 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
 * derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
 * use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
 * Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
 * either these or other terms.
 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
 * minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
 * portions of the Software.
package com.oracle.truffle.js.snapshot;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringJoiner;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CallTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.RootCallTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.Truffle;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameDescriptor;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlot;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlotKind;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.StandardTags;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.RootNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.codec.BinaryEncoder;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.lang.JavaScriptLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.JavaScriptNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.NodeFactory;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.ScriptNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.ScopeFrameNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.control.BreakTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.control.ContinueTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.function.FunctionRootNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.parser.BinarySnapshotProvider;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.parser.JavaScriptTranslator;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.parser.SnapshotProvider;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.parser.env.Environment;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.parser.json.JSONParserUtil;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.BigInt;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Errors;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSContext;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSFrameUtil;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSRuntime;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSFunctionData;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Dead;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Null;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Undefined;

public class Recording {
    private static final boolean VERBOSE = false;
    private static final boolean BATCHES_ENABLED = true;
    private static final boolean LAZY_FUNCTIONS = true;
    private static final boolean SORT_BY_ID = false;
    private static final boolean CONST_IN_VAR = true;
    private static final boolean SOURCE_SECTIONS = true;
    private static final boolean FIXUP_SOURCE_SECTIONS = true;
    private static final boolean FIXUP_TAGS = true;
    private static final boolean TEST_DECODE = true;
    private static final boolean LAMBDA = true;

    private static final String ENTRY_METHOD_NAME = "apply";
    private static final String EXTRACTED_METHOD_NAME_PREFIX = "function";

    private final VarIdTable table = new VarIdTable();
    private final Map<Integer, Inst> defs = new HashMap<>();
    private final ArrayList<Inst> insts = new ArrayList<>();
    private final ArrayDeque<MethodCall> callStack = new ArrayDeque<>();
    private final Set<FrameDescriptor> frameDescriptorSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    private final Set<JSFunctionData> functionDataSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    private final ArrayDeque<Function<Boolean, Boolean>> earlyFixups = new ArrayDeque<>();
    private final ArrayDeque<Function<Boolean, Boolean>> lateFixups = new ArrayDeque<>();

    private final Map<Inst, Collection<Inst>> usageMap = new HashMap<>();
    private final List<InstBatch> instBatches = new ArrayList<>();

    private Source source;

    private static final class MethodCall {
        final Method method;
        final Object[] args;

        MethodCall(Method method, Object[] args) {
            this.method = method;
            this.args = args;

    private static class InstBatch {
        final List<Inst> insts;
        final String name;
        final List<Inst> inputs;
        final Class<?> outputType;

        InstBatch(List<Inst> insts, String name, List<Inst> inputs, Class<?> outputType) {
            this.insts = insts;
            this.name = name;
            this.inputs = inputs;
            this.outputType = outputType;

    private abstract static class Inst {
        private static final int ROOT_ID = -1;
        private static final int UNASSIGNED_ID = -2;

        interface Visitor {
            default void enterInst(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Inst inst) {

            boolean visitInst(Inst inst);

            default void leaveInst(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Inst inst) {

        private int resultId;
        private final Class<?> declaredType;
        private final Type genericDeclaredType;
        private int index = UNASSIGNED_ID;
        private int varCount;

        protected Inst() {
            this(ROOT_ID, null, null);

        protected Inst(Class<?> declaredType) {
            this(declaredType, null);

        protected Inst(Class<?> declaredType, Type genericDeclaredType) {
            this(UNASSIGNED_ID, declaredType, genericDeclaredType);

        private Inst(int resultId, Class<?> declaredType, Type genericDeclaredType) {
            this.resultId = resultId;
            this.declaredType = declaredType;
            this.genericDeclaredType = genericDeclaredType;

        public String toString() {
            return declaredTypeName() + " " + "v" + resultId + " = " + rhs();

        final String declaredTypeName() {
            if (getGenericDeclaredType() != null) {
                return typeName(getGenericDeclaredType());

            return typeName(getDeclaredType());

        public abstract String rhs();

        public int getId() {
            if (resultId == UNASSIGNED_ID) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("result id not assigned");
            return resultId;

        public Class<?> getDeclaredType() {
            return declaredType;

        public Type getGenericDeclaredType() {
            return genericDeclaredType;

        public Inst asVar() {
            return new VarInst(this);

        public boolean inVar() {
            return true;

        public boolean isRoot() {
            return getId() == ROOT_ID;

