 * Copyright (c) 2019, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package com.oracle.svm.hosted.image;

import static com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError.shouldNotReachHere;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.CompressEncoding;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.NumUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.Indent;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageSingletons;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CFunctionPointer;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.RelocatedPointer;
import org.graalvm.word.WordBase;

import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.util.AnalysisError;
import com.oracle.objectfile.ObjectFile;
import com.oracle.svm.core.FrameAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.StaticFieldsSupport;
import com.oracle.svm.core.config.ConfigurationValues;
import com.oracle.svm.core.config.ObjectLayout;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.Heap;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.ObjectHeader;
import com.oracle.svm.core.hub.DynamicHub;
import com.oracle.svm.core.image.ImageHeapLayoutInfo;
import com.oracle.svm.core.meta.SubstrateObjectConstant;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.config.HybridLayout;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.image.NativeImageHeap.ObjectInfo;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.HostedClass;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.HostedField;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.HostedMethod;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.MaterializedConstantFields;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.MethodPointer;

import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;

Writes the native image heap into one or multiple RelocatableBuffers.
/** * Writes the native image heap into one or multiple {@link RelocatableBuffer}s. */
public final class NativeImageHeapWriter { private final NativeImageHeap heap; private final ImageHeapLayoutInfo heapLayout; private long sectionOffsetOfARelocatablePointer; public NativeImageHeapWriter(NativeImageHeap heap, ImageHeapLayoutInfo heapLayout) { this.heap = heap; this.heapLayout = heapLayout; this.sectionOffsetOfARelocatablePointer = -1; }
Write the model of the native image heap to the RelocatableBuffers that represent the native image.
/** * Write the model of the native image heap to the RelocatableBuffers that represent the native * image. */
@SuppressWarnings("try") public long writeHeap(DebugContext debug, RelocatableBuffer buffer) { try (Indent perHeapIndent = debug.logAndIndent("BootImageHeap.writeHeap:")) { for (ObjectInfo info : heap.getObjects()) { assert !heap.isBlacklisted(info.getObject()); writeObject(info, buffer); } // Only static fields that are writable get written to the native image heap, // the read-only static fields have been inlined into the code. writeStaticFields(buffer); heap.getLayouter().writeMetadata(buffer.getByteBuffer(), 0); } return sectionOffsetOfARelocatablePointer; } private void writeStaticFields(RelocatableBuffer buffer) { /* * Write the values of static fields. The arrays for primitive and object fields are empty * and just placeholders. This ensures we get the latest version, since there can be * Features registered that change the value of static fields late in the native image * generation process. */ ObjectInfo primitiveFields = heap.getObjectInfo(StaticFieldsSupport.getStaticPrimitiveFields()); ObjectInfo objectFields = heap.getObjectInfo(StaticFieldsSupport.getStaticObjectFields()); for (HostedField field : heap.getUniverse().getFields()) { if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) && field.hasLocation()) { assert field.isWritten() || MaterializedConstantFields.singleton().contains(field.wrapped); ObjectInfo fields = (field.getStorageKind() == JavaKind.Object) ? objectFields : primitiveFields; writeField(buffer, fields, field, null, null); } } } private static Object readObjectField(HostedField field, JavaConstant receiver) { return SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(field.readStorageValue(receiver)); } private int referenceSize() { return heap.getObjectLayout().getReferenceSize(); } private void mustBeReferenceAligned(int index) { assert (index % heap.getObjectLayout().getReferenceSize() == 0) : "index " + index + " must be reference-aligned."; } private static void verifyTargetDidNotChange(Object target, Object reason, Object targetInfo) { if (targetInfo == null) { throw NativeImageHeap.reportIllegalType(target, reason); } } private void writeField(RelocatableBuffer buffer, ObjectInfo fields, HostedField field, JavaConstant receiver, ObjectInfo info) { int index = fields.getIndexInBuffer(field.getLocation()); JavaConstant value; try { value = field.readValue(receiver); } catch (AnalysisError.TypeNotFoundError ex) { throw NativeImageHeap.reportIllegalType(ex.getType(), info); } if (value.