 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
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 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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package javafx.scene.shape;

import javafx.beans.Observable;
import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.DoubleProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.Property;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener.Change;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.css.CssMetaData;
import javafx.css.Styleable;
import javafx.css.StyleableBooleanProperty;
import javafx.css.StyleableDoubleProperty;
import javafx.css.StyleableObjectProperty;
import javafx.css.StyleableProperty;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.paint.Paint;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import com.sun.javafx.util.Utils;
import com.sun.javafx.beans.event.AbstractNotifyListener;
import com.sun.javafx.collections.TrackableObservableList;
import javafx.css.converter.BooleanConverter;
import javafx.css.converter.EnumConverter;
import javafx.css.converter.PaintConverter;
import javafx.css.converter.SizeConverter;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.Area;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.BaseBounds;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.PathIterator;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.Affine3D;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.DirtyBits;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.NodeHelper;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.shape.ShapeHelper;
import com.sun.javafx.sg.prism.NGShape;
import com.sun.javafx.tk.Toolkit;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;

The Shape class provides definitions of common properties for objects that represent some form of geometric shape. These properties include:
  • The Paint to be applied to the fillable interior of the shape (see setFill).
  • The Paint to be applied to stroke the outline of the shape (see setStroke).
  • The decorative properties of the stroke, including:
    • The width of the border stroke.
    • Whether the border is drawn as an exterior padding to the edges of the shape, as an interior edging that follows the inside of the border, or as a wide path that follows along the border straddling it equally both inside and outside (see StrokeType).
    • Decoration styles for the joins between path segments and the unclosed ends of paths.
    • Dashing attributes.

An application should not extend the Shape class directly. Doing so may lead to an UnsupportedOperationException being thrown.

Interaction with coordinate systems

Most nodes tend to have only integer translations applied to them and quite often they are defined using integer coordinates as well. For this common case, fills of shapes with straight line edges tend to be crisp since they line up with the cracks between pixels that fall on integer device coordinates and thus tend to naturally cover entire pixels.

On the other hand, stroking those same shapes can often lead to fuzzy outlines because the default stroking attributes specify both that the default stroke width is 1.0 coordinates which often maps to exactly 1 device pixel and also that the stroke should straddle the border of the shape, falling half on either side of the border. Since the borders in many common shapes tend to fall directly on integer coordinates and those integer coordinates often map precisely to integer device locations, the borders tend to result in 50% coverage over the pixel rows and columns on either side of the border of the shape rather than 100% coverage on one or the other. Thus, fills may typically be crisp, but strokes are often fuzzy.

Two common solutions to avoid these fuzzy outlines are to use wider strokes that cover more pixels completely - typically a stroke width of 2.0 will achieve this if there are no scale transforms in effect - or to specify either the StrokeType.INSIDE or StrokeType.OUTSIDE stroke styles - which will bias the default single unit stroke onto one of the full pixel rows or columns just inside or outside the border of the shape.

Since:JavaFX 2.0
/** * The {@code Shape} class provides definitions of common properties for * objects that represent some form of geometric shape. These properties * include: * <ul> * <li>The {@link Paint} to be applied to the fillable interior of the * shape (see {@link #setFill setFill}). * <li>The {@link Paint} to be applied to stroke the outline of the * shape (see {@link #setStroke setStroke}). * <li>The decorative properties of the stroke, including: * <ul> * <li>The width of the border stroke. * <li>Whether the border is drawn as an exterior padding to the edges * of the shape, as an interior edging that follows the inside of the border, * or as a wide path that follows along the border straddling it equally * both inside and outside (see {@link StrokeType}). * <li>Decoration styles for the joins between path segments and the * unclosed ends of paths. * <li>Dashing attributes. * </ul> * </ul> * * <p> * An application should not extend the Shape class directly. Doing so may lead to * an UnsupportedOperationException being thrown. * </p> * * <h3>Interaction with coordinate systems</h3> * Most nodes tend to have only integer translations applied to them and * quite often they are defined using integer coordinates as well. For * this common case, fills of shapes with straight line edges tend to be * crisp since they line up with the cracks between pixels that fall on * integer device coordinates and thus tend to naturally cover entire pixels. * <p> * On the other hand, stroking those same shapes can often lead to fuzzy * outlines because the default stroking attributes specify both that the * default stroke width is 1.0 coordinates which often maps to exactly 1 * device pixel and also that the stroke should straddle the border of the * shape, falling half on either side of the border. * Since the borders in many common shapes tend to fall directly on integer * coordinates and those integer coordinates often map precisely to integer * device locations, the borders tend to result in 50% coverage over the * pixel rows and columns on either side of the border of the shape rather * than 100% coverage on one or the other. Thus, fills may typically be * crisp, but strokes are often fuzzy. * <p> * Two common solutions to avoid these fuzzy outlines are to use wider * strokes that cover more pixels completely - typically a stroke width of * 2.0 will achieve this if there are no scale transforms in effect - or * to specify either the {@link StrokeType#INSIDE} or {@link StrokeType#OUTSIDE} * stroke styles - which will bias the default single unit stroke onto one * of the full pixel rows or columns just inside or outside the border of * the shape. * @since JavaFX 2.0 */
public abstract class Shape extends Node { static { // This is used by classes in different packages to get access to // private and package private methods. ShapeHelper.setShapeAccessor(new ShapeHelper.ShapeAccessor() { @Override public void doUpdatePeer(Node node) { ((Shape) node).doUpdatePeer(); } @Override public void doMarkDirty(Node node, DirtyBits dirtyBit) { ((Shape) node).doMarkDirty(dirtyBit); } @Override public BaseBounds doComputeGeomBounds(Node node, BaseBounds bounds, BaseTransform tx) { return ((Shape) node).doComputeGeomBounds(bounds, tx); } @Override public boolean doComputeContains(Node node, double localX, double localY) { return ((Shape) node).doComputeContains(localX, localY); } @Override public Paint doCssGetFillInitialValue(Shape shape) { return shape.doCssGetFillInitialValue(); } @Override public Paint doCssGetStrokeInitialValue(Shape shape) { return shape.doCssGetStrokeInitialValue(); } @Override public NGShape.Mode getMode(Shape shape) { return shape.getMode(); } @Override public void setMode(Shape shape, NGShape.Mode mode) { shape.setMode(mode); } @Override public void setShapeChangeListener(Shape shape, Runnable listener) { shape.setShapeChangeListener(listener); } }); }
Creates an empty instance of Shape.
/** * Creates an empty instance of Shape. */
public Shape() { } StrokeLineJoin convertLineJoin(StrokeLineJoin t) { return t; } public final void setStrokeType(StrokeType value) { strokeTypeProperty().set(value); } public final StrokeType getStrokeType() { return (strokeAttributes == null) ? DEFAULT_STROKE_TYPE : strokeAttributes.getType(); }
Defines the direction (inside, centered, or outside) that the strokeWidth is applied to the boundary of the shape.

The image shows a shape without stroke and with a thick stroke applied inside, centered and outside.

