 * Copyright 2002-2020 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.springframework.core.annotation;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.Spliterators;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import java.util.stream.StreamSupport;

import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;

MergedAnnotations implementation that searches for and adapts annotations and meta-annotations using AnnotationTypeMappings.
Author:Phillip Webb
/** * {@link MergedAnnotations} implementation that searches for and adapts * annotations and meta-annotations using {@link AnnotationTypeMappings}. * * @author Phillip Webb * @since 5.2 */
final class TypeMappedAnnotations implements MergedAnnotations {
Shared instance that can be used when there are no annotations.
/** * Shared instance that can be used when there are no annotations. */
static final MergedAnnotations NONE = new TypeMappedAnnotations( null, new Annotation[0], RepeatableContainers.none(), AnnotationFilter.ALL); @Nullable private final Object source; @Nullable private final AnnotatedElement element; @Nullable private final SearchStrategy searchStrategy; @Nullable private final Annotation[] annotations; private final RepeatableContainers repeatableContainers; private final AnnotationFilter annotationFilter; @Nullable private volatile List<Aggregate> aggregates; private TypeMappedAnnotations(AnnotatedElement element, SearchStrategy searchStrategy, RepeatableContainers repeatableContainers, AnnotationFilter annotationFilter) { this.source = element; this.element = element; this.searchStrategy = searchStrategy; this.annotations = null; this.repeatableContainers = repeatableContainers; this.annotationFilter = annotationFilter; } private TypeMappedAnnotations(@Nullable Object source, Annotation[] annotations, RepeatableContainers repeatableContainers, AnnotationFilter annotationFilter) { this.source = source; this.element = null; this.searchStrategy = null; this.annotations = annotations; this.repeatableContainers = repeatableContainers; this.annotationFilter = annotationFilter; } @Override public <A extends Annotation> boolean isPresent(Class<A> annotationType) { if (this.annotationFilter.matches(annotationType)) { return false; } return Boolean.TRUE.equals(scan(annotationType, IsPresent.get(this.repeatableContainers, this.annotationFilter, false))); } @Override public boolean isPresent(String annotationType) { if (this.annotationFilter.matches(annotationType)) { return false; } return Boolean.TRUE.equals(scan(annotationType, IsPresent.get(this.repeatableContainers, this.annotationFilter, false))); } @Override public <A extends Annotation> boolean isDirectlyPresent(Class<A> annotationType) { if (this.annotationFilter.matches(annotationType)) { return false; } return Boolean.TRUE.equals(scan(annotationType, IsPresent.get(this.repeatableContainers, this.annotationFilter, true))); } @Override public boolean isDirectlyPresent(String annotationType) { if (this.annotationFilter.matches(annotationType)) { return false; } return Boolean.TRUE.equals(scan(annotationType, IsPresent.get(this.repeatableContainers, this.annotationFilter, true))); } @Override public <A extends Annotation> MergedAnnotation<A> get(Class<A> annotationType) { return get(annotationType, null, null); } @Override public <A extends Annotation> MergedAnnotation<A> get(Class<A> annotationType, @Nullable Predicate<? super MergedAnnotation<A>> predicate) { return get(annotationType, predicate, null); } @Override public <A extends Annotation> MergedAnnotation<A> get(Class<A> annotationType, @Nullable Predicate<? super MergedAnnotation<A>> predicate, @Nullable MergedAnnotationSelector<A> selector) { if (this.annotationFilter.matches(annotationType)) { return MergedAnnotation.missing(); } MergedAnnotation<A> result = scan(annotationType, new MergedAnnotationFinder<>(annotationType, predicate, selector)); return (result != null ? result : MergedAnnotation.missing()); } @Override public <A extends Annotation> MergedAnnotation<A> get(String annotationType) { return get(annotationType, null, null); } @Override public <A extends Annotation> MergedAnnotation<A> get(String annotationType, @Nullable Predicate<? super MergedAnnotation<A>> predicate) { return get(annotationType, predicate, null); } @Override public <A extends Annotation> MergedAnnotation<A> get(String annotationType, @Nullable Predicate<? super MergedAnnotation<A>> predicate, @Nullable