/* Aalto XML processor
 * Copyright (c) 2006- Tatu Saloranta, tatu.saloranta@iki.fi
 * Licensed under the License specified in the file LICENSE which is
 * included with the source code.
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.fasterxml.aalto.out;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.*;

import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.stream.*;

import org.codehaus.stax2.*;
import org.codehaus.stax2.validation.*;
import org.codehaus.stax2.ri.Stax2WriterImpl;
import org.codehaus.stax2.ri.typed.AsciiValueEncoder;
import org.codehaus.stax2.ri.typed.ValueEncoderFactory;
import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.Base64Variant;
import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.Base64Variants;

import com.fasterxml.aalto.ValidationException;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.impl.ErrorConsts;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.impl.IoStreamException;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.impl.LocationImpl;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.impl.StreamExceptionBase;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.util.TextUtil;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.util.XmlConsts;

Base class for XMLStreamReader implementations.
/** * Base class for {@link XMLStreamReader} implementations. */
public abstract class StreamWriterBase extends Stax2WriterImpl implements NamespaceContext, ValidationContext { protected enum State { PROLOG, TREE, EPILOG }; /* /********************************************************************** /* Configuration /********************************************************************** */ protected final WriterConfig _config;
Root namespace context defined for this writer, if any.
/** * Root namespace context defined for this writer, if any. */
protected NamespaceContext _rootNsContext; // // // Config flags: // // Basic Stax: // // Stax2: // // Custom: // Note: non-final to support pluggable validators' needs protected boolean _cfgCheckStructure; protected boolean _cfgCheckContent; protected boolean _cfgCheckAttrs; protected final boolean _cfgCDataAsText; /* /********************************************************************** /* Symbol table for reusing name serializations /********************************************************************** */ protected WNameTable _symbols; /* /********************************************************************** /* Output objects /********************************************************************** */
Actual physical writer to output serialized XML content to
/** * Actual physical writer to output serialized XML content to */
protected final XmlWriter _xmlWriter;
When outputting using Typed Access API, we will need encoders. If so, they will created by lazily-constructed factory
/** * When outputting using Typed Access API, we will need * encoders. If so, they will created by lazily-constructed * factory */
protected ValueEncoderFactory _valueEncoderFactory; /* /********************************************************************** /* Validation support /********************************************************************** */
Optional validator to use for validating output against one or more schemas, and/or for safe pretty-printing (indentation).
/** * Optional validator to use for validating output against * one or more schemas, and/or for safe pretty-printing (indentation). */
protected XMLValidator _validator = null;
State value used with validation, to track types of content that is allowed at this point in output stream. Only used if validation is enabled: if so, value is determined via validation callbacks.
/** * State value used with validation, to track types of content * that is allowed at this point in output stream. Only used if * validation is enabled: if so, value is determined via validation * callbacks. */
protected int _vldContent = XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_ANY_TEXT;
Custom validation problem handler, if any.
/** * Custom validation problem handler, if any. */
protected ValidationProblemHandler _vldProblemHandler = null; /* /********************************************************************** /* State information /********************************************************************** */ protected State _state = State.PROLOG;
We'll use a virtual root element (like a document node of sort), to simplify other processing, basically such that there is always a current output element instance, even when in prolog or epilog.
/** * We'll use a virtual root element (like a document node of sort), * to simplify other processing, basically such that there is * always a current output element instance, even when in prolog * or epilog. */
protected OutputElement _currElem = OutputElement.createRoot();
Flag that is set to true first time something has been output. Generally needed to keep track of whether XML declaration (START_DOCUMENT) can be output or not.
/** * Flag that is set to true first time something has been output. * Generally needed to keep track of whether XML declaration * (START_DOCUMENT) can be output or not. */
protected boolean _stateAnyOutput = false;
Flag that is set during time that a start element is "open", ie. START_ELEMENT has been output (and possibly zero or more name space declarations and attributes), before other main-level constructs have been output.
/** * Flag that is set during time that a start element is "open", ie. * START_ELEMENT has been output (and possibly zero or more name * space declarations and attributes), before other main-level * constructs have been output. */
protected boolean _stateStartElementOpen = false;
Flag that indicates that current element is an empty element (one that is explicitly defined as one, by calling a method -- NOT one that just happens to be empty). This is needed to know what to do when next non-ns/attr node is output; normally a new context is opened, but for empty elements not.
/** * Flag that indicates that current element is an empty element (one * that is explicitly defined as one, by calling a method -- NOT one * that just happens to be empty). * This is needed to know what to do when next non-ns/attr node * is output; normally a new context is opened, but for empty * elements not. */
protected boolean _stateEmptyElement = false;
Value passed as the expected root element, when using the multiple argument writeDTD method. Will be used in structurally validating mode (and in dtd-validating mode, since that automatically enables structural validation as well, to pre-filter well-formedness errors that validators might have trouble dealing with).
