 * Copyright 2002-2020 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.springframework.core.annotation;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationTypeMapping.MirrorSets.MirrorSet;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;
import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

Provides mapping information for a single annotation (or meta-annotation) in the context of a root annotation type.
Author:Phillip Webb, Sam Brannen
See Also:
/** * Provides mapping information for a single annotation (or meta-annotation) in * the context of a root annotation type. * * @author Phillip Webb * @author Sam Brannen * @since 5.2 * @see AnnotationTypeMappings */
final class AnnotationTypeMapping { private static final MirrorSet[] EMPTY_MIRROR_SETS = new MirrorSet[0]; @Nullable private final AnnotationTypeMapping source; private final AnnotationTypeMapping root; private final int distance; private final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType; private final List<Class<? extends Annotation>> metaTypes; @Nullable private final Annotation annotation; private final AttributeMethods attributes; private final MirrorSets mirrorSets; private final int[] aliasMappings; private final int[] conventionMappings; private final int[] annotationValueMappings; private final AnnotationTypeMapping[] annotationValueSource; private final Map<Method, List<Method>> aliasedBy; private final boolean synthesizable; private final Set<Method> claimedAliases = new HashSet<>(); AnnotationTypeMapping(@Nullable AnnotationTypeMapping source, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType, @Nullable Annotation annotation) { this.source = source; this.root = (source != null ? source.getRoot() : this); this.distance = (source == null ? 0 : source.getDistance() + 1); this.annotationType = annotationType; this.metaTypes = merge( source != null ? source.getMetaTypes() : null, annotationType); this.annotation = annotation; this.attributes = AttributeMethods.forAnnotationType(annotationType); this.mirrorSets = new MirrorSets(); this.aliasMappings = filledIntArray(this.attributes.size()); this.conventionMappings = filledIntArray(this.attributes.size()); this.annotationValueMappings = filledIntArray(this.attributes.size()); this.annotationValueSource = new AnnotationTypeMapping[this.attributes.size()]; this.aliasedBy = resolveAliasedForTargets(); processAliases(); addConventionMappings(); addConventionAnnotationValues(); this.synthesizable = computeSynthesizableFlag(); } private static <T> List<T> merge(@Nullable List<T> existing, T element) { if (existing == null) { return Collections.singletonList(element); } List<T> merged = new ArrayList<>(existing.size() + 1); merged.addAll(existing); merged.add(element); return Collections.unmodifiableList(merged); } private Map<Method, List<Method>> resolveAliasedForTargets() { Map<Method, List<Method>> aliasedBy = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.attributes.size(); i++) { Method attribute = this.attributes.get(i); AliasFor aliasFor = AnnotationsScanner.getDeclaredAnnotation(attribute, AliasFor.class); if (aliasFor != null) { Method target = resolveAliasTarget(attribute, aliasFor); aliasedBy.computeIfAbsent(target, key -> new ArrayList<>()).add(attribute); } } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(aliasedBy); } private Method resolveAliasTarget(Method attribute, AliasFor aliasFor) { return resolveAliasTarget(attribute, aliasFor, true); } private Method resolveAliasTarget(Method attribute, AliasFor aliasFor, boolean checkAliasPair) { if (StringUtils.hasText(aliasFor.value()) && StringUtils.hasText(aliasFor.attribute())) { throw new AnnotationConfigurationException(String.format( "In @AliasFor declared on %s, attribute 'attribute' and its alias 'value' " + "are present with values of '%s' and '%s', but only one is permitted.", AttributeMethods.describe(attribute), aliasFor.attribute(), aliasFor.value())); } Class<? extends Annotation> targetAnnotation = aliasFor.annotation(); if (targetAnnotation == Annotation.class) { targetAnnotation = this.annotationType; } String targetAttributeName = aliasFor.attribute(); if (!StringUtils.hasLength(targetAttributeName)) { targetAttributeName = aliasFor.value(); } if (!StringUtils.hasLength(targetAttributeName)) { targetAttributeName = attribute.getName(); } Method target = AttributeMethods.forAnnotationType(targetAnnotation).get(targetAttributeName); if (target == null) { if (targetAnnotation == this.annotationType) { throw new AnnotationConfigurationException(String.format( "@AliasFor declaration on %s declares an alias for '%s' which is not present.", AttributeMethods.describe(attribute), targetAttributeName)); } throw new AnnotationConfigurationException(String.format( "%s is declared as an @AliasFor nonexistent %s.", StringUtils.capitalize(AttributeMethods.describe(attribute)), AttributeMethods.describe(targetAnnotation, targetAttributeName))); } if (target.equals(attribute)) { throw new AnnotationConfigurationException(String.format( "@AliasFor declaration on %s points to itself. " + "Specify 'annotation' to point to a same-named attribute on a meta-annotation.", AttributeMethods.describe(attribute))); } if (!isCompatibleReturnType(attribute.getReturnType(), target.getReturnType())) { throw new AnnotationConfigurationException(String.format( "Misconfigured aliases: %s and %s must declare the same return type.", AttributeMethods.describe(attribute), AttributeMethods.describe(target))); } if (isAliasPair(target) && checkAliasPair) { AliasFor targetAliasFor = target.getAnnotation(AliasFor.class); if (targetAliasFor != null) { Method mirror = resolveAliasTarget(target, targetAliasFor, false); if (!mirror.equals(attribute)) { throw new AnnotationConfigurationException(String.format( "%s must be declared as an @AliasFor %s, not %s.", StringUtils.capitalize(AttributeMethods.describe(target)), AttributeMethods.describe(attribute), AttributeMethods.describe(mirror))); } } } return target; } private boolean isAliasPair(Method target) { return (this.annotationType == target.getDeclaringClass()); } private boolean isCompatibleReturnType(Class<?