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package com.sun.javafx.scene.control;

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.DateTimeException;
import java.time.YearMonth;
import java.time.format.DecimalStyle;
import java.time.chrono.Chronology;
import java.time.chrono.HijrahChronology;
import java.time.chrono.HijrahDate;
import java.time.chrono.IsoChronology;
import java.util.Locale;

import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.*;

import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.control.DatePicker;
import javafx.scene.control.DateCell;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;

Extends DatePickerContent to add a secondary calendar, allowing the ISO and Islamic calendars to be displayed simultaneously. The secondary month, day, and year values are displayed as a colored overlay, offset from the primary values. If the current DatePicker Chronology is HijrahChronology, then sets the content's primary Chronology to be IsoChronology, and sets HijrahChronology as the secondary.
/** * Extends DatePickerContent to add a secondary calendar, allowing the * ISO and Islamic calendars to be displayed simultaneously. The * secondary month, day, and year values are displayed as a colored * overlay, offset from the primary values. * * If the current DatePicker Chronology is HijrahChronology, then sets * the content's primary Chronology to be IsoChronology, and sets * HijrahChronology as the secondary. */
public class DatePickerHijrahContent extends DatePickerContent { private Label hijrahMonthYearLabel; public DatePickerHijrahContent(final DatePicker datePicker) { super(datePicker); }
The primary chronology for display. This is overridden because DatePickerHijrahContent uses ISO as primary and Hijrah as a secondary chronology.
/** * The primary chronology for display. This is overridden because * DatePickerHijrahContent uses ISO as primary and Hijrah as a * secondary chronology. */
@Override protected Chronology getPrimaryChronology() { return IsoChronology.INSTANCE; } @Override protected BorderPane createMonthYearPane() { BorderPane monthYearPane = super.createMonthYearPane(); hijrahMonthYearLabel = new Label(); hijrahMonthYearLabel.getStyleClass().add("secondary-label"); monthYearPane.setBottom(hijrahMonthYearLabel); BorderPane.setAlignment(hijrahMonthYearLabel, Pos.CENTER); return monthYearPane; } @Override protected void updateMonthYearPane() { super.updateMonthYearPane(); Locale locale = getLocale(); HijrahChronology chrono = HijrahChronology.INSTANCE; long firstMonth = -1; long firstYear = -1; String firstMonthStr = null; String firstYearStr = null; String hijrahStr = null; YearMonth displayedYearMonth = displayedYearMonthProperty().get(); for (DateCell dayCell : dayCells) { LocalDate date = dayCellDate(dayCell); // Display Hijra month names only for current ISO month. if (!displayedYearMonth.equals(YearMonth.from(date))) { continue; } try { HijrahDate cDate = chrono.date(date); long month = cDate.getLong(MONTH_OF_YEAR); long year = cDate.getLong(YEAR); if (hijrahStr == null || month != firstMonth) { String monthStr = monthFormatter.withLocale(locale) .withChronology(chrono) .withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.of(locale)) .format(cDate); String yearStr = yearFormatter.withLocale(locale) .withChronology(chrono) .withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.of(locale)) .format(cDate); if (hijrahStr == null) { firstMonth = month; firstYear = year; firstMonthStr = monthStr; firstYearStr = yearStr; hijrahStr = firstMonthStr + " " + firstYearStr; } else { if (year > firstYear) { hijrahStr = firstMonthStr + " " + firstYearStr + " - " + monthStr + " " + yearStr; } else { hijrahStr = firstMonthStr + " - " + monthStr + " " + firstYearStr; } break; } } } catch (DateTimeException ex) { // Date is out of range, ignore. //System.err.println(dayCellDate(dayCell) + " " + ex); } } hijrahMonthYearLabel.setText(hijrahStr); } @Override protected void createDayCells() { super.createDayCells(); for (DateCell dayCell : dayCells) { Text secondaryText = new Text(); dayCell.getProperties().put("DateCell.secondaryText", secondaryText); } } @Override public void updateDayCells() { super.updateDayCells(); Locale locale = getLocale(); HijrahChronology chrono = HijrahChronology.INSTANCE; int majorityMonth = -1; int visibleDaysInMajorityMonth = -1; int curMonth = -1; int visibleDaysInCurMonth = 0; for (DateCell dayCell : dayCells) { Text secondaryText = (Text)dayCell.getProperties().get("DateCell.secondaryText"); dayCell.getStyleClass().add("hijrah-day-cell"); secondaryText.getStyleClass().setAll("text", "secondary-text"); try { HijrahDate cDate = chrono.date(dayCellDate(dayCell)); // long month = cDate.getLong(MONTH_OF_YEAR); String hijrahStr = dayCellFormatter.withLocale(locale) .withChronology(chrono) .withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.of(locale)) .format(cDate); secondaryText.setText(hijrahStr); dayCell.requestLayout(); } catch (DateTimeException ex) { // Date is out of range. // System.err.println(dayCellDate(dayCell) + " " + ex); secondaryText.setText(" "); dayCell.setDisable(true); } // if (month == curMonth) { // visibleDaysInCurMonth++; // } else { // curMonth = month; // visibleDaysInCurMonth = 1; // } // if (visibleDaysInCurMonth > visibleDaysInMajorityMonth) { // majorityMonth = month; // visibleDaysInMajorityMonth = visibleDaysInCurMonth; // } } // boolean seenMajorityMonth = false; // for (DateCell dayCell : dayCells) { // HijrahDate cDate = chrono.date(dayCellDate(dayCell)); // int month = cDate.get(MONTH_OF_YEAR); // Text secondaryText = (Text)dayCell.getProperties().get("DateCell.secondaryText"); // if (month == majorityMonth) { // seenMajorityMonth = true; // secondaryText.getStyleClass().add("current-month"); // } else { // secondaryText.getStyleClass().add(seenMajorityMonth ? "next-month" : "previous-month"); // } // } } }