 * Copyright (c) 2005, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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package org.openjdk.jmh.runner;

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Threads;
import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.BenchmarkParams;
import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.IterationParams;
import org.openjdk.jmh.profile.ExternalProfiler;
import org.openjdk.jmh.profile.ProfilerException;
import org.openjdk.jmh.profile.ProfilerFactory;
import org.openjdk.jmh.results.*;
import org.openjdk.jmh.results.format.ResultFormatFactory;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.format.OutputFormat;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.format.OutputFormatFactory;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.link.BinaryLinkServer;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.*;
import org.openjdk.jmh.util.*;
import org.openjdk.jmh.util.Optional;

import java.io.*;
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
import java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.jar.*;
import java.util.zip.*;

Runner executes JMH benchmarks.

This is the entry point for JMH Java API.

Runner is not usually reusable. After you execute any method on the Runner, you should digest the results, give up on current Runner, and instantiate another one. This class may be turned into static class in future releases.

/** * Runner executes JMH benchmarks. * * <p>This is the entry point for JMH Java API.</p> * * <p>{@link Runner} is not usually reusable. After you execute any method on the {@link Runner}, you should digest * the results, give up on current {@link Runner}, and instantiate another one. This class may be turned into * static class in future releases.</p> */
public class Runner extends BaseRunner { private static final int TAIL_LINES_ON_ERROR = Integer.getInteger("jmh.tailLines", 20); private static final String JMH_LOCK_FILE = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + "/jmh.lock"; private static final Boolean JMH_LOCK_IGNORE = Boolean.getBoolean("jmh.ignoreLock"); private final BenchmarkList list; private int cpuCount;
Create runner with the custom OutputFormat.
  • options – options to use
  • format – OutputFormat to use
/** * Create runner with the custom OutputFormat. * * @param options options to use * @param format OutputFormat to use */
public Runner(Options options, OutputFormat format) { super(options, format); this.list = BenchmarkList.defaultList(); }
Create Runner with the given options. This method sets up the OutputFormat as mandated by options.
  • options – options to use.
/** * Create Runner with the given options. * This method sets up the {@link org.openjdk.jmh.runner.format.OutputFormat} as * mandated by options. * @param options options to use. */
public Runner(Options options) { this(options, createOutputFormat(options)); } private static OutputFormat createOutputFormat(Options options) { // sadly required here as the check cannot be made before calling this method in constructor if (options == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Options not allowed to be null."); } PrintStream out; if (options.getOutput().hasValue()) { try { out = new PrintStream(options.getOutput().get()); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } } else { // Protect the System.out from accidental closing try { out = new UnCloseablePrintStream(System.out, Utils.guessConsoleEncoding()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } } return OutputFormatFactory.createFormatInstance(out, options.verbosity().orElse(Defaults.VERBOSITY)); }
Print matching benchmarks into output.
/** * Print matching benchmarks into output. */
public void list() { Set<BenchmarkListEntry> benchmarks = list.find(out, options.getIncludes(), options.getExcludes()); out.println("Benchmarks: "); for (BenchmarkListEntry benchmark : benchmarks) { out.println(benchmark.getUsername()); } }
Print matching benchmarks with parameters into output.
  • options – options to use.
/** * Print matching benchmarks with parameters into output. * @param options options to use. */
public void listWithParams(CommandLineOptions options) { Set<BenchmarkListEntry> benchmarks = list.find(out, options.getIncludes(), options.getExcludes()); out.println("Benchmarks: "); for (BenchmarkListEntry benchmark : benchmarks) { out.println(benchmark.getUsername()); Optional<Map<String, String[]>> params = benchmark.getParams(); if (params.hasValue()) { for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> e : params.get().entrySet()) { String param = e.getKey(); Collection<String> values = options.getParameter(param).orElse(Arrays.asList(e.getValue())); out.println(" param \"" + param + "\" = {" + Utils.join(values, ", ") + "}"); } } } }
Shortcut method for the single benchmark execution. This method is handy when Options describe only the single benchmark to run.