See Also:
Returns:the direction that the strokeWidth is applied to the boundary of the shape
/** * Defines the direction (inside, centered, or outside) that the strokeWidth * is applied to the boundary of the shape. * * <p> * The image shows a shape without stroke and with a thick stroke applied * inside, centered and outside. * </p> * <p> <img src="doc-files/stroketype.png" alt="A visual illustration of how * StrokeType works"> </p> * * @return the direction that the strokeWidth is applied to the boundary of * the shape * @see StrokeType * @defaultValue CENTERED */
public final ObjectProperty<StrokeType> strokeTypeProperty() { return getStrokeAttributes().typeProperty(); } public final void setStrokeWidth(double value) { strokeWidthProperty().set(value); } public final double getStrokeWidth() { return (strokeAttributes == null) ? DEFAULT_STROKE_WIDTH : strokeAttributes.getWidth(); }
Defines a square pen line width. A value of 0.0 specifies a hairline stroke. A value of less than 0.0 will be treated as 0.0.
Returns:the square pen line width
/** * Defines a square pen line width. A value of 0.0 specifies a hairline * stroke. A value of less than 0.0 will be treated as 0.0. * * @return the square pen line width * @defaultValue 1.0 */
public final DoubleProperty strokeWidthProperty() { return getStrokeAttributes().widthProperty(); } public final void setStrokeLineJoin(StrokeLineJoin value) { strokeLineJoinProperty().set(value); } public final StrokeLineJoin getStrokeLineJoin() { return (strokeAttributes == null) ? DEFAULT_STROKE_LINE_JOIN : strokeAttributes.getLineJoin(); }
Defines the decoration applied where path segments meet. The value must have one of the following values: StrokeLineJoin.MITER, StrokeLineJoin.BEVEL, and StrokeLineJoin.ROUND. The image shows a shape using the values in the mentioned order.

See Also:
Returns:the decoration applied where path segments meet
/** * Defines the decoration applied where path segments meet. * The value must have one of the following values: * {@code StrokeLineJoin.MITER}, {@code StrokeLineJoin.BEVEL}, * and {@code StrokeLineJoin.ROUND}. The image shows a shape * using the values in the mentioned order. * <p> <img src="doc-files/strokelinejoin.png" alt="A visual illustration of * StrokeLineJoin using 3 different values"> </p> * * @return the decoration applied where path segments meet * @see StrokeLineJoin * @defaultValue MITER */
public final ObjectProperty<StrokeLineJoin> strokeLineJoinProperty() { return getStrokeAttributes().lineJoinProperty(); } public final void setStrokeLineCap(StrokeLineCap value) { strokeLineCapProperty().set(value); } public final StrokeLineCap getStrokeLineCap() { return (strokeAttributes == null) ? DEFAULT_STROKE_LINE_CAP : strokeAttributes.getLineCap(); }
The end cap style of this Shape as one of the following values that define possible end cap styles: StrokeLineCap.BUTT, StrokeLineCap.ROUND, and StrokeLineCap.SQUARE. The image shows a line using the values in the mentioned order.

See Also:
Returns:the end cap style of this shape
/** * The end cap style of this {@code Shape} as one of the following * values that define possible end cap styles: * {@code StrokeLineCap.BUTT}, {@code StrokeLineCap.ROUND}, * and {@code StrokeLineCap.SQUARE}. The image shows a line * using the values in the mentioned order. * <p> <img src="doc-files/strokelinecap.png" alt="A visual illustration of * StrokeLineCap using 3 different values"> </p> * * @return the end cap style of this shape * @see StrokeLineCap * @defaultValue SQUARE */
public final ObjectProperty<StrokeLineCap> strokeLineCapProperty() { return getStrokeAttributes().lineCapProperty(); } public final void setStrokeMiterLimit(double value) { strokeMiterLimitProperty().set(value); } public final double getStrokeMiterLimit() { return (strokeAttributes == null) ? DEFAULT_STROKE_MITER_LIMIT : strokeAttributes.getMiterLimit(); }
Defines the limit for the StrokeLineJoin.MITER line join style. A value of less than 1.0 will be treated as 1.0.

The image demonstrates the behavior. Miter length (A) is computed as the distance of the most inside point to the most outside point of the joint, with the stroke width as a unit. If the miter length is bigger than the given miter limit, the miter is cut at the edge of the shape (B). For the situation in the image it means that the miter will be cut at B for limit values less than 4.65.

Returns:the limit for the StrokeLineJoin.MITER line join style
/** * Defines the limit for the {@code StrokeLineJoin.MITER} line join style. * A value of less than 1.0 will be treated as 1.0. * * <p> * The image demonstrates the behavior. Miter length ({@code A}) is computed * as the distance of the most inside point to the most outside point of * the joint, with the stroke width as a unit. If the miter length is bigger * than the given miter limit, the miter is cut at the edge of the shape * ({@code B}). For the situation in the image it means that the miter * will be cut at {@code B} for limit values less than {@code 4.65}. * </p> * <p> <img src="doc-files/strokemiterlimit.png" alt="A visual illustration of * the use of StrokeMiterLimit"> </p> * * @return the limit for the {@code StrokeLineJoin.MITER} line join style * @defaultValue 10.0 */
public final DoubleProperty strokeMiterLimitProperty() { return getStrokeAttributes().miterLimitProperty(); } public final void setStrokeDashOffset(double value) { strokeDashOffsetProperty().set(value); } public final double getStrokeDashOffset() { return (strokeAttributes == null) ? DEFAULT_STROKE_DASH_OFFSET : strokeAttributes.getDashOffset(); }
Defines a distance specified in user coordinates that represents an offset into the dashing pattern. In other words, the dash phase defines the point in the dashing pattern that will correspond to the beginning of the stroke.

The image shows a stroke with dash array [25, 20, 5, 20] and a stroke with the same pattern and offset 45 which shifts the pattern about the length of the first dash segment and the following space.

Returns:the distance specified in user coordinates that represents an offset into the dashing pattern
/** * Defines a distance specified in user coordinates that represents * an offset into the dashing pattern. In other words, the dash phase * defines the point in the dashing pattern that will correspond * to the beginning of the stroke. * * <p> * The image shows a stroke with dash array {@code [25, 20, 5, 20]} and * a stroke with the same pattern and offset {@code 45} which shifts * the pattern about the length of the first dash segment and * the following space. * </p> * <p> <img src="doc-files/strokedashoffset.png" alt="A visual illustration of * the use of StrokeDashOffset"> </p> * * @return the distance specified in user coordinates that represents an * offset into the dashing pattern * @defaultValue 0 */
public final DoubleProperty strokeDashOffsetProperty() { return getStrokeAttributes().dashOffsetProperty(); }
Defines the array representing the lengths of the dash segments. Alternate entries in the array represent the user space lengths of the opaque and transparent segments of the dashes. As the pen moves along the outline of the Shape to be stroked, the user space distance that the pen travels is accumulated. The distance value is used to index into the dash array. The pen is opaque when its current cumulative distance maps to an even element of the dash array (counting from 0) and transparent otherwise.

