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package org.openjdk.jmh.runner;

import org.openjdk.jmh.util.FileUtils;
import org.openjdk.jmh.util.JDKVersion;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class CompilerHints extends AbstractResourceReader {

    public static final String LIST = "/META-INF/CompilerHints";

    // All OpenJDK/HotSpot VMs are supported
    static final String[] HINT_COMPATIBLE_JVMS = { "OpenJDK", "HotSpot", "GraalVM" };
    // Zing is only compatible from post 5.10.*.* releases
    static final String JVM_ZING = "Zing";

    private static volatile CompilerHints defaultList;
    private static volatile String hintsFile;

    private final Set<String> hints;

    static final String XX_COMPILE_COMMAND_FILE = "-XX:CompileCommandFile=";

    static final String BLACKHOLE_PROP_NAME = "jmh.blackhole.mode";

    public static CompilerHints defaultList() {
        if (defaultList == null) {
            defaultList = fromResource(LIST);
        return defaultList;

    public static String hintsFile() {
        if (hintsFile == null) {
            try {
                final Set<String> defaultHints = defaultList().get();
                List<String> hints = new ArrayList<>(defaultHints.size() + 2);
                BlackholeMode bhMode = blackholeMode();
                if (bhMode.shouldBlackhole()) {
                if (bhMode.shouldNotInline()) {
                hintsFile = FileUtils.createTempFileWithLines("compilecommand", hints);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Error creating compiler hints file", e);
        return hintsFile;

    public static CompilerHints fromResource(String resource) {
        return new CompilerHints(null, resource);

    public static CompilerHints fromFile(String file) {
        return new CompilerHints(file, null);

    private CompilerHints(String file, String resource) {
        super(file, resource, null);
        hints = Collections.unmodifiableSet(read());

FIXME (low priority): check if supplied JVM is hint compatible. This test is applied to the Runner VM, not the Forked and may therefore be wrong if the forked VM is not the same JVM
/** * FIXME (low priority): check if supplied JVM is hint compatible. This test is applied to the Runner VM, * not the Forked and may therefore be wrong if the forked VM is not the same JVM */
private static boolean isHintCompatibleVM() { String name = System.getProperty("java.vm.name"); for (String vmName : HINT_COMPATIBLE_JVMS) { if (name.contains(vmName)) { return true; } } if (name.contains(JVM_ZING)) { // 1.*.0-zing_*.*.*.* String version = System.getProperty("java.version"); try { // get the version digits String[] versionDigits = version.substring(version.indexOf('_') + 1).split("\\."); if (Integer.parseInt(versionDigits[0]) > 5) { return true; } else if (Integer.parseInt(versionDigits[0]) == 5 && Integer.parseInt(versionDigits[1]) >= 10) { return true; } } catch (NumberFormatException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // unknown Zing version format System.err.println("ERROR: Zing version format does not match 1.*.0-zing_*.*.*.*"); } } return false; } public Set<String> get() { return hints; } private Set<String> read() { Set<String> result = new TreeSet<>(); try { for (Reader r : getReaders()) { try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(r)) { for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()) { if (line.startsWith("#")) { continue; } if (line.trim().isEmpty()) { continue; } result.add(line); } } } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error reading compiler hints", ex); } return result; }
  • command – command arguments list
Returns:the compiler hint files specified by the command
/** * @param command command arguments list * @return the compiler hint files specified by the command */
public static List<String> getCompileCommandFiles(List<String> command){ List<String> compileCommandFiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (String cmdLineWord : command) { if (cmdLineWord.startsWith(XX_COMPILE_COMMAND_FILE)) { compileCommandFiles.add(cmdLineWord.substring(XX_COMPILE_COMMAND_FILE.length())); } } return compileCommandFiles; }
We need to generate a compiler hints file such that it includes:
  • No compile command files are specified and no .hotspotrc file is available, then do JMH hints only
  • No compile command files are specified and .hotspotrc file is available, then do JMH hints + .hotspotrc
  • 1 to N compile command files are specified, then do JMH hints + all specified hints in files

This is a departure from default JVM behavior as the JVM would normally just take the last hints file and ignore the rest.

