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package javafx.css.converter;

import javafx.css.Size;
import javafx.css.SizeUnits;
import com.sun.javafx.css.StyleManager;
import javafx.css.ParsedValue;
import javafx.css.StyleConverter;
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.scene.paint.CycleMethod;
import javafx.scene.paint.ImagePattern;
import javafx.scene.paint.LinearGradient;
import javafx.scene.paint.Paint;
import javafx.scene.paint.RadialGradient;
import javafx.scene.paint.Stop;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;

/** * @since 9 */
public final class PaintConverter extends StyleConverter<ParsedValue<?, Paint>, Paint> { // lazy, thread-safe instantiation private static class Holder { static final PaintConverter INSTANCE = new PaintConverter(); static final SequenceConverter SEQUENCE_INSTANCE = new SequenceConverter(); static final LinearGradientConverter LINEAR_GRADIENT_INSTANCE = new LinearGradientConverter(); static final ImagePatternConverter IMAGE_PATTERN_INSTANCE = new ImagePatternConverter(); static final RepeatingImagePatternConverter REPEATING_IMAGE_PATTERN_INSTANCE = new RepeatingImagePatternConverter(); static final RadialGradientConverter RADIAL_GRADIENT_INSTANCE = new RadialGradientConverter(); } public static StyleConverter<ParsedValue<?, Paint>, Paint> getInstance() { return Holder.INSTANCE; } private PaintConverter() { super(); } @Override public Paint convert(ParsedValue<ParsedValue<?, Paint>, Paint> value, Font font) { Object obj = value.getValue(); if (obj instanceof Paint) { return (Paint) obj; } return value.getValue().convert(font); } @Override public String toString() { return "PaintConverter"; }
Converts an array of parsed values to an array of Paint objects.
/** * Converts an array of parsed values to an array of Paint objects. */
public static final class SequenceConverter extends StyleConverter<ParsedValue<?, Paint>[], Paint[]> { public static SequenceConverter getInstance() { return Holder.SEQUENCE_INSTANCE; } private SequenceConverter() { super(); } @Override public Paint[] convert(ParsedValue<ParsedValue<?, Paint>[], Paint[]> value, Font font) { ParsedValue<?, Paint>[] values = value.getValue(); Paint[] paints = new Paint[values.length]; for (int p = 0; p < values.length; p++) { paints[p] = values[p].convert(font); } return paints; } @Override public String toString() { return "Paint.SequenceConverter"; } } public static final class LinearGradientConverter extends StyleConverter<ParsedValue[], Paint> { public static LinearGradientConverter getInstance() { return Holder.LINEAR_GRADIENT_INSTANCE; } private LinearGradientConverter() { super(); } @Override public Paint convert(ParsedValue<ParsedValue[], Paint> value, Font font) { Paint paint = super.getCachedValue(value); if (paint != null) return paint; ParsedValue[] values = value.getValue(); int v = 0; final Size startX = (Size) values[v++].convert(font); final Size startY = (Size) values[v++].convert(font); final Size endX = (Size) values[v++].convert(font); final Size endY = (Size) values[v++].convert(font); boolean proportional = startX.getUnits() == SizeUnits.PERCENT && startX.getUnits() == startY.getUnits() && startX.getUnits() == endX.getUnits() && startX.getUnits() == endY.getUnits(); final CycleMethod cycleMethod = (CycleMethod) values[v++].convert(font); final Stop[] stops = new Stop[values.length - v]; for (int s = v; s < values.length; s++) { stops[s - v] = (Stop) values[s].convert(font); } paint = new LinearGradient(startX.pixels(font), startY.pixels(font), endX.pixels(font), endY.pixels(font), proportional, cycleMethod, stops); super.cacheValue(value, paint); return paint; } @Override public String toString() { return "LinearGradientConverter"; } } public static final class ImagePatternConverter extends StyleConverter<ParsedValue[], Paint> { public static ImagePatternConverter getInstance() { return Holder.IMAGE_PATTERN_INSTANCE; } private ImagePatternConverter() { super(); } @Override public Paint convert(ParsedValue<ParsedValue[], Paint> value, Font font) { Paint paint = super.getCachedValue(value); if (paint != null) return paint; ParsedValue[] values = value.getValue(); ParsedValue<?,?