 * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.init;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.LineNumberReader;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.springframework.core.io.Resource;
import org.springframework.core.io.support.EncodedResource;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

Generic utility methods for working with SQL scripts.

Mainly for internal use within the framework.

Author:Thomas Risberg, Sam Brannen, Juergen Hoeller, Keith Donald, Dave Syer, Chris Beams, Oliver Gierke, Chris Baldwin, Nicolas Debeissat
/** * Generic utility methods for working with SQL scripts. * * <p>Mainly for internal use within the framework. * * @author Thomas Risberg * @author Sam Brannen * @author Juergen Hoeller * @author Keith Donald * @author Dave Syer * @author Chris Beams * @author Oliver Gierke * @author Chris Baldwin * @author Nicolas Debeissat * @since 4.0.3 */
public abstract class ScriptUtils {
Default statement separator within SQL scripts: ";".
/** * Default statement separator within SQL scripts: {@code ";"}. */
public static final String DEFAULT_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR = ";";
Fallback statement separator within SQL scripts: "\n".

Used if neither a custom separator nor the DEFAULT_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR is present in a given script.

/** * Fallback statement separator within SQL scripts: {@code "\n"}. * <p>Used if neither a custom separator nor the * {@link #DEFAULT_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR} is present in a given script. */
public static final String FALLBACK_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR = "\n";
End of file (EOF) SQL statement separator: "^^^ END OF SCRIPT ^^^".

This value may be supplied as the separator to executeSqlScript(Connection, EncodedResource, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, String) to denote that an SQL script contains a single statement (potentially spanning multiple lines) with no explicit statement separator. Note that such a script should not actually contain this value; it is merely a virtual statement separator.

/** * End of file (EOF) SQL statement separator: {@code "^^^ END OF SCRIPT ^^^"}. * <p>This value may be supplied as the {@code separator} to {@link * #executeSqlScript(Connection, EncodedResource, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, String)} * to denote that an SQL script contains a single statement (potentially * spanning multiple lines) with no explicit statement separator. Note that * such a script should not actually contain this value; it is merely a * <em>virtual</em> statement separator. */
public static final String EOF_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR = "^^^ END OF SCRIPT ^^^";
Default prefix for single-line comments within SQL scripts: "--".
/** * Default prefix for single-line comments within SQL scripts: {@code "--"}. */
public static final String DEFAULT_COMMENT_PREFIX = "--";
Default start delimiter for block comments within SQL scripts: "/*".
/** * Default start delimiter for block comments within SQL scripts: {@code "/*"}. */
public static final String DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_START_DELIMITER = "/*";
Default end delimiter for block comments within SQL scripts: "*/".
/** * Default end delimiter for block comments within SQL scripts: <code>"*&#47;"</code>. */
public static final String DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_END_DELIMITER = "*/"; private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ScriptUtils.class);
Split an SQL script into separate statements delimited by the provided separator character. Each individual statement will be added to the provided List.

Within the script, "--" will be used as the comment prefix; any text beginning with the comment prefix and extending to the end of the line will be omitted from the output. Similarly, "/*" and "*/" will be used as the start and end block comment delimiters: any text enclosed in a block comment will be omitted from the output. In addition, multiple adjacent whitespace characters will be collapsed into a single space.

  • script – the SQL script
  • separator – character separating each statement (typically a ';')
  • statements – the list that will contain the individual statements
See Also:
/** * Split an SQL script into separate statements delimited by the provided * separator character. Each individual statement will be added to the * provided {@code List}. * <p>Within the script, {@value #DEFAULT_COMMENT_PREFIX} will be used as the * comment prefix; any text beginning with the comment prefix and extending to * the end of the line will be omitted from the output. Similarly, * {@value #DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_START_DELIMITER} and * {@value #DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_END_DELIMITER} will be used as the * <em>start</em> and <em>end</em> block comment delimiters: any text enclosed * in a block comment will be omitted from the output. In addition, multiple * adjacent whitespace characters will be collapsed into a single space. * @param script the SQL script * @param separator character separating each statement (typically a ';') * @param statements the list that will contain the individual statements * @throws ScriptException if an error occurred while splitting the SQL script * @see #splitSqlScript(String, String, List) * @see #splitSqlScript(EncodedResource, String, String, String, String, String, List) */
public static void splitSqlScript(String script, char separator, List<String> statements) throws ScriptException { splitSqlScript(script, String.valueOf(separator), statements); }
Split an SQL script into separate statements delimited by the provided separator string. Each individual statement will be added to the provided List.

