedMetaAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.HostedType;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.HostedUniverse;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.MaterializedConstantFields;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.UniverseBuilder;

import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;

This class keeps track of all objects that should be part of the native image heap. It should not make any assumptions about the final layout of the image heap.
/** * This class keeps track of all objects that should be part of the native image heap. It should not * make any assumptions about the final layout of the image heap. */
public final class NativeImageHeap implements ImageHeap { private final HostedUniverse universe; private final AnalysisUniverse aUniverse; private final HostedMetaAccess metaAccess; private final ObjectLayout objectLayout; private final ImageHeapLayouter heapLayouter; private final int minInstanceSize; private final int minArraySize;
A Map from objects at construction-time to native image objects. More than one host object may be represented by a single native image object.
/** * A Map from objects at construction-time to native image objects. * * More than one host object may be represented by a single native image object. */
protected final IdentityHashMap<Object, ObjectInfo> objects = new IdentityHashMap<>();
Objects that must not be written to the native image heap.
/** Objects that must not be written to the native image heap. */
private final Set<Object> blacklist = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>());
A map from hosted classes to classes that have hybrid layouts in the native image heap.
/** A map from hosted classes to classes that have hybrid layouts in the native image heap. */
private final Map<HostedClass, HybridLayout<?>> hybridLayouts = new HashMap<>();
A Map to build what will be the String intern map in the native image heap.
/** A Map to build what will be the String intern map in the native image heap. */
private final Map<String, String> internedStrings = new HashMap<>(); // Phase variables. private final Phase addObjectsPhase = Phase.factory(); private final Phase internStringsPhase = Phase.factory();
A queue of objects that need to be added to the native image heap, to avoid recursion.
/** A queue of objects that need to be added to the native image heap, to avoid recursion. */
private final Deque<AddObjectData> addObjectWorklist = new ArrayDeque<>();
Objects that are known to be immutable in the native image heap.
/** Objects that are known to be immutable in the native image heap. */
private final Set<Object> knownImmutableObjects = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>()); public NativeImageHeap(AnalysisUniverse aUniverse, HostedUniverse universe, HostedMetaAccess metaAccess, ImageHeapLayouter heapLayouter) { this.aUniverse = aUniverse; this.universe = universe; this.metaAccess = metaAccess; this.objectLayout = ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout(); this.heapLayouter = heapLayouter; this.minInstanceSize = objectLayout.getMinimumInstanceObjectSize(); this.minArraySize = objectLayout.getMinimumArraySize(); assert assertFillerObjectSizes(); } @Override public Collection<ObjectInfo> getObjects() { return objects.values(); } public int getObjectCount() { return objects.size(); } public ObjectInfo getObjectInfo(Object obj) { return objects.get(obj); } protected HostedUniverse getUniverse() { return universe; } protected HostedMetaAccess getMetaAccess() { return metaAccess; } protected AnalysisUniverse getAnalysisUniverse() { return aUniverse; } protected HybridLayout<?> getHybridLayout(HostedClass clazz) { return hybridLayouts.get(clazz); } protected boolean isBlacklisted(Object obj) { return blacklist.contains(obj); } protected ObjectLayout getObjectLayout() { return objectLayout; } public ImageHeapLayouter getLayouter() { return heapLayouter; } @Fold static boolean useHeapBase() { return SubstrateOptions.SpawnIsolates.getValue() && ImageSingletons.lookup(CompressEncoding.class).hasBase(); } @Fold static boolean spawnIsolates() { return SubstrateOptions.SpawnIsolates.getValue() && useHeapBase(); } @SuppressWarnings("try") public void addInitialObjects() { addObjectsPhase.allow(); internStringsPhase.allow(); addStaticFields(); } public void addTrailingObjects() { // Process any remaining objects on the worklist, especially that might intern strings. processAddObjectWorklist(); HostedField internedStringsField = (HostedField) StringInternFeature.getInternedStringsField(metaAccess); boolean usesInternedStrings = internedStringsField.isAccessed(); if (usesInternedStrings) { /* * Ensure that the hub of the String[] array (used for the interned objects) is written. */ addObject(getMetaAccess().lookupJavaType(String[].class).getHub(), false, "internedStrings table"); /* * We are no longer allowed to add new interned strings, because that would modify the * table we are about to write. */ internStringsPhase.disallow(); /* * By now, all interned Strings have been added to our internal interning table. * Populate the VM configuration with this table, and ensure it is part of the heap. */ String[] imageInternedStrings = internedStrings.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); Arrays.sort(imageInternedStrings); ImageSingletons.lookup(StringInternSupport.class).setImageInternedStrings(imageInternedStrings); addObject(imageInternedStrings, true, "internedStrings table"); // Process any objects that were transitively added to the heap. processAddObjectWorklist(); } else { internStringsPhase.disallow(); } addObjectsPhase.disallow(); assert addObjectWorklist.isEmpty(); } private static Object readObjectField(HostedField field, JavaConstant receiver) { return SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(field.readStorageValue(receiver)); } private void addStaticFields() { addObject(StaticFieldsSupport.getStaticObjectFields(), false, "staticObjectFields"); addObject(StaticFieldsSupport.getStaticPrimitiveFields(), false, "staticPrimitiveFields"); /* * We only have empty holder arrays for the static fields, so we need to add static object * fields manually. */ for (HostedField field : getUniverse().getFields()) { if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) && field.hasLocation() && field.getType().getStorageKind() == JavaKind.Object) { assert field.isWritten() || MaterializedConstantFields.singleton().contains(field.wrapped); addObject(readObjectField(field, null), false, field); } } } public void registerAsImmutable(Object object) { assert addObjectsPhase.isBefore() : "Registering immutable object too late: phase: " + addObjectsPhase.toString(); knownImmutableObjects.add(object); }
If necessary, add an object to the model of the native image heap. Various transformations are done from objects in the hosted heap to the native image heap. Not every object is added to the heap, for various reasons.
