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package org.openjdk.jmh.results;

import org.openjdk.jmh.util.Deduplicator;
import org.openjdk.jmh.util.ScoreFormatter;
import org.openjdk.jmh.util.SingletonStatistics;
import org.openjdk.jmh.util.Statistics;

import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;

Base class for all types of results that can be returned by a benchmark.
/** * Base class for all types of results that can be returned by a benchmark. */
public abstract class Result<T extends Result<T>> implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7332879501317733312L; private static final Deduplicator<String> DEDUP = new Deduplicator<>(); protected final ResultRole role; protected final String label; protected final String unit; protected final Statistics statistics; protected final AggregationPolicy policy; public Result(ResultRole role, String label, Statistics s, String unit, AggregationPolicy policy) { this.role = role; this.label = DEDUP.dedup(label); this.unit = DEDUP.dedup(unit); this.statistics = s; this.policy = policy; } protected static Statistics of(double v) { return new SingletonStatistics(v); }
Return the result label.
Returns:result label
/** * Return the result label. * @return result label */
public String getLabel() { return label; }
Return the result role.
Returns:result role
/** * Return the result role. * @return result role */
public ResultRole getRole() { return role; }
Return the statistics holding the subresults' values.

This method returns raw samples. The aggregation policy decides how to get the score out of these raw samples. Use getScore(), getScoreError(), and getScoreConfidence() for scalar results.