Within the script, "--" will be used as the comment prefix; any text beginning with the comment prefix and extending to the end of the line will be omitted from the output. Similarly, "/*" and "*/" will be used as the start and end block comment delimiters: any text enclosed in a block comment will be omitted from the output. In addition, multiple adjacent whitespace characters will be collapsed into a single space.

  • script – the SQL script
  • separator – text separating each statement (typically a ';' or newline character)
  • statements – the list that will contain the individual statements
See Also:
/** * Split an SQL script into separate statements delimited by the provided * separator string. Each individual statement will be added to the * provided {@code List}. * <p>Within the script, {@value #DEFAULT_COMMENT_PREFIX} will be used as the * comment prefix; any text beginning with the comment prefix and extending to * the end of the line will be omitted from the output. Similarly, * {@value #DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_START_DELIMITER} and * {@value #DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_END_DELIMITER} will be used as the * <em>start</em> and <em>end</em> block comment delimiters: any text enclosed * in a block comment will be omitted from the output. In addition, multiple * adjacent whitespace characters will be collapsed into a single space. * @param script the SQL script * @param separator text separating each statement * (typically a ';' or newline character) * @param statements the list that will contain the individual statements * @throws ScriptException if an error occurred while splitting the SQL script * @see #splitSqlScript(String, char, List) * @see #splitSqlScript(EncodedResource, String, String, String, String, String, List) */
public static void splitSqlScript(String script, String separator, List<String> statements) throws ScriptException { splitSqlScript(null, script, separator, DEFAULT_COMMENT_PREFIX, DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_START_DELIMITER, DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_END_DELIMITER, statements); }
Split an SQL script into separate statements delimited by the provided separator string. Each individual statement will be added to the provided List.

Within the script, the provided commentPrefix will be honored: any text beginning with the comment prefix and extending to the end of the line will be omitted from the output. Similarly, the provided blockCommentStartDelimiter and blockCommentEndDelimiter delimiters will be honored: any text enclosed in a block comment will be omitted from the output. In addition, multiple adjacent whitespace characters will be collapsed into a single space.

  • resource – the resource from which the script was read
  • script – the SQL script
  • separator – text separating each statement (typically a ';' or newline character)
  • commentPrefix – the prefix that identifies SQL line comments (typically "--")
  • blockCommentStartDelimiter – the start block comment delimiter; never null or empty
  • blockCommentEndDelimiter – the end block comment delimiter; never null or empty
  • statements – the list that will contain the individual statements
/** * Split an SQL script into separate statements delimited by the provided * separator string. Each individual statement will be added to the provided * {@code List}. * <p>Within the script, the provided {@code commentPrefix} will be honored: * any text beginning with the comment prefix and extending to the end of the * line will be omitted from the output. Similarly, the provided * {@code blockCommentStartDelimiter} and {@code blockCommentEndDelimiter} * delimiters will be honored: any text enclosed in a block comment will be * omitted from the output. In addition, multiple adjacent whitespace characters * will be collapsed into a single space. * @param resource the resource from which the script was read * @param script the SQL script * @param separator text separating each statement * (typically a ';' or newline character) * @param commentPrefix the prefix that identifies SQL line comments * (typically "--") * @param blockCommentStartDelimiter the <em>start</em> block comment delimiter; * never {@code null} or empty * @param blockCommentEndDelimiter the <em>end</em> block comment delimiter; * never {@code null} or empty * @param statements the list that will contain the individual statements * @throws ScriptException if an error occurred while splitting the SQL script */
public static void splitSqlScript(@Nullable EncodedResource resource, String script, String separator, String commentPrefix, String blockCommentStartDelimiter, String blockCommentEndDelimiter, List<String> statements) throws ScriptException { Assert.hasText(script, "'script' must not be null or empty"); Assert.notNull(separator, "'separator' must not be null"); Assert.hasText(commentPrefix, "'commentPrefix' must not be null or empty"); Assert.hasText(blockCommentStartDelimiter, "'blockCommentStartDelimiter' must not be null or empty"); Assert.hasText(blockCommentEndDelimiter, "'blockCommentEndDelimiter' must not be null or empty"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean inSingleQuote = false; boolean inDoubleQuote = false; boolean inEscape = false; for (int i = 0; i < script.length(); i++) { char c = script.charAt(i); if (inEscape) { inEscape = false; sb.append(c); continue; } // MySQL style escapes if (c == '\\') { inEscape = true; sb.append(c); continue; } if (!inDoubleQuote && (c == '\'')) { inSingleQuote = !inSingleQuote; } else if (!inSingleQuote && (c == '"')) { inDoubleQuote = !inDoubleQuote; } if (!inSingleQuote && !inDoubleQuote) { if (script.startsWith(separator, i)) { // We've reached the end of the current statement if (sb.length() > 0) { statements.add(sb.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder(); } i += separator.length() - 1; continue; } else if (script.startsWith(commentPrefix, i)) { // Skip over any content from the start of the comment to the EOL int indexOfNextNewline = script.indexOf('\n', i); if (indexOfNextNewline > i) { i = indexOfNextNewline; continue; } else { // If there's no EOL, we must be at the end of the script, so stop here. break; } } else if (script.startsWith(blockCommentStartDelimiter, i)) { // Skip over any block comments int indexOfCommentEnd = script.indexOf(blockCommentEndDelimiter, i); if (indexOfCommentEnd > i) { i = indexOfCommentEnd + blockCommentEndDelimiter.length() - 1; continue; } else { throw new ScriptParseException( "Missing block comment end delimiter: " + blockCommentEndDelimiter, resource); } } else if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t') { // Avoid multiple adjacent whitespace characters if (sb.length() > 0 && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) != ' ') { c = ' '; } else { continue; } } } sb.append(c); } if (StringUtils.hasText(sb)) { statements.add(sb.toString()); } }
Read a script from the given resource, using "--" as the comment prefix and ";" as the statement separator, and build a String containing the lines.
  • resource – the EncodedResource to be read
Returns:String containing the script lines
/** * Read a script from the given resource, using "{@code --}" as the comment prefix * and "{@code ;}" as the statement separator, and build a String containing the lines. * @param resource the {@code EncodedResource} to be read * @return {@code String} containing the script lines * @throws IOException in case of I/O errors */
static String readScript(EncodedResource resource) throws IOException { return readScript(resource, DEFAULT_COMMENT_PREFIX, DEFAULT_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR, DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_END_DELIMITER); }
Read a script from the provided resource, using the supplied comment prefix and statement separator, and build a String containing the lines.