/** * If necessary, add an object to the model of the native image heap. * * Various transformations are done from objects in the hosted heap to the native image heap. * Not every object is added to the heap, for various reasons. */
public void addObject(final Object original, boolean immutableFromParent, final Object reason) { assert addObjectsPhase.isAllowed() : "Objects cannot be added at phase: " + addObjectsPhase.toString() + " with reason: " + reason; if (original == null || original instanceof WordBase) { return; } if (original instanceof Class) { throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere("Must not have Class in native image heap: " + original); } if (original instanceof DynamicHub && ((DynamicHub) original).getClassInitializationInfo() == null) { /* * All DynamicHub instances written into the image heap must have a * ClassInitializationInfo, otherwise we can get a NullPointerException at run time. * When this check fails, then the DynamicHub has not been seen during static analysis. * Since many other objects are reachable from the DynamicHub (annotations, enum values, * ...) this can also mean that types are used in the image that the static analysis has * not seen - so this check actually protects against much more than just missing class * initialization information. */ throw reportIllegalType(original, reason); } int identityHashCode = SubstrateObjectConstant.computeIdentityHashCode(original); VMError.guarantee(identityHashCode != 0, "0 is used as a marker value for 'hash code not yet computed'"); if (original instanceof String) { handleImageString((String) original); } final ObjectInfo existing = objects.get(original); if (existing == null) { addObjectToBootImageHeap(original, immutableFromParent, identityHashCode, reason); } } @Override public int countDynamicHubs() { int count = 0; for (ObjectInfo o : getObjects()) { if (o.getObject() instanceof DynamicHub) { count++; } } return count; }
Adds an object to the image heap that tries to span size bytes. Note that there is no guarantee that the created object will exactly span size bytes. If it is not possible to create an object with size bytes, the next smaller object that can be allocated is added to the image heap instead. If size is smaller than the smallest possible object, no object is added to the image heap and null is returned.
/** * Adds an object to the image heap that tries to span {@code size} bytes. Note that there is no * guarantee that the created object will exactly span {@code size} bytes. If it is not possible * to create an object with {@code size} bytes, the next smaller object that can be allocated is * added to the image heap instead. If {@code size} is smaller than the smallest possible * object, no object is added to the image heap and null is returned. */
@Override public ObjectInfo addFillerObject(int size) { if (size >= minArraySize) { int elementSize = objectLayout.getArrayIndexScale(JavaKind.Int); int arrayLength = (size - minArraySize) / elementSize; assert objectLayout.getArraySize(JavaKind.Int, arrayLength) == size; return addLateToImageHeap(new int[arrayLength], "Filler object"); } else if (size >= minInstanceSize) { return addLateToImageHeap(new FillerObject(), "Filler object"); } else { return null; } } private boolean assertFillerObjectSizes() { assert minArraySize == objectLayout.getArraySize(JavaKind.Int, 0); HostedType filler = metaAccess.lookupJavaType(FillerObject.class); UnsignedWord fillerSize = LayoutEncoding.getInstanceSize(filler.getHub().getLayoutEncoding()); assert fillerSize.equal(minInstanceSize); assert minInstanceSize * 2 >= minArraySize : "otherwise, we might need more than one non-array object"; return true; } private void handleImageString(final String str) { forceHashCodeComputation(str); if (HostedStringDeduplication.isInternedString(str)) { /* The string is interned by the host VM, so it must also be interned in our image. */ assert internedStrings.containsKey(str) || internStringsPhase.isAllowed() : "Should not intern string during phase " + internStringsPhase.toString(); internedStrings.put(str, str); } }
For immutable Strings in the native image heap, force eager computation of the hash field.
