 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
 * derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
 * use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
 * Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
 * either these or other terms.
 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
 * minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
 * portions of the Software.
package com.oracle.truffle.js.parser.env;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameDescriptor;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlot;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlotKind;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.JavaScriptNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.NodeFactory;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.ReadNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.RepeatableNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.EvalVariableNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.JSTargetableNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.ReadElementNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.ScopeFrameNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.WriteElementNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.WriteNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.WritePropertyNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Errors;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSContext;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSFrameUtil;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Null;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Undefined;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.util.Pair;

public abstract class Environment {

    public static final String ARGUMENTS_NAME = "arguments";
    public static final String THIS_NAME = "this";
    public static final String SUPER_NAME = "super";
    public static final String NEW_TARGET_NAME = "new.target";

    private final Environment parent;
    protected final NodeFactory factory;
    protected final JSContext context;

    public Environment(Environment parent, NodeFactory factory, JSContext context) {
        this.parent = parent;
        this.factory = factory;
        this.context = context;

    public FrameSlot declareLocalVar(Object name) {
        return function().declareLocalVar(name);

    public FrameSlot declareVar(Object name) {
        return function().declareVar(name);

    public boolean hasLocalVar(String name) {
        return getFunctionFrameDescriptor().getIdentifiers().contains(name);

    public VarRef findThisVar() {
        return findInternalSlot(FunctionEnvironment.THIS_SLOT_IDENTIFIER, true);

    public VarRef findSuperVar() {
        assert !function().isGlobal();
        return findInternalSlot(FunctionEnvironment.SUPER_SLOT_IDENTIFIER);

    public VarRef findArgumentsVar() {
        assert !function().isGlobal();
        return findInternalSlot(FunctionEnvironment.ARGUMENTS_SLOT_IDENTIFIER);

    public VarRef findNewTargetVar() {
        assert !function().isGlobal();
        return findInternalSlot(FunctionEnvironment.NEW_TARGET_SLOT_IDENTIFIER);

    public VarRef findAsyncContextVar() {
        // top-level-await uses async generators in global scope
        assert !function().isGlobal() || function().isAsyncGeneratorFunction();
        return findInternalSlot(FunctionEnvironment.ASYNC_CONTEXT_SLOT_IDENTIFIER);

    public VarRef findAsyncResultVar() {
        // top-level-await uses async generators in global scope
        assert !function().isGlobal() || function().isAsyncGeneratorFunction();
        return findInternalSlot(FunctionEnvironment.ASYNC_RESULT_SLOT_IDENTIFIER);

    public VarRef findYieldValueVar() {
        assert !function().isGlobal();
        return findInternalSlot(FunctionEnvironment.YIELD_VALUE_SLOT_IDENTIFIER);

    public VarRef findDynamicScopeVar() {
        assert !function().isGlobal();
        return findInternalSlot(FunctionEnvironment.DYNAMIC_SCOPE_IDENTIFIER);

    public final JavaScriptNode createLocal(FrameSlot frameSlot, int level, int scopeLevel) {
        return factory.createLocal(frameSlot, level, scopeLevel, getParentSlots(level, scopeLevel), false);

    public final JavaScriptNode createLocal(FrameSlot frameSlot, int level, int scopeLevel, boolean checkTDZ) {
        return factory.createLocal(frameSlot, level, scopeLevel, getParentSlots(level, scopeLevel), checkTDZ);

    protected final VarRef findInternalSlot(String name) {
        return findInternalSlot(name, false);

    protected final VarRef findInternalSlot(String name, boolean allowDebug) {
        Environment current = this;
        int frameLevel = 0;
        int scopeLevel = 0;
        do {
            FrameSlot slot = current.findBlockFrameSlot(name);
            if (slot != null) {
                return newFrameSlotVarRef(slot, scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current);
            if (current instanceof FunctionEnvironment) {
                scopeLevel = 0;
            } else if (current instanceof BlockEnvironment) {
            } else if (current instanceof DebugEnvironment) {
                if (!allowDebug) {
            current = current.getParent();
        } while (current != null);

        return null;

    enum WrapAccess {

    interface WrapClosure {
        JavaScriptNode apply(JavaScriptNode node, WrapAccess access);