MergedAnnotationSelector<A> selector) { if (this.annotationFilter.matches(annotationType)) { return MergedAnnotation.missing(); } MergedAnnotation<A> result = scan(annotationType, new MergedAnnotationFinder<>(annotationType, predicate, selector)); return (result != null ? result : MergedAnnotation.missing()); } @Override public <A extends Annotation> Stream<MergedAnnotation<A>> stream(Class<A> annotationType) { if (this.annotationFilter == AnnotationFilter.ALL) { return Stream.empty(); } return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator(annotationType), false); } @Override public <A extends Annotation> Stream<MergedAnnotation<A>> stream(String annotationType) { if (this.annotationFilter == AnnotationFilter.ALL) { return Stream.empty(); } return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator(annotationType), false); } @Override public Stream<MergedAnnotation<Annotation>> stream() { if (this.annotationFilter == AnnotationFilter.ALL) { return Stream.empty(); } return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator(), false); } @Override public Iterator<MergedAnnotation<Annotation>> iterator() { if (this.annotationFilter == AnnotationFilter.ALL) { return Collections.emptyIterator(); } return Spliterators.iterator(spliterator()); } @Override public Spliterator<MergedAnnotation<Annotation>> spliterator() { if (this.annotationFilter == AnnotationFilter.ALL) { return Spliterators.emptySpliterator(); } return spliterator(null); } private <A extends Annotation> Spliterator<MergedAnnotation<A>> spliterator(@Nullable Object annotationType) { return new AggregatesSpliterator<>(annotationType, getAggregates()); } private List<Aggregate> getAggregates() { List<Aggregate> aggregates = this.aggregates; if (aggregates == null) { aggregates = scan(this, new AggregatesCollector()); if (aggregates == null || aggregates.isEmpty()) { aggregates = Collections.emptyList(); } this.aggregates = aggregates; } return aggregates; } @Nullable private <C, R> R scan(C criteria, AnnotationsProcessor<C, R> processor) { if (this.annotations != null) { R result = processor.doWithAnnotations(criteria, 0, this.source, this.annotations); return processor.finish(result); } if (this.element != null && this.searchStrategy != null) { return AnnotationsScanner.scan(criteria, this.element, this.searchStrategy, processor); } return null; } static MergedAnnotations from(AnnotatedElement element, SearchStrategy searchStrategy, RepeatableContainers repeatableContainers, AnnotationFilter annotationFilter) { if (AnnotationsScanner.isKnownEmpty(element, searchStrategy)) { return NONE; } return new TypeMappedAnnotations(element, searchStrategy, repeatableContainers, annotationFilter); } static MergedAnnotations from(@Nullable Object source, Annotation[] annotations, RepeatableContainers repeatableContainers, AnnotationFilter annotationFilter) { if (annotations.length == 0) { return NONE; } return new TypeMappedAnnotations(source, annotations, repeatableContainers, annotationFilter); } private static boolean isMappingForType(AnnotationTypeMapping mapping, AnnotationFilter annotationFilter, @Nullable Object requiredType) { Class<? extends Annotation> actualType = mapping.getAnnotationType(); return (!annotationFilter.matches(actualType) && (requiredType == null || actualType == requiredType || actualType.getName().equals(requiredType))); }
AnnotationsProcessor used to detect if an annotation is directly present or meta-present.
/** * {@link AnnotationsProcessor} used to detect if an annotation is directly * present or meta-present. */
private static final class IsPresent implements AnnotationsProcessor<Object, Boolean> {
Shared instances that save us needing to create a new processor for the common combinations.
/** * Shared instances that save us needing to create a new processor for * the common combinations. */
