 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
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 * portions of the Software.
package com.oracle.truffle.js.test.external.suite;

import java.io.Console;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.DynamicObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSConfig;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSParserOptions;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.UserScriptException;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSObject;

public abstract class TestSuite {

    public static final int OVERALL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 60 * 14;
    public static final int INDIVIDUAL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 30;

    private static final char LINE_SEPARATOR = '\n';
    private static final int REPORTED_STACK_TRACE_ELEMENTS = 10;
    private static final Pattern JS_FILE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(".+\\.m?js$");
    private static final boolean PRINT_PROGRESS = System.console() != null;

    private final SuiteConfig config;
    private final ConsolePrintStream consolePrintStream = new ConsolePrintStream(System.out);
    private final List<TestFile> testFiles = new ArrayList<>();
    private final AtomicInteger testIndex = new AtomicInteger();

    private TestsConfig parsedConfig;
    private Map<String, TestFile> testsConfig;
    private Map<String, TestFile> runInIsolationTests = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    private Map<String, TestFile> shouldRunAndFailTests = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    private Map<String, TestFile> skippedTests = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    private Map<String, TestFile> failedTests = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    private Map<String, TestFile> ignoredTests = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    private int passedCount;
    private int timeoutCount;
    private int testCount;
    private List<String> textOutputList;
    private final List<String> htmlOutputList;
    private final List<TestRunnable> activeTests = new ArrayList<>();
    private final ExecutorService extLauncherPipePool;
    private final Engine sharedEngine;

    public TestSuite(SuiteConfig config) {
        assert config != null;
        this.config = config;


        this.htmlOutputList = config.isHtmlOutput() ? new ArrayList<>() : null;
        this.textOutputList = config.isTextOutput() ? new ArrayList<>() : null;
        this.extLauncherPipePool = config.isExtLauncher() ? Executors.newCachedThreadPool() : null;
        this.sharedEngine = config.isShareEngine() ? Engine.newBuilder().allowExperimentalOptions(true).build() : null;

    public final SuiteConfig getConfig() {
        return config;

    public ExecutorService getExtLauncherPipePool() {
        assert config.isExtLauncher() && extLauncherPipePool != null;
        return extLauncherPipePool;

    public Engine getSharedEngine() {
        return sharedEngine;

Get array of prequel files for the given ECMAScript version.
  • ecmaVersion – ECMAScript version
Returns:array of prequel files, never null
/** * Get array of prequel files for the given ECMAScript version. * * @param ecmaVersion ECMAScript version * @return array of prequel files, never {@code null} */
public abstract String[] getPrequelFiles(int ecmaVersion); protected abstract TestRunnable createTestRunnable(TestFile file); protected abstract File getTestsConfigFile(); protected abstract File getUnexpectedlyFailedTestsFile(); public abstract Map<String, String> getCommonOptions(); public abstract List<String> getCommonExtLauncherOptions(); protected static List<String> optionsToExtLauncherOptions(Map<String, String> options) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<>(options.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : options.entrySet()) { ret.add(TestExtProcessCallable.optionToString(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(ret); }
This function defines whether the actual executors are run as separate threads. This enables per-thread timeouts, e.g. for testing other (non well-behaving) engines.
