 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
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package com.sun.javafx.text;

import javafx.scene.shape.LineTo;
import javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo;
import javafx.scene.shape.PathElement;
import com.sun.javafx.font.CharToGlyphMapper;
import com.sun.javafx.font.FontResource;
import com.sun.javafx.font.FontStrike;
import com.sun.javafx.font.Metrics;
import com.sun.javafx.font.PGFont;
import com.sun.javafx.font.PrismFontFactory;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.BaseBounds;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.Path2D;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.Point2D;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.RectBounds;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.RoundRectangle2D;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.Shape;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.Translate2D;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.text.GlyphList;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.text.TextLayout;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.text.TextSpan;
import java.text.Bidi;
import java.text.BreakIterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Hashtable;

public class PrismTextLayout implements TextLayout {
    private static final BaseTransform IDENTITY = BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM;
    private static final int X_MIN_INDEX = 0;
    private static final int Y_MIN_INDEX = 1;
    private static final int X_MAX_INDEX = 2;
    private static final int Y_MAX_INDEX = 3;

    private static final Hashtable<Integer, LayoutCache> stringCache = new Hashtable<>();
    private static final Object  CACHE_SIZE_LOCK = new Object();
    private static int cacheSize = 0;
    private static final int MAX_STRING_SIZE = 256;
    private static final int MAX_CACHE_SIZE = PrismFontFactory.cacheLayoutSize;

    private char[] text;
    private TextSpan[] spans;   /* Rich text  (null for single font text) */
    private PGFont font;        /* Single font text (null for rich text) */
    private FontStrike strike;  /* cached strike of font (identity) */
    private Integer cacheKey;
    private TextLine[] lines;
    private TextRun[] runs;
    private int runCount;
    private BaseBounds logicalBounds;
    private RectBounds visualBounds;
    private float layoutWidth, layoutHeight;
    private float wrapWidth, spacing;
    private LayoutCache layoutCache;
    private Shape shape;
    private int flags;
    private int tabSize = DEFAULT_TAB_SIZE;

    public PrismTextLayout() {
        logicalBounds = new RectBounds();
        flags = ALIGN_LEFT;

    private void reset() {
        layoutCache = null;
        runs = null;
        flags &= ~ANALYSIS_MASK;

    private void relayout() {
        visualBounds = null;
        layoutWidth = layoutHeight = 0;
        lines = null;
        shape = null;

* TextLayout API * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * TextLayout API * * * **************************************************************************/
public boolean setContent(TextSpan[] spans) { if (spans == null && this.spans == null) return false; if (spans != null && this.spans != null) { if (spans.length == this.spans.length) { int i = 0; while (i < spans.length) { if (spans[i] != this.spans[i]) break; i++; } if (i == spans.length) return false; } } reset(); this.spans = spans; this.font = null; this.strike = null; this.text = null; /* Initialized in getText() */ this.cacheKey = null; return true; } public boolean setContent(String text, Object font) { reset(); this.spans = null; this.font = (PGFont)font; this.strike = ((PGFont)font).getStrike(IDENTITY); this.text = text.toCharArray(); if (MAX_CACHE_SIZE > 0) { int length = text.length(); if (0 < length && length <= MAX_STRING_SIZE) { cacheKey = text.hashCode() * strike.hashCode(); } } return true; } public boolean setDirection(int direction) { if ((flags & DIRECTION_MASK) == direction) return false; flags &= ~DIRECTION_MASK; flags |= (direction & DIRECTION_MASK); reset(); return true; } public boolean setBoundsType(int type) { if ((flags & BOUNDS_MASK) == type) return false; flags &= ~BOUNDS_MASK; flags |= (type & BOUNDS_MASK); reset(); return true; } public boolean setAlignment(int alignment) { int align = ALIGN_LEFT; switch (alignment) { case 0: align = ALIGN_LEFT; break; case 1: align = ALIGN_CENTER; break; case 2: align = ALIGN_RIGHT; break; case 3: align = ALIGN_JUSTIFY; break; } if ((flags & ALIGN_MASK) == align) return false; if (align == ALIGN_JUSTIFY || (flags & ALIGN_JUSTIFY) != 0) { reset(); } flags &= ~ALIGN_MASK; flags |= align; relayout(); return true; } public boolean setWrapWidth(float newWidth) { if (Float.isInfinite(newWidth)) newWidth = 0; if (Float.isNaN(newWidth)) newWidth = 0; float oldWidth = this.wrapWidth; this.wrapWidth = Math.max(0, newWidth); boolean needsLayout = true; if (lines != null && oldWidth != 0 && newWidth != 0) { if ((flags & ALIGN_LEFT) != 0) { if (newWidth > oldWidth) { /* If wrapping width is increasing