 * Copyright 2002-2020 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.springframework.core.annotation;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils;

MergedAnnotation that adapts attributes from a root annotation by applying the mapping and mirroring rules of an AnnotationTypeMapping.

Root attribute values are extracted from a source object using a supplied BiFunction. This allows various different annotation models to be supported by the same class. For example, the attributes source might be an actual Annotation instance where methods on the annotation instance are invoked to extract values. Equally, the source could be a simple Map with values extracted using Map.get(Object).

Extracted root attribute values must be compatible with the attribute return type, namely:

Return TypeExtracted Type
ClassClass or String
Class[]Class[] or String[]
AnnotationAnnotation, Map, or Object compatible with the value extractor
Annotation[]Annotation[], Map[], or Object[] where elements are compatible with the value extractor
Other typesAn exact match or the appropriate primitive wrapper
Author:Phillip Webb, Juergen Hoeller, Sam Brannen
Type parameters:
  • <A> – the annotation type
See Also:
/** * {@link MergedAnnotation} that adapts attributes from a root annotation by * applying the mapping and mirroring rules of an {@link AnnotationTypeMapping}. * * <p>Root attribute values are extracted from a source object using a supplied * {@code BiFunction}. This allows various different annotation models to be * supported by the same class. For example, the attributes source might be an * actual {@link Annotation} instance where methods on the annotation instance * are {@linkplain ReflectionUtils#invokeMethod(Method, Object) invoked} to extract * values. Equally, the source could be a simple {@link Map} with values * extracted using {@link Map#get(Object)}. * * <p>Extracted root attribute values must be compatible with the attribute * return type, namely: * * <p><table border="1"> * <tr><th>Return Type</th><th>Extracted Type</th></tr> * <tr><td>Class</td><td>Class or String</td></tr> * <tr><td>Class[]</td><td>Class[] or String[]</td></tr> * <tr><td>Annotation</td><td>Annotation, Map, or Object compatible with the value * extractor</td></tr> * <tr><td>Annotation[]</td><td>Annotation[], Map[], or Object[] where elements are * compatible with the value extractor</td></tr> * <tr><td>Other types</td><td>An exact match or the appropriate primitive wrapper</td></tr> * </table> * * @author Phillip Webb * @author Juergen Hoeller * @author Sam Brannen * @since 5.2 * @param <A> the annotation type * @see TypeMappedAnnotations */
final class TypeMappedAnnotation<A extends Annotation> extends AbstractMergedAnnotation<A> { private static final Map<Class<?>, Object> EMPTY_ARRAYS; static { Map<Class<?>, Object> emptyArrays = new HashMap<>(); emptyArrays.put(boolean.class, new boolean[0]); emptyArrays.put(byte.class, new byte[0]); emptyArrays.put(char.class, new char[0]); emptyArrays.put(double.class, new double[0]); emptyArrays.put(float.class, new float[0]); emptyArrays.put(int.class, new int[0]); emptyArrays.put(long.class, new long[0]); emptyArrays.put(short.class, new short[0]); emptyArrays.put(String.class, new String[0]); EMPTY_ARRAYS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(emptyArrays); } private final AnnotationTypeMapping mapping; @Nullable private final ClassLoader classLoader; @Nullable private final Object source; @Nullable private final Object rootAttributes; private final ValueExtractor valueExtractor; private final int aggregateIndex; private final boolean useMergedValues; @Nullable private final Predicate<String> attributeFilter; private final int[] resolvedRootMirrors; private final int[] resolvedMirrors; private TypeMappedAnnotation(AnnotationTypeMapping mapping, @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader, @Nullable Object source, @Nullable Object rootAttributes, ValueExtractor valueExtractor, int aggregateIndex) { this(mapping, classLoader, source, rootAttributes, valueExtractor, aggregateIndex, null); } private TypeMappedAnnotation(AnnotationTypeMapping mapping, @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader, @Nullable Object source, @Nullable Object rootAttributes, ValueExtractor valueExtractor, int aggregateIndex, @Nullable int[] resolvedRootMirrors) { this.mapping = mapping; this.classLoader = classLoader; this.source = source; this.rootAttributes = rootAttributes; this.valueExtractor = valueExtractor; this.aggregateIndex = aggregateIndex; this.useMergedValues = true; this.attributeFilter = null; this.resolvedRootMirrors = (resolvedRootMirrors != null ? resolvedRootMirrors : mapping.getRoot().getMirrorSets().resolve(source, rootAttributes, this.valueExtractor)); this.resolvedMirrors = (getDistance() == 0 ? this.resolvedRootMirrors : mapping.getMirrorSets().resolve(source, this, this::getValueForMirrorResolution)); } private TypeMappedAnnotation(AnnotationTypeMapping mapping, @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader, @Nullable Object source, @Nullable Object rootAnnotation, ValueExtractor valueExtractor, int aggregateIndex, boolean useMergedValues, @Nullable Predicate<String> attributeFilter, int[] resolvedRootMirrors, int[] resolvedMirrors) { this.classLoader = classLoader; this.source = source; this.rootAttributes = rootAnnotation; this.valueExtractor = valueExtractor; this.mapping = mapping; this.aggregateIndex = aggregateIndex; this.useMergedValues = useMergedValues; this.attributeFilter = attributeFilter; this.resolvedRootMirrors = resolvedRootMirrors; this.resolvedMirrors = resolvedMirrors; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Class<A> getType() { return (Class<A>) this.mapping.getAnnotationType(); } @Override public List<Class<? extends Annotation>> getMetaTypes() { return this.mapping.getMetaTypes(); } @Override public boolean isPresent() { return true; } @Override public int getDistance() { return this.mapping.getDistance(); } @Override public int getAggregateIndex() { return this.aggregateIndex; } @Override @Nullable public Object getSource() { return this.source; } @Override @Nullable public MergedAnnotation<?> getMetaSource() { AnnotationTypeMapping metaSourceMapping = this.mapping.getSource(); if (metaSourceMapping == null) { return null; } return new TypeMappedAnnotation<>(metaSourceMapping, this.classLoader, this.source, this.rootAttributes, this.valueExtractor, this.aggregateIndex, this.resolvedRootMirrors); } @Override public MergedAnnotation<?> getRoot() { if (getDistance() == 0) { return this; } AnnotationTypeMapping rootMapping = this.mapping.getRoot(); return new TypeMappedAnnotation<>(rootMapping, this.classLoader, this.source, this.rootAttributes, this.valueExtractor, this.aggregateIndex, this.resolvedRootMirrors); } @Override public boolean hasDefaultValue(String attributeName) { int attributeIndex = getAttributeIndex(attributeName, true); Object value = getValue(attributeIndex, true, false); return (value == null || this.mapping.isEquivalentToDefaultValue(attributeIndex, value, this.valueExtractor)); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends Annotation> MergedAnnotation<T> getAnnotation(String attributeName, Class<T> type) throws NoSuchElementException { int attributeIndex = getAttributeIndex(attributeName, true); Method attribute = this.mapping.getAttributes().get(attributeIndex); Assert.notNull(type, "Type must not be null"); Assert.isAssignable(type, attribute.getReturnType(), () -> "Attribute " + attributeName + " type mismatch:"); return (MergedAnnotation<T>) getRequiredValue(attributeIndex, attributeName); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends Annotation> MergedAnnotation<T>[] getAnnotationArray( String attributeName, Class<T> type) throws NoSuchElementException { int attributeIndex = getAttributeIndex(attributeName, true); Method attribute = this.mapping.getAttributes().get(attributeIndex); Class<?> componentType = attribute.getReturnType().getComponentType(); Assert.notNull(type, "Type must not be null"); Assert.notNull(componentType, () -> "Attribute " + attributeName + " is not an array"); Assert.isAssignable(type, componentType, () -> "Attribute " + attributeName + " component type mismatch:"); return (MergedAnnotation<T>[]) getRequiredValue(attributeIndex, attributeName); } @Override public <T> Optional<T> getDefaultValue(String attributeName, Class<T> type) { int attributeIndex = getAttributeIndex(attributeName, false); if (attributeIndex == -1) { return Optional.empty(); } Method attribute = this.mapping.getAttributes().get(attributeIndex); return Optional.ofNullable(adapt(attribute, attribute.getDefaultValue(), type)); } @Override public MergedAnnotation<A> filterAttributes(Predicate<String> predicate) { if (this.attributeFilter != null) { predicate = this.attributeFilter.and(predicate); } return new TypeMappedAnnotation<>(this.mapping, this.classLoader, this.source, this.rootAttributes, this.valueExtractor, this.aggregateIndex, this.useMergedValues, predicate, this.resolvedRootMirrors, this.resolvedMirrors); } @Override public MergedAnnotation<A> withNonMergedAttributes() { return new TypeMappedAnnotation<>(this.mapping, this.classLoader, this.source, this.rootAttributes, this.valueExtractor, this.aggregateIndex, false, this.attributeFilter, this.resolvedRootMirrors, this.resolvedMirrors); } @Override public Map<String, Object> asMap(Adapt... adaptations) { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(asMap(mergedAnnotation -> new LinkedHashMap<>(), adaptations)); } @Override public <T extends Map<String, Object>> T asMap(Function<MergedAnnotation<?