  • command – all -XX:CompileCommandLine args will be removed and a merged file will be set
/** * We need to generate a compiler hints file such that it includes: * <ul> * <li> No compile command files are specified and no .hotspotrc file is available, then do JMH hints only * <li> No compile command files are specified and .hotspotrc file is available, then do JMH hints + .hotspotrc * <li> 1 to N compile command files are specified, then do JMH hints + all specified hints in files * </ul> * <p>This is a departure from default JVM behavior as the JVM would normally just take the last hints file and ignore * the rest. * * @param command all -XX:CompileCommandLine args will be removed and a merged file will be set */
public static void addCompilerHints(List<String> command) { if (!isHintCompatibleVM()) { System.err.println("WARNING: Not a HotSpot compiler command compatible VM (\"" + System.getProperty("java.vm.name") + "-" + System.getProperty("java.version") + "\"), compilerHints are disabled."); return; } List<String> hintFiles = new ArrayList<>(); hintFiles.add(hintsFile()); removeCompileCommandFiles(command, hintFiles); if (hintFiles.size() == 1) { File hotspotCompilerFile = new File(".hotspot_compiler"); if (hotspotCompilerFile.exists()) { hintFiles.add(hotspotCompilerFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } if (needsDiagnosticUnlock()) { command.add("-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions"); } command.add(CompilerHints.XX_COMPILE_COMMAND_FILE + mergeHintFiles(hintFiles)); }
  • command – the compile command file options will be removed from this command
  • compileCommandFiles – the compiler hint files specified by the command will be added to this list
/** * @param command the compile command file options will be removed from this command * @param compileCommandFiles the compiler hint files specified by the command will be added to this list */
private static void removeCompileCommandFiles(List<String> command, List<String> compileCommandFiles){ Iterator<String> iterator = command.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String cmdLineWord = iterator.next(); if(cmdLineWord.startsWith(XX_COMPILE_COMMAND_FILE)) { compileCommandFiles.add(cmdLineWord.substring(XX_COMPILE_COMMAND_FILE.length())); iterator.remove(); } } } private static String mergeHintFiles(List<String> compileCommandFiles) { if (compileCommandFiles.size() == 1) { return compileCommandFiles.get(0); } try { Set<String> hints = new TreeSet<>(); for(String file : compileCommandFiles) { hints.addAll(fromFile(file).get()); } return FileUtils.createTempFileWithLines("compilecommand", hints); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error merging compiler hints files", e); } } private static BlackholeMode blackholeMode() { String prop = System.getProperty(BLACKHOLE_PROP_NAME); if (prop != null) { try { return BlackholeMode.valueOf(prop); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown Blackhole mode: " + prop); } } return BlackholeMode.FULL_DONTINLINE; } public static void printBlackholeMode(PrintStream out) { BlackholeMode mode = blackholeMode(); out.print("# JMH blackhole mode: " + mode.desc()); // Experimental: since JDK 16, Compiler blackholing is available. // Tell user they can enable it explicitly. We need to consider enabling // this by default when JDK 16 stabilizes. if (!mode.shouldBlackhole() && compilerBlackholeAvailable()) { out.print("; set -D" + BLACKHOLE_PROP_NAME + "=" + BlackholeMode.COMPILER.name() + " to get compiler-assisted ones"); } out.println(); } private static boolean compilerBlackholeAvailable() { // See https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8252505. return JDKVersion.parseMajor(System.getProperty("java.version")) >= 16; } private static boolean needsDiagnosticUnlock() { return blackholeMode() == BlackholeMode.COMPILER; } private enum BlackholeMode { COMPILER(true, false, "compiler-assisted blackhole"), FULL_DONTINLINE(false, true, "full blackhole + dont-inline hint"), FULL(false, false, "full blackhole"), ; private final boolean shouldBlackhole; private final boolean shouldNotInline; private final String desc; BlackholeMode(boolean shouldBlackhole, boolean shouldNotInline, String desc) { this.shouldBlackhole = shouldBlackhole; this.shouldNotInline = shouldNotInline; this.desc = desc; } public boolean shouldBlackhole() { return shouldBlackhole; } public boolean shouldNotInline() { return shouldNotInline; } public String desc() { return desc; } } }