/** * This function defines whether the actual executors are run as separate threads. This enables * per-thread timeouts, e.g. for testing other (non well-behaving) engines. */
public boolean executeWithSeparateThreads() { return false; } public String getHTMLFileName() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("no html file name specified for this suite"); } public String getReportFileName() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("no text file name specified for this suite"); } protected void printSkippedFilesHTML(PrintStream stream, List<TestFile> skippedFiles) { printFilesHTML(stream, skippedFiles); } protected void printIgnoredFilesHTML(PrintStream stream, List<TestFile> ignoredFiles) { printFilesHTML(stream, ignoredFiles); } private void printFilesHTML(PrintStream stream, List<TestFile> files) { stream.println("<ul>"); for (TestFile testFile : files) { stream.println("<li><a href=\"" + resolveTestFilePath(testFile).getAbsolutePath() + "\">" + testFile.getFilePath() + "</a></li>"); } stream.println("</ul>"); } private void parseTestsConfig() { if (parsedConfig != null) { return; } File testsConfigFile = getTestsConfigFile(); if (!testsConfigFile.isFile()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Non-existing tests config file: " + testsConfigFile); } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { parsedConfig = JSONUtil.deserialize(testsConfigFile, TestsConfig.class); long parseTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); logVerbose("JSON deserializing took: " + (parseTime - start) + " ms\n"); JSONUtil.checkFormatting(testsConfigFile, parsedConfig); logVerbose("JSON formatting check took: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - parseTime) + " ms\n"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot deserialize tests config", e); } catch (JSONUtil.IncorrectFormattingException e) { if (askYesNoQuestion("Configuration file " + testsConfigFile.getName() + " not properly formatted. Regenerate it? [y/N]")) { regenerateConfig(null, null); System.out.println(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Incorrect file formatting", e); } } verifyAndInitTestsConfig(testsConfigFile); } private void verifyAndInitTestsConfig(File testsConfigFile) { testsConfig = new HashMap<>(); Set<TestFile> invalidTestFiles = new HashSet<>(); for (TestFile testFile : parsedConfig.getTestFiles()) { String filePath = testFile.getFilePath(); if (filePath == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Attribute \"filePath\" must be defined for every test file! Verify '" + testsConfigFile.getName() + "' file!"); } if (!resolveTestFilePath(testFile).isFile()) { System.out.println("Configured file '" + filePath + "' does not exist. Verify '" + testsConfigFile.getName() + "' file!"); invalidTestFiles.add(testFile); } else { TestFile checker = testsConfig.put(filePath, testFile); assert checker == null : "Test file '" + filePath + "' configured more than once! Verify '" + testsConfigFile.getName() + "' file!"; } } if (!invalidTestFiles.isEmpty()) { if (askYesNoQuestion("Non-existing files found in configuration. Regenerate config? [y/N]")) { regenerateConfig(null, invalidTestFiles); } System.out.println(); } }
See Also:
  • relativizeTestPath(File)
/** * @see #relativizeTestPath(File) */
public File resolveTestFilePath(TestFile testFile) { return resolveTestPath(testFile.getFilePath()); }
See Also:
  • relativizeTestPath(File)
/** * @see #relativizeTestPath(File) */
public File resolveTestPath(String testFile) { return Paths.get(config.getSuiteTestsLoc(), testFile).toFile(); }
See Also:
/** * @see #resolveTestFilePath(TestFile) * @see #resolveTestPath(String) */
public String relativizeTestPath(File testFile) { return Paths.get(config.getSuiteTestsLoc()).relativize(testFile.toPath()).toString().replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); } private List<TestFile> getIgnoredFiles() { parseTestsConfig(); return new ArrayList<>(ignoredTests.values()); } private List<TestFile> getSkippedFiles() { parseTestsConfig(); return new ArrayList<>(skippedTests.values()); } protected boolean isSkipped(TestFile testFile) { return skippedTests.containsKey(testFile.getFilePath()); } private List<TestFile> getRunInIsolationFiles() { parseTestsConfig(); return new ArrayList<>(runInIsolationTests.values()); } private void findTestFiles(String[] selectedTestDirs) { // find all the test files testFiles.clear(); for (String dir : selectedTestDirs) { findTests(new File(config.getSuiteTestsLoc(), dir), testFiles); } if (testFiles.isEmpty()) { // cannot find any file with the given filter. Maybe the filter is a valid filename? Stream.of(config.getEndsWithFilter(), config.getContainsFilter()).filter(Objects::nonNull).findFirst().ifPresent(filter -> findSingleFile(testFiles, filter)); } if (testFiles.isEmpty()) { System.err.println("Cannot find test files. Suite location: " + config.getSuiteTestsLoc() + "; ends-with filter: " + config.getEndsWithFilter() + "; contains