Returns:true if this value should be duplicated/recreated when building batches rather than passed along as an argument.
/** * @return {@code true} if this value should be duplicated/recreated when building batches * rather than passed along as an argument. */
public boolean isPrimitiveValue() { return false; } public void accept(Visitor v) { v.visitInst(this); } public final void forEachInput(Consumer<Inst> v) { accept(new Visitor() { private int level; @Override public void enterInst(Inst inst) { level++; } @Override public boolean visitInst(Inst inst) { v.accept(inst); return level == 0; } @Override public void leaveInst(Inst inst) { level--; } }); } public void assignId(int id) { if (this.resultId != UNASSIGNED_ID) { throw new IllegalStateException("result id already assigned"); } this.resultId = id; }
Index of this in Recording.insts array.
/** * Index of this in {@link Recording#insts} array. */
public int getIndex() { assert index >= 0; return index; } public void setIndex(int index) { this.index = index; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public int getVarCount() { return varCount; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { throw Errors.notImplemented(getClass().isAnonymousClass() ? getClass().getName() : getClass().getSimpleName()); } public String getName() { return ""; } } static boolean isAssignable(Class<?> toType, Class<?> fromType) { return toType == fromType || (toType == Object.class && fromType.isPrimitive()) || toType.isAssignableFrom(fromType); } static int[] toIdArray(Inst[] args) { return Arrays.stream(args).mapToInt(arg -> arg.getId()).toArray(); } static int[] toIdArray(List<Inst> args) { return args.stream().mapToInt(arg -> arg.getId()).toArray(); } private static class NodeInst extends Inst { private final Method method; private final Inst[] args; private final Object result; NodeInst(int id, Method method, Inst[] args, Object result) { super(id, method.getReturnType(), method.getGenericReturnType()); this.method = method; this.args = args; this.result = result; } @Override public String rhs() { return "nodeFactory." + method.getName() + IntStream.range(0, args.length).mapToObj(i -> { return (isAssignable(method.getParameterTypes()[i], args[i].getDeclaredType()) ? "" : "(" + typeName(method.getGenericParameterTypes()[i]) + ")") + args[i].toString(); }).collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "(", ")")); } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { if (v.visitInst(this)) { v.enterInst(this); for (Inst arg : args) { arg.accept(v); } v.leaveInst(this); } } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeNode(method, getId(), toIdArray(args)); } @Override public String getName() { if (result instanceof RootNode) { return ((RootNode) result).getName(); } return super.getName(); } } private static class ConstInst extends Inst { private final Object constant; private final boolean inVar; ConstInst(Object constant, Class<?> declaredType, boolean inVar) { super(declaredType); this.constant = constant; this.inVar = inVar; } @Override public String rhs() { String stringified; if (constant == null || constant instanceof Integer || constant instanceof Double || constant instanceof Boolean) { stringified = String.valueOf(constant); } else if (constant instanceof Long) { stringified = String.valueOf(constant) + 'L'; } else if (constant instanceof String) { stringified = JSONParserUtil.quote((String) constant); } else if (constant instanceof BigInt) { stringified = typeName(BigInt.class) + ".valueOf(" + JSONParserUtil.quote(constant.toString()) + ")"; } else if (constant.getClass().isEnum()) { stringified = typeName(constant.getClass()) + "." + constant; } else if (constant == Dead.instance()) { stringified = typeName(Dead.class) + ".instance()"; } else if (constant == Undefined.instance) { stringified = typeName(Undefined.class) + ".instance"; } else if (constant == Null.instance) { stringified = typeName(Null.class) + ".instance"; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported constant: " + constant); } return stringified; } @Override public boolean inVar() { return inVar; } @Override public boolean isPrimitiveValue() { return !(constant instanceof String || constant instanceof BigInt); } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeConstant(getId(), constant); } } static String typeName(Class<?> cls) { String fq = cls.getTypeName().replace('$', '.'); String prefix = "java.lang."; if (fq.startsWith(prefix)) { fq = fq.substring(prefix.length(), fq.length()); } return fq; } static String typeName(Type type) { if (type instanceof Class<?>) { return typeName((Class<?>) type); } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { return typeName(((ParameterizedType) type).getRawType()) + Arrays.stream(((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments()).map(t -> typeName(t)).collect(Collectors.joining(",", "<", ">")); } else if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) { return typeName(((GenericArrayType) type).getGenericComponentType()) + "[]"; } else { return type.getTypeName(); } } private static class CollectInst extends Inst { private final List<Inst> args; private final Type parameterizedType; CollectInst(Class<?> type, List<Inst> args, Type genericType) { super(type); this.args = args; this.parameterizedType = genericType; } @Override public String rhs() { String stringifiedArgs = args.stream().map(Object::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); String stringified; Class<?