        default Pair<Supplier<JavaScriptNode>, UnaryOperator<JavaScriptNode>> applyCompound(Pair<Supplier<JavaScriptNode>, UnaryOperator<JavaScriptNode>> suppliers) {
            Supplier<JavaScriptNode> readSupplier = suppliers.getFirst();
            UnaryOperator<JavaScriptNode> writeSupplier = suppliers.getSecond();
            return new Pair<>(() -> apply(readSupplier.get(), WrapAccess.Read),
                            (rhs) -> apply(writeSupplier.apply(rhs), WrapAccess.Write));

        static WrapClosure compose(WrapClosure inner, WrapClosure before) {
            if (inner == null) {
                return before;
            return new WrapClosure() {
                public JavaScriptNode apply(JavaScriptNode v, WrapAccess w) {
                    return inner.apply(before.apply(v, w), w);

                public Pair<Supplier<JavaScriptNode>, UnaryOperator<JavaScriptNode>> applyCompound(Pair<Supplier<JavaScriptNode>, UnaryOperator<JavaScriptNode>> suppliers) {
                    return inner.applyCompound(before.applyCompound(suppliers));

    public final VarRef findLocalVar(String name) {
        return findVar(name, true, true, false, true);

    public final VarRef findVar(String name, boolean skipWith) {
        return findVar(name, skipWith, skipWith, false, false);

    public final VarRef findVar(String name, boolean skipWith, boolean skipEval, boolean skipBlockScoped, boolean skipGlobal) {
        assert !name.equals(Null.NAME);
        Environment current = this;
        int frameLevel = 0;
        int scopeLevel = 0;
        WrapClosure wrapClosure = null;
        int wrapFrameLevel = 0;
        do {
            if (current instanceof WithEnvironment) {
                if (!skipWith) {
                    wrapClosure = makeWithWrapClosure(wrapClosure, name, ((WithEnvironment) current).getWithVarName());
                    wrapFrameLevel = frameLevel;
                // with environments don't introduce any variables, skip lookup
            } else if (current instanceof GlobalEnvironment) {
                // We can distinguish 3 cases:
                // 1. HasLexicalDeclaration: statically resolved to lexical declaration (with TDZ).
                // 2. HasVarDeclaration: statically resolved to global object property.
                // Note: 1. and 2. mutually exclude each other (early SyntaxError).
                // 3. Undeclared global (external lexical declaration or global object property).
                // .. Dynamically resolved using lexical global scope and global object lookups.
                GlobalEnvironment globalEnv = (GlobalEnvironment) current;
                if (globalEnv.hasLexicalDeclaration(name) && !GlobalEnvironment.isGlobalObjectConstant(name)) {
                    return wrapIn(wrapClosure, wrapFrameLevel, new GlobalLexVarRef(name, globalEnv.hasConstDeclaration(name)));
                } else if (!globalEnv.hasVarDeclaration(name) && !GlobalEnvironment.isGlobalObjectConstant(name)) {
                    wrapClosure = makeGlobalWrapClosure(wrapClosure, name);
            } else {
                FrameSlot slot = current.findBlockFrameSlot(name);
                if (slot != null) {
                    if (!skipBlockScoped || !(JSFrameUtil.isConst(slot) || JSFrameUtil.isLet(slot))) {
                        return wrapIn(wrapClosure, wrapFrameLevel, newFrameSlotVarRef(slot, scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current));
                if (current instanceof FunctionEnvironment) {
                    FunctionEnvironment fnEnv = current.function();
                    if (fnEnv.isNamedFunctionExpression() && fnEnv.getFunctionName().equals(name)) {
                        return wrapIn(wrapClosure, wrapFrameLevel, new FunctionCalleeVarRef(scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current));
                    if (!skipEval && fnEnv.isDynamicallyScoped()) {
                        wrapClosure = makeEvalWrapClosure(wrapClosure, name, frameLevel, scopeLevel, current);
                        wrapFrameLevel = frameLevel;
                    if (!fnEnv.isGlobal() && !fnEnv.isEval() && name.equals(ARGUMENTS_NAME)) {
                        if (fnEnv.hasArgumentsSlot()) {
                            return wrapIn(wrapClosure, wrapFrameLevel, new ArgumentsVarRef(scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current));
                        } else {
                            assert fnEnv.isArrowFunction();
                            // we need to go deeper