An empty strokeDashArray indicates a solid line with no spaces. An odd length strokeDashArray behaves the same as an even length array constructed by implicitly repeating the indicated odd length array twice in succession ([20, 5, 15] behaves as if it were [20, 5, 15, 20, 5, 15]).

Note that each dash segment will be capped by the decoration specified by the current stroke line cap.

The image shows a shape with stroke dash array [25, 20, 5, 20] and 3 different values for the stroke line cap: StrokeLineCap.BUTT, StrokeLineCap.SQUARE (the default), and StrokeLineCap.ROUND

Returns:the array representing the lengths of the dash segments
/** * Defines the array representing the lengths of the dash segments. * Alternate entries in the array represent the user space lengths * of the opaque and transparent segments of the dashes. * As the pen moves along the outline of the {@code Shape} to be stroked, * the user space distance that the pen travels is accumulated. * The distance value is used to index into the dash array. * The pen is opaque when its current cumulative distance maps * to an even element of the dash array (counting from {@code 0}) and * transparent otherwise. * <p> * An empty strokeDashArray indicates a solid line with no spaces. * An odd length strokeDashArray behaves the same as an even length * array constructed by implicitly repeating the indicated odd length * array twice in succession ({@code [20, 5, 15]} behaves as if it * were {@code [20, 5, 15, 20, 5, 15]}). * <p> * Note that each dash segment will be capped by the decoration specified * by the current stroke line cap. * * <p> * The image shows a shape with stroke dash array {@code [25, 20, 5, 20]} * and 3 different values for the stroke line cap: * {@code StrokeLineCap.BUTT}, {@code StrokeLineCap.SQUARE} (the default), * and {@code StrokeLineCap.ROUND} * </p> * <p> <img src="doc-files/strokedasharray.png" alt="A visual illustration of * the use of StrokeDashArray using 3 different values for the stroke line * cap"> </p> * * @return the array representing the lengths of the dash segments * @defaultValue empty */
public final ObservableList<Double> getStrokeDashArray() { return getStrokeAttributes().dashArrayProperty(); } private NGShape.Mode computeMode() { if (getFill() != null && getStroke() != null) { return NGShape.Mode.STROKE_FILL; } else if (getFill() != null) { return NGShape.Mode.FILL; } else if (getStroke() != null) { return NGShape.Mode.STROKE; } else { return NGShape.Mode.EMPTY; } } NGShape.Mode getMode() { return mode; } void setMode(NGShape.Mode mode) { mode = mode; } private NGShape.Mode mode = NGShape.Mode.FILL; private void checkModeChanged() { NGShape.Mode newMode = computeMode(); if (mode != newMode) { mode = newMode; NodeHelper.markDirty(this, DirtyBits.SHAPE_MODE); NodeHelper.geomChanged(this); } }
Defines parameters to fill the interior of an Shape using the settings of the Paint context. The default value is Color.BLACK for all shapes except Line, Polyline, and Path. The default value is null for those shapes.
/** * Defines parameters to fill the interior of an {@code Shape} * using the settings of the {@code Paint} context. * The default value is {@code Color.BLACK} for all shapes except * Line, Polyline, and Path. The default value is {@code null} for * those shapes. */
private ObjectProperty<Paint> fill; public final void setFill(Paint value) { fillProperty().set(value); } public final Paint getFill() { return fill == null ? Color.BLACK : fill.get(); } Paint old_fill; public final ObjectProperty<Paint> fillProperty() { if (fill == null) { fill = new StyleableObjectProperty<Paint>(Color.BLACK) { boolean needsListener = false; @Override public void invalidated() { Paint _fill = get(); if (needsListener) { Toolkit.getPaintAccessor(). removeListener(old_fill, platformImageChangeListener); } needsListener = _fill != null && Toolkit.getPaintAccessor().isMutable(_fill); old_fill = _fill; if (needsListener) { Toolkit.getPaintAccessor(). addListener(_fill, platformImageChangeListener); } NodeHelper.markDirty(Shape.this, DirtyBits.SHAPE_FILL); checkModeChanged(); } @Override public CssMetaData<Shape,Paint> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.FILL; } @Override public Object getBean() { return Shape.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "fill"; } }; } return fill; }
Defines parameters of a stroke that is drawn around the outline of a Shape using the settings of the specified Paint. The default value is null for all shapes except Line, Polyline, and Path. The default value is Color.BLACK for those shapes.
/** * Defines parameters of a stroke that is drawn around the outline of * a {@code Shape} using the settings of the specified {@code Paint}. * The default value is {@code null} for all shapes except * Line, Polyline, and Path. The default value is {@code Color.BLACK} for * those shapes. */
private ObjectProperty<Paint> stroke; public final void setStroke(Paint value) { strokeProperty().set(value); } private final AbstractNotifyListener platformImageChangeListener = new AbstractNotifyListener() { @Override public void invalidated(Observable valueModel) { NodeHelper.markDirty(Shape.this, DirtyBits.SHAPE_FILL); NodeHelper.markDirty(Shape.this, DirtyBits.SHAPE_STROKE); NodeHelper.geomChanged(Shape.this); checkModeChanged(); } }; public final Paint getStroke() { return stroke == null ? null : stroke.get(); } Paint old_stroke; public final ObjectProperty<Paint> strokeProperty() { if (stroke == null) { stroke = new StyleableObjectProperty<Paint>() { boolean needsListener = false; @Override public void invalidated() { Paint _stroke = get(); if (needsListener) { Toolkit.getPaintAccessor(). removeListener(old_stroke, platformImageChangeListener); } needsListener = _stroke != null && Toolkit.getPaintAccessor().isMutable(_stroke); old_stroke = _stroke; if (needsListener) { Toolkit.getPaintAccessor(). addListener(_stroke, platformImageChangeListener); } NodeHelper.markDirty(Shape.this, DirtyBits.SHAPE_STROKE); checkModeChanged(); } @Override public CssMetaData<Shape,Paint> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.STROKE; } @Override public Object getBean() { return Shape.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "stroke"; } }; } return stroke; }
Defines whether antialiasing hints are used or not for this Shape. If the value equals true the rendering hints are applied.
/** * Defines whether antialiasing hints are used or not for this {@code Shape}. * If the value equals true the rendering hints are applied. * * @defaultValue true */
private BooleanProperty smooth; public final void setSmooth(boolean value) { smoothProperty().set(value); } public final boolean isSmooth() { return smooth == null ? true : smooth.get(); } public final BooleanProperty smoothProperty() { if (smooth == null) { smooth = new StyleableBooleanProperty(true) { @Override public void invalidated() { NodeHelper.markDirty(Shape.this, DirtyBits.NODE_SMOOTH); } @Override public CssMetaData<Shape,Boolean> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.SMOOTH; } @Override public Object getBean() { return Shape.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "smooth"; } }; } return smooth; }
* Stylesheet Handling * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Stylesheet Handling * * * **************************************************************************/
/* * Some sub-class of Shape, such as {@link Line}, override the * default value for the {@link Shape#fill} property. This allows * CSS to get the correct initial value. * * Note: This method MUST only be called via its accessor method. */ private Paint doCssGetFillInitialValue() { return Color.BLACK; } /* * Some sub-class of Shape, such as {@link Line}, override the * default value for the {@link Shape#stroke} property. This allows * CSS to get the correct initial value. * * Note: This method MUST only be called via its accessor method. */ private Paint doCssGetStrokeInitialValue() { return null; } /* * Super-lazy instantiation pattern from Bill Pugh. */ private static class StyleableProperties {
See Also:
@css-fx-fill: <paint>
/** * @css -fx-fill: <a href="../doc-files/cssref.html#typepaint">&lt;paint&gt;</a> * @see Shape#fill */
private static final CssMetaData<Shape,Paint> FILL = new CssMetaData<Shape,Paint>("-fx-fill", PaintConverter.getInstance(), Color.BLACK) { @Override public boolean isSettable(Shape node) { return node.fill == null || !node.fill.isBound(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<Paint> getStyleableProperty(Shape node) { return (StyleableProperty<Paint>)node.fillProperty(); } @Override public Paint getInitialValue(Shape node) { // Some shapes have a different initial value for fill. // Give a way to have them return the correct initial value. return ShapeHelper.cssGetFillInitialValue(node); } };
See Also:
@css-fx-smooth: <boolean>
/** * @css -fx-smooth: <a href="../doc-files/cssref.html#typeboolean">&lt;boolean&gt;</a> * @see Shape#smooth */
private static final CssMetaData<Shape,Boolean> SMOOTH = new CssMetaData<Shape,Boolean>("-fx-smooth", BooleanConverter.getInstance(), Boolean.TRUE) { @Override public boolean isSettable(Shape node) { return node.smooth == null || !node.smooth.isBound(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<Boolean> getStyleableProperty(Shape node) { return (StyleableProperty<Boolean>)node.smoothProperty(); } };
See Also:
@css-fx-stroke: <paint>
/** * @css -fx-stroke: <a href="../doc-files/cssref.html#typepaint">&lt;paint&gt;</a> * @see Shape#stroke */
private static final CssMetaData<Shape,Paint> STROKE = new CssMetaData<Shape,Paint>("-fx-stroke", PaintConverter.getInstance()) { @Override public boolean isSettable(Shape node) { return node.stroke == null || !node.stroke.isBound(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<Paint> getStyleableProperty(Shape node) { return (StyleableProperty<Paint>)node.strokeProperty(); } @Override public Paint getInitialValue(Shape node) { // Some shapes have a different initial value for stroke. // Give a way to have them return the correct initial value. return ShapeHelper.cssGetStrokeInitialValue(node); } };
See Also:
@css-fx-stroke-dash-array: <size> [<size>]+