>, T> factory, Adapt... adaptations) { T map = factory.apply(this); Assert.state(map != null, "Factory used to create MergedAnnotation Map must not return null"); AttributeMethods attributes = this.mapping.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++) { Method attribute = attributes.get(i); Object value = (isFiltered(attribute.getName()) ? null : getValue(i, getTypeForMapOptions(attribute, adaptations))); if (value != null) { map.put(attribute.getName(), adaptValueForMapOptions(attribute, value, map.getClass(), factory, adaptations)); } } return map; } private Class<?> getTypeForMapOptions(Method attribute, Adapt[] adaptations) { Class<?> attributeType = attribute.getReturnType(); Class<?> componentType = (attributeType.isArray() ? attributeType.getComponentType() : attributeType); if (Adapt.CLASS_TO_STRING.isIn(adaptations) && componentType == Class.class) { return (attributeType.isArray() ? String[].class : String.class); } return Object.class; } private <T extends Map<String, Object>> Object adaptValueForMapOptions(Method attribute, Object value, Class<?> mapType, Function<MergedAnnotation<?>, T> factory, Adapt[] adaptations) { if (value instanceof MergedAnnotation) { MergedAnnotation<?> annotation = (MergedAnnotation<?>) value; return (Adapt.ANNOTATION_TO_MAP.isIn(adaptations) ? annotation.asMap(factory, adaptations) : annotation.synthesize()); } if (value instanceof MergedAnnotation[]) { MergedAnnotation<?>[] annotations = (MergedAnnotation<?>[]) value; if (Adapt.ANNOTATION_TO_MAP.isIn(adaptations)) { Object result = Array.newInstance(mapType, annotations.length); for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { Array.set(result, i, annotations[i].asMap(factory, adaptations)); } return result; } Object result = Array.newInstance( attribute.getReturnType().getComponentType(), annotations.length); for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { Array.set(result, i, annotations[i].synthesize()); } return result; } return value; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected A createSynthesized() { if (getType().isInstance(this.rootAttributes) && !isSynthesizable()) { return (A) this.rootAttributes; } return SynthesizedMergedAnnotationInvocationHandler.createProxy(this, getType()); } private boolean isSynthesizable() { // Already synthesized? if (this.rootAttributes instanceof SynthesizedAnnotation) { return false; } return this.mapping.isSynthesizable(); } @Override @Nullable protected <T> T getAttributeValue(String attributeName, Class<T> type) { int attributeIndex = getAttributeIndex(attributeName, false); return (attributeIndex != -1 ? getValue(attributeIndex, type) : null); } private Object getRequiredValue(int attributeIndex, String attributeName) { Object value = getValue(attributeIndex, Object.class); if (value == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("No element at attribute index " + attributeIndex + " for name " + attributeName); } return value; } @Nullable private <T> T getValue(int attributeIndex, Class<T> type) { Method attribute = this.mapping.getAttributes().get(attributeIndex); Object value = getValue(attributeIndex, true, false); if (value == null) { value = attribute.getDefaultValue(); } return adapt(attribute, value, type); } @Nullable private Object getValue(int attributeIndex, boolean useConventionMapping, boolean forMirrorResolution) { AnnotationTypeMapping mapping = this.mapping; if (this.useMergedValues) { int mappedIndex = this.mapping.getAliasMapping(attributeIndex); if (mappedIndex == -1 && useConventionMapping) { mappedIndex = this.mapping.getConventionMapping(attributeIndex); } if (mappedIndex != -1) { mapping = mapping.getRoot(); attributeIndex = mappedIndex; } } if (!forMirrorResolution) { attributeIndex = (mapping.getDistance() != 0 ? this.resolvedMirrors : this.resolvedRootMirrors)[attributeIndex]; } if (attributeIndex == -1) { return null; } if (mapping.getDistance() == 0) { Method attribute = mapping.getAttributes().get(attributeIndex); Object result = this.valueExtractor.extract(attribute, this.rootAttributes); return (result != null ? result : attribute.getDefaultValue()); } return getValueFromMetaAnnotation(attributeIndex, forMirrorResolution); } @Nullable