                    scopeLevel = 0;
                } else if (current instanceof BlockEnvironment) {
            current = current.getParent();
        } while (current != null);

        if (skipGlobal) {
            return null;

        return wrapIn(wrapClosure, wrapFrameLevel, new GlobalVarRef(name));

    void ensureFrameLevelAvailable(int frameLevel) {
        int level = 0;
        for (FunctionEnvironment currentFunction = this.function(); currentFunction != null && level < frameLevel; currentFunction = currentFunction.getParentFunction(), level++) {

    private WrapClosure makeEvalWrapClosure(WrapClosure wrapClosure, String name, int frameLevel, int scopeLevel, Environment current) {
        final FrameSlot dynamicScopeSlot = current.findBlockFrameSlot(FunctionEnvironment.DYNAMIC_SCOPE_IDENTIFIER);
        assert dynamicScopeSlot != null;
        return WrapClosure.compose(wrapClosure, new WrapClosure() {
            public JavaScriptNode apply(JavaScriptNode delegateNode, WrapAccess access) {
                JavaScriptNode dynamicScopeNode = createLocal(dynamicScopeSlot, frameLevel, scopeLevel);
                JSTargetableNode scopeAccessNode;
                if (access == WrapAccess.Delete) {
                    scopeAccessNode = factory.createDeleteProperty(null, factory.createConstantString(name), isStrictMode(), context);
                } else if (access == WrapAccess.Write) {
                    assert delegateNode instanceof WriteNode : delegateNode;
                    scopeAccessNode = factory.createWriteProperty(null, name, null, context, isStrictMode());
                } else if (access == WrapAccess.Read) {
                    assert delegateNode instanceof ReadNode || delegateNode instanceof RepeatableNode : delegateNode;
                    scopeAccessNode = factory.createReadProperty(context, null, name);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
                return new EvalVariableNode(context, name, delegateNode, dynamicScopeNode, scopeAccessNode);

    private WrapClosure makeWithWrapClosure(WrapClosure wrapClosure, String name, String withVarName) {
        return WrapClosure.compose(wrapClosure, new WrapClosure() {
            public JavaScriptNode apply(JavaScriptNode delegateNode, WrapAccess access) {
                JSTargetableNode withAccessNode;
                if (access == WrapAccess.Delete) {
                    withAccessNode = factory.createDeleteProperty(null, factory.createConstantString(name), isStrictMode(), context);
                } else if (access == WrapAccess.Write) {
                    assert delegateNode instanceof WriteNode : delegateNode;
                    withAccessNode = factory.createWriteProperty(null, name, null, context, isStrictMode());
                } else if (access == WrapAccess.Read) {
                    assert delegateNode instanceof ReadNode || delegateNode instanceof RepeatableNode : delegateNode;
                    withAccessNode = factory.createReadProperty(context, null, name);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
                VarRef withVarNameRef = findInternalSlot(withVarName);
                JavaScriptNode withTarget = factory.createWithTarget(context, name, withVarNameRef.createReadNode());
                return factory.createWithVarWrapper(name, withTarget, withAccessNode, delegateNode);

            public Pair<Supplier<JavaScriptNode>, UnaryOperator<JavaScriptNode>> applyCompound(Pair<Supplier<JavaScriptNode>, UnaryOperator<JavaScriptNode>> suppliers) {
                // Use temp var to ensure unscopables check is evaluated only once.
                VarRef withTargetTempVar = Environment.this.createTempVar();
                VarRef withObjVar = findInternalSlot(withVarName);
                Supplier<JavaScriptNode> innerReadSupplier = suppliers.getFirst();
                UnaryOperator<JavaScriptNode> innerWriteSupplier = suppliers.getSecond();
                Supplier<JavaScriptNode> readSupplier = () -> {
                    JSTargetableNode readWithProperty = factory.createReadProperty(context, null, name);
                    return factory.createWithVarWrapper(name, withTargetTempVar.createReadNode(), readWithProperty, innerReadSupplier.get());
                UnaryOperator<JavaScriptNode> writeSupplier = (rhs) -> {
                    JavaScriptNode withTarget = factory.createWithTarget(context, name, withObjVar.createReadNode());
                    WritePropertyNode writeWithProperty = factory.createWriteProperty(null, name, null, context, isStrictMode());
                    return factory.createWithVarWrapper(name, withTargetTempVar.createWriteNode(withTarget), writeWithProperty, innerWriteSupplier.apply(rhs));
                return new Pair<>(readSupplier, writeSupplier);