/** * For immutable Strings in the native image heap, force eager computation of the hash field. */
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED", justification = "eager hash field computation") private static void forceHashCodeComputation(final String str) { str.hashCode(); }
It has been determined that an object should be added to the model of the native image heap. This is the mechanics of recursively adding the object and all its fields and array elements to the model of the native image heap.
/** * It has been determined that an object should be added to the model of the native image heap. * This is the mechanics of recursively adding the object and all its fields and array elements * to the model of the native image heap. */
private void addObjectToBootImageHeap(final Object object, boolean immutableFromParent, final int identityHashCode, final Object reason) { final Optional<HostedType> optionalType = getMetaAccess().optionalLookupJavaType(object.getClass()); final HostedType type = requireType(optionalType, object, reason); final DynamicHub hub = type.getHub(); final ObjectInfo info; boolean immutable = immutableFromParent || isKnownImmutable(object); boolean written = false; boolean references = false; boolean relocatable = false; /* always false when !spawnIsolates() */ if (type.isInstanceClass()) { final HostedInstanceClass clazz = (HostedInstanceClass) type; // If the type has a monitor field, it has a reference field that is written. if (clazz.getMonitorFieldOffset() != 0) { written = true; references = true; // also not immutable: users of registerAsImmutable() must take precautions } final JavaConstant con = SubstrateObjectConstant.forObject(object); HostedField hybridTypeIDSlotsField = null; HostedField hybridArrayField = null; Object hybridArray = null; final long size; if (HybridLayout.isHybrid(clazz)) { HybridLayout<?> hybridLayout = hybridLayouts.get(clazz); if (hybridLayout == null) { hybridLayout = new HybridLayout<>(clazz, objectLayout); hybridLayouts.put(clazz, hybridLayout); } /* * The hybrid array, bit set, and typeID array are written within the hybrid object. * So they may not be written as separate objects. We use the blacklist to check * that. */ hybridTypeIDSlotsField = hybridLayout.getTypeIDSlotsField(); if (hybridTypeIDSlotsField != null) { Object typeIDSlots = readObjectField(hybridTypeIDSlotsField, con); if (typeIDSlots != null) { blacklist.add(typeIDSlots); } } hybridArrayField = hybridLayout.getArrayField(); hybridArray = readObjectField(hybridArrayField, con); if (hybridArray != null) { blacklist.add(hybridArray); written = true; } size = hybridLayout.getTotalSize(Array.getLength(hybridArray)); } else { size = LayoutEncoding.getInstanceSize(hub.getLayoutEncoding()).rawValue(); } info = addToImageHeap(object, clazz, size, identityHashCode, reason); try { recursiveAddObject(hub, false, info); // Recursively add all the fields of the object. final boolean fieldsAreImmutable = object instanceof String; for (HostedField field : clazz.getInstanceFields(true)) { if (field.isInImageHeap() && !field.equals(hybridArrayField) && !field.equals(hybridTypeIDSlotsField)) { boolean fieldRelocatable = false; if (field.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Object) { assert field.hasLocation(); JavaConstant fieldValueConstant = field.readValue(con); if (fieldValueConstant.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Object) { Object fieldValue = SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(fieldValueConstant); if (spawnIsolates()) { fieldRelocatable = fieldValue instanceof RelocatedPointer; } recursiveAddObject(fieldValue, fieldsAreImmutable, info); references = true; } } /* * The analysis considers relocatable pointers to be written because their * eventual value is assigned at runtime by the dynamic linker and it cannot * be inlined. Relocatable pointers are read-only for our purposes, however. */ relocatable = relocatable || fieldRelocatable; written = written || (field.isWritten() && !field.isFinal() && !fieldRelocatable); } } if (hybridArray instanceof Object[]) { relocatable = addArrayElements((Object[]) hybridArray, relocatable, info); references = true; } } catch (AnalysisError.TypeNotFoundError ex) { throw reportIllegalType(ex.getType(), info); } } else if (type.isArray()) { HostedArrayClass clazz = (HostedArrayClass) type; final long size = objectLayout.getArraySize(type.getComponentType().getStorageKind(), Array.getLength(object)); info = addToImageHeap(object, clazz, size, identityHashCode, reason); try { recursiveAddObject(hub, false, info); if (object instanceof Object[]) { relocatable = addArrayElements((Object[]) object, false, info); references = true; } written = true; /* How to know if any of the array elements are written? */ } catch (AnalysisError.TypeNotFoundError ex) { throw reportIllegalType(ex.getType(), info); } } else { throw shouldNotReachHere(); } if (relocatable && !isKnownImmutable(object)) { VMError.shouldNotReachHere("Object with relocatable pointers must be explicitly immutable: " + object); } heapLayouter.assignObjectToPartition(info, !written || immutable, references, relocatable); } private static HostedType requireType(Optional<HostedType> optionalType, Object object, Object reason) { if (!optionalType.isPresent() || !optionalType.get().isInstantiated()) { throw reportIllegalType(object, reason); } return optionalType.get(); } static RuntimeException reportIllegalType(Object object, Object reason) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.append("Image heap writing found a class not seen during static