> type = getDeclaredType(); if (type == ArrayList.class) { stringified = "new " + typeName(ArrayList.class) + "<>" + (args.isEmpty() ? "()" : "(" + typeName(Arrays.class) + ".asList(" + stringifiedArgs + "))"); } else if (type.isArray()) { stringified = "new " + typeName(type.getComponentType()) + "[]{" + stringifiedArgs + "}"; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type: " + type); } return stringified; } @Override public Type getGenericDeclaredType() { return parameterizedType; } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { if (v.visitInst(this)) { v.enterInst(this); for (Inst arg : args) { arg.accept(v); } v.leaveInst(this); } } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeCollect(getId(), getDeclaredType(), toIdArray(args)); } } private static class SourceInst extends Inst { SourceInst() { super(Source.class); } @Override public String rhs() { return "source"; } @Override public boolean inVar() { return CONST_IN_VAR; } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeLoadArg(getId(), -2); } } private static class ContextInst extends Inst { ContextInst() { super(JSContext.class); } @Override public String rhs() { return "context"; } @Override public boolean inVar() { return CONST_IN_VAR; } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeLoadArg(getId(), -1); } } private static class VarInst extends Inst { private final Inst inst; VarInst(Inst inst) { super(inst.getDeclaredType(), inst.getGenericDeclaredType()); this.inst = inst; assert !(inst instanceof VarInst); } @Override public String toString() { return inst.inVar() ? ("v" + getId()) : rhs(); } @Override public String rhs() { return inst.rhs(); } @Override public Inst asVar() { return this; } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { inst.accept(v); } @Override public int getId() { return inst.getId(); } @Override public void assignId(int id) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } private static class ParamInst extends Inst { private final Inst inst; ParamInst(Inst inst) { super(inst.getId(), inst.getDeclaredType(), inst.getGenericDeclaredType()); this.inst = inst; assert inst.inVar(); } @Override public String toString() { return "v" + getId(); } @Override public String rhs() { return inst.rhs(); } @Override public Inst asVar() { return this; } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { inst.accept(v); } } private static class PlaceholderInst extends Inst { PlaceholderInst(Class<?> type) { super(type); } @Override public String rhs() { return "null"; } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeConstant(getId(), null); } } private static class CallTargetInst extends Inst { private final Inst rootNode; CallTargetInst(Inst rootNode) { super(CallTarget.class); this.rootNode = rootNode; } @Override public String rhs() { return typeName(Truffle.class) + ".getRuntime().createCallTarget(" + rootNode + ")"; } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { if (v.visitInst(this)) { v.enterInst(this); rootNode.accept(v); v.leaveInst(this); } } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeCallTarget(getId(), rootNode.getId()); } } private static class FrameSlotInst extends Inst implements FixUpInst { private final Inst frameDescriptor; private final Inst identifier; private final int flags; private final boolean findOrAdd; FrameSlotInst(FrameSlot frameSlot, Inst frameDescriptor, Inst identifier, int flags) { super(FrameSlot.class); this.frameDescriptor = frameDescriptor; this.identifier = identifier; this.flags = flags; this.findOrAdd = frameSlot.getIdentifier() == ScopeFrameNode.PARENT_SCOPE_IDENTIFIER; } @Override public String rhs() { return frameDescriptor + "." + (findOrAdd ? "findOrAddFrameSlot" : "addFrameSlot") + "(" + identifier + ", " + flags + ", " + typeName(FrameSlotKind.class) + ".Illegal)"; } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { if (v.visitInst(this)) { v.enterInst(this); frameDescriptor.accept(v); identifier.accept(v); v.leaveInst(this); } } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeFrameSlot(getId(), frameDescriptor.getId(), identifier.getId(), flags, findOrAdd); } @Override public Inst getFixUpTarget() { return frameDescriptor; } } private static class FrameDescriptorInst extends Inst { FrameDescriptorInst() { super(FrameDescriptor.class); } @Override public String rhs() { return "new " + typeName(FrameDescriptor.class) + "(" + typeName(Undefined.class) + ".instance" + ")"; } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeFrameDescriptor(getId()); } } private static class FunctionDataInst extends Inst { private final JSFunctionData functionData; private final Inst context; FunctionDataInst(JSFunctionData functionData, Inst context) { super(JSFunctionData.class); this.functionData = functionData; this.context = context; } @Override public String rhs() { return String.format("%s.create(%s, null, null, null, %d, %s, %d)", typeName(JSFunctionData.class), context, functionData.getLength(), JSONParserUtil.quote(functionData.getName()), functionData.getFlags()); } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { if (v.visitInst(this)) { v.enterInst(this); context.accept(v); v.leaveInst(this); } } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeFunctionData(getId(), context.getId(), functionData); } } private static class BreakTargetInst extends Inst { private final BreakTarget target; BreakTargetInst(BreakTarget target) { super(BreakTarget.class); this.target = target; } @Override public String rhs() { if (target instanceof ContinueTarget) { return typeName(ContinueTarget.class) + (target.getId() != 0 ? ".forLoop(null, -1)" : ".forUnlabeledLoop()"); } else { return typeName(BreakTarget.class) + (target.getId() != 0 ? ".forLabel(null, -1)" : ".forSwitch()"); } } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeBreakTarget(getId(), target); } } private static class SourceSectionInst extends Inst { private Inst source; private SourceSection sourceSection; SourceSectionInst(Inst source, SourceSection sourceSection) { super(SourceSection.class); this.source = source; this.sourceSection = sourceSection; } @Override public String rhs() { if (SOURCE_SECTIONS) { return source + ".createSection(" + sourceSection.getCharIndex() + ", " + sourceSection.getCharLength() + ")"; } else { return "null"; } } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { if (v.visitInst(this)) { v.enterInst(this); source.accept(v); v.leaveInst(this); } } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { if (SOURCE_SECTIONS) { encoder.encodeSourceSection(getId(), source.getId(), sourceSection); } else { encoder.encodeConstant(getId(), null); } } } private interface FixUpInst { Inst getFixUpTarget(); } private static class FixUpFunctionDataNameInst extends Inst implements FixUpInst { private final Inst node; private final String