    private WrapClosure makeGlobalWrapClosure(WrapClosure wrapClosure, String name) {
        return WrapClosure.compose(wrapClosure, new WrapClosure() {
            public JavaScriptNode apply(JavaScriptNode delegateNode, WrapAccess access) {
                JSTargetableNode scopeAccessNode;
                if (access == WrapAccess.Delete) {
                    scopeAccessNode = factory.createDeleteProperty(null, factory.createConstantString(name), isStrictMode(), context);
                } else if (access == WrapAccess.Write) {
                    assert delegateNode instanceof WriteNode : delegateNode;
                    scopeAccessNode = factory.createWriteProperty(null, name, null, context, true);
                } else if (access == WrapAccess.Read) {
                    assert delegateNode instanceof ReadNode || delegateNode instanceof RepeatableNode : delegateNode;
                    scopeAccessNode = factory.createReadProperty(context, null, name);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
                JavaScriptNode globalScope = factory.createGlobalScope(context);
                return factory.createGlobalVarWrapper(name, delegateNode, globalScope, scopeAccessNode);

    private VarRef wrapIn(WrapClosure wrapClosure, int wrapFrameLevel, VarRef wrappee) {
        if (wrapClosure != null) {
            return new WrappedVarRef(wrappee.getName(), wrappee, wrapClosure);
        return wrappee;

    protected abstract FrameSlot findBlockFrameSlot(String name);

    public FrameDescriptor getBlockFrameDescriptor() {
        return getFunctionFrameDescriptor();

    private VarRef newFrameSlotVarRef(FrameSlot slot, int scopeLevel, int frameLevel, String name, Environment current) {
        if (current instanceof DebugEnvironment) {
            return new LazyFrameSlotVarRef(slot, scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current);
        } else if (isMappedArgumentsParameter(slot, current)) {
            return new MappedArgumentVarRef(slot, scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current);
        } else {
            return new FrameSlotVarRef(slot, scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current);

    private JavaScriptNode findLocalVarNodeForArguments(Environment current, int frameLevel, int scopeLevel) {
        assert current.function().getArgumentsSlot() != null;
        JavaScriptNode argumentsVarNode = createReadArgumentObject(current, frameLevel, scopeLevel);
        if (function().isDirectArgumentsAccess()) {
            FunctionEnvironment currentFunction = current.function();
            JavaScriptNode createArgumentsObjectNode = factory.createArgumentsObjectNode(context, isStrictMode(), currentFunction.getLeadingArgumentCount(),
            JavaScriptNode writeNode = factory.createWriteFrameSlot(currentFunction.getArgumentsSlot(), frameLevel, scopeLevel, currentFunction.getFunctionFrameDescriptor(),
                            getParentSlots(frameLevel, scopeLevel), createArgumentsObjectNode);
            return factory.createAccessArgumentsArrayDirectly(writeNode, argumentsVarNode, currentFunction.getLeadingArgumentCount(), currentFunction.getTrailingArgumentCount());
        } else {
            return argumentsVarNode;

    private static boolean isMappedArgumentsParameter(FrameSlot slot, Environment current) {
        FunctionEnvironment function = current.function();
        return function.getArgumentsSlot() != null && !function.isStrictMode() && function.hasSimpleParameterList() && function.isParam(slot);

    private JavaScriptNode createReadParameterFromMappedArguments(Environment current, int frameLevel, int scopeLevel, FrameSlot slot) {
        assert current.function().hasSimpleParameterList();
        assert !current.function().isDirectArgumentsAccess();
        int parameterIndex = current.function().getParameterIndex(slot);
        JavaScriptNode readArgumentsObject = createReadArgumentObject(current, frameLevel, scopeLevel);
        ReadElementNode readArgumentsObjectElement = factory.createReadElementNode(context, factory.copy(readArgumentsObject), factory.createConstantInteger(parameterIndex));
        return factory.createGuardDisconnectedArgumentRead(parameterIndex, readArgumentsObjectElement, readArgumentsObject, slot);