/** * Value passed as the expected root element, when using the multiple * argument {@link #writeDTD} method. Will be used in structurally * validating mode (and in dtd-validating mode, since that automatically * enables structural validation as well, to pre-filter well-formedness * errors that validators might have trouble dealing with). */
protected String _dtdRootElemName = null; /* /********************************************************************** /* Pool for recycling OutputElement instances. /* /* Note: although pooling of cheap objects like OutputElement /* is usually not a good idea, here it does make sense, as /* instances are still short-lived (same as writer's). Since /* instances are ONLY reused within this context, they stay in /* cheap ("Eden") GC area, and can lead to slight net gain /********************************************************************** */ protected OutputElement _outputElemPool = null;
Although pooled objects are small, let's limit the pool size nonetheless, to minimize extra memory usage for deeply nested documents. Even just 4 levels might be enough, 8 should cover > 95% of cases
/** * Although pooled objects are small, let's limit the pool size * nonetheless, to minimize extra memory usage for deeply nested * documents. Even just 4 levels might be enough, 8 should cover * > 95% of cases */
final static int MAX_POOL_SIZE = 8; protected int _poolSize = 0; /* /********************************************************************** /* Life-cycle /********************************************************************** */ protected StreamWriterBase(WriterConfig cfg, XmlWriter writer, WNameTable symbols) { _config = cfg; _xmlWriter = writer; _symbols = symbols; // // Config settings: // !!! TBI: _cfgCheckStructure = cfg.willCheckStructure(); _cfgCheckContent = cfg.willCheckContent(); _cfgCheckAttrs = cfg.willCheckAttributes(); _cfgCDataAsText = false; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Basic Stax API /********************************************************************** */ @Override public void close() throws XMLStreamException { _finishDocument(false); } @Override public void flush() throws XMLStreamException { try { _xmlWriter.flush(); } catch (IOException ie) { throw new IoStreamException(ie); } } @Override public final NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext() { return this; } // note: will be defined later on, in NamespaceContext impl part: //public String getPrefix(String uri); @Override public Object getProperty(String name) { // true -> mandatory, unrecognized will throw exception, as per Stax javadocs return _config.getProperty(name, true); } @Override public abstract void setDefaultNamespace(String uri) throws XMLStreamException; @Override public void setNamespaceContext(NamespaceContext ctxt) throws XMLStreamException { // This is only allowed before root element output: if (_state != State.PROLOG) { throwOutputError("Called setNamespaceContext() after having already output root element."); } _rootNsContext = ctxt; } @Override public final void setPrefix(String prefix, String uri) throws XMLStreamException { if (prefix == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // Are we actually trying to set the default namespace? if (prefix.length() == 0) { setDefaultNamespace(uri); return; } if (uri == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // Let's check that xml/xmlns are not improperly (re)defined { if (prefix.equals("xml")) { if (!uri.equals(XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI)) { throwOutputError(ErrorConsts.ERR_NS_REDECL_XML, uri); } } else if (prefix.equals("xmlns")) { if (!uri.equals(XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI)) { throwOutputError(ErrorConsts.ERR_NS_REDECL_XMLNS, uri); } } else { // Neither of prefixes.. but how about URIs? if (uri.equals(XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI)) { throwOutputError(ErrorConsts.ERR_NS_REDECL_XML_URI, prefix); } else if (uri.equals(XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI)) { throwOutputError(ErrorConsts.ERR_NS_REDECL_XMLNS_URI, prefix); } } // Empty URI can only be bound to the default ns on xml 1.0: if (uri.length() == 0) { if (!_config.isXml11()) { throwOutputError(ErrorConsts.ERR_NS_EMPTY); } } } _setPrefix(prefix, uri); } protected abstract void _setPrefix(String prefix, String uri); @Override public final void writeAttribute(String localName, String value) throws XMLStreamException { if (!_stateStartElementOpen) { throwOutputError(ErrorConsts.WERR_ATTR_NO_ELEM); } // note: for attributes, no prefix <=> no namespace, so: _writeAttribute(_symbols.findSymbol(localName), value); } @Override public abstract void writeAttribute(String nsURI, String localName, String value) throws XMLStreamException; @Override public abstract void writeAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, String value) throws XMLStreamException; @Override public void writeCData(String data) throws XMLStreamException { if (_cfgCDataAsText) { writeCharacters(data); return; } _verifyWriteCData(); // Also, do we do textual content validation? if ((_vldContent == XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_VALIDATABLE_TEXT) && (_validator != null)) { // Last arg is false, since we do not know if more text // may be added with additional calls _validator.validateText(data, false); } try { int ix = _xmlWriter.writeCData(data); if (ix >= 0) { // unfixable problems? _reportNwfContent(ErrorConsts.WERR_CDATA_CONTENT, Integer.valueOf(ix)); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } @Override public void writeCharacters(char[] text, int start, int len) throws XMLStreamException { _stateAnyOutput = true; if (_stateStartElementOpen) { _closeStartElement(_stateEmptyElement); } // If outside the main element tree, must be all white space, // so let's call appropriate method: if (inPrologOrEpilog()) { writeSpace(text, start, len); return; } // Validator-based validation? if (_vldContent <= XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_WS) { if (_vldContent == XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_NONE) { // never ok _reportInvalidContent(CHARACTERS); } else { // all-ws is ok... if (!TextUtil.isAllWhitespace(text, start, len, _config.isXml11())) { _reportInvalidContent(CHARACTERS); } } } else if (_vldContent == XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_VALIDATABLE_TEXT) { if (_validator != null) { // Last arg is false, since we do not know if more text // may be added with additional calls _validator.validateText(text, start, len, false); } } if (len > 0) { try { _xmlWriter.writeCharacters(text, start, len); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } } @Override public void writeCharacters(String text) throws XMLStreamException { _stateAnyOutput = true; if (_stateStartElementOpen) { _closeStartElement(_stateEmptyElement); } if (inPrologOrEpilog()) { writeSpace(text); return; } // Validator-based validation? /* Note: although it'd be good to check validity first, we * do not know allowed textual content before actually writing * pending