Note: Because StrokeAttributes.dashArray is not itself a Property, the getProperty() method of this CssMetaData returns the StrokeAttributes.dashArray wrapped in an ObjectProperty. This is inconsistent with other StyleableProperties which return the actual Property.

/** * @css -fx-stroke-dash-array: <a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a> * [<a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a>]+ * <p> * Note: * Because {@link StrokeAttributes#dashArray} is not itself a * {@link Property}, * the <code>getProperty()</code> method of this CssMetaData * returns the {@link StrokeAttributes#dashArray} wrapped in an * {@link ObjectProperty}. This is inconsistent with other * StyleableProperties which return the actual {@link Property}. * </p> * @see StrokeAttributes#dashArray */
private static final CssMetaData<Shape,Number[]> STROKE_DASH_ARRAY = new CssMetaData<Shape,Number[]>("-fx-stroke-dash-array", SizeConverter.SequenceConverter.getInstance(), new Double[0]) { @Override public boolean isSettable(Shape node) { return true; } @Override public StyleableProperty<Number[]> getStyleableProperty(final Shape node) { return (StyleableProperty<Number[]>)node.getStrokeAttributes().cssDashArrayProperty(); } };
See Also:
@css-fx-stroke-dash-offset: <size>
/** * @css -fx-stroke-dash-offset: <a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a> * @see #strokeDashOffsetProperty() */
private static final CssMetaData<Shape,Number> STROKE_DASH_OFFSET = new CssMetaData<Shape,Number>("-fx-stroke-dash-offset", SizeConverter.getInstance(), 0.0) { @Override public boolean isSettable(Shape node) { return node.strokeAttributes == null || node.strokeAttributes.canSetDashOffset(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<Number> getStyleableProperty(Shape node) { return (StyleableProperty<Number>)node.strokeDashOffsetProperty(); } };
See Also:
@css-fx-stroke-line-cap: [ square | butt | round ]
/** * @css -fx-stroke-line-cap: [ square | butt | round ] * @see #strokeLineCapProperty() */
private static final CssMetaData<Shape,StrokeLineCap> STROKE_LINE_CAP = new CssMetaData<Shape,StrokeLineCap>("-fx-stroke-line-cap", new EnumConverter<StrokeLineCap>(StrokeLineCap.class), StrokeLineCap.SQUARE) { @Override public boolean isSettable(Shape node) { return node.strokeAttributes == null || node.strokeAttributes.canSetLineCap(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<StrokeLineCap> getStyleableProperty(Shape node) { return (StyleableProperty<StrokeLineCap>)node.strokeLineCapProperty(); } };
See Also:
@css-fx-stroke-line-join: [ miter | bevel | round ]
/** * @css -fx-stroke-line-join: [ miter | bevel | round ] * @see #strokeLineJoinProperty() */
private static final CssMetaData<Shape,StrokeLineJoin> STROKE_LINE_JOIN = new CssMetaData<Shape,StrokeLineJoin>("-fx-stroke-line-join", new EnumConverter<StrokeLineJoin>(StrokeLineJoin.class), StrokeLineJoin.MITER) { @Override public boolean isSettable(Shape node) { return node.strokeAttributes == null || node.strokeAttributes.canSetLineJoin(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<StrokeLineJoin> getStyleableProperty(Shape node) { return (StyleableProperty<StrokeLineJoin>)node.strokeLineJoinProperty(); } };
See Also:
@css-fx-stroke-type: [ inside | outside | centered ]
/** * @css -fx-stroke-type: [ inside | outside | centered ] * @see #strokeTypeProperty() */
private static final CssMetaData<Shape,StrokeType> STROKE_TYPE = new CssMetaData<Shape,StrokeType>("-fx-stroke-type", new EnumConverter<StrokeType>(StrokeType.class), StrokeType.CENTERED) { @Override public boolean isSettable(Shape node) { return node.strokeAttributes == null || node.strokeAttributes.canSetType(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<StrokeType> getStyleableProperty(Shape node) { return (StyleableProperty<StrokeType>)node.strokeTypeProperty(); } };
See Also:
@css-fx-stroke-miter-limit: <size>
/** * @css -fx-stroke-miter-limit: <a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a> * @see #strokeMiterLimitProperty() */
private static final CssMetaData<Shape,Number> STROKE_MITER_LIMIT = new CssMetaData<Shape,Number>("-fx-stroke-miter-limit", SizeConverter.getInstance(), 10.0) { @Override public boolean isSettable(Shape node) { return node.strokeAttributes == null || node.strokeAttributes.canSetMiterLimit(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<Number> getStyleableProperty(Shape node) { return (StyleableProperty<Number>)node.strokeMiterLimitProperty(); } };
See Also:
@css-fx-stroke-width: <size>
/** * @css -fx-stroke-width: <a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a> * @see #strokeWidthProperty() */
private static final CssMetaData<Shape,Number> STROKE_WIDTH = new CssMetaData<Shape,Number>("-fx-stroke-width", SizeConverter.getInstance(), 1.0) { @Override public boolean isSettable(Shape node) { return node.strokeAttributes == null || node.strokeAttributes.canSetWidth(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<Number> getStyleableProperty(Shape node) { return (StyleableProperty<Number>)node.strokeWidthProperty(); } }; private static final List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> STYLEABLES; static { final List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> styleables = new ArrayList<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>>(Node.getClassCssMetaData()); styleables.add(FILL); styleables.add(SMOOTH); styleables.add(STROKE); styleables.add(STROKE_DASH_ARRAY); styleables.add(STROKE_DASH_OFFSET); styleables.add(STROKE_LINE_CAP); styleables.add(STROKE_LINE_JOIN); styleables.add(STROKE_TYPE); styleables.add(STROKE_MITER_LIMIT); styleables.add(STROKE_WIDTH); STYLEABLES = Collections.unmodifiableList(styleables); } }
Returns:The CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the CssMetaData of its superclasses.
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * @return The CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the * CssMetaData of its superclasses. * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public static List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> getClassCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.STYLEABLES; }
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