filter: " + config.getContainsFilter() + "; regex filter: " + config.getRegexFilter()); } } private void findSingleFile(List<TestFile> files, String filter) { if (filter != null) { File maybeFile = new File(filter); if (maybeFile.isFile()) { files.add(createTestFile(maybeFile)); } } } private void findTests(File dir, List<TestFile> list) { File[] directFiles = dir.listFiles(); if (directFiles == null) { return; } for (File file : directFiles) { if (file.isDirectory()) { findTests(file, list); } else if (JS_FILE_PATTERN.matcher(file.getName()).matches() && isTestExecutable(file.getName())) { Path relativePath = Paths.get(config.getSuiteTestsLoc()).relativize(file.toPath()); if ((config.getContainsFilter() == null || relativePath.toString().contains(config.getContainsFilter())) && (config.getRegexFilter() == null || relativePath.toString().matches(config.getRegexFilter())) && (config.getEndsWithFilter() == null || relativePath.endsWith(config.getEndsWithFilter()))) { if ((config.getContainsFilter() != null) || config.getRegexFilter() != null) { log("adding test file: " + relativePath); } list.add(createTestFile(file)); } } } } private TestFile createTestFile(File file) { parseTestsConfig(); // create test file TestFile testFile = new TestFile(relativizeTestPath(file)); testFile.setStatus(TestFile.Status.PASS); testFile.setRunInIsolation(false); // possibly merge with config final String filePath = testFile.getFilePath(); TestFile configuredTestFile = testsConfig.get(filePath); if (configuredTestFile != null) { testFile = TestFileUtil.merge(testFile, configuredTestFile); } // fill maps if (testFile.getRunInIsolation()) { runInIsolationTests.put(filePath, testFile); } processStatus(testFile.getRealStatus(config), testFile); return testFile; } private void processStatus(TestFile.Status status, TestFile testFile) { switch (status) { case PASS: // noop break; case FAIL: shouldRunAndFailTests.put(testFile.getFilePath(), testFile); break; case SKIP: skippedTests.put(testFile.getFilePath(), testFile); break; default: assert false : "Unknown test status: " + status; } } private boolean gateCheck(int unexpectedFailedTestsCount) { System.out.println(config.getSuiteDescription() + " failed: " + unexpectedFailedTestsCount + ", timeouts: " + timeoutCount); if (unexpectedFailedTestsCount > 0) { System.out.println("FAILED the " + config.getSuiteDescription() + " gate"); return false; } System.out.println(); System.out.println("OK, passed the " + config.getSuiteDescription() + " gate"); return true; } private void printHTMLOutput(String result) { try (PrintStream htmlStream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(getHTMLFileName()))) { htmlStream.println("<html><head><title>" + config.getSuiteDescription() + " output</title><head><body>" + (new Date()).toString() + "<br/><br/>"); htmlStream.println("<h3>Failing Tests</h3>"); htmlStream.println("<ul>"); String[] outputArray = htmlOutputList.toArray(new String[0]); Arrays.sort(outputArray); for (String s : outputArray) { htmlStream.println("<li>" + s + "</li>"); } htmlStream.println("</ul>"); List<TestFile> skippedFiles = getSkippedFiles(); if (!skippedFiles.isEmpty()) { htmlStream.println("<h3>Skipped Tests</h3>"); printSkippedFilesHTML(htmlStream, skippedFiles); } List<TestFile> ignoredFiles = getIgnoredFiles(); if (!ignoredFiles.isEmpty()) { htmlStream.println("<h3>Ignored Tests</h3>"); printIgnoredFilesHTML(htmlStream, ignoredFiles); } htmlStream.println(result); htmlStream.println("</body></html>"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Cannot write HTML file: " + ex.getMessage()); } } private void printTextOutput() { try (PrintStream textOutputStream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(getReportFileName()))) { for (String line : textOutputList) { textOutputStream.println(line); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { System.out.println("cannot write output file: " + ex.getMessage()); } } private void regenerateConfig(Collection<TestFile> addTests, Collection<TestFile> removeTests) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); File testsConfigFile = getTestsConfigFile(); if (addTests != null) { List<TestFile> addTestsMerged = new ArrayList<>(addTests.size()); for (TestFile addTest : addTests) { TestFile currentTest = testsConfig.get(addTest.getFilePath()); final TestFile newTest; if (currentTest != null) { newTest = TestFileUtil.merge(currentTest, addTest); } else { newTest = addTest; } addTestsMerged.add(newTest); } parsedConfig.addTests(addTestsMerged); } if (removeTests != null) { parsedConfig.removeTests(removeTests); } try { JSONUtil.serialize(testsConfigFile, parsedConfig); logVerbose("JSON serializing took: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms\n"); System.out.println("Wrote new configuration file " + testsConfigFile.getName()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot serialize tests config", e); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected boolean isTestExecutable(String name) { return true; } public final void printProgress(TestFile testFile) { if (PRINT_PROGRESS) { // test index int index = testIndex.incrementAndGet(); // percents int percents = index * 100 / testCount; String filePath = testFile.getFilePath(); consolePrintStream.printProgress(String.format("[%3s%%] %s", percents, filePath)); } } public final void logVerbose(String message) { if (config.isVerbose()) { log(message); } } public final void log(String message) { synchronized (System.out) { System.out.println(message); if (config.isTextOutput()) { textOutputList.add(message); } } } public final void logFail(TestFile testFile, String failMessage, String reason) { synchronized (System.out) { final String filename = testFile.getFilePath(); if (!config.isRunOnGate() && (config.isVerbose() || config.isVerboseFail())) { System.out.println(failMessage + " " + filename + " " + escapeForSysout(reason)); } if (config.isTextOutput()) { textOutputList.add(failMessage + " " + filename + " " + escapeForReport(reason)); } if (htmlOutputList != null) { htmlOutputList.add(formatLogFailHTML(filename, failMessage, escapeForSysout(reason))); } if (config.isRunOnGate()) { if (!shouldRunAndFailTests.keySet().contains(filename)) { if (!(config.isVerbose() || config.isVerboseFail())) { System.out.println(failMessage + " " + filename + " " + escapeForSysout(reason)); } } } } } public final void logFail(TestFile testFile, String failMessage, Throwable cause) { String reason = getDetailedCause(cause); if (config.isPrintFullOutput()) { logFail(testFile, failMessage, reason); cause.printStackTrace(); } else { logFail(testFile, failMessage, reason + " " + cause + " " + getBackTrace(cause)); } } private static String getDetailedCause(Throwable cause) { if (cause instanceof UserScriptException) { UserScriptException use = (UserScriptException) cause; Object exceptionObject = use.getErrorObject(); if (exceptionObject instanceof DynamicObject) { return String.valueOf(JSObject.get((DynamicObject) exceptionObject, "message")); } } return ""; } private static String escapeForSysout(String reason) { return reason == null ? "null" : reason.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", ""); } private static String escapeForReport(String reason) { return reason == null ? "null" : reason.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", ""); } protected String formatLogFailHTML(String filename, String failMessage, String reason) { return failMessage + " <a href=\"" + config.getSuiteTestsLoc() + "/" + filename + "\">" + filename + "</a> " + encodeHTML(reason); } private static String encodeHTML(String reason) { return reason.replace("<", "&lt;"); } public int runTestSuite(String[] selectedTestDirs) throws InterruptedException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); deleteFiles(getReportFileName(), getHTMLFileName()); boolean isFilterSet = config.getContainsFilter() != null || config.getEndsWithFilter() != null; if (config.isRunOnGate() && isFilterSet) { System.out.println("Warning: gate and filter mutually exclude each other!"); } findTestFiles(selectedTestDirs); if (testFiles.isEmpty()) { log("Error: no test files found, exiting"); return -1; } testCount = testFiles.size() - skippedTests.size(); // sort files testFiles.sort(TestFile.COMPARATOR); Set<TestFile> orderedTestFiles = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (config.isRunOnGate() && !isFilterSet && config.isGateResume()) { log("Resuming from previously unexpectedly failed tests (or more precisely folders)"); orderedTestFiles.addAll(getPreviouslyFailedTests()); if (orderedTestFiles.isEmpty()) { log("No previously unexpectedly failed tests found, starting from beginning"); } System.out.println(); } orderedTestFiles.addAll(testFiles); List<TestFile> runInIsolation = getRunInIsolationFiles(); List<Runnable> isolatedRunnables = new ArrayList<>(); List<TestFile> skippedFiles = getSkippedFiles(); log("Executing on JDK: " + System.getProperty("java.version") + "; Found tests: " + testFiles.size() + (skippedFiles.isEmpty() ? "" : "; Skipped tests: " + skippedFiles.size()) + (runInIsolation.isEmpty() ? "" : "; Isolated tests: " + runInIsolation.size())); // run the tests findAndExecute(orderedTestFiles, isolatedRunnables); for (Runnable runnable : isolatedRunnables) { runnable.run(); } if (config.isShareEngine()) { sharedEngine.close(); } // clear progress if (PRINT_PROGRESS) { consolePrintStream.printProgress(null); } // analyze results for (TestFile testFile : testFiles) { if (testFile.hasRun()) { if (testFile.hasPassed()) { passedCount++; } else if (testFile.isIgnored()) { ignoredTests.put(testFile.getFilePath(), testFile); } else { assert testFile.getResult().isFailure() : testFile; failedTests.put(testFile.getFilePath(), testFile); if (testFile.getResult().isTimeout()) { timeoutCount++; } } } else if (!isSkipped(testFile)) { // skipped by TestRunnable assert (testFile.getRealStatus(config) == TestFile.Status.SKIP) : testFile; skippedTests.put(testFile.getFilePath(), testFile); } } analyzeResult(startTime); if (config.isTextOutput()) { printTextOutput(); } if (config.isRunOnGate() && !isFilterSet) { Map<String, TestFile> unexpectedlyPassed = checkUnexpectedlyPassedTests(); Map<String, TestFile> unexpectedlyFailed = checkUnexpectedlyFailedTests(); storeUnexpectedlyFailedTests(unexpectedlyFailed.keySet()); return analyzeGateResult(unexpectedlyPassed.values(), unexpectedlyFailed.values()); } return 0; } private static void deleteFiles(String... files) { for (String file : files) { File f = new File(file); if (f.exists()) { if (!f.delete()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot delete file: " + f); } } } } private Collection<TestFile> getPreviouslyFailedTests() { File file = getUnexpectedlyFailedTestsFile(); if (!file.isFile()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } List<String> lines; try { lines = Files.readAllLines(file.toPath(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot read unexpectedly failed tests file " + file.getName(), e); } if (lines.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } List<TestFile> previouslyFailedTests = new ArrayList<>(); int isolated = 0; int skipped = 0; boolean isVerbose = config.isVerbose(); for (TestFile testFile : testFiles) { String filePath = testFile.getFilePath(); for (String folder : lines) { if (filePath.startsWith(folder) && filePath.indexOf('/', folder.length()) == -1) { if (isVerbose) { logVerbose("Resuming test '" + filePath + "' for folder '" + folder + "'"); } previouslyFailedTests.add(testFile); if (testFile.getRunInIsolation()) { isolated++; } else if (isSkipped(testFile)) { skipped++; } break; } } } if (isolated > 0 || skipped > 0) { log("(Skipped tests: " + skipped + "; Isolated tests: " + isolated + ")"); } return previouslyFailedTests; } private void storeUnexpectedlyFailedTests(Collection<String> unexpectedlyFailed) { File file = getUnexpectedlyFailedTestsFile(); if (unexpectedlyFailed.isEmpty()) { if (file.isFile() && !file.delete()) { log("Warning: Cannot delete unexpectedly failed tests file " + file.getName()); } return; } Set<String> dirs = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (String testPath : unexpectedlyFailed) { int index = testPath.lastIndexOf('/'); if (index != -1) { dirs.add(testPath.substring(0, index + 1)); } else { dirs.add(testPath); } } try { Files.write(file.toPath(), dirs, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); logVerbose("Unexpectedly failed tests written to " + file.getName() + "\n"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot store unexpectedly failed tests file " + file.getName(), e); } } private int analyzeGateResult(Collection<TestFile> unexpectedlyPassed, Collection<TestFile> unexpectedlyFailed) { boolean gatePassed = gateCheck(unexpectedlyFailed.size()); if (!unexpectedlyPassed.isEmpty() || !unexpectedlyFailed.isEmpty()) { if (config.isRegenerateConfig() || askYesNoQuestion((gatePassed ? "" : "WARNING: GATE FAILED. ") + "Update configuration file? [y/N]")) { String comment = ""; if (!unexpectedlyFailed.isEmpty()) { comment = askForInput("Common comment, if any:").trim(); } List<TestFile> addTests = new ArrayList<>(unexpectedlyFailed.size()); for (TestFile testFile : unexpectedlyFailed) { TestFile failingTestFile = new TestFile(testFile.getFilePath()); failingTestFile.setStatus(TestFile.Status.FAIL); if (!comment.isEmpty()) { failingTestFile.setComment(comment); } addTests.add(failingTestFile); } regenerateConfig(addTests, unexpectedlyPassed); } } else if (config.isRegenerateConfig() && askYesNoQuestion((gatePassed ? "" : "WARNING: GATE FAILED. ") + "Regenerate configuration file? [y/N]")) { regenerateConfig(null, null); } return gatePassed ? 0 : 1; } private void findAndExecute(Collection<TestFile> orderedTestFiles, List<Runnable> isolatedRunnables) throws InterruptedException { if (config.isUseThreads()) { ExecutorService exe = initThreads(); List<Callable<Void>> callables = new ArrayList<>(orderedTestFiles.size()); for (TestFile testFile : orderedTestFiles) { if (!isSkipped(testFile)) { TestRunnable runnable = createTestRunnable(testFile); if (testFile.getRunInIsolation()) { isolatedRunnables.add(runnable); } else { callables.add(() -> { runnable.run(); return null; }); } } } List<Future<Void>> results = exe.invokeAll(callables, config.getTimeoutOverall(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); checkResults(results); } else { for (TestFile testFile : orderedTestFiles) { if (!isSkipped(testFile)) { createTestRunnable(testFile).run(); } } } } private Map<String, TestFile> checkUnexpectedlyPassedTests() { Map<String, TestFile> unexpectedlyPassed = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (TestFile testFile : shouldRunAndFailTests.values()) { if (testFile.hasRun() && testFile.hasPassed()) { System.out.println("Unexpectedly passed '" + testFile.getFilePath() + "' (expected status: " + testFile.getStatus().name() + "), please update the configuration file!"); unexpectedlyPassed.put(testFile.getFilePath(), testFile); } } if (!unexpectedlyPassed.