  • RunnerException – if more than one benchmark is found, or no results are returned
Returns:benchmark result
/** * Shortcut method for the single benchmark execution. * This method is handy when Options describe only the single benchmark to run. * * @return benchmark result * @throws RunnerException if more than one benchmark is found, or no results are returned */
public RunResult runSingle() throws RunnerException { Set<BenchmarkListEntry> benchmarks = list.find(out, options.getIncludes(), options.getExcludes()); if (benchmarks.size() == 1) { Collection<RunResult> values = run(); if (values.size() == 1) { return values.iterator().next(); } else { throw new RunnerException("No results returned"); } } else { if (benchmarks.size() > 1) { throw new RunnerException("More than single benchmark are matching the options: " + benchmarks); } else { throw new NoBenchmarksException(); } } }
Run benchmarks.
Returns:map of benchmark results
/** * Run benchmarks. * * @return map of benchmark results * @throws org.openjdk.jmh.runner.RunnerException if something goes wrong */
public Collection<RunResult> run() throws RunnerException { if (JMH_LOCK_IGNORE) { out.println("# WARNING: JMH lock is ignored by user request, make sure no other JMH instances are running"); return internalRun(); } FileChannel channel = null; FileLock lock = null; try { // Make sure the lock file is world-writeable, otherwise the lock file created by current // user would not work for any other user, always failing the run. File file = new File(JMH_LOCK_FILE); file.createNewFile(); file.setWritable(true, false); channel = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw").getChannel(); try { lock = channel.tryLock(); } catch (OverlappingFileLockException e) { // fall-through } if (lock == null) { throw new RunnerException("ERROR: Unable to acquire the JMH lock (" + JMH_LOCK_FILE + "): already taken by another JMH instance, exiting. Use -Djmh.ignoreLock=true to forcefully continue."); } return internalRun(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RunnerException("ERROR: Exception while trying to acquire the JMH lock (" + JMH_LOCK_FILE + "), exiting. Use -Djmh.ignoreLock=true to forcefully continue.", e); } finally { try { if (lock != null) { lock.release(); } } catch (IOException e) { // do nothing } FileUtils.safelyClose(channel); } } private Collection<RunResult> internalRun() throws RunnerException { Set<String> profilerClasses = new HashSet<>(); ProfilersFailedException failedException = null; for (ProfilerConfig p : options.getProfilers()) { if (!profilerClasses.add(p.getKlass())) { throw new RunnerException("Cannot instantiate the same profiler more than once: " + p.getKlass()); } try { ProfilerFactory.getProfilerOrException(p); } catch (ProfilerException e) { if (failedException == null) { failedException = new ProfilersFailedException(e); } else { failedException.addSuppressed(e); } } } if (failedException != null) { throw failedException; } // If user requested the result file in one way or the other, touch the result file, // and prepare to write it out after the run. String resultFile = null; if (options.getResult().hasValue() || options.getResultFormat().hasValue()) { resultFile = options.getResult().orElse( Defaults.RESULT_FILE_PREFIX + "." + options.getResultFormat().orElse(Defaults.RESULT_FORMAT).toString().toLowerCase() ); try { FileUtils.touch(resultFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RunnerException("Can not touch the result file: " + resultFile); } } SortedSet<BenchmarkListEntry> benchmarks = list.find(out, options.getIncludes(), options.getExcludes()); if (benchmarks.isEmpty()) { out.flush(); out.close(); throw new NoBenchmarksException(); } // override the benchmark types; // this may yield new benchmark records if (!options.getBenchModes().isEmpty()) { List<BenchmarkListEntry> newBenchmarks = new ArrayList<>(); for (BenchmarkListEntry