/* Aalto XML processor
 * Copyright (c) 2006- Tatu Saloranta, tatu.saloranta@iki.fi
 * Licensed under the License specified in the file LICENSE which is
 * included with the source code.
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.fasterxml.aalto.out;

import java.io.*;
import java.text.MessageFormat;

import javax.xml.stream.*;

import org.codehaus.stax2.ri.typed.AsciiValueEncoder;

import com.fasterxml.aalto.impl.ErrorConsts;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.impl.IoStreamException;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.util.CharsetNames;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.util.XmlChars;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.util.XmlConsts;

Base class for output type / encoding-specific serializers used to do actual physical output of serialized xml content. At this level, no namespace handling is done, and only those checks directly related to encoding (including optional validity checks for xml content) are implemented.
/** * Base class for output type / encoding-specific serializers * used to do actual physical output of serialized xml content. * At this level, no namespace handling is done, and only those * checks directly related to encoding (including optional validity * checks for xml content) are implemented. */
public abstract class XmlWriter extends WNameFactory { protected final static int SURR1_FIRST = 0xD800; protected final static int SURR1_LAST = 0xDBFF; protected final static int SURR2_FIRST = 0xDC00; protected final static int SURR2_LAST = 0xDFFF; protected final static int MIN_ARRAYCOPY = 12; protected final static int ATTR_MIN_ARRAYCOPY = 12; protected final static int DEFAULT_COPYBUFFER_LEN = 512; /* /********************************************************************** /* Basic configuration /********************************************************************** */ final protected WriterConfig _config;
Intermediate buffer, in which content (esp. Strings) can be copied to, before being output.
/** * Intermediate buffer, in which content (esp. Strings) can be * copied to, before being output. */
protected char[] _copyBuffer; protected final int _copyBufferLen;
Indicates whether output is to be compliant; if false, is to be xml 1.0 compliant, if true, xml 1.1 compliant.
/** * Indicates whether output is to be compliant; if false, is to be * xml 1.0 compliant, if true, xml 1.1 compliant. */
protected boolean _xml11 = false; protected final boolean _cfgNsAware; /* /********************************************************************** /* Output location info /********************************************************************** */
Number of characters output prior to currently buffered output
/** * Number of characters output prior to currently buffered output */
protected int _locPastChars = 0; protected int _locRowNr = 1;
Offset of the first character on this line. May be negative, if the offset was in a buffer that has been flushed out.
/** * Offset of the first character on this line. May be negative, if * the offset was in a buffer that has been flushed out. */
protected int _locRowStartOffset = 0; /* /********************************************************************** /* Validation /********************************************************************** */ final protected boolean _checkContent; final protected boolean _checkNames; /* /********************************************************************** /* Life-cycle /********************************************************************** */ protected XmlWriter(WriterConfig cfg) { _config = cfg; _copyBuffer = cfg.allocMediumCBuffer(DEFAULT_COPYBUFFER_LEN); _copyBufferLen = _copyBuffer.length; _cfgNsAware = cfg.isNamespaceAware(); _checkContent = cfg.willCheckContent(); _checkNames = cfg.willCheckNames(); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Abstract methods for WNameFactory /********************************************************************** */ @Override public abstract WName constructName(String localName) throws XMLStreamException; @Override public abstract WName constructName(String prefix, String localName) throws XMLStreamException; /* /********************************************************************** /* Extra configuration /********************************************************************** */ public void enableXml11() { _xml11 = true; } protected abstract int getOutputPtr();