> attributeType, Class<?> targetType) { return (attributeType == targetType || attributeType == targetType.getComponentType()); } private void processAliases() { List<Method> aliases = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.attributes.size(); i++) { aliases.clear(); aliases.add(this.attributes.get(i)); collectAliases(aliases); if (aliases.size() > 1) { processAliases(i, aliases); } } } private void collectAliases(List<Method> aliases) { AnnotationTypeMapping mapping = this; while (mapping != null) { int size = aliases.size(); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { List<Method> additional = mapping.aliasedBy.get(aliases.get(j)); if (additional != null) { aliases.addAll(additional); } } mapping = mapping.source; } } private void processAliases(int attributeIndex, List<Method> aliases) { int rootAttributeIndex = getFirstRootAttributeIndex(aliases); AnnotationTypeMapping mapping = this; while (mapping != null) { if (rootAttributeIndex != -1 && mapping != this.root) { for (int i = 0; i < mapping.attributes.size(); i++) { if (aliases.contains(mapping.attributes.get(i))) { mapping.aliasMappings[i] = rootAttributeIndex; } } } mapping.mirrorSets.updateFrom(aliases); mapping.claimedAliases.addAll(aliases); if (mapping.annotation != null) { int[] resolvedMirrors = mapping.mirrorSets.resolve(null, mapping.annotation, ReflectionUtils::invokeMethod); for (int i = 0; i < mapping.attributes.size(); i++) { if (aliases.contains(mapping.attributes.get(i))) { this.annotationValueMappings[attributeIndex] = resolvedMirrors[i]; this.annotationValueSource[attributeIndex] = mapping; } } } mapping = mapping.source; } } private int getFirstRootAttributeIndex(Collection<Method> aliases) { AttributeMethods rootAttributes = this.root.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < rootAttributes.size(); i++) { if (aliases.contains(rootAttributes.get(i))) { return i; } } return -1; } private void addConventionMappings() { if (this.distance == 0) { return; } AttributeMethods rootAttributes = this.root.getAttributes(); int[] mappings = this.conventionMappings; for (int i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) { String name = this.attributes.get(i).getName(); MirrorSet mirrors = getMirrorSets().getAssigned(i); int mapped = rootAttributes.indexOf(name); if (!MergedAnnotation.VALUE.equals(name) && mapped != -1) { mappings[i] = mapped; if (mirrors != null) { for (int j = 0; j < mirrors.size(); j++) { mappings[mirrors.getAttributeIndex(j)] = mapped; } } } } } private void addConventionAnnotationValues() { for (int i = 0; i < this.attributes.size(); i++) { Method attribute = this.attributes.get(i); boolean isValueAttribute = MergedAnnotation.VALUE.equals(attribute.getName()); AnnotationTypeMapping mapping = this; while (mapping != null && mapping.distance > 0) { int mapped = mapping.getAttributes().indexOf(attribute.getName()); if (mapped != -1 && isBetterConventionAnnotationValue(i, isValueAttribute, mapping)) { this.annotationValueMappings[i] = mapped; this.annotationValueSource[i] = mapping; } mapping = mapping.source; } } } private boolean isBetterConventionAnnotationValue(int index, boolean isValueAttribute, AnnotationTypeMapping mapping) { if (this.annotationValueMappings[index] == -1) { return true; } int existingDistance = this.annotationValueSource[index].distance; return !isValueAttribute && existingDistance > mapping.distance; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean computeSynthesizableFlag() { // Uses @AliasFor for local aliases? for (int index : this.aliasMappings) { if (index != -1) { return true; } } // Uses @AliasFor for attribute overrides in meta-annotations? if (!this.aliasedBy.isEmpty()) { return true; } // Uses convention-based attribute overrides in meta-annotations? for (int index : this.conventionMappings) { if (index != -1) { return true; } } // Has nested annotations or arrays of annotations that are synthesizable? if (getAttributes().hasNestedAnnotation()) { AttributeMethods attributeMethods = getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attributeMethods.size(); i++) { Method method = attributeMethods.get(i); Class<?> type = method.getReturnType(); if (type.isAnnotation() || (type.isArray() && type.getComponentType().isAnnotation())) { Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType = (Class<? extends Annotation>) (type.isAnnotation() ? type : type.getComponentType()); AnnotationTypeMapping mapping = AnnotationTypeMappings.forAnnotationType(annotationType).get(0); if (mapping.isSynthesizable()) { return true; } } } } return false; }
Method called after all mappings have been set. At this point no further lookups from child mappings will occur.