start element (if any)... so can't call this earlier */ if (_vldContent <= XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_WS) { if (_vldContent == XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_NONE) { // never ok _reportInvalidContent(CHARACTERS); } else { // all-ws is ok... if (!TextUtil.isAllWhitespace(text, _config.isXml11())) { _reportInvalidContent(CHARACTERS); } } } else if (_vldContent == XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_VALIDATABLE_TEXT) { if (_validator != null) { /* Last arg is false, since we do not know if more text * may be added with additional calls */ _validator.validateText(text, false); } } try { _xmlWriter.writeCharacters(text); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } @Override public void writeComment(String data) throws XMLStreamException { _stateAnyOutput = true; if (_stateStartElementOpen) { _closeStartElement(_stateEmptyElement); } if (_vldContent == XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_NONE) { // from DTD, EMPTY _reportInvalidContent(COMMENT); } /* No structural validation needed per se, for comments; they are * allowed anywhere in XML content. However, content may need to * be checked (by XmlWriter) */ try { int ix = _xmlWriter.writeComment(data); if (ix >= 0) { _reportNwfContent(ErrorConsts.WERR_COMMENT_CONTENT, Integer.valueOf(ix)); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } @Override public abstract void writeDefaultNamespace(String nsURI) throws XMLStreamException; @Override public final void writeDTD(String dtd) throws XMLStreamException { _verifyWriteDTD(); _dtdRootElemName = ""; // marker to verify only one is output try { _xmlWriter.writeDTD(dtd); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } }
It is assumed here that caller actually wants whatever is the default namespace (or it is used in "non-namespace" mode, where no namespaces are bound ever). As such we do not have to distinguish between repairing and non-repairing modes.
/** * It is assumed here that caller actually wants whatever is the * default namespace (or it is used in "non-namespace" mode, where * no namespaces are bound ever). As such we do not have to * distinguish between repairing and non-repairing modes. */
@Override public void writeEmptyElement(String localName) throws XMLStreamException { _verifyStartElement(null, localName); WName name = _symbols.findSymbol(localName); if (_validator != null) { _validator.validateElementStart(localName, "", ""); } _writeStartTag(name, true); } @Override public abstract void writeEmptyElement(String nsURI, String localName) throws XMLStreamException; @Override public abstract void writeEmptyElement(String prefix, String localName, String nsURI) throws XMLStreamException; @Override public void writeEndDocument() throws XMLStreamException { _finishDocument(false); } @Override public void writeEndElement() throws XMLStreamException { /* Do we need to close up an earlier empty element? * (open start element that was not created via call to * writeEmptyElement gets handled later on) */ if (_stateStartElementOpen && _stateEmptyElement) { _stateEmptyElement = false; _closeStartElement(true); } // Better have something to close... (to figure out what to close) if (_state != State.TREE) { _reportNwfStructure("No open start element, when trying to write end element"); } OutputElement thisElem = _currElem; // Ok, and then let's pop that element from the stack _currElem = thisElem.getParent(); if (_poolSize < MAX_POOL_SIZE) { thisElem.addToPool(_outputElemPool); _outputElemPool = thisElem; ++_poolSize; } if (_cfgCheckStructure) { /* if (expName != null) { // let's just check local name? String localName = thisElem.getLocalName(); if (!localName.equals(expName.getLocalPart())) { _reportNwfStructure("Mismatching close element local name, '"+localName+"'; expected '"+expName.getLocalPart()+"'."); } } */ } try { // Do we have an unfinished start element? If so, will get empty elem if (_stateStartElementOpen) { /* Can't/shouldn't call _closeStartElement (since we need to * write empty element), but need to do same processing. */ _stateStartElementOpen = false; _xmlWriter.writeStartTagEmptyEnd(); } else { // Otherwise, full end element _xmlWriter.writeEndTag(thisElem.getName()); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } if (_currElem.isRoot()) { // (note: we have dummy placeholder elem that contains doc) _state = State.EPILOG; } // Time to validate? if (_validator != null) { _vldContent = _validator.validateElementEnd(thisElem.getLocalName(), thisElem.getNonNullPrefix(), thisElem.getNonNullNamespaceURI()); } } @Override public void writeEntityRef(String name) throws XMLStreamException { _stateAnyOutput = true; if (_stateStartElementOpen) { _closeStartElement(_stateEmptyElement); } // Structurally, need to check we are not in prolog/epilog. if (_cfgCheckStructure) { if (inPrologOrEpilog()) { _reportNwfStructure(ErrorConsts.WERR_PROLOG_ENTITY); } } // Validator-based validation? if (_vldContent == XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_NONE) { // Char entity, general entity; whatever it is it's invalid... _reportInvalidContent(ENTITY_REFERENCE); } try { _xmlWriter.writeEntityReference(_symbols.findSymbol(name)); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } @Override public abstract void writeNamespace(String prefix, String nsURI) throws XMLStreamException; @Override public void writeProcessingInstruction(String target) throws XMLStreamException { writeProcessingInstruction(target, null); } @Override public void writeProcessingInstruction(String target, String data) throws XMLStreamException { _stateAnyOutput = true; if (_stateStartElementOpen) { _closeStartElement(_stateEmptyElement); } /* Structurally, PIs are always ok (content might not be)... * except in empty content models... */ if (_vldContent == XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_NONE) { _reportInvalidContent(PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION); } try { int ix = _xmlWriter.writePI(_symbols.findSymbol(target), data); if (ix >= 0) { _reportNwfContent(ErrorConsts.WERR_PI_CONTENT, Integer.valueOf(ix)); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } @Override public void writeStartDocument() throws XMLStreamException { String enc = _config.getActualEncoding(); if (enc == null) { enc = XmlConsts.STAX_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING; _config.setActualEncodingIfNotSet(enc); } _writeStartDocument(XmlConsts.STAX_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_VERSION, enc, null); } @Override public void writeStartDocument(String version) throws XMLStreamException { _writeStartDocument(version, _config.getActualEncoding(), null); } @Override public void writeStartDocument(String encoding, String version) throws XMLStreamException { _writeStartDocument(version, encoding, null); }
It is assumed here that caller actually wants whatever is the default namespace (or it is used in "non-namespace" mode, where no namespaces are bound ever). As such we do not have to distinguish between repairing and non-repairing modes.