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(); } return unexpectedlyPassed; } private Map<String, TestFile> checkUnexpectedlyFailedTests() { Map<String, TestFile> unexpectedlyFailed = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (TestFile testFile : failedTests.values()) { assert testFile.hasRun() : testFile; assert !testFile.hasPassed() : testFile; if (testFile.getRealStatus(config) != TestFile.Status.FAIL) { System.out.println("Unexpectedly failed '" + testFile.getFilePath() + "', please update the configuration file!"); unexpectedlyFailed.put(testFile.getFilePath(), testFile); } } if (!unexpectedlyFailed.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(); } return unexpectedlyFailed; } private static boolean askYesNoQuestion(String prompt) { return askForInput(prompt).toLowerCase().startsWith("y"); } private static String askForInput(String prompt) { Console console = System.console(); if (console == null) { return ""; } String input = console.readLine(prompt + " "); if (input == null) { return ""; } return input; } private ExecutorService initThreads() { int numberOfCores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); int usingNumberOfCores = Math.min(numberOfCores, 4); logVerbose("Number of cores available: " + numberOfCores + ", using: " + usingNumberOfCores); return executeWithSeparateThreads() ? Executors.newFixedThreadPool(usingNumberOfCores, TestThread::new) : Executors.newFixedThreadPool(usingNumberOfCores); } private void checkResults(List<Future<Void>> results) throws InterruptedException { Throwable noClassDefFoundError = null; for (Future<?> result : results) { try { assert result.isDone(); if (result.isCancelled()) { log("Overall TIMEOUT, exiting " + config.getSuiteDescription()); System.exit(-1); } result.get(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof NoClassDefFoundError) { // ignore this cause, there will be likely some ExceptionInInitializerError // see https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8051847 if (noClassDefFoundError == null) { noClassDefFoundError = e.getCause(); } continue; } log("Uncaught exception, exiting: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } if (noClassDefFoundError != null) { log("Uncaught exception, exiting: " + noClassDefFoundError.getMessage()); noClassDefFoundError.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } private void analyzeResult(long startTime) { int ignoredCount = ignoredTests.size(); int failedCount = failedTests.size(); int skippedCount = getSkippedFiles().size(); int totalCount = passedCount + failedCount; int totalWithSkippedCount = totalCount + skippedCount; double passedProportion = totalCount == 0 ? 0 : (double) passedCount / totalCount; double passedWithSkippedProportion = totalWithSkippedCount == 0 ? 0 : (double) passedCount / totalWithSkippedCount; String passedPercentWithSkippedFormatted = formatPercent(passedWithSkippedProportion, failedCount); String passedPercentFormatted = formatPercent(passedProportion, failedCount); String summary = "\n== SUMMARY ==\n" + "Runtime: " + runtime(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "\n" + "Excluding skipped: " + passedPercentFormatted + "% (" + passedCount + "/" + totalCount + ") passed\n" + "Including skipped: " + passedPercentWithSkippedFormatted + "% (" + passedCount + "/" + totalWithSkippedCount + ") passed\n" + (ignoredCount > 0 ? "Ignored tests: " + ignoredCount + "\n" : ""); if (config.isVerbose() && failedCount > 0) { logVerbose(""); logVerbose("== FAILING TESTS =="); for (String failedTest : failedTests.keySet()) { logVerbose(failedTest); } } if (config.isVerbose() && ignoredCount > 0) { logVerbose(""); logVerbose("== IGNORED TESTS =="); for (String ignoredTest : ignoredTests.keySet()) { logVerbose(ignoredTest); } } log(summary); if (config.isHtmlOutput()) { printHTMLOutput(summary.replace("\n", "<br/>")); } } private static String runtime(long millis) { long minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(millis); long seconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(millis) - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(minutes); return String.format("%dm %ds %dms", minutes, seconds, millis - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(minutes) - TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(seconds)); } private static String formatPercent(double passedProportion, int failedCount) { if (passedProportion == 0.0 && failedCount == 0) { return "?"; } DecimalFormat percentFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.