/** * Method called after all mappings have been set. At this point no further * lookups from child mappings will occur. */
void afterAllMappingsSet() { validateAllAliasesClaimed(); for (int i = 0; i < this.mirrorSets.size(); i++) { validateMirrorSet(this.mirrorSets.get(i)); } this.claimedAliases.clear(); } private void validateAllAliasesClaimed() { for (int i = 0; i < this.attributes.size(); i++) { Method attribute = this.attributes.get(i); AliasFor aliasFor = AnnotationsScanner.getDeclaredAnnotation(attribute, AliasFor.class); if (aliasFor != null && !this.claimedAliases.contains(attribute)) { Method target = resolveAliasTarget(attribute, aliasFor); throw new AnnotationConfigurationException(String.format( "@AliasFor declaration on %s declares an alias for %s which is not meta-present.", AttributeMethods.describe(attribute), AttributeMethods.describe(target))); } } } private void validateMirrorSet(MirrorSet mirrorSet) { Method firstAttribute = mirrorSet.get(0); Object firstDefaultValue = firstAttribute.getDefaultValue(); for (int i = 1; i <= mirrorSet.size() - 1; i++) { Method mirrorAttribute = mirrorSet.get(i); Object mirrorDefaultValue = mirrorAttribute.getDefaultValue(); if (firstDefaultValue == null || mirrorDefaultValue == null) { throw new AnnotationConfigurationException(String.format( "Misconfigured aliases: %s and %s must declare default values.", AttributeMethods.describe(firstAttribute), AttributeMethods.describe(mirrorAttribute))); } if (!ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(firstDefaultValue, mirrorDefaultValue)) { throw new AnnotationConfigurationException(String.format( "Misconfigured aliases: %s and %s must declare the same default value.", AttributeMethods.describe(firstAttribute), AttributeMethods.describe(mirrorAttribute))); } } }
Get the root mapping.
Returns:the root mapping
/** * Get the root mapping. * @return the root mapping */
AnnotationTypeMapping getRoot() { return this.root; }
Get the source of the mapping or null.
Returns:the source of the mapping
/** * Get the source of the mapping or {@code null}. * @return the source of the mapping */
@Nullable AnnotationTypeMapping getSource() { return this.source; }
Get the distance of this mapping.
Returns:the distance of the mapping
/** * Get the distance of this mapping. * @return the distance of the mapping */
int getDistance() { return this.distance; }
Get the type of the mapped annotation.
Returns:the annotation type
/** * Get the type of the mapped annotation. * @return the annotation type */
Class<? extends Annotation> getAnnotationType() { return this.annotationType; } List<Class<? extends Annotation>> getMetaTypes() { return this.metaTypes; }
Get the source annotation for this mapping. This will be the meta-annotation, or null if this is the root mapping.
Returns:the source annotation of the mapping
/** * Get the source annotation for this mapping. This will be the * meta-annotation, or {@code null} if this is the root mapping. * @return the source annotation of the mapping */
@Nullable Annotation getAnnotation() { return this.annotation; }
Get the annotation attributes for the mapping annotation type.
Returns:the attribute methods
/** * Get the annotation attributes for the mapping annotation type. * @return the attribute methods */
AttributeMethods getAttributes() { return this.attributes; }
Get the related index of an alias mapped attribute, or -1 if there is no mapping. The resulting value is the index of the attribute on the root annotation that can be invoked in order to obtain the actual value.