/** * It is assumed here that caller actually wants whatever is the * default namespace (or it is used in "non-namespace" mode, where * no namespaces are bound ever). As such we do not have to * distinguish between repairing and non-repairing modes. */
@Override public void writeStartElement(String localName) throws XMLStreamException { _verifyStartElement(null, localName); WName name = _symbols.findSymbol(localName); if (_validator != null) { _validator.validateElementStart(localName, "", ""); } _writeStartTag(name, false); } @Override public abstract void writeStartElement(String nsURI, String localName) throws XMLStreamException; @Override public abstract void writeStartElement(String prefix, String localName, String nsURI) throws XMLStreamException; /* /********************************************************************** /* NamespaceContext implementation /********************************************************************** */ @Override public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix) { String uri = _currElem.getNamespaceURI(prefix); if (uri == null) { if (_rootNsContext != null) { uri = _rootNsContext.getNamespaceURI(prefix); } } return uri; } @Override public String getPrefix(String uri) { String prefix = _currElem.getPrefix(uri); if (prefix == null) { if (_rootNsContext != null) { prefix = _rootNsContext.getPrefix(uri); } } return prefix; } @Override public Iterator<String> getPrefixes(String uri) { return _currElem.getPrefixes(uri, _rootNsContext); } /* /********************************************************************** /* TypedXMLStreamWriter2 implementation /* (Typed Access API, Stax v3.0) /********************************************************************** */ // // // Typed element content write methods @Override public void writeBoolean(boolean b) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedElement(valueEncoderFactory().getScalarEncoder(b ? "true" : "false")); } @Override public void writeInt(int value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedElement(valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value)); } @Override public void writeLong(long value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedElement(valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value)); } @Override public void writeFloat(float value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedElement(valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value)); } @Override public void writeDouble(double value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedElement(valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value)); } @Override public void writeInteger(BigInteger value) throws XMLStreamException { // Not optimal, but should do ok: writeTypedElement(valueEncoderFactory().getScalarEncoder(value.toString())); } @Override public void writeDecimal(BigDecimal value) throws XMLStreamException { // Not optimal, but should do ok: writeTypedElement(valueEncoderFactory().getScalarEncoder(value.toString())); } @Override public void writeQName(QName value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedElement(valueEncoderFactory().getScalarEncoder(_serializeQName(value))); } @Override public final void writeIntArray(int[] value, int from, int length) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedElement(valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value, from, length)); } @Override public void writeLongArray(long[] value, int from, int length) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedElement(valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value, from, length)); } @Override public void writeFloatArray(float[] value, int from, int length) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedElement(valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value, from, length)); } @Override public void writeDoubleArray(double[] value, int from, int length) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedElement(valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value, from, length)); } @Override public void writeBinary(byte[] value, int from, int length) throws XMLStreamException { Base64Variant v = Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant(); writeTypedElement(valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(v, value, from, length)); } @Override public void writeBinary(Base64Variant v, byte[] value, int from, int length) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedElement(valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(v, value, from, length)); } private final void writeTypedElement(AsciiValueEncoder enc) throws XMLStreamException { _stateAnyOutput = true; if (_stateStartElementOpen) { _closeStartElement(_stateEmptyElement); } try { _xmlWriter.writeTypedValue(enc); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } // // // Typed attribute value write methods @Override public final void writeBooleanAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, boolean value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedAttribute(prefix, nsURI, localName, valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value)); } @Override public final void writeIntAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, int value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedAttribute(prefix, nsURI, localName, valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value)); } @Override public final void writeLongAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, long value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedAttribute(prefix, nsURI, localName, valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value)); } @Override public final void writeFloatAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, float value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedAttribute(prefix, nsURI, localName, valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value)); } @Override public final void writeDoubleAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, double value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedAttribute(prefix, nsURI, localName, valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value)); } @Override public final void writeIntegerAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, BigInteger value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedAttribute(prefix, nsURI, localName, valueEncoderFactory().getScalarEncoder(value.toString())); } @Override public final void writeDecimalAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, BigDecimal value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedAttribute(prefix, nsURI, localName, valueEncoderFactory().getScalarEncoder(value.toString())); } @Override public final void writeQNameAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, QName value) throws XMLStreamException { /* Can't use AsciiValueEncoder, since QNames can contain * non-ascii characters */ writeAttribute(prefix, nsURI, localName, _serializeQName(value)); } @Override public void writeIntArrayAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, int[] value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedAttribute(prefix, nsURI, localName, valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value, 