br : benchmarks) { for (Mode m : options.getBenchModes()) { newBenchmarks.add(br.cloneWith(m)); } } benchmarks.clear(); benchmarks.addAll(newBenchmarks); } // clone with all the modes { List<BenchmarkListEntry> newBenchmarks = new ArrayList<>(); for (BenchmarkListEntry br : benchmarks) { if (br.getMode() == Mode.All) { for (Mode mode : Mode.values()) { if (mode == Mode.All) continue; newBenchmarks.add(br.cloneWith(mode)); } } else { newBenchmarks.add(br); } } benchmarks.clear(); benchmarks.addAll(newBenchmarks); } // clone with all parameters { List<BenchmarkListEntry> newBenchmarks = new ArrayList<>(); for (BenchmarkListEntry br : benchmarks) { if (br.getParams().hasValue()) { for (WorkloadParams p : explodeAllParams(br)) { newBenchmarks.add(br.cloneWith(p)); } } else { newBenchmarks.add(br); } } benchmarks.clear(); benchmarks.addAll(newBenchmarks); } Collection<RunResult> results = runBenchmarks(benchmarks); // If user requested the result file, write it out. if (resultFile != null) { ResultFormatFactory.getInstance( options.getResultFormat().orElse(Defaults.RESULT_FORMAT), resultFile ).writeOut(results); out.println(""); out.println("Benchmark result is saved to " + resultFile); } out.flush(); out.close(); return results; } private List<ActionPlan> getActionPlans(Set<BenchmarkListEntry> benchmarks) { ActionPlan base = new ActionPlan(ActionType.FORKED); LinkedHashSet<BenchmarkListEntry> warmupBenches = new LinkedHashSet<>(); List<String> warmupMicrosRegexp = options.getWarmupIncludes(); if (warmupMicrosRegexp != null && !warmupMicrosRegexp.isEmpty()) { warmupBenches.addAll(list.find(out, warmupMicrosRegexp, Collections.<String>emptyList())); } if (options.getWarmupMode().orElse(Defaults.WARMUP_MODE).isBulk()) { warmupBenches.addAll(benchmarks); } for (BenchmarkListEntry wr : warmupBenches) { base.add(newAction(wr, ActionMode.WARMUP)); } ActionPlan embeddedPlan = new ActionPlan(ActionType.EMBEDDED); embeddedPlan.mixIn(base); boolean addEmbedded = false; List<ActionPlan> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (BenchmarkListEntry br : benchmarks) { BenchmarkParams params = newBenchmarkParams(br, ActionMode.UNDEF); if (params.getForks() <= 0) { if (options.getWarmupMode().orElse(Defaults.WARMUP_MODE).isIndi()) { embeddedPlan.add(newAction(br, ActionMode.WARMUP_MEASUREMENT)); } else { embeddedPlan.add(newAction(br, ActionMode.MEASUREMENT)); } addEmbedded = true; } if (params.getForks() > 0) { ActionPlan r = new ActionPlan(ActionType.FORKED); r.mixIn(base); if (options.getWarmupMode().orElse(Defaults.WARMUP_MODE).isIndi()) { r.add(newAction(br, ActionMode.WARMUP_MEASUREMENT)); } else { r.add(newAction(br, ActionMode.MEASUREMENT)); } result.add(r); } } if (addEmbedded) { result.add(embeddedPlan); } return result; } private Action newAction(BenchmarkListEntry br, ActionMode mode) { return new Action(newBenchmarkParams(br, mode), mode); } private BenchmarkParams newBenchmarkParams(BenchmarkListEntry benchmark, ActionMode mode) { int[] threadGroups = options.getThreadGroups().orElse(benchmark.getThreadGroups()); int threads = options.getThreads().orElse( benchmark.getThreads().orElse( Defaults.THREADS)); if (threads == Threads.MAX) { if (cpuCount == 0) { out.print("# Detecting actual CPU count: "); cpuCount = Utils.figureOutHotCPUs(); out.println(cpuCount + " detected"); } threads = cpuCount; } threads = Utils.roundUp(threads, Utils.sum(threadGroups)); boolean synchIterations = (benchmark.getMode() != Mode.SingleShotTime) && options.shouldSyncIterations().orElse(Defaults.SYNC_ITERATIONS); IterationParams measurement = mode.doMeasurement() ? new IterationParams( IterationType.MEASUREMENT, options.getMeasurementIterations().orElse( benchmark.getMeasurementIterations().orElse( (benchmark.getMode() == Mode.SingleShotTime) ? Defaults.MEASUREMENT_ITERATIONS_SINGLESHOT : Defaults.MEASUREMENT_ITERATIONS )), options.getMeasurementTime().orElse( benchmark.getMeasurementTime().orElse( (benchmark.getMode() == Mode.SingleShotTime) ? TimeValue.NONE : Defaults.MEASUREMENT_TIME )), options.getMeasurementBatchSize().orElse( benchmark.getMeasurementBatchSize().orElse( Defaults.MEASUREMENT_BATCHSIZE ) ) ) : new IterationParams(IterationType.MEASUREMENT, 0, TimeValue.NONE, 1); IterationParams warmup = mode.doWarmup() ? new IterationParams( IterationType.WARMUP, options.getWarmupIterations().orElse( benchmark.getWarmupIterations().orElse( (benchmark.getMode() == Mode.SingleShotTime) ? Defaults.WARMUP_ITERATIONS_SINGLESHOT : Defaults.WARMUP_ITERATIONS )), options.getWarmupTime().orElse( benchmark.getWarmupTime().orElse( (benchmark.getMode() == Mode.SingleShotTime) ? TimeValue.NONE : Defaults.WARMUP_TIME )), options.getWarmupBatchSize().orElse( benchmark.getWarmupBatchSize().orElse( Defaults.WARMUP_BATCHSIZE ) ) ) : new IterationParams(IterationType.WARMUP, 0, TimeValue.NONE, 1); int forks = options.getForkCount().orElse( benchmark.getForks().orElse( Defaults.MEASUREMENT_FORKS)); int warmupForks = options.getWarmupForkCount().orElse( benchmark.getWarmupForks().orElse( Defaults.WARMUP_FORKS)); TimeUnit timeUnit = options.getTimeUnit().orElse( benchmark.getTimeUnit().orElse( Defaults.OUTPUT_TIMEUNIT)); int opsPerInvocation = options.getOperationsPerInvocation().orElse( benchmark.getOperationsPerInvocation().orElse( Defaults.OPS_PER_INVOCATION)); String jvm = options.getJvm().orElse( benchmark.getJvm().orElse(Utils.getCurrentJvm())); Properties targetProperties; if (jvm.equals(Utils.getCurrentJvm())) { targetProperties = Utils.getRecordedSystemProperties(); } else { targetProperties = Utils.readPropertiesFromCommand(getPrintPropertiesCommand(jvm)); } Collection<String> jvmArgs = new ArrayList<>(); jvmArgs.addAll(options.getJvmArgsPrepend().orElse( benchmark.getJvmArgsPrepend().orElse(Collections.<String>emptyList()))); // We want to be extra lazy when accessing ManagementFactory, because security manager // may prevent us doing so. When JMH upgrades to Java 8, replaces this with proper Optional // and lazy Supplier. Optional<Collection<String>> jvmArgsMid = options.getJvmArgs().orAnother(benchmark.getJvmArgs()); if (jvmArgsMid.hasValue()) { jvmArgs.addAll(jvmArgsMid.get()); } else { jvmArgs.addAll(ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getInputArguments()); } jvmArgs.addAll(options.getJvmArgsAppend().orElse( benchmark.getJvmArgsAppend().orElse(Collections.<String>emptyList()))); TimeValue timeout = options.getTimeout().orElse( benchmark.getTimeout().orElse(Defaults.TIMEOUT)); String jdkVersion = targetProperties.getProperty("java.version"); String vmVersion = targetProperties.getProperty("java.vm.version"); String vmName = targetProperties.getProperty("java.vm.name"); return new BenchmarkParams(benchmark.getUsername(), benchmark.generatedTarget(), synchIterations, threads, threadGroups, benchmark.getThreadGroupLabels().orElse(Collections.<String>emptyList()), forks, warmupForks, warmup, measurement, benchmark.getMode(), benchmark.getWorkloadParams(), timeUnit, opsPerInvocation, jvm, jvmArgs, jdkVersion, vmName, vmVersion, Version.getPlainVersion(), timeout); } private List<WorkloadParams> explodeAllParams(BenchmarkListEntry br) throws RunnerException { Map<String, String[]> benchParams = br.getParams().orElse(Collections.<String, String[]>emptyMap()); List<WorkloadParams> ps = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> e : benchParams.entrySet()) { String k = e.getKey(); String[] vals = e.getValue(); Collection<String> values = options.getParameter(k).orElse(Arrays.asList(vals)); if (values.isEmpty()) { throw new RunnerException("Benchmark \"" + br.getUsername() + "\" defines the parameter \"" + k + "\", but no default values.