and there is no * wrapped lines then the text remains valid. */ if ((flags & FLAGS_WRAPPED) == 0) { needsLayout = false; } } else { /* If wrapping width is decreasing but it is still * greater than the max line width then the text * remains valid. */ if (newWidth >= layoutWidth) { needsLayout = false; } } } } if (needsLayout) relayout(); return needsLayout; } public boolean setLineSpacing(float spacing) { if (this.spacing == spacing) return false; this.spacing = spacing; relayout(); return true; } private void ensureLayout() { if (lines == null) { layout(); } } public com.sun.javafx.scene.text.TextLine[] getLines() { ensureLayout(); return lines; } public GlyphList[] getRuns() { ensureLayout(); GlyphList[] result = new GlyphList[runCount]; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { GlyphList[] lineRuns = lines[i].getRuns(); int length = lineRuns.length; System.arraycopy(lineRuns, 0, result, count, length); count += length; } return result; } public BaseBounds getBounds() { ensureLayout(); return logicalBounds; } public BaseBounds getBounds(TextSpan filter, BaseBounds bounds) { ensureLayout(); float left = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float top = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float right = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; float bottom = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; if (filter != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { TextLine line = lines[i]; TextRun[] lineRuns = line.getRuns(); for (int j = 0; j < lineRuns.length; j++) { TextRun run = lineRuns[j]; TextSpan span = run.getTextSpan(); if (span != filter) continue; Point2D location = run.getLocation(); float runLeft = location.x; if (run.isLeftBearing()) { runLeft += line.getLeftSideBearing(); } float runRight = location.x + run.getWidth(); if (run.isRightBearing()) { runRight += line.getRightSideBearing(); } float runTop = location.y; float runBottom = location.y + line.getBounds().getHeight() + spacing; if (runLeft < left) left = runLeft; if (runTop < top) top = runTop; if (runRight > right) right = runRight; if (runBottom > bottom) bottom = runBottom; } } } else { top = bottom = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { TextLine line = lines[i]; RectBounds lineBounds = line.getBounds(); float lineLeft = lineBounds.getMinX() + line.getLeftSideBearing(); if (lineLeft < left) left = lineLeft; float lineRight = lineBounds.getMaxX() + line.getRightSideBearing(); if (lineRight > right) right = lineRight; bottom += lineBounds.getHeight(); } if (isMirrored()) { float width = getMirroringWidth(); float bearing = left; left = width - right; right = width - bearing; } } return bounds.deriveWithNewBounds(left, top, 0, right, bottom, 0); } public PathElement[] getCaretShape(int offset, boolean isLeading, float x, float y) { ensureLayout(); int lineIndex = 0; int lineCount = getLineCount(); while (lineIndex < lineCount - 1) { TextLine line = lines[lineIndex]; int lineEnd = line.getStart() + line.getLength(); if (lineEnd > offset) break; lineIndex++; } int sliptCaretOffset = -1; int level = 0; float lineX = 0, lineY = 0, lineHeight = 0; TextLine line = lines[lineIndex]; TextRun[] runs = line.getRuns(); int runCount = runs.length; int runIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < runCount; i++) { TextRun run = runs[i]; int runStart = run.getStart(); int runEnd = run.getEnd(); if (runStart <= offset && offset < runEnd) { if (!run.isLinebreak()) { runIndex = i; } break; } } if (runIndex != -1) { TextRun run = runs[runIndex]; int runStart = run.getStart(); Point2D location = run.getLocation(); lineX = location.x + run.getXAtOffset(offset - runStart, isLeading); lineY = location.y; lineHeight = line.getBounds().getHeight(); if (isLeading) { if (runIndex > 0 && offset == runStart) { level = run.getLevel(); sliptCaretOffset = offset - 1; } } else { int runEnd = run.getEnd(); if (runIndex + 1 < runs.length && offset + 1 == runEnd) { level = run.getLevel(); sliptCaretOffset = offset + 1; } } } else { /* end of line (line break or offset>=charCount) */ int maxOffset = 0; /* set run index to zero to handle empty line case (only break line) */ runIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < runCount; i++) { TextRun run = runs[i]; /*use the trailing edge of the last logical run*/ if (run.getStart() >= maxOffset && !run.isLinebreak()) { maxOffset = run.getStart(); runIndex = i; } } TextRun run = runs[runIndex]; Point2D location = run.getLocation(); lineX = location.x + (run.isLeftToRight() ? run.getWidth() : 0); lineY = location.y; lineHeight = line.getBounds().getHeight(); } if (isMirrored()) { lineX = getMirroringWidth() - lineX; } lineX += x; lineY += y; if (sliptCaretOffset != -1) { for (int i = 0; i < runs.length; i++) { TextRun run = runs[i]; int runStart = run.getStart(); int runEnd = run.getEnd(); if (runStart <= sliptCaretOffset && sliptCaretOffset < runEnd) { if ((run.getLevel() & 1) != (level & 1)) { Point2D location = run.getLocation(); float lineX2 = location.x; if (isLeading) { if ((level & 1) != 0) lineX2 += run.getWidth(); } else { if ((level & 1) == 0) lineX2 += run.getWidth(); } if (isMirrored()) { lineX2 = getMirroringWidth() - lineX2; } lineX2 += x; PathElement[] result = new PathElement[4]; result[0] = new MoveTo(lineX, lineY); result[1] = new LineTo(lineX, lineY + lineHeight / 2); result[2] = new MoveTo(lineX2, lineY + lineHeight / 2); result[3] = new LineTo(lineX2, lineY + lineHeight); return result; } } } } PathElement[] result = new PathElement[2]; result[0] = new MoveTo(lineX, lineY); result[1] = new LineTo(lineX, lineY + lineHeight); return result; } public Hit getHitInfo(float x, float y) { int charIndex = -1; boolean leading = false; ensureLayout(); int lineIndex = getLineIndex(y); if (lineIndex >= getLineCount()) { charIndex = getCharCount(); } else { if (isMirrored()) { x = getMirroringWidth() - x; } TextLine line = lines[lineIndex]; TextRun[] runs = line.getRuns(); RectBounds bounds = line.getBounds(); TextRun run = null; x -= bounds.getMinX(); //TODO binary search for (int i = 0; i < runs.length; i++) { run = runs[i]; if (x < run.getWidth()) break; if (i + 1 < runs.length) { if (runs[i + 1].isLinebreak()) break; x -= run.getWidth(); } } if (run != null) { int[] trailing = new int[1]; charIndex = run.getStart() + run.getOffsetAtX(x, trailing); leading = (trailing[0] == 0); } else { //empty line, set to line break leading charIndex = line.getStart(); leading = true; } } return new Hit(charIndex, -1, leading); } public PathElement[] getRange(int start, int end, int type, float x, float y) { ensureLayout(); int lineCount = getLineCount(); ArrayList<PathElement> result = new ArrayList<PathElement>(); float lineY = 0; for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < lineCount; lineIndex++) { TextLine line = lines[lineIndex]; RectBounds lineBounds = line.getBounds(); int lineStart = line.getStart(); if (lineStart >= end) break; int lineEnd = lineStart + line.getLength(); if (start > lineEnd) { lineY += lineBounds.getHeight() + spacing; continue; } /* The list of runs in the line is visually ordered. * Thus, finding the run that includes the selection end offset * does not mean that all selected runs have being visited. * Instead, this implementation first computes the number of selected * characters in the current line, then iterates over the runs consuming * selected characters till all of them are found. */ TextRun[] runs = line.getRuns(); int count = Math.min(lineEnd, end) - Math.max(lineStart, start); int runIndex = 0; float left = -1; float right = -1; float lineX = lineBounds.getMinX(); while (count > 0 && runIndex < runs.length) { TextRun run = runs[runIndex]; int runStart = run.getStart(); int runEnd = run.getEnd(); float runWidth = run.getWidth(); int clmapStart = Math.max(runStart, Math.min(start, runEnd)); int clampEnd = Math.max(runStart, Math.min(end, runEnd)); int runCount = clampEnd - clmapStart; if (runCount != 0) { boolean ltr = run.isLeftToRight(); float runLeft; if (runStart > start) { runLeft = ltr ? lineX : lineX + runWidth; } else { runLeft = lineX + run.getXAtOffset(start - runStart, true); } float runRight; if (runEnd < end) { runRight = ltr ? lineX + runWidth : lineX; } else { runRight = lineX + run.getXAtOffset(end - runStart, true); } if (runLeft > runRight) { float tmp = runLeft; runLeft = runRight; runRight = tmp; } count -= runCount; float top = 0, bottom = 0; switch (type) { case TYPE_TEXT: top = lineY; bottom = lineY + lineBounds.getHeight(); break; case TYPE_UNDERLINE: case TYPE_STRIKETHROUGH: FontStrike fontStrike = null; if (spans != null) { TextSpan span = run.getTextSpan(); PGFont font = (PGFont)span.getFont(); if (font == null) break; fontStrike = font.getStrike(IDENTITY); } else { fontStrike = strike; } top = lineY - run.getAscent(); Metrics metrics = fontStrike.getMetrics(); if (type == TYPE_UNDERLINE) { top += metrics.getUnderLineOffset(); bottom = top + metrics.getUnderLineThickness(); } else { top += metrics.getStrikethroughOffset(); bottom = top + metrics.getStrikethroughThickness(); } break; } /* Merge continuous rectangles */ if (runLeft != right) { if (left != -1 && right != -1) { float l = left, r = right; if (isMirrored()) { float width = getMirroringWidth(); l = width - l; r = width - r; } result.add(new MoveTo(x + l, y + top)); result.add(new LineTo(x + r, y + top)); result.add(new LineTo(x + r, y + bottom)); result.add(new LineTo(x + l, y + bottom)); result.add(new LineTo(x + l, y + top)); } left = runLeft; right = runRight; } right = runRight; if (count == 0) { float l = left, r = right; if (isMirrored()) { float width = getMirroringWidth(); l = width - l; r = width - r; } result.add(new MoveTo(x + l, y + top)); result.add(new LineTo(x + r, y + top)); result.add(new LineTo(x + r, y + bottom)); result.add(new LineTo(x + l, y + bottom)); result.add(new LineTo(x + l, y + top)); } } lineX += runWidth; runIndex++; } lineY += lineBounds.getHeight() + spacing; } return result.toArray(new PathElement[result.size()]); } public Shape getShape(int type, TextSpan filter) { ensureLayout(); boolean text = (type & TYPE_TEXT) != 0; boolean underline = (type & TYPE_UNDERLINE) != 0; boolean strikethrough = (type & TYPE_STRIKETHROUGH) != 0; boolean baselineType = (type & TYPE_BASELINE) != 0; if (shape != null && text && !underline && !strikethrough && baselineType) { return shape; } Path2D outline = new Path2D(); BaseTransform tx = new Translate2D(0, 0); /* Return a shape relative to the baseline of the first line so * it can be used for layout */ float firstBaseline = 0; if (baselineType) { firstBaseline = -lines[0].getBounds().getMinY(); } for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { TextLine line = lines[i]; TextRun[] runs = line.getRuns(); RectBounds bounds = line.getBounds(); float baseline = -bounds.getMinY(); for (int j = 0; j < runs.length; j++) { TextRun run = runs[j]; FontStrike fontStrike = null; if (spans != null) { TextSpan span = run.getTextSpan(); if (filter != null && span != filter) continue; PGFont font = (PGFont)span.getFont(); /* skip embedded runs */ if (font == null) continue; fontStrike = font.getStrike(IDENTITY); } else { fontStrike = strike; } Point2D location = run.getLocation(); float runX = location.x; float runY = location.y + baseline - firstBaseline; Metrics metrics = null; if (underline || strikethrough) { metrics = fontStrike.getMetrics(); } if (underline) { RoundRectangle2D rect = new RoundRectangle2D(); rect.x = runX; rect.y = runY + metrics.getUnderLineOffset(); rect.width = run.getWidth(); rect.height = metrics.getUnderLineThickness(); outline.append(rect, false); } if (strikethrough) { RoundRectangle2D rect = new RoundRectangle2D(); rect.x = runX; rect.y = runY + metrics.getStrikethroughOffset(); rect.width = run.getWidth(); rect.height = metrics.getStrikethroughThickness(); outline.append(rect, false); } if (text && run.getGlyphCount() > 0) { tx.restoreTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, runX, runY); Path2D path = (Path2D)fontStrike.getOutline(run, tx); outline.append(path, false); } } } if (text && !underline && !strikethrough) { shape = outline; } return outline; } @Override public boolean setTabSize(int spaces) { if (spaces < 1) { spaces = 1; } if (tabSize != spaces) { tabSize = spaces; relayout(); return true; } return false; }
* Text Layout Implementation * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Text Layout Implementation * * * **************************************************************************/
private int getLineIndex(float y) { int index = 0; float bottom = 0; int lineCount = getLineCount(); while (index < lineCount) { bottom += lines[index].getBounds().getHeight() + spacing; if (index + 1 == lineCount) bottom -= lines[index].getLeading(); if (bottom > y) break; index++; } return index; } private boolean copyCache() { int align = flags & ALIGN_MASK; int boundsType = flags & BOUNDS_MASK; /* Caching for boundsType == Center, bias towards Modena */ return wrapWidth != 0 || align != ALIGN_LEFT || boundsType == 0 || isMirrored(); } private void initCache() { if (cacheKey != null) { if (layoutCache == null) { LayoutCache cache = stringCache.get(cacheKey); if (cache != null && cache.font.equals(font) && Arrays.equals(cache.text, text)) { layoutCache = cache; runs = cache.runs; runCount = cache.runCount; flags |= cache.analysis; } } if (layoutCache != null) { if (copyCache()) { /* This instance has some property that requires it to * build its own lines (i.e. wrapping width). Thus, only use * the runs from the cache (and it needs to make a copy * before using it as they will be modified). * Note: the copy of the elements in the array happens in * reuseRuns(). */ if (layoutCache.runs == runs) { runs = new TextRun[runCount]; System.arraycopy(layoutCache.runs, 0, runs, 0, runCount); } } else { if (layoutCache.lines != null) { runs = layoutCache.runs; runCount = layoutCache.runCount; flags |= layoutCache.analysis; lines = layoutCache.lines; layoutWidth = layoutCache.layoutWidth; layoutHeight = layoutCache.layoutHeight; float ascent = lines[0].getBounds().getMinY(); logicalBounds = logicalBounds.deriveWithNewBounds(0, ascent, 0, layoutWidth, layoutHeight + ascent, 0); } } } } } private int getLineCount() { return lines.length; } private int getCharCount() { if (text != null) return text.length; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { count += lines[i].getLength(); } return count; } public TextSpan[] getTextSpans() { return spans; } public PGFont getFont() { return font; } public int getDirection() { if ((flags & DIRECTION_LTR) != 0) { return Bidi.DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT; } if ((flags & DIRECTION_RTL) != 0) { return Bidi.DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT; } if ((flags & DIRECTION_DEFAULT_LTR) != 0) { return Bidi.DIRECTION_DEFAULT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT; } if ((flags & DIRECTION_DEFAULT_RTL) != 0) { return Bidi.DIRECTION_DEFAULT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT; } return Bidi.DIRECTION_DEFAULT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT; } public void addTextRun(TextRun run) { if (runCount + 1 > runs.length) { TextRun[] newRuns = new TextRun[runs.length + 64]; System.arraycopy(runs, 0, newRuns, 0, runs.length); runs = newRuns; } runs[runCount++] = run; } private void buildRuns(char[] chars) { runCount = 0; if (runs == null) { int count = Math.max(4, Math.min(chars.length / 16, 16)); runs = new TextRun[count]; } GlyphLayout layout = GlyphLayout.getInstance(); flags = layout.breakRuns(this, chars, flags); layout.dispose(); for (int j = runCount; j < runs.length; j++) { runs[j] = null; } } private void shape(TextRun run, char[] chars, GlyphLayout layout) { FontStrike strike; PGFont font; if (spans != null) { if (spans.length == 0) return; TextSpan span = run.getTextSpan(); font = (PGFont)span.getFont(); if (font == null) { RectBounds bounds = span.getBounds(); run.setEmbedded(bounds, span.getText().length()); return; } strike = font.getStrike(IDENTITY); } else { font = this.font; strike = this.strike; } /* init metrics for line breaks for empty lines */ if (run.getAscent() == 0) { Metrics m = strike.getMetrics(); /* The implementation of the center layoutBounds mode is to assure the * layout has the same number of pixels above and bellow the cap * height. */ if ((flags & BOUNDS_MASK) == BOUNDS_CENTER) { float ascent = m.getAscent(); /* Segoe UI has a very large internal leading area, applying the * center layoutBounds heuristics on it would result in several pixels * being added to the descent. The final results would be * overly large and visually unappealing. The fix is to reduce * the ascent before applying the algorithm. */ if (font.getFamilyName().equals("Segoe UI")) { ascent *= 0.80; } ascent = (int)(ascent-0.75); float descent = (int)(m.getDescent()+0.75); float leading = (int)(m.getLineGap()+0.75); float capHeight = (int)(m.getCapHeight()+0.75); float topPadding = -ascent - capHeight; if (topPadding > descent) { descent = topPadding; } else { ascent += (topPadding - descent); } run.setMetrics(ascent, descent, leading); } else { run.setMetrics(m.getAscent(), m.getDescent(), m.getLineGap()); } } if (run.isTab()) return; if (run.isLinebreak()) return; if (run.getGlyphCount() > 0) return; if (run.isComplex()) { /* Use GlyphLayout to shape complex text */ layout.layout(run, font, strike, chars); } else { FontResource fr = strike.getFontResource(); int start = run.getStart(); int length = run.getLength(); /* No glyph layout required */ if (layoutCache == null) { float fontSize = strike.getSize(); CharToGlyphMapper mapper = fr.getGlyphMapper(); /* The text contains complex and non-complex runs */ int[] glyphs = new int[length]; mapper.charsToGlyphs(start, length, chars, glyphs); float[] positions = new float[(length + 1) << 1]; float xadvance = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { float width = fr.getAdvance(glyphs[i], fontSize); positions[i<<1] = xadvance; //yadvance always zero xadvance += width; } positions[length<<1] = xadvance; run.shape(length, glyphs, positions, null); } else { /* The text only contains non-complex runs, all the glyphs and * advances are stored in the shapeCache */ if (!layoutCache.valid) { float fontSize = strike.getSize(); CharToGlyphMapper mapper = fr.getGlyphMapper(); mapper.charsToGlyphs(start, length, chars, layoutCache.glyphs, start); int end = start + length; float width = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { float adv = fr.getAdvance(layoutCache.glyphs[i], fontSize); layoutCache.advances[i] = adv; width += adv; } run.setWidth(width); } run.shape(length, layoutCache.glyphs, layoutCache.advances); } } } private TextLine createLine(int start, int end, int startOffset) { int count = end - start + 1; TextRun[] lineRuns = new TextRun[count]; if (start < runCount) { System.arraycopy(runs, start, lineRuns, 0, count); } /* Recompute line width, height, and length (wrapping) */ float width = 0, ascent = 0, descent = 0, leading = 0; int length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lineRuns.length; i++) { TextRun run = lineRuns[i]; width += run.getWidth(); ascent = Math.min(ascent, run.getAscent()); descent = Math.max(descent, run.getDescent()); leading = Math.max(leading, run.getLeading()); length += run.getLength(); } if (width > layoutWidth) layoutWidth = width; return new TextLine(startOffset, length, lineRuns, width, ascent, descent, leading); } private void reorderLine(TextLine line) { TextRun[] runs = line.getRuns(); int length = runs.length; if (length > 0 && runs[length - 1].isLinebreak()) { length--; } if (length < 2) return; byte[] levels = new byte[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { levels[i] = runs[i].getLevel(); } Bidi.reorderVisually(levels, 0, runs, 0, length); } private char[] getText() { if (text == null) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) { count += spans[i].getText().length(); } text = new char[count]; int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) { String string = spans[i].getText(); int length = string.length(); string.getChars(0, length, text, offset); offset += length; } } return text; } private boolean isSimpleLayout() { int textAlignment = flags & ALIGN_MASK; boolean justify = wrapWidth > 0 && textAlignment == ALIGN_JUSTIFY; int mask = FLAGS_HAS_BIDI | FLAGS_HAS_COMPLEX; return (flags & mask) == 0 && !justify; } private boolean isMirrored() { boolean mirrored = false; switch (flags & DIRECTION_MASK) { case DIRECTION_RTL: mirrored = true; break; case DIRECTION_LTR: mirrored = false; break; case DIRECTION_DEFAULT_LTR: case DIRECTION_DEFAULT_RTL: mirrored = (flags & FLAGS_RTL_BASE) != 0; } return mirrored; } private float getMirroringWidth() { /* The text node in the scene layer is mirrored based on * result of computeLayoutBounds. The coordinate translation * in text layout has to be based on the same width. */ return wrapWidth != 0 ? wrapWidth : layoutWidth; } private void reuseRuns() { /* The runs list is always accessed by the same thread (as TextLayout * is not thread safe) thus it can be modified at any time, but the * elements inside of the list are shared among threads and cannot be * modified. Each reused element has to be cloned.*/ runCount = 0; int index = 0;; while (index < runs.length) { TextRun run = runs[index]; if (run == null) break; runs[index] = null; index++; runs[runCount++] = run = run.unwrap(); if (run.isSplit()) { run.merge(null); /* unmark split */ while (index < runs.length) { TextRun nextRun = runs[index]; if (nextRun == null) break; run.merge(nextRun); runs[index] = null; index++; if (nextRun.isSplitLast()) break; } } } } private float getTabAdvance() { float spaceAdvance = 0; if (spans != null) { /* Rich text case - use the first font (for now) */ for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) { TextSpan span = spans[i]; PGFont font = (PGFont)span.getFont(); if (font != null) { FontStrike strike = font.getStrike(IDENTITY); spaceAdvance = strike.getCharAdvance(' '); break; } } } else { spaceAdvance = strike.getCharAdvance(' '); } return tabSize * spaceAdvance; } private void layout() { /* Try the cache */ initCache(); /* Whole layout retrieved from the cache */ if (lines != null) return; char[] chars = getText(); /* runs and runCount are set in reuseRuns or buildRuns */ if ((flags & FLAGS_ANALYSIS_VALID) != 0 && isSimpleLayout()) { reuseRuns(); } else { buildRuns(chars); } GlyphLayout layout = null; if ((flags & (FLAGS_HAS_COMPLEX)) != 0) { layout = GlyphLayout.getInstance(); } float tabAdvance = 0; if ((flags & FLAGS_HAS_TABS) != 0) { tabAdvance = getTabAdvance(); } BreakIterator boundary = null; if (wrapWidth > 0) { if ((flags & (FLAGS_HAS_COMPLEX | FLAGS_HAS_CJK)) != 0) { boundary = BreakIterator.getLineInstance(); boundary.setText(new CharArrayIterator(chars)); } } int textAlignment = flags & ALIGN_MASK; /* Optimize simple case: reuse the glyphs and advances as long as the * text and font are the same. * The simple case is no bidi, no complex, no justify, no features. */ if (isSimpleLayout()) { if (layoutCache == null) { layoutCache = new LayoutCache(); layoutCache.glyphs = new int[chars.length]; layoutCache.advances = new float[chars.length]; } } else { layoutCache = null; } float lineWidth = 0; int startIndex = 0; int startOffset = 0; ArrayList<TextLine> linesList = new ArrayList<TextLine>(); for (int i = 0; i < runCount; i++) { TextRun run = runs[i]; shape(run, chars, layout); if (run.isTab()) { float tabStop = ((int)(lineWidth / tabAdvance) +1) * tabAdvance; run.setWidth(tabStop - lineWidth); } float runWidth = run.getWidth(); if (wrapWidth > 0 && lineWidth + runWidth > wrapWidth && !run.isLinebreak()) { /* Find offset of the first character that does not fit on the line */ int hitOffset = run.getStart() + run.getWrapIndex(wrapWidth - lineWidth); /* Only keep whitespaces (not tabs) in the current run to avoid * dealing with unshaped runs. */ int offset = hitOffset; int runEnd = run.getEnd(); while (offset + 1 < runEnd && chars[offset] == ' ') { offset++; /* Preserve behaviour: only keep one white space in the line * before wrapping. Needed API to allow change. */ break; } /* Find the break opportunity */ int breakOffset = offset; if (boundary != null) { /* Use Java BreakIterator when complex script are present */ breakOffset = boundary.isBoundary(offset) || chars[offset] == '\t' ? offset : boundary.preceding(offset); } else { /* Simple break strategy for latin text (Performance) */ boolean currentChar = Character.isWhitespace(chars[breakOffset]); while (breakOffset > startOffset) { boolean previousChar = Character.isWhitespace(chars[breakOffset - 1]); if (!currentChar && previousChar) break; currentChar = previousChar; breakOffset--; } } /* Never break before the line start offset */ if (breakOffset < startOffset) breakOffset = startOffset; /* Find the run that contains the break offset */ int breakRunIndex = startIndex; TextRun breakRun = null; while (breakRunIndex < runCount) { breakRun = runs[breakRunIndex]; if (breakRun.getEnd() > breakOffset) break; breakRunIndex++; } /* No line breaks between hit offset and line start offset. * Try character wrapping mode at the hit offset. */ if (breakOffset == startOffset) { breakRun = run; breakRunIndex = i; breakOffset = hitOffset; } int breakOffsetInRun = breakOffset - breakRun.getStart(); /* Wrap the entire run to the next (only if it is not the first * run of the line). */ if (breakOffsetInRun == 0 && breakRunIndex != startIndex) { i = breakRunIndex - 1; } else { i = breakRunIndex; /* The break offset is at the first offset of the first run of the line. * This happens when the wrap width is smaller than the width require * to show the first character for the line. */ if (breakOffsetInRun == 0) { breakOffsetInRun++; } if (breakOffsetInRun < breakRun.getLength()) { if (runCount >= runs.length) { TextRun[] newRuns = new TextRun[runs.length + 64]; System.arraycopy(runs, 0, newRuns, 0, i + 1); System.arraycopy(runs, i + 1, newRuns, i + 2, runs.length - i - 1); runs = newRuns; } else { System.arraycopy(runs, i + 1, runs, i + 2, runCount - i - 1); } runs[i + 1] = breakRun.split(breakOffsetInRun); if (breakRun.isComplex()) { shape(breakRun, chars, layout); } runCount++; } } /* No point marking the last run of a line a softbreak */ if (i + 1 < runCount && !runs[i + 1].isLinebreak()) { run = runs[i]; run.setSoftbreak(); flags |= FLAGS_WRAPPED; // Tabs should preserve width /* * Due to contextual forms (arabic) it is possible this line * is still too big since the splitting of the arabic run * changes the shape of boundary glyphs. For now the * implementation has opted to have the appropriate * initial/final shapes and allow those glyphs to * potentially overlap the wrapping width, rather than use * the medial form within the wrappingWidth. A better place * to solve this would be TextRun#getWrapIndex - but its TBD * there too. */ } } lineWidth += runWidth; if (run.isBreak()) { TextLine line = createLine(startIndex, i, startOffset); linesList.add(line); startIndex = i + 1; startOffset += line.getLength(); lineWidth = 0; } } if (layout != null) layout.dispose(); linesList.add(createLine(startIndex, runCount - 1, startOffset)); lines = new TextLine[linesList.size()]; linesList.toArray(lines); float fullWidth = Math.max(wrapWidth, layoutWidth); float lineY = 0; float align; if (isMirrored()) { align = 1; /* Left and Justify */ if (textAlignment == ALIGN_RIGHT) align = 0; } else { align = 0; /* Left and Justify */ if (textAlignment == ALIGN_RIGHT) align = 1; } if (textAlignment == ALIGN_CENTER) align = 0.5f; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { TextLine line = lines[i]; int lineStart = line.getStart(); RectBounds bounds = line.getBounds(); /* Center and right alignment */ float lineX = (fullWidth - bounds.getWidth()) * align; line.setAlignment(lineX); /* Justify */ boolean justify = wrapWidth > 0 && textAlignment == ALIGN_JUSTIFY; if (justify) { TextRun[] lineRuns = line.getRuns(); int lineRunCount = lineRuns.length; if (lineRunCount > 0 && lineRuns[lineRunCount - 1].isSoftbreak()) { /* count white spaces but skipping trailings whitespaces */ int lineEnd = lineStart + line.getLength(); int wsCount = 0; boolean hitChar = false; for (int j = lineEnd - 1; j >= lineStart; j--) { if (!hitChar && chars[j] != ' ') hitChar = true; if (hitChar && chars[j] == ' ') wsCount++; } if (wsCount != 0) { float inc = (fullWidth - bounds.getWidth()) / wsCount; done: for (int j = 0; j < lineRunCount; j++) { TextRun textRun = lineRuns[j]; int runStart = textRun.getStart(); int runEnd = textRun.getEnd(); for (int k = runStart; k < runEnd; k++) { // TODO kashidas if (chars[k] == ' ') { textRun.justify(k - runStart, inc); if (--wsCount == 0) break done; } } } lineX = 0; line.setAlignment(lineX); line.setWidth(fullWidth); } } } if ((flags & FLAGS_HAS_BIDI) != 0) { reorderLine(line); } computeSideBearings(line); /* Set run location */ float runX = lineX; TextRun[] lineRuns = line.getRuns(); for (int j = 0; j < lineRuns.length; j++) { TextRun run = lineRuns[j]; run.setLocation(runX, lineY); run.setLine(line); runX += run.getWidth(); } if (i + 1 < lines.length) { lineY = Math.max(lineY, lineY + bounds.getHeight() + spacing); } else { lineY += (bounds.getHeight() - line.getLeading()); } } float ascent = lines[0].getBounds().getMinY(); layoutHeight = lineY; logicalBounds = logicalBounds.deriveWithNewBounds(0, ascent, 0, layoutWidth, layoutHeight + ascent, 0); if (layoutCache != null) { if (cacheKey != null && !layoutCache.valid && !copyCache()) { /* After layoutCache is added to the stringCache it can be * accessed by multiple threads. All the data in it must * be immutable. See copyCache() for the cases where the entire * layout is immutable. */ layoutCache.font = font; layoutCache.text = text; layoutCache.runs = runs; layoutCache.runCount = runCount; layoutCache.lines = lines; layoutCache.layoutWidth = layoutWidth; layoutCache.layoutHeight = layoutHeight; layoutCache.analysis = flags & ANALYSIS_MASK; synchronized (CACHE_SIZE_LOCK) { int charCount = chars.length; if (cacheSize + charCount > MAX_CACHE_SIZE) { stringCache.clear(); cacheSize = 0; } stringCache.put(cacheKey, layoutCache); cacheSize += charCount; } } layoutCache.valid = true; } } @Override public BaseBounds getVisualBounds(int type) { ensureLayout(); /* Not defined for rich text */ if (strike == null) { return null; } boolean underline = (type & TYPE_UNDERLINE) != 0; boolean hasUnderline = (flags & FLAGS_CACHED_UNDERLINE) != 0; boolean strikethrough = (type & TYPE_STRIKETHROUGH) != 0; boolean hasStrikethrough = (flags & FLAGS_CACHED_STRIKETHROUGH) != 0; if (visualBounds != null && underline == hasUnderline && strikethrough == hasStrikethrough) { /* Return last cached value */ return visualBounds; } flags &= ~(FLAGS_CACHED_STRIKETHROUGH | FLAGS_CACHED_UNDERLINE); if (underline) flags |= FLAGS_CACHED_UNDERLINE; if (strikethrough) flags |= FLAGS_CACHED_STRIKETHROUGH; visualBounds = new RectBounds(); float xMin = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float yMin = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float xMax = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; float yMax = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; float bounds[] = new float[4]; FontResource fr = strike.getFontResource(); Metrics metrics = strike.getMetrics(); float size = strike.getSize(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { TextLine line = lines[i]; TextRun[] runs = line.getRuns(); for (int j = 0; j < runs.length; j++) { TextRun run = runs[j]; Point2D pt = run.getLocation(); if (run.isLinebreak()) continue; int glyphCount = run.getGlyphCount(); for (int gi = 0; gi < glyphCount; gi++) { int gc = run.getGlyphCode(gi); if (gc != CharToGlyphMapper.INVISIBLE_GLYPH_ID) { fr.getGlyphBoundingBox(run.getGlyphCode(gi), size, bounds); if (bounds[X_MIN_INDEX] != bounds[X_MAX_INDEX]) { float glyphX = pt.x + run.getPosX(gi); float glyphY = pt.y + run.getPosY(gi); float glyphMinX = glyphX + bounds[X_MIN_INDEX]; float glyphMinY = glyphY - bounds[Y_MAX_INDEX]; float glyphMaxX = glyphX + bounds[X_MAX_INDEX]; float glyphMaxY = glyphY - bounds[Y_MIN_INDEX]; if (glyphMinX < xMin) xMin = glyphMinX; if (glyphMinY < yMin) yMin = glyphMinY; if (glyphMaxX > xMax) xMax = glyphMaxX; if (glyphMaxY > yMax) yMax = glyphMaxY; } } } if (underline) { float underlineMinX = pt.x; float underlineMinY = pt.y + metrics.getUnderLineOffset(); float underlineMaxX = underlineMinX + run.getWidth(); float underlineMaxY = underlineMinY + metrics.getUnderLineThickness(); if (underlineMinX < xMin) xMin = underlineMinX; if (underlineMinY < yMin) yMin = underlineMinY; if (underlineMaxX > xMax) xMax = underlineMaxX; if (underlineMaxY > yMax) yMax = underlineMaxY; } if (strikethrough) { float strikethroughMinX = pt.x; float strikethroughMinY = pt.y + metrics.getStrikethroughOffset(); float strikethroughMaxX = strikethroughMinX + run.getWidth(); float strikethroughMaxY = strikethroughMinY + metrics.getStrikethroughThickness(); if (strikethroughMinX < xMin) xMin = strikethroughMinX; if (strikethroughMinY < yMin) yMin = strikethroughMinY; if (strikethroughMaxX > xMax) xMax = strikethroughMaxX; if (strikethroughMaxY > yMax) yMax = strikethroughMaxY; } } } if (xMin < xMax && yMin < yMax) { visualBounds.setBounds(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax); } return visualBounds; } private void computeSideBearings(TextLine line) { TextRun[] runs = line.getRuns(); if (runs.length == 0) return; float bounds[] = new float[4]; FontResource defaultFontResource = null; float size = 0; if (strike != null) { defaultFontResource = strike.getFontResource(); size = strike.getSize(); } /* The line lsb is the lsb of the first visual character in the line */ float lsb = 0; float width = 0; lsbdone: for (int i = 0; i < runs.length; i++) { TextRun run = runs[i]; int glyphCount = run.getGlyphCount(); for (int gi = 0; gi < glyphCount; gi++) { float advance = run.getAdvance(gi); /* Skip any leading zero-width glyphs in the line */ if (advance != 0) { int gc = run.getGlyphCode(gi); /* Skip any leading invisible glyphs in the line */ if (gc != CharToGlyphMapper.INVISIBLE_GLYPH_ID) { FontResource fr = defaultFontResource; if (fr == null) { TextSpan span = run.getTextSpan(); PGFont font = (PGFont)span.getFont(); /* No need to check font != null (run.glyphCount > 0) */ size = font.getSize(); fr = font.getFontResource(); } fr.getGlyphBoundingBox(gc, size, bounds); float glyphLsb = bounds[X_MIN_INDEX]; lsb = Math.min(0, glyphLsb + width); run.setLeftBearing(); break lsbdone; } } width += advance; } // tabs if (glyphCount == 0) { width += run.getWidth(); } } /* The line rsb is the rsb of the last visual character in the line */ float rsb = 0; width = 0; rsbdone: for (int i = runs.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) { TextRun run = runs[i]; int glyphCount = run.getGlyphCount(); for (int gi = glyphCount - 1; gi >= 0; gi--) { float advance = run.getAdvance(gi); /* Skip any trailing zero-width glyphs in the line */ if (advance != 0) { int gc = run.getGlyphCode(gi); /* Skip any trailing invisible glyphs in the line */ if (gc != CharToGlyphMapper.INVISIBLE_GLYPH_ID) { FontResource fr = defaultFontResource; if (fr == null) { TextSpan span = run.getTextSpan(); PGFont font = (PGFont)span.getFont(); /* No need to check font != null (run.glyphCount > 0) */ size = font.getSize(); fr = font.getFontResource(); } fr.getGlyphBoundingBox(gc, size, bounds); float glyphRsb = bounds[X_MAX_INDEX] - advance; rsb = Math.max(0, glyphRsb - width); run.setRightBearing(); break rsbdone; } } width += advance; } // tabs if (glyphCount == 0) { width += run.getWidth(); } } line.setSideBearings(lsb, rsb); } }