private static final IsPresent[] SHARED; static { SHARED = new IsPresent[4]; SHARED[0] = new IsPresent(RepeatableContainers.none(), AnnotationFilter.PLAIN, true); SHARED[1] = new IsPresent(RepeatableContainers.none(), AnnotationFilter.PLAIN, false); SHARED[2] = new IsPresent(RepeatableContainers.standardRepeatables(), AnnotationFilter.PLAIN, true); SHARED[3] = new IsPresent(RepeatableContainers.standardRepeatables(), AnnotationFilter.PLAIN, false); } private final RepeatableContainers repeatableContainers; private final AnnotationFilter annotationFilter; private final boolean directOnly; private IsPresent(RepeatableContainers repeatableContainers, AnnotationFilter annotationFilter, boolean directOnly) { this.repeatableContainers = repeatableContainers; this.annotationFilter = annotationFilter; this.directOnly = directOnly; } @Override @Nullable public Boolean doWithAnnotations(Object requiredType, int aggregateIndex, @Nullable Object source, Annotation[] annotations) { for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation != null) { Class<? extends Annotation> type = annotation.annotationType(); if (type != null && !this.annotationFilter.matches(type)) { if (type == requiredType || type.getName().equals(requiredType)) { return Boolean.TRUE; } Annotation[] repeatedAnnotations = this.repeatableContainers.findRepeatedAnnotations(annotation); if (repeatedAnnotations != null) { Boolean result = doWithAnnotations( requiredType, aggregateIndex, source, repeatedAnnotations); if (result != null) { return result; } } if (!this.directOnly) { AnnotationTypeMappings mappings = AnnotationTypeMappings.forAnnotationType(type); for (int i = 0; i < mappings.size(); i++) { AnnotationTypeMapping mapping = mappings.get(i); if (isMappingForType(mapping, this.annotationFilter, requiredType)) { return Boolean.TRUE; } } } } } } return null; } static IsPresent get(RepeatableContainers repeatableContainers, AnnotationFilter annotationFilter, boolean directOnly) { // Use a single shared instance for common combinations if (annotationFilter == AnnotationFilter.PLAIN) { if (repeatableContainers == RepeatableContainers.none()) { return SHARED[directOnly ? 0 : 1]; } if (repeatableContainers == RepeatableContainers.standardRepeatables()) { return SHARED[directOnly ? 2 : 3]; } } return new IsPresent(repeatableContainers, annotationFilter, directOnly); } } /** * {@link AnnotationsProcessor} that finds a single {@link MergedAnnotation}. */ private class MergedAnnotationFinder<A extends Annotation> implements AnnotationsProcessor<Object, MergedAnnotation<A>> { private final Object requiredType; @Nullable private final Predicate<? super MergedAnnotation<A>> predicate; private final MergedAnnotationSelector<A> selector; @Nullable private MergedAnnotation<A> result; MergedAnnotationFinder(Object requiredType, @Nullable Predicate<? super MergedAnnotation<A>> predicate, @Nullable MergedAnnotationSelector<A> selector) { this.requiredType = requiredType; this.predicate = predicate; this.selector = (selector != null ? selector : MergedAnnotationSelectors.nearest()); } @Override @Nullable public MergedAnnotation<A> doWithAggregate(Object context, int aggregateIndex) { return this.result; } @Override @Nullable public MergedAnnotation<A> doWithAnnotations(Object type, int aggregateIndex, @Nullable Object source, Annotation[] annotations) { for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation != null && !annotationFilter.matches(annotation)) { MergedAnnotation<A> result = process(type, aggregateIndex, source, annotation); if (result != null) { return result; } } } return null; } @Nullable private MergedAnnotation<A> process( Object type, int aggregateIndex, @Nullable Object source, Annotation annotation) { Annotation[] repeatedAnnotations = repeatableContainers.findRepeatedAnnotations(annotation); if (repeatedAnnotations != null) { return doWithAnnotations(type, aggregateIndex, source, repeatedAnnotations); } AnnotationTypeMappings mappings = AnnotationTypeMappings.forAnnotationType( annotation.annotationType(), repeatableContainers, annotationFilter); for (int i = 0; i < mappings.size(); i++) { AnnotationTypeMapping mapping = mappings.get(i); if (isMappingForType(mapping, annotationFilter, this.requiredType)) { MergedAnnotation<A> candidate = TypeMappedAnnotation.createIfPossible( mapping, source, annotation, aggregateIndex, IntrospectionFailureLogger.INFO); if (candidate != null && (this.predicate == null || this.predicate.test(candidate))) { if (this.selector.isBestCandidate(candidate)) { return candidate; } updateLastResult(candidate); } } } return null; } private void updateLastResult(MergedAnnotation<A> candidate) { MergedAnnotation<A> lastResult = this.result; this.result = (lastResult != null ? this.selector.select(lastResult, candidate) : candidate); } @Override @Nullable public MergedAnnotation<A> finish(@Nullable MergedAnnotation<A> result) { return (result != null ? result : this.result); } }
AnnotationsProcessor that collects Aggregate instances.