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Object && SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(value) instanceof RelocatedPointer) { addNonDataRelocation(buffer, index, (RelocatedPointer) SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(value)); } else { write(buffer, index, value, info != null ? info : field); } } private void write(RelocatableBuffer buffer, int index, JavaConstant con, Object reason) { if (con.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Object) { writeReference(buffer, index, SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(con), reason); } else { writePrimitive(buffer, index, con); } } void writeReference(RelocatableBuffer buffer, int index, Object target, Object reason) { assert !(target instanceof WordBase) : "word values are not references"; mustBeReferenceAligned(index); if (target != null) { ObjectInfo targetInfo = heap.getObjectInfo(target); verifyTargetDidNotChange(target, reason, targetInfo); if (NativeImageHeap.useHeapBase()) { CompressEncoding compressEncoding = ImageSingletons.lookup(CompressEncoding.class); int shift = compressEncoding.getShift(); writeReferenceValue(buffer, index, targetInfo.getAddress() >>> shift); } else { addDirectRelocationWithoutAddend(buffer, index, referenceSize(), target); } } } private void writeConstant(RelocatableBuffer buffer, int index, JavaKind kind, Object value, ObjectInfo info) { if (value instanceof RelocatedPointer) { addNonDataRelocation(buffer, index, (RelocatedPointer) value); return; } final JavaConstant con; if (value instanceof WordBase) { con = JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(FrameAccess.getWordKind(), ((WordBase) value).rawValue()); } else if (value == null && kind == FrameAccess.getWordKind()) { con = JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(FrameAccess.getWordKind(), 0); } else { assert kind == JavaKind.Object || value != null : "primitive value must not be null"; con = SubstrateObjectConstant.forBoxedValue(kind, value); } write(buffer, index, con, info); } private void writeObjectHeader(RelocatableBuffer buffer, int index, ObjectInfo obj) { mustBeReferenceAligned(index); DynamicHub hub = obj.getClazz().getHub(); assert hub != null : "Null DynamicHub found during native image generation."; ObjectInfo hubInfo = heap.getObjectInfo(hub); assert hubInfo != null : "Unknown object " + hub.toString() + " found. Static field or an object referenced from a static field changed during native image generation?"; ObjectHeader objectHeader = Heap.getHeap().getObjectHeader(); if (NativeImageHeap.useHeapBase()) { long targetOffset = hubInfo.getAddress(); long headerBits = objectHeader.encodeAsImageHeapObjectHeader(obj, targetOffset); writeReferenceValue(buffer, index, headerBits); } else { // The address of the DynamicHub target will be added by the link editor. long headerBits = objectHeader.encodeAsImageHeapObjectHeader(obj, 0L); addDirectRelocationWithAddend(buffer, index, hub, headerBits); } } private void addDirectRelocationWithoutAddend(RelocatableBuffer buffer, int index, int size, Object target) { assert size == 4 || size == 8; assert !NativeImageHeap.spawnIsolates() || heapLayout.isReadOnlyRelocatable(index); buffer.addRelocationWithoutAddend(index, size == 8 ? ObjectFile.RelocationKind.DIRECT_8 : ObjectFile.RelocationKind.DIRECT_4, target); if (sectionOffsetOfARelocatablePointer == -1) { sectionOffsetOfARelocatablePointer = index; } } private void addDirectRelocationWithAddend(RelocatableBuffer buffer, int index, DynamicHub target, long objectHeaderBits) { assert !NativeImageHeap.spawnIsolates() || heapLayout.isReadOnlyRelocatable(index); buffer.addRelocationWithAddend(index, referenceSize() == 8 ? ObjectFile.RelocationKind.DIRECT_8 : ObjectFile.RelocationKind.DIRECT_4, objectHeaderBits, target); if (sectionOffsetOfARelocatablePointer == -1) { sectionOffsetOfARelocatablePointer = index; } }
Adds a relocation for a code pointer or other non-data pointers.