0, value.length)); } @Override public void writeLongArrayAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, long[] value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedAttribute(prefix, nsURI, localName, valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value, 0, value.length)); } @Override public void writeFloatArrayAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, float[] value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedAttribute(prefix, nsURI, localName, valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value, 0, value.length)); } @Override public void writeDoubleArrayAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, double[] value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedAttribute(prefix, nsURI, localName, valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(value, 0, value.length)); } @Override public void writeBinaryAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, byte[] value) throws XMLStreamException { Base64Variant v = Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant(); writeTypedAttribute(prefix, nsURI, localName, valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(v, value, 0, value.length)); } @Override public void writeBinaryAttribute(Base64Variant v, String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, byte[] value) throws XMLStreamException { writeTypedAttribute(prefix, nsURI, localName, valueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(v, value, 0, value.length)); }
Need to leave implementation of this method abstract, because repairing and non-repairing modes differ in how names are handled.
/** * Need to leave implementation of this method abstract, because * repairing and non-repairing modes differ in how names are * handled. */
public abstract void writeTypedAttribute(String prefix, String nsURI, String localName, AsciiValueEncoder enc) throws XMLStreamException; protected abstract String _serializeQName(QName name) throws XMLStreamException; /* /********************************************************************** /* XMLStreamWriter2 methods (StAX2) /********************************************************************** */ @Override public void writeSpace(String text) throws XMLStreamException { try { _xmlWriter.writeSpace(text); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } @Override public void writeSpace(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len) throws XMLStreamException { try { _xmlWriter.writeSpace(cbuf, offset, len); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } // From base class: //public void copyEventFromReader(XMLStreamReader2 sr, boolean preserveEventData) throws XMLStreamException /* /********************************************************************** /* Stax2, output handling /********************************************************************** */ @Override public void closeCompletely() throws XMLStreamException { _finishDocument(true); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Stax2, config /********************************************************************** */ // NOTE: getProperty() defined in Stax 1.0 interface @Override public boolean isPropertySupported(String name) { // !!! TBI: not all these properties are really supported return _config.isPropertySupported(name); }
  • name – Name of the property to set
  • value – Value to set property to.
Returns:True, if the specified property was succesfully set to specified value; false if its value was not changed
/** * @param name Name of the property to set * @param value Value to set property to. * * @return True, if the specified property was <b>succesfully</b> * set to specified value; false if its value was not changed */
@Override public boolean setProperty(String name, Object value) { /* Note: can not call local method, since it'll return false for * recognized but non-mutable properties */ return _config.setProperty(name, value); } @Override public XMLValidator validateAgainst(XMLValidationSchema schema) throws XMLStreamException { XMLValidator vld = schema.createValidator(this); if (_validator == null) { /* Need to enable other validation modes? Structural validation * should always be done when we have other validators as well, * as well as attribute uniqueness checks. */ _cfgCheckStructure = true; _cfgCheckAttrs = true; _validator = vld; } else { _validator = new ValidatorPair(_validator, vld); } return vld; } @Override public XMLValidator stopValidatingAgainst(XMLValidationSchema schema) throws XMLStreamException { XMLValidator[] results = new XMLValidator[2]; XMLValidator found = null; if (ValidatorPair.removeValidator(_validator, schema, results)) { // found found = results[0]; _validator = results[1]; found.validationCompleted(false); if (_validator == null) { resetValidationFlags(); } } return found; } @Override public XMLValidator stopValidatingAgainst(XMLValidator validator) throws XMLStreamException { XMLValidator[] results = new XMLValidator[2]; XMLValidator found = null; if (ValidatorPair.removeValidator(_validator, validator, results)) { // found found = results[0]; _validator = results[1]; found.validationCompleted(false); if (_validator == null) { resetValidationFlags(); } } return found; } @Override public ValidationProblemHandler setValidationProblemHandler(ValidationProblemHandler h) { ValidationProblemHandler oldH = _vldProblemHandler; _vldProblemHandler = h; return oldH; } private void resetValidationFlags() { _cfgCheckStructure = _config.willCheckStructure(); _cfgCheckAttrs = _config.willCheckAttributes(); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Stax2, other accessors, mutators /********************************************************************** */ @Override public XMLStreamLocation2 getLocation() { return new LocationImpl(null, null, // pub/sys ids not yet known _xmlWriter.getAbsOffset(), _xmlWriter.getRow(), _xmlWriter.getColumn()); } @Override public String getEncoding() { return _config.getActualEncoding(); } /* /********************************************************************** /* StAX2, output methods /********************************************************************** */ @Override public void writeCData(char[] cbuf, int start, int len) throws XMLStreamException { if (_cfgCDataAsText) { writeCharacters(cbuf, start, len); return; } _verifyWriteCData(); int ix; try { ix = _xmlWriter.writeCData(cbuf, start, len); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } if (ix >= 0) { // problems that could not to be fixed? _reportNwfContent(ErrorConsts.WERR_CDATA_CONTENT, Integer.valueOf(ix)); } } public void writeDTD(DTDInfo info) throws XMLStreamException { writeDTD(info.getDTDRootName(), info.getDTDSystemId(), info.getDTDPublicId(), info.getDTDInternalSubset()); } @Override public void writeDTD(String rootName, String systemId, String publicId, String internalSubset) throws XMLStreamException { _verifyWriteDTD(); _dtdRootElemName = rootName; try { _xmlWriter.writeDTD(_symbols.findSymbol(rootName), systemId, publicId, internalSubset); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } }
Similar to writeEndElement, but never allows implicit creation of empty elements.