\n" + "Define the default values within the annotation, or provide the parameter values at runtime."); } if (ps.isEmpty()) { int idx = 0; for (String v : values) { WorkloadParams al = new WorkloadParams(); al.put(k, v, idx); ps.add(al); idx++; } } else { List<WorkloadParams> newPs = new ArrayList<>(); for (WorkloadParams p : ps) { int idx = 0; for (String v : values) { WorkloadParams al = p.copy(); al.put(k, v, idx); newPs.add(al); idx++; } } ps = newPs; } } return ps; } private Collection<RunResult> runBenchmarks(SortedSet<BenchmarkListEntry> benchmarks) throws RunnerException { out.startRun(); Multimap<BenchmarkParams, BenchmarkResult> results = new TreeMultimap<>(); List<ActionPlan> plan = getActionPlans(benchmarks); etaBeforeBenchmarks(plan); try { for (ActionPlan r : plan) { Multimap<BenchmarkParams, BenchmarkResult> res; switch (r.getType()) { case EMBEDDED: res = runBenchmarksEmbedded(r); break; case FORKED: res = runSeparate(r); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown action plan type: " + r.getType()); } for (BenchmarkParams br : res.keys()) { results.putAll(br, res.get(br)); } } etaAfterBenchmarks(); SortedSet<RunResult> runResults = mergeRunResults(results); out.endRun(runResults); return runResults; } catch (BenchmarkException be) { throw new RunnerException("Benchmark caught the exception", be); } } private SortedSet<RunResult> mergeRunResults(Multimap<BenchmarkParams, BenchmarkResult> results) { SortedSet<RunResult> result = new TreeSet<>(RunResult.DEFAULT_SORT_COMPARATOR); for (BenchmarkParams key : results.keys()) { result.add(new RunResult(key, results.get(key))); } return result; } private Multimap<BenchmarkParams, BenchmarkResult> runSeparate(ActionPlan actionPlan) { Multimap<BenchmarkParams, BenchmarkResult> results = new HashMultimap<>(); if (actionPlan.getMeasurementActions().size() != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expect only single benchmark in the action plan, but was " + actionPlan.getMeasurementActions().size()); } BinaryLinkServer server = null; try { server = new BinaryLinkServer(options, out); server.setPlan(actionPlan); BenchmarkParams params = actionPlan.getMeasurementActions().get(0).getParams(); List<ExternalProfiler> profilers = ProfilerFactory.getSupportedExternal(options.getProfilers()); boolean printOut = true; boolean printErr = true; for (ExternalProfiler prof : profilers) { printOut &= prof.allowPrintOut(); printErr &= prof.allowPrintErr(); } List<ExternalProfiler> profilersRev = new ArrayList<>(profilers); Collections.reverse(profilersRev); boolean forcePrint = options.verbosity().orElse(Defaults.VERBOSITY).equalsOrHigherThan(VerboseMode.EXTRA); printOut = forcePrint || printOut; printErr = forcePrint || printErr; out.startBenchmark(params); out.println(""); int forkCount = params.getForks(); int warmupForkCount = params.getWarmupForks(); int totalForks = warmupForkCount + forkCount; for (int i = 0; i < totalForks; i++) { boolean warmupFork = (i < warmupForkCount); List<String> forkedString = getForkedMainCommand(params, profilers, server.getHost(), server.getPort()); etaBeforeBenchmark(); if (warmupFork) { out.verbosePrintln("Warmup forking using command: " + forkedString); out.println("# Warmup Fork: " + (i + 1) + " of " + warmupForkCount); } else { out.verbosePrintln("Forking using command: " + forkedString); out.println("# Fork: " + (i + 1 - warmupForkCount) + " of " + forkCount); } TempFile stdErr = FileUtils.weakTempFile("stderr"); TempFile stdOut = FileUtils.weakTempFile("stdout"); if (!profilers.isEmpty()) { out.print("# Preparing profilers: "); for (ExternalProfiler profiler : profilers) { out.print(profiler.getClass().getSimpleName() + " "); profiler.beforeTrial(params); } out.println(""); List<String> consumed = new ArrayList<>(); if (!printOut) consumed.add("stdout"); if (!printErr) consumed.add("stderr"); if (!consumed.isEmpty()) { out.println("# Profilers consume " + Utils.join(consumed, " and ") + " from target VM, use -v " + VerboseMode.EXTRA + " to copy to console"); } } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<IterationResult> result = doFork(server, forkedString, stdOut.file(), stdErr.file(), printOut, printErr); if (!result.isEmpty()) { long pid = server.getClientPid(); BenchmarkResultMetaData md = server.getMetadata(); if (md != null) { md.adjustStart(startTime); } BenchmarkResult br = new BenchmarkResult(params, result, md); if (!profilersRev.isEmpty()) { out.print("# Processing profiler results: "); for (ExternalProfiler profiler : profilersRev) { out.print(profiler.getClass().getSimpleName() + " "); for (Result profR : profiler.afterTrial(br, pid, stdOut.file(), stdErr.file())) { br.addBenchmarkResult(profR); } } out.println(""); } if (!warmupFork) { results.put(params, br); } } etaAfterBenchmark(params); out.println(""); // we know these are not needed anymore, proactively delete stdOut.delete(); stdErr.delete(); } out.endBenchmark(new RunResult(params, results.get(params)).getAggregatedResult()); } catch (IOException e) { results.clear(); throw new BenchmarkException(e); } catch (BenchmarkException e) { results.clear(); if (options.shouldFailOnError().orElse(Defaults.FAIL_ON_ERROR)) { out.println("Benchmark had encountered error, and fail on error was requested"); throw e; } } finally { if (server != null) { server.terminate(); } FileUtils.purgeTemps(); } return results; } private List<IterationResult> doFork(BinaryLinkServer reader, List<String> commandString, File stdOut, File stdErr, boolean printOut, boolean printErr) { try (FileOutputStream fosErr = new FileOutputStream(stdErr); FileOutputStream fosOut = new FileOutputStream(stdOut)) { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(commandString); Process p = pb.start(); // drain streams, else we might lock up InputStreamDrainer errDrainer = new InputStreamDrainer(p.getErrorStream(), fosErr); InputStreamDrainer outDrainer = new InputStreamDrainer(p.getInputStream(), fosOut); if (printErr) { errDrainer.addOutputStream(new OutputFormatAdapter(out)); } if (printOut) { outDrainer.addOutputStream(new OutputFormatAdapter(out)); } errDrainer.start(); outDrainer.start(); int ecode = p.waitFor(); errDrainer.join(); outDrainer.join(); // need to wait for all pending messages to be processed // before starting the next benchmark reader.waitFinish(); if (ecode != 0) { out.println("<forked VM failed with exit code " + ecode + ">"); out.println("<stdout last='" + TAIL_LINES_ON_ERROR + " lines'>"); for (String l : FileUtils.tail(stdOut, TAIL_LINES_ON_ERROR)) { out.println(l); } out.println("</stdout>"); out.println("<stderr last='" + TAIL_LINES_ON_ERROR + " lines'>"); for (String l : FileUtils.tail(stdErr, TAIL_LINES_ON_ERROR)) { out.println(l); } out.println("</stderr>"); out.println(""); } BenchmarkException exception = reader.getException(); if (exception == null) { if (ecode == 0) { return reader.getResults(); } else { throw new BenchmarkException(new IllegalStateException("Forked VM failed with exit code " + ecode)); } } else { throw exception; } } catch (IOException ex) { out.println("<failed to invoke the VM, caught IOException: " + ex.getMessage() + ">"); out.println(""); throw new BenchmarkException(ex); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { out.println("<host VM has been interrupted waiting for forked VM: " + ex.getMessage() + ">"); out.println(""); throw new BenchmarkException(ex); } }
  • host – host VM host
  • port – host VM port
/** * @param host host VM host * @param port host VM port * @return */