    private JavaScriptNode createWriteParameterFromMappedArguments(Environment current, int frameLevel, int scopeLevel, FrameSlot slot, JavaScriptNode rhs) {
        assert current.function().hasSimpleParameterList();
        assert !current.function().isDirectArgumentsAccess();
        int parameterIndex = current.function().getParameterIndex(slot);
        JavaScriptNode readArgumentsObject = createReadArgumentObject(current, frameLevel, scopeLevel);
        WriteElementNode writeArgumentsObjectElement = factory.createWriteElementNode(factory.copy(readArgumentsObject), factory.createConstantInteger(parameterIndex), null, context, false);
        return factory.createGuardDisconnectedArgumentWrite(parameterIndex, writeArgumentsObjectElement, readArgumentsObject, rhs, slot);

    private JavaScriptNode createReadArgumentObject(Environment current, int frameLevel, int scopeLevel) {
        return createLocal(current.function().getArgumentsSlot(), frameLevel, scopeLevel);

    public final Environment getParent() {
        return parent;

    public abstract FunctionEnvironment function();

    public final Environment getParentAt(int frameLevel, int scopeLevel) {
        Environment current = this;
        int currentFrameLevel = 0;
        int currentScopeLevel = 0;
        do {
            if (currentFrameLevel == frameLevel && currentScopeLevel == scopeLevel) {
                return current;
            if (current instanceof FunctionEnvironment) {
                currentScopeLevel = 0;
            } else if (current instanceof BlockEnvironment) {
            current = current.getParent();
        } while (current != null);

        return null;

    public VarRef createTempVar() {
        FrameSlot var = declareTempVar("tmp");
        return findTempVar(var);

    public VarRef findTempVar(FrameSlot var) {
        return new VarRef((String) var.getIdentifier()) {
            public boolean isGlobal() {
                return false;

            public boolean isFunctionLocal() {
                return false;

            public FrameSlot getFrameSlot() {
                return var;

            public JavaScriptNode createReadNode() {
                return factory.createLocal(var, 0, getScopeLevel(), getParentSlots());

            public JavaScriptNode createWriteNode(JavaScriptNode rhs) {
                return factory.createWriteFrameSlot(var, 0, getScopeLevel(), getFunctionFrameDescriptor(), getParentSlots(), rhs);

            public JavaScriptNode createDeleteNode() {
                throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere();

    private FrameSlot declareTempVar(String prefix) {
        return declareLocalVar("<" + prefix + getFunctionFrameDescriptor().getSize() + ">");

    public FrameDescriptor getFunctionFrameDescriptor() {
        return function().getFunctionFrameDescriptor();

    public boolean isStrictMode() {
        return function().isStrictMode();

    public int getScopeLevel() {
        return 0;

    public FrameSlot[] getParentSlots() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getName());

    public final FrameSlot[] getParentSlots(int frameLevel, int scopeLevel) {
        if (scopeLevel == 0) {
            return ScopeFrameNode.EMPTY_FRAME_SLOT_ARRAY;
        if (frameLevel > 0) {
            return function().getParent().getParentSlots(frameLevel - 1, scopeLevel);
        FrameSlot[] parentSlots = getParentSlots();
        assert parentSlots.length >= scopeLevel;
        if (parentSlots.length == scopeLevel) {
            return parentSlots;
        } else {
            return Arrays.copyOf(parentSlots, scopeLevel);

    public void addFrameSlotsFromSymbols(Iterable<com.oracle.js.parser.ir.Symbol> symbols) {
        addFrameSlotsFromSymbols(symbols, false);

    public void addFrameSlotsFromSymbols(Iterable<com.oracle.js.parser.ir.Symbol> symbols, boolean onlyBlockScoped) {
        for (com.oracle.js.parser.ir.Symbol symbol : symbols) {
            if (symbol.isBlockScoped() || (!onlyBlockScoped && symbol.isVar() && !symbol.isParam() && !symbol.isGlobal())) {