/** * Similar to {@link #writeEndElement}, but never allows implicit * creation of empty elements. */
@Override public void writeFullEndElement() throws XMLStreamException { if (_stateStartElementOpen && _stateEmptyElement) { _stateEmptyElement = false; /* The open element was an empty element (created via * explicit call using writeEmptyElement); not affected */ _closeStartElement(true); } writeEndElement(); } @Override public void writeStartDocument(String version, String encoding, boolean standAlone) throws XMLStreamException { _writeStartDocument(version, encoding, standAlone ? "yes" : "no"); } @Override public void writeRaw(String text) throws XMLStreamException { _stateAnyOutput = true; if (_stateStartElementOpen) { _closeStartElement(_stateEmptyElement); } try { _xmlWriter.writeRaw(text, 0, text.length()); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } @Override public void writeRaw(String text, int start, int offset) throws XMLStreamException { _stateAnyOutput = true; if (_stateStartElementOpen) { _closeStartElement(_stateEmptyElement); } try { _xmlWriter.writeRaw(text, start, offset); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } @Override public void writeRaw(char[] text, int offset, int length) throws XMLStreamException { _stateAnyOutput = true; if (_stateStartElementOpen) { _closeStartElement(_stateEmptyElement); } try { _xmlWriter.writeRaw(text, offset, length); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } /* /********************************************************************** /* ValidationContext interface (Stax2, validation) /********************************************************************** */ @Override public String getXmlVersion() { return _config.isXml11() ? "1.1" : "1.0"; } @Override public QName getCurrentElementName() { return _currElem.getQName(); } // already part of NamespaceContext impl above... //public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix)
As of now, there is no way to specify the base URI. Could be improved in future, if xml:base is supported.
/** * As of now, there is no way to specify the base URI. Could be improved * in future, if xml:base is supported. */
@Override public String getBaseUri() { return null; } @Override public Location getValidationLocation() { return getLocation(); } @Override public void reportProblem(XMLValidationProblem prob) throws XMLStreamException { // Custom handler set? If so, it'll take care of it: if (_vldProblemHandler != null) { _vldProblemHandler.reportProblem(prob); return; } // Let's throw an exception for fatal and non-fatal errors: if (prob.getSeverity() >= XMLValidationProblem.SEVERITY_ERROR) { throw ValidationException.create(prob); } }
Adding default attribute values does not usually make sense on output side, so the implementation is a NOP for now.
/** * Adding default attribute values does not usually make sense on * output side, so the implementation is a NOP for now. */
@Override public int addDefaultAttribute(String localName, String uri, String prefix, String value) { // nothing to do, but to indicate we didn't add it... return -1; } // // // Notation/entity access: not (yet?) implemented @Override public boolean isNotationDeclared(String name) { return false; } @Override public boolean isUnparsedEntityDeclared(String name) { return false; } // // // Attribute access: not yet implemented: /* !!! TODO: Implement attribute access (iff validate-attributes * enabled? */ @Override public int getAttributeCount() { return 0; } @Override public String getAttributeLocalName(int index) { return null; } @Override public String getAttributeNamespace(int index) { return null; } @Override public String getAttributePrefix(int index) { return null; } @Override public String getAttributeValue(int index) { return null; } @Override public String getAttributeValue(String nsURI, String localName) { return null; } @Override public String getAttributeType(int index) { return ""; } @Override public int findAttributeIndex(String nsURI, String localName) { return -1; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Package methods (ie not part of public API) /********************************************************************** */ /** * Method called to close an open start element, when another * main-level element (not namespace declaration or attribute) * is being output; except for end element which is handled differently. */
Method called to close an open start element, when another main-level element (not namespace declaration or attribute) is being output; except for end element which is handled differently.