List<String> getForkedMainCommand(BenchmarkParams benchmark, List<ExternalProfiler> profilers, String host, int port) { // Poll profilers for options List<String> javaInvokeOptions = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> javaOptions = new ArrayList<>(); for (ExternalProfiler prof : profilers) { javaInvokeOptions.addAll(prof.addJVMInvokeOptions(benchmark)); javaOptions.addAll(prof.addJVMOptions(benchmark)); } List<String> command = new ArrayList<>(); // prefix java invoke options, if any profiler wants it command.addAll(javaInvokeOptions); // use supplied jvm, if given command.add(benchmark.getJvm()); // use supplied jvm args, if given command.addAll(benchmark.getJvmArgs()); // add profiler JVM commands, if any profiler wants it command.addAll(javaOptions); // add any compiler oracle hints CompilerHints.addCompilerHints(command); // assemble final process command addClasspath(command); command.add(ForkedMain.class.getName()); // Forked VM assumes the exact order of arguments: // 1) host name to back-connect // 2) host port to back-connect command.add(host); command.add(String.valueOf(port)); return command; } private List<String> getPrintPropertiesCommand(String jvm) { List<String> command = new ArrayList<>(); // use supplied jvm, if given command.add(jvm); // assemble final process command addClasspath(command); command.add(PrintPropertiesMain.class.getName()); return command; } private void addClasspath(List<String> command) { command.add("-cp"); String cpProp = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); File tmpFile = null; String jvmargs = "" + options.getJvmArgs().orElse(Collections.<String>emptyList()) + options.getJvmArgsPrepend().orElse(Collections.<String>emptyList()) + options.getJvmArgsAppend().orElse(Collections.<String>emptyList()); // The second (creepy) test is for the cases when external plugins are not supplying // the options properly. Looking at you, JMH Gradle plugin. In this case, we explicitly // check if the option is provided by the user. if (Boolean.getBoolean("jmh.separateClasspathJAR") || jvmargs.contains("jmh.separateClasspathJAR=true")) { // Classpath can be too long and overflow the command line length. // Looking at you, Windows. // // The trick is to generate the JAR file with appropriate Class-Path manifest entry, // and link it. The complication is that Class-Path entry paths are specified relative // to JAR file loaded, which is probably somewhere in java.io.tmpdir, outside of current // directory. Therefore, we have to relativize the paths to all the JAR entries. try { tmpFile = FileUtils.tempFile("classpath.jar"); Path tmpFileDir = tmpFile.toPath().getParent(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String cp : cpProp.split(File.pathSeparator)) { Path cpPath = new File(cp).getAbsoluteFile().toPath(); if (!cpPath.getRoot().equals(tmpFileDir.getRoot())) { throw new IOException("Cannot relativize: " + cpPath + " and " + tmpFileDir + " have different roots."); } Path relPath = tmpFileDir.relativize(cpPath); if (!Files.isReadable(tmpFileDir.resolve(relPath))) { throw new IOException("Cannot read through the relativized path: " + relPath); } String rel = relPath.toString(); sb.append(rel.replace('\\', '/').replace(" ", "%20")); if (!cp.endsWith(".jar")) { sb.append('/'); } sb.append(" "); } String classPath = sb.toString().trim(); Manifest manifest = new Manifest(); Attributes attrs = manifest.getMainAttributes(); attrs.put(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0"); attrs.putValue("Class-Path", classPath); try (JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile), manifest)) { jos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("META-INF/")); } out.verbosePrintln("Using separate classpath JAR: " + tmpFile); out.verbosePrintln(" Class-Path: " + classPath); } catch (IOException ex) { // Something is wrong in file generation, give up and fall-through to usual thing out.verbosePrintln("Caught IOException when building separate classpath JAR: " + ex.getMessage() + ", falling back to default -cp."); tmpFile = null; } } if (tmpFile != null) { if (Utils.isWindows()) { command.add("\"" + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\""); } else { command.add(tmpFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } else { if (Utils.isWindows()) { command.add('"' + cpProp + '"'); } else { command.add(cpProp); } } } }