private Object getValueFromMetaAnnotation(int attributeIndex, boolean forMirrorResolution) { Object value = null; if (this.useMergedValues || forMirrorResolution) { value = this.mapping.getMappedAnnotationValue(attributeIndex, forMirrorResolution); } if (value == null) { Method attribute = this.mapping.getAttributes().get(attributeIndex); value = ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(attribute, this.mapping.getAnnotation()); } return value; } @Nullable private Object getValueForMirrorResolution(Method attribute, Object annotation) { int attributeIndex = this.mapping.getAttributes().indexOf(attribute); boolean valueAttribute = VALUE.equals(attribute.getName()); return getValue(attributeIndex, !valueAttribute, true); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Nullable private <T> T adapt(Method attribute, @Nullable Object value, Class<T> type) { if (value == null) { return null; } value = adaptForAttribute(attribute, value); type = getAdaptType(attribute, type); if (value instanceof Class && type == String.class) { value = ((Class<?>) value).getName(); } else if (value instanceof String && type == Class.class) { value = ClassUtils.resolveClassName((String) value, getClassLoader()); } else if (value instanceof Class[] && type == String[].class) { Class<?>[] classes = (Class<?>[]) value; String[] names = new String[classes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { names[i] = classes[i].getName(); } value = names; } else if (value instanceof String[] && type == Class[].class) { String[] names = (String[]) value; Class<?>[] classes = new Class<?>[names.length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { classes[i] = ClassUtils.resolveClassName(names[i], getClassLoader()); } value = classes; } else if (value instanceof MergedAnnotation && type.isAnnotation()) { MergedAnnotation<?> annotation = (MergedAnnotation<?>) value; value = annotation.synthesize(); } else if (value instanceof MergedAnnotation[] && type.isArray() && type.getComponentType().isAnnotation()) { MergedAnnotation<?>[] annotations = (MergedAnnotation<?>[]) value; Object array = Array.newInstance(type.getComponentType(), annotations.length); for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { Array.set(array, i, annotations[i].synthesize()); } value = array; } if (!type.isInstance(value)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to adapt value of type " + value.getClass().getName() + " to " + type.getName()); } return (T) value; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Object adaptForAttribute(Method attribute, Object value) { Class<?> attributeType = ClassUtils.resolvePrimitiveIfNecessary(attribute.getReturnType()); if (attributeType.isArray() && !value.getClass().isArray()) { Object array = Array.newInstance(value.getClass(), 1); Array.set(array, 0, value); return adaptForAttribute(attribute, array); } if (attributeType.isAnnotation()) { return adaptToMergedAnnotation(value, (Class<? extends Annotation>) attributeType); } if (attributeType.isArray() && attributeType.getComponentType().isAnnotation()) { MergedAnnotation<?>[] result = new MergedAnnotation<?>[Array.getLength(value)]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result[i] = adaptToMergedAnnotation(Array.get(value, i), (Class<? extends Annotation>) attributeType.getComponentType()); } return result; } if ((attributeType == Class.class && value instanceof String) || (attributeType == Class[].class && value instanceof String[]) || (attributeType == String.class && value instanceof Class) || (attributeType == String[].class && value instanceof Class[])) { return value; } if (attributeType.isArray() && isEmptyObjectArray(value)) { return emptyArray(attributeType.getComponentType()); } if (!attributeType.isInstance(value)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Attribute '" + attribute.getName() + "' in annotation " + getType().getName() + " should be compatible with " + attributeType.getName() + " but a " + value.getClass().getName() + " value was returned"); } return value; } private boolean isEmptyObjectArray(Object value) { return (value instanceof Object[] && ((Object[]) value).length == 0); } private Object emptyArray(Class<?> componentType) { Object result = EMPTY_ARRAYS.get(componentType); if (result == null) { result = Array.newInstance(componentType, 0); } return result; } private MergedAnnotation<?> adaptToMergedAnnotation(Object value, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType) { if (value instanceof MergedAnnotation) { return (MergedAnnotation<?