@Override public List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> getCssMetaData() { return getClassCssMetaData(); } /* * Note: This method MUST only be called via its accessor method. */ private BaseBounds doComputeGeomBounds(BaseBounds bounds, BaseTransform tx) { return computeShapeBounds(bounds, tx, ShapeHelper.configShape(this)); } /* * Note: This method MUST only be called via its accessor method. */ private boolean doComputeContains(double localX, double localY) { return computeShapeContains(localX, localY, ShapeHelper.configShape(this)); } private static final double MIN_STROKE_WIDTH = 0.0f; private static final double MIN_STROKE_MITER_LIMIT = 1.0f; private void updatePGShape() { final NGShape peer = NodeHelper.getPeer(this); if (strokeAttributesDirty && (getStroke() != null)) { // set attributes of stroke only when stroke paint is not null final float[] pgDashArray = (hasStrokeDashArray()) ? toPGDashArray(getStrokeDashArray()) : DEFAULT_PG_STROKE_DASH_ARRAY; peer.setDrawStroke( (float)Utils.clampMin(getStrokeWidth(), MIN_STROKE_WIDTH), getStrokeType(), getStrokeLineCap(), convertLineJoin(getStrokeLineJoin()), (float)Utils.clampMin(getStrokeMiterLimit(), MIN_STROKE_MITER_LIMIT), pgDashArray, (float)getStrokeDashOffset()); strokeAttributesDirty = false; } if (NodeHelper.isDirty(this, DirtyBits.SHAPE_MODE)) { peer.setMode(mode); } if (NodeHelper.isDirty(this, DirtyBits.SHAPE_FILL)) { Paint localFill = getFill(); peer.setFillPaint(localFill == null ? null : Toolkit.getPaintAccessor().getPlatformPaint(localFill)); } if (NodeHelper.isDirty(this, DirtyBits.SHAPE_STROKE)) { Paint localStroke = getStroke(); peer.setDrawPaint(localStroke == null ? null : Toolkit.getPaintAccessor().getPlatformPaint(localStroke)); } if (NodeHelper.isDirty(this, DirtyBits.NODE_SMOOTH)) { peer.setSmooth(isSmooth()); } } /* * Note: This method MUST only be called via its accessor method. */ private void doMarkDirty(DirtyBits dirtyBits) { final Runnable listener = shapeChangeListener != null ? shapeChangeListener.get() : null; if (listener != null && NodeHelper.isDirtyEmpty(this)) { listener.run(); } } private Reference<Runnable> shapeChangeListener; void setShapeChangeListener(Runnable listener) { if (shapeChangeListener != null) shapeChangeListener.clear(); shapeChangeListener = listener != null ? new WeakReference(listener) : null; } /* * Note: This method MUST only be called via its accessor method. */ private void doUpdatePeer() { updatePGShape(); }
Helper function for rectangular shapes such as Rectangle and Ellipse for computing their bounds.
/** * Helper function for rectangular shapes such as Rectangle and Ellipse * for computing their bounds. */
BaseBounds computeBounds(BaseBounds bounds, BaseTransform tx, double upad, double dpad, double x, double y, double w, double h) { // if the w or h is < 0 then bounds is empty if (w < 0.0f || h < 0.0f) return bounds.makeEmpty(); double x0 = x; double y0 = y; double x1 = w; double y1 = h; double _dpad = dpad; if (tx.isTranslateOrIdentity()) { x1 += x0; y1 += y0; if (tx.getType() == BaseTransform.TYPE_TRANSLATION) { final double dx = tx.getMxt(); final double dy = tx.getMyt(); x0 += dx; y0 += dy; x1 += dx; y1 += dy; } _dpad += upad; } else { x0 -= upad; y0 -= upad; x1 += upad*2; y1 += upad*2; // Each corner is transformed by an equation similar to: // x' = x * mxx + y * mxy + mxt // y' = x * myx + y * myy + myt // Since all of the corners are translated by mxt,myt we // can ignore them when doing the min/max calculations // and add them in once when we are done. We then have // to do min/max operations on 4 points defined as: // x' = x * mxx + y * mxy // y' = x * myx + y * myy // Furthermore, the four corners that we will be transforming // are not four independent coordinates, they are in a // rectangular formation. To that end, if we translated // the transform to x,y and scaled it by width,height then // we could compute the min/max of the unit rectangle 0,0,1x1. // The transform would then be adjusted as follows: // First, the translation to x,y only affects the mxt,myt // components of the transform which we can hold off on adding // until we are done with the min/max. The adjusted translation // components would be: // mxt' = x * mxx + y * mxy + mxt // myt' = x * myx + y * myy + myt // Second, the scale affects the components as follows: // mxx' = mxx * width // mxy' = mxy * height // myx' = myx * width // myy' = myy * height // The min/max of that rectangle then degenerates to: // x00' = 0 * mxx' + 0 * mxy' = 0 // y00' = 0 * myx' + 0 * myy' = 0 // x01' = 0 * mxx' + 1 * mxy' = mxy' // y01' = 0 * myx' + 1 * myy' = myy' // x10' = 1 * mxx' + 0 * mxy' = mxx' // y10' = 1 * myx' + 0 * myy' = myx' // x11' = 1 * mxx' + 1 * mxy' = mxx' + mxy' // y11' = 1 * myx' + 1 * myy' = myx' + myy' double mxx = tx.getMxx(); double mxy = tx.getMxy(); double myx = tx.getMyx(); double myy = tx.getMyy(); // Computed translated translation components final double mxt = (x0 * mxx + y0 * mxy + tx.getMxt()); final double myt = (x0 * myx + y0 * myy + tx.getMyt()); // Scale non-translation components by w/h mxx *= x1; mxy *= y1; myx *= x1; myy *= y1; x0 = (Math.min(Math.min(0,mxx),Math.min(mxy,mxx+mxy)))+mxt; y0 = (Math.min(Math.min(0,myx),Math.min(myy,myx+myy)))+myt; x1 = (Math.max(Math.max(0,mxx),Math.max(mxy,mxx+mxy)))+mxt; y1 = (Math.max(Math.max(0,myx),Math.max(myy,myx+myy)))+myt; } x0 -= _dpad; y0 -= _dpad; x1 += _dpad; y1 += _dpad; bounds = bounds.deriveWithNewBounds((float)x0, (float)y0, 0.0f, (float)x1, (float)y1, 0.0f); return bounds; } BaseBounds computeShapeBounds(BaseBounds bounds, BaseTransform tx, com.sun.javafx.geom.Shape s) { // empty mode means no bounds! if (mode == NGShape.Mode.EMPTY) { return bounds.makeEmpty(); } float[] bbox = { Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, }; boolean includeShape = (mode != NGShape.Mode.STROKE); boolean includeStroke = (mode != NGShape.Mode.FILL); if (includeStroke && (getStrokeType() == StrokeType.INSIDE)) { includeShape = true; includeStroke = false; } if (includeStroke) { final StrokeType type = getStrokeType(); double sw = Utils.clampMin(getStrokeWidth(), MIN_STROKE_WIDTH); StrokeLineCap cap = getStrokeLineCap(); StrokeLineJoin join = convertLineJoin(getStrokeLineJoin()); float miterlimit = (float) Utils.clampMin(getStrokeMiterLimit(), MIN_STROKE_MITER_LIMIT); // Note that we ignore dashing for computing bounds and testing // point containment, both to save time in bounds calculations // and so that animated dashing does not keep perturbing the bounds... Toolkit.getToolkit().accumulateStrokeBounds( s, bbox, type, sw, cap, join, miterlimit, tx); // Account for "minimum pen size" by expanding by 0.5 device // pixels all around... bbox[0] -= 0.5; bbox[1] -= 0.5; bbox[2] += 0.5; bbox[3] += 0.5; } else if (includeShape) { com.sun.javafx.geom.Shape.accumulate(bbox, s, tx); } if (bbox[2] < bbox[0] || bbox[3] < bbox[1]) { // They are probably +/-INFINITY which would yield NaN if subtracted // Let's just return a "safe" empty bbox.. return bounds.makeEmpty(); } bounds = bounds.deriveWithNewBounds(bbox[0], bbox[1], 0.0f, bbox[2], bbox[3], 0.0f); return bounds; } boolean computeShapeContains(double localX, double localY, com.sun.javafx.geom.Shape s) { if (mode == NGShape.Mode.EMPTY) { return false; } boolean includeShape = (mode != NGShape.Mode.STROKE); boolean includeStroke = (mode != NGShape.Mode.FILL); if (includeStroke && includeShape && (getStrokeType() == StrokeType.INSIDE)) { includeStroke = false; } if (includeShape) { if (s.contains((float)localX, (float)localY)) { return true; } } if (includeStroke) { StrokeType type = getStrokeType(); double sw = Utils.clampMin(getStrokeWidth(), MIN_STROKE_WIDTH); StrokeLineCap cap = getStrokeLineCap(); StrokeLineJoin join = convertLineJoin(getStrokeLineJoin()); float miterlimit = (float) Utils.clampMin(getStrokeMiterLimit(), MIN_STROKE_MITER_LIMIT); // Note that we ignore dashing for computing bounds and testing // point containment, both to save time in bounds calculations // and so that animated dashing does not keep perturbing the bounds... return Toolkit.getToolkit().strokeContains(s, localX, localY, type, sw, cap, join, miterlimit); } return false; } private boolean strokeAttributesDirty = true; private StrokeAttributes strokeAttributes; private StrokeAttributes