Lines beginning with the comment prefix are excluded from the results; however, line comments anywhere else — for example, within a statement — will be included in the results.

  • resource – the EncodedResource containing the script to be processed
  • commentPrefix – the prefix that identifies comments in the SQL script (typically "--")
  • separator – the statement separator in the SQL script (typically ";")
  • blockCommentEndDelimiter – the end block comment delimiter
Returns:a String containing the script lines
/** * Read a script from the provided resource, using the supplied comment prefix * and statement separator, and build a {@code String} containing the lines. * <p>Lines <em>beginning</em> with the comment prefix are excluded from the * results; however, line comments anywhere else &mdash; for example, within * a statement &mdash; will be included in the results. * @param resource the {@code EncodedResource} containing the script * to be processed * @param commentPrefix the prefix that identifies comments in the SQL script * (typically "--") * @param separator the statement separator in the SQL script (typically ";") * @param blockCommentEndDelimiter the <em>end</em> block comment delimiter * @return a {@code String} containing the script lines * @throws IOException in case of I/O errors */
private static String readScript(EncodedResource resource, @Nullable String commentPrefix, @Nullable String separator, @Nullable String blockCommentEndDelimiter) throws IOException { LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(resource.getReader()); try { return readScript(lnr, commentPrefix, separator, blockCommentEndDelimiter); } finally { lnr.close(); } }
Read a script from the provided LineNumberReader, using the supplied comment prefix and statement separator, and build a String containing the lines.

Lines beginning with the comment prefix are excluded from the results; however, line comments anywhere else — for example, within a statement — will be included in the results.