Method called by error reporting code, to figure out if a given character is encodable (without using character entities) with the current encoding or not.
Returns:Character code of the highest character that can be natively encoded.
/** * Method called by error reporting code, to figure out if a given * character is encodable (without using character entities) with * the current encoding or not. * * @return Character code of the highest character that can be * natively encoded. */
public abstract int getHighestEncodable(); /* /********************************************************************** /* Basic methods for communicating with underlying stream or writer /********************************************************************** */
Method called to flush the buffer(s), and close the output sink (stream or writer).
/** * Method called to flush the buffer(s), and close the output * sink (stream or writer). */
public final void close(boolean forceTargetClose) throws IOException { flush(); _releaseBuffers(); _closeTarget(forceTargetClose || _config.willAutoCloseOutput()); } public void _releaseBuffers() { char[] buf = _copyBuffer; if (buf != null) { _copyBuffer = null; _config.freeMediumCBuffer(buf); } } public abstract void _closeTarget(boolean doClose) throws IOException; public abstract void flush() throws IOException; /* /********************************************************************** /* Write methods, non-elem/attr, textual /********************************************************************** */
  • data – Contents of the CDATA section to write out
Returns:offset of the (first) illegal content segment ("]]>") in passed content, if not in repairing mode; or -1 if none
/** * @param data Contents of the CDATA section to write out * @return offset of the (first) illegal content segment ("]]>") in * passed content, if not in repairing mode; or -1 if none */
public abstract int writeCData(String data) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract int writeCData(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract void writeCharacters(String data) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract void writeCharacters(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract void writeSpace(String data) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract void writeSpace(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException;
Method that will try to output the content as specified. If the content passed in has embedded "--" in it, it will either add an intervening space between consequtive hyphens (if content fixing is enabled), or return the offset of the first hyphen in multi-hyphen sequence.
/** * Method that will try to output the content as specified. If * the content passed in has embedded "--" in it, it will either * add an intervening space between consequtive hyphens (if content * fixing is enabled), or return the offset of the first hyphen in * multi-hyphen sequence. */
public abstract int writeComment(String data) throws IOException, XMLStreamException;
Older "legacy" output method for outputting DOCTYPE declaration. Assumes that the passed-in String contains a complete DOCTYPE declaration properly quoted.
/** * Older "legacy" output method for outputting DOCTYPE declaration. * Assumes that the passed-in String contains a complete DOCTYPE * declaration properly quoted. */
public abstract void writeDTD(String data) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract void writeDTD(WName rootName, String systemId, String publicId, String internalSubset) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract void writeEntityReference(WName name) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract int writePI(WName target, String data) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract void writeRaw(String str, int offset, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract void writeRaw(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract void writeXmlDeclaration(String version, String enc, String standalone) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; /* /********************************************************************** /* Write methods, elements /********************************************************************** */