getStrokeAttributes() { if (strokeAttributes == null) { strokeAttributes = new StrokeAttributes(); } return strokeAttributes; } private boolean hasStrokeDashArray() { return (strokeAttributes != null) && strokeAttributes.hasDashArray(); } private static float[] toPGDashArray(final List<Double> dashArray) { final int size = dashArray.size(); final float[] pgDashArray = new float[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { pgDashArray[i] = dashArray.get(i).floatValue(); } return pgDashArray; } private static final StrokeType DEFAULT_STROKE_TYPE = StrokeType.CENTERED; private static final double DEFAULT_STROKE_WIDTH = 1.0; private static final StrokeLineJoin DEFAULT_STROKE_LINE_JOIN = StrokeLineJoin.MITER; private static final StrokeLineCap DEFAULT_STROKE_LINE_CAP = StrokeLineCap.SQUARE; private static final double DEFAULT_STROKE_MITER_LIMIT = 10.0; private static final double DEFAULT_STROKE_DASH_OFFSET = 0; private static final float[] DEFAULT_PG_STROKE_DASH_ARRAY = new float[0]; private final class StrokeAttributes { private ObjectProperty<StrokeType> type; private DoubleProperty width; private ObjectProperty<StrokeLineJoin> lineJoin; private ObjectProperty<StrokeLineCap> lineCap; private DoubleProperty miterLimit; private DoubleProperty dashOffset; private ObservableList<Double> dashArray; public final StrokeType getType() { return (type == null) ? DEFAULT_STROKE_TYPE : type.get(); } public final ObjectProperty<StrokeType> typeProperty() { if (type == null) { type = new StyleableObjectProperty<StrokeType>(DEFAULT_STROKE_TYPE) { @Override public void invalidated() { StrokeAttributes.this.invalidated( StyleableProperties.STROKE_TYPE); } @Override public CssMetaData<Shape,StrokeType> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.STROKE_TYPE; } @Override public Object getBean() { return Shape.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "strokeType"; } }; } return type; } public double getWidth() { return (width == null) ? DEFAULT_STROKE_WIDTH : width.get(); } public final DoubleProperty widthProperty() { if (width == null) { width = new StyleableDoubleProperty(DEFAULT_STROKE_WIDTH) { @Override public void invalidated() { StrokeAttributes.this.invalidated( StyleableProperties.STROKE_WIDTH); } @Override public CssMetaData<Shape,Number> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.STROKE_WIDTH; } @Override public Object getBean() { return Shape.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "strokeWidth"; } }; } return width; } public StrokeLineJoin getLineJoin() { return (lineJoin == null) ? DEFAULT_STROKE_LINE_JOIN : lineJoin.get(); } public final ObjectProperty<StrokeLineJoin> lineJoinProperty() { if (lineJoin == null) { lineJoin = new StyleableObjectProperty<StrokeLineJoin>( DEFAULT_STROKE_LINE_JOIN) { @Override public void invalidated() { StrokeAttributes.this.invalidated( StyleableProperties.STROKE_LINE_JOIN); } @Override public CssMetaData<Shape,StrokeLineJoin> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.STROKE_LINE_JOIN; } @Override public Object getBean() { return Shape.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "strokeLineJoin"; } }; } return lineJoin; } public StrokeLineCap getLineCap() { return (lineCap == null) ? DEFAULT_STROKE_LINE_CAP : lineCap.get(); } public final ObjectProperty<StrokeLineCap> lineCapProperty() { if (lineCap == null) { lineCap = new StyleableObjectProperty<StrokeLineCap>( DEFAULT_STROKE_LINE_CAP) { @Override public void invalidated() { StrokeAttributes.this.invalidated( StyleableProperties.STROKE_LINE_CAP); } @Override public CssMetaData<Shape,StrokeLineCap> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.STROKE_LINE_CAP; } @Override public Object getBean() { return Shape.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "strokeLineCap"; } }; } return lineCap; } public double getMiterLimit() { return (miterLimit == null) ? DEFAULT_STROKE_MITER_LIMIT : miterLimit.get(); } public final DoubleProperty miterLimitProperty() { if (miterLimit == null) { miterLimit = new StyleableDoubleProperty( DEFAULT_STROKE_MITER_LIMIT) { @Override public void invalidated() { StrokeAttributes.this.invalidated( StyleableProperties.STROKE_MITER_LIMIT); } @Override public CssMetaData<Shape,Number> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.STROKE_MITER_LIMIT; } @Override public Object getBean() { return Shape.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "strokeMiterLimit"; } }; } return miterLimit; } public double getDashOffset() { return (dashOffset == null) ? DEFAULT_STROKE_DASH_OFFSET : dashOffset.get(); } public final DoubleProperty dashOffsetProperty() { if (dashOffset == null) { dashOffset = new StyleableDoubleProperty( DEFAULT_STROKE_DASH_OFFSET) { @Override public void invalidated() { StrokeAttributes.this.invalidated( StyleableProperties.STROKE_DASH_OFFSET); } @Override public CssMetaData<Shape,Number> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.STROKE_DASH_OFFSET; } @Override public Object getBean() { return Shape.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "strokeDashOffset"; } }; } return dashOffset; } // TODO: Need to handle set from css - should clear array and add all. public ObservableList<Double> dashArrayProperty() { if (dashArray == null) { dashArray = new TrackableObservableList<Double>() { @Override protected void onChanged(Change<Double> c) { StrokeAttributes.this.invalidated( StyleableProperties.STROKE_DASH_ARRAY); } }; } return dashArray; } private ObjectProperty<Number[]> cssDashArray = null; private ObjectProperty<Number[]> cssDashArrayProperty() { if (cssDashArray == null) { cssDashArray = new StyleableObjectProperty<Number[]>() { @Override public void set(Number[] v) { ObservableList<Double> list = dashArrayProperty(); list.clear(); if (v != null && v.length > 0) { for (int n=0; n<v.length; n++) { list.add(v[n].doubleValue()); } } // no need to hold onto the array } @Override public Double[] get() { List<Double> list = dashArrayProperty(); return list.toArray(new Double[list.size()]); } @Override public Object getBean() { return Shape.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "cssDashArray"; } @Override public CssMetaData<Shape,Number[]> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.STROKE_DASH_ARRAY; } }; } return cssDashArray; } public boolean canSetType() { return (type == null) || !type.isBound(); } public boolean canSetWidth() { return (width == null) || !width.isBound(); } public boolean canSetLineJoin() { return (lineJoin == null) || !lineJoin.isBound(); } public boolean canSetLineCap() { return (lineCap == null) || !lineCap.isBound(); } public boolean canSetMiterLimit() { return (miterLimit == null) || !miterLimit.isBound(); } public boolean canSetDashOffset() { return (dashOffset == null) || !dashOffset.isBound(); } public boolean hasDashArray() { return (dashArray != null); } private void invalidated(final CssMetaData<Shape, ?> propertyCssKey) { NodeHelper.markDirty(Shape.this, DirtyBits.SHAPE_STROKEATTRS); strokeAttributesDirty = true; if (propertyCssKey != StyleableProperties.STROKE_DASH_OFFSET) { // all stroke attributes change geometry except for the // stroke dash offset NodeHelper.geomChanged(Shape.this); } } } // PENDING_DOC_REVIEW
Returns a new Shape which is created as a union of the specified input shapes.