  • lineNumberReader – the LineNumberReader containing the script to be processed
  • lineCommentPrefix – the prefix that identifies comments in the SQL script (typically "--")
  • separator – the statement separator in the SQL script (typically ";")
  • blockCommentEndDelimiter – the end block comment delimiter
Returns:a String containing the script lines
/** * Read a script from the provided {@code LineNumberReader}, using the supplied * comment prefix and statement separator, and build a {@code String} containing * the lines. * <p>Lines <em>beginning</em> with the comment prefix are excluded from the * results; however, line comments anywhere else &mdash; for example, within * a statement &mdash; will be included in the results. * @param lineNumberReader the {@code LineNumberReader} containing the script * to be processed * @param lineCommentPrefix the prefix that identifies comments in the SQL script * (typically "--") * @param separator the statement separator in the SQL script (typically ";") * @param blockCommentEndDelimiter the <em>end</em> block comment delimiter * @return a {@code String} containing the script lines * @throws IOException in case of I/O errors */
public static String readScript(LineNumberReader lineNumberReader, @Nullable String lineCommentPrefix, @Nullable String separator, @Nullable String blockCommentEndDelimiter) throws IOException { String currentStatement = lineNumberReader.readLine(); StringBuilder scriptBuilder = new StringBuilder(); while (currentStatement != null) { if ((blockCommentEndDelimiter != null && currentStatement.contains(blockCommentEndDelimiter)) || (lineCommentPrefix != null && !currentStatement.startsWith(lineCommentPrefix))) { if (scriptBuilder.length() > 0) { scriptBuilder.append('\n'); } scriptBuilder.append(currentStatement); } currentStatement = lineNumberReader.readLine(); } appendSeparatorToScriptIfNecessary(scriptBuilder, separator); return scriptBuilder.toString(); } private static void appendSeparatorToScriptIfNecessary(StringBuilder scriptBuilder, @Nullable String separator) { if (separator == null) { return; } String trimmed = separator.trim(); if (trimmed.length() == separator.length()) { return; } // separator ends in whitespace, so we might want to see if the script is trying // to end the same way if (scriptBuilder.lastIndexOf(trimmed) == scriptBuilder.length() - trimmed.length()) { scriptBuilder.append(separator.substring(trimmed.length())); } }
Does the provided SQL script contain the specified delimiter?
  • script – the SQL script
  • delim – the string delimiting each statement - typically a ';' character
/** * Does the provided SQL script contain the specified delimiter? * @param script the SQL script * @param delim the string delimiting each statement - typically a ';' character */
public static boolean containsSqlScriptDelimiters(String script, String delim) { boolean inLiteral = false; boolean inEscape = false; for (int i = 0; i < script.length(); i++) { char c = script.charAt(i); if (inEscape) { inEscape = false; continue; } // MySQL style escapes if (c == '\\') { inEscape = true; continue; } if (c == '\'') { inLiteral = !inLiteral; } if (!inLiteral && script.startsWith(delim, i)) { return true; } } return false; }
Execute the given SQL script using default settings for statement separators, comment delimiters, and exception handling flags.

Statement separators and comments will be removed before executing individual statements within the supplied script.

Warning: this method does not release the provided Connection.

  • connection – the JDBC connection to use to execute the script; already configured and ready to use
  • resource – the resource to load the SQL script from; encoded with the current platform's default encoding
See Also:
/** * Execute the given SQL script using default settings for statement * separators, comment delimiters, and exception handling flags. * <p>Statement separators and comments will be removed before executing * individual statements within the supplied script. * <p><strong>Warning</strong>: this method does <em>not</em> release the * provided {@link Connection}. * @param connection the JDBC connection to use to execute the script; already * configured and ready to use * @param resource the resource to load the SQL script from; encoded with the * current platform's default encoding * @throws ScriptException if an error occurred while executing the SQL script * @see #executeSqlScript(Connection, EncodedResource, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, String) * @see #DEFAULT_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR * @see #DEFAULT_COMMENT_PREFIX * @see #DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_START_DELIMITER * @see #DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_END_DELIMITER * @see org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils#getConnection * @see org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils#releaseConnection */
public static void executeSqlScript(Connection connection, Resource resource) throws ScriptException { executeSqlScript(connection, new EncodedResource(resource)); }
Execute the given SQL script using default settings for statement separators, comment delimiters, and exception handling flags.

Statement separators and comments will be removed before executing individual statements within the supplied script.

Warning: this method does not release the provided Connection.

  • connection – the JDBC connection to use to execute the script; already configured and ready to use
  • resource – the resource (potentially associated with a specific encoding) to load the SQL script from
See Also:
/** * Execute the given SQL script using default settings for statement * separators, comment delimiters, and exception handling flags. * <p>Statement separators and comments will be removed before executing * individual statements within the supplied script. * <p><strong>Warning</strong>: this method does <em>not</em> release the * provided {@link Connection}. * @param connection the JDBC connection to use to execute the script; already * configured and ready to use * @param resource the resource (potentially associated with a specific encoding) * to load the SQL script from * @throws ScriptException if an error occurred while executing the SQL script * @see #executeSqlScript(Connection, EncodedResource, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, String) * @see #DEFAULT_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR * @see #DEFAULT_COMMENT_PREFIX * @see #DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_START_DELIMITER * @see #DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_END_DELIMITER * @see org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils#getConnection * @see org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils#releaseConnection */
public static void executeSqlScript(Connection connection, EncodedResource resource) throws ScriptException { executeSqlScript(connection, resource, false, false, DEFAULT_COMMENT_PREFIX, DEFAULT_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR, DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_START_DELIMITER, DEFAULT_BLOCK_COMMENT_END_DELIMITER); }
Execute the given SQL script.