analysis. "); msg.append("Did a static field or an object referenced from a static field change during native image generation? "); msg.append("For example, a lazily initialized cache could have been initialized during image generation, in which case "); msg.append("you need to force eager initialization of the cache before static analysis or reset the cache using a field "); msg.append("value recomputation.").append(System.lineSeparator()).append(" "); if (object instanceof DynamicHub) { msg.append("class: ").append(((DynamicHub) object).getName()); } else if (object instanceof ResolvedJavaType) { msg.append("class: ").append(((ResolvedJavaType) object).toJavaName(true)); } else { msg.append("object: ").append(object).append(" of class: ").append(object.getClass().getTypeName()); } msg.append(System.lineSeparator()).append(" reachable through:").append(System.lineSeparator()); fillReasonStack(msg, reason); throw UserError.abort("%s", msg); } private static StringBuilder fillReasonStack(StringBuilder msg, Object reason) { if (reason instanceof ObjectInfo) { ObjectInfo info = (ObjectInfo) reason; msg.append(" object: ").append(info.getObject()).append(" of class: ").append(info.getObject().getClass().getTypeName()).append(System.lineSeparator()); return fillReasonStack(msg, info.reason); } return msg.append(" root: ").append(reason).append(System.lineSeparator()); }
Determine if an object in the host heap will be immutable in the native image heap.
/** Determine if an object in the host heap will be immutable in the native image heap. */
private boolean isKnownImmutable(final Object obj) { if (obj instanceof String) { // Strings need to have their hash code set or they are not immutable. // If the hash is 0, then it will be recomputed again (and again) // so the String is not immutable. return obj.hashCode() != 0; } return UniverseBuilder.isKnownImmutableType(obj.getClass()) || knownImmutableObjects.contains(obj); }
Add an object to the model of the native image heap.
/** Add an object to the model of the native image heap. */
private ObjectInfo addToImageHeap(Object object, HostedClass clazz, long size, int identityHashCode, Object reason) { ObjectInfo info = new ObjectInfo(object, size, clazz, identityHashCode, reason); assert !objects.containsKey(object); objects.put(object, info); return info; }
This method allows adding objects to the image heap at a point in time when the image heap is already considered as complete. Only the given object is added to the image heap. Referenced objects are not processed recursively. Use this method with care.
/** * This method allows adding objects to the image heap at a point in time when the image heap is * already considered as complete. Only the given object is added to the image heap. Referenced * objects are not processed recursively. Use this method with care. */
@Override public ObjectInfo addLateToImageHeap(Object object, String reason) { assert !(object instanceof DynamicHub) : "needs a different identity hashcode"; assert !(object instanceof String) : "needs String interning"; final Optional<HostedType> optionalType = getMetaAccess().optionalLookupJavaType(object.getClass()); HostedType type = requireType(optionalType, object, reason); return addToImageHeap(object, (HostedClass) type, getSize(object, type), System.identityHashCode(object), reason); } private long getSize(Object object, HostedType type) { if (type.isInstanceClass()) { HostedInstanceClass clazz = (HostedInstanceClass) type; assert !HybridLayout.isHybrid(clazz); return LayoutEncoding.getInstanceSize(clazz.getHub().getLayoutEncoding()).rawValue(); } else if (type.isArray()) { return objectLayout.getArraySize(type.getComponentType().getStorageKind(), Array.getLength(object)); } else { throw shouldNotReachHere(); } } // Deep-copy an array from the host heap to the model of the native image heap. private boolean addArrayElements(Object[] array, boolean otherFieldsRelocatable, Object reason) { boolean relocatable = otherFieldsRelocatable; for (Object element : array) { Object value = aUniverse.replaceObject(element); if (spawnIsolates()) { relocatable = relocatable || value instanceof RelocatedPointer; } recursiveAddObject(value, false, reason); } return relocatable; } /* * Break recursion using a worklist, to support large object graphs that would lead to a stack * overflow. */ private void recursiveAddObject(Object original, boolean immutableFromParent, Object reason) { if (original != null) { addObjectWorklist.push(new AddObjectData(original, immutableFromParent, reason)); } } private void processAddObjectWorklist() { while (!addObjectWorklist.isEmpty()) { AddObjectData data = addObjectWorklist.pop(); addObject(data.original, data.immutableFromParent, data.reason); } } static class AddObjectData { AddObjectData(Object original, boolean immutableFromParent, Object reason) { this.original = original; this.immutableFromParent = immutableFromParent; this.reason = reason; } final Object original; final boolean immutableFromParent; final Object reason; } public static final class ObjectInfo implements ImageHeapObject { private final Object object; private final HostedClass clazz; private final long size; private final int identityHashCode; private ImageHeapPartition partition; private long offsetInPartition;
For debugging only: the reason why this object is in the native image heap. This is either another ObjectInfo, saying which object refers to this object, eventually a root object which refers to this object, or is a String explaining why this object is in the heap. The reason field is like a "comes from" pointer.