/** * {@link AnnotationsProcessor} that collects {@link Aggregate} instances. */
private class AggregatesCollector implements AnnotationsProcessor<Object, List<Aggregate>> { private final List<Aggregate> aggregates = new ArrayList<>(); @Override @Nullable public List<Aggregate> doWithAnnotations(Object criteria, int aggregateIndex, @Nullable Object source, Annotation[] annotations) { this.aggregates.add(createAggregate(aggregateIndex, source, annotations)); return null; } private Aggregate createAggregate(int aggregateIndex, @Nullable Object source, Annotation[] annotations) { List<Annotation> aggregateAnnotations = getAggregateAnnotations(annotations); return new Aggregate(aggregateIndex, source, aggregateAnnotations); } private List<Annotation> getAggregateAnnotations(Annotation[] annotations) { List<Annotation> result = new ArrayList<>(annotations.length); addAggregateAnnotations(result, annotations); return result; } private void addAggregateAnnotations(List<Annotation> aggregateAnnotations, Annotation[] annotations) { for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation != null && !annotationFilter.matches(annotation)) { Annotation[] repeatedAnnotations = repeatableContainers.findRepeatedAnnotations(annotation); if (repeatedAnnotations != null) { addAggregateAnnotations(aggregateAnnotations, repeatedAnnotations); } else { aggregateAnnotations.add(annotation); } } } } @Override public List<Aggregate> finish(@Nullable List<Aggregate> processResult) { return this.aggregates; } } private static class Aggregate { private final int aggregateIndex; @Nullable private final Object source; private final List<Annotation> annotations; private final AnnotationTypeMappings[] mappings; Aggregate(int aggregateIndex, @Nullable Object source, List<Annotation> annotations) { this.aggregateIndex = aggregateIndex; this.source = source; this.annotations = annotations; this.mappings = new AnnotationTypeMappings[annotations.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < annotations.size(); i++) { this.mappings[i] = AnnotationTypeMappings.forAnnotationType(annotations.get(i).annotationType()); } } int size() { return this.annotations.size(); } @Nullable AnnotationTypeMapping getMapping(int annotationIndex, int mappingIndex) { AnnotationTypeMappings mappings = getMappings(annotationIndex); return (mappingIndex < mappings.size() ? mappings.get(mappingIndex) : null); } AnnotationTypeMappings getMappings(int annotationIndex) { return this.mappings[annotationIndex]; } @Nullable <A extends Annotation> MergedAnnotation<A> createMergedAnnotationIfPossible( int annotationIndex, int mappingIndex, IntrospectionFailureLogger logger) { return TypeMappedAnnotation.createIfPossible( this.mappings[annotationIndex].get(mappingIndex), this.source, this.annotations.get(annotationIndex), this.aggregateIndex, logger); } }
Spliterator used to consume merged annotations from the aggregates in distance fist order.
/** * {@link Spliterator} used to consume merged annotations from the * aggregates in distance fist order. */
private class AggregatesSpliterator<A extends Annotation> implements Spliterator<MergedAnnotation<A>> { @Nullable private final Object requiredType; private final List<Aggregate> aggregates; private int aggregateCursor; @Nullable private int[] mappingCursors; AggregatesSpliterator(@Nullable Object requiredType, List<Aggregate> aggregates) { this.requiredType = requiredType; this.aggregates = aggregates; this.aggregateCursor = 0; } @Override public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super MergedAnnotation<A>> action) { while (this.aggregateCursor < this.aggregates.size()) { Aggregate aggregate = this.aggregates.get(this.aggregateCursor); if (tryAdvance(aggregate, action)) { return true; } this.aggregateCursor++; this.mappingCursors = null; } return false; } private boolean tryAdvance(Aggregate aggregate, Consumer<? super MergedAnnotation<A>> action) { if (this.mappingCursors == null) { this.mappingCursors = new int[aggregate.size()]; } int lowestDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int annotationResult = -1; for (int annotationIndex = 0; annotationIndex < aggregate.size(); annotationIndex++) { AnnotationTypeMapping mapping = getNextSuitableMapping(aggregate, annotationIndex); if (mapping != null && mapping.getDistance() < lowestDistance) { annotationResult = annotationIndex; lowestDistance = mapping.getDistance(); } if (lowestDistance == 0) { break; } } if (annotationResult != -1) { MergedAnnotation<A> mergedAnnotation = aggregate.createMergedAnnotationIfPossible( annotationResult, this.mappingCursors[annotationResult], this.requiredType != null ? IntrospectionFailureLogger.INFO : IntrospectionFailureLogger.DEBUG); this.mappingCursors[annotationResult]++; if (mergedAnnotation == null) { return tryAdvance(aggregate, action); } action.accept(mergedAnnotation); return true; } return false; } @Nullable private AnnotationTypeMapping getNextSuitableMapping(Aggregate aggregate, int annotationIndex) { int[] cursors = this.mappingCursors; if (cursors != null) { AnnotationTypeMapping mapping; do { mapping = aggregate.getMapping(annotationIndex, cursors[annotationIndex]); if (mapping != null && isMappingForType(mapping, annotationFilter, this.requiredType)) { return mapping; } cursors[annotationIndex]++; } while (mapping != null); } return null; } @Override @Nullable public Spliterator<MergedAnnotation<A>> trySplit() { return null; } @Override public long estimateSize() { int size = 0; for (int aggregateIndex = this.aggregateCursor; aggregateIndex < this.aggregates.size(); aggregateIndex++) { Aggregate aggregate = this.aggregates.get(aggregateIndex); for (int annotationIndex = 0; annotationIndex < aggregate.size(); annotationIndex++) { AnnotationTypeMappings mappings = aggregate.getMappings(annotationIndex); int numberOfMappings = mappings.size(); if (aggregateIndex == this.aggregateCursor && this.mappingCursors != null) { numberOfMappings -= Math.min(this.mappingCursors[annotationIndex], mappings.size()); } size += numberOfMappings; } } return size; } @Override public int characteristics() { return NONNULL | IMMUTABLE; } } }