>) value; } AnnotationTypeMapping mapping = AnnotationTypeMappings.forAnnotationType(annotationType).get(0); return new TypeMappedAnnotation<>( mapping, null, this.source, value, getValueExtractor(value), this.aggregateIndex); } private ValueExtractor getValueExtractor(Object value) { if (value instanceof Annotation) { return ReflectionUtils::invokeMethod; } if (value instanceof Map) { return TypeMappedAnnotation::extractFromMap; } return this.valueExtractor; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> Class<T> getAdaptType(Method attribute, Class<T> type) { if (type != Object.class) { return type; } Class<?> attributeType = attribute.getReturnType(); if (attributeType.isAnnotation()) { return (Class<T>) MergedAnnotation.class; } if (attributeType.isArray() && attributeType.getComponentType().isAnnotation()) { return (Class<T>) MergedAnnotation[].class; } return (Class<T>) ClassUtils.resolvePrimitiveIfNecessary(attributeType); } private int getAttributeIndex(String attributeName, boolean required) { Assert.hasText(attributeName, "Attribute name must not be null"); int attributeIndex = (isFiltered(attributeName) ? -1 : this.mapping.getAttributes().indexOf(attributeName)); if (attributeIndex == -1 && required) { throw new NoSuchElementException("No attribute named '" + attributeName + "' present in merged annotation " + getType().getName()); } return attributeIndex; } private boolean isFiltered(String attributeName) { if (this.attributeFilter != null) { return !this.attributeFilter.test(attributeName); } return false; } @Nullable private ClassLoader getClassLoader() { if (this.classLoader != null) { return this.classLoader; } if (this.source != null) { if (this.source instanceof Class) { return ((Class<?>) source).getClassLoader(); } if (this.source instanceof Member) { ((Member) this.source).getDeclaringClass().getClassLoader(); } } return null; } static <A extends Annotation> MergedAnnotation<A> from(@Nullable Object source, A annotation) { Assert.notNull(annotation, "Annotation must not be null"); AnnotationTypeMappings mappings = AnnotationTypeMappings.forAnnotationType(annotation.annotationType()); return new TypeMappedAnnotation<>(mappings.get(0), null, source, annotation, ReflectionUtils::invokeMethod, 0); } static <A extends Annotation> MergedAnnotation<A> of( @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader, @Nullable Object source, Class<A> annotationType, @Nullable Map<String, ?> attributes) { Assert.notNull(annotationType, "Annotation type must not be null"); AnnotationTypeMappings mappings = AnnotationTypeMappings.forAnnotationType(annotationType); return new TypeMappedAnnotation<>( mappings.get(0), classLoader, source, attributes, TypeMappedAnnotation::extractFromMap, 0); } @Nullable static <A extends Annotation> TypeMappedAnnotation<A> createIfPossible( AnnotationTypeMapping mapping, MergedAnnotation<?> annotation, IntrospectionFailureLogger logger) { if (annotation instanceof TypeMappedAnnotation) { TypeMappedAnnotation<?> typeMappedAnnotation = (TypeMappedAnnotation<?>) annotation; return createIfPossible(mapping, typeMappedAnnotation.source, typeMappedAnnotation.rootAttributes, typeMappedAnnotation.valueExtractor, typeMappedAnnotation.aggregateIndex, logger); } return createIfPossible(mapping, annotation.getSource(), annotation.synthesize(), annotation.getAggregateIndex(), logger); } @Nullable static <A extends Annotation> TypeMappedAnnotation<A> createIfPossible( AnnotationTypeMapping mapping, @Nullable Object source, Annotation annotation, int aggregateIndex, IntrospectionFailureLogger logger) { return createIfPossible(mapping, source, annotation, ReflectionUtils::invokeMethod, aggregateIndex, logger); } @Nullable private static <A extends Annotation> TypeMappedAnnotation<A> createIfPossible( AnnotationTypeMapping mapping, @Nullable Object source, @Nullable Object rootAttribute, ValueExtractor valueExtractor, int aggregateIndex, IntrospectionFailureLogger logger) { try { return new TypeMappedAnnotation<>(mapping, null, source, rootAttribute, valueExtractor, aggregateIndex); } catch (Exception ex) { AnnotationUtils.rethrowAnnotationConfigurationException(ex); if (logger.isEnabled()) { String type = mapping.getAnnotationType().getName(); String item = (mapping.getDistance() == 0 ? "annotation " + type : "meta-annotation " + type + " from " + mapping.getRoot().getAnnotationType().getName()); logger.log("Failed to introspect " + item, source, ex); } return null; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Nullable static Object extractFromMap(Method attribute, @Nullable Object map) { return (map != null ? ((Map<String, ?>) map).get(attribute.getName()) : null); } }