Statement separators and comments will be removed before executing individual statements within the supplied script.

Warning: this method does not release the provided Connection.

  • connection – the JDBC connection to use to execute the script; already configured and ready to use
  • resource – the resource (potentially associated with a specific encoding) to load the SQL script from
  • continueOnError – whether or not to continue without throwing an exception in the event of an error
  • ignoreFailedDrops – whether or not to continue in the event of specifically an error on a DROP statement
  • commentPrefix – the prefix that identifies single-line comments in the SQL script (typically "--")
  • separator – the script statement separator; defaults to ";" if not specified and falls back to "\n" as a last resort; may be set to "^^^ END OF SCRIPT ^^^" to signal that the script contains a single statement without a separator
  • blockCommentStartDelimiter – the start block comment delimiter
  • blockCommentEndDelimiter – the end block comment delimiter
See Also:
/** * Execute the given SQL script. * <p>Statement separators and comments will be removed before executing * individual statements within the supplied script. * <p><strong>Warning</strong>: this method does <em>not</em> release the * provided {@link Connection}. * @param connection the JDBC connection to use to execute the script; already * configured and ready to use * @param resource the resource (potentially associated with a specific encoding) * to load the SQL script from * @param continueOnError whether or not to continue without throwing an exception * in the event of an error * @param ignoreFailedDrops whether or not to continue in the event of specifically * an error on a {@code DROP} statement * @param commentPrefix the prefix that identifies single-line comments in the * SQL script (typically "--") * @param separator the script statement separator; defaults to * {@value #DEFAULT_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR} if not specified and falls back to * {@value #FALLBACK_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR} as a last resort; may be set to * {@value #EOF_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR} to signal that the script contains a * single statement without a separator * @param blockCommentStartDelimiter the <em>start</em> block comment delimiter * @param blockCommentEndDelimiter the <em>end</em> block comment delimiter * @throws ScriptException if an error occurred while executing the SQL script * @see #DEFAULT_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR * @see #FALLBACK_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR * @see #EOF_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR * @see org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils#getConnection * @see org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils#releaseConnection */
public static void executeSqlScript(Connection connection, EncodedResource resource, boolean continueOnError, boolean ignoreFailedDrops, String commentPrefix, @Nullable String separator, String blockCommentStartDelimiter, String blockCommentEndDelimiter) throws ScriptException { try { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Executing SQL script from " + resource); } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String script; try { script = readScript(resource, commentPrefix, separator, blockCommentEndDelimiter); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CannotReadScriptException(resource, ex); } if (separator == null) { separator = DEFAULT_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR; } if (!EOF_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR.equals(separator) && !containsSqlScriptDelimiters(script, separator)) { separator = FALLBACK_STATEMENT_SEPARATOR; } List<String> statements = new ArrayList<>(); splitSqlScript(resource, script, separator, commentPrefix, blockCommentStartDelimiter, blockCommentEndDelimiter, statements); int stmtNumber = 0; Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); try { for (String statement : statements) { stmtNumber++; try { stmt.execute(statement); int rowsAffected = stmt.getUpdateCount(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(rowsAffected + " returned as update count for SQL: " + statement); SQLWarning warningToLog = stmt.getWarnings(); while (warningToLog != null) { logger.debug("SQLWarning ignored: SQL state '" + warningToLog.getSQLState() + "', error code '" + warningToLog.getErrorCode() + "', message [" + warningToLog.getMessage() + "]"); warningToLog = warningToLog.getNextWarning(); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { boolean dropStatement = StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(statement.trim(), "drop"); if (continueOnError || (dropStatement && ignoreFailedDrops)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(ScriptStatementFailedException.buildErrorMessage(statement, stmtNumber, resource), ex); } } else { throw new ScriptStatementFailedException(statement, stmtNumber, resource, ex); } } } } finally { try { stmt.close(); } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.trace("Could not close JDBC Statement", ex); } } long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Executed SQL script from " + resource + " in " + elapsedTime + " ms."); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex instanceof ScriptException) { throw (ScriptException) ex; } throw new UncategorizedScriptException( "Failed to execute database script from resource [" + resource + "]", ex); } } }