/** * Adds a relocation for a code pointer or other non-data pointers. */
private void addNonDataRelocation(RelocatableBuffer buffer, int index, RelocatedPointer pointer) { mustBeReferenceAligned(index); assert pointer instanceof CFunctionPointer : "unknown relocated pointer " + pointer; assert pointer instanceof MethodPointer : "cannot create relocation for unknown FunctionPointer " + pointer; ResolvedJavaMethod method = ((MethodPointer) pointer).getMethod(); HostedMethod hMethod = method instanceof HostedMethod ? (HostedMethod) method : heap.getUniverse().lookup(method); if (hMethod.isCompiled()) { // Only compiled methods inserted in vtables require relocation. int pointerSize = ConfigurationValues.getTarget().wordSize; addDirectRelocationWithoutAddend(buffer, index, pointerSize, pointer); } } private static void writePrimitive(RelocatableBuffer buffer, int index, JavaConstant con) { ByteBuffer bb = buffer.getByteBuffer(); switch (con.getJavaKind()) { case Boolean: bb.put(index, (byte) con.asInt()); break; case Byte: bb.put(index, (byte) con.asInt()); break; case Char: bb.putChar(index, (char) con.asInt()); break; case Short: bb.putShort(index, (short) con.asInt()); break; case Int: bb.putInt(index, con.asInt()); break; case Long: bb.putLong(index, con.asLong()); break; case Float: bb.putFloat(index, con.asFloat()); break; case Double: bb.putDouble(index, con.asDouble()); break; default: throw shouldNotReachHere(con.getJavaKind().toString()); } } private void writeReferenceValue(RelocatableBuffer buffer, int index, long value) { if (referenceSize() == Long.BYTES) { buffer.getByteBuffer().putLong(index, value); } else if (referenceSize() == Integer.BYTES) { buffer.getByteBuffer().putInt(index, NumUtil.safeToInt(value)); } else { throw shouldNotReachHere("Unsupported reference size: " + referenceSize()); } } private void writeObject(ObjectInfo info, RelocatableBuffer buffer) { /* * Write a reference from the object to its hub. This lives at layout.getHubOffset() from * the object base. */ ObjectLayout objectLayout = heap.getObjectLayout(); final int indexInBuffer = info.getIndexInBuffer(objectLayout.getHubOffset()); assert objectLayout.isAligned(indexInBuffer); writeObjectHeader(buffer, indexInBuffer, info); ByteBuffer bufferBytes = buffer.getByteBuffer(); HostedClass clazz = info.getClazz(); if (clazz.isInstanceClass()) { JavaConstant con = SubstrateObjectConstant.forObject(info.getObject()); HybridLayout<?> hybridLayout = heap.getHybridLayout(clazz); HostedField hybridArrayField = null; HostedField hybridTypeIDSlotsField = null; int maxBitIndex = -1; int maxTypeIDSlotIndex = -1; Object hybridArray = null; if (hybridLayout != null) { hybridArrayField = hybridLayout.getArrayField(); hybridArray = readObjectField(hybridArrayField, con); hybridTypeIDSlotsField = hybridLayout.getTypeIDSlotsField(); if (hybridTypeIDSlotsField != null) { short[] typeIDSlots = (short[]) readObjectField(hybridTypeIDSlotsField, con); if (typeIDSlots != null) { int length = typeIDSlots.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final int index = info.getIndexInBuffer(HybridLayout.getTypeIDSlotsFieldOffset(objectLayout)) + (i * 2); if (index + 1 > maxTypeIDSlotIndex) { maxTypeIDSlotIndex = index + 1; // Takes two bytes... } short value = typeIDSlots[i]; bufferBytes.putShort(index, value); } } } } /* * Write the regular instance fields. */ for (HostedField field : clazz.getInstanceFields(true)) { if (!field.equals(hybridArrayField) && !field.equals(hybridTypeIDSlotsField) && field.isInImageHeap()) { assert field.getLocation() >= 0; assert info.getIndexInBuffer(field.getLocation()) > maxBitIndex; assert info.getIndexInBuffer(field.getLocation()) > maxTypeIDSlotIndex; writeField(buffer, info, field, con, info); } } bufferBytes.putInt(info.getIndexInBuffer(objectLayout.getIdentityHashCodeOffset()), info.getIdentityHashCode()); if (hybridArray != null) { /* * Write the hybrid array length and the array elements. */ int length = Array.getLength(hybridArray); bufferBytes.putInt(info.getIndexInBuffer(objectLayout.getArrayLengthOffset()), length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final int elementIndex = info.getIndexInBuffer(hybridLayout.getArrayElementOffset(i)); final JavaKind elementStorageKind = hybridLayout.getArrayElementStorageKind(); final Object array = Array.get(hybridArray, i); writeConstant(buffer, elementIndex, elementStorageKind, array, info); } } } else if (clazz.isArray()) { JavaKind kind = clazz.getComponentType().getStorageKind(); Object array = info.getObject(); int length = Array.getLength(array); bufferBytes.putInt(info.getIndexInBuffer(objectLayout.getArrayLengthOffset()), length); bufferBytes.putInt(info.getIndexInBuffer(objectLayout.getIdentityHashCodeOffset()), info.getIdentityHashCode()); if (array instanceof Object[]) { Object[] oarray = (Object[]) array; assert oarray.length == length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final int elementIndex = info.getIndexInBuffer(objectLayout.getArrayElementOffset(kind, i)); Object element; try { element = heap.getAnalysisUniverse().replaceObject(oarray[i]); } catch (AnalysisError.TypeNotFoundError ex) { throw NativeImageHeap.reportIllegalType(ex.getType(), info); } assert (oarray[i] instanceof RelocatedPointer) == (element instanceof RelocatedPointer); writeConstant(buffer, elementIndex, kind, element, info); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final int elementIndex = info.getIndexInBuffer(objectLayout.getArrayElementOffset(kind, i)); final Object element = Array.get(array, i); writeConstant(buffer, elementIndex, kind, element, info); } } } else { throw shouldNotReachHere(); } } }