  • attributeIndex – the attribute index of the source attribute
Returns:the mapped attribute index or -1
/** * Get the related index of an alias mapped attribute, or {@code -1} if * there is no mapping. The resulting value is the index of the attribute on * the root annotation that can be invoked in order to obtain the actual * value. * @param attributeIndex the attribute index of the source attribute * @return the mapped attribute index or {@code -1} */
int getAliasMapping(int attributeIndex) { return this.aliasMappings[attributeIndex]; }
Get the related index of a convention mapped attribute, or -1 if there is no mapping. The resulting value is the index of the attribute on the root annotation that can be invoked in order to obtain the actual value.
  • attributeIndex – the attribute index of the source attribute
Returns:the mapped attribute index or -1
/** * Get the related index of a convention mapped attribute, or {@code -1} * if there is no mapping. The resulting value is the index of the attribute * on the root annotation that can be invoked in order to obtain the actual * value. * @param attributeIndex the attribute index of the source attribute * @return the mapped attribute index or {@code -1} */
int getConventionMapping(int attributeIndex) { return this.conventionMappings[attributeIndex]; }
Get a mapped attribute value from the most suitable meta-annotation.

The resulting value is obtained from the closest meta-annotation, taking into consideration both convention and alias based mapping rules. For root mappings, this method will always return null.

  • attributeIndex – the attribute index of the source attribute
  • metaAnnotationsOnly – if only meta annotations should be considered. If this parameter is false then aliases within the annotation will also be considered.
Returns:the mapped annotation value, or null
/** * Get a mapped attribute value from the most suitable * {@link #getAnnotation() meta-annotation}. * <p>The resulting value is obtained from the closest meta-annotation, * taking into consideration both convention and alias based mapping rules. * For root mappings, this method will always return {@code null}. * @param attributeIndex the attribute index of the source attribute * @param metaAnnotationsOnly if only meta annotations should be considered. * If this parameter is {@code false} then aliases within the annotation will * also be considered. * @return the mapped annotation value, or {@code null} */
@Nullable Object getMappedAnnotationValue(int attributeIndex, boolean metaAnnotationsOnly) { int mappedIndex = this.annotationValueMappings[attributeIndex]; if (mappedIndex == -1) { return null; } AnnotationTypeMapping source = this.annotationValueSource[attributeIndex]; if (source == this && metaAnnotationsOnly) { return null; } return ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(source.attributes.get(mappedIndex), source.annotation); }
Determine if the specified value is equivalent to the default value of the attribute at the given index.
  • attributeIndex – the attribute index of the source attribute
  • value – the value to check
  • valueExtractor – the value extractor used to extract values from any nested annotations
Returns:true if the value is equivalent to the default value
/** * Determine if the specified value is equivalent to the default value of the * attribute at the given index. * @param attributeIndex the attribute index of the source attribute * @param value the value to check * @param valueExtractor the value extractor used to extract values from any * nested annotations * @return {@code true} if the value is equivalent to the default value */
boolean isEquivalentToDefaultValue(int attributeIndex, Object value, ValueExtractor valueExtractor) { Method attribute = this.attributes.get(attributeIndex); return isEquivalentToDefaultValue(attribute, value, valueExtractor); }
Get the mirror sets for this type mapping.
Returns:the attribute mirror sets
/** * Get the mirror sets for this type mapping. * @return the attribute mirror sets */
MirrorSets getMirrorSets() { return this.mirrorSets; }
Determine if the mapped annotation is synthesizable.

Consult the documentation for MergedAnnotation.synthesize() for an explanation of what is considered synthesizable.