name; FixUpFunctionDataNameInst(Inst node, String name) { this.node = node; this.name = name; } @Override public String toString() { return node + ".setName(" + JSONParserUtil.quote(name) + ")"; } @Override public String rhs() { return "null"; } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { v.enterInst(this); node.accept(v); v.leaveInst(this); } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeFunctionDataNameFixup(node.getId(), name); } @Override public Inst getFixUpTarget() { return node; } } private static class FixUpNodeSourceSectionInst extends Inst implements FixUpInst { private final Inst node; private final Inst source; private final int charIndex; private final int charLength; FixUpNodeSourceSectionInst(Inst node, Inst source, SourceSection sourceSection) { super(); this.node = node; this.source = source; this.charIndex = sourceSection.isAvailable() ? sourceSection.getCharIndex() : -1; this.charLength = sourceSection.isAvailable() ? sourceSection.getCharLength() : -1; } @Override public String toString() { if (charIndex >= 0 && charLength >= 0) { return node + "." + "setSourceSection" + "(" + source + ", " + charIndex + ", " + charLength + ")"; } else { return node + "." + "setSourceSection" + "(" + source + "." + "createUnavailableSection" + "()" + ")"; } } @Override public String rhs() { return "null"; } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { v.enterInst(this); node.accept(v); source.accept(v); v.leaveInst(this); } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeNodeSourceSectionFixup(node.getId(), charIndex, charLength); } @Override public Inst getFixUpTarget() { return node; } } private static class FixUpNodeTagsInst extends Inst implements FixUpInst { private final Inst node; private final boolean hasStatementTag; private final boolean hasCallTag; private final boolean hasExpressionTag; private final boolean hasRootBodyTag; FixUpNodeTagsInst(Inst node, boolean hasStatementTag, boolean hasCallTag, boolean hasExpressionTag, boolean hasRootBodyTag) { super(); this.node = node; this.hasStatementTag = hasStatementTag; this.hasCallTag = hasCallTag; this.hasExpressionTag = hasExpressionTag; this.hasRootBodyTag = hasRootBodyTag; } @Override public String toString() { StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(";\n"); if (hasStatementTag) { joiner.add(node + "." + "addStatementTag" + "()"); } if (hasCallTag) { joiner.add(node + "." + "addCallTag" + "()"); } if (hasExpressionTag) { joiner.add(node + "." + "addExpressionTag" + "()"); } if (hasRootBodyTag) { joiner.add(node + "." + "addRootBodyTag" + "()"); } return joiner.toString(); } @Override public String rhs() { return "null"; } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { v.enterInst(this); node.accept(v); v.leaveInst(this); } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeNodeTagsFixup(node.getId(), hasStatementTag, hasCallTag, hasExpressionTag, hasRootBodyTag); } @Override public Inst getFixUpTarget() { return node; } } private static class ReturnInst extends Inst { private final Inst returnValue; ReturnInst(Inst returnValue) { super(); this.returnValue = returnValue; } @Override public String toString() { return "return " + returnValue; } @Override public String rhs() { return returnValue.toString(); } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { v.enterInst(this); returnValue.accept(v); v.leaveInst(this); } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { encoder.encodeReturn(returnValue.getId()); } } private static class CallExtractedInst extends Inst { private final String name; private final Class<?> methodReturnType; private final Inst[] args; CallExtractedInst(String name, Inst retval, Class<?> methodReturnType, Inst[] args) { super(retval.getId(), retval.getDeclaredType(), retval.getGenericDeclaredType()); this.name = name; this.methodReturnType = methodReturnType; this.args = args; } @Override public String rhs() { return (isAssignable(getDeclaredType(), methodReturnType) ? "" : "(" + typeName(getDeclaredType()) + ")") + name + "(nodeFactory, context, source" + (args.length == 0 ? "" : (", " + Arrays.stream(args).map(Object::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")))) + ")"; } @Override public String toString() { if (LAZY_FUNCTIONS) { Optional<Inst> functionDataOpt = getFunctionDataArg(); if (functionDataOpt.isPresent()) { Inst functionDataVar = functionDataOpt.get(); if (LAMBDA) { return functionDataVar + ".setLazyInit((functionData) -> " + rhs() + ");\n" + declaredTypeName() + " " + "v" + getId() + " = " + "null"; } else { return functionDataVar + ".setLazyInit(" + "new " + typeName(JSFunctionData.Initializer.class) + "() {\n" + "public void initializeRoot(" + typeName(JSFunctionData.class) + " functionData" + ") {\n" + rhs() + ";" + "\n" + "}\n" + "});\n" + declaredTypeName() + " " + "v" + getId() + " = " + "null"; } } } return super.toString(); } @Override public void encodeTo(JSNodeEncoder encoder) { if (LAZY_FUNCTIONS) { Optional<Inst> functionDataOpt = getFunctionDataArg(); if (functionDataOpt.isPresent()) { Inst functionDataVar = functionDataOpt.get(); encoder.encodeCallExtractedLazy(name, functionDataVar.getId(), toIdArray(args)); return; } } encoder.encodeCallExtracted(name, getId(), toIdArray(args)); } private Optional<Inst> getFunctionDataArg() { return Arrays.stream(args).filter(arg -> arg.getDeclaredType() == JSFunctionData.class).findFirst(); } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { v.visitInst(this); } } private static class VarIdTable { private static final int FIRST_ID = 1; private int nextId = FIRST_ID; private final Map<Object, Integer> varIndexMap = new HashMap<>(); private static Object getKey(Object node) { if (node == null || JSRuntime.isJSPrimitive(node) || node.getClass().isEnum()) { return node; } else { class IdentityKey { private final Object obj; IdentityKey(Object obj) { this.obj = obj; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return other instanceof IdentityKey && this.obj == ((IdentityKey) other).obj; } @Override public int hashCode() { return System.identityHashCode(obj); } @Override public String toString() { return String.valueOf(obj); } } return new