#"); String passedPercentFormatted = percentFormat.format(passedProportion * 100); if (passedPercentFormatted.equals("100") && failedCount > 0) { // rounding error; don't print "100%" when only 99.9% are passed passedPercentFormatted = "99.9"; } return passedPercentFormatted; } public static List<String> readFileContentList(File pfile) { return readFileContentList(pfile, true); } public static List<String> readFileContentList(File pfile, boolean keepCRfromCRLF) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); try { byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(pfile.toPath()); String content = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); int lastIndex = 0; while (lastIndex < content.length()) { int index = content.indexOf('\n', lastIndex); if (index == -1) { list.add(content.substring(lastIndex)); break; } else { String line = content.substring(lastIndex, index); if (!keepCRfromCRLF && line.endsWith("\r")) { line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1); } list.add(line); lastIndex = index + 1; } } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return list; } public static String toPrintableCode(List<String> code) { return toPrintableCode(code, LINE_SEPARATOR); } public static String toPrintableCode(List<String> code, char separator) { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); for (String line : code) { text.append(line); text.append(separator); } return text.toString(); } protected JSParserOptions getParserOptions() { return new JSParserOptions(); } public String getBackTrace(Throwable cause) { return Arrays.stream(cause.getStackTrace()).limit(REPORTED_STACK_TRACE_ELEMENTS).map(StackTraceElement::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "at ", "")); } public List<TestRunnable> getActiveTests() { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); return activeTests; } public static void parseDefaultArgs(String[] args, SuiteConfig.Builder builder) { for (String rawArg : args) { String key; String value = null; int equalsPos = rawArg.indexOf('='); if (equalsPos > 0) { key = rawArg.substring(0, equalsPos).toLowerCase(Locale.US); value = rawArg.substring(equalsPos + 1); } else { key = rawArg.toLowerCase(Locale.US); } switch (key) { case "help": System.out.println("usage: " + builder.getSuiteName() + " [gate [regenerateconfig] [resume]] [verbose|verbosefail] [printscript] [regression] [filter=] [single=] [nothreads] [externallauncher=X [compile]]\n"); System.out.println(" gate run the gate tests (checking against expected conformance)"); System.out.println(" regenerateconfig after running the gate, write new configuration file"); System.out.println(" resume run previously failed tests first"); System.out.println(" regression writes " + builder.getSuiteName() + ".txt and " + builder.getSuiteName() + ".html result files"); System.out.println(" filter=X executes only tests that have X in their filename"); System.out.println(" regex=X executes only tests that have their filename matching given regex"); System.out.println(" single=X executes only tests that match filename X"); System.out.println(" printcommand print command line of all executed scripts (use in combination with \"filter\")"); System.out.println(" printscript print sourcecode of all executed scripts (use in combination with \"filter\")"); System.out.println(" verbose print all tests"); System.out.println(" verbosefail print failing tests"); System.out.println(" nothreads run all tests in the main thread"); System.out.println(" timeoutoverall=X overall testrun aborted after X seconds"); System.out.println(" timeouttest=X test aborted after X seconds. Not available in all modes"); System.out.println(" location=X the base directory of the test suite"); System.out.println(" config=X the base directory of the test suite config file"); System.out.println(" outputfilter=X ignore a given string when comparing with the expected output"); System.out.println(" externallauncher=X run tests by invoking a given native image of JSLauncher"); System.out.println(" compile run with TruffleCompileImmediately"); System.out.println(" instrument run with a dummy instrument that materializes all nodes"); System.out.println(" shareengine use shared Engine for all tests"); System.out.println(" minesversion minimal ECMAScript version used for test execution"); System.exit(-2); break; case "nothreads": builder.setUseThreads(false); break; case "verbose": builder.setVerbose(true); break; case "verbosefail": builder.setVerbose(false); builder.setVerboseFail(true); break; case "printcommand": builder.setPrintCommand(true); break; case "printscript": builder.setPrintScript(true); break; case "compile": builder.setCompile(true); break; case "instrument": builder.setInstrument(true); break; case "regression": builder.setVerbose(false); builder.setVerboseFail(false); builder.setHtmlOutput(true); builder.setTextOutput(true); break; case "gate": builder.setVerbose(false); builder.setVerboseFail(false); builder.setHtmlOutput(true); builder.setTextOutput(true); builder.setRunOnGate(true); break; case "regenerateconfig": builder.setRegenerateConfig(true); builder.setRunOnGate(true); // forcing gate break; case "resume": builder.setGateResume(true); builder.setRunOnGate(true); // forcing