/** * Method called to close an open start element, when another * main-level element (not namespace declaration or attribute) * is being output; except for end element which is handled differently. */
protected void _closeStartElement(boolean emptyElem) throws XMLStreamException { _stateStartElementOpen = false; try { if (emptyElem) { _xmlWriter.writeStartTagEmptyEnd(); } else { _xmlWriter.writeStartTagEnd(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } // Need bit more special handling for empty elements... if (emptyElem) { OutputElement thisElem = _currElem; _currElem = thisElem.getParent(); if (_currElem.isRoot()) { // Did we close the root? (isRoot() returns true for the virtual "document node") _state = State.EPILOG; } if (_poolSize < MAX_POOL_SIZE) { thisElem.addToPool(_outputElemPool); _outputElemPool = thisElem; ++_poolSize; } } } protected final boolean inPrologOrEpilog() { return (_state != State.TREE); } protected final ValueEncoderFactory valueEncoderFactory() { if (_valueEncoderFactory == null) { _valueEncoderFactory = new ValueEncoderFactory(); } return _valueEncoderFactory; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Package methods, write helpers /********************************************************************** */ protected final void _writeAttribute(WName name, String value) throws XMLStreamException { if (_cfgCheckAttrs) { // still need to ensure no duplicate attrs? _verifyWriteAttr(name); } try { _xmlWriter.writeAttribute(name, value); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } protected final void _writeAttribute(WName name, AsciiValueEncoder enc) throws XMLStreamException { if (_cfgCheckAttrs) { // still need to ensure no duplicate attrs? _verifyWriteAttr(name); } try { _xmlWriter.writeAttribute(name, enc); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } protected final void _writeDefaultNamespace(String uri) throws XMLStreamException { WName name = _symbols.findSymbol("xmlns"); try { _xmlWriter.writeAttribute(name, uri); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } protected final void _writeNamespace(String prefix, String uri) throws XMLStreamException { WName name = _symbols.findSymbol("xmlns", prefix); try { _xmlWriter.writeAttribute(name, uri); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } protected void _writeStartDocument(String version, String encoding, String standAlone) throws XMLStreamException { /* Not legal to output XML declaration if there has been ANY * output prior... that is, if we validate the structure. */ if (_cfgCheckStructure) { if (_stateAnyOutput) { _reportNwfStructure(ErrorConsts.WERR_DUP_XML_DECL); } } _stateAnyOutput = true; if (_cfgCheckContent) { // !!! If and how to check encoding? // if (encoding != null) { } if (version != null && version.length() > 0) { if (!(version.equals(XmlConsts.XML_V_10_STR) || version.equals(XmlConsts.XML_V_11_STR))) { _reportNwfContent("Illegal version argument ('"+version +"'); should only use '"+XmlConsts.XML_V_10_STR +"' or '"+XmlConsts.XML_V_11_STR+"'"); } } } if (version == null || version.length() == 0) { version = XmlConsts.STAX_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_VERSION; } if (XmlConsts.XML_V_11_STR.equals(version)) { _config.enableXml11(); _xmlWriter.enableXml11(); } if (encoding != null && encoding.length() > 0) { /* What about conflicting encoding? Let's only update encoding, * if it wasn't set. */ _config.setActualEncodingIfNotSet(encoding); } try { _xmlWriter.writeXmlDeclaration(version, encoding, standAlone); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } } protected void _writeStartTag(WName name, boolean isEmpty) throws XMLStreamException { _stateAnyOutput = true; _stateStartElementOpen = true; if (_outputElemPool != null) { OutputElement newCurr = _outputElemPool; _outputElemPool = newCurr.reuseAsChild(_currElem, name); --_poolSize; _currElem = newCurr; } else { _currElem = _currElem.createChild(name); } try { _xmlWriter.writeStartTagStart(name); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } _stateEmptyElement = isEmpty; } protected void _writeStartTag(WName name, boolean isEmpty, String uri) throws XMLStreamException { _stateAnyOutput = true; _stateStartElementOpen = true; if (uri == null) { // let's canonicalize to empty String here uri = ""; } if (_outputElemPool != null) { OutputElement newCurr = _outputElemPool; _outputElemPool = newCurr.reuseAsChild(_currElem, name, uri); --_poolSize; _currElem = newCurr; } else { _currElem = _currElem.createChild(name, uri); } try { _xmlWriter.writeStartTagStart(name); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } _stateEmptyElement = isEmpty; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Package methods, validation /********************************************************************** */ protected final void _verifyWriteAttr(WName name) { // !!! TBI }
Method that is called to ensure that we can start writing an element, both from structural point of view, and from syntactic (close previously open start element, if any). Note that since it needs to be called before writing out anything, no namespace bindings have been (or can be) output, and hence given prefix may not be one that actually gets used.