/** * Return the statistics holding the subresults' values. * * <p>This method returns raw samples. The aggregation policy decides how to get the score * out of these raw samples. Use {@link #getScore()}, {@link #getScoreError()}, and * {@link #getScoreConfidence()} for scalar results.</p> * * @return statistics */
public Statistics getStatistics() { return statistics; }
The unit of the score for this result.
Returns:String representation of the unit
/** * The unit of the score for this result. * * @return String representation of the unit */
public final String getScoreUnit() { return unit; }
The score for this result.
See Also:
Returns:double representing the score
/** * The score for this result. * * @return double representing the score * @see #getScoreError() */
public double getScore() { switch (policy) { case AVG: return statistics.getMean(); case SUM: return statistics.getSum(); case MAX: return statistics.getMax(); case MIN: return statistics.getMin(); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown aggregation policy: " + policy); } }
The score error for this result.
See Also:
Returns:score error, if available
/** * The score error for this result. * @return score error, if available * @see #getScore() */
public double getScoreError() { switch (policy) { case AVG: return statistics.getMeanErrorAt(0.999); case SUM: case MIN: case MAX: return Double.NaN; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown aggregation policy: " + policy); } }
The score confidence interval for this result.
See Also:
Returns:score confidence interval, if available; if not, the CI will match getScore()
/** * The score confidence interval for this result. * @return score confidence interval, if available; if not, the CI will match {@link #getScore()} * @see #getScore() */
public double[] getScoreConfidence() { switch (policy) { case AVG: return statistics.getConfidenceIntervalAt(0.999); case MAX: case MIN: case SUM: double score = getScore(); return new double[] {score, score}; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown aggregation policy: " + policy); } }
Get number of samples in the current result.
Returns:number of samples
/** * Get number of samples in the current result. * @return number of samples */
public long getSampleCount() { return statistics.getN(); }
Thread aggregator combines the thread results into iteration result.
Returns:thread aggregator
/** * Thread aggregator combines the thread results into iteration result. * @return thread aggregator */
protected abstract Aggregator<T> getThreadAggregator();
Iteration aggregator combines the iteration results into benchmar result.
Returns:iteration aggregator
/** * Iteration aggregator combines the iteration results into benchmar result. * @return iteration aggregator */
protected abstract Aggregator<T> getIterationAggregator();
Returns "0" result. This is used for un-biased aggregation of secondary results. For instance, profilers might omit results in some iterations, thus we should pretend there were 0 results.
Returns:result that represents "empty" result, null if no sensible "empty" result can be created
/** * Returns "0" result. This is used for un-biased aggregation of secondary results. * For instance, profilers might omit results in some iterations, thus we should pretend there were 0 results. * @return result that represents "empty" result, null if no sensible "empty" result can be created */
protected T getZeroResult() { return null; }
Returns:derivative results for this result. These do not participate in aggregation, and computed on the spot from the aggregated result.
/** * @return derivative results for this result. These do not participate in aggregation, * and computed on the spot from the aggregated result. */
protected Collection<? extends Result> getDerivativeResults() { return Collections.emptyList(); }
Result as represented by a String.
Returns:String with the result and unit
/** * Result as represented by a String. * * @return String with the result and unit */
@Override public String toString() { if (!Double.isNaN(getScoreError()) && !ScoreFormatter.isApproximate(getScore())) { return String.format("%s \u00B1(99.9%%) %s %s", ScoreFormatter.format(getScore()), ScoreFormatter.formatError(getScoreError()), getScoreUnit()); } else { return String.format("%s %s", ScoreFormatter.format(getScore()), getScoreUnit()); } }
Print extended result information
Returns:String with extended info
/** * Print extended result information * @return String with extended info */
public String extendedInfo() { return simpleExtendedInfo(); } protected String simpleExtendedInfo() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); Statistics stats = getStatistics(); if (stats.getN() > 2 && !ScoreFormatter.isApproximate(getScore())) { double[] interval = getScoreConfidence(); pw.println(String.format(" %s \u00B1(99.9%%) %s %s [%s]", ScoreFormatter.format(getScore()), ScoreFormatter.formatError((interval[1] - interval[0]) / 2), getScoreUnit(), policy)); pw.println(String.format(" (min, avg, max) = (%s, %s, %s), stdev = %s%n" + " CI (99.9%%): [%s, %s] (assumes normal distribution)", ScoreFormatter.format(stats.getMin()), ScoreFormatter.format(stats.getMean()), ScoreFormatter.format(stats.getMax()), ScoreFormatter.formatError(stats.getStandardDeviation()), ScoreFormatter.format(interval[0]), ScoreFormatter.format(interval[1])) ); } else { pw.println(String.format(" %s %s", ScoreFormatter.format(stats.getMean()), getScoreUnit())); } pw.close(); return sw.toString(); } protected String distributionExtendedInfo() { Statistics stats = getStatistics(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (stats.getN() > 2) { sb.append(" N = ").append(stats.getN()).append("\n"); double[] interval = stats.getConfidenceIntervalAt(0.999); sb.append(String.format(" mean = %s \u00B1(99.9%%) %s", ScoreFormatter.format(10, stats.getMean()), ScoreFormatter.formatError((interval[1] - interval[0]) / 2) )); sb.append(" ").append(getScoreUnit()).append("\n"); printHisto(stats, sb); printPercentiles(stats, sb); } return sb.toString(); } private void printPercentiles(Statistics stats, StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("\n Percentiles, ").append(getScoreUnit()).append(":\n"); for (double p : new double[]{0.00, 0.50, 0.90, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999, 0.9999, 0.99999, 0.999999, 1.0}) { sb.append(String.format(" %11s = %s %s\n", "p(" + String.format("%.4f", p * 100) + ")", ScoreFormatter.format(10, stats.getPercentile(p * 100)), getScoreUnit() )); } } static class LazyProps { private static final int MIN_HISTOGRAM_BINS = Integer.getInteger("jmh.histogramBins", 10); } private void printHisto(Statistics stats, StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("\n Histogram, ").append(getScoreUnit()).append(":\n"); double min = stats.getMin(); double max = stats.getMax(); double binSize = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log10(max - min))); min = Math.floor(min / binSize) * binSize; max = Math.ceil(max / binSize) * binSize; double range = max - min; double[] levels; if (range > 0) { while ((range / binSize) < LazyProps.MIN_HISTOGRAM_BINS) { binSize /= 2; } int binCount = Math.max(2, (int) Math.ceil(range / binSize)); levels = new double[binCount]; for (int c = 0; c < binCount; c++) { levels[c] = min + (c * binSize); } } else { levels = new double[] { stats.getMin() - Math.ulp(stats.getMin()), stats.getMax() + Math.ulp(stats.getMax()) }; } int width = ScoreFormatter.format(1, max).length(); int[] histo = stats.getHistogram(levels); for (int c = 0; c < levels.length - 1; c++) { sb.append(String.format(" [%" + width + "s, %" + width + "s) = %d %n", ScoreFormatter.formatExact(width, levels[c]), ScoreFormatter.formatExact(width, levels[c + 1]), histo[c])); } } }