The operation works with geometric areas occupied by the input shapes. For a single Shape such area includes the area occupied by the fill if the shape has a non-null fill and the area occupied by the stroke if the shape has a non-null stroke. So the area is empty for a shape with null stroke and null fill. The area of an input shape considered by the operation is independent on the type and configuration of the paint used for fill or stroke. Before the final operation the areas of the input shapes are transformed to the parent coordinate space of their respective topmost parent nodes.

The resulting shape will include areas that were contained in any of the input shapes.

shape1       +       shape2       =       result
+----------------+   +----------------+   +----------------+
|################|   |################|   |################|
|##############  |   |  ##############|   |################|
|############    |   |    ############|   |################|
|##########      |   |      ##########|   |################|
|########        |   |        ########|   |################|
|######          |   |          ######|   |######    ######|
|####            |   |            ####|   |####        ####|
|##              |   |              ##|   |##            ##|
+----------------+   +----------------+   +----------------+
  • shape1 – the first shape
  • shape2 – the second shape
Returns:the created Shape
/** * Returns a new {@code Shape} which is created as a union of the specified * input shapes. * <p> * The operation works with geometric areas occupied by the input shapes. * For a single {@code Shape} such area includes the area occupied by the * fill if the shape has a non-null fill and the area occupied by the stroke * if the shape has a non-null stroke. So the area is empty for a shape * with {@code null} stroke and {@code null} fill. The area of an input * shape considered by the operation is independent on the type and * configuration of the paint used for fill or stroke. Before the final * operation the areas of the input shapes are transformed to the parent * coordinate space of their respective topmost parent nodes. * <p> * The resulting shape will include areas that were contained in any of the * input shapes. <PRE> shape1 + shape2 = result +----------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+ |################| |################| |################| |############## | | ##############| |################| |############ | | ############| |################| |########## | | ##########| |################| |######## | | ########| |################| |###### | | ######| |###### ######| |#### | | ####| |#### ####| |## | | ##| |## ##| +----------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+ </PRE> * @param shape1 the first shape * @param shape2 the second shape * @return the created {@code Shape} */
public static Shape union(final Shape shape1, final Shape shape2) { final Area result = shape1.getTransformedArea(); result.add(shape2.getTransformedArea()); return createFromGeomShape(result); } // PENDING_DOC_REVIEW
Returns a new Shape which is created by subtracting the specified second shape from the first shape.

The operation works with geometric areas occupied by the input shapes. For a single Shape such area includes the area occupied by the fill if the shape has a non-null fill and the area occupied by the stroke if the shape has a non-null stroke. So the area is empty for a shape with null stroke and null fill. The area of an input shape considered by the operation is independent on the type and configuration of the paint used for fill or stroke. Before the final operation the areas of the input shapes are transformed to the parent coordinate space of their respective topmost parent nodes.