    public void addFrameSlotFromSymbol(com.oracle.js.parser.ir.Symbol symbol) {
        // Frame slot may already exist for simple parameters and "arguments".
        assert !getBlockFrameDescriptor().getIdentifiers().contains(symbol.getName()) || this instanceof FunctionEnvironment;
        // other bits not needed
        int flags = symbol.getFlags() & JSFrameUtil.SYMBOL_FLAG_MASK;
        getBlockFrameDescriptor().findOrAddFrameSlot(symbol.getName(), FrameSlotFlags.of(flags), FrameSlotKind.Illegal);

    public boolean isDynamicallyScoped() {
        return false;

Environment chain contains a dynamic scope (eval or with) that may shadow variables.
/** * Environment chain contains a dynamic scope (eval or with) that may shadow variables. */
public boolean isDynamicScopeContext() { return getParent() == null ? false : getParent().isDynamicScopeContext(); } public Environment getVariableEnvironment() { return function().getVariableEnvironment(); } public abstract static class VarRef { protected final String name; protected VarRef(String name) { this.name = name; } public abstract JavaScriptNode createReadNode(); public abstract JavaScriptNode createWriteNode(JavaScriptNode rhs); public abstract boolean isFunctionLocal(); public boolean isFrameVar() { return getFrameSlot() != null; } public abstract boolean isGlobal(); public boolean isConst() { return false; } public FrameSlot getFrameSlot() { return null; } public String getName() { return name; } public abstract JavaScriptNode createDeleteNode(); public Pair<Supplier<JavaScriptNode>, UnaryOperator<JavaScriptNode>> createCompoundAssignNode() { return new Pair<>(this::createReadNode, rhs -> withRequired(false).createWriteNode(rhs)); } public VarRef withTDZCheck() { return this; } public VarRef withRequired(@SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean required) { return this; } public boolean hasTDZCheck() { return false; } } public abstract class AbstractFrameVarRef extends VarRef { protected final int scopeLevel; protected final int frameLevel; protected final Environment current; public AbstractFrameVarRef(int scopeLevel, int frameLevel, String name, Environment current) { super(name); this.scopeLevel = scopeLevel; this.frameLevel = frameLevel; this.current = current; ensureFrameLevelAvailable(frameLevel); } public int getScopeLevel() { return scopeLevel; } public int getFrameLevel() { return frameLevel; } @Override public boolean isFunctionLocal() { return frameLevel == 0; } @Override public boolean isGlobal() { return false; } @Override public JavaScriptNode createDeleteNode() { return factory.createConstantBoolean(false); } public ScopeFrameNode createScopeFrameNode() { return factory.createScopeFrame(frameLevel, scopeLevel, getParentSlots(frameLevel, scopeLevel)); } public FrameDescriptor getFrameDescriptor() { return current.getBlockFrameDescriptor(); } } public class FrameSlotVarRef extends AbstractFrameVarRef { protected final FrameSlot frameSlot; private final boolean checkTDZ; public FrameSlotVarRef(FrameSlot frameSlot, int scopeLevel, int frameLevel, String name, Environment current) { this(frameSlot, scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current, JSFrameUtil.needsTemporalDeadZoneCheck(frameSlot, frameLevel)); } public FrameSlotVarRef(FrameSlot frameSlot, int scopeLevel, int frameLevel, String name, Environment current, boolean checkTDZ) { super(scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current); this.frameSlot = frameSlot; this.checkTDZ = checkTDZ; } @Override public FrameSlot getFrameSlot() { return frameSlot; } @Override public boolean isConst() { return JSFrameUtil.isConst(frameSlot); } @Override public JavaScriptNode createReadNode() { JavaScriptNode readNode = createLocal(frameSlot, frameLevel, scopeLevel, checkTDZ); if (JSFrameUtil.isImportBinding(frameSlot)) { return factory.createReadImportBinding(readNode); } return readNode; } @Override public JavaScriptNode createWriteNode(JavaScriptNode rhs) { return factory.createWriteFrameSlot(frameSlot, frameLevel, scopeLevel, current.getBlockFrameDescriptor(), getParentSlots(frameLevel, scopeLevel), rhs, checkTDZ); } @Override