/** * For debugging only: the reason why this object is in the native image heap. * * This is either another ObjectInfo, saying which object refers to this object, eventually * a root object which refers to this object, or is a String explaining why this object is * in the heap. The reason field is like a "comes from" pointer. */
final Object reason; ObjectInfo(Object object, long size, HostedClass clazz, int identityHashCode, Object reason) { this.object = object; this.clazz = clazz; this.partition = null; this.offsetInPartition = -1L; this.size = size; this.identityHashCode = identityHashCode; this.reason = reason; } @Override public Object getObject() { return object; } public HostedClass getClazz() { return clazz; } @Override public long getOffset() { assert offsetInPartition >= 0; assert partition != null; return partition.getStartOffset() + offsetInPartition; } @Override public void setOffsetInPartition(long value) { assert this.offsetInPartition == -1L && value >= 0; this.offsetInPartition = value; } @Override public ImageHeapPartition getPartition() { return partition; } @Override public void setHeapPartition(ImageHeapPartition value) { assert this.partition == null; this.partition = value; }
Returns the index into the RelocatableBuffer to which this object is written.
/** * Returns the index into the {@link RelocatableBuffer} to which this object is written. */
public int getIndexInBuffer(long index) { long result = getOffset() + index; return NumUtil.safeToInt(result); }
If heap base addressing is enabled, this returns the heap-base relative address of this object. Otherwise, this returns the offset of the object within a native image section (e.g., read-only or writable).
/** * If heap base addressing is enabled, this returns the heap-base relative address of this * object. Otherwise, this returns the offset of the object within a native image section * (e.g., read-only or writable). */
public long getAddress() { /* * At run-time, the image heap may be mapped in a way that there is some extra space at * the beginning of the heap. So, all heap-base-relative addresses must be adjusted by * that offset. */ return Heap.getHeap().getImageHeapOffsetInAddressSpace() + getOffset(); }
Similar to getAddress() but this method is typically used to get the address of a field within an object.
/** * Similar to {@link #getAddress()} but this method is typically used to get the address of * a field within an object. */
public long getAddress(long delta) { assert delta >= 0 && delta < getSize() : "Index: " + delta + " out of bounds: [0 .. " + getSize() + ")."; return getAddress() + delta; } @Override public long getSize() { return size; } int getIdentityHashCode() { return identityHashCode; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(getObject().getClass().getName()).append(" -> "); Object cur = reason; Object prev = null; boolean skipped = false; while (cur instanceof ObjectInfo) { skipped = prev != null; prev = cur; cur = ((ObjectInfo) cur).reason; } if (skipped) { result.append("... -> "); } if (prev != null) { result.append(prev); } else { result.append(cur); } return result.toString(); } } protected static final class Phase { public static Phase factory() { return new Phase(); } public boolean isBefore() { return (value == PhaseValue.BEFORE); } public void allow() { assert (value == PhaseValue.BEFORE) : "Can not allow while in phase " + value.toString(); value = PhaseValue.ALLOWED; } void disallow() { assert (value == PhaseValue.ALLOWED) : "Can not disallow while in phase " + value.toString(); value = PhaseValue.AFTER; } public boolean isAllowed() { return (value == PhaseValue.ALLOWED); } @Override public String toString() { return value.toString(); } protected Phase() { value = PhaseValue.BEFORE; } private PhaseValue value; private enum PhaseValue { BEFORE, ALLOWED, AFTER } } }