The resulting shape will include areas that were contained only in the first shape and not in the second shape.

shape1       -       shape2       =       result
+----------------+   +----------------+   +----------------+
|################|   |################|   |                |
|##############  |   |  ##############|   |##              |
|############    |   |    ############|   |####            |
|##########      |   |      ##########|   |######          |
|########        |   |        ########|   |########        |
|######          |   |          ######|   |######          |
|####            |   |            ####|   |####            |
|##              |   |              ##|   |##              |
+----------------+   +----------------+   +----------------+
  • shape1 – the first shape
  • shape2 – the second shape
Returns:the created Shape
/** * Returns a new {@code Shape} which is created by subtracting the specified * second shape from the first shape. * <p> * The operation works with geometric areas occupied by the input shapes. * For a single {@code Shape} such area includes the area occupied by the * fill if the shape has a non-null fill and the area occupied by the stroke * if the shape has a non-null stroke. So the area is empty for a shape * with {@code null} stroke and {@code null} fill. The area of an input * shape considered by the operation is independent on the type and * configuration of the paint used for fill or stroke. Before the final * operation the areas of the input shapes are transformed to the parent * coordinate space of their respective topmost parent nodes. * <p> * The resulting shape will include areas that were contained only in the * first shape and not in the second shape. <PRE> shape1 - shape2 = result +----------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+ |################| |################| | | |############## | | ##############| |## | |############ | | ############| |#### | |########## | | ##########| |###### | |######## | | ########| |######## | |###### | | ######| |###### | |#### | | ####| |#### | |## | | ##| |## | +----------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+ </PRE> * @param shape1 the first shape * @param shape2 the second shape * @return the created {@code Shape} */
public static Shape subtract(final Shape shape1, final Shape shape2) { final Area result = shape1.getTransformedArea(); result.subtract(shape2.getTransformedArea()); return createFromGeomShape(result); } // PENDING_DOC_REVIEW
Returns a new Shape which is created as an intersection of the specified input shapes.

The operation works with geometric areas occupied by the input shapes. For a single Shape such area includes the area occupied by the fill if the shape has a non-null fill and the area occupied by the stroke if the shape has a non-null stroke. So the area is empty for a shape with null stroke and null fill. The area of an input shape considered by the operation is independent on the type and configuration of the paint used for fill or stroke. Before the final operation the areas of the input shapes are transformed to the parent coordinate space of their respective topmost parent nodes.

The resulting shape will include only areas that were contained in both of the input shapes.

shape1       +       shape2       =       result
+----------------+   +----------------+   +----------------+
|################|   |################|   |################|
|##############  |   |  ##############|   |  ############  |
|############    |   |    ############|   |    ########    |
|##########      |   |      ##########|   |      ####      |
|########        |   |        ########|   |                |
|######          |   |          ######|   |                |
|####            |   |            ####|   |                |
|##              |   |              ##|   |                |
+----------------+   +----------------+   +----------------+
  • shape1 – the first shape
  • shape2 – the second shape
Returns:the created Shape
/** * Returns a new {@code Shape} which is created as an intersection of the * specified input shapes. * <p> * The operation works with geometric areas occupied by the input shapes. * For a single {@code Shape} such area includes the area occupied by the * fill if the shape has a non-null fill and the area occupied by the stroke * if the shape has a non-null stroke. So the area is empty for a shape * with {@code null} stroke and {@code null} fill. The area of an input * shape considered by the operation is independent on the type and * configuration of the paint used for fill or stroke. Before the final * operation the areas of the input shapes are transformed to the parent * coordinate space of their respective topmost parent nodes. * <p> * The resulting shape will include only areas that were contained in both * of the input shapes. <PRE> shape1 + shape2 = result +----------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+ |################| |################| |################| |############## | | ##############| | ############ | |############ | | ############| | ######## | |########## | | ##########| | #### | |######## | | ########| | | |###### | | ######| | | |#### | | ####| | | |## | | ##| | | +----------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+ </PRE> * @param shape1 the first shape * @param shape2 the second shape * @return the created {@code Shape} */
public static Shape intersect(final Shape shape1, final Shape shape2) { final Area result = shape1.getTransformedArea(); result.intersect(shape2.getTransformedArea()); return createFromGeomShape(result); } private Area getTransformedArea() { return getTransformedArea(calculateNodeToSceneTransform(this)); } private Area getTransformedArea(final BaseTransform transform) { if (mode == NGShape.Mode.EMPTY) { return new Area(); } final com.sun.javafx.geom.Shape fillShape = ShapeHelper.configShape(this); if ((mode == NGShape.Mode.FILL) || (mode == NGShape.Mode.STROKE_FILL) && (getStrokeType() == StrokeType.INSIDE)) { return createTransformedArea(fillShape, transform); } final StrokeType strokeType = getStrokeType(); final double strokeWidth = Utils.clampMin(getStrokeWidth(), MIN_STROKE_WIDTH); final StrokeLineCap strokeLineCap = getStrokeLineCap(); final StrokeLineJoin strokeLineJoin = convertLineJoin(getStrokeLineJoin()); final float strokeMiterLimit = (float) Utils.clampMin(getStrokeMiterLimit(), MIN_STROKE_MITER_LIMIT); final float[] dashArray = (hasStrokeDashArray()) ? toPGDashArray(getStrokeDashArray()) : DEFAULT_PG_STROKE_DASH_ARRAY; final com.sun.javafx.geom.Shape strokeShape = Toolkit.getToolkit().createStrokedShape( fillShape, strokeType, strokeWidth, strokeLineCap, strokeLineJoin, strokeMiterLimit, dashArray, (float) getStrokeDashOffset()); if (mode == NGShape.Mode.STROKE) { return createTransformedArea(strokeShape, transform); } // fill and stroke final Area combinedArea = new Area(fillShape); combinedArea.add(new Area(strokeShape)); return createTransformedArea(combinedArea, transform); } private static BaseTransform calculateNodeToSceneTransform(Node node) { final Affine3D cumulativeTransformation = new Affine3D(); do { cumulativeTransformation.preConcatenate( NodeHelper.getLeafTransform(node)); node = node.getParent(); } while (node != null); return cumulativeTransformation; } private static Area createTransformedArea( final com.sun.javafx.geom.Shape geomShape, final BaseTransform transform) { return transform.isIdentity() ? new Area(geomShape) : new Area(geomShape.getPathIterator(transform)); } private static Path createFromGeomShape( final com.sun.javafx.geom.Shape geomShape) { final Path path = new Path(); final ObservableList<PathElement> elements = path.getElements(); final PathIterator iterator = geomShape.getPathIterator(null); final float coords[] = new float[6]; while (!iterator.isDone()) { final int segmentType = iterator.currentSegment(coords); switch (segmentType) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: elements.add(new MoveTo(coords[0], coords[1])); break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: elements.add(new LineTo(coords[0], coords[1])); break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: elements.add(new QuadCurveTo(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3])); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: elements.add(new CubicCurveTo(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4], coords[5])); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: elements.add(new ClosePath()); break; } iterator.next(); } path.setFillRule((iterator.getWindingRule() == PathIterator.WIND_EVEN_ODD) ? FillRule.EVEN_ODD : FillRule.NON_ZERO); path.setFill(Color.BLACK); path.setStroke(null); return path; } }