public VarRef withTDZCheck() { if (this.checkTDZ || !JSFrameUtil.hasTemporalDeadZone(frameSlot)) { return this; } return new FrameSlotVarRef(frameSlot, scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current, true); } @Override public boolean hasTDZCheck() { return checkTDZ; } } private abstract class AbstractArgumentsVarRef extends AbstractFrameVarRef { AbstractArgumentsVarRef(int scopeLevel, int frameLevel, String name, Environment current) { super(scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current); } @Override public FrameSlot getFrameSlot() { return null; } } private final class FunctionCalleeVarRef extends AbstractArgumentsVarRef { FunctionCalleeVarRef(int scopeLevel, int frameLevel, String name, Environment current) { super(scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current); } @Override public JavaScriptNode createReadNode() { return factory.createAccessCallee(frameLevel); } @Override public JavaScriptNode createWriteNode(JavaScriptNode rhs) { return factory.createWriteConstantVariable(rhs, isStrictMode()); } } private final class ArgumentsVarRef extends AbstractArgumentsVarRef { ArgumentsVarRef(int scopeLevel, int frameLevel, String name, Environment current) { super(scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current); } @Override public JavaScriptNode createReadNode() { return findLocalVarNodeForArguments(current, frameLevel, scopeLevel); } @Override public JavaScriptNode createWriteNode(JavaScriptNode rhs) { assert !current.function().isDirectArgumentsAccess(); return factory.createWriteFrameSlot(current.function().getArgumentsSlot(), frameLevel, scopeLevel, current.getFunctionFrameDescriptor(), getParentSlots(frameLevel, scopeLevel), rhs); } } public class MappedArgumentVarRef extends AbstractArgumentsVarRef { protected final FrameSlot frameSlot; public MappedArgumentVarRef(FrameSlot frameSlot, int scopeLevel, int frameLevel, String name, Environment current) { super(scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current); this.frameSlot = frameSlot; assert !JSFrameUtil.hasTemporalDeadZone(frameSlot); } @Override public JavaScriptNode createReadNode() { return createReadParameterFromMappedArguments(current, frameLevel, scopeLevel, frameSlot); } @Override public JavaScriptNode createWriteNode(JavaScriptNode rhs) { return createWriteParameterFromMappedArguments(current, frameLevel, scopeLevel, frameSlot, rhs); } } public class GlobalVarRef extends VarRef { private final boolean required; public GlobalVarRef(String name) { this(name, true); } private GlobalVarRef(String name, boolean required) { super(name); assert !name.equals(Null.NAME); this.required = required; } @Override public JavaScriptNode createReadNode() { if (name.equals(Undefined.NAME)) { return factory.createConstantUndefined(); } if (!required) { return factory.createReadProperty(context, factory.createGlobalObject(context), name); } return factory.createReadGlobalProperty(context, name); } @Override public JavaScriptNode createWriteNode(JavaScriptNode rhs) { return factory.createWriteProperty(factory.createGlobalObject(context), name, rhs, required, context, isStrictMode()); } @Override public boolean isFunctionLocal() { return false; } @Override public FrameSlot getFrameSlot() { return null; } @Override public boolean isGlobal() { return true; } @Override public JavaScriptNode createDeleteNode() { JavaScriptNode element = factory.createConstantString(name); JavaScriptNode object = factory.createGlobalObject(context); return factory.createDeleteProperty(object, element, isStrictMode(), context); } @Override public VarRef withRequired(@SuppressWarnings("hiding") boolean required) { if (this.required != required) { return new GlobalVarRef(name, required); } return this; } } public class GlobalLexVarRef extends VarRef { private final boolean isConst; private final boolean required; private final boolean checkTDZ; public GlobalLexVarRef(String name, boolean isConst) { this(name, isConst, true, false); } private GlobalLexVarRef(String name, boolean isConst, boolean required, boolean checkTDZ) { super(name); assert !name.equals(Null.NAME) && !name.equals(Undefined.NAME); this.isConst = isConst; this.required = required; this.checkTDZ = checkTDZ; } @Override public JavaScriptNode createReadNode() { if (!required) { JavaScriptNode globalScope = factory.createGlobalScopeTDZCheck(context, name, checkTDZ); return factory.createReadProperty(context, globalScope, name); } return factory.createReadLexicalGlobal(name, checkTDZ, context); } @Override public JavaScriptNode createWriteNode(JavaScriptNode rhs) { JavaScriptNode globalScope = factory.createGlobalScopeTDZCheck(context, name, checkTDZ); return factory.createWriteProperty(globalScope, name, rhs, required, context, true); } @Override public boolean isFunctionLocal() { return function().isGlobal(); } @Override public FrameSlot getFrameSlot() { return null; } @Override public boolean isGlobal() { return true; } @Override public boolean isConst() { return isConst; } @Override public JavaScriptNode createDeleteNode() { JavaScriptNode element = factory.createConstantString(name); JavaScriptNode object = factory.createGlobalScope(context); return factory.createDeleteProperty(object, element, isStrictMode(), context); } @Override public VarRef withRequired(@SuppressWarnings("hiding") boolean required) { if (this.required != required) { return new GlobalLexVarRef(name, isConst, required, checkTDZ); } return this; } @Override public VarRef withTDZCheck() { if (!this.checkTDZ) { return new GlobalLexVarRef(name, isConst, required, true); } return this; } @Override public boolean hasTDZCheck() { return checkTDZ; } } public class WrappedVarRef extends VarRef { private final VarRef wrappee; private final WrapClosure wrapClosure; public WrappedVarRef(String name, VarRef wrappee, WrapClosure wrapClosure) { super(name); this.wrappee = wrappee; this.wrapClosure = wrapClosure; assert !(wrappee instanceof WrappedVarRef); // currently unexpected } @Override public JavaScriptNode createReadNode() { return wrapClosure.apply(wrappee.createReadNode(), WrapAccess.Read); } @Override public JavaScriptNode createWriteNode(JavaScriptNode rhs) { JavaScriptNode writeNode = wrappee.isConst() ? factory.createWriteConstantVariable(rhs, true) : wrappee.createWriteNode(rhs); return wrapClosure.apply(writeNode, WrapAccess.Write); } @Override public JavaScriptNode createDeleteNode() { return wrapClosure.apply(wrappee.createDeleteNode(), WrapAccess.Delete); } @Override public Pair<Supplier<JavaScriptNode>, UnaryOperator<JavaScriptNode>> createCompoundAssignNode() { return wrapClosure.applyCompound(wrappee.createCompoundAssignNode()); } @Override public boolean isFunctionLocal() { return wrappee.isFunctionLocal(); } @Override public FrameSlot getFrameSlot() { return null; } @Override public boolean isGlobal() { return wrappee.isGlobal(); } public VarRef getWrappee() { return wrappee; } @Override public VarRef withTDZCheck() { return new WrappedVarRef(name, wrappee.withTDZCheck(), wrapClosure); } @Override public VarRef withRequired(boolean required) { return new WrappedVarRef(name, wrappee.withRequired(required), wrapClosure); } @Override public boolean hasTDZCheck() { return wrappee.hasTDZCheck(); } } class LazyFrameSlotVarRef extends AbstractFrameVarRef { protected final FrameSlot frameSlot; LazyFrameSlotVarRef(FrameSlot frameSlot, int scopeLevel, int frameLevel, String name, Environment current) { super(scopeLevel, frameLevel, name, current); this.frameSlot = frameSlot; } @Override public FrameSlot getFrameSlot() { return frameSlot; } @Override public JavaScriptNode createReadNode() { return factory.createLazyReadFrameSlot(frameSlot.getIdentifier()); } @Override public JavaScriptNode createWriteNode(JavaScriptNode rhs) { return factory.createLazyWriteFrameSlot(frameSlot.getIdentifier(), rhs); } } private static final class FrameSlotFlags { private static final Map<Integer, Integer> cachedFlags = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); static Integer of(int flags) { Integer boxed = Integer.valueOf(flags); if (flags >= 128) { Integer cached = cachedFlags.get(boxed); if (cached != null) { return cached; } cached = cachedFlags.putIfAbsent(boxed, boxed); if (cached != null) { return cached; } } return boxed; } } }