/** * Method that is called to ensure that we can start writing an * element, both from structural point of view, and from syntactic * (close previously open start element, if any). Note that since * it needs to be called before writing out anything, no namespace * bindings have been (or can be) output, and hence given prefix * may not be one that actually gets used. */
protected void _verifyStartElement(String prefix, String localName) throws XMLStreamException { // Need to finish an open start element? if (_stateStartElementOpen) { _closeStartElement(_stateEmptyElement); } else if (_state == State.PROLOG) { _verifyRootElement(prefix, localName); } else if (_state == State.EPILOG) { if (_cfgCheckStructure) { String name = (prefix == null) ? localName : (prefix+":"+localName); _reportNwfStructure(ErrorConsts.WERR_PROLOG_SECOND_ROOT, name); } /* When outputting a fragment, need to reset this to the * tree. No point in trying to verify the root element? */ _state = State.TREE; } } protected final void _verifyWriteCData() throws XMLStreamException { _stateAnyOutput = true; if (_stateStartElementOpen) { _closeStartElement(_stateEmptyElement); } // Not legal outside main element tree: if (_cfgCheckStructure) { if (inPrologOrEpilog()) { _reportNwfStructure(ErrorConsts.WERR_PROLOG_CDATA); } } } protected final void _verifyWriteDTD() throws XMLStreamException { if (_cfgCheckStructure) { if (_state != State.PROLOG) { throw new XMLStreamException("Can not write DOCTYPE declaration (DTD) when not in prolog any more (state "+_state+"; start element(s) written)"); } // And let's also check that we only output one... if (_dtdRootElemName != null) { throw new XMLStreamException("Trying to write multiple DOCTYPE declarations"); } } } protected void _verifyRootElement(String prefix, String localName) throws XMLValidationException { // !!! TBI: only relevant if we are actually validating? _state = State.TREE; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Package methods, basic output problem reporting /********************************************************************** */ protected static void throwOutputError(String msg) throws XMLStreamException { throw new StreamExceptionBase(msg); } protected static void throwOutputError(String format, Object arg) throws XMLStreamException { String msg = MessageFormat.format(format, new Object[] { arg }); throwOutputError(msg); }
Method called when an illegal method (namespace-specific method on non-ns writer) is called by the application.
/** * Method called when an illegal method (namespace-specific method * on non-ns writer) is called by the application. */
protected static void reportIllegalMethod(String msg) throws XMLStreamException { throwOutputError(msg); }
This is the method called when an output method call violates structural well-formedness checks and structural checking is enabled.
/** * This is the method called when an output method call violates * structural well-formedness checks * and structural checking * is enabled. */
protected static void _reportNwfStructure(String msg) throws XMLStreamException { throwOutputError(msg); } protected static void _reportNwfStructure(String msg, Object arg) throws XMLStreamException { throwOutputError(msg, arg); }
This is the method called when an output method call violates content well-formedness checks and content validation is enabled.
/** * This is the method called when an output method call violates * content well-formedness checks * and content validation * is enabled. */
protected static void _reportNwfContent(String msg) throws XMLStreamException { throwOutputError(msg); } protected static void _reportNwfContent(String msg, Object arg) throws XMLStreamException { throwOutputError(msg, arg); }
This is the method called when an output method call violates attribute well-formedness checks (trying to output dup attrs) and name validaty checking is enabled.
/** * This is the method called when an output method call violates * attribute well-formedness checks (trying to output dup attrs) * and name validaty checking * is enabled. */
protected static void _reportNwfAttr(String msg) throws XMLStreamException { throwOutputError(msg); } protected static void _reportNwfAttr(String msg, Object arg) throws XMLStreamException { throwOutputError(msg, arg); } protected static void _reportNwfName(String msg) throws XMLStreamException { throwOutputError(msg); } protected static void throwFromIOE(IOException ioe) throws XMLStreamException { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } protected static void reportIllegalArg(String msg) throws IllegalArgumentException { throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } /* protected static void throwIllegalState(String msg) throws IllegalArgumentException { throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } */ /* /********************************************************************** /* Package methods, output validation problem reporting /********************************************************************** */ protected void _reportInvalidContent(int evtType) throws XMLStreamException { switch (_vldContent) { case XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_NONE: _reportValidationProblem(MessageFormat.format (ErrorConsts.VERR_EMPTY, _currElem.getNameDesc(), ErrorConsts.tokenTypeDesc(evtType))); break; case XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_WS: _reportValidationProblem(MessageFormat.format (ErrorConsts.VERR_NON_MIXED, _currElem.getNameDesc())); break; case XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_VALIDATABLE_TEXT: case XMLValidator.CONTENT_ALLOW_ANY_TEXT: /* Not 100% sure if this should ever happen... depends on * interpretation of 'any' content model? */ _reportValidationProblem(MessageFormat.format (ErrorConsts.VERR_ANY, _currElem.getNameDesc(), ErrorConsts.tokenTypeDesc(evtType))); break; default: // should never occur: _reportValidationProblem("Internal error: trying to report invalid content for "+evtType); } } public void _reportValidationProblem(String msg) throws XMLStreamException { reportProblem(new XMLValidationProblem(getValidationLocation(), msg, XMLValidationProblem.SEVERITY_ERROR)); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Package methods, output validation problem reporting /********************************************************************** */ private final void _finishDocument(boolean forceRealClose) throws XMLStreamException { // Is tree still open? if (_state != State.EPILOG) { if (_cfgCheckStructure && _state == State.PROLOG) { _reportNwfStructure(ErrorConsts.WERR_PROLOG_NO_ROOT); } // Need to close the open sub-tree, if it exists... // First, do we have an open start element? if (_stateStartElementOpen) { _closeStartElement(_stateEmptyElement); } // Then, one by one, need to close open scopes: while (_state != State.EPILOG) { writeEndElement(); } } // Any symbols to merge? if (_symbols.maybeDirty()) { _symbols.mergeToParent(); } /* And finally, inform the underlying writer that it should flush * and release its buffers, and close components it uses if any. */ try { _xmlWriter.close(forceRealClose); } catch (IOException ie) { throw new IoStreamException(ie); } } @Override public String toString() { return "[StreamWriter: "+getClass()+", underlying outputter: " +((_xmlWriter == null) ? "NULL" : _xmlWriter.toString()); } }