IdentityKey(node); } } public int put(Object node) { Object key = getKey(node); if (varIndexMap.containsKey(key)) { throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate put: " + node); } int id = nextId++; varIndexMap.put(key, id); return id; } public int getId(Object node) { Object key = getKey(node); if (!varIndexMap.containsKey(key)) { throw new RuntimeException("Entry not found: " + node + "(" + (node != null ? node.getClass() : "null") + ")"); } return varIndexMap.get(key); } public boolean contains(Object node) { Object key = getKey(node); return varIndexMap.containsKey(key); } } public <T> Inst getOrPut(T arg, Function<T, Inst> makeInst) { if (table.contains(arg)) { return getInst(arg); } else { Inst inst = makeInst.apply(arg); inst.assignId(table.put(arg)); append(inst); return inst; } } public Recording() { } public void recordCall(Method method, Object[] args) { processFixUps(true); callStack.push(new MethodCall(method, args)); } private Inst[] encodeParameterArray(Object[] args, Class<?>[] paramTypes, Type[] genericTypes) { Inst[] encoding = new Inst[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { encoding[i] = encode(args[i], paramTypes[i], genericTypes != null ? genericTypes[i] : null); } return encoding; } private Inst[] encodeArray(Object args, Class<?> declaredType, Type genericType) { assert declaredType.isArray(); assert args.getClass().isArray(); Class<?> elementType = declaredType.getComponentType(); Type elementGenericType = genericType instanceof GenericArrayType ? ((GenericArrayType) genericType).getGenericComponentType() : null; int length = Array.getLength(args); Inst[] encoding = new Inst[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { encoding[i] = encode(Array.get(args, i), elementType, elementGenericType); } return encoding; } private ArrayList<Inst> encodeList(ArrayList<?> args, Type genericType) { Type elementGenericType = genericType instanceof ParameterizedType ? ((ParameterizedType) genericType).getActualTypeArguments()[0] : null; Class<?> elementType = getRawType(elementGenericType); ArrayList<Inst> encoding = new ArrayList<>(args.size()); for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) { encoding.add(i, encode(args.get(i), elementType, elementGenericType)); } return encoding; } private static Class<?> getRawType(Type genericType) { if (genericType == null) { return null; } else if (genericType instanceof Class<?>) { return (Class<?>) genericType; } else if (genericType instanceof ParameterizedType) { return (Class<?>) ((ParameterizedType) genericType).getRawType(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } private Inst getInst(Object arg) { int id = table.getId(arg); return defs.get(id); } private Inst dumpConst(Object arg, Class<?> declaredType) { return getOrPut(arg, (v) -> new ConstInst(v, arg == null ? Object.class : declaredType, CONST_IN_VAR)); } private Inst dumpNode(Node arg) { return getInst(arg); } private Inst dumpContext(JSContext arg) { return getOrPut(arg, (v) -> new ContextInst()); } private Inst dumpCollectArray(Inst[] arg, Class<?> arrayClass) { assert arrayClass.isArray(); return getOrPut(arg, (v) -> new CollectInst(arrayClass, Arrays.asList(v), null)); } private Inst dumpCollectList(List<Inst> arg, Type genericType) { return getOrPut(arg, (v) -> new CollectInst(v.getClass(), v, genericType)); } private Inst dumpCallTarget(CallTarget arg) { return getOrPut(arg, (v) -> new CallTargetInst(dumpNode(((RootCallTarget) v).getRootNode()).asVar())); } private Inst dumpPlaceholder(Object arg) { return getOrPut(arg, (v) -> new PlaceholderInst(arg.getClass())); } private Inst dumpFrameSlot(FrameSlot arg) { return getOrPut(arg, (v) -> new FrameSlotInst(v, dumpFrameDescriptor(getFrameDescriptor(v)).asVar(), dumpConst(v.getIdentifier(), Object.class).asVar(), JSFrameUtil.getFlags(v))); } private FrameDescriptor getFrameDescriptor(FrameSlot slot) { return frameDescriptorSet.stream().filter(desc -> desc.findFrameSlot(slot.getIdentifier()) == slot).findFirst().orElseThrow( () -> new NoSuchElementException("FrameDescriptor not found for slot: " + slot)); } private Inst dumpFrameDescriptor(FrameDescriptor arg) { frameDescriptorSet.add(arg); return getOrPut(arg, (v) -> new FrameDescriptorInst()); } private Inst dumpFunctionData(JSFunctionData arg) { functionDataSet.add(arg); return getOrPut(arg, (functionData) -> new FunctionDataInst(functionData, dumpContext(functionData.getContext()).asVar())); } private Inst dumpBreakTarget(BreakTarget arg) { return getOrPut(arg, (v) -> new BreakTargetInst(v)); } private Inst dumpSource(Source arg) { return getOrPut(arg, (v) -> new SourceInst()); } private Inst dumpSourceSection(SourceSection arg) { return getOrPut(arg, (v) -> new SourceSectionInst(dumpSource(arg.getSource()).asVar(), v)); } private Inst encode(Object arg, Class<?> declaredType, Type genericType) { Inst enc; if (arg == null || JSRuntime.isJSPrimitive(arg) || arg == Dead.instance()) { enc = dumpConst(arg, unboxedType(arg, declaredType)); } else if (arg.getClass().isEnum()) { enc = dumpConst(arg, declaredType); } else if (arg instanceof Node) { enc = dumpNode((Node) arg); } else if (arg instanceof JSContext) { enc = dumpContext((JSContext) arg); } else if (arg.getClass().isArray()) { enc = dumpCollectArray(encodeArray(arg, arg.getClass(), genericType), arg.getClass()); } else if (arg instanceof ArrayList) { enc = dumpCollectList(encodeList((ArrayList<?>) arg, genericType), genericType); } else if (arg instanceof CallTarget) { enc = dumpCallTarget((CallTarget) arg); } else if (arg instanceof BreakTarget) { enc = dumpBreakTarget((BreakTarget) arg); } else if (arg instanceof FrameDescriptor) { enc = dumpFrameDescriptor((FrameDescriptor) arg); } else if (arg instanceof FrameSlot) { enc = dumpFrameSlot((FrameSlot) arg); } else if (arg instanceof JSFunctionData) { enc = dumpFunctionData((JSFunctionData) arg); } else if (arg instanceof SourceSection) { enc = dumpSourceSection((SourceSection) arg); } else if (arg instanceof Environment) { enc = dumpPlaceholder(arg); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized argument: " + arg); } return enc.asVar(); } private static Class<?> unboxedType(Object arg, Class<?