> urlParsedValue = values[0]; String url = (String) urlParsedValue.convert(font); if (values.length == 1) { return new ImagePattern(StyleManager.getInstance().getCachedImage(url)); } Size x = (Size) values[1].convert(font); Size y = (Size) values[2].convert(font); Size w = (Size) values[3].convert(font); Size h = (Size) values[4].convert(font); boolean p = values.length < 6 ? true : (Boolean) values[5].getValue(); paint = new ImagePattern( new Image(url), x.getValue(), y.getValue(), w.getValue(), h.getValue(), p); super.cacheValue(value, paint); return paint; } @Override public String toString() { return "ImagePatternConverter"; } } public static final class RepeatingImagePatternConverter extends StyleConverter<ParsedValue[], Paint> { public static RepeatingImagePatternConverter getInstance() { return Holder.REPEATING_IMAGE_PATTERN_INSTANCE; } private RepeatingImagePatternConverter() { super(); } @Override public Paint convert(ParsedValue<ParsedValue[], Paint> value, Font font) { Paint paint = super.getCachedValue(value); if (paint != null) return paint; ParsedValue[] values = value.getValue(); ParsedValue<?, ?> url = values[0]; String u = (String) url.convert(font); // If u is null, then we failed to locate the image associated with the url specified in the CSS file. if (u == null) return null; final Image image = new Image(u); paint = new ImagePattern(image, 0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), false); super.cacheValue(value, paint); return paint; } @Override public String toString() { return "RepeatingImagePatternConverter"; } } public static final class RadialGradientConverter extends StyleConverter<ParsedValue[], Paint> { public static RadialGradientConverter getInstance() { return Holder.RADIAL_GRADIENT_INSTANCE; } private RadialGradientConverter() { super(); } @Override public Paint convert(ParsedValue<ParsedValue[], Paint> value, Font font) { Paint paint = super.getCachedValue(value); if (paint != null) return paint; final ParsedValue[] values = value.getValue(); int v = 0; // First four values are for startX, startY, endX, endY // and are type ParsedValue<Value<?,Size>,Double>. To figure out // proportional, we need to get to the Size. getValue() will // return ParsedValue<?,Size>, so getValue().convert(font) will // give us the size. final Size focusAngle = values[v++] != null ? (Size) values[v-1].convert(font) : null; final Size focusDistance = values[v++] != null ? (Size) values[v-1].convert(font) : null; final Size centerX = values[v++] != null ? (Size) values[v-1].convert(font) : null; final Size centerY = values[v++] != null ? (Size) values[v-1].convert(font) : null; final Size radius = (Size) values[v++].convert(font); boolean proportional = radius.getUnits().equals(SizeUnits.PERCENT); boolean unitsAgree = centerX != null ? proportional == centerX.getUnits().equals(SizeUnits.PERCENT) : true; unitsAgree = unitsAgree && centerY != null ? proportional == centerY.getUnits().equals(SizeUnits.PERCENT) : true; if (!unitsAgree) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("units do not agree"); } final CycleMethod cycleMethod = (CycleMethod) values[v++].convert(font); final Stop[] stops = new Stop[values.length - v]; for (int s = v; s < values.length; s++) { stops[s - v] = (Stop) values[s].convert(font); } //If the focus-angle is a percentage, the value is mutiplied // by 360, modulo 360. double fa = 0; if (focusAngle != null) { fa = focusAngle.pixels(font); if (focusAngle.getUnits().equals(SizeUnits.PERCENT)) { fa = (fa * 360) % 360; } } paint = new RadialGradient(fa, focusDistance != null ? focusDistance.pixels() : 0, centerX != null ? centerX.pixels() : 0, centerY != null ? centerY.pixels() : 0, radius != null ? radius.pixels() : 1, proportional, cycleMethod, stops); super.cacheValue(value, paint); return paint; } @Override public String toString() { return "RadialGradientConverter"; } } }