Note: can throw XMLStreamException, if name checking is enabled, and name is invalid (name check has to be in this writer, not caller, since it depends not only on xml limitations, but also on encoding limitations)

/** *<p> * Note: can throw XMLStreamException, if name checking is enabled, * and name is invalid (name check has to be in this writer, not * caller, since it depends not only on xml limitations, but also * on encoding limitations) */
public abstract void writeStartTagStart(WName name) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract void writeStartTagEnd() throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract void writeStartTagEmptyEnd() throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract void writeEndTag(WName name) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; /* /********************************************************************** /* Write methods, attributes/ns, textual /********************************************************************** */

Note: can throw XMLStreamException, if name checking is enabled, and name is invalid (name check has to be in this writer, not caller, since it depends not only on xml limitations, but also on encoding limitations)

/** *<p> * Note: can throw XMLStreamException, if name checking is enabled, * and name is invalid (name check has to be in this writer, not * caller, since it depends not only on xml limitations, but also * on encoding limitations) */
public abstract void writeAttribute(WName name, String value) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract void writeAttribute(WName name, char[] value, int offset, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; /* /********************************************************************** /* Write methods, Typed /********************************************************************** */ public abstract void writeTypedValue(AsciiValueEncoder enc) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; public abstract void writeAttribute(WName name, AsciiValueEncoder enc) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; /* /********************************************************************** /* Location information /********************************************************************** */ public int getRow() { return _locRowNr; } public int getColumn() { return (getOutputPtr() - _locRowStartOffset) + 1; } public int getAbsOffset() { return _locPastChars +getOutputPtr(); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Helper methods for sub-classes /********************************************************************** */
Method used to figure out which part of the Unicode char set the encoding can natively support. Values returned are 7, 8 and 16, to indicate (respectively) "ascii", "ISO-Latin" and "native Unicode". These just best guesses, but should work ok for the most common encodings.
/** * Method used to figure out which part of the Unicode char set the * encoding can natively support. Values returned are 7, 8 and 16, * to indicate (respectively) "ascii", "ISO-Latin" and "native Unicode". * These just best guesses, but should work ok for the most common * encodings. */
public final static int guessEncodingBitSize(WriterConfig cfg) { String enc = cfg.getPreferredEncoding(); if (enc == null || enc.length() == 0) { // let's assume default is UTF-8... return 16; } // Let's see if we can find a normalized name, first: enc = CharsetNames.normalize(enc); // Ok, first, do we have known ones; starting with most common: if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF8) { return 16; // meaning up to 2^16 can be represented natively } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1) { return 8; } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) { return 7; } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF16 || enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF16BE || enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF16LE || enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF32BE || enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF32LE) { return 16; } /* Above and beyond well-recognized names, it might still be * good to have more heuristics for as-of-yet unhandled cases... * But, it's probably easier to only assume 8-bit clean (could * even make it just 7, let's see how this works out) */ return 8; }
This is the method called when an output method call violates name well-formedness checks and name validation is enabled.
/** * This is the method called when an output method call violates * name well-formedness checks * and name validation is enabled. */
protected void reportNwfName(String msg) throws XMLStreamException { throwOutputError(msg); } protected void reportNwfName(String msg, Object arg) throws XMLStreamException { throwOutputError(msg, arg); } protected void reportNwfContent(String msg) throws XMLStreamException { throwOutputError(msg); } protected void reportNwfContent(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2) throws XMLStreamException { String msg = MessageFormat.format(format, new Object[] { arg1, arg2 }); reportNwfContent(msg); } protected void reportFailedEscaping(String type, int ch) throws XMLStreamException { // Quick separation of high-range invalid chars: if (ch == 0xFFFE || ch == 0xFFFF || (ch >= SURR1_FIRST && ch <= SURR2_LAST)) { reportInvalidChar(ch); } // One more check: is it only escapable in xml 1.1? if (ch < 0x0020) { if (ch == 0 || !_config.isXml11()) { reportInvalidChar(ch); } } String msg = MessageFormat.format(ErrorConsts.WERR_NO_ESCAPING, new Object[] { type, ch }); reportNwfContent(msg); } protected void reportInvalidEmptyName() throws XMLStreamException { reportNwfContent("Empty String is not a valid name (local name, prefix or processing instruction target)"); } protected void reportInvalidChar(int c) throws XMLStreamException { // First, let's flush any output we may have, to make debugging easier try { flush(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } if (c == 0) { reportNwfContent("Invalid null character in text to output"); } if (c < ' ' || (c >= 0x7F && c <= 0x9F)) { String msg = "Invalid white space character (0x"+Integer.toHexString(c)+") in text to output"; if (_xml11) { msg += " (can only be output using character entity)"; } reportNwfContent(msg); } if (c > XmlConsts.MAX_UNICODE_CHAR) { reportNwfContent("Illegal unicode character point (0x"+Integer.toHexString(c)+") to output; max is 0x10FFFF as per RFC 3629"); } /* Surrogate pair in non-quotable (not text or attribute value) * content, and non-unicode encoding (ISO-8859-x, Ascii)? */ if (c >= SURR1_FIRST && c <= SURR2_LAST) { reportNwfContent("Illegal surrogate pair -- can only be output via character entities (for current encoding), which are not allowed in this content"); } // Just something that the encoding can not express natively? reportNwfContent("Invalid XML character "+XmlChars.getCharDesc(c)+" in text to output"); } protected void throwOutputError(String msg) throws XMLStreamException { // First, let's flush any output we may have, to make debugging easier try { flush(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } throw new XMLStreamException(msg); } protected void throwOutputError(String format, Object arg) throws XMLStreamException { String msg = MessageFormat.format(format, new Object[] { arg }); throwOutputError(msg); } }