> declaredType) { if (arg instanceof Boolean) { return boolean.class; } else if (arg instanceof Integer) { return int.class; } else if (arg instanceof Double) { return double.class; } else if (arg instanceof Long) { return long.class; } return declaredType; } public <T> T recordReturn(Method method, T result) { MethodCall methodCall = callStack.pop(); assert methodCall.method == method; if (!table.contains(result)) { Inst[] encoded = encodeParameterArray(methodCall.args, method.getParameterTypes(), method.getGenericParameterTypes()); NodeInst nodeInst = new NodeInst(table.put(result), method, encoded, result); append(nodeInst); addNodeFixUps(nodeInst, result); } else { logv("noop: %s => %s", method.getName(), getInst(result)); } return result; } private void append(Inst inst) { defs.put(inst.getId(), inst); if (inst.inVar()) { insts.add(inst); } } private void addNodeFixUps(NodeInst nodeInst, Object result) { if (result instanceof JSFunctionData) { JSFunctionData functionData = (JSFunctionData) result; String originalName = functionData.getName(); addFixUp((earlyFixup) -> { String currentName = functionData.getName(); boolean nameChanged = !originalName.equals(currentName); if (nameChanged) { insts.add(new FixUpFunctionDataNameInst(nodeInst.asVar(), currentName)); } return nameChanged; }); } else if (result instanceof FrameDescriptor) { frameDescriptorSet.add((FrameDescriptor) result); } if (!FIXUP_SOURCE_SECTIONS) { if (!FIXUP_TAGS) { return; } } if (result instanceof JavaScriptNode) { JavaScriptNode jsnode = (JavaScriptNode) result; if (FIXUP_SOURCE_SECTIONS) { addFixUp((earlyFixup) -> { if (jsnode.hasSourceSection()) { SourceSection sourceSection = jsnode.getSourceSection(); insts.add(new FixUpNodeSourceSectionInst(nodeInst.asVar(), dumpSource(sourceSection.getSource()).asVar(), sourceSection)); return true; } return false; }); } if (FIXUP_TAGS) { addFixUp(new Function<Boolean, Boolean>() { private int oldTags; @Override public Boolean apply(Boolean earlyFixup) { if (jsnode.hasSourceSection()) { boolean hasStatementTag = jsnode.hasTag(StandardTags.StatementTag.class); boolean hasCallTag = jsnode.hasTag(StandardTags.CallTag.class); boolean hasExpressionTag = jsnode.hasTag(StandardTags.ExpressionTag.class); boolean hasRootBodyTag = jsnode.hasTag(StandardTags.RootBodyTag.class); int newTags = tags(hasStatementTag, hasCallTag, hasExpressionTag, hasRootBodyTag); if (newTags != oldTags) { insts.add(new FixUpNodeTagsInst(nodeInst.asVar(), hasStatementTag, hasCallTag, hasExpressionTag, hasRootBodyTag)); oldTags = newTags; } return !earlyFixup; // Check tags once more during late fix-up phase } return false; } private int tags(boolean hasStatementTag, boolean hasCallTag, boolean hasExpressionTag, boolean hasRootBodyTag) { return (hasStatementTag ? (1 << 0) : 0) | (hasCallTag ? (1 << 1) : 0) | (hasExpressionTag ? (1 << 2) : 0) | (hasRootBodyTag ? (1 << 3) : 0); } }); } } } private void addFixUp(Function<Boolean, Boolean> fixup) { earlyFixups.add(fixup); } private void processFixUps(boolean earlyFixup) { ArrayDeque<Function<Boolean, Boolean>> fixups = (earlyFixup ? earlyFixups : lateFixups); if (!fixups.isEmpty()) { fixups.removeIf(fixup -> fixup.apply(earlyFixup)); } if (earlyFixup) { lateFixups.addAll(earlyFixups); earlyFixups.clear(); } else { lateFixups.clear(); } } private void dce() { BitSet visited = new BitSet(); for (int i = insts.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Inst root = insts.get(i); if (root.isRoot()) { reachableSet(root, visited); } } if (VERBOSE) { insts.forEach(inst -> { if (!inst.isRoot() && !visited.get(inst.getId())) { logv("dead: %s", inst); } }); } insts.removeIf(inst -> !inst.isRoot() && !visited.get(inst.getId())); } public void finish(RootNode rootNode) { processFixUps(false); append(new ReturnInst(getInst(rootNode).asVar())); dce(); if (BATCHES_ENABLED) { buildBatches(); } source = rootNode.getSourceSection().getSource(); } private void buildUsageMap() { insts.forEach(in -> usageMap.put(in, new ArrayList<>())); for (Inst inst : insts) { inst.forEachInput(in -> { if (!in.inVar()) { return; } usageMap.get(in).add(inst); }); } } private void assignIndices() { for (int i = 0; i < insts.size(); i++) { insts.get(i).setIndex(i); } } private void buildBatches() { class BatchWorkItem { final Inst startInst; final BitSet outerExtractedSet; final BatchWorkItem caller; BitSet extractedSet; BatchWorkItem(Inst startInst) { this.startInst = startInst; this.outerExtractedSet = new BitSet(); this.caller = null; } BatchWorkItem(Inst startInst, BitSet outerExtracted, BatchWorkItem caller) { this.startInst = startInst; this.outerExtractedSet = outerExtracted; this.caller = caller; } } class CallInfo { final String name; final List<Inst> args; final Class<?> returnType; CallInfo(String name, List<Inst> args, Class<?> returnType) { this.name = name; this.args = args; this.returnType = returnType; } } buildUsageMap(); assignIndices(); Map<Inst, BitSet> batches = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Inst returnInst = insts.get(insts.size() - 1); Deque<BatchWorkItem> worklist = new ArrayDeque<>(); worklist.add(new BatchWorkItem(returnInst)); Set<Inst> startInstsVisited = new HashSet<>(); Map<Inst, CallInfo> extractedMethodMap = new HashMap<>(); int count = 0; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { BatchWorkItem batchBoundary = worklist.pop(); Inst startInst = batchBoundary.startInst; BitSet outerExtractedSet = batchBoundary.outerExtractedSet; if (!startInstsVisited.add(startInst)) { continue; } logv("starting batch '%s' at: %s", startInst.getName(), startInst); // visit all values transitively referenced from the start instruction // but stop at boundaries (functions) List<Inst> boundaryValues = new ArrayList<>(); BitSet visited = new BitSet(); startInst.accept(inst1 -> { if (!inst1.inVar()) { return true; } int index = inst1.getIndex(); if (!visited.get(index)) { visited.set(index); if (startInst != inst1) { if (isBatchBoundary(inst1)) { return false; } else if (outerExtractedSet.get(index) && !inst1.isPrimitiveValue()) { return false; } } return true; } else { return false; } }); if (VERBOSE) { if (!visited.isEmpty()) { logv("search for usages " + startInst + " " + visited.cardinality()); visited.stream().mapToObj(insts::get).forEachOrdered(in -> logv("--" + in)); } } BitSet usageSet = new BitSet(); usageSet.set(startInst.getIndex()); usageSet.or(visited); addInputsToSet(usageSet, startInst); addFixUpsToSet(usageSet, startInst, outerExtractedSet); fixpoint(() -> { int before = usageSet.cardinality(); addInputsToSet(usageSet); addFixUpsToSet(usageSet, startInst, outerExtractedSet); int after = usageSet.cardinality(); return before != after; }); if (VERBOSE) { BitSet added = new BitSet(); added.or(usageSet); added.andNot(visited); if (!added.isEmpty()) { logv("added usages " + startInst + " " + added.cardinality()); added.stream().mapToObj(insts::get).forEachOrdered(in -> logv("--" + in)); } BitSet removed = new BitSet(); removed.or(visited); removed.andNot(usageSet); if (!removed.isEmpty()) { logv("removed usages " + startInst + " " + removed.cardinality()); removed.stream().mapToObj(insts::get).forEachOrdered(in -> logv("--" + in)); } } // find and remember values that should be passed between boundaries usageSet.stream().forEach(index -> { if (outerExtractedSet.get(index)) { Inst inst = insts.get(index); if (inst == startInst || isBatchBoundary(inst)) { return; } if (!inst.isPrimitiveValue()) { logv("already extracted %s", inst); boundaryValues.add(inst.asVar()); } } }); // clear values that are already used in the outer function and forward them through // captured arguments instead of creating/emitting them again. usageSet.stream().filter(outerExtractedSet::get).mapToObj(insts::get).filter(in -> !in.isPrimitiveValue()).filter(in -> !isBatchBoundary(in)).forEach(in -> { logv("cleared %s", in); usageSet.clear(in.getIndex()); }); boundaryValues.forEach(var -> { Inst in = deref(var); int index = in.getIndex(); usageSet.clear(index); for (BatchWorkItem caller = batchBoundary.caller; caller != null; caller = caller.caller) { if (caller.extractedSet.get(index)) { break; } // not found in caller batch, look for it in the arguments List<Inst> callerArgs = extractedMethodMap.get(caller.startInst).args; if (!callerArgs.stream().anyMatch(callerArg -> callerArg.getId() == in.getId())) { // ~= (!callerArgs.contains(in)) // value is not directly provided by or used in the caller but needs to // be forwarded via the caller (as argument) from the defining caller logv("forwarding variable through caller: %s", in); callerArgs.add(in.asVar()); } } }); usageSet.stream().mapToObj(insts::get).filter(in -> isBatchBoundary(in) && !isContained(in, usageSet)).forEach( nextBoundary -> worklist.push(new BatchWorkItem(nextBoundary, mergeBitSets(outerExtractedSet, usageSet), batchBoundary))); batches.put(startInst, usageSet); String nameSuffix = startInst.getName(); nameSuffix = nameSuffix.isEmpty() ? "" : "_" + mangleName(nameSuffix); extractedMethodMap.put(startInst, new CallInfo(EXTRACTED_METHOD_NAME_PREFIX + count++ + nameSuffix, boundaryValues, FunctionRootNode.class)); batchBoundary.extractedSet = usageSet; } logv("XXX found %d batches", batches.size()); // sort parameters by id extractedMethodMap.values().forEach(callInfo -> callInfo.args.sort(Comparator.comparing(Inst::getId))); for (Map.Entry<Inst, BitSet> batch : batches.entrySet()) { Inst ret = batch.getKey(); BitSet extractedSet = batch.getValue(); List<Inst> batchInsts = extractedSet.stream().mapToObj(i -> { Inst inst = insts.get(i); if (inst != ret) { CallInfo callInfo = extractedMethodMap.get(inst); if (callInfo != null) { assert !(inst instanceof ReturnInst); inst = new CallExtractedInst(callInfo.name, inst, callInfo.returnType, callInfo.args.stream().toArray(Inst[]::new)); } } return inst; }).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); if (!(ret instanceof ReturnInst)) { batchInsts.add(new ReturnInst(ret.asVar())); } CallInfo callInfo = extractedMethodMap.get(ret); instBatches.add(new InstBatch(batchInsts, ret instanceof ReturnInst ? ENTRY_METHOD_NAME : callInfo.name, callInfo.args.stream().map(ParamInst::new).collect(Collectors.toList()), ret instanceof ReturnInst ? Object.class : callInfo.returnType)); } if (VERBOSE) { duplicateCheck(batches); } } private Inst deref(Inst var) { return defs.get(var.getId()); } private static String mangleName(String nameSuffix) { return nameSuffix.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9_]", "_"); } private static BitSet mergeBitSets(BitSet first, BitSet second) { BitSet merged = new BitSet(Math.max(first.length(), second.length())); merged.or(first); merged.or(second); return merged; } private static boolean isContained(Inst in, BitSet usageSet) { AtomicBoolean result = new AtomicBoolean(true); in.forEachInput(input -> { if (result.get()) { assert !input.isRoot(); if (!input.inVar()) { return; } if (!usageSet.get(input.getIndex())) { result.set(false); } } }); return result.get(); } private void duplicateCheck(Map<Inst, BitSet> batches) { for (Map.Entry<Inst, BitSet> batch1 : batches.entrySet()) { BitSet extractedSet1 = batch1.getValue(); BitSet others = new BitSet(); for (Map.Entry<Inst, BitSet> batch2 : batches.entrySet()) { BitSet extractedSet2 = batch2.getValue(); if (extractedSet1 == extractedSet2) { continue; } others.or(extractedSet2); } if (extractedSet1.intersects(others)) { BitSet intersection = new BitSet(); intersection.or(extractedSet1); intersection.and(others); intersection.stream().mapToObj(insts::get).filter(in -> !batches.containsKey(in)).filter(in -> !in.isPrimitiveValue()).forEachOrdered(in -> logv("dupe: " + in)); } } } private static void fixpoint(BooleanSupplier run) { do { continue; } while (run.getAsBoolean()); } private void addInputsToSet(BitSet usageSet) { usageSet.stream().forEach(j -> { Inst inst = insts.get(j); if (isBatchBoundary(inst)) { return; } else if (/* inst.getDeclaredType() == FrameSlot.class || */inst.getDeclaredType() == FrameDescriptor.class) { return; } addInputsToSet(usageSet, inst); }); } private static void addInputsToSet(BitSet usageSet, Inst inst) { inst.forEachInput(input -> { if (!input.inVar()) { return; } int index = input.getIndex(); if (!usageSet.get(index)) { usageSet.set(index); } }); } private static boolean