gate break; case "timeouttest": builder.setTimeoutTest(Integer.parseInt(value)); break; case "timeoutoverall": builder.setTimeoutOverall(Integer.parseInt(value)); break; case "filter": builder.setContainsFilter(value); break; case "regex": builder.setRegexFilter(value); break; case "single": builder.setEndsWithFilter(value); builder.setPrintFullOutput(true); builder.setVerboseFail(true); break; case "location": builder.setSuiteLoc(value); break; case "config": builder.setSuiteConfigLoc(value); break; case "outputfilter": builder.setOutputFilter(value); break; case "saveoutput": builder.setSaveOutput(true); builder.setHtmlOutput(true); break; case "externallauncher": builder.setExtLauncher(value); break; case "shareengine": builder.setShareEngine(true); break; case "minesversion": int minESVersion = Integer.parseInt(value); if (minESVersion > JSConfig.ECMAScriptNumberYearDelta) { minESVersion -= JSConfig.ECMAScriptNumberYearDelta; } builder.setMinESVersion(minESVersion); break; default: System.out.println("unrecognized argument: " + key + "\nCall \"" + builder.getSuiteName() + " help\" for more information."); System.exit(-2); } } } public static class TestThread extends Thread { private ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); public TestThread(Runnable r) { super(r); } public ExecutorService getExecutor() { return executor; } } private static final class ConsolePrintStream extends PrintStream { // @GuardedBy("this") private String progressMessage; // @GuardedBy("this") private int delegatingDepth; ConsolePrintStream(OutputStream out) { super(out); } public synchronized void printProgress(String message) { clearProgress(); progressMessage = message; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void print(boolean b) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.print(b); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void print(char c) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.print(c); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void print(int i) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.print(i); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void print(long l) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.print(l); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void print(float f) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.print(f); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void print(double d) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.print(d); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void print(char[] s) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.print(s); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void print(String s) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.print(s); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void print(Object obj) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.print(obj); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void println() { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.println(); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void println(boolean x) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.println(x); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void println(char x) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.println(x); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void println(int x) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.println(x); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void println(long x) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.println(x); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void println(float x) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.println(x); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void println(double x) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.println(x); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void println(char[] x) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.println(x); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void println(String x) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.println(x); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } @Override public synchronized void println(Object x) { clearProgress(); delegatingDepth++; super.println(x); delegatingDepth--; printProgress(); } private void clearProgress() { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); if (delegatingDepth == 0 && progressMessage != null) { int length = progressMessage.length(); char[] backspaces = new char[length]; Arrays.fill(backspaces, 0, length, '\b'); char[] spaces = new char[length]; Arrays.fill(spaces, 0, length, ' '); super.print(backspaces); super.print(spaces); super.print(backspaces); } } private void printProgress() { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); if (delegatingDepth == 0 && progressMessage != null) { super.print(progressMessage); } } } }