Returns:true if the mapped annotation is synthesizable
/** * Determine if the mapped annotation is <em>synthesizable</em>. * <p>Consult the documentation for {@link MergedAnnotation#synthesize()} * for an explanation of what is considered synthesizable. * @return {@code true} if the mapped annotation is synthesizable * @since 5.2.6 */
boolean isSynthesizable() { return this.synthesizable; } private static int[] filledIntArray(int size) { int[] array = new int[size]; Arrays.fill(array, -1); return array; } private static boolean isEquivalentToDefaultValue(Method attribute, Object value, ValueExtractor valueExtractor) { return areEquivalent(attribute.getDefaultValue(), value, valueExtractor); } private static boolean areEquivalent(@Nullable Object value, @Nullable Object extractedValue, ValueExtractor valueExtractor) { if (ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(value, extractedValue)) { return true; } if (value instanceof Class && extractedValue instanceof String) { return areEquivalent((Class<?>) value, (String) extractedValue); } if (value instanceof Class[] && extractedValue instanceof String[]) { return areEquivalent((Class[]) value, (String[]) extractedValue); } if (value instanceof Annotation) { return areEquivalent((Annotation) value, extractedValue, valueExtractor); } return false; } private static boolean areEquivalent(Class<?>[] value, String[] extractedValue) { if (value.length != extractedValue.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { if (!areEquivalent(value[i], extractedValue[i])) { return false; } } return true; } private static boolean areEquivalent(Class<?> value, String extractedValue) { return value.getName().equals(extractedValue); } private static boolean areEquivalent(Annotation annotation, @Nullable Object extractedValue, ValueExtractor valueExtractor) { AttributeMethods attributes = AttributeMethods.forAnnotationType(annotation.annotationType()); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++) { Method attribute = attributes.get(i); Object value1 = ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(attribute, annotation); Object value2; if (extractedValue instanceof TypeMappedAnnotation) { value2 = ((TypeMappedAnnotation<?>) extractedValue).getValue(attribute.getName()).orElse(null); } else { value2 = valueExtractor.extract(attribute, extractedValue); } if (!areEquivalent(value1, value2, valueExtractor)) { return false; } } return true; }
A collection of MirrorSet instances that provides details of all defined mirrors.
/** * A collection of {@link MirrorSet} instances that provides details of all * defined mirrors. */
class MirrorSets { private MirrorSet[] mirrorSets; private final MirrorSet[] assigned; MirrorSets() { this.assigned = new MirrorSet[attributes.size()]; this.mirrorSets = EMPTY_MIRROR_SETS; } void updateFrom(Collection<Method> aliases) { MirrorSet mirrorSet = null; int size = 0; int last = -1; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++) { Method attribute = attributes.get(i); if (aliases.contains(attribute)) { size++; if (size > 1) { if (mirrorSet == null) { mirrorSet = new MirrorSet(); this.assigned[last] = mirrorSet; } this.assigned[i] = mirrorSet; } last = i; } } if (mirrorSet != null) { mirrorSet.update(); Set<MirrorSet> unique = new LinkedHashSet<>(Arrays.asList(this.assigned)); unique.remove(null); this.mirrorSets = unique.toArray(EMPTY_MIRROR_SETS); } } int size() { return this.mirrorSets.length; } MirrorSet get(int index) { return this.mirrorSets[index]; } @Nullable MirrorSet getAssigned(int attributeIndex) { return this.assigned[attributeIndex]; } int[] resolve(@Nullable Object source, @Nullable Object annotation, ValueExtractor valueExtractor) { int[] result = new int[attributes.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result[i] = i; } for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { MirrorSet mirrorSet = get(i); int resolved = mirrorSet.resolve(source, annotation, valueExtractor); for (int j = 0; j < mirrorSet.size; j++) { result[mirrorSet.indexes[j]] = resolved; } } return result; }
A single set of mirror attributes.
/** * A single set of mirror attributes. */
class MirrorSet { private int size; private final int[] indexes = new int[attributes.size()]; void update() { this.size = 0; Arrays.fill(this.indexes, -1); for (int i = 0; i < MirrorSets.this.assigned.length; i++) { if (MirrorSets.this.assigned[i] == this) { this.indexes[this.size] = i; this.size++; } } } <A> int resolve(@Nullable Object source, @Nullable A annotation, ValueExtractor valueExtractor) { int result = -1; Object lastValue = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.size; i++) { Method attribute = attributes.get(this.indexes[i]); Object value = valueExtractor.extract(attribute, annotation); boolean isDefaultValue = (value == null || isEquivalentToDefaultValue(attribute, value, valueExtractor)); if (isDefaultValue || ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(lastValue, value)) { if (result == -1) { result = this.indexes[i]; } continue; } if (lastValue != null && !ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(lastValue, value)) { String on = (source != null) ? " declared on " + source : ""; throw new AnnotationConfigurationException(String.format( "Different @AliasFor mirror values for annotation [%s]%s; attribute '%s' " + "and its alias '%s' are declared with values of [%s] and [%s].", getAnnotationType().getName(), on, attributes.get(result).getName(), attribute.getName(), ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(lastValue), ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(value))); } result = this.indexes[i]; lastValue = value; } return result; } int size() { return this.size; } Method get(int index) { int attributeIndex = this.indexes[index]; return attributes.get(attributeIndex); } int getAttributeIndex(int index) { return this.indexes[index]; } } } }