isBatchBoundary(Inst inst) { return inst.getDeclaredType() == FunctionRootNode.class; } private void addFixUpsToSet(BitSet usageSet, Inst startInst, BitSet outerExtractedSet) { usageSet.stream().mapToObj(insts::get).forEach(inst -> { if (inst instanceof FunctionDataInst && !usageMap.get(inst).stream().filter(usage -> isBatchBoundary(usage)).allMatch(boundary -> boundary == startInst)) { // if this is the function data of an extracted function (a boundary), skip it return; } // if inst has a fix-up inst usage, add the usage to the set usageMap.get(inst).stream().filter(usage -> usage instanceof FixUpInst && ((FixUpInst) usage).getFixUpTarget().getId() == inst.getId()).forEach(fixup -> { int index = fixup.getIndex(); if (!usageSet.get(index) && !outerExtractedSet.get(index)) { logv("fixup %s -> %s", fixup, inst); usageSet.set(index); } }); }); } private static void reachableSet(Inst root, BitSet reachable) { root.accept(inst -> { if (!reachable.get(inst.getId())) { reachable.set(inst.getId()); return true; } else { return false; } }); } public static Recording recordSource(Source source, JSContext context, boolean strict, String prefix, String suffix) { Recording rec = new Recording(); ScriptNode program = JavaScriptTranslator.translateScript(RecordingProxy.createRecordingNodeFactory(rec, NodeFactory.getInstance(context)), context, source, strict, prefix, suffix); rec.finish(program.getRootNode()); return rec; } public void saveToStream(String fileName, OutputStream outs, boolean binary) { logv("dumping %s", fileName); if (binary) { saveAsBinary(outs); } else { saveAsJava(fileName, outs); } } private ByteBuffer saveAsBinary(OutputStream outs) { BinaryEncoder sink = new BinaryEncoder(); JSNodeEncoder encoder = new JSNodeEncoder(sink, source.getCharacters()); if (!instBatches.isEmpty()) { for (InstBatch instBatch : instBatches) { encodeMethod(encoder, instBatch.name, instBatch.insts, instBatch.inputs); } } else { encodeMethod(encoder, ENTRY_METHOD_NAME, insts, Collections.emptyList()); } try { outs.write(byteBufferToByteArray(sink.getBuffer())); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } if (TEST_DECODE) { testDecode(sink.getBuffer()); } return sink.getBuffer(); } private static byte[] byteBufferToByteArray(ByteBuffer buffer) { byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.remaining()]; buffer.get(bytes); return bytes; } private void saveAsJava(String fileName, OutputStream outs) { int extSep = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); String unqualifiedClassName = mangleFileName(fileName.substring(0, extSep >= 0 ? extSep : fileName.length())); String packageName = ""; try (PrintStream out = new PrintStream(outs, false, "UTF-8")) { saveAsJavaImpl(fileName, packageName, unqualifiedClassName, out); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } } private void saveAsJavaImpl(String fileName, String packageName, String unqualifiedClassName, PrintStream out) { out.println("// Checkstyle: stop"); out.println("// Autogenerated from " + fileName); if (!packageName.isEmpty()) { out.println("package " + packageName + ";"); } out.println(); out.println("@SuppressWarnings(\"all\")"); out.println("public class " + unqualifiedClassName + " implements " + typeName(SnapshotProvider.class) + " {"); if (!instBatches.isEmpty()) { for (InstBatch instBatch : instBatches) { printMethod(out, instBatch.name, instBatch.outputType, instBatch.insts, instBatch.inputs); } } else { printMethod(out, ENTRY_METHOD_NAME, Object.class, insts, Collections.emptyList()); } out.println("}"); for (FrameDescriptor fd : frameDescriptorSet) { out.println("//" + fd); } for (JSFunctionData fd : functionDataSet) { out.println("//" + fd); } } private static void printMethod(PrintStream out, String name, Class<?> returnType, List<Inst> insts, List<Inst> params) { out.println(); out.println("public " + typeName(returnType) + " " + name + "(" + typeName(NodeFactory.class) + " nodeFactory, " + typeName(JSContext.class) + " context, " + typeName(Source.class) + " source" + (params.isEmpty() ? "" : ", ") + params.stream().map(arg -> arg.declaredTypeName() + " " + arg.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + ") {"); if (SORT_BY_ID) { sortInstsById(insts); } for (Inst inst : insts) { out.println(inst + ";"); } out.println("}"); } private static void encodeMethod(JSNodeEncoder encoder, String name, List<Inst> methodInsts, List<Inst> params) { encoder.beginMethod(name); for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { Inst param = params.get(i); encoder.encodeLoadArg(param.getId(), i); } for (Inst inst : methodInsts) { inst.encodeTo(encoder); } encoder.endMethod(); } private void testDecode(ByteBuffer buffer) { BinarySnapshotProvider snapshot = new BinarySnapshotProvider(buffer); JSContext context = JavaScriptLanguage.getCurrentJSRealm().getContext(); snapshot.apply(NodeFactory.getDefaultInstance(), context, source); } private static void sortInstsById(List<Inst> insts) { Collections.sort(insts, (a, b) -> { int ai = a.getId(); int bi = b.getId(); if (ai != bi) { if (ai == -1) { return 1; } else if (bi == -1) { return -1; } } return Integer.compare(ai, bi); }); } static String packageName(Class<?> clazz) { return clazz.getName().substring(0, clazz.getName().lastIndexOf('.')); }
Replace non-word characters with '_'.
/** * Replace non-word characters with {@code '_'}. */
private static String mangleFileName(String fileName) { StringBuilder sb = null; for (int i = 0; i < fileName.length(); i++) { char ch = fileName.charAt(i); if (!isAsciiWordChar(ch)) { if (sb == null) { sb = new StringBuilder(fileName); } sb.setCharAt(i, '_'); } } return sb == null ? fileName : sb.toString(); } private static boolean isAsciiWordChar(char ch) { return (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch == '_'); } static void logv(String line) { if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println(line); } } static void logv(String format, Object... args) { if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println(String.format(